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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm lost, yet again.

I don't think it's appropriate to give a tract instead of a tip at a restaurant.

I'm not sure Ben suggested leaving a tract in lieu of a tip at a restaurant. I didn't hear him say that.

However, if you leave a tract or simply witness to the waitress or somehow make known you are a Christian and make a point of talking about the Lord -- you had better leave a big ole tip! And I mean BIG. Many Christians have bad reputations as cheapskates and nothing leaves a bad witness like cheap, loud and messy Christians. Hate 'em (eta: hate their behavior, dislike the person;) )

As a Christian, I'm embarassed to be associated with Christians who do this. They'd be better off not leaving tracts and keeping their big mouths shut.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 11

Im not sure why anyone is shocked with Jessa's FB post. Biblical truth is generally not well received and Jesus, Himself, was revolutionary and controversial. Jesus declares that the world will hate Christians (and Biblical truth) on account of Christ.

I don't disagree with Jessa here. I love y'all and disagree with some of the posts on here, but I cosign 100% with what she posted. No shame here. My beliefs are not strictly Calvinistic, I'm a bit of a hybrid --Calvminian, lol.

  • Love 4

Im not sure why anyone is shocked with Jessa's FB post. Biblical truth is generally not well received and Jesus, Himself, was revolutionary and controversial. Jesus declares that the world will hate Christians (and Biblical truth) on account of Christ.


Unfortunately I think people like the Duggars use this text to dismiss any criticism out of hand.  There's  a difference between those who criticize or mock them simply because they are Christian, and others who criticize them because they are bigoted, self-righteous, or arrogant.  Jessa's post is disturbing because it displays just this kind of resistance to self-examination.

Edited by Gianthambeast
  • Love 10

Unfortunately I think people like the Duggars use this text to dismiss any criticism out of hand. There's a difference between those who criticize or mock them simply because they are Christian, and others who criticize them because they are bigoted, self-righteous, or arrogant. Jessa's post is disturbing for just this kind of resistance to self-examination.

I can see where you're coming from. Don't you think we're all guilty of being resistant to self examination? I know I am. And it's only when I am yielding myself to the work of the HS that I am able to see, acknowledge and repent of my weakness and sin. It's called sanctification. And the more we grow as Christians, the more we are aware of the areas where we fall short. I'd wager this is something that Jessa is newly passionate about and although she may have called herself a Christian over a long period of time, she has been cutting her teeth on the Gothard form of "Christianity" for a long time and I think she has opened herself up to a more authentic form of Christianity only recently, so I consider her "young in the faith" and zealous bc of it. As a young believer myself many years ago, I was somewhat obnoxious about it and had no idea how I came across.

Also, Jessa's personality is also blunt and she's not very careful or real concerned about what others make of her. She lacks grace. And by grace, I don't mean only finesse but also the grace of God, which sees the heart of each person and gives us what we don't deserve. She will grow in this as she matures in her faith.

  • Love 1

If Bin and JessaBlessa want to be the next Tammy Faye and Jim Baker they really  need to step up their hair game. Jessa needs MUCH bigger hair ala Erin Bates, lots more makeup and some fake nails. Bin just needs to helmethead his hair with Boob's hairspray.

Can you be a Televangelist or Megachurch wife without being able to sing and/or play the piano? Get it gear, Jessa.

  • Love 2

Arrogant is the first word that comes to mind when I see this kind of proselytizing from others along with Jessa and Ben.  I know some churches teach it, but most of the world finds it rude and obnoxious and because of that it's usually counter-productive.  Also, the majority of the Christians in the world are not fundamentalists and don't agree with them on many points.  So that kind of makes them doubly arrogant and obnoxious.

  • Love 13



I say divorced in 5 years, 3 if there's a kid. She doesn't believe any of this crap. it reads like Bin wrote it.


I'm not the least bit surprised and even if she didn't write it, it has her blessing.  It's in line with the other garbage that has come directly out of her mouth.

I can see where you're coming from. Don't you think we're all guilty of being resistant to self examination? I know I am. And it's only when I am yielding myself to the work of the HS that I am able to see, acknowledge and repent of my weakness and sin. It's called sanctification. And the more we grow as Christians, the more we are aware of the areas where we fall short.

Oh absolutely.  We are all guilty of doing that at times-- I mean not wanting to look at our own faults first before pointing an accusing finger at others.  I think your attitude toward self-examination is admirable.  Jessa's post does not display a similar level of introspection. 

  • Love 1

Jessa says because what is laid on your heart will match what the Bible instructs.

Which bible? Have they studied all of them? And are they aware that their are other religions and "gods?" Until they hair studied them all in depth, how can they be sure that theirs is the "right" one? Ignorance and judgment makes me sick.

So what's even the point? 


I thought Jesus had offered me salvation, but Jessa seems to be sending us all to hell, herself included.

I don't believe in heaven or hell, but I know I wouldn't want to spend eternity with these assholes.

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 17

I don't believe in heaven or hell, but I know I wouldn't want to spend eternity with these assholes.

:applauds wildly:


One can only imagine how long forever might be when one is dealing with the self-righteous Duggars and their "too Heavenly-minded to be any earthly good" pals. Imagine the Aqua Net fumes. If that wasn't enough, no meds for J-Chelle, either!

  • Love 4

I am not Christian so I can't speak to whether Jessa is right or wrong re her postings, but I'm wondering - why are she/Ben/Pa Seewald writing and posting these things? I have religious friends who do post Bible quotes/uplifting religious quotes on Twitter and I think that's totally fine. But this kind of in-depth "teaching" seems over the top for social media. Are they trying to get noticed by someone for this? Do she and Ben think they'll be the next Joel and Victoria Osteen? After all, Osteen has an empire and he also did not go to college or any kind of seminary. Or are thinking some seminary (like the one Chad's bro went to or wherever Derick is getting an M. Div) will notice how Godly Ben is and accept him? Or are they trying to get their own show on something like UPTV? I mean their followers already agree with everything they say, so it isn't being posted for their benefits. And the ones that snark on them aren't about to convert or change their religious views bc Jessa said so -- I mean what education and training does she even have in faith -- she can't even say that she was taught by the minister of a major church; she was taught whatever her parents believe, and who knows if that's accurate or not.

  • Love 3

Which bible? Have they studied all of them? And are they aware that their are other religions and "gods?" Until they hair studied them all in depth, how can they be sure that theirs is the "right" one? Ignorance and judgment makes me sick.

They most certainly use the King James Version. I don't know what else they've studied, but I don't doubt they're aware other religions exist. Probably not everyone who identifies as a certain religion is 100% sure. However, there are a ton of people who do have their soul dedicated to their religion. I don't think it makes someone a terrible or ignorant person to believe very strongly.

I have Methodists, Baptists, Fundamental Baptists, Muslims, and an atheist in my family. I don't feel stupid or an ass because I believe in Jesus and always have. I also don't call my other family members stupid, and we do talk a lot. I've studied other religions, but no I haven't had an in-depth study of every translation of every religious text and tenet in existence. I don't think that makes me dumb in my beliefs.

Edited by Betweenyouandme

I can see Jessa wanting more fame and aiming for a tv ministry since being in the horse and pony show is all she knows. She is also wise enough to know how much money they can gain to have if it happens. Did Bin relay his desire to minister to Boob? I thought it was a pre-req in order to get near a Duggar girl to have a heart for ministry.

I can see Jessa wanting more fame and aiming for a tv ministry since being in the horse and pony show is all she knows. She is also wise enough to know how much money they can gain to have if it happens. Did Bin relay his desire to minister to Boob? I thought it was a pre-req in order to get near a Duggar girl to have a heart for ministry.

I agree. Television ministry is a million+ dollar industry. The minor leaguers may only have regional radio shows, but they can live and pay their bills off of that. And then there are the ones like the Osteens -- national syndication, preaching in the Compaq center, book deals, and I believe they live in a $10 million home in Texas. Jessa may have an eye on that prize -- after all they are a young attractive couple so they have the look for TV and she has media saavy from her years of being on TV, being around production, the Today Show and now magazines; all they have to do is show that they have the goods as far as faith is concerned. And I believe that's what she's doing right now on social media -- many a career has been launched on social media in the last 5 yrs, so why not a TV ministry career?

  • Love 4

If we're picking and choosing which parts of the Old Testament to follow then please see http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/03/25/850561/-An-Open-Letter-to-Dr-Laura-Schlesinger# (someone fix that for me please?  I don't know how to do it)

Brilliant!  Thanks for sharing that.  I had seen portions of it before, but never the whole thing.  I'm with those who wonder just why so much emphasis on preaching from Jessa and Ben.  I hope it's just youthful hubris and that they grow out of it.  I truly do.

I'm with those who wonder just why so much emphasis on preaching from Jessa and Ben.  I hope it's just youthful hubris and that they grow out of it.  I truly do.

I do think what we're seeing from Jessa and Ben is unbridled zealousness and I think they are taking their cues from Ben's father, Michael, who I find to be rather obnoxious himself. I think they will simmer down, but with social media it's hard to say bc they are getting bolstered by fans of the show which may prolong it.

The content of Jessa's recent post doesn't sound like her. The language, the way it's written. I think she copied/pasted someone else's sermon notes and posted it and perhaps added to it.

  • Love 2

From the tone of Jessa's post, if they are wanting to start some type of on-line or TV ministry, don't they know that the vengeful, punishing God that they depict here will not draw many new followers? Most of the successful televangelists promote a more forgiving, loving God, one that gives us hope, not certain damnation for all eternity for the smallest of sins? I, for one, would NOT want to follow that depiction of the Almighty, as there is really no hope for anyone for no one is perfect.

Striving for perfection still has us fall short of it.

  • Love 2

I would be really surprised if their aim is to start an online/television ministry. I could be wrong, I often am, but I see this more as 2 kids who are passionate and zealous about their faith and are wanting to catapult themselves from being teenagers to full-on adulthood and therefore separating themselves from others expectations. They, like many in their 20's, come across as know-it-alls (been there, done that) with something they've just learned to teach everyone else with a spirit of authority, and perhaps pride. I think it's just growing pains and they'll ease up.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 5

I think this young couple is trying to start their own ministry. 

That's the impression I get, too. I felt like I was watching an infomercial during that testimony video. Ben's preaching style is entirely too black and white, IMO, and I personally hate any preaching style that emphasizes 'hell, hell, and more hell'. I went to a church like that as a child and it forever changed how I looked at organized religion.

  • Love 3

I think this young couple is trying to start their own ministry.  They might think that they know everything, have an in with God, but I think they're really focusing on the dollar signs that come with having a successful ministry that is distributed via TV and social media.

Oh no, another Tammy Faye & Jim Bakker.

  • Love 2

The angry, punishing God is a strong theme in the very far-right Tea Party fringe. I think it's a projection from people who strongly distrust a government and country they feel is no longer white and Christian enough. I'm not surprised to hear this from the Duggars or the Seewalds. There's a small but passionate audience for the vindictive God message.

  • Love 6

I used to enjoy Jessa's snark and attitude. I've now officially changed my mind and find her completely insufferable. And, if free speech allows Jessa to post her ridiculous rants (which I fully believe it does), then it also allows me to say that I think what she believes is crap. And if this is where it ended, I wouldn't care. However, these peoples' agenda is to infiltrate the government to the point that they can legislate their beliefs onto the rest of us, and that it my biggest problem of all.


I may think your beliefs are stupid, but I fully believe it's your right to have them. Too bad the Duggars don't give others the same courtesy. 

  • Love 14

Jessa and Ben are seriously out of touch with what it takes to be a successful televangelist today if that's what they're thinking about. In the first place, Ben has no public speaking skills. He's awkward and bumpkinish. Look at Osteen -slick and polished. Second, Jessa and Ben have no credentials in theology. Attendance at Boob's church doesn't count. Osteen has no divinity degree either, but he did attend Oral Roberts U where he (surprise) took broadcasting courses. Third, the message isn't what people want to hear. Osteen is successful because he tells people God wants them to be happy. It's feel good Christianity that packs his mega church and allows him and the missus to live in luxury. There's a very limited audience for the hell, fire, and brimstone stuff. Who watches tv to be told they're going to hell? If Benessa did ever land a tv preaching gig, they would quickly develop a cult following of people who tuned in simply to have a good laugh. Not going to happen. Ben better continue honing his toilet scrubbing skills, because for the foreseeble future, that's where his destiny lies.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 13

Well, they're young and stupid, but think they have it all figured out.


Jessa's seen her father get big bucks by landing a show on TLC.  She might not want a competing show, especially since so many people are expressing an interest in Jill and family having a spinoff.


Not to mention that Jessa seems to view her father and mother as dofus.  But since hawking her religion is all she's known in the money making department, I can see steering her toddler husband to other avenues.

  • Love 3

There is no way Jessa wrote all that on her own, she probably lifted it off of someone else's blog or website. Although I don't disagree with much of what she says, I'm wondering what her and Ben are angling for with all these religious posts.

A commenter on the thread said she plagiarized much of her post from the Teen Study Bible. FWIW. 


They've plagiarized before without giving credit to sources. A decent homeschool education would have taught them how to cite material; even Pa Seewald does it. I'm glad that other Christians are chiming in and giving her grief about her assumption of an "angry, vengeful God." And yes, that's all it is because there is no proof of God's real intentions. 


In the end, though, she just got a People cover. The spotlight  is now on her, and voila! This post appears out of the blue. Nice publicity stunt there, Blessa.

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

As someone who agrees with the crux of Jessa's post, it's not something I would necessarily post on FB bc it can be construed as damning and there's so much room for being misunderstood. What she posted is biblical, and without getting carried away with the theology behind it, since it's considered off topic on this thread, I will say one thing that was missing and that is GRACE. Yes, God is holy and he does not tolerate sin. And he does not change; OT & NT God are the same. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law, perfect and without sin. The bible says the wages of sin is death. Jesus came as a bridge from death to life. God laid on Jesus the punishment of us all. He took my place, your place, our place on the cross for the forgiveness of sin. It can't be earned, I can never be good enough or do enough good works to earn God's favor and forgiveness. It is a gift. He gives us what we don't deserve = GRACE.

  • Love 6

I also wonder if some of her post wasn't directed at her parents. We already know that Seewald Sr. isn't afraid to call Jim Bob out, and Jessa may be signaling, I thought I was a Christian under your watch, but not until Ben did I really understand. In her world, that's a big slam to her father's authority and leadership. But I've always predicted she would go full Fundy.

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I just laugh that they are so ignorant that they think the rest of the public aside from leghumpers want to hear what two uneducated sheltered brats think about the world and Jeebus. I mean really, get a job, or an education,  in the real world and talk to me in 5 years then maybe I will respect what you have to say 

  • Love 11

I certainly give little to no credence to someone who was raised in a cult or her husband, who was raised on the fringes of one (Vision Forum), before its demise. 


Frankly, if anything it makes their screeds more understandable; they don't know any better because they have no idea about questioning or critical thinking. They write from the ignorance that comes from blind belief. 

  • Love 7

Oh no, another Tammy Faye & Jim Bakker.

I wish Jessa would be another Tammy Faye. She had over the top theatrics and of course that MAKEUP, but at least in her later years, she was extremely tolerant and showed so much grace to 'sinners.' She was especially kind to people with substance abuse and gay/transgender. Tammy Faye really loved people and wanted them to know Christ, but was not condeming or damning. Jessa, all of us really, could learn from Tammy Faye how to hold our own beliefs and practices, while having enough grace to see others struggles and also that everyone doesn't have to live just like we do.

  • Love 13

I wish Jessa would be another Tammy Faye. She had over the top theatrics and of course that MAKEUP, but at least in her later years, she was extremely tolerant and showed so much grace to 'sinners.' She was especially kind to people with substance abuse and gay/transgender. Tammy Faye really loved people and wanted them to know Christ, but was not condemning or damning. Jessa, all of us really, could learn from Tammy Faye how to hold our own beliefs and practices, while having enough grace to see others struggles and also that everyone doesn't have to live just like we do.

That's what's missing from all of the Duggar's preaching, They have blinders on and I fear that Jessa and Ben are more fundie than we ever thought.

FYI- It's transgender not transgendered because the word without the ed denotes an adjective and with the ed its a verb i.e. transgender male.

  • Love 3

Jessa's post reads like one of those annoying Facebook posts about cancer, child abuse, military, insert cause here, that are nothing more than self righteous look at how much better I am than you posts. All that's missing is the instruction to repost it because 99% of friends won't. Are we sure it's not one of them? 

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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