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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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The special today is Baked Stuffed Spurgeon served with baked potato and a dinner salad.


With ample helpings of self involved green beans and a lucious side of  apple pie ala famewhore for dessert.


Binjermin will have put his foot in his dopey mouth big time by that point and bye bye Seewalds.  At least I can hope.


Yes indeedy - they will go too far with their 'everybody sucks but us' nasty comments and preaching and cry they are being persecuted.  Most everybody will know otherwise though.  You can't hide that much ugliness for too long.

  • Love 7

Which grandparent will splurge on Spurgeon?

I read that as, "Which grandparent will spooge on Spurgeon" twice. TWICE.

This is the point in the clusterfuck where I admit to having an insane amount of Spurgeons in my family. But then again, I come from Bumfuck Hickville, USA.

  • Love 7

 So where did Eliot come from then?  I must have overlooked the video, and am not in the mood to search for it.


It's "Elliot" (as opposed to Eliot), and apparently the last name of some missionaries they admire.


ETA: from the online version of the People article:


"Baby Seewald's middle name Elliot in honor of late missionaries Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, who worked in South America."


Edited by NikSac

They could have named him after TFDW and it would have been better. Pecan Thief Seewald.


Or Cotton after his birth towel. Or even Birth Towel.

Scene from Pink Flamingos

Edie the Egg Lady...Cotton, Cotton! Babs won't give me my eggs!

I know it"s off topic but that's what I think of when I hear the name Cotton now...I apologize for not pasting the link...this stone tablet of mine isn't very cooperative.

  • Love 1


It's "Elliot" (as opposed to Eliot), and apparently the last name of some missionaries they admire.


I was hoping maybe Jessa came up with Spurgeon when she was "out of it" and would change it to something less dreadful, but I guess not.  I guess it isn't the worst first name ever, but still.....

Forgive me if someone has already mentioned this, I only browsed the last couple of pages, but I'm wondering if they're planning on doing that whole 'same first letter of first name' thing.  That would explain why they have a nick name that's nowhere near the real names.  There would be lots of possibilities with 'S' but it would be hard to come up with tons of 'Q' names.  I hope I'm wrong, because for some reason that same letter thing really annoys me.  

I read that as, "Which grandparent will spooge on Spurgeon" twice. TWICE.

This is the point in the clusterfuck where I admit to having an insane amount of Spurgeons in my family. But then again, I come from Bumfuck Hickville, USA.


Is that north or south of Wide Spot in the Road? lol


It's still not growing on me though, sorry.


ETA to add:  Cute hat, kid.

Edited by queenanne


And the weekly photos begin!

For real?  Jessa and Bin need to spend time taking care of their newborn and let the "help" go home.   Perhaps she would have less time for primpring and Instagram if she actually, ya know... what's the term?  Oh ya - parented her baby.  Just sayin'

  • Love 5

Wait until little BBFF has to sign his legal name on any document. "Oh, his name is Spurgeon Eliot Seewald, but we call him Quincy." That'll go over well with the doctor's office, the dentist's, the pharmacist at the local Wal-Mart, whatever. I'm sure they just love dealing with anyone who doesn't go by their legal name.


Perhaps someone should tell "Mom" and "Dad" that young Spurgeon will be picking out their retirement home at some point...

I work in a hospital and on our forms along with the space for the legal names, we have one for preferred name, and that goes on their notes, armband etc., so that they're always called by the name they use, especially when coming around from anaesthetic. Until I worked here, I had no idea how many people go by names that don't seem at all related to their legal given name (and I've always wondered, if they don't use their given name, why don't they just change it, but it's not something we're allowed to ask).

So at least with that, he shouldn't actually have any issues.

  • Love 5

No no no no no no no... I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't

I'm late to the party... Do you want to know why I'm so late!? Other than Duggar time of course.

Once upon a time princess leighroda was doing some studying while watching "my big fat fabulous life" princess leighroda loves her reality shows but doesn't have a great attention span when it comes to watching tv, so she often multitasks. Princess leighroda was not aware there would be a super special blessed awesome name announcement about the precious new baby from 19 kids and counting, but overheard the name as "Bergin Elliott", princess leighroda was surprised that the Royal Duggars (or whatever Jessa's last name is) picked a relatively cute name, so princess leighroda went on with her life without checking the reality kingdoms majestic blogs because she didn't think there was much to say or do with a normal name.

The next day princess leighroda was going through the ye' olde previously tv crier when suddenly princess leighroda came upon the actual name... Spurgeon. Then she said what the actual fuck! Why do they hate that baby so much? This can't be real life...and nobody live happily ever after because there is someone on this planet is named Spurgeon Seewald (only because of the horrible name I'm sure the actual child is quite lovely). The end.

Was this one of the names on the blog poll? You know how on every 90's sit one there was always a friend who went by a ridiculous name like cockroach, or boner... I now strongly believe this is why that happens... So I'm gonna try to figure out what Spurgies name will be. Bible? Tater tot? Xanax? Bankruptcy? Per-PIN-dicular?

  • Love 4

I work in a hospital and on our forms along with the space for the legal names, we have one for preferred name, and that goes on their notes, armband etc., so that they're always called by the name they use, especially when coming around from anaesthetic. Until I worked here, I had no idea how many people go by names that don't seem at all related to their legal given name (and I've always wondered, if they don't use their given name, why don't they just change it, but it's not something we're allowed to ask).

So at least with that, he shouldn't actually have any issues.

So true story... I used to work for a pediatrician and we had the same policy, thy had their legal name but we could sub in a preffered name if we were talking to them, so there was once a child I think their family was from Nigeria, I had to go get her from the waiting room and it was their first visit so I had no idea what to even say, her first name was something like Mjumlabekin (I totally made that up I don't remember what the real one was and wouldn't be allowed to post it if I did)... I somehow stumbled through it enough for them to know I was calling them and so one of the first things I asked when they came back was how to pronounce her name, and the mom literally looked at me and said "Michelle"... I was dumbfounded... Luckily the mom had a good sense of humor and I think she saw my confusion and she followed up with "just call her Michelle, we don't expect you to pronounce her her given name".

  • Love 8

Catholic transgender.


A Catholic lesbian nun.

I was hoping for an African-American transgender atheist, myself.


And that is the beautiful thing about that part of the country -- Bubba is always an option.

And another tradition from that part of the country is the use of First and Middle names at all times, ala Jim-Bob (although that is admittedly a nick name for James Robert).  So it could very well be, "SPURGEON ELIOT you get back here now!"


I kept wondering where I knew the word 'Spooge' from, and finally remembered that it was the street name of a tweaker who robbed one of Jesse's street guys on the second season of Breaking Bad. The episode was called Peek A Boo, because Spooge and his skank wife leave their 4-5 yo son alone while they go out to score drugs, and he spends much of his day sitting on a filthy couch in a filthy apartment watching televangelists on TV.  Without giving away details, Spooge comes to a bad end during a run in with an ATM machine.


So, are there any recommendations for updating the name of this thread? Any ideas the mods are kicking around?



  • Love 2

Oh, that poor, sweet, lovely little boy. Such a shame ! I was one of those who thought the initial reports were a joke, but no such luck - this is for real


At first all I could think was that I'd misunderstood - the name of the writer/director Preston Sturges came to mind - but after reading the comments here and glancing at the info on People I guess this is really a thing now - Spurgeon. Spurgeon. Spurgeon. The word has lost all meaning...


I suppose I shouldn't be all that unhappy, though, as my awesome doggie's middle name is Eliot ! After T.S. Eliot, my favorite poet in the world. Even if Spurgeon's is spelled differently and was obviously not meant in his honor, it's still a good name. I'm hoping he's called that, or the oft-mentioned Quincy.


And, yes - my dog has a middle name. Doesn't everyone do that ?!  ;)

  • Love 6

And, yes - my dog has a middle name. Doesn't everyone do that ?!  ;)


My dogs have always had at least one middle name, usually two. I think maybe the Duggars should go that route with the kids, just fit in all the 'important' names with the first kid and then give them their own names after that.

  • Love 2

They need to take a new poll on the name Spurgeon - what is the first thing you think of when you hear the name Spurgeon?


A. Fish

B. Disease

C. Exploding Sperm

D. A Preacher's name.

The results are in!


92% of people said - Fish.

 6% said - Disease

2% said Exploding Sperm.

0% said a Preacher's name.

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 16

This cannot be said enough.  Not liking the name "Spurgeon" isn't simply a matter of taste (although, for the life of me, I can't understand how that sounds remotely pleasing! it's even worse with the alliterative "Spurgeon Seewald").  It's all the heavy baggage that goes with the name, not to mention that it's just so unfamiliar and unexpected, and therefore requires extra explanations of meaning, spelling, etc. That beautiful baby is going to have to deal with his ridiculous name every day of his life (or at least until he turns 18 and changes it!). 


My sincere prayer for the little guy: Please, Lord, give little Spurgeon Elliott Seewald a chance in life.

That poor little boy will almost certainly have a sucky life, the name aside. He is being born into a religious cult of uneducated grifters, even if his name is

John Smith.

  • Love 13

Wait until little BBFF has to sign his legal name on any document. "Oh, his name is Spurgeon Eliot Seewald, but we call him Quincy." That'll go over well with the doctor's office, the dentist's, the pharmacist at the local Wal-Mart, whatever. I'm sure they just love dealing with anyone who doesn't go by their legal name.


Perhaps someone should tell "Mom" and "Dad" that young Spurgeon will be picking out their retirement home at some point...

Oh please, it is the South. Bubbas and Sister Girls and all sorts of things people are called.

BTW why are people calling him Fish Fry & stuff?

Is there a fish called Spurgeon? Or are people getting confused with STurgeon?

I know, a mistake worthy of the leghumpers we're always slamminmg!

I think he will be fine. The Duggars are very successful grifters, who have survived scandals and just keep on going. Getting paid by TLC and People mag for making babies. Nice gig.

Although I think his parents should have named him Spurgeon Elliot (Duggar) Seewald. They need to be sure he stays on the family gravy train. People mag always headlines his parents as "Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and Ben Seewald." Because of course nobody has a clue who a Seewald is.

Nice gig, but it won't go on forever, or much longer. He'll be fine, you're right, but it's not a life I'd wish on a child, being a Duggar.

  • Love 6

I really really don't understand when people name their kid but then use another unrelated name as the "nickname". Why not just name the kid that in the first place?

I don't understand that either.  Our neighbor has a son named "something IV"  meaning the fourth generation of the name, not the intravenous fluids!!  But they call him Ivey.  What?  And Erin bates named the baby Charles something or other but they call him Carson.  Another mystery although not a bad name.

  • Love 1

I don't understand that either.  Our neighbor has a son named "something IV"  meaning the fourth generation of the name, not the intravenous fluids!!  But they call him Ivey.  What?  And Erin bates named the baby Charles something or other but they call him Carson.  Another mystery although not a bad name.


I think Erin's baby is also a IV or possible the III. His father is also Charles, but goes by Chad.

  • Love 1

Yup, the name is idiotic, but what is even worse is the fact that People Magazine is teasing in the front page headline that this is a story about "coming through a bad year". There is NOTHING in the article about any bad year, any scandal, Josh....nothing! Shouldn't the teaser be about what's in the article. Bad journalism. Stupid, stupid magazine.


God, Kim K better beg some quack to deliver that direction kid soon.

  • Love 8

Wait until little BBFF has to sign his legal name on any document. "Oh, his name is Spurgeon Eliot Seewald, but we call him Quincy." That'll go over well with the doctor's office, the dentist's, the pharmacist at the local Wal-Mart, whatever. I'm sure they just love dealing with anyone who doesn't go by their legal name.


Perhaps someone should tell "Mom" and "Dad" that young Spurgeon will be picking out their retirement home at some point...

I haven't read the People article, so forgive my denseness....but if they both really liked the name Quincy....then why didn't they just name the baby Quincy?  Maybe I'm being too simplistic.

  • Love 8

Loving the screen names Defrauder and Purpose to Defraud...Brilliant!

Actually believe it or not "spooge" is actually a technical term I encountered from my work in the chemical industry.

The licensor of the catalyst and process began to receive complaints of green slimy grunge dripping from flanges and they'd also find it on the internals of equipment. Other than a nuisance to clean up I don't think it was particularly harmful.

Never saw it myself but I imagine it looked like the toy called Slime my brother and I played with as kids.

One of my good friends used to work for that company...I asked her about that stuff and she said' oh yeah, spooge with some reverence it seemed. It really was their insider offcal name as well.

I told her it sounded lIke a euphemism for a bodily fluid. We had a good laugh about it.

So there you have it...another nerdy fact brought to you by a friendly engineer.

I haven't heard of spooge in years!

Poor little boy....he's a very pretty baby though. Pity his mother is too busy ordering her husband and J- minions about to change diapers because she's too busy primping and preening for her next selfie.

The scene in Monty Python's skit in Meaning of Life (Every Sperm is Sacred". The mother gives birth while doing the dishes.

Mom: Deidre, could you pick that up love?

Deidre: Where, Mum?

Mom: Oh,what is it?

Deidre: Girl

Mom: Go put it in the nursery with the others (returns to washing dishes)

Movie came out 30 + years ago...just replace with Clown Car and Jana...Jessa seems oddly similarly detatched ...she's filled her function as a Duggette...grifting and breeding...given away in marriage to a dolt with no real propsects and no real skills herself.

  • Love 5

Okay, I hate to be totally negative, but I really don't like the name Quincy for the baby either.  It would make a good name for a pet, but even in the case of Jack Klugman's character it was his last name.  Elliot is the only reasonable name they have managed to come up with. Of course, if they had picked Elliot Spurgeon Seewald we would have far fewer pages on this thread.

Edited by riverblue22
  • Love 3

I haven't read the People article, so forgive my denseness....but if they both really liked the name Quincy....then why didn't they just name the baby Quincy?  Maybe I'm being too simplistic.

My theory is that with an unusual name they get to stay in the headlines longer. They don't care about bad press it's PRESS and that means $$$$$$. Jessa being part of the horse and pony show most of her life has created this world were they think every thing they do is special. Give the kid a weird name and everyone will just fawn and love it was probably going through Jessa's big head. Sadly, no one likes that name not even Bin's family. I think that name is more alienating than interesting and golly gee fabulous.


I thought that we all hate his given name maybe Geo would be a hell of a lot better but I doubt those two are quick on the uptake and will call him Quincy.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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