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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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2 hours ago, jcbrown said:

I laughed out loud. Ben looks like Snidely Whiplash.

No idea who Snidely Whiplash is, but im picturing some like neer-do-well bank owner from 1936. 

(please dont correct me im happy with this image.)

This is a terrible look for Ben, partly transitioned glasses and all. 

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6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Ben's beard goes bye bye.

Even though he’s young enough to be my grandson, I think he looks damn good in that pic! ❤️🔥

ETA:  Neither Jessa nor Ben wrote that.  Pastor Studly did it.

Edited by farmgal4
Added something
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3 hours ago, allonsyalice said:

No idea who Snidely Whiplash is, but im picturing some like neer-do-well bank owner from 1936. 

(please dont correct me im happy with this image.)

This is a terrible look for Ben, partly transitioned glasses and all. 

Apparently I’m the only one who thinks he looks handsome. 😔

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2 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Apparently I’m the only one who thinks he looks handsome. 😔

Nope...I have a well-documented (here, anyway) soft spot for Ben because I tend to think he looks pretty adorable with or without facial hair. 

This photo reminds me a little, though, of one my son posted a couple of years back when he was shaving off his beard prior to Marine OTS. He also left the moustache until last, and took a photo of himself with a rather frightening leer on his face LOL.  At least Ben is playing it straight. I don't love the moustache, but I do think he pulls it off about as well as anyone could.

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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

so sad that ya'll dont get the snidely whiplash reference!! just shows how old i really am, i guess.

Aww I got it! Actually, this inspired me to rewatch the movie, mainly because it reminded me of how big of a crush I had on 90s Brendan Fraser as a kid. 😉

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13 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Apparently I’m the only one who thinks he looks handsome. 😔

No. He does look good there.

To me he also just looks like an eternal child, though, so I can't push my impression all the way up to "handsome' or "attractive" or anything. I look at Bin and always see kind of a dim-but-rather-warm 10-year-old in a man-style body. I suppose he's more mature than that. But my thoughts of "you poor dumb kid" overwhelm all other impressions. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Snidely Whiplash was the baddie on the Dudley Doright cartoons on Rocky and Bullwinkle in the 60's.  Dudley was a Canadian Mountie, Nell was his girl and Snidely was always kidnapping her and tying her to the tracks.  Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons in the 60's were absolutely brilliant, hilarious.

And, yes, I remember watching Rocky and Bullwinkle from a very young age.  Anyone remember that bubble bath that came in containers shaped like cartoon characters?  We played with our Rocky and Bullwinkle bottles in the tub for years.


Edited by doodlebug
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25 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Snidely Whiplash was the baddie on the Dudley Doright cartoons on Rocky and Bullwinkle in the 60's.  Dudley was a Canadian Mountie, Nell was his girl and Snidely was always kidnapping her and tying her to the tracks.  Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons in the 60's were absolutely brilliant, hilarious.

And, yes, I remember watching Rocky and Bullwinkle from a very young age.  Anyone remember that bubble bath that came in containers shaped like cartoon characters?  We played with our Rocky and Bullwinkle bottles in the tub for years.


Ahh I was thinking about someone else when I saw that picture I thought they were the same 😁6FA80C98-4541-43FF-9CEE-DD1A24CC42E6.thumb.jpeg.ffe69ebf83c046cb2c651651c9cad571.jpeg

Edited by Puffin
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26 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Snidely Whiplash was the baddie on the Dudley Doright cartoons on Rocky and Bullwinkle in the 60's.  Dudley was a Canadian Mountie, Nell was his girl and Snidely was always kidnapping her and tying her to the tracks.  Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons in the 60's were absolutely brilliant, hilarious.

And, yes, I remember watching Rocky and Bullwinkle from a very young age.  Anyone remember that bubble bath that came in containers shaped like cartoon characters?  We played with our Rocky and Bullwinkle bottles in the tub for years.


I remember that bubble bath - Soakies!

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9 minutes ago, Puffin said:

Ahh I was thinking about someone else when I saw that picture I thought they were the same 😁6FA80C98-4541-43FF-9CEE-DD1A24CC42E6.thumb.jpeg.ffe69ebf83c046cb2c651651c9cad571.jpeg

That is Dick Dastardly who with his dog, Muttley, drove a car called the Mean Machine on a cartoon called Wacky Races.

I had a rather misspent youth.

Ben also resembles Dick Dastardly but Snidely was first.

Edited by doodlebug
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The bubble bath was called Soaky.

The commercial jingle (and God knows why I remember this) was:

Soaky soaks you clean in oceans full of fun

scrubbily bubbly bibbity bubbity clean before you’re done

Soaky soaks you clean in oceans full of joy

it’s a toy when it’s empty

when it’s empty it’s a toy!

(Not too sure of the bibbity bibbity line, but it’s been a long time!) 

Obviously, I need help...

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Jessa was also proving that she has a husband. A husband who loves her. A husband who she is madly in love with. And a marriage that is better than ever.

I think Jessa is using breastfeeding as a cross-your-fingers method of birth control. I'm unsure if she's more afraid of sinning or losing TLC, but whatever the case, I'm guessing she'll be popping out blessings every 18 months to two years.

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21 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Jessa was also proving that she has a husband. A husband who loves her. A husband who she is madly in love with. And a marriage that is better than ever.

I think Jessa is using breastfeeding as a cross-your-fingers method of birth control. I'm unsure if she's more afraid of sinning or losing TLC, but whatever the case, I'm guessing she'll be popping out blessings every 18 months to two years.

Losing TLC. 😀

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37 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Shut the fuck up, Bin. 


Did he experience opposite sex attraction?

All the dude had to pick from was Tax Collectors and Harlots. Poor dude must've petted the one eyed snake to get by. The he was 33 and a virgin; the crucifixion was probably a relief.

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First, is there anywhere in the Bible that stated that Jesus was explicitly attracted to women, either? (I mean, the DaVinci Code implies he had a relationship with Mary Magdalene, but...)

Second, the point is not that Jesus had that gender identity or particular sexual orientation, the point is that Jesus loved all human beings. So Ben can suck it.

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9 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

First, is there anywhere in the Bible that stated that Jesus was explicitly attracted to women, either? (I mean, the DaVinci Code implies he had a relationship with Mary Magdalene, but...)

Second, the point is not that Jesus had that gender identity or particular sexual orientation, the point is that Jesus loved all human beings. So Ben can suck it.

No, actually, the Bible is filled with references to women who followed Christ like the other disciples.  Martha and Mary for one.  And Mary Magdalene, who was never said to be a prostitute in the Bible; that came later.  So, apparently, Christ's disciples were a co-ed group, but most of these fundies seem to forget that since they are even more sexist that the men who wrote the Bible.

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9 hours ago, doodlebug said:
On 9/15/2019 at 6:16 PM, DangerousMinds said:

Shut the fuck up, Bin. 


Read more  

I looked this up, apparently there is some controversy amongst the Protestant fundie scholars.  Someone, in talking about Christ's temptations, said that, since the Bible said the devil tempted Christ in all ways, that he may well have been tempted by same sex attractions as well as other desires.  Well, the ultra fundie anti-gay crowd immediately went apoplectic!  They are clutching their pearls and spewing out diatribes refuting the very idea that Jesus might've ever considered batting from the other side of the plate.

You see, Jesus is perfect and without sin.  And even thinking about being attracted to someone of the same sex is a sin.  Therefore, when the Bible says the devil tempted Jesus in every way, well, that cannot possibly include gay thoughts because Jesus couldn't sin!  So, you see, the devil tempted Jesus EXTERNALLY, not INTERNALLY; so there is no question whatsoever that Jesus would never, ever even consider in passing that he might've been attracted to men.

Now, there is no explanation as to where in the Bible we are told Jesus is straight (or that he was ever attracted to anyone sexually, male or female) and there are a couple of Old Testament verses which could be interpreted as calling homosexuality a sin; but it's not from Jesus, it's not even in the parts of the Bible he appears in.  Nor is there any clarification as to what makes a temptation external or internal for that matter.

The whole thing is a bunch of bloviation from a group of men who are worried that someone might think Jesus ever even had a thought of attraction to another man.  Probably because they are afraid of their own thoughts.  The entire argument is BS, IMO.

All of these people need to find a hobby.

Thank you so much for this.  I think one of the reasons the ultra fundies dwell on this is that it's a known commodity for them and other liked minded non-thinking people.  And they don't have to go in a place where their opinions would be unpopular, like truly looking out for those in need (without their media team) and the obvious greed of some people, including JB.  

Edited by wilsie
spelling is their not there
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Unless homosexuality isn’t a sin, so there’s no reason for Jesus to have been tempted by it...

It cracks me up that these people are obsessing over Jesus’s sex life so much that they’ve somehow discovered the Catch 22 that either same sex attraction is a sin, so Jesus must have experienced it during the temptation, or it’s not a sin, so Jesus wouldn’t have had to be tempted by it. Can either hate gay people while logically concluding that Christ is one of them, or love gay people while maintaining their image of Jesus as 100% straight 😂

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On 9/7/2019 at 12:41 AM, cmr2014 said:

I pulled this up off the internet:

That means someone with 100,000 followers might start around $1,000 per sponsored post, while an influencer with 1 million followers could charge $10,000. And some experts called that conservative. “If you only do one a month you'remaking $100,000 a year.

They must be making more off of this than I would ever have imagined. This actually makes me kind of angry -- they're exactly the sort of people who believe that poor people deserve to be poor because "they don't work hard enough" and yet they loll around all day, create these awful posts, and make money for nothing.

It sucks, but if Babe and Jinger can grift their way into semi-wealthy circles, expensive house, free education, and minimal effort degree, I don’t have a problem with Jessa using this method to support her family.  She’s nowhere near Vuolo levels for me. 

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7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

It sucks, but if Babe and Jinger can grift their way into semi-wealthy circles, expensive house, free education, and minimal effort degree, I don’t have a problem with Jessa using this method to support her family.  She’s nowhere near Vuolo levels for me. 

It bothers me more on the level of there being that number of people who find the Duggars inspiring enough to follow than the Duggars making some money off it, to be honest. That's the bigger problem.

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