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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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What is Derick's degree in?  The only writing course (or language course of any kind) I had to take in college was technical writing. 



It's possible Derick has not seen an English class since high school.


If he has a bachelor's degree, it's likely he had to take at least one english comp class as a general education requirement. I'd be surprised if he didn't. I go to a state university and we have two english comp requirements plus 2-3 writing across the curriculum requirements, one of which has to be in our major. I can't imagine any college graduate getting out with a BA and not having at least one composition class.

A freaking TWO HOUR special? Puh-leeeeze! (also, they need an editor/proofer on those blog posts!)

Edited by lottiedottie
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In my undergrad university, engineering students had to take a course Effective Written Communications.  Commerce students were permitted to take it.  We Arts students all clamoured to take it, for the easy A, but were denied.  We had no English comp requirement. 

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 I can't imagine any college graduate getting out with a BA and not having at least one composition class.


That's why I was asking what his degree was. I have a B.S. (I also have an M.Ed).  I have not taken a composition class since high school, I earned credit through exam based on that class.  So, I showed mastery of the material, but I did not have to take it in college.


Maybe a B.A. requires more than just the entry level classes, but not all B.S. degrees do.  It is very possible Derek never took a writing class in college. If he did it in high school, it could have been a very long time since he had anything like that.

Edited by Skittl1321
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I think when people talk about not talking English Comp or similar in college, they are talking about people who test out of the requirement either by a high enough achieivement test score or AP or IB testing or something similar.  Accounting would normally have an English Comp requirement.

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Most state universities require at least one or two humanities courses of some kind, regardless of major. Doesn't have to be English Comp. Derick's writing was fine, if pedestrian. And I say that as someone who writes professionally for a living. (Obviously not here - I break all the rules here! :) )

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I hope the VSE does not include a toilet. I'm traumatized by the toilet birth. I know it's a good position but it was just not material for TV, ya know?

And yes, Jellybeans, I wish them a healthy birth!!!! (minus a toilet) (hahaha)

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Snitch is so.......harsh. I prefer to think of her as the Mary Ingalls of the Duggar girls. 


Does this make Jessa and/or Jinger the Laura Ingalls?



I think JoyAnna, the little tomboy, would be Laura.  I kind of feel sorry for whichever Duggar would be Grace.  Grace was the one who was always falling and that you couldn't understand that well, right?


Somehow my comment ended up in the quote box.  Darn tablets. [Mod note: I fixed it for you :-)-Rhondinella]

Edited by Rhondinella
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What is Derick's degree in?  The only writing course (or language course of any kind) I had to take in college was technical writing. 



It's possible Derick has not seen an English class since high school.


From his writing, it certainly sounds that way.

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Most state universities require at least one or two humanities courses of some kind, regardless of major. Doesn't have to be English Comp. Derick's writing was fine, if pedestrian. And I say that as someone who writes professionally for a living. (Obviously not here - I break all the rules here! :) )


I agree. I didn't think it was horrible. It's a blog. 

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If he has a bachelor's degree, it's likely he had to take at least one english comp class as a general education requirement. I'd be surprised if he didn't. I go to a state university and we have two english comp requirements plus 2-3 writing across the curriculum requirements, one of which has to be in our major. I can't imagine any college graduate getting out with a BA and not having at least one composition class.

A freaking TWO HOUR special? Puh-leeeeze! (also, they need an editor/proofer on those blog posts!)


Fully agree. In fact these days many colleges are amping up their writing requirements, in large part exactly because of what we're doing here. The university I just retired from is putting a full writing core curriculum in place, and most of the programs there are technical or creative in nature. But in the digital age, communication via writing is definitely on the increase. Everyone will need to know, more than ever, how to get their ideas across coherently, succinctly - and correctly. Whether it be in a posting, an e-mail or an old garden-variety paper dissertation. Just in time too. I'm often surprised by the number and types of errors I see online. Not just from "ordinary" folks posting comments either. The errors I see are from businesses and organizations of all kinds, which make me think that either no one is proofreading and/or clearing them, or that job is being given to interns, entry-level employees and others who clearly don't possess the ability to do it yet. 

Edited by Wellfleet
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Well she is still hanging on.  Just posted a picture with James on her instagram account.  Her buddy bought her a new phone case last night.  What a sweet kid.

chevron design like her maxi skirts!  jill looks great although tired looking.



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James seems like a sweet buddy! She did a good job raising him and the rest of her buddies. It would be sweet and a nice kick in the face to Jim Bob if she didn't give Baby Dilly the name James but went with James' middle name of Andrew.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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Well she is still hanging on.  Just posted a picture with James on her instagram account.  Her buddy bought her a new phone case last night.  What a sweet kid.

Good grief! That kid will be the size of a one-year-old by the time she finally delivers! I cringe when I think about her having that baby with no epidural. She's a glutton for punishment IMO.

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As much as it pains me, as a college English professor, to say this, the discussion of College Comp requirements is off-topic, so let's move off it please.  Thank you.


(I will also add the final observation that it's COMPLETELY possible to pass a College Comp course and still not be able to write.  Trust me.)

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The errors I see are from businesses and organizations of all kinds, which make me think that either no one is proofreading and/or clearing them, or that job is being given to interns, entry-level employees and others who clearly don't possess the ability to do it yet. 


Either that, or Those Who Sign the Paychecks utterly disregard the edits their hired-in-part-because-she-has-an-English-degree secretary makes.  It's flatly disheartening.  Don't get me started on how my ability to use a semicolon properly is dying a slow death thanks to one of the partners' insistence on the constant misuse thereof.


The blog entry seemed decent enough to me, as far as those things are concerned.  Derick's writing is far from inspirational or even entertaining, but I've seen worse . . . although even my high school sophomore writes with greater fluidity and style.


Yipes, sorry!  I was typing that as the mod comment was being typed.  Shutting up immediately!

Edited by Lurking Amanda
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Either that, or Those Who Sign the Paychecks utterly disregard the edits their hired-in-part-because-she-has-an-English-degree secretary makes.  It's flatly disheartening.


Amen, my Exec Level boss couldn't write her way out of paper bag and yet she was hired, in part, to do just that. She doesn't take suggestion well either ;)


What is Jill wearing around her neck? Please tell me that's not a bullet!!!??? Nice of James to get her the cute new phone case, he's a good buddy.

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Good grief! That kid will be the size of a one-year-old by the time she finally delivers! I cringe when I think about her having that baby with no epidural. She's a glutton for punishment IMO.


Epidurals aren't magic. They can cause issues, increase the risk of tears or episiotomies (which can take months or longer to heal completely), can make you feel sick etc. If I had to go through any of my births again (including the recovery) I would choose either of my unmedicated births hands down over my epidural birth. And that includes my 38 hour, unmedicated labor with 2 hours of pushing out a posterior baby.

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Just posted a picture with James on her instagram account.


I think she looks terrific, actually, given the circumstances. And the headband is cute.

She did a good job raising him


His mom, Jill, did do a great job. What a cute, funny, and nice kid. Hope he manages to avoid Alert Academy.


Wow, does James look like Amy, or what.


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I think baby Dilly is definitely making his debut on Easter Sunday and they will have to call him Jesus to keep with the J name tradition and the whole "god's gift" theme. Lol. In all seriousness I was thinking they may go for David- religious enough name and matches the D last name and Derick's initials. Hope she has this kid soon! I was a week early with my first child and I was so grateful I went early because I was so uncomfortable and she was 8.4lb

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I think she looks terrific, actually, given the circumstances. And the headband is cute.

His mom, Jill, did do a great job. What a cute, funny, and nice kid. Hope he manages to avoid Alert Academy.


Wow, does James look like Amy, or what.


What if Famy were the unmarried mom and James is her's?? Oh that would be rich because James looks exactly like Famy. 

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I wonder if Miss Cathy worked when her kids were young. If so, I wonder how she feels about Jill's "of course I won't work when I have little ones" spiel. I can see that sounding a bit superior to others who may have made different choices.

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Epidurals aren't magic. They can cause issues, increase the risk of tears or episiotomies (which can take months or longer to heal completely), can make you feel sick etc. If I had to go through any of my births again (including the recovery) I would choose either of my unmedicated births hands down over my epidural birth. And that includes my 38 hour, unmedicated labor with 2 hours of pushing out a posterior baby.

You're a strong woman, 3girlsforus, a strong, strong woman.

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The name is so obvious. It will be. Kathmandu Seasonoflife Dillard

They could save this one for the first daughter. Katie for short. And since the baby's grandmother is so into "seasons of life", somewhat appropriate. ;)


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How old is "a little one", I wonder. That could be a VERY long time.

If I remember correctly, Jchelle still refers to the lost girls and possibly the youngest howlers (Justin and Jackson, I guess?) as the "little ones," right? So if Jilly Muffin is going to be 24 in May, and assuming that she has inherited her mother's fertility and is intent on filling up that quiver, she could be popping them out until 2035, and it would be 2040 by the time her youngest is 5. RickJamesBitch Dillard will be 25, and there might be some courting that Jill and Derrick need to stalk, so that's going to take up some of her free time. So I'm going out on a limb and saying Jilly Muffin is never working again.

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I need to stop clicking on this forum,  I keep getting ads for Doulas.




I just got an ad for "celebrities who married a cousin." LOL. Not kidding.

there might be some courting that Jill and Derrick need to stalk,


I'm seriously hoping they've loosened up a bit by that time. I could be way off base, but I'm counting on the novelty wearing off at some point, and Derick craving some semblance of a normal life.

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What if Famy were the unmarried mom and James is her's?? Oh that would be rich because James looks exactly like Famy.

Best Duggar conspiracy theory ever. Now I'm going to have to go back and rewatch Famy episodes to see if she treats him differently than the other kids.

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I wonder if Miss Cathy worked when her kids were young. If so, I wonder how she feels about Jill's "of course I won't work when I have little ones" spiel. I can see that sounding a bit superior to others who may have made different choices.


Someone giving up an interest they appeared really invested in as well as as their education and future career doesn't sound superior to me and wouldn't to anyone I know; it would sound sad and a bit tragic with a good pinch of odd thrown in. Then again, there aren't a lot of stay-at-home mums or dads around here past the 18 month parental leave-period so the mindset is probably a bit different.

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I'm seriously hoping they've loosened up a bit by that time. I could be way off base, but I'm counting on the novelty wearing off at some point, and Derick craving some semblance of a normal life.

It's really hard to imagine what Duggarland will be like in 2040 (or even what the world will be like!) But I agree that a lot could change, in regards to Jill's beliefs. I also think as Rick James and the siblings that will immediately follow get older, he will want to give them a childhood and adolescence that is somewhere between his and Jill's, maybe even closer to his.

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I wonder if Miss Cathy worked when her kids were young. If so, I wonder how she feels about Jill's "of course I won't work when I have little ones" spiel. I can see that sounding a bit superior to others who may have made different choices.

If Derick is about 25, he was born in 1990. Cathy's LinkedIn shows she was in a management position for WMT in 1993. So it's very possible she was working when Derick was born -- sometimes people cut off their LinkedIn resume after some point in time bc certain jobs were so long ago. Even if she did take time off, she would have been back at work by the time Derick was 3 and Dan was a baby. So yeah - she did work with babies. I'm sure there's lots of things about Jill that are off putting to Cathy and in her heart of hearts she probably does feel like Jill puts down Derick and how he was raised and constantly implies that her way/her family is superior and more Godly. But she's not a dumb woman, she knows that if she doesn't make nice with Derick's wife and let them live their lives however they want, Derick will become a Duggar even moreso than he is now and she and Dan will hardly get to see him or be involved with her grandson. So I'm sure she reminds herself to keep her mouth shut often.

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Most state universities require at least one or two humanities courses of some kind, regardless of major. Doesn't have to be English Comp. Derick's writing was fine, if pedestrian. And I say that as someone who writes professionally for a living. (Obviously not here - I break all the rules here! :) )

My school has a humanities requirement separate from the english comp requirement. I think all of the schools I considered had their core curriculum set up that way (english, math, social sciences, natural science and humanities) ETA: Sorry mods! I didn't see your post to take this discussion elsewhere until long after I posted!


Jill looks pretty good for being overdue. If it was me, I sure as hell wouldn't be smiling! But I was a crabby pregnant type LOL

Edited by lottiedottie
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Not every woman, on either side of the discussion, takes the "of course I want to stay home/keep working" comment as anything other than the opinion of the woman speaking. Some of us are awfully tired of the so-called "mommy wars."

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If Derick is about 25, he was born in 1990. Cathy's LinkedIn shows she was in a management position for WMT in 1993. So it's very possible she was working when Derick was born -- sometimes people cut off their LinkedIn resume after some point in time bc certain jobs were so long ago. Even if she did take time off, she would have been back at work by the time Derick was 3 and Dan was a baby. So yeah - she did work with babies. I'm sure there's lots of things about Jill that are off putting to Cathy and in her heart of hearts she probably does feel like Jill puts down Derick and how he was raised and constantly implies that her way/her family is superior and more Godly. But she's not a dumb woman, she knows that if she doesn't make nice with Derick's wife and let them live their lives however they want, Derick will become a Duggar even moreso than he is now and she and Dan will hardly get to see him or be involved with her grandson. So I'm sure she reminds herself to keep her mouth shut often.

Jill does seem like an overall nice person, but she has this combination of selfishness and lack of awareness that makes her seem (to me) like kind of a crappy daughter in law. Like all the other Duggars, she's completely unaware that there is more than one right way of doing things, and things like being a working mom or sending your kids to public school are okay. I don't think she means to put down Miss Cathy, but I do think that Jilly Muffin thinks that she will be a better mom than her mother in law was, because she's going to emulate Jchelle.

I feel bad for Miss Cathy and for Dan as well. Jill is a Dillard in name alone, and she's trying (with success) to make Derick as much of a Duggar as possible. In 5 years, with probably 3+ kids under 5, they're going to have even less time for Cathy, but all the time in the world to travel around in the bus with Jill's family.

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Jill has to Keep Sweet at all times. I'm sure she's miserable.

I was thinking the same. Pregnancy is such a blessing in that cult, that I'm sure she can't say -- OMG this kid is killing me, I want him out now. It looks like that pic was taken at the TTC -- even less chance she could say that in front of her parents. I think in front of just Derick and his side, they'd be more understanding of the view that pregnancy is a means to an end and is not comfortable.

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What is Jill wearing around her neck? Please tell me that's not a bullet!!!??? Nice of James to get her the cute new phone case, he's a good buddy.


It looks like a stick. Maybe an elongated cross and the other piece is hidden behind her finger? Her hair scarf is really cute though. 

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Baby Dilly is so special that TLC wanted to do a whole week of Mother's Day specials to coincide with his birth. I can see the green eyed monster in Anna from here.

The People article said that MEchelle would be giving motherly advice too.

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The People article said that MEchelle would be giving motherly advice too.

What advice could she possibly give?!!!


I can't wait to come back to this thread later and read all the advices!

Edited by CofCinci
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