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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Nysha: I posted 'dust her light bulbs' because in a home as encrusted with dust as Jessa's is and the state of her HVAC vent, I know there is a half-inch of dust on her lamp light bulbs. It's a fire hazard. I dust mine as part of my feather-dusting the living room furniture routine.

  • Love 4

I run my central air and heat all the time.  My vents are not dusty.  I would never allow gobs of dust hanging on my walls. She needs to get her ducts and filters checked, and clean the outside of the vents occasionally. They make microfiber dusters with long handles that work great, and take SECONDS to use--maybe once a year.  That said, you do need to vacuum your floors and carpets  dust occasionally so the dust is under control.  If you never dust or clean your house, your vents will get dirty.  The dust does need to go somewhere!

Edited by CalicoKitty
missing word
  • Love 5

There is some serious cognitive dissonance at play here.  How does a girl, raised to be a helpmeet/housewife, proclaim to NOT know how to clean?  If Jessa has enough sense to post those disgusting diaper pictures (and I can barely think of the sheets without an involuntary full-body shudder) then she has an innate knowledge that what she's posting is considered "messy" or "dirty" by anyone's standards, including her own.  And yet - she posts away, declaring that she's too busy making memories with her little babies.  And - as many have mentioned - in the time it took for her to wander around the house taking those captivating photos and composing her thoughts, the diapers could've made it to the trash can, the sheets could've been changed, etc.

She needs to seriously consider the fact that her babies, while cuddled and cared for, cannot clean for themselves and are breathing in wet diaper fumes, dust, and are likely sleeping on damp, crusty sheets.  She doesn't earn a Mother of the Year award for taking care of her babies if she's neglecting the place where they spend most of their time.

Look for Jessa/Bin on a future episode of Hoarders.  That's the first thing I thought when I saw that diaper pile.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 23
On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 6:11 PM, Lunera said:

Jessa Seewald on Instagram: “Backstory on my previous post: As I was making out my housecleaning to-do list the other day, this thought struck me... we all try to put…” • Instagram

The big clue is within your post, Jessa - don't marry a child and have two children before he's had a chance to go to college.

  • Love 20
21 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

In Arkansas, a possum is good vittles.  Ewwww, I hope she’s not raising them in her toilet.

LOL.  Both of my parents were born/raised in Arkansas, and a great deal of my extended family still lives there.  Not a one eat possum.   Now I had one uncle who had a taste for squirrels, but that was a few decades ago.

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

I think Jessa was in charge of the schooling once she was old enough to read chapter books.  Maybe she's burnt out by it and will actually send her kids to an actual school building. 

Well then it's a good thing that Jessa never bothered to nurture or show affection to her buddies.  Otherwise she'd be too burnt out to do this to her children.  Hopefully, she is also burnt out on chasing small children down, and restraining them on the floor for their naps.

  • Love 5
On 10/19/2017 at 8:38 PM, FakeJoshDuggar said:

Per Jesse, this table hasn’t been dusted in 6 months. She’s stirring the shit with her latest post for sure. 


Filthy sheets that she admits to sleeping on for quite a while. Apparently it’s Henry’s spit up. 


I can’t post the rest of the pics right now but they’re on her insta. So much for raising the womenfolk to be outstanding keepers of the home!

I was looking at this picture again and noticed the mismatched pillow cases. I written a lot of posts about how generally disgusting this all is, and it was easy to overlook the pillow case thing, but I'm going to snark on it, too.

Looking at the picture made me think about the people who gave them to her. As far as I know, ALL of the linen was from the registry and I think that plenty of people who sent them things probably couldn't really afford to do so. The house looked really nice when they moved in (remember, we were all excited that there were sheets on the bed!).

If I were an older woman on a fixed income (or any sort of modest income) and I has spent money on sheets for these idiots, I'd be angry. The Duggars have been selling themselves as a throwback to an earlier time when men worked and women cared for the home. The "good old days" before the pill and the sexual revolution when you had the children that "the Lord gave you" and made it work. Women of those earlier generations took pride in keeping a nice home, cooking well, caring for their children, etc.

I'm no home-maker, but my pillow cases match. My mother is no home maker, either, but her pillow cases match, too. My grandmother was a full-time home maker, and you better believe her pillow cases matched. it's not that hard, and I bet that even the Wisdom Booklets cover color matching. It's a small thing, and it's easy to overlook in this pile of pig filth. All of the Duggar women are crappy house keepers, and they really put the least imaginable amount of effort into everything they do.

  • Love 15
14 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

My pillowcases don't match.  My husband's are green and mine are white (with a green and white comforter).  That way we can tell our pillows apart since we are both like different kinds of pillows.

Doing that with a purpose is ok.  Being a lazy slob that doesn’t care is another matter.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

My pillowcases don't match.  My husband's are green and mine are white (with a green and white comforter).  That way we can tell our pillows apart since we are both like different kinds of pillows.

I can tell my pillow by sight, pillowcase or not LOL...It's a cheap, flimsy thing that scrunches down to next to nothing when I sleep on it. I get neck cricks from big ol' fluffy pillows. Actually, with Mr. Jyn working out of state right now, all the other pillows live on the dresser so they can still look nice and unwrinkled when I make the bed - which I will confess, I don't do every day, but when I do, the fresh-looking pillowcases make me happy. There are four pillows on the bed (for balance) because Mr. Jyn likes to sleep with two of them. I don't know how his neck is not permanently skewed, but to each their own.

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

I run my central air and heat all the time.  My vents are not dusty.  I would never allow gobs of dust hanging on my walls. She needs to get her ducts and filters checked, and clean the outside of the vents occasionally. They make microfiber dusters with long handles that work great, and take SECONDS to use--maybe once a year.  That said, you do need to vacuum your floors and carpets  dust occasionally so the dust is under control.  If you never dust or clean your house, your vents will get dirty.  The dust does need to go somewhere!

I would expect that the filters have never been changed in that house since it passed out of Grandma's hands. Who in this group of know-nothing cheapskates would ever think to do that or have it done? 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

I'm not even sure that blue or green pillow case is an actual pillow case. It almost looks like a sheet wrapped around a pillow. The white, or used-to-be white case looks like a pillow sham. We put the pillow shams on pillows we don't use, and place them in the front when we make the bed. Those sheets look past their prime. Didn't Jessa receive enough sheets as wedding gifts to always have a few clean ones?

She puts her freshly bathed kids to sleep on that grossness?

  • Love 1

Loved some of the comments...So many people blown away by the fact that an almost 2-year-old knows their letters. I may be wrong, but I thought that many, if not most kids in this day and age pretty much learned them from Sesame Street if nothing else, and certainly if they had an ABC book that their parents took the time to read to them. All my kids did. My older son knew all his upper and lower case letters at 18 months just from a placemat he had in his high chair. So many people wanting to know what to book was, as well, as though there was something that looked so special about it. 

No, you are not wrong.  Little kids are sponges, and they love repetition.  If you read them the alphabet book 2-3 times a day, every day, they will learn their letters.  My kids also knew their letters at that age.  We got some of those magnetic letters, and my 2-year old daughter loved to spell out her name on the fridge. Twenty seven years later I can still hear her: " I'm going to write Holly.  H-O-two L's- Y".  Not diminishing the fact that Spurgeon knows his letters, but I hardly think it makes him some sort of genius outlier.  Let's just hope they continue to challenge him.

Edited by 3 is enough
  • Love 15

Re Jessa's Cleaning (or lack thereof):

I was taught that the following tasks were to be done on a weekly basis:

Clean the kitchen

Clean the bathroom(s)

Dust ALL of the furniture

Strip the sheets and WASH them

Take out the garbage

Granted, I was an only child, yet I an positive my house is cleaner than any of the Duggar homes, including the Tinker Toy House.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Look at how smart my not quite 2 year old is! Nice humblebrag, Jessa.

Adorable and I'm impressed with his ability to recognize the letters and not just sing the alphabet song. 

I can't wait to see his quadratic functions and physics vids. 

Let's hope he doesn't hit a wall when he's hit the Duggar level of education. Please Bin, know your wife and her limits and send your kids to a brick and mortar school. 

Also, get them away from the Duggar drain. 

  • Love 21
5 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

Adorable and I'm impressed with his ability to recognize the letters and not just sing the alphabet song. 

I can't wait to see his quadratic functions and physics vids. 

Let's hope he doesn't hit a wall when he's hit the Duggar level of education. Please Bin, know your wife and her limits and send your kids to a brick and mortar school. 

Also, get them away from the Duggar drain. 

I've been killing time watching a bunch of Neil deGrasse Tyson's videos while getting over my cold, so your comment made me wonder how any Duggars (or adjacents) might react were their child to show an early fascination with such things. After all, no amount of being sheltered from the world will really keep a kid from looking at the night sky if he is so inclined. How cool would it be if Spurgie became an astro-physicist?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, PradaKitty said:


Dust ALL of the furniture


Growing up, dusting was my responsibility and I hated it. My mother is a tchochke groupie with a particular fondness for Hummels, Precious Moments figurines and Hallmark keepsakes and I get migraines thinking about all the time I spent dusting that crap. Even when I go over there now I have to fight the urge to box it all up and shove it in the attic.

  • Love 11

Jessa is thinking ahead for when the show gets cancelled. She's working on gaining a follwing of mommies so that she can start a mommy blog, those women make money from ads and get tons of freebies. Also, I agree that she has someone who ghost writes her posts because I seriously doubt she wrote that. The person must have also written Joy's baby announcement because I could not believe she wrote so eloquently for someone who can barely talk in full sentences. 

Edited by Lunera
Edit: Writes not rights
  • Love 10

Why why why why wouldn't you just put dirty diapers in the trash can?  For real, y'all. I get the whole concept, don't spend their precious baby days doing housework. I don't care about fingerprints, dirty dishes in the sink (within reason), laundry not folded, dusty furniture -- but it takes ONE MINUTE to throw out a diaper. I DO NOT GET making a pile. WTF???


The sheets were disgusting. I don't give a shit if they match, as long as they are clean. Maybe I am not recalling correctly as my kids are in their teens, but doesn't baby puke smell terrible?? Like I remember having a tiny bit on my shoulder and having to change, it was so bad. 


Oh and here's a thought: Make cleaning up something you do WITH your kids. Then, when they are grown and flown, they will have a clue -- unlike the Kidults. I used to let my kids use the swiffer duster, they thought it was a hoot, lol. And they used to sit in the pile of pillows and blankets and watch while I changed the bed.  Sometimes I would - gasp!- ask them to grab the other side of the fitted sheet!

Edited by MamaMax
  • Love 24

I take the garbage out daily, vacuum weekly, clean kitchen every day (dishes at least in dishwasher, if not run), clean bathrooms weekly, dust eh, whenever (dust isn't germy to speak of, so I'm lax about that.)  Plus I hate doing it.  Laundry every 2-3 days.  Granted, it's just me & the Mr. now, but anything to do with the potential to cause illness, gets done pronto.  I indoctrinated my daughter early on about hand washing, not leaving food out too long, etc.  While my (and her) house is cluttered, it's never nasty, where someone would be afraid to eat or use the bathroom.  I got hand dermatitis when I was changing diapers, I washed them so often.  I do have mild OCD.  Too bad Jessa doesn't have a touch of that.  Her house must be stinky as hell.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I've been killing time watching a bunch of Neil deGrasse Tyson's videos while getting over my cold, so your comment made me wonder how any Duggars (or adjacents) might react were their child to show an early fascination with such things. After all, no amount of being sheltered from the world will really keep a kid from looking at the night sky if he is so inclined. How cool would it be if Spurgie became an astro-physicist?

Makes me curious about how much rebellion it would take for this new generation to do things like that. I'm hoping it would be much less than it would have been for the current Duggarlings, but who knows?

He'd have to start rejecting the family slants on "science" and on "education" to do it. However, Bin knows some of those fundie "scientists" who have science PhDs and use them to say that evolution and the big bang etc. are nonsense. So that might open some sort of path for Spurge. Although even to become an astrophysicist of that variety he'd have to go to some sort of halfway decent college.

And if Duggars homeschool him, I'm not optimistic. I'm not sure they'd even buy the best computerized self-paced learning programs for him -- they wouldn't know which they were; nor would they be likely to trust reviews of them by anybody outside their bubble. And he'd surely have to have the best such resources since he'd have to teach himself science and higher high-school math and so on. No current Duggar young adult would be any help with those things. 

Send him to a school, Jessa. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9

If Jessa keeps on having another one every 15-18 months she may have to send them to public school. There's only three potential aunt-moms left in Hannie, Jenni, and Jordyn with 3 Duggar daughters (plus a Duggar daughter in law) so far trying to win the fecundity race. At least one is going to lose out unless they all move into the TTH and live a communal lifestyle.

They might use Josie as an aunt-mom if worst comes to worst but I have a feeling that won't work out so well.

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

Isn't an "M" girl available to step up?

Mackynzie will be needed to serve as mom to Michael, Marcus, Meredith and Mason. Anna won't have time to do it because she will be working extra-hard on popping out a new blessing once a year to demonstrate to the world that Josh has changed and their marriage is just fine! 

I'm sure Jessa will homeschool. I don't see her putting her kids in public schools and I doubt they can afford private Christian school. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Makes me curious about how much rebellion it would take for this new generation to do things like that. I'm hoping it would be much less than it would have been for the current Duggarlings, but who knows?

He'd have to start rejecting the family slants on "science" and on "education" to do it. However, Bin knows some of those fundie "scientists" who have science PhDs and use them to say that evolution and the big bang etc. are nonsense. So that might open some sort of path for Spurge. Although even to become an astrophysicist of that variety he'd have to go to some sort of halfway decent college.

And if Duggars homeschool him, I'm not optimistic. I'm not sure they'd even buy the best computerized self-paced learning programs for him -- they wouldn't know which they were; nor would they be likely to trust reviews of them by anybody outside their bubble. And he'd surely have to have the best such resources since he'd have to teach himself science and higher high-school math and so on. No current Duggar young adult would be any help with those things. 

Send him to a school, Jessa. 

I think Jessa will homeschool her boys with the same Gothard approved  program that she used when she was the "teacher" at the TTH.  Bin will not have a say in it because she's the boss holding the purse strings. As much as Jessa acts like she is full of self confidence, I'm convinced she's as much into the Kool-Aid as the rest of them. She seems perfectly complacent to live in a house that Daddy provided, and live off her tv appearances and Bin's toilet bowl salary. If she had wanted to make a move off the compound, she would have done so by now, especially after seeing how nicely Jinger has adapted to the ebil outside world. I believe, unlike her mother, she has genuine love for her children but, is it enough to break free? I doubt it. 

  • Love 11

They can afford Christian school, and they can afford a housekeeper. So far, Spurge seems to be a bright little chap, but if Jessa's knocked up again (and I suspect she is), kids down the line aren't going to get Ben's special alphabet book time. 

Remember, Smuggar was called "The Little Governor" as he trailed after Boob during his term as an AR state representative. First born always gets it best. And in the Seewald house, this seems to hold true. Not that they're neglecting Henry by any means, but they are really drilling in early homeschooling into Spurge. All Jessa did was check test scores on the computer. She did no real teaching of the howlers or lost girls. 

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, MamaMax said:

Why why why why wouldn't you just put dirty diapers in the trash can?  For real, y'all. I get the whole concept, don't spend their precious baby days doing housework...

I didn't even get this until you pointed it out; the message is to not waste baby days on housework.  However, she is planning on stretching those "precious baby days" out for the next twenty years.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 10
12 hours ago, cdp73 said:

If they'd clean that house and keep it dusted, Bin probably wouldn't always look/sound so stoned.  I bet that dust does a number on his allergies.

I see your point of view, but dusting all the time still can cause a person's allergies to act up. I wonder if Bin ever had a skin allergy test. He could be super sensitive to smells and other things. I know I could be in a room that is so clean you could eat off the floor, but my sinuses and smell sensitivity would still kick in to the point of coughing, sneezing, dry painful eyes, headaches and a sore throat. I also cannot be in a room where someone uses strong cleaners to clean and kill germs because I can get bad headaches, red painful eyes, and start coughing and sneezing. I also cannot be in the bathroom after someone takes a bath or shower because it can cause the chest pain and tightness and asthma type symptoms to kick in. The ironic thing is I can take a bath or shower, and it does not bother me at all unless I use a really strong body wash or soap. Maybe Bin is in the same boat I am in. Of course, he does not need medical care because he can always pray the evil devil out of his system in order to be "cured."

Edited by bigskygirl
2 hours ago, ariel said:

ITA - with those TLC paychecks, they can't afford a cleaning person to come in & help out?  I'm sure where they live, they can find someone on the cheap.  

Boob was such a tightwad about paying other people to do stuff, that I think the kids learned that from him.

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Boob was such a tightwad about paying other people to do stuff, that I think the kids learned that from him.

I would think they would be able to get a local leghumper to clean for pennies on the dollar.  Then again, maybe the locals are not fond of the Duggars.

Edited by ariel
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

They can afford Christian school, and they can afford a housekeeper. So far, Spurge seems to be a bright little chap, but if Jessa's knocked up again (and I suspect she is), kids down the line aren't going to get Ben's special alphabet book time. 

Remember, Smuggar was called "The Little Governor" as he trailed after Boob during his term as an AR state representative. First born always gets it best. And in the Seewald house, this seems to hold true. Not that they're neglecting Henry by any means, but they are really drilling in early homeschooling into Spurge. All Jessa did was check test scores on the computer. She did no real teaching of the howlers or lost girls. 

They can now. But by the time the boys are school-age and they've tossed another two or three blessings onto the pile? Only if TLC is still involved. And frankly, I'm beginning to think that sheer boredom may do what scandal could not... make so many people tune out that TLC ends the show.

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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