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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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13 hours ago, Trillium said:

From my experience in a evangelical but not fundie church, former gays, single moms, etc were “welcome” as long as they were no longer choosing to live that “lifestyle”. It’s a false “Had an abortion? You’re welcome here!”*

*But you better not have another one and you better admit what a horrible thing it was you did and how Jesus showed you the light. 

Its a dangerous false ”we welcome everyone”.  

How do you leave behind the single mom “lifestyle” if you don’t have a partner?

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4 hours ago, toodles said:

Just one vagina, one penis, and eternal, sacramental bliss.

Hilarious line, except I'm quite certain the Dullards don't consider marriage a sacrament.

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Proofreading is not their thing.

Nor is changing their clothes.

4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

They are wearing the same clothes in all the pictures.  Even if the pictures were taken on the same day, Derick didn't even change to a nicer shirt for their anniversary dinner.  (We discussed this when Jill posted her pictures.) 

On 6/25/2019 at 3:14 PM, Lunera said:


We get it you have sex! You didn't need to include a picture of your foreplay activities. 


4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Proofreading is not their thing.

Nor is changing their clothes.

4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

They are wearing the same clothes in all the pictures.  Even if the pictures were taken on the same day, Derick didn't even change to a nicer shirt for their anniversary dinner.  (We discussed this when Jill posted her pictures.) 

On 6/25/2019 at 3:14 PM, Lunera said:


We get it you have sex! You didn't need to include a picture of your foreplay activities. 


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Their inclusion of College of the Ozarks' Keeter Center in their sex weekend has been cracking me up. (Full disclosure: College of the Ozarks/C of O is my undergraduate alma mater, where I ran into all the crazy-ass Puritan wannabes.) 

The Keeter Center isn't necessarily a hoity toity gourmet restaurant by international dining standards, but they like to consider themselves fine dining, especially for the area. The restaurant is connected to the college's culinary program and does have good food.

When I was a student, even with a student discount, it was too expensive for me or any of my friends to eat there unless a relative or faculty member was paying. Even their damn ice cream was kinda pricey. That would not necessarily be weird, given the place's aspirations toward fine dining, except this is ostensibly a work college for poor kids, including the ones who served Jill and Derick and bussed their table and made their meal and washed their dishes. 

In any event, Jill and Derick did shell out some money for that dinner. Probably around $40 on the low end if they were being very frugal to nearly $100 if they seriously splurged with appetizers, steaks, dessert, etc.--not counting a tip, if they tip, though you are expected to there. (Waiting jobs at the Keeter Center were very competitive because it was one of the few on-campus jobs where you could get tips, though I always heard it was a super stressful workplace.)

Also, the Keeter Center has a hotel. I don't know if that is where they stayed or they went somewhere else, but if they used their Kinda Sorta Kama Sutra thing there, I could definitely see a lot of people at the college being offended by that. 

A common bit of snark there when something would piss off admin is to gleefully comment, "That is NOT C of O-appropriate!" And though I have been gone from there for years, I still think that when I see anything that is not, well, C of O appropriate. Including Jill's dreadful sex posts. LOL 

Edited by Zella
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I guess Jill has been too busy with her advertising career to give us any new recipes.  The last time she posted a new one was the beginning of May.  You would think she would  honor Grandma Mary by sharing one of Mary's recipes especially since the Dullards lived with her for a while. 

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On 6/30/2019 at 7:09 AM, jb0495 said:

Anyone seen Jill newest post on Instagram?! https://www.instagram.com/p/BzRV4T-Aft3/?igshid=wkbnsot0cyk1

Cathy has written a book about the horrors of her cancer, treatment & escaping death. It’s called “I Shall Not Die: My Walk Through The Valley of Death”. 

The cover is a photo of her & Israel. It’s A LOT.

Cathy probably feels non religious people deserve their cancer because they aren’t in God’s good graces. It sickens me how she feels she was only saved by God.

But I’m bias as I work in experimental cancer research & we want to help as many as we can through our clinical trials. 

I’m probably ignorant to some sort of biblical connection, but I Shall Not Die seems like  an arrogant title. Yeah she beat cancer, but nobody lives forever. 

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9 minutes ago, kokapetl said:

I’m probably ignorant to some sort of biblical connection, but I Shall Not Die seems like  an arrogant title. Yeah she beat cancer, but nobody lives forever. 


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6 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

I will never forget Dereck moldy pits picture so not surprised he didn’t change clothes.  I wonder if he changes his underwear daily or showers.

In this particular case, at least, the T-shirt looks pristine. Seriously, I went back and looked at it after reading these last few posts, and the shirt he is wearing at the restaurant, while it's the same shirt, looks not only spotless, but positively pressed. There's not a wrinkle in the thing. How is that possible if you have been wearing a t-shirt all day? Did he bring multiples? And did Jilly iron them all for him? 

On the other hand, in the photo from the hotel room in front of the roaring fire, all the clothes appear to be in a pile on the floor. Not that I fault them for that necessarily - I'm not one to always put worn clothes carefully away somewhere as soon as I take them off, especially if I'm somewhere like a hotel where the laundry hamper is not right there, but do they really need to be featured in the shot? Was it just thoughtless, or are we supposed to be impressed at how they ripped all their clothes off as soon as they got to the room?

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12 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I guess Jill has been too busy with her advertising career to give us any new recipes.  The last time she posted a new one was the beginning of May.  You would think she would  honor Grandma Mary by sharing one of Mary's recipes especially since the Dullards lived with her for a while. 

I was going to say that she has spared us, but craptastic recipes are very much preferable to details of her sex life.

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13 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I guess Jill has been too busy with her advertising career to give us any new recipes.  The last time she posted a new one was the beginning of May.  You would think she would  honor Grandma Mary by sharing one of Mary's recipes especially since the Dullards lived with her for a while. 

Connecting a recipe post to Granda Duggar would involve continuity. Continuity involves planning and planning involves thought and effort. Jill does random instead. 

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On 6/29/2019 at 10:55 PM, awaken said:

I’m still laughing about the post it notes, and it’s become a regular joking suggestion to my partner!  “Let’s rub on scented lotion and put post it’s on our naked bodies!”  

Logic says, however, that once a body is all lotioned up, the post it notes will not stick.  Or perhaps that's the point?!

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1 hour ago, judyjudyjudy said:

Logic says, however, that once a body is all lotioned up, the post it notes will not stick.  Or perhaps that's the point?!

On the other hand, sufficient lotion will make bits of paper stick to the body whether they have post-it glue on them or not...

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23 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Never heard of Brandon. 😂

He sits beside Becky in the Third Row and competes with her to see who will win Derick over first.  Maybe he can ask the old D if he owns any other t-shirt.

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On 6/30/2019 at 9:05 PM, DangerousMinds said:

How do you leave behind the single mom “lifestyle” if you don’t have a partner?

You don’t. You either have a husband or put yourself on the market for a godly one ASAP, so that you can give your child/children a proper Christian headship. 

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25 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

I just want to know - WHY???  

Why are they demonstrating a tight pucker?  They have about as much heat as...as Ken and Barbie...and they have no genitals...

Edited by Suzn
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8 minutes ago, Puffin said:

The kissing photo is too much, wish they would stop posting those photos.if they want to have them for themselves fine but does anyone want to see that? 

It’s so unnatural too.  The time it takes to pose it “just right” and the multiple shots they probably take, there’s nothing loving and romantic about it. It’s fake. And to what end? So they can show off on the internet? A spontaneous picture someone else took, by all means post it if it looks good! Millions of people do. But this stuff is all manufactured bullshit. I don’t know anyone in real life that posts posed kissing pictures.

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So I was thinking maybe the stupid kiss photos were a generational thing, but last weekend I saw my nephew’s wedding album. He’s slightly younger than these two chuckleheads and he and his now-wife are the happiest newlyweds I ever saw.

There is one photo of them kissing...at the end of their vows. One. In their wedding photos.

Nope. The Dullards are wildly overcompensating.

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Hey Jill is one of the prizes! You can win her for a day of cooking slop and dress up in horrible wrinkled ill fitting clothes! Yay and Izzy will photograph the event to share on instagram! Make sure to squirt into the sun in every photo!

P. S. Jill of course will teach you how to bake bread and make fresh salad for dinner! 

Edited by galaxychaser
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2 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

That giveaway is pathetic. A bag of coffee beans? Are people that hard up for a wicker purse and a cheap piece of clothing?

How about a bundle of old magazines? That's a thrift shop find. 

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Dan's Crisis of Faith


“As I recall, he described how he had been running from God, and he had finally quit running and surrendered, letting Jesus come in and take over,” Cathy wrote.

Cathy, he realized he had to start spouting religious crap to stay in your and Derick's good graces, for the sake of family harmony. You'd never stop haranguing him over not Having Faith otherwise.

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7 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

All snark aside, I really wonder sometimes if Jill doesn’t have some kind of learning impairment. The various etiquettes of the internet platforms are unwritten and something you pick up by observation most of the time. She seems incapable of figuring any of that out...she never has understood hashtags. 

And God knows she doesn’t understand what influencer marketing is supposed to look like.

As others have said,  Jill is an emotionally stunted adolescent stuck in a woman's body.   Common sense would tell you that hashtags are not necessary on certain posts.  Hashtags serve a purpose for helping others find relevant posts to specific topics, and no one needs them for this kind of post.

 I think that growing up with TV cameras in her face has created a monster with Jill.  She actually believes that people want to know every intimate detail in her life and she doesn't know where that ends.   We seem to have this discussion about Jill every 3 months or so because she will never learn.  Jill is incapable of creating a social media personality that does not mention it all (tm Bethanny Frankel).  She is trying desperately to monetize her social media but doesn't know when to stop.  The Duggars are not known for having boundaries and Jill seems to be the one who has internalized this the most.

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And besides the stupid emojis and hashtags, there's the constant repetitive use of "y'all" (three times in three sentences). Jill, we all know you're Southern, you don't have to hit us over the head with it. If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me, but I have always understood that real Southerners would use the contraction "y'all" in conversation, but would never type it out like that. 

Of all the Duggars, Jill seems to be the most "Southern" and it seems to have become more pronounced with time, to the point where she's laying it on a little too thick. Maybe she thinks it's cute or it will appeal to her fan base. I wonder if it's like Michelle's "baby voice", a linguistic trick she puts on to make it seem like she's "keeping sweet" when underneath she's feeling anything but sweet.

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1 minute ago, irisheyes said:

How old was Jill when the molestation occurred?  I wonder if that has stunted her emotional development in some way. 

11 or 12? Definitely not into her teens. Jill definitely seems stunted as a tween. 

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Whenever I see RIP on a post consoling somebody on a loss, I can only think of old cartoons or Halloween tombstone decorations.  It’s a pet peeve of mine.  How hard is it to write out Rest In Peace?  Just my opinion, but RIP just feels too hurried or thoughtless or disrespectful.  Again just my opinion but I hate seeing numerous posts of RIP when somebody announces the passing of a loved one.

I’ll get off my soapbox before I start on Jill’s hashtags...

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7 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

All snark aside, I really wonder sometimes if Jill doesn’t have some kind of learning impairment. The various etiquettes of the internet platforms are unwritten and something you pick up by observation most of the time. She seems incapable of figuring any of that out...she never has understood hashtags. 

And God knows she doesn’t understand what influencer marketing is supposed to look like.

I would say it's a combination of shallow and not very bright. I know a woman who uses the same constant emojis and hashtags on her posts. She is a language arts teacher with a master's degree! She's living proof that formal education does not make one smarter. 

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I am assuming the hashtag #20weeks that Jill included is meant to be celebratory(?)  as in passing a milestone in pregnancy or some other aspect of life. I don’t think it was meant the way she is using it. Not as bad as using #rip for your dead niece but still...

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8 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

n theory hashtags are metadata given to posts to help people search on Twitter or Instagram to find posts on a relevant topic.  Jill assigns hashtags to her posts that no one would search.  The twenty week is downright cruel.  Hypothetically if I was a pregnant woman searching the hashtag wanting to look at other pregnant women at the same stage, and then it showed Jill's post I would be either livid or traumatized .

Those were my thoughts @ohiopirate02 you just worded them better! I was trying to imagine what other types of posts include #20weeks and that Jill’s post would be inappropriate in that group (no surprise)

Edited by nightmeri
Credited wrong person
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