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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Do they have a good amount of TLC money stashed away?  Otherwise, i don't see how it is fiscally responsible to go back to law school rather than get your CPA.  From what I understand, law is not the ticket to riches many think the profession is also "flooded."  I would think a CPA would be a better bet.  YOU KNOW--you're not supposed to be selfish when you have kids.

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I suspect Derick got so enamored of his ability to dance circles around the questions people ask him on social media that he got an inflated opinion of his abilities and figured he'd do it for a living.  He's going to be so surprised when he can't just ghost or refuse to answer questions he doesn't like; I can't imagine his accountancy degree had much in the realm of the Socratic method, and law school often does nothing but.

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11 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

Do they have a good amount of TLC money stashed away?  Otherwise, i don't see how it is fiscally responsible to go back to law school rather than get your CPA.  From what I understand, law is not the ticket to riches many think the profession is also "flooded."  I would think a CPA would be a better bet.  YOU KNOW--you're not supposed to be selfish when you have kids.

As per Derick, they were only ever "volunteers," so no. He also talked about having to pay the hospital bill for Israel's birth , and Sam had that two week NICU stay, so if they did have any TLC money, it's likely gone.

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1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I don't actually think that she is unhappy - or at least doesn't recognize it if she is. Between all the training in "keeping sweet", being taught that dissatisfaction and anger are sins, and trusting that whatever hand she is dealt is the best possible one for her because of "God's plan", she may very well honestly believe that her life is blissful. In some ways it's not a bad approach to life as far as dealing with disappointments and moving on, but when it blinds you to the fact that you were never given any options toward building a truly satisfying life, it's all sorts of tragic.

I think she has experienced times of stress in her marriage. Is it the same as being unhappy? I don't know. You could see the stress written on her face (IMO) while Derick was melting down on Twitter around his birthday (Jill was smiling extra wide to compensate), and there were times when they were still on the show where you could see it also (like when they were doing one of those silly couples quizzes and Jill seemed to put a lot of emphasis on getting the answers right).

But generally, I think it's probably true that dimwitted people tend to be more satisfied with life. I guess Jill has that going for her, at least?

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4 minutes ago, Trillium said:

It’s very irresponsible and selfish. I’m 99% positive this move isn’t to better support his family, it’s to fight against LGBT and women’s rights, and stroke his ego. It has shit to do with Jill and the kids. Unfortunately they’ll be the ones who suffer from his selfishness. 

The kids are also suffering because of Jill's selfishness also. She is not an innocent victim in the whole thing. The only victims are Izzy, Sammy and any future children they may have due to the stupidity, and selfishness of their parents.

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On 8/11/2018 at 6:18 PM, LilJen said:

Oh for sure they're dominionists. Yuck.

Anyone else see the Pistol Pete "pistol" hand signal and think "L for loser" instead? Just me?

"L" for love.  Random Dodgeball quote...

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On 8/12/2018 at 8:18 AM, graefin said:

His personality doesn't help, and neither does the way he chooses to wear his hair. When it's longer and a bit mussed, he looks better.

The embellishments around Jill's neckline are nice (at least according to Sam ;)) But what's with this "working" narrative they keep trying to push? Was he employed by the church while simultaneously a student in their program?

That church program sounds to ME (a liberal atheist) like the church needed some low level staff to set up tables and the like so someone came up with the idea of an internship.  Because there was mighty push back on the unpaid intern thing several years ago they decided to call it program, get some more $$ by charging 12K, and they get free labor.  Print out a diploma and these blowhards think they have accomplished something.  

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On 8/12/2018 at 9:34 AM, Vaysh said:

So Derick spends one year in a programme with no classes, seminars or exams and now they consider him qualified enough for pastoral work to proclaim him a licensed minister. Wow. Those Independent Southern Baptists don't exactly set a high bar, do they? A licensed minister around these parts needs a Master's degree in theology and religious studies and another year of training at a religious institute. Though of course those ministers are heathen Lutherans so they should obviously not be emulated in any way.

I just don't understand exactly what it is he's supposed to be qualified to do if all he's done this past year is following the Cross Church people around at meetings and having "Oxford style" discussions. Has he studied rhetoric to be a competent preacher? Theology in any depth? Psychology for when his flock needs guidance? Does he know how to handle trauma and grief? Does he know how to listen?

A distant in-law of mine is a retired vicar and she has told me that her job was just as much, if not more, about social work and counselling as it was about writing sermons and the whole hatchings, matchings and dispatchings bit. But I can't see Derick being useful in any kind of situation that requires more than meandering "preaching" against his personal pet peeves because he's not been trained to do anything else, and yet... there's that shiny minister's license in his hands. I can't believe Cross Church is considered legit; this genuinely looks like a scam to me.

He is qualified to set up banquet tables and chaperone a bunch of college students missioncationing and painting in other countries.  That is it.  He MAY be able to run a high school religious thing like Campus Life or Real Life.

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We pray you’ll be blessed as you hang out on our site and get to know us a little bit better!  Seriously... Really... Think much of yourself Deredick and Jilly Girl. I am probably more blessed by not hanging out on your site and not knowing you a little bit better. Less is better in the case of these two nitwits.

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1 hour ago, 3 is enough said:

If I recall correctly, Jim Bob and Michelle talked about following Dave Ramsey's program in the early years of the show, when they were all about "buy used and save the difference".  I don't think Derick can take credit for that one.

Good catch. But I still think she would not have been watching a Dave Ramsey video lesson, if it hadn't been Derick's idea. I also think he got behind and pushed her to complete that lay midwife coursework - which I think she'd started before she met him. For all their talk about Jill the midwife, she hadn't managed to complete the work and pass the organization's test until she was married. IIRC he was proudly posting about her doing her coursework and passing her exam. 

1 hour ago, lascuba said:

I hate saying anything positive about Jill, but I think she's always been an outgoing, friendly person and so didn't need Derick to encourage her to join study groups and make friends. She's always been the most sincerely enthusiastic in the THs, even as a child (she, Josh, and Josiah were the family/Gothard cheerleaders in a way that none of the other kids are), and I can easily see her introducing herself to women at a new church and happily joining groups. She's very much her parents' child, and those two have no problem having total strangers in their home for "fellowshipping."

I agree, and in that respect I think she's way ahead of Jessa, who seems very uncomfortable when she's the least bit outside her comfort zone. In Jessa's case, that seems to be mostly her own family, and now that she's been married awhile, probably a few friends she's made thanks to Ben. I think that after Jill married Derick, they began attending Derick's church, and her participation in women church groups was part of that. 

I know, we all thought Derick was going to be a great thing for Jill, and he's turned out to be more of a frog than a prince. But I still think that in the early months of their marriage he did either lead or push her into things like church groups and taking on studies, that were probably good for her.  I think that her life as a young adult in the TTH was pretty much at the beck and call of others. I wonder if her parents either consciously or not, made it difficult for her to complete the midwife studies she had started. I assume that her sister-mom buddies and "jurisdictions" took priority over her own studies, as did TLC filming, and whatever appearances Boob dragged the family to. Jill's midwife studies were I think at the bottom of the list and it may have ultimately been too hard and discouraging for her to finish. At least Derick paid attention to her.

While I was writing this, @Sew Sumi posted the insta pic of Derick off to his first day of law school. He's standing I assume outside their house (or apartment) with houses in the background so they are definitely living somewhere in town. Could this be the same place they lived in for the Cross Church school? 

Those shoes. Are enough to make me take back any positive thing I ever said about him. 

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13 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

So did Derrick wear a SUIT to class? And carried a briefcase?  Derrick honey, you are a STUDENT, not going to court!  Put the suit away and dress appropriately for class. Nobody will be impressed by your suit and brown elf shoes. 

It's orientation week. Apparently, Derelict thinks he needs to dress to impress.

eta @Jeeves, that's the front lawn of the Cross Church residence. I wonder who's paying the rent now that Derelict has graduated from their "program?"

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Poor guy. I have a brother who went to law school. Guess what? They had to write papers defending abortion, murder, LGBT rights...etc., guess what? When you first get out of law school you are most likely a public defender. This means you have to defend all of the sinners in the world. Everyone has a right to a fair trial D bag. Also, if he thinks he's going to March out of there making 6 figures as a prosecutor? Ha!

Edited by Annb67
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10 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

So did Derrick wear a SUIT to class? And carried a briefcase?  Derrick honey, you are a STUDENT, not going to court!  Put the suit away and dress appropriately for class. Nobody will be impressed by your suit and brown elf shoes. 

But he’s going to stand out to his professors as obviously being so much more dedicated and serious than his cohorts, duh! How else is he supposed to showcase his superiority at orientation? 



But for realz, it’s orientation dude. No one gets bonus points today. Law school is one of the places where “fake it until you make it” usually doesn’t work out. 

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 Called it that Dreck would distinguish himself as a weirdo....but a suit on the first day of law school...that exceeds expectations...bet he and Jilly discussed how to make the best impression...so they went with the cheap suit and fugly toe curling elf tipped shoes...

The other students will pull their laptops out of their backpacks and he will pull his BIG CHIEF Tablet and Bic pens to take notes

Edited by humbleopinion
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I don't think Derick is planning to go in criminal law..prosecution or defense. I still think he's going to work with JB's buddy, Travis Storey as an associate. This way, he can take only the holy, wealthy clients as Travis does and help them hide their wealth. Also, when one starts out in any area of law, you can't afford to pick and choose your cases. You do 'door law' as my former husband used to say....whatever walks through your office front door. Interesting to see if DDD actually sticks it out 3 years and graduates. Then he has to take the Arkansas bar exam before he can ever be a real lawyer and practice on his own license in any capacity. Given his 'professional track record', he's good for maybe one year at best before the Lord 'leads him in another direction'.

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I'm sure Derrick pictures himself standing in court eloquently and compellingly fighting for the right-wings' pet causes, sort of like the anti Atticus Finch. What I can't figure out is why spend $12,000 of your family's mystery money and a year of your life if that was where you were going all along. Plus, if you just got a "licence" saying that God him/herself thinks you are called to ministry, what are you doing in law school a week later?

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4 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I honestly don't think that he is doing this for the money.  IMHO, he sees himself on a crusade to cure America of all it's ills like abortion, LGBT rights, etc; and the way for him to do this is through the law.  When the poor, persecuted baker is sued for not baking a cake for a gay wedding, said baker needs a lawyer.  Derick probably fantasizes about taking on such a case and making sure the righteous prevail. 

Id love to see him in class. Seems very likely he’ll have LGBT persons in his class. And what little I know of law school (people who have, please feel free to correct me) you are sometimes asked to argue for things you are against. How’s he going to handle that? 

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I work as a paralegal in a large law firm that hires the top graduates mostly from the top tier schools. The life of an associate is not pretty: a lot of grunt work with lots of week endsand late nights hoping to make partner in 6-7 years. Then they have to buy into the firm similar to a mortgage. It’s a tough go and a life I wouldn’t wish on anyone. 

Derick could find a niche with his accounting degree combined with a law degree. 

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Exciting News!

Aug 13, 2018 | Family Blog | 9 

“Never mistake law for justice. Justice is an ideal and law is a tool.” 

-L.E. Modesitt Jr.


We are excited to announce our future plans! We will be remaining stateside for now as Derick is beginning law school at the University of Arkansas. We look forward to seeing how God will continue to direct our family in this new chapter of life!

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Wanna bet that his briefcase is stuffed with... wait for it.....legal pads? 

Sorry, couldn't resist. ?

Or maybe crackers?  (When I see a briefcase, I think of that Seinfeld where Kramer was pretending to work in an office and all he put in his briefcase were crackers :0  

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10 minutes ago, cdp73 said:

In this case, it seems the quote should read "Justice is an ideal and Derick is a tool."

Which will last longer:  Derick's run through law school or those damn brown shoes?

The shoes will last longer. Cockroaches with be wearing them and dining on Twinkies after the apocalypse.

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42 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

1. About that "Law is a tool" quote. It's from a science fiction and fantasy writer. Who has worked in politics, but hasn't been a lawyer. I think it's one of those high-flown clever statements that is almost meaningless when you get right down to it. But what do I know?  Edited to add: Okay, I'll admit it; I got my JD a long time ago, passed the bar (and am licensed) in two states, and practiced law for 30+ years. But, as I said, I ain't written no science fiction, so there's that.

2. "We will be remaining stateside for now." What's this "for now?" Is somebody holding a spot for them in Danger America or somewhere else that God has called them to? Because, God really wants Derick to attend an American law school, in America, for three years, before they leave the country for Jesus again?

What IS it with these people?

They have to pretend they have any intention to continue mission work. Saving face so the leghumpers don't catch on. I'm sick of their claim that their various whims have anything to do with god. It's always what Derick wants.

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11 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

They have to pretend they have any intention to continue mission work. Saving face so the leghumpers don't catch on. I'm sick of their claim that their various whims have anything to do with god. It's always what Derick wants.

Derick is just like is father-in-law in that regards. 

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20 hours ago, Trillium said:

I wonder if they’ll just never mention law school on social media because then they can avoid answering how they can afford it, especially since the whole family has been such dicks about student loans and debt in the past. Also if he flames out he can act like it never happened. 

 Bingo. They'll also avoid awkward questions about why he wasted $12,000 on a "residency" with Cross Church if he's abandoned his idea of being a minister to pursue being an attorney.

On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 1:46 PM, MunichNark said:

And what use is a "Christian" lawyer exactly? There's the law. It's there. It's unchangeable. There is no gainsaying it, either you're right or you're wrong.

If he ever passes the bar and hangs out his shingle, he can play the "Christian lawyer" card to drum up business. There are a lot of Fundies who won't deal with any professional or business owner (attorney, realtor, used car dealer) who doesn't share their beliefs. He just might be able to scratch out a living that way. Or instead of actually practicing law, he may be seeing law school as a path to becoming a right-wing lobbyist or politician, helping his fellow "Christians" to turn our country into the theocracy of their dreams. 

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27 minutes ago, Albanyguy said:

 Or instead of actually practicing law, he may be seeing law school as a path to becoming a right-wing lobbyist or politician, helping his fellow "Christians" to turn our country into the theocracy of their dreams. 

I have thought this since we first heard the rumors of Derick going to law school. Maybe he thinks he can get a job like the one Josh had with the FRC.

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5 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Jill’s exciting news (she didn’t say that!)





So, I guess they are staying in the same apartment.  Or, Jill really is dumber than we think (and I think she's pretty dumb).

ETA: I am 61 years old, just checked in the mirror, and I don't have even half as many forehead wrinkles as Jill, even when I lift my brows to the max.  Girl is going to look like a shar pei puppy by the time she's my age.

Edited by doodlebug
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Hey Jill here is some exciting news for you... 

Go to school for a trade. Get a job and support your kids.

Dereck will never work full time to support your family. Never.

I see her relying on the grandparents for $ or winding up on public assistance.

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2 hours ago, jmt111 said:

Derick could find a niche with his accounting degree combined with a law degree. 

Or just use his accounting degree to support his family. He could also pursue his CPA. But nah, he’s like Diane from Cheers.

Edited by SMama
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27 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


Um, Sammy is 1, IZZY is 3!!!  Are they saying they're in the old apt/duplex and have been there a year, making IZZY 2 when they moved in and didn't bother to put cabinet locks on for him?  If so, please someone smack them both for me.

Or did they move and it's radio silence on that into like married student housing or a cheap duplex near school and that's why they're now putting on the locks.  Hmmm.

Did Jana take the photo and Jill say, "Thanks Jana.  Ok, you can finish now while I drink some chocolate milk."

Edited by DragonFaerie
Because Jana
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