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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I think Boob is intimidated by Derick. College educated. Has lived independently. Has a job. Derick is capable of taking care of himself and a family, and Boob no doubt respects that. He's still trying to exert some control by giving the newlyweds a place to live, but I'd be willing to bet he walks on eggshells around Derick because he's afraid he'll pick up and take Jill out of there.

I'm sure he (Boob) enjoys treating Ben like a puppy on a leash, but as the kid gets older, the resentment will start to build. No 30 year old wants to find himself tied down with a bunch of kids and a wife whose only ambition in life is to take selfies and post anti-abortion rhetoric on social media. At some point something's got to give.

Check out Pa Seewalds latest blog defending Jessa's Holocaust to Abortion comparison.




Now I know where Bin get his ummm intellect from.

Hee. I love how he has a nifty little byline and headline to make himself appear like a real journalist. That is totally something Michael Scott would do. I think the people in the comments section really believe he is legit. They're probably all Ben's sisters.

I'm Australian and I will never, ever understand this attitude towards gun ownership. No disrespect intended andromeda331 (or others who feel the same) but we just don't have the same gun culture you guys do in the US (nor the same amount of gun related deaths). I see the more people who have guns and the more guns in a household the higher the chance of accidental gun death. I just don't think that anybody is out to get me particularly- I don't need to defend myself from anyone or any threat with anything other than doors that close and lock and a phone to call the police.


Invitations are disgusting. Unsurprising, though.

I live in the U.S, and I'm with you.  I see no reason that a private citizen needs to own a gun.  I am also opposed to hunting.


Back on topic: The Duggars suck.

  • Love 7

The one way I could see the ice cream working is if they rent one of those Dippin' Dots carts that you see in the mall. That kind of ice cream would be easy to dole out because all you do is scoop the dots into the bowl. They also don't require toppings. 


Ice cream, though one of my favorite foods, isn't everyone's cup of tea in a cold month like November. If she wanted to be untraditional she could have gone with pies. A buffet bar of pumpkin, blueberry, apple, key lime, and cherry pie sounds divine. They can even slice the pies ahead of time if they want to control portion size. Another good option for actual food is a soup bar that I mentioned in a different thread. It's cheap, easy, and not a pain to restock if you have a kitchen nearby with simmering pots. Plus, depending on the soup type, you can always make it ahead of time and reheat it on the big day. 


Now all I have done is make myself hungry. :-( 

Edited by PinkSprinkles
  • Love 6

I went to a wedding recently that had an ice cream bar. Servers scooped the ice cream and added toppings, so I think the concept can be done well. I couldn't imagine doing a DIY ice cream bar though...kids and adults alike can be gross and unhygienic when it comes to self-serving stations.

  • Love 4

The good news is that by having silver (as opposed to gray) as a wedding color, Michelle can wear her modesty panel bib dress again!

The other good news is that Jessa can re-use the bridesmaid dresses from Josh's wedding. Weren't those navy colored?

Edited by Joe Jitsu913

I didn't read the article but did Jessa actually say it was going to be a sundae bar, or only that they were having ice cream at the reception. Because I would be shocked if there was anything beyond just giant containers of vanilla and chocolate ice cream and everyone got one scoop and that was it. Toppings cost money and unless some company donates sprinkles for free publicity I can't see JB paying for it.

  • Love 1

A friend of mine had soft serve ice cream for their sundae bar at their reception. Kind of like the new froyo shops you see everywhere these days. In fact, it may have been one of the local froyo places that set up for them, I can't remember now. It was actually a huge hit with the guests. Their wedding was in October. We are also in the south where October is still pretty warm. They had all the toppings to go on it.

I thought the woman who had the baby after she had been raped and raised him pretty much should have ended the discussion, but of course not. It's so much easier to be politically black and white about something that has never really touched any part of your life than it is when you've really been placed in a situation where it might be one of the biggest decisions you ever make.

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How many months do you give Jessa before she's knocked up? I say less than 6

How many months before a major scandal divorce?  Vegas odds...


But I vote three months.  She will hate sex but forced to endure during the 'season' to reproduce a new SeaDuggar.

Edited by truthtalk2014

The other good news is that Jessa can re-use the bridesmaid dresses from Josh's wedding. Weren't those navy colored?

HA! I mentioned them first! I also think she's using gray/silver interchangably. Jill's color was "gray," yet MEchelle wore that duct-tape monstrosity. And no, it wasn't Kelly Bates'. Her dress was just below knee-length and only had a small modesty panel put into the bodice. Mullet's dress was full-length (there isn't enough height difference between the two women to make that a floor length dress) and had that hideous brocade panel sewn in, all the way up to the base of her neck. HIDEOUS.


Back to Jessa, check out her facebook page. She's moved on to posting links regarding Young Earth Creationism and getting slammed, mostly by fellow Christians. LMAO

  • Love 4

Pink Sprinkles, I think having a selection of pies and soups would have been a great idea for a fall wedding. I love ice cream, but it's not something I crave when the weather gets cooler. I'm sure whatever Jessa ends up with will be cheap, tacky and hastily thrown together.


I just can't wait to see how awful the bridesmaid dresses will be this time around. 

  • Love 3

The other good news is that Jessa can re-use the bridesmaid dresses from Josh's wedding. Weren't those navy colored?


I thought those were pretty. Simple, classic, clean lines, meeting modesty requirements without hideous alterations and panels that totally destroy the original dress. Loved the color, too.

Jessa stated she wanted ice cream sundaes, not as neat as prepared ice cream CUPS with the wooden spoons would be..Also, Anna's bridesmaids dresses were sewed by them, so they made them right from the start.

Also, why was Michelle the only female family member dressed in the guys' gray color? Why didn't she get a mint green, (or teal, in Jill's world) gown like the other females? I'm sure she didn't NEED to borrow and alter Kelly Bates dress.

It remains a mystery why Boob is supporting this relationship. Who would want their daughter to marry a not too bright teenager with little education and no job skills?


And I have to wonder if TLC is monitoring this situation. I have to think that they're not thrilled with Michael Seewald's blogging, and his (probable) Facebook posting, hiding behind his son's name (I'm convinced that it's Michael, not Idiot Boy, pontificating on Bin's Facebook). His comments are WAY off in controversy-land, and some are downright offensive to the mainstream public. Not all who watch the Duggars are Fundie. TLC could end up offending over half their viewership with the Duggars marrying into this whack job's family. The closer to the wedding, the more he posts.


Derick's family is Fundie Lite and they've been palatable to a mixed viewership. In fact, I'd say that they're downright normal and likable. (Cathy! PANTS! Public Schools!)  Anna's family is barely shown, plus she has some pants wearing, heathen deserters among her siblings.  They're barely a blip on the radar. The Seewalds are becoming more emboldened. And offensive. 


Association with the Seewalds could derail the Duggar fame train. You'd think that TLC would put a bug in JB's ear to attempt to muzzle Michael (and by extension, Dim Bulb and Jessa). "Look, we could lose viewers over this crack pot's comments. Can you do something about it before we have to?"

  • Love 1

Does anyone else think the commenter named Arya on Mike Seewald's blog is pwning him with his own nutty logic? She slightly scares me with her second comment about Jessa's family, but the first comment was,well written.

I've been reading their comments to each other.  Pa Seewald is trying to deflect Arya's comments but it doesn't seem to be working.

I've come to the conclusion that the bulk of the viewership is either conservative/conservative-lite or personally liberal but respects their rights to have their own beliefs and views, no matter how much the viewer disagrees with them. (I fall into the latter camp.)

I say this because as they have become more politically active, albeit it mostly behind the scenes, their viewership had INCREASED. I don't think that anyone is particularly interested in seeing Josh going to work, or their political activism, but I don't honestly think they've ever tried to hide it either. Josh joining the FRC didn't make any difference, and I'm having a hard time seeing the Seewalds mattering beyond this season. After all, there will likely be another courtship in the near future, more children, some perhaps leaving home - all of the domestic dramas that most of us really are watching for.

  • Love 1
I've come to the conclusion that the bulk of the viewership is either conservative/conservative-lite or personally liberal but respects their rights to have their own beliefs and views, no matter how much the viewer disagrees with them. (I fall into the latter camp.)

My stance is, I respect their right to their own beliefs and views, but I still want the show to get cancelled because I hate that TLC is giving them this platform. I don’t think the two stances are mutually exclusive - not that you’re specifically saying that, GEML, but I’ve seen other comments to that effect, i.e. show cancellation or any sort of criticism is an infringement upon their rights. But IMO that’s a gross misinterpretation of free speech and the First Amendment. TLC isn’t the government, and neither am I. Freedom of speech/beliefs doesn’t mean freedom from consequences or criticism. So the Duggars are allowed to say whatever ignorant, bigoted thing they want to say, and TLC is allowed to cancel their show in response and I’m allowed to call them ignorant and bigoted. :D Hey, free speech works both ways, after all!


I guess I wouldn’t call myself a viewer though, because I stopped watching the Duggars - aside from the occasional clip here and there - a long time ago. They pissed me off that much lol. Like I’d see Josh’s face and I’d just think, “This asshole is part of the FRC, and TLC is just glossing over it, and HULK SMASH.”

  • Love 8

Oh no - cancellation of the show had nothing to do with first amendment rights or anything (which pertain ONLY to the government, of course, not network or cable television) but cold, hard, cash.

And that comes down to viewship. And even as people know more about their politics (I've always known, for the record ) they seem to either approve or not care, given that their viewership had modestly risen. Which leads me to think voices like those here on the boards are a tiny fraction of their viewership.

In no way shape or form do I wish to imply that ANYONE is entitled to a television show to air their views, no matter what those views are.

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I think she's just making a stand, somewhat, by declaring no cake. I can understand trying for individuality and not wanting to be just like Jill. I don't get omit the cake? Why not omit the white dress? (Ha!)I like the idea of the ice cream cake or even cupcakes .

Yeah, I agree. She's trying to be all cool and hipster, but every body knows your'e supposed to have some kind of cake/cupcake at weddings. Lame.

I PROMISE you that behind the scenes the parents on both sides are saying, "But what will people say???" And Jessa is having a wonderful time saying, "I don't care. It's my wedding day and this is what I want."

And people will talk about it. I have a friend who didn't serve cake of any kind at her wedding in 1982, and in our small town it is STILL talked about.

But that's fine with Jessa. In a world of recycled bridal decorations and weddings so large you can't really visit with anyone there, she wants people to remember her wedding. Even if it's only to go, "tsk tsk tsk" and shake their heads.

Jessa's attitude about this wedding (and marriage) is very nonchalant. Could it be any more obvious that this wedding is just a formality in order for Benessa to seal the deal?

As for the ice cream only reception, I attended a wedding where the couple had a dummy cake for pictures and served pie instead. The bride was a pastry chef who was sick of wedding cake.

When my nephew got married 2 years ago, he and his bride got married outside and had their reception in a lodge on the premises.  Everything was very rustic and outdoorsy, and decorated for fall, since it was Oct.  After a wonderful meal, they had a dessert buffet instead of a traditional cake.  They had local favorites like shoo-fly pie and whoopie pies, as well as pumpkin rolls, apple pie, cookies, and more.  It was all scrumptious and beautifully presented.  My point is, if that's your "theme", it can work.  You don't need a wedding cake, but I think the ice cream sundaes are a bit informal.  But then, we are talking about the Duggars.  One teaspoon of dip each, some pickles, some Country-time lemonade and please toss a buck in the truck, thanks for coming.


How many times are they going to use those same decorations?  They are going to be pretty ratty looking by the time they get to Josie.

  • Love 2

I get trying to work on a budget, but what I don't care for is the "half-assing it."  If you have only a few thousand to spend, buy your nice gown, have ONE maid of honor and ONE best man, a beautiful and delicious cake (or ice cream, whatever), and a great meal for your family and maybe a few select good friends.  Also, they have all that property.  They couldn't rent some chairs and tables and have something there?  String some lights in trees, light some candles...Just because there's a budget doesn't mean it has to look cheap.  I hope Jessa's affair doesn't look as cheap as Jill's.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 2

Jessa's attitude about this wedding (and marriage) is very nonchalant. Could it be any more obvious that this wedding is just a formality in order for Benessa to seal the deal?

As for the ice cream only reception, I attended a wedding where the couple had a dummy cake for pictures and served pie instead. The bride was a pastry chef who was sick of wedding cake.

I think the dummy cake idea was shown on one of the Cheapskates shows. IIRC the bride borrowed the one of the fake display cakes from a bakery for pictures. Don't remember what they actually served for dessert. I think they had guests bring pot-luck style dishes for the meal so they probably had them bring dessert as well. Jim-Bob, are you paying attention?

When my nephew got married 2 years ago, he and his bride got married outside and had their reception in a lodge on the premises.  Everything was very rustic and outdoorsy, and decorated for fall, since it was Oct.  After a wonderful meal, they had a dessert buffet instead of a traditional cake.  They had local favorites like shoo-fly pie and whoopie pies, as well as pumpkin rolls, apple pie, cookies, and more.  It was all scrumptious and beautifully presented.  My point is, if that's your "theme", it can work.  You don't need a wedding cake, but I think the ice cream sundaes are a bit informal.  But then, we are talking about the Duggars.  One teaspoon of dip each, some pickles, some Country-time lemonade and please toss a buck in the truck, thanks for coming.


How many times are they going to use those same decorations?  They are going to be pretty ratty looking by the time they get to Josie.


Now THIS sounds like a cool wedding reception (the dessert one, not so much the pickles and lemonade one). I'd love something like this. I don't care that much about the wedding cake or lack thereof, decorations etc., but I like seeing that the bride and groom put some thought into what they truly wanted, and into the experience of their families and friends.


Good question on the decorations. Jill may have really lucked out that she was the first to use them. They'll be pretty ratty looking by the time Josie gets to them but they might be in style again... it's around 20 years for fashion trends to come back around right?

  • Love 1

My daughter wanted a very small wedding, so I lucked out there, budget-wise. She would have been just as happy eloping, but her husband's sister had done that a couple of years previously, and her mother-in-law wanted to actually get to see one of her kids get married, so we kept it to immediate family and just a handful of friends (about 20 people total). We had it at my mom's house (she is a demon gardener, so her backyard is as nice a venue as anything you could spend money on). Mom and I did all the cooking. We bought a small, one-tier wedding cake, which was kind of unnecessary in retrospect, as it wasn't really much of anything but a regular cake with some slightly fancier decoration, and the price jacked up to triple what a birthday cake would have been; I ended up fashioning a faux second-tier out of a Styrofoam form, ribbons and silk flowers with a wedding topper  just to make it look a little more wedding-y, and it actually ended up looking  very nice. There was more than enough cake for everyone. The whole thing, including the dress, bouquet, cake, food, drinks, a couple of tall centerpiece-type vases (flowers from Mom's yard) and some plain, white china, flatware and champagne flutes we bought just so the place settings would match came to something just shy of $2000. The tableware made a nice auxiliary wedding gift. It's not fine china, but they have some reasonably nice-looking place settings to use for whatever larger groups they might host in the future.

  • Love 2

According to Pickles and Hairspray, TLC has started pixelating the anti-abortion t-shirts that the Duggar boys wore during the building of the Derby ramps. Makes me think that they ARE starting to monitor the show. The "statement" t-shirts really weren't an issue at first. They never wore anything like that until the past few seasons. Now, perhaps they're getting more attention because of Mullet's robo-calls-of-intolerance, and Jessa, Dim Bulb and Michael Seewald's blogging/Facebook manifestos. The t-shirts seem to emphasize those beliefs. I'd love to be a fly on the wall if/when TLC told JB that they're going to start editing those things out, due to bad press and angry viewer comments. 


From Twitter:

@LifeNewsHQ: TLC Censors Duggar Family's Pro-Life Shirts in Episode of 19 Kids and Counting  (included photo from episode with pixelated shirt)

  • Love 2

No, because the shirts have been seen on the show before, in their full, obnoxious glory. As recently as LAST WEEK! This is totally in response to the Jessa/Mike Seewald furor, especially given the backlash Jessa got on FB; Mike Seewald has not let many, many posts pass moderation.


And for any of the leghumpers screaming, "Persekushun!!!!!11111" someone should ask them what Smuggar does for a living, since TLC decided from day one that they weren't touching his employment with the FRC, much like they don't touch their political rallies.

  • Love 3
This is totally in response to the Jessa/Mike Seewald furor, especially given the backlash Jessa got on FB; Mike Seewald has not let many, many posts pass moderation.


This is why I HOPE that TLC starts to put the squeeze on FameWhoreMike Seewald. He sold his not-so-bright first born to Fundie Royalty, and now thinks that HE'S a star, too. Gave himself a higher profile byline on a blog and began pontificating and calling those who don't agree with his opinion, "Hitler's Dopplegangers." Damn straight that TLC should be worried about some asshole throwing Hitler's name around and losing viewers because of it.  If JB is as business savvy as he thinks he is, he should see it, too.  Maybe he has, and this is why he pulled Bin into the Duggar compound, instead of sending cameras to the Seewalds. But, that hasn't shut ol' Mikey up. He's becoming more entitled and emboldened as the wedding draws more near. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Doesn't Gothardism preach that the husband MUST be older than the wife? (From what I remember reading in Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement) How is it that youngster Bin is acceptable to Cougar Jessa?? Or is that a sign that JB isn't following Gothardism so closely now?

Edited by PityFree
  • Love 2

JB has always played a bit loose with the Gothard rules, to tell you the truth. And I do think this is a little bit of the reason he hasn't had people from that world lining up to marry his children in the way the Bates family has (Gil Bates is on the ATI Board.). We think that because of the TV show that the Duggars are Gothard royalty, but in some quarters many feel the show had brought unwanted attention and the Duggars have become materialistic and less spiritual because of it.

  • Love 1

This is why I HOPE that TLC starts to put the squeeze on FameWhoreMike Seewald. He sold his not-so-bright first born to Fundie Royalty, and now thinks that HE'S a star, too. Gave himself a higher profile byline on a blog and began pontificating and calling those who don't agree with his opinion, "Hitler's Dopplegangers."


This sounds like something Michael Scott would yell at someone during an episode of The Office. :-/

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Anyone think the Jessa/Ben wedding will be called off?


I hope so, and that's only because I don't think they're suited for each other.  To me it seems that they were in the midst of being attracted to one another, but now it seems that Ben's immature ways can be irritating to Jessa.  Now this relationship has gone too far to turn back, and turning back would kick up a lot of dust.  Jim Bob is not one to admit he made a mistake, IMHO, so as long as Ben minds his p's and q's the show will go on. 

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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