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Lurking Amanda

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  1. I get that, and at the outset of the recent revelations that was actually somewhat my point of view. I felt some (admittedly quite limited) sympathy for Josh, although the lion's share of it was reserved for the victims. Then I realized that the youngest assumed victim would have been five. Five. My niece is almost five. Josie is five. Five. There is just no way to spin that into curiosity, experimentation, playing "doctor", or anything other than molestation. --------------------------------- Regarding any joy displayed at the downfall of the Duggar clan, I haven't seen that here. I'm not saying no one here has expressed such thoughts, but if so they are by far in the minority to the point where I have zero recall. I've certainly seen it on Facebook, but here in this particular forum I've only seen an overwhelming regret that this happened. No one wanted exposure of the Duggars' hypocrisy to happen in such a fashion, not even for the sake of being "right".
  2. I'm just so sad for the girls. They've already lived a nightmare; now they get to repeat it in the public eye. It's unfair, and it beyond sucks that once again they're getting the short end of the stick. I even feel a bit sorry for Josh, because I'm sure his incredibly repressive upbringing is in part responsible. I never thought I could be more disgusted with Jim Bob and Michelle. I was so very, very wrong.
  3. In my experience the ultrasound due date isn't always definitive. My younger son's calculated EDD was December 6th. The CNM who saw me at my appointment after the ultrasound (in that practice we had to see the CNM at least once) decided to move my due date to December 3rd based on his ultrasound. However, at my next appointment my midwife (an LM -- Licensed Midwife in my state and in this case an RN as well) put it back to December 6th because a) I knew exactly when the child was conceived as my husband at the time traveled for a living and there was only one "incident" in a four-month window of time; and b) three days can make a difference when a woman has a history of holding onto a pregnancy for awhile after her official EDD... and I had that history. It's a good thing the date wasn't changed, because the boy arrived 12 days past the 6th, and moving it back to the 3rd would have had me in the hospital being induced.
  4. Either that, or Those Who Sign the Paychecks utterly disregard the edits their hired-in-part-because-she-has-an-English-degree secretary makes. It's flatly disheartening. Don't get me started on how my ability to use a semicolon properly is dying a slow death thanks to one of the partners' insistence on the constant misuse thereof. The blog entry seemed decent enough to me, as far as those things are concerned. Derick's writing is far from inspirational or even entertaining, but I've seen worse . . . although even my high school sophomore writes with greater fluidity and style. Yipes, sorry! I was typing that as the mod comment was being typed. Shutting up immediately!
  5. Sorry, this is my first post here and I'm not entirely up to speed on the quote function; I'll figure it out but today is not that day. At any rate, I can't speak for all midwives, but I had #2 son at home and the midwifery practice I used in conjunction with their backup OB practice allowed up to 2 weeks past the due date assuming the baby was tolerating pregnancy well and the amniotic fluid levels were acceptable. I went 41 weeks +5 days before that child decided to appear. I hope Jill doesn't go as late as I did (and my first was 41 weeks, 4 days -- so much for the first one taking longer). I was fine up to a week past my due date, but after that I felt it was getting ridiculous. I put up April 2nd as my guess for Baby Dilly's birth, partly for good vibes and partly because it's my birthday and my mother's due date was for me was the same as Jill's albeit 45 years earlier, so heck, it could happen. Edited to add: or what 3girlsforus said -- more detailed, while simultaneously more concise. Back to lurking for me!
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