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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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Saw about a minute of the video and boy - lots of love wasn't there?  
I get more emotion from my family when I go away for a week-end (lots of "Call when you get there"  "Be careful on the road" "Be careful what you eat" "Call if you stop anywhere" "Let us know where you're staying")  and that's just a weekend!! But it could be cultural - we are Hispanic - or that we are a caring family.  

Plus a side hug???  You won't be seeing your sister for at least a 6 - 8 weeks (because JB did say something like "we might stop by") and you can't give a real hug?  And if you're the mom??? My mom wouldn't let me go until my dad pried her off of me!

I have had cousins go on mission work - one went to Africa for about 4 - 6 weeks. He helped build homes and communal buildings (school, library).  My other cousin went to Africa to support the professionals - kind of like an ombudsman.  She did mission work for about 7 years going to lots of pretty interesting places.  She absolutely loves it!

  • Love 10

Saw about a minute of the video and boy - lots of love wasn't there?

I get more emotion from my family when I go away for a week-end (lots of "Call when you get there" "Be careful on the road" "Be careful what you eat" "Call if you stop anywhere" "Let us know where you're staying") and that's just a weekend!! But it could be cultural - we are Hispanic - or that we are a caring family.

Plus a side hug??? You won't be seeing your sister for at least a 6 - 8 weeks (because JB did say something like "we might stop by") and you can't give a real hug? And if you're the mom??? My mom wouldn't let me go until my dad pried her off of me!

I have had cousins go on mission work - one went to Africa for about 4 - 6 weeks. He helped build homes and communal buildings (school, library). My other cousin went to Africa to support the professionals - kind of like an ombudsman. She did mission work for about 7 years going to lots of pretty interesting places. She absolutely loves it!

I'm pretty sure love is a sin in the Duggar home. Unless it's a love of money.

  • Love 10

Those goodbye hugs from Joy and Jenny were brutal. Both of her buddies sobbing. James was smart enough to hug her off camera and flee before the tears came. I feel for Joy, Jenny, and James. Jill did such a good job keeping up with them after she got married, it's got to be tough on them to see her go and take their little brother with her. I wonder if they resent Derick yet.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
  • Love 6

My first post here.  I've never seen a goodbye to a child and her family as cold as this was.  First, normally when there's a family prayer, most families turn inward, forming a sort of circle.  The little ones in the front automatically faced the camera.  Then the 5-second side hugs exchanged with the sisters. They looked more like casual acquaintances than sisters.  Jill and Derrick may just as well have been leaving for the weekend.  The only genuine show of emotion that I saw was between Jill and Joy and it was heartbreaking, as was the sound of little Jenny sobbing.  I'm a grandmother and as a previous poster said, if my grandchild was leaving, I'd be holding them until that car door shut and they drove off - especially knowing how quickly little ones grow up.  How kind of Jim Bob to tell Grandma to come over and say goodbye to Jill.  Where in the world was she when her granddaughter and family were getting ready to fly off to another country?  Throwing another load of wash in?  Finally, Jim Bob's little speech had about as much warmth in it as an icicle on an eave.  All for the camera.  And what a ridiculous time to bring up Derrick's dad.  I feel so sorry for those children.


Thanks, this is just spot-on.


The whole thing just looks sad. These people have been on television for 10 years and they can't even ACT like they care that Jill and Derick are going away.


The thing that really got me, though, was the prayer. These people pray all the time, right? Why was that prayer so rambling and disjointed.  I could be wrong, but I felt the part in the middle about Jesus forgiving sins was a little mini-commercial for Josh -- "Jesus has forgiven him, why can everyone else?"

  • Love 9

Jim Boob is a freakin idiot. How dare he bring up Derrick's father! I couldn't watch anymore after that session. - that was a zombie goodbye. I have more feeling saying goodbye to my neighbor that I'm going to see the next day! I wish the Dillard's all the best.

"Did your dead dad give you a heart for missions?"

"Yeah, just like your son's molesting brought you closer to God!"

  • Love 20

JB and MeChelle are pathetic. What the hell was that farce? My son went to Guatemala for three months his senior year of college and we all boo-hooed at his departure (except him). It was one of those happy/sad times where you laugh and cry at the same time. With the exception of Jill's sweet and lingering hug with Joy, there was not an honest human emotion from the adults.

The Washington Post article referenced in one of these threads discussed the reappearance of the family on social media. I think they are all testing the waters and TLC will soon announce the spinoffs or specials. I will then call/email every sponsor of TLC I can find and reiterate my intent to boycott all of their products.

It's time for the gravy train to leave the station forever.

  • Love 9

The whole video is off.  These kids have literally spent their lives together without much in the way of outside influence and that is all the emotion they can come up with?  All the littles were really fidgety during the prayer, they were swaying, smashing their hands together and it was clear that they were all bored.  Most of the kids were more interested in playing with Izz than saying goodbye to Jill and Derrick, Jinger and Jana included.  

Mechelle just kept on nodding and IIRC, she didn't even give Jill a real hug.  Boob was awkward beyond belief, "You married a missionary and...errrrr...your husband married a missionary, so.....".  I think that it must be killing Boob to have to look up at Derrick given his "Head of the Household" attitude.  His stiff face when listening to Derrick talk was entertaining, he clearly didn't like having to interrupt his monologue to let someone else speak.  

I'm hoping that Jill would have spent some special time saying goodbye to her buddy team without the audience before she left, Joy and Jenny were devastated in the video.  It would have been nice to see Mechelle show that kind of emotion or to see her comforting Jill's buddy team but nope.  Apart from touching Josie and staring adoringly at Boob, she might as well have been a pot plant.  I hope that the reason why Jana didn't show any emotion is because they had already said their goodbyes off-camera.  Given that Jana cried when Jill got married, their goodbye was probably more than the side-hug we just saw.  

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 4

That video was so awkward.  First off, if my daughter and grandchildren were leaving for any length of time, I'd be sobbing like a baby.  They just left here after spending the evening, and I hug my girls and kiss their little faces off!  I always hug and kiss my daughter and tell her to drive safely.  And married or not, if daughter and son-in-law go on a trip, I worry about them and ask them to call.  Michelle could have not been more emotionless.


Whoever commented upthread about how inarticulate Boob is was so right!  Derrick is not much better.


I felt so sad for Joy, but my heart broke hearing little Jenni's sobs :(  She and Joy were the only ones to give real hugs, not those awkward side hugs. 


This whole thing made me dislike Boob and Michelle even more.


ETA:  Michelle reminds me of one of those little dogs that people used to put on the back deck of their car-the ones whose heads would bob up and down.  Watching her makes my neck hurt!!!

Edited by SmallTownMom
  • Love 6

The whole video is off.... I hope that the reason why Jana didn't show any emotion is because they had already said their goodbyes off-camera.

I skipped the staged prayer and moved right on to the staged "goodbyes". Surely, SURELY they had already REALLY been through the goodbye thing with tears and swollen eyes before the video started. I thought the whole thing was just a badly acted skit for the camera. Jana honestly didn't bat an eyelash over it, and Jinger yawning was really a tell. Nobody comforted Joy because she was off-script - they all had roles, and she didn't stick to the plan. And Mechelle DID TOO hug Derick. A nice proper side hug. (Gimme a break!). There is just no way, NO WAY that was a real goodbye.

ETA: I still firmly believe they had real, emo reactions when they "really" said their goodbyes - but that means that JB said (over the intercom) "everybody come down to the living room, we're 'bout to do the goodbye video...". WHO DOES THAT????????? These people get weirder to me every second of every day!

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 9

Holy moly! Jordyn looked just as neglected as ever!

She looked like a freaking street urchin from Oliver Twist. I guess nobody thought to run a comb through her hair at any point during the last week.

I understand the kids' lack of emotion. Jill is only going to be gone for a few months and Boob already said they'd visit, so to them it's no biggie. Aside from her buddy group, I don't think Jill is particularly close to her siblings.

Boob's rehearsed, clearly scripted speech was a preemptive measure against the shit storm that will ensue when the show is back on the air in September.

  • Love 6

Well slap my ass and call me Dolly - that was the WORST Duggar film I've ever seen, and I've never missed an episode...


  • JB is possibly the worst actor/speaker/father in the history of...history. His insincere, fake-o, disingenuous, sputtering BS was mind-numbing. And mentioning Derek's dead father ? Wow ! There are just no words for his lack of sensitivity. He is, and will always be, a total asshole.
  • Michelle did her finest as the most over-medicated/Tasered/checked-out person I've ever seen. Seriously, was there a lobotomy here that I missed ? Her frightening, emotionless, glazed-over spiral into one of the pod-people from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" seems to be complete now. Seriously, how do her eyeballs stay inside their sockets ?
  • Still stickin' to the side-hug rules, Jana ? That's your SISTER, you Gothard robot ! Going off to God-knows-where for God-knows-how-long, and you give her the equivalent of a handshake ? Thank Heavens Joy was there to pick up the slack - THAT was a real hug, and there were real tears. I could FEEL Joy's pain and loss, and Jill's as well. Not sure what to make of this "mission trip", but there were actual feelings there. A refreshing change from the feeling that the Duggars are actually, when it comes down to it, all strangers to each other. So "close", but they know nothing real about each other. Nothing that isn't "neat", "awesome", or something that they "purposed" to do because it was "laid on their heart". Thank God at least some of them have made real connections. Sadly, not many. But I feel for the ones that feel broken by this separation.
  • Where are the rest of them ?!?! I counted a few Howlers missing as well as all the older boys. Are they trying to prevent another Josh debacle by further separating the sexes, errr...sorry - genders ??? Punish the many for the sins of one ? What's up with that ?
  • Jinger's yawn - it needs no comment. Speaks for itself - she's soooo over the whole thing. Free Jinger isn't just a slogan. Let her go.
  • I noticed how few of them tried to interact with Israel - is he being shunned, or protected ? I know that sounds like a conspiracy theory, but that's not how a real family acts when a baby is about to go away for months or even years. When my oldest half-sister and her family was going to move 3000 miles away we spent 4 hours visiting for the last time, and then three hours saying goodbye. There were tears, hugging, gifts, photos, and more tears. And everyone - everyone - hugged and kissed and ticked the baby like she was moving to the moon, rather than the west coast. For a family that built its trade (and fortune) on having babies, babies, and more babies, the Duggars are alarmingly indifferent to the newest one. Michelle seemed as disinterested as she is with the many, many unfortunate dogs and cats that appear and then disappear with such alarming regularity. Could she be...jealous that her fecundity has ended but was passed on to her daughters ? She's never, ever been the "ideal" grandma with her hands-off ways, but to not hold Israel at least ONCE ? I think Michelle feels threatened, like her crown as Mother of the Year could be passed the the next generation, and she is pissed...
  • Just one more thought - I'm wondering if Josh was excluded by request, or if he was there but not on camera ? For me, I don't think I'd be too jazzed to invite my molester to a farewell party, so Jill, or maybe Derek, put their foot down for perhaps the first time in their lives, and kept Joshie out of the house for the goodbye festivities. Wouldn't blame them a bit. I have my own theory that Derek wanted to take Jill and Israel away from the typical Duggar denial and fuckery and protect his family from the toxic bullshit that is the Duggar empire. 


Run far, run fast. Make your own lives, away from Gothard. No blanket training, no door locks, no side-hugs. 


And try some birth control while you're at it - no one will know, Jilly - we'll keep it between us, we promise. 

  • Love 14

Oh God, who ever shot that video should be fired. Every single one of the little girls looked like orphans. The only person who showed any real emotion was poor Joy. Your daughter is going way for an extended period of time and you give side hugs. Unbelievable. When my family leaves after a visit it has been a going joke that we take forever to say goodby.  I also thought I heard Michelle say "grandbabies".

  • Love 3

I felt so sad for her and then Jenny started.  I am sure Jill's buddy team will miss her and being able to spend time with her and Derick.  

I am always struck by how blind Boob and Mechelle are to the inevitable heartache that comes from having sister moms who then move away. Jenny really lost her mom. And while divorce and parental death do happen and are a part of life, these people SAVAGELY judge those who feel the need for divorce, for breaking up the family. Jenny is just as devastated as a child whose mom or dad moved out after a divorce. And that scenario could have been prevented by them having a reasonable number of children they could have, you know, actually parented themselves. What a novel idea.


Good god.  Side hugs for your sisters and grandmother.   And the sound was terrible, but Derrick's surgery appears to have made him even more of a mush mouth. 

I wonder how difficult it's been for Jill to adjust to his new looks and voice. I am a bit worried about her mental state. I thought she seemed disengaged, and hope that she isn't experiencing postpartum depression.

  • Love 5

TA: Prayer cards are postcard size cards with a picture of the family on the front, usually with the caption "Pray for the ABC family serving The Lord in XYZ." On the back is a map of the country, mailing address for the family and the name of the mission organization. Churches pass them out for people to hang on the refrigerator. My grandma had about four or five of them (including two with her daughters on them).


Obviously I haven't seen their prayer cards so who knows, but I've gotten a few of these before (never knew what they were called though).  The ones I got always had pictures with a request for prayers, and on the back there was a mailing address as well as a list of convenient ways to send monetary donations.

  • Love 1

That about does it for me. This makes no sense to me. Even Prince William travels on commercial airlines. What or whom are they needing security from? They have really gotten, as my momma would say - too big for their britches.

No one would even know that they left or were planning on leaving if they hadn't made that personal information available on social media. Very Kartrashian. Hope the Dullards have a great home security system as now the public knows their home is vacant.

  • Love 2

I wonder how difficult it's been for Jill to adjust to his new looks and voice. I am a bit worried about her mental state. I thought she seemed disengaged, and hope that she isn't experiencing postpartum depression.

When I watched the video I thought, "Does Jill even want to go on this mission or was she convinced to do it in order to save the show?" She seemed completely disinterested.

Michelle's scripted "Jiiiiiillllll we're going to miiiissss youuuuuuuu" was hilarious. She couldn't even be bothered to back it up with a half-hearted hug or pat on Izzy's head.

  • Love 5

Well slap my ass and call me Dolly - that was the WORST Duggar film I've ever seen, and I've never missed an episode...


  • JB is possibly the worst actor/speaker/father in the history of...history. His insincere, fake-o, disingenuous, sputtering BS was mind-numbing. And mentioning Derek's dead father ? Wow ! There are just no words for his lack of sensitivity. He is, and will always be, a total asshole.
  • Michelle did her finest as the most over-medicated/Tasered/checked-out person I've ever seen. Seriously, was there a lobotomy here that I missed ? Her frightening, emotionless, glazed-over spiral into one of the pod-people from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" seems to be complete now. Seriously, how do her eyeballs stay inside their sockets ?
  • Still stickin' to the side-hug rules, Jana ? That's your SISTER, you Gothard robot ! Going off to God-knows-where for God-knows-how-long, and you give her the equivalent of a handshake ? Thank Heavens Joy was there to pick up the slack - THAT was a real hug, and there were real tears. I could FEEL Joy's pain and loss, and Jill's as well. Not sure what to make of this "mission trip", but there were actual feelings there. A refreshing change from the feeling that the Duggars are actually, when it comes down to it, all strangers to each other. So "close", but they know nothing real about each other. Nothing that isn't "neat", "awesome", or something that they "purposed" to do because it was "laid on their heart". Thank God at least some of them have made real connections. Sadly, not many. But I feel for the ones that feel broken by this separation.
  • Where are the rest of them ?!?! I counted a few Howlers missing as well as all the older boys. Are they trying to prevent another Josh debacle by further separating the sexes, errr...sorry - genders ??? Punish the many for the sins of one ? What's up with that ?
  • Jinger's yawn - it needs no comment. Speaks for itself - she's soooo over the whole thing. Free Jinger isn't just a slogan. Let her go.
  • I noticed how few of them tried to interact with Israel - is he being shunned, or protected ? I know that sounds like a conspiracy theory, but that's not how a real family acts when a baby is about to go away for months or even years. When my oldest half-sister and her family was going to move 3000 miles away we spent 4 hours visiting for the last time, and then three hours saying goodbye. There were tears, hugging, gifts, photos, and more tears. And everyone - everyone - hugged and kissed and ticked the baby like she was moving to the moon, rather than the west coast. For a family that built its trade (and fortune) on having babies, babies, and more babies, the Duggars are alarmingly indifferent to the newest one. Michelle seemed as disinterested as she is with the many, many unfortunate dogs and cats that appear and then disappear with such alarming regularity. Could she be...jealous that her fecundity has ended but was passed on to her daughters ? She's never, ever been the "ideal" grandma with her hands-off ways, but to not hold Israel at least ONCE ? I think Michelle feels threatened, like her crown as Mother of the Year could be passed the the next generation, and she is pissed...
  • Just one more thought - I'm wondering if Josh was excluded by request, or if he was there but not on camera ? For me, I don't think I'd be too jazzed to invite my molester to a farewell party, so Jill, or maybe Derek, put their foot down for perhaps the first time in their lives, and kept Joshie out of the house for the goodbye festivities. Wouldn't blame them a bit. I have my own theory that Derek wanted to take Jill and Israel away from the typical Duggar denial and fuckery and protect his family from the toxic bullshit that is the Duggar empire. 


Run far, run fast. Make your own lives, away from Gothard. No blanket training, no door locks, no side-hugs. 


And try some birth control while you're at it - no one will know, Jilly - we'll keep it between us, we promise. 


Dead-on, devastating description.


On the part of the kids -- the missing ones and the emotionless crew that are there -- I think maybe we're seeing their horrifying coping mechanisms. When you look at the clueless careless false and close-to-insane people they've been raised by, the sheer number of people living in that household that makes it more like a boarding institution than a family, and the constant presence of video cameras and prep for being in front of video cameras in their lives, I would bet that they're all just completely over the whole thing.


Who wouldn't be? Stuck in a sort of mid-Victorian torture chamber with a wide-open picture window for public gawking and parents and a tv show that insist on phoniness at all times? There aren't a lot of possible ways to cope with that except to run far and fast, and for whatever reason, Duggars don't do that. So here on camera are many of the typical coping methods for the trapped: stuffing their emotions and thoughts, putting please-pops-and-uterus-mom facades over pissed-offness and misery, and keeping everything on as superficial a level as possible. Just in general, checking out and trying not to stick out or feel or reveal anything. This stunted crap is what a Duggar upbringing and tv fame have wrought, I think. Those poor kids.


Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7

Well, I just moved my family overseas, including a very young child. Not everyone in my family is happy about it. We didn't, though, have long tearful goodbyes because we aren't like that. And my sisters and I sort of side hugged, you might call it, because that's how we are. I had to leave a baby whom I dearly love, but I didn't spend three hours doing so.

Yes, the Duggars are a super weird family and beyond warped to the moon and back, but families separate all the time and aren't overly emotional about it. Just saying.

  • Love 8

Well, I just moved my family overseas, including a very young child. Not everyone in my family is happy about it. We didn't, though, have long tearful goodbyes because we aren't like that. And my sisters and I sort of side hugged, you might call it, because that's how we are. I had to leave a baby whom I dearly love, but I didn't spend three hours doing so.

Yes, the Duggars are a super weird family and beyond warped to the moon and back, but families separate all the time and aren't overly emotional about it. Just saying.


Well, I'm a pretty cold fish and so are most of the people in my inner circle, so it's not the really the lack of three-hour weeping sessions that strikes me as way off about the Duggars but a disconnectedness, unnaturalness, uneasiness and phoniness that I see (or maybe imagine!) about the whole affair (and most of their other affairs). I'm not a hugger, for example, but I do turn toward people who are upset and provide sympathetic looks, murmured encouragement and friendly punches on the arm that people who know me understand. I just don't see natural connection and interest flowing among most of the Duggars, either in the warm-people or the reserved-people forms. (And if I had Jim Bob and a video camera staring at me all the time, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be exhibiting any connections or interests either -- so... not blaming the Duggar kids for their confusions.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1
Yes, the Duggars are a super weird family and beyond warped to the moon and back, but families separate all the time and aren't overly emotional about it. Just saying.


 ITA with this--we just had a big family party with several emotional moments and I was the only one who didn't cry. I'm sure I came off as cold-hearted but I'm not a crier. That said, I also agree with the posters who noticed the disconnect with the family. The side hugs were strange and awkward. I'm not sentimental but I give the people I love big full frontal hugs. Poor Joy. Whoever filmed that didn't need to linger on her tearful goodbye. Then again, it was the only real emotion I saw. I had to shut off the video when JB started talking about Derick's father--it sounded like an insensitive interview at that point. 


Why did any of this need to be filmed in the first place? I really don't understand this family. 

  • Love 7

I am always struck by how blind Boob and Mechelle are to the inevitable heartache that comes from having sister moms who then move away. Jenny really lost her mom. And while divorce and parental death do happen and are a part of life, these people SAVAGELY judge those who feel the need for divorce, for breaking up the family. Jenny is just as devastated as a child whose mom or dad moved out after a divorce. And that scenario could have been prevented by them having a reasonable number of children they could have, you know, actually parented themselves. What a novel idea.


I wonder how difficult it's been for Jill to adjust to his new looks and voice. I am a bit worried about her mental state. I thought she seemed disengaged, and hope that she isn't experiencing postpartum depression.

Jill looked scaried and worried in the new airport pictures from Sunday.

  • Love 1

I'm sorry, but all these posts making fun abt Derrick running away to get a new face, or hide because he's not attractive, I'm finding offensive.

We cannot help what we are born with, or had to have surgery correct.

Oh, and when I moved two states away, my grown daughter &,I sobbed and clung to each other. And aft she got married moved farther and had a son, we only saw him oncen a year, but I couldn't let him go. Why are these people so cold to Jill? Do they still resent her telling on Josh?

  • Love 7

i think they had a more emotional private good bye. (Duggar style which was probably a bit wacko also)  

This was their "Rehearsed TV Good Bye" and it came off really badly because TLC wasn't there to direct them and help them. We are used to seeing them after some TLC guy helps them plan things out and after they get a big edit.  Maybe even do-overs.  This was the Duggars filming themselves. (yikes)  They looked awkward, stiff and Jim Bob was rambling.  


Interviewing Derick was weird but Jim Bob was trying to do a talking head segment with Derick. He had things he wanted Derick to say but there was no producer asking the questions and making it all come together in a more natural TV slick way. So Jim Bob cornered him and did his own talking head segment. Another bad idea.  


They are filming things and tossing them out there to the public to do a little litmus test of how well the public will receive them.  Maybe a lot of views on Youtube and they are hoping they can return in September.


The child in the front was Jennifer or Jordan?  She had hair sticking up and looked very messy.  Clearly her Buddy Mom has left her and now she is messy. Jill and Jessa would never have let one of the little girls go on camera like that. They always did the girls hair nicely. Michelle is Out To Lunch. 

  • Love 7

When Michelle said "Grandbabies" could it mean Jill is pregnant?

I wouldn't doubt it and poor thing is being dragged into the unknown for the sake of famewhoring. I predict she is pregnant or will become pregnant has terrible morning sickness and will come home in a month.


Not believing that this "long term" mission trip is really a thing.......more of a publicity stunt.

Jinger looked so skinny in that video, and Jackson had the attention span of a gnat. And despite having a camera crew around them for ten years, no one picked up any audio skills.

"Your daddy dying at an early age..." Somewhat inappropriate and insensitive of Jim Bob.

Worse was Derick saying you never know in life I might die in a month or something like that.

  • Love 2

Well, I just moved my family overseas, including a very young child. Not everyone in my family is happy about it. We didn't, though, have long tearful goodbyes because we aren't like that. And my sisters and I sort of side hugged, you might call it, because that's how we are. I had to leave a baby whom I dearly love, but I didn't spend three hours doing so.

Yes, the Duggars are a super weird family and beyond warped to the moon and back, but families separate all the time and aren't overly emotional about it. Just saying.

You said it better than I could. Not all families are emotional. Doesn't mean they don't love each other.

  • Love 4

Is there a certain number of possessions they are allowed to take on mission trips? Derick mentions buying clothing for Izzy in their blog. What kind of "humanitarian" work did Derick do in Nepal? Like a previous poster stated, I hope wherever they end up, they are near decent medical facilities. (Infant checkups/vaccines for Izzy, follow up for Derick's surgery, etc.)

Jim Bob snuck the part about forgiveness into the prayer. It had nothing to do with the subject at hand. Subtlety is not his strong suit.

That was the most poorly disguised agenda pushing I've ever seen on tv. If Smuggar is so concerned about rebuilding his image then let him get off his fat duff and do it himself. Also, why did he bring up Derick's father passing away? None of Boob's talking points had anything to do with the matter at hand.

  • Love 10

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