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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Even if there weren't a ton of other reasons for wanting this show off the air, getting their "homophobic asses off the television" is enough for me. I don't understand why TLC would provide a forum to such a bigoted brood in the first place. I guess the LGBT community is the last group of people you can disparage as sinful and still have a national TV show.


If this family were smart, they never would have expressed their views about abortion and homosexuality in public. They could have stayed quiet and we probably would have figured out where they stand anyway. But they chose to do so, and they've made enemies. And now they've given those enemies ammunition to use against them on the very issue where they have been so judgmental of others -- sexual mores.


So I think there are plenty of reasons to get this family off the airwaves, but even if there weren't, their homophobia is enough for me.


^^ this.

  • Love 2

I FULLY agree, however they are not prepared as they were not allowed to have any education. So what do they have to fall back on? Jill was kind of thinking of becoming a nurse but never did. Jana is like an assistant doula or something. Jessa...has no known skills besides being hot (at least that they've mentioned, although they did show her legitimately teaching first grade for J'ichelle and Jim Bob). Jinger, at least, has her photography.

Yes, you're right about that. But honestly I blame the show for some of that -- everybody got lulled into thinking that they didn't really need to prepare for the future; everybody was too busy filming to prepare for the many coming decades in which they wouldn't have TLC and People money funding them (and those decades were not going to be TOO far away, even if this mess had never happened or never come to light -- no show lasts forever). Plus, if the show stays on -- Do we really think that NOW they'll decide -- Uh-oh! We have to devote our family to getting educations, training and work experience so everybody can cope in the future? Not a chance, in my opinion -- IF the show stays on the air. .....


Given the way things have gone so far, I firmly believe that the only thing that'll shake them up and give them the needed push toward realistic planning for future decades is for the show to end, so that everybody sees the need for it. At this point, Boob surely has enough money to tide everybody over as they readjust. .... Later, after he's given (or lent, but for how long, Ben and Jessa?) six married kids houses, who knows? And one snippet of the show that I DID watch recently showed Josiah and one of the Howlers (don't remember which) only half joking that their dad could give them all houses, since "he's in real estate." And I think we all know that a $3.5 million net worth isn't going to provide 19 houses plus everything else they need -- such as retirement funding for JimBob and Michelle, etc. But if I were a teenager in their situation, I might just begin to expect that, too.


Yes, in some ways it will be painful when it ends. But going on and on with your delusions is never a good idea either.


More important than the money, though, to me, is the falsity you end up having to embrace as a tv family. And I especially think that's dangerous for people in Josh's situation and in the older girls' situation.

  • Love 4


I do get the rest of what you're saying, but I think this argument really needs closer examination. Nobody should really be counting on reality tv to be their futures and their incomes. And the longer a bunch of children, teens and 20-somethings imagine that this is their future -- with the freebie Macbooks and so on -- the harder it's going to be for them to adjust to the real world that they all WILL have to deal with eventually, seems to me.


Maybe this is the best time for this to happen for the older girls.  They've not gone too far into breeding that they can't stop.  They might see first hand what happens to a young couple with no education and a baby.  Just how hard it is to come up with money to pay the basics of life.  And maybe, just maybe (I know I'm completely unrealistic) they might think about how hard it was growing up and how they rarely had real food with fruits and veggies.  Maybe they see how nice it is to buy a shirt in a store just because they want it, or to take a trip to see a relative and not have to starve.


Josh is already sinking fast.  He's 27, with no education and four kids.  Maybe he'll wise up once he sees the writing on the wall. 


I would again say that they don't educate their kids for this reason.  You can't run when you have no options.  You can't head out on your own with no education.  They really are trapped in the lifestyle. 


Thank you for the reminder, Moderators.  Having been on other sites in the past, I realize that this thread would have been shut down for days already.  We do appreciate you and I will try to be kinder.

  • Love 8

But do you really see the Duggar girls working at those places after all of this?

I'm actually hoping they'll get the money they earned from the show and their book to make a new start with.  The older girls and the little ones are really what people tuned in to see not Blob and Mullet.  I don't know if that tight-fisted bastard would give the kids their earnings without a lawsuit though.

Edited by AmandaPanda
edited quote
  • Love 2

The entire premise of the show was that we followed the lives of 19 kids.  Taking Josh, and by extension Anna and the Ms out of the equation, somewhat defeats the purpose of the show.  

If they do go ahead, they will need a new name.  I'm going to throw in "1 molester who we don't talk about, 4 victims and 14 others".  For short it could just be "1+4+14" but maths isn't really a strong point for Boob and J'Chelle so maybe not. Any other suggestions?  


In all seriousness, I don't ever want to see Boob, J'Chelle or Josh on TV ever again.  I don't want to see them explaining their logic for not dealing with a serious crime.  I don't want to see Josh talking about how he repented.  I don't even want to see the girls talking about how they forgave him.  I want Boob and J'Chelle to step away from the cameras and do some serious soul-searching and consider how they can begin to make things right.  Starting with not allowing Josh to return to the TTH, insisting he get proper treatment and ensuring that the girls get whatever treatment or counselling they need, regardless of the cost.  

In short, I want a miracle.  

  • Love 20

But honestly I blame the show for some of that -- everybody got lulled into thinking that they didn't really need to prepare for the future; everybody was too busy filming to prepare for the many coming decades in which they wouldn't have TLC and People money funding them (and those decades were not going to be TOO far away, even if this mess had never happened or never come to light -- no show lasts forever).


I don't think things would have been very different even without the show.  Girls are not educated beyond "high school" (this in quotes as IMO  what they get isn't really even that) and they certainly aren't encouraged to pursue a career of any kind.  Maybe it's ok to have  a little job until Mr Right comes along but once he arrives their job is to stay home and start having babies.  What actually surprised me about these fundamentalists wasn't the approach with girls, let's face it that's to be expected, I was surprised that the boys don't seem to be encouraged to get any real education either.  These young men are expected to support huge families on what exactly?  I don't get it.

  • Love 11

I was in Little Rock media at the time of the Senate run and the now famous pic of them all dressed as extras from The Handmaid's Tale.  At the time the conventional wisdom about him was that he wasn't particularly smart or savvy and was a total one-issue candidate.  While he certainly babbled a fair bit about "faith and family," everything else out of his mouth was abortion, abortion, abortion.  He was also regarded as something of an oddity in political circles because he was already even then trying to make his claim to fame on having more kids than everyone else and was always dragging Josh all around the Statehouse where kids really didn't belong.  


Religion will get you a long way in Arkansas but this was before the rise of the Tea Party and all the full-bore pandering to the far-right Mike Huckabee element.  Jim Bob was simply too out there for most Arkansans.


This description of Boob is very close to the one I've been imagining all these years. Basically a one-note bumpkin-y douche who doesn't have Clue One about how big a doofus he really is. The kind of guy you duck behind a door or dart down the stairs to avoid when you see him coming...

  • Love 19

"Anyone would molest children if they had the opportunity and no consequences."

Really? No. Just ... no. I can't with these people. Those poor girls.


I happened to be reading all these posts,(trying anyway) and came across yours with the link and I clicked on it and I honestly thought I was reading some twisted, contrived Duggar hater making this stuff up. Then, I understood. It was quoted from the Michael Seeward blog. I absolutely cannot believe this. I will, for the benefit of those who haven't taken the time to click the link since there's so much on these boards to read, post a sampling of the article.


"According to Seewald, only consequences keep us from acting as Duggar did when he molested five children in their beds. Seewald said that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar “are to be commended” for their roles in covering up their son’s crimes, reporting them only to a law enforcement officer who is currently serving more than 50 years in prison for possession of photos of naked children."


“As it stands criminal charges were not brought against Josh but I believe that Josh’s parents acted in a way that godly parents should,” Seewald writes. After the Duggars discovered their son’s horrific actions, he was sent for treatment at a center run by a man who ultimately resigned after it was discovered that he was “sexually grooming” teens and young women."


"Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray that he would keep us and our children from falling."


Honest to God, if all these are true statements made by Michael Seeward, then he belongs in a nuthouse with the rest of the clan. I'm a little wary of stories that are coming out that may be erroneous and constructed specifically to inflame the court of public opinion. I will take these quotes with a grain of salt unless I actually can find them on his blog myself.

  • Love 2

I don't think things would have been very different even without the show.  Girls are not educated beyond "high school" (this in quotes as IMO  what they get isn't really even that) and they certainly aren't encouraged to pursue a career of any kind.  Maybe it's ok to have  a little job until Mr Right comes along but once he arrives their job is to stay home and start having babies.  What actually surprised me about these fundamentalists wasn't the approach with girls, let's face it that's to be expected, I was surprised that the boys don't seem to be encouraged to get any real education either.  These young men are expected to support huge families on what exactly?  I don't get it.

I agree. As I said, I only blame the show for some of that! Mostly it's Gothard and the Duggar parents.


But I kind of think that, without the show, there's a better chance -- not necessarily a big chance but at least a small one -- that some of the kids would begin to see the light somewhat earlier. If you had 19 kids, all living without the show income and perks, without the distractions of the show, without the enhanced need to be the perfect unified family for the sake of the show and the apparent proof that you ARE a perfect family because you're on the show, I think there would be a better chance that some teenagers and young-20-somethings would notice the practical difficulties of that life and leave or take some steps to put themselves in a better position for their futures.


Not that it would be easy -- but people do make their own decisions and come to their own conclusions and try to get schooling and external jobs and so on, even in these ginormous cult families sometimes. But it hasn't happened here even once, despite there being --what, eight? --kids age 18 and over by now.. And my guess is that the show may be a factor in why it hasn't happened even once so far.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1

Since there won't be any legal repercussions for Josh, and his career in politics is done (Some things you can come back from, but alleged incest isn't one of them), he needs to take some time to seriously reassess his life and decide what HE wants to do.  He needs to go to college (online) and find a career that will support him and his growing family.  Yes, it will be tough, but life is tough for most of us.  He's had an easy life because his parents decided to have a billion kids, but reality has come calling.  (And I don't mean in the TLC way)  


Find a job, Josh, keep your head down, and realize that your life of fame has ended.  Shut down your FB, IG, and Twitter accounts, or set them all to private so only friends and family can see them, and stop pretending that you are the "conscience" of the nation.  You're not, you never have been, and you've been exposed as a hypocrite.  You're only 27, and you've got a family depending on you.  It's time to man up and take care of THEM, not your dreams of politics. 


ETA: I'm glad CPS is launching an investigation.  I hope they don't find any more abuse, but, hopefully, they'll see that's there been some serious educational neglect going on, and the little kids can actually get an education.  It would appear they are going to need it.

Edited by irisheyes
  • Love 21

There are a few really horrible things to understand about sexual abuse.  It is common that allegations of abuse are not handled properly.  When that is the case and the victims do not get proper support, persons subject to abuse are more likely to be re-abused, either by the same person or by others,  Persons who were molested as children are also more likely to be raped.  In no way should this be viewed as the fault of the victims.  The best research I have seen on this is a thought that predators zone in on people who are more protective of themselves; i.e., less quick to smile, pull back from physical contact, etc.  The other horrible thing is that girls who are abused, if the abuse is known, are often sluts or otherwise accused of having "asked for it".  While we absolutely know this is wrong, once so labelled, girls are more likely to be treated poorly, be subjected to abuse and harassment and to be considered less valuable as people.  


Your story is horrifying but unfortunately not unheard of.  I hope you can find a better balance in your world.  As people are more willing to talk about these things, more support is available even if the courts and services have not caught up.  We can confidently say it was not your fault, there are some really sick people out there, and you deserved none of this. 

It took me a very long time to realize it wasn't my fault. Like, it didn't click for me until a couple of years ago. My therapist told me that it's not uncommon to be a victim of multiple abusers too, and he said that I really was the perfect target. I am short, petite, don't weigh very much, and as much as I can hold my own in arguments, I'm really a people pleaser with a lot of anxiety and a loner on top of it. Abusers can suss that kind of information out of you. Hell, I've been on cruises with my wife and had guys that would try to get me drunk so they could take advantage of me, even though they knew I was a lesbian, married, and completely uninterested. They've done it with my wife five feet away. And that's what was so fucked up about my first occurrence of abuse- it was by two females, at a time where I was having a hard time coming to terms with my sexuality as it was. I started thinking, is this how all lesbians act? Am I going to be a predator? Should I limit my contact with my younger cousins in case some freakish urge comes over me? This abuse made it a million times harder to come out, because some of the people who knew about the abuse assumed that I'm only a lesbian because I was abused by females, or because I hate men because I was abused by them. It's a really messed up situation to be put in.

  • Love 11

Is that really what they were doing? Or was it a weird documentary that happened every year and then got to be a TV show because the America liked to watch them? I don't really recall feeling like I was being told my life was wrong watching their show, but that is just me.


I don't think this is the liberal media vs. All-American Christian values in any shape or fashion. What I do know is that some very liberal people I know (and I consider myself very liberal and don't identify as Christian, btw) are "gleeful" as they put it about this whole situation. I am concerned about the victims and them suddenly being out of a future and an income and being humiliated....the people I know don't really care because they are "bigots."

I think that people need to evaluate their own personal reasons for being intrigued by the Duggar family. I know that personally, I had to record it and watch when my husband wasn't around. "why are you watching this horrible stuff, change the channel." So, I recorded it and watched it later. But why did I watch? I wondered about that really. I know that it was unusual, so many children in a world that's already overcrowded. I know that I thought Michelle must be under some kind of spell. I knew I watched because I was trying to find something genuine, it all seemed so fake. I truly felt embarrassed to admit that I watched '19 Kids and Counting" so I never told anyone, it was my own secret obsession. I know for sure that I didn't watch because I liked them, I watched for some little sign that they were actually genuine and believed that what they were doing was better than any of us could do. Yes, in a lot of ways I did feel that watching was wrong, that I was being duped by the Duggars, but still I watched out of curiosity. I know that it's not wrong to hug someone or kiss a boyfriend on the lips. I know that it's not wrong to have sexual thoughts or even want to have sex just for the fun of it, not to procreate over and over. I knew it's not mentally healthy to have an addiction to having babies then passing them off for another child to raise. I possibly looked for some sign that there was some normalcy within that family, I mean genuine normalcy.

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Haven't had the time to sift through all the posts and coverage of this disturbing story, so I apologize if this has been said before.  The reason the Duggars and their fellow fundies don't see the hypocrisy of their handling of this disturbing revelation is that in their eyes, Josh committed a sin, to which he confessed and asked for forgiveness.  If he "went forth and sinned no more," the issue is resolved in fundie land.  They continue to speak out against the glbt community because, again, in their eyes, these people are living in sin, but are not admitting it and asking for forgiveness, so they are out of g_d's grace and will be in hell for all eternity.  It's the same with devout families who cut off their gay child - they consider them to be living a life of sin which condemns them to hell.  Because of this, they believe they will not see their loved one in whatever they perceive as the next life.


Oh my God. I don't know if this is good or horrible news. All this will become a matter of public record and the names may be revealed. Now I'm feeling sick to my stomach. The show should be cancelled. That enough already


*.TLC has since announced the cancellation of the family’s long running reality show 19 Kids and Counting.

Edited by HumblePi
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Sadly,this is a fake news site.  If the Arkansas Division of Child and Family Services did investigate, it would likely not be in the news, unless someone leaked the info. 

  • Love 5

CPS investigations are a little different than police investigations. From what I understand, you can't request a CPS report the way you can a police report. Unless it goes on to court, the records will probably never be released. And if they do get released, they will hopefully be a lot more redacted than the police report was.

  • Love 4

I think that people need to evaluate their own personal reasons for being intrigued by the Duggar family. I know that personally, I had to record it and watch when my husband wasn't around. "why are you watching this horrible stuff, change the channel." So, I recorded it and watched it later. But why did I watch? I wondered about that really. I know that it was unusual, so many children in a world that's already overcrowded. I know that I thought Michelle must be under some kind of spell. I knew I watched because I was trying to find something genuine, it all seemed so fake. I truly felt embarrassed to admit that I watched '19 Kids and Counting" so I never told anyone, it was my own secret obsession. I know for sure that I didn't watch because I liked them, I watched for some little sign that they were actually genuine and believed that what they were doing was better than any of us could do. Yes, in a lot of ways I did feel that watching was wrong, that I was being duped by the Duggars, but still I watched out of curiosity. I know that it's not wrong to hug someone or kiss a boyfriend on the lips. I know that it's not wrong to have sexual thoughts or even want to have sex just for the fun of it, not to procreate over and over. I knew it's not mentally healthy to have an addiction to having babies then passing them off for another child to raise. I possibly looked for some sign that there was some normalcy within that family, I mean genuine normalcy.


Admittedly, I was fascinated but not shocked. My maternal grandparents back in Brooklyn had 21 children (irish catholic..no tv etc lol) So for me...I was intrigued to see how a family in this day and age would handle it.  Times are very different...times were very different back then..and it was not unheard of. My dear sweet mom is now 85 with Alzheimers.....she cannot remember what she had for lunch but her stories of growing up are amazing....


Maybe it was not right back then either..but I do think that back in the "old days"..it was just different.


Now? I have 121 FIRST cousins and have 175 cousins up to third cousins lol....


On my fathers side...he was one of 15...most of whom are still in Ireland....55 cousins there and 112 in total...needless to say...I am family'ed up! lol

Edited by autumnh
  • Love 6

Looks like Josh is back in DC -- there was a shot of him on Extra on NBC carrying Michael through National Airport. Didn't say anything besides "no comment" (I don't think -- I didn't hear anything), though he was smirking/didn't look particularly upset or nervous or anything.

That was from last Wednesday (pictures were all over the internet), after the first article with allegations, but before they got hold of the actual report and posted it the next day. At that time, I guess Josh still may have thought he could skate. 

  • Love 3

That site has a report that the "Hero Mom" from Maryland that smacked her kid on TV is being investigated too, but in Maryland.  But the protection people have the same last name Lancaster. 


Both sites are seriously bogus.

This is what happens, vultures sweep in to sensationalize and inflame people. It's a disgusting way to do business and I'll send a complaint to the FCC about that website.

  • Love 2

I'm probably the only person in North America who doesn't have a facebook account, so I can't see the message. May I ask you to paraphrase what it says, please - if that is allowed here, that is.


Hello!  I'm the other person in North America who's never had - and never will have - a Facebook account. I guess we're a club now. Let's get jackets made! :>)

  • Love 7

Thank you to the Mods for keeping this thread open despite what must be a very difficult balancing act.    For one thing, it has allowed people to post their own stories.


To those who posted their own stories with abuse -- thank you for being brave enough to share.   If you are having a hard time right now, please seek help.   Call your local crisis line.   Someone will believe you.   WE BELIEVE YOU.   


This is why I wish the adults had their own attorneys/advisers.   We don't know what they need right now.   Do they want to speak publicly?   Do they want to go hide?  Do some want to talk and others want to hide?  What?   But unless they have someone who is looking out for each of their interests and each of their interests only, they will not get even an attempt at what they want.   As long as Daddy is in charge of the PR crisis management and the lawyers, we will get what Daddy wants.   Which is the same thing that happened all those years ago.   Everything covered up so Mommy and Daddy can get their tv show and be famous.   I am quite sure no one asked all those 19 kids if they wanted to be tv or not.   And no one is asking even those over 18 what they want now.

  • Love 12

I will be shocked if the girls don't come out with some group interview absolving their brother. Shocked.

Because if they don't, the gravy train jumps the tracks for good and JB isn't going to let that happen.

Besides, the family has been putting on an act for years, why would they believe it wouldn't work now?

The only way this might not happen is if there's something more lurking out there and inviting more scrutiny would be too dangerous.

I haven't caufht up reading yet but had to comment that at least on the Today show, they are not naming his sisters as the victims. They are just saying "underage girls". We saw the police report with JB & M listed as parents so we know. But with the police record being destroyed, do the Duggars feel we don't know it was his sisters & will never admit that?


Hello!  I'm the other person in North America who's never had - and never will have - a Facebook account. I guess we're a club now. Let's get jackets made! :>)


I'm confused.  How do you make passive aggressive swipes at your siblings without Facebook?  I don't know how my sister and I would communicate unless we were making fun of each other via our Facebook status.


Congrats on being free from updating the world with every trivial thought you have.

  • Love 22

Sadly,this is a fake news site. If the Arkansas Division of Child and Family Services did investigate, it would likely not be in the news, unless someone leaked the info.

The real Wahington Post is washingtonpost.com. Washingtonpost.com.co is a fake. (.com.co is usually a tip-off.)

Nationalreport.net is a spoof site.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 4

Is that really what they were doing? Or was it a weird documentary that happened every year and then got to be a TV show because the America liked to watch them? I don't really recall feeling like I was being told my life was wrong watching their show, but that is just me.


Very true. The specials gave a little nuggets of insight into the family. I remember being shocked when I realized it was going to be a weekly series, because insight is gone and now you are just a performer. On the TWOP forum, people were all besides themselves trying to contact producers and "suggest" scenarios. What started as a brood in a house with one bathroom soon became a mega mansion tribe of international jetsetters with Macbooks and cameras up the wahoo of every laboring mom. 


Their modesty didn't bother me, but the Little House on the Prairie and Ken doll styling bugged me to no end. Big families are great, but intentionally pumping them out beyond your financial, mental and emotional capability is stupid. Purposely under-educating your kids in this society? More for me and mine I guess. 

  • Love 2

There was a post with a link I was interested in, but I've lost it (my computer has been acting SO ridiculous tonight!  I even switched and I'm STILL getting weirdness!) 


There was mention of a girl (now a woman) who'd been raised Duggaresque, and has now broken free.  And a link to her.  I clicked the link, but got a message that the link wasn't available.  (boo!)  The poster said she could help us wrap our heads around the principles of this religious belief system (my words, not the poster's).  Originally when I began on this forum - that's what I came for.  To understand it better.  All I got before we froze up was that her name was Cynthia something (the post-fundie or Gothardite), and I don't even know how far back I was!!!  If anyone remembers (or perhaps posted) please help me out.

There was a post with a link I was interested in, but I've lost it (my computer has been acting SO ridiculous tonight!  I even switched and I'm STILL getting weirdness!) 


There was mention of a girl (now a woman) who'd been raised Duggaresque, and has now broken free.  And a link to her.  I clicked the link, but got a message that the link wasn't available.  (boo!)  The poster said she could help us wrap our heads around the principles of this religious belief system (my words, not the poster's).  Originally when I began on this forum - that's what I came for.  To understand it better.  All I got before we froze up was that her name was Cynthia something (the post-fundie or Gothardite), and I don't even know how far back I was!!!  If anyone remembers (or perhaps posted) please help me out.

I think you might be referring to Cynthia Jeub.

  • Love 2

I happened to be reading all these posts,(trying anyway) and came across yours with the link and I clicked on it and I honestly thought I was reading some twisted, contrived Duggar hater making this stuff up. Then, I understood. It was quoted from the Michael Seeward blog. I absolutely cannot believe this. I will, for the benefit of those who haven't taken the time to click the link since there's so much on these boards to read, post a sampling of the article.


"According to Seewald, only consequences keep us from acting as Duggar did when he molested five children in their beds. Seewald said that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar “are to be commended” for their roles in covering up their son’s crimes, reporting them only to a law enforcement officer who is currently serving more than 50 years in prison for possession of photos of naked children."


“As it stands criminal charges were not brought against Josh but I believe that Josh’s parents acted in a way that godly parents should,” Seewald writes. After the Duggars discovered their son’s horrific actions, he was sent for treatment at a center run by a man who ultimately resigned after it was discovered that he was “sexually grooming” teens and young women."


"Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray that he would keep us and our children from falling."


Honest to God, if all these are true statements made by Michael Seeward, then he belongs in a nuthouse with the rest of the clan. I'm a little wary of stories that are coming out that may be erroneous and constructed specifically to inflame the court of public opinion. I will take these quotes with a grain of salt unless I actually can find them on his blog myself.

The direct quotes are indeed from Michael Seewald's blog post. It's been posted here several times, but can be found at Seewalds.com. The non-quoted information (including stuff you bolded) is from the author of the article, firstly in reference to Gothard, which is acutally only half true. The builder friend was a Gothardite, but Josh was only involved in building an ATI training center in Little Rock; he wasn't in a program run by Gothard. So yeah, that article embellished the facts just a wee bit. 

  • Love 1

Can someone explain the Oprah thing to me? So, she did interview them, filmed the show, but cancelled it?

I sincerely hope CPS, despite the fake story, is investigating this. How can they not?


She was going to interview them, someone anonymously notified her of the abuse, and she reported the allegation, then canceled the special.

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