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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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I think that FFF is well within their rights to can jill. If she doesn't align with their brand's values, well tough shit Jill. Even though she doesn't post the same opinions her husband does, it IS a reflection on her and one can assume that her and Derrick share the same views as they are a social unit. She hasn't stated otherwise.

My husband has a very political job and I would never post anything that would reflect poorly on him. I am not sure why people think that their opinions they slather all over social media can't be used against them or have consequences? You are well within your rights to post whatever you want but everyone else can act accordingly. I stay away from anything controversial on SM. If Derrick was smart he would be like the rest of the Duggars and keep their true opinions for home church since they aim to make money being public figures. I wonder if Jill is upset with him ?


Also ITA they are better off getting real jobs. Jill is way too dense/ignorant/sheltered to make use of her 1.6 mil followers. ( How does she have so many? Who is following her??)

Edited by yogi2014L
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4 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

I think that FFF is well within their rights to can jill. If she doesn't align with their brand's values, well tough shit Jill. Even though she doesn't post the same opinions her husband does, it IS a reflection on her and one can assume that her and Derrick share the same views as they are a social unit. She hasn't stated otherwise.

My husband has a very political job and I would never post anything that would reflect poorly on him. I am not sure why people think that their opinions they slather all over social media can't be used against them or have consequences? You are well within your rights to post whatever you want but everyone else can act accordingly. I stay away from anything controversial on SM. If Derrick was smart he would be like the rest of the Duggars and keep their true opinions for home church since they aim to make money being public figures. I wonder if Jill is upset with him ?


Also ITA they are better off getting real jobs. Jill is way too dense/ignorant/sheltered to make use of her 1.6 mil followers. ( Which, how does she have so many? Who is following her??)

It's not a job. It's a box of  free stuff, which she probably got to keep instead of paying for it.  

Also someone pointed out the children's books about sexuality (that Jill posted) were probably politically loaded and seemed anti-LGBTQ. 

Edited by Temperance
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18 hours ago, Temperance said:

Just catching up on FFF news! 

She gets no money, just the box of merchandise. There is no salary attached and no money brought in from all the sales she brought in. People like the company, because they get the box for free in return for promoting the box. It is not a source of income.  (This is according to their "partners" on youtube.)

Because anyone can be a FFF partner. Most of their "partners" are random young women on youtube. There may be a certain number of social media subscribers one needs to have, but a lot of those youtube "celebrities" are random vloggers with a lot of  Instagram followers. My guess is someone just did a pre-emptory check and saw she had a big social media platform and gave her a partnership without checking out who she is. 

What is FFF?  Even googling I can't find it.  Thanks.

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19 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Fab Fit Fun

Thanks.  Now I see some older posts with a picture.  So it's some kind of phony marketing scheme where someone with a lot of followers would pick out boxes that the followers would buy?  And presumably earn commissions on that?  Or would they just promote any boxes that the company chooses whether their followers would like it or not?

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On 8/23/2018 at 7:03 PM, Westiepeach said:

Hahahahahahahahahaha. *wiping tears* That’s a good one!

I'm a lawyer and I just heard about this law school thing, so I came here to see what people were saying.  I just can't fathom Derrick in first year law school classes, the ones where they really pepper you with questions in the Socratic method (remember The Paper Chase?).  He would come across as such a tool!  Maybe he sees a future in working in conservative impact litigation involving promoting religious freedom (cough cough antigay). 

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On 8/18/2018 at 4:44 PM, doodlebug said:

It won’t even take a question about an issue that hits him in the fundy gut. Derick is going to be reading about all sorts of legal issues from both sides and will be expected to build a cogent, well thought out argument for or against that issue at any time.  Considering his responses to those who call him out on SM; Derick seems to be from the ‘I’m rubber and you’re glue’ school of logic and debate.  He is going to have a meltdown the first time one of his profs criticizes his critical thinking skills which will be the first time he’s called to speak in class, IMO.

Even his religious arguments seem to be based on ‘its in the KJB’ without any supporting logic as to why God would have said opinion.  My religion classes in evil Catholic school taught us not only the tenets of the faith, but to question why these were the rules.  This is probably why so many of us end up cafeteria Catholics, of course, but we were allowed, even encouraged, to think about our faith and what it means.


On 8/19/2018 at 7:08 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

I can't believe that twit is in law school. I'd pay good money to see tape of him getting called on in class and being Socratically spit-roasted for 45 minutes by a professor who woke up in the wrong side of the bed.  Watch his ego just shatter.

Speaking of being shattered, I wonder how Jill is holding up. It's been a week. She must be approaching  critical mass as another week of classes is about to start.  Actually it's not another week of classes, it's just the first week. Last week was just orientation. The fun is only now getting started.  For both of them.

Late to the party and reading backwards and found these opinions.  Yes, yes and yes. 

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12 hours ago, ginger90 said:


I can’t snark on him for the hashtags( except the sushi one).  I distinctly remember the rush of  relief that would fall over me as I headed out for an evening without kids. I dearly love my kids. I was a working mom so I had time away from my kids. Jill doesn’t seem to pass hers off to Michelle ( Jana, ok) to watch, so I’ll  pass on snarking at her/them about date night/no kids. 

I bet Jill has had a really rough couple of weeks. Derick has probably not spent this much time away from her in their entire marriage, because he’s probably doing his evening studies at the library. She got two kids under 4, and she just got slapped down in public for something she didn’t do, along with not doing something that she’s been told never to do. The last part refers to the fact that she didn’t condemn Derick in public.  Jill never attended school, never got taught social graces and political correctness. She never learned how to deal with being scolded by friends and strangers. She’s probably pretty shell-shocked. Remember how hard the whole Josh thing was for her- Derick hauled her out of the country to lick her wounds after that. 

Slightly off topic- a race car driver just lost a sponsorship because of something  his father said 35 years ago before he was born. The young man is a diabetic, and the sponsorship was a diabetes pharmaceutical company. I think political correctness can be taken to an extreme. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I can imagine Derick whining to Cathy that nobody is agreeing with his Tweets and how is he going to change the world if no one listens, and the two of them thinking if he was a lawyer he can change the law of the land. All sins will be illegal. They'll lock up anyone who is not hetero and pray their sins away. They'll lock up pregnant women until they give birth. 

Cathy is probably sitting on her deck with her highlighter, prayer book and coffee daydreaming about the day her son saved the world.

His first sin to tackle ...


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11 minutes ago, bythelake said:

Derick is an ignorant, narrow minded twit who obviously takes pleasure in disappointing innocent children.

I agree that Derick is an ignorant, narrow minded twit, but realistically, how many innocent, Santa-believing children are following him on social media? He posted that to piss off his haters, not to out Santa to his 5-year-old followers.

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18 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

Which they could very easily do by getting jobs. You know, like the ones my husband and I and most other parents I know have. Derick could be making a comfortable living by now if he’d stayed an accountant, probably more than enough to allow Jill to remain a SAHM if that’s what they chose to do. Instead, he decided to dick around for several years as a “missionary” and a “pastor” and now a law student. He and Jill aren’t a couple who are down on their luck because of circumstance; they’re a couple who made irresponsible choices and expected the rest of the world to dip into their pockets to bail them out. Social media doesn’t owe them a living. If they’re so strapped for cash that they’re relying on the pittance Jill could earn from FFF to feed their kids, they need to get off their asses and get jobs. 

Also I think it’s important to note that it wasn’t his beliefs that got Derick fired — it was his decision to post about those beliefs on social media where anyone could see. People can be as hateful as they want in their own heads. But when they’re loudly voicing that hatefulness, it’s perfectly appropriate for a company to decide they don’t want vocal hatefulness as the face of their brand. 

Money is money, and earning money is earning money. She has 1.6 million instagram subscribers and decided to pimp drug store crap. It was harmless.  

Should she mooch more off her mother in law?

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35 minutes ago, Nysha said:

I agree that Derick is an ignorant, narrow minded twit, but realistically, how many innocent, Santa-believing children are following him on social media? He posted that to piss off his haters, not to out Santa to his 5-year-old followers.

I'm not sure that makes it any better though. If he is trolling his anti-supporters then this text is both unnecessary and unkind. Plus, picking a fight is the polar opposite of turning the other cheek. I'm glad that no kids were likely harmed, but it's still a tellingly jerk move. 

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33 minutes ago, kokapetl said:

Money is money, and earning money is earning money. She has 1.6 million instagram subscribers and decided to pimp drug store crap. It was harmless.  

Should she mooch more off her mother in law?

You mean Deredick mooch more from his mother. She is one of his enabler.

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Jill should go to a real school and learn a trade. But she never will. Instead she will always have to rely on her lazy loser head ship to provide $. 

Jill until she dies will be relying on someone to take care of her financially. 

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Just now, galaxychaser said:

Jill should go to a real school and learn a trade. But she never will. Instead she will always have to rely on her lazy loser head ship to provide $. 

Jill until she dies will be relying on someone to take care of her financially. 

But.......she’s a midwife!

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15 hours ago, Marigold said:

For two unemployed parents of two small children, they certainly treat themselves pretty nicely. 

They're investing in their relationship ? Remember Michelle's handy advice: parents should put the needs of their spouse before the needs of their kids since they were married before having children.

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14 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

I think Jilly actually thinks she is in the medical field, and Deredick actually thinks he is in the law field. Like the Huxtables. But opposite. 

I would not want Jilly to help deliver my pet gold fish, and Deredick being my lawyer would probably get me life in prison without the possibility of parole for a parking ticket.

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43 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

I think Jilly actually thinks she is in the medical field, and Deredick actually thinks he is in the law field. Like the Huxtables. But opposite. 

Hopefully Derick doesn’t decide to emulate Bill Cosby.

Edited by EVS
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Never thought I would say this, but I will give Jill credit for one thing regarding the boys.  It seems they drop them off with Cathy instead of dumping them at the TTH.  At the very least, they are getting some one-on-one time with a grandparent who knows their name and maybe an interest or two.  It also gives Jana two less humans to be responsible for.

I am a huge fan of the Target Beauty Boxes.  They are only $7/each, and there's free shipping (tax is added).  I have a RedCard, so my final total is $7.05.  They have great goodies, and many of them are full-size products.  I will also hang my head and shamelessly admit that I would love to try FFF, but if I did it, it wouldn't be taking food off our very small table for two.  We will probably never know the true reason why her post disappeared, but I think Jill just learned that one can be guilty just by association.  With her liking Derick's Tweets and him being the #totally #besthubbyever, she's aligning herself with him.  She could support him but keep a public distance.  She's just giving people more ammo and it's not turning out well for her.

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12 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

But if you parked illegally to avoid being next to the car of a LGBQT person, you've got your man in Dreck--in passion if not in skill. His law practice will be rather selective. 

If Jill goes back into the baby delivering business, she may end up needing a lawyer, so there's that. 

Speaking of parking in a round about way and LGBQT, there was a story last week in the news about Missoula. A group got together and painted colors on a crosswalk in support of the LGBQT groups. A few drivers decided to vandalize by leaving tire marks on the crosswalk. Of course, there was a little heated discussion about the term vandalism being used or even the term hate crime. I could imagine Deredick wanting to come in and defend the drivers leaving the tire marks aka no vandalism or hate crime happened. And yes, I know I might end up in heck in my afterlife, but I want to know if Mullet taught Jill the states because she may not know where Montana is located in the US. Now if you need me, I will be in the Prayer Closet.

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7 minutes ago, sixlets said:

Never thought I would say this, but I will give Jill credit for one thing regarding the boys.  It seems they drop them off with Cathy instead of dumping them at the TTH.  At the very least, they are getting some one-on-one time with a grandparent who knows their name and maybe an interest or two.  It also gives Jana two less humans to be responsible for.

I agree. I'm not a huge fan of Cathy, but she definitely strikes me as the type of grandma who values her time with the kids. I also think the boys are safer with her as there doesn't seem to be adequate supervision at the TTH. 

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2 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

Jill should go to a real school and learn a trade. But she never will. Instead she will always have to rely on her lazy loser head ship to provide $. 

Jill until she dies will be relying on someone to take care of her financially. 

All of these girls will.

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46 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. I'm not a huge fan of Cathy, but she definitely strikes me as the type of grandma who values her time with the kids. I also think the boys are safer with her as there doesn't seem to be adequate supervision at the TTH. 

I only hope Cathy acts like a grandma and not a parent. She should dote on them and not get out her huge wooden paddle when the boys act bratty.

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18 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Derrick should be saving his money - he’ll need to buy canned briefs for class!   (Any of you who attended law school will know what I’m talking about...) 

If he uses them as a substitute, he’s screwed.


*This opinion is from a non law school student, ever.

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3 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I would not want Jilly to help deliver my pet gold fish, and Deredick being my lawyer would probably get me life in prison without the possibility of parole for a parking ticket.

I would not want Jilly to deliver my PIZZA! No, no, no, no. 

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3 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I wonder if Jill has the wherewithal to realize that she could potentially be living a pretty nice SAHM of two lifestyle if Derick had stayed in accounting. They'd probably have great insurance and still be in the Stoneybrook house, and likely income from the show. They lost ALL of that because of derick's worst tendencies: aimlessness and spouting his mouth off. 

I do have some grudging respect for Derick for not hiding like Jessa and the rest and outright admitting his horrendous beliefs. Jill needs to get a job. They both do.

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49 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I wonder if Jill has the wherewithal to realize that she could potentially be living a pretty nice SAHM of two lifestyle if Derick had stayed in accounting. They'd probably have great insurance and still be in the Stoneybrook house, and likely income from the show. They lost ALL of that because of derick's worst tendencies: aimlessness and spouting his mouth off. 

There's no real way to pontificate in accounting, otherwise he'd still be doing it. 

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I do have some grudging respect for Derick for not hiding like Jessa and the rest and outright admitting his horrendous beliefs. Jill needs to get a job. They both do.

I might have some grudging respect for him if he had stuck with generalities and hadn’t crossed a line by going after Jazz and Nate Berkus’s family directly. 

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On 8/24/2018 at 6:56 PM, Marigold said:

Just when we thought that Jill could actually make some money for herself, Derick goes and ruins ANOTHER income source for Jill.  

 Kicked off Counting On and now can't even sell some stupid little box thing. 

Dickhead is nothing more than a ball and chain to his family.  Those poor boys have a POS for a father and an idiot for a mother.  I feel so sorry for those kids. ?

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I can't blame the Fab Fit people for wanting to dump Jill after they realized she was a bad fit for them. They have a business to run.  But they really should have done some research prior to linking up with her and not unceremoniously canned her the way they did. It's just cold.  They should have realized that treating people they've partnered with shabbily doesn't impress customers. At least it doesn't impress me. I admit I was unlikely to ever buy one of their little sample kits, but after this I'm pretty sure I never will. The whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I feel a little bad for Jill because she was rather embarrassingly dumped by FFF over stuff her dickwad husband has said and not because of anything she personally did. I do realize she may well share some questionable opinions about certain topics with Drek, but remember she did post that tiny snippet about how loving someone didn't necessarily mean you agree with everything they say and do. I give her a little bit of credit for that because I think it was her way of making a small (albeit unsuccessful) attempt to resist being completely subsumed by her unfortunate headdip.

uhh, I mean headship.  Right. 

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