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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Jill could go to the Dollar Store and get them some real outdoor chalk.

While she's out she could sign Izzy up for pre-school.  There are lots of schools with sliding scale fees or co-ops.  It would keep him busy and give Jill free time.

Edited by beagletime
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29 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Based on today's messes, and stuff we've seen before, I think Jill tells the boys to "go out and play" quite a bit. They're too young for that.

To be entirely honest, I probably did that way more than I should have when my younger two were little...I just had no clue! I had never been around babies or toddlers growing up, and they would play and keep themselves occupied. Of course, Jill has no excuse - she should have been well aware of what kind of things little ones can get into. In retrospect, I'm kind of appalled at myself for some of what I can not recognize as, well, almost neglect I put my kids through. My parents were very over-protective, and I never wanted to be "that" mom, but being so inexperienced with children, it just never occurred to me until much later that I'd probably put them in some degree of danger. We were all very lucky in that they not only didn't manage to injure themselves, but actually gained a nice amount of independence, but I do recognize that even though it all turned out fine, I could have ended up very, very sorry. I was truly not a very good mom at all back in those early years 😥

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That seems like normal naughtiness for kids that age.  I wouldn't be too alarmed by it.  Our neighbor's daughter made the "choice" to write her name on their car door with a piece of gravel.  

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Totally agree!

My heart sank when they were going through the snake house and she was all baby talk with Sam and Izzy, then he saw the group of kids about his age... his eyes swooned and you can see he wanted so much to go play with them, then she baby talked and his face changed and he started talking baby talk.  That boy needs real people to be around. Poor guy.  I am truly shocked at how well he talks when not prompted to be "stay-at-home mom's" attention prop.

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14 hours ago, Bayarea4 said:

It was called Body on Tap. Imagine Derick and Jill after a couple of beers. Maybe that would help him unclench his sphincter. Jill would probably be a sloppy drunk, though.

I picture Jill being a crying drunk.

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13 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

To be entirely honest, I probably did that way more than I should have when my younger two were little...I just had no clue! I had never been around babies or toddlers growing up, and they would play and keep themselves occupied. Of course, Jill has no excuse - she should have been well aware of what kind of things little ones can get into. In retrospect, I'm kind of appalled at myself for some of what I can not recognize as, well, almost neglect I put my kids through. My parents were very over-protective, and I never wanted to be "that" mom, but being so inexperienced with children, it just never occurred to me until much later that I'd probably put them in some degree of danger. We were all very lucky in that they not only didn't manage to injure themselves, but actually gained a nice amount of independence, but I do recognize that even though it all turned out fine, I could have ended up very, very sorry. I was truly not a very good mom at all back in those early years 😥

Thank you for posting that. 

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Based on Instagram, Jill, Jessa, Si and Lauren went to a Vintage market. Jill’s video was the worst ever, she was wildly swinging the camera around. Made me dizzy. Sorry I didn’t link yesterday and seems to be gone today. Why she posts what she does is inexplicable. I guess Derelict was studying, he seems to be missing from most of the really lame posts.

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I believe there are studies showing sing-song voices with young babies is instinctive and universal. It helps infants and babies learn language more easily. 

For infants and babies though. Not toddlers and pre-schoolers.

My mom might have softened her tone but she always insisted on correct English. And no "yay!"s. Did I mention she was an elementary school teacher?

I am just sad for those boys because Jill and Dreck seem like the least emotionally invested parents of the bunch. They don't even seem to like their kids all that much.

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On 10/12/2019 at 4:41 PM, Sew Sumi said:

I think the Dullards need to consider a gas grill. 😂

So here is the thing Jill, LESS lotion time, MORE play time with these kids.  Or get a nanny.  Clearly they can do A LOT OF SHIT while you are um, busy.  

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9 hours ago, Lunera said:

The kid the Duggars adopted. I believe he's the son of Michelle's niece. 

The Duggars have guardianship of Tyler not an adoption.  That's so sad for Michelle's niece to have lost her child.

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

It always boggles my mind how people can lose custody of their kids and go on to have do-over babies without a second thought. I guess jumping through hoops to get the first kid back was too much trouble. 

I think in many of these cases the children have different fathers, and the new man in mom's life does not want to raise her child from another man.  I have a feeling that Michelle's niece has a tendency to pick some real winners.  She also probably has not done the work to really change her life either. 

I have a cousin who almost surrendered custody of her eldest to my aunt and uncle.  Baby Daddy #1 was in the joint and she had moved on to Baby Daddy #2, who she eventually married.  Baby Daddy #2 was not too keen on raising his wife's first child and there was a major rift in the family for a few years.  To no one's surprise, my cousin separated from BD #2 because he is a real asshole.  She also went back to school, became a nurse, and has reconciled with her family.  

I do think that if Michelle's niece actually did try to put her life back together, she would want custody of Tyler.  She would have to see that JB and Michelle are crazy, right?

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31 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It always boggles my mind how people can lose custody of their kids and go on to have do-over babies without a second thought. I guess jumping through hoops to get the first kid back was too much trouble. 

Most people are heterosexual, sex is free, and people who lose custody of their kids aren’t statistically likely to be the most responsible people in the world. 

That is tragic though. Tyler was raised primarily by his grandmother (Michelle’s sister) until she became too ill to care for him. I doubt he’s got much emotional attachment to his bio Mom but still that’s a lot. 

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53 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Keep in mind Pickles is not necessarily a reliable source; Jill gave no identifying information about who the family is. It's a rumor whose family it is. 

She posted the FB posts from the baby's birth on 9/14 as well as info regarding the funeral and reception afterwards at the TTH.

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39 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

"Why the quotation marks, Jill? Is 'Sam's Club' not a real place or something? Is it some sort of euphemism?"

Yes, like "choking hazard". Jesus Christ, Jill, cut that hot dog up before you do two funerals in one day.

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Cranky old lady here.  I must admit, I hate it when people think that "lunch" for their kids is freebie samples at Costco (no Sam's Club in my area.)  These little buggers dart right in front of my shopping cart, parents miles behind, and clog up the aisles.  

It figures that Jill would take her kids there and let them eat whatever they're giving out that day, rather than fix them lunch.  The one plus is that the boys may eat better at the store than at home, with cream of crap something.

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9 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Cranky old lady here.  I must admit, I hate it when people think that "lunch" for their kids is freebie samples at Costco (no Sam's Club in my area.)  These little buggers dart right in front of my shopping cart, parents miles behind, and clog up the aisles.  

It figures that Jill would take her kids there and let them eat whatever they're giving out that day, rather than fix them lunch.  The one plus is that the boys may eat better at the store than at home, with cream of crap something.

Looks like they are splitting on of those big hot dogs from the snack bar

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5 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

If the niece was ready to parent an infant, why is Tyler still with the Duggars?

Probably because she has a file with Children's Services several inches thick.  Tyler is old enough to express a preference for where he wants to live, too.  Just because she got pregnant and gave birth, it doesn't mean she is ready to parent. 

Tyler has been with the Duggars for a couple years and with his grandmother prior to that.  He hasn't lived with his mother in years, he may not ever remember a time when he did.  Whatever happened with Tyler, it must've been pretty significant that the court apparently took him from his mother permanently.

Also, getting pregnant and giving birth is simpler and easier that trying to regain custody and the huge legal fees involved.  If the Duggars or the social workers objected to Tyler's mother getting custody of him; a suit could easily take years to work its way through the courts and, if she won, Tyler's mother might be given custody of a kid who will be a legal adult at any moment.

I've seen a lot of women lose their kids and go right back out and get pregnant.  Sometimes they do it with their past partner. sometimes they hook up with someone new.  It seems to me in many cases, that it is a defiant gesture; taunting the court to come and take the new baby.  BTW, hospitals don't automatically notify DCFS when a baby is born.  A woman who lies about where her other kids are, or who pretends she's never had them before, may easily end up walking out of the hospital with  newborn.  Unless someone finds her answers as to the whereabout of her other kids not believable, the county may never find out she has a new baby.

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If Pickles is to believed, Tyler has seen his mother and has some visitation with her. I don't trust Pickles, but that's what she says. 

Tyler was probably put into some long-term custody arrangement with JB and Michelle; maybe even one that would be hard to break. It might take some work and money to get him out and he may prefer to live with them. His mother lost custody many years ago, and it is definitely possible that she put her life back together in the gap years. 

The world doesn't see how crazy the Duggars are. If it did, they probably wouldn't have a television show. Tyler's mother may think he is safe enough and has enough food/basic needs met. She may not have had the best education herself and may not see the disadvantages to Duggars' custody like their homeschooling, etc.

Topic (Jill/Derick): I wonder if Jill is watching her family on Counting On. 

Edited by Temperance
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Oh hell I wonder what Sam's Club she went to. I went to one in Fayetteville on Saturday, and as is true of every time I go to a Sam's in NWA, I kept an eye out for Duggar sightings. It was all clear, though. Obviously just missed them by a matter of days! 😂

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12 minutes ago, Temperance said:

If Pickles is to believed, Tyler has seen his mother and has some visitation with her. I don't trust Pickles, but that's what she says. 

Tyler was probably put into some long-term custody arrangement with JB and Michelle; maybe even one that would be hard to break. It might take some work and money to get him out and he may prefer to live with them. His mother lost custody many years ago, and it is definitely possible that she put her life back together in the gap years. 

The world doesn't see how crazy the Duggars are. If it did, they probably wouldn't have a television show. Tyler's mother may think he is safe enough and has enough food/basic needs met. She may not have had the best education herself and may not see the disadvantages to Duggars' custody like their homeschooling, etc.

Topic (Jill/Derick): I wonder if Jill is watching her family on Counting On. 

To answer your question, my guess is NO, only because Derrick won’t allow it.

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3 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Yes, like "choking hazard". Jesus Christ, Jill, cut that hot dog up before you do two funerals in one day.

My kids were scoffing down sausages and hot dogs at that age 😳

I’m happy they’re out of the house, less chance of them ‘making a mess’ and getting in trouble

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Latest Instagram story, Jill was attacked by the shopping cart at Sam’s Club. She carried on about it, “it really hurt”, she even tried to show the bruise, but I couldn’t see anything. At least Izzy didn’t get blamed. Her Instagram stories are so badly put together but I guess she needs to post something to compete with Counting On.

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10 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Latest Instagram story, Jill was attacked by the shopping cart at Sam’s Club. She carried on about it, “it really hurt”, she even tried to show the bruise, but I couldn’t see anything. At least Izzy didn’t get blamed. Her Instagram stories are so badly put together but I guess she needs to post something to compete with Counting On.

The best was her describing her injury as “a massive little ouch”! Up to that point in the video, she said the word, “like” close to 10 times.

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13 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I refuse to watch her Instagram live 

I watched it and it made no sense.  Photos of cute boys eating hot dogs at "Sam's Club", then outside pushing the cart and whining about the bar hitting her shin, then advertising for Amy's clothes shop, then some random Bible verses and a highlight Bible passage.  WTF Jill!

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42 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I refuse to watch her Instagram live 

Yeah it pops up and if I need a laugh, I will watch. She has no concept of what might be interesting and her filming skills are awful, so definitely not A level. 

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23 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Latest Instagram story, Jill was attacked by the shopping cart at Sam’s Club. She carried on about it, “it really hurt”, she even tried to show the bruise, but I couldn’t see anything. At least Izzy didn’t get blamed. Her Instagram stories are so badly put together but I guess she needs to post something to compete with Counting On.

That’s really sad. Multiple social media posts about her trip to sams club, while the rest of the family debuts the new season of their tv show. Oh how the mighty have fallen. 

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Parents lose permanent custody of their child(ren)for many reasons. Often times the root cause is addiction. Many parents also get clean and sober. Sometimes it's in the best interest of the child to reunite with the parent, however sometimes it's not.

Jill's cousin may be doing really well now. Many parents learn to do better and when addiction is involved it can take many starts and stops and many months or years to overcome.

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