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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Eh, it's a bit bland IMO. Also kind of weird if it's true since there are already three Jameses and two Michaels in the family. I get Jessa wanting to name her firstborn after her dad but she's already got a brother who has James as a first name.


Just as long as she doesn't try to strongarm her brother into changing his name or the name he's routinely called. I've seen that done. "But it's the name we really wanted for our baby!" "But it was already my name!" Oyoyoy.

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There's a doctor quoted in this article that gives reasons for hemorrhaging after childbirth:


The actual blog the doctor wrote about Jessa and Jill is really interesting.  She says they would probably both have been dead without modern medical intervention. http://www.skepticalob.com/2015/11/without-modern-obstetrics-both-jessa-and-jill-dugger-would-probably-be-dead.html



Was it so important to massage JB's gossamer-fragile ego that they had to give Baby Brown Towel his name ?! 


Oh lord, stop calling him "Towel" before the name sticks like when Michael Jackson's called his kid "Blanket"  !!! lmao! The poor little guy will probably have enough problems just being a member of this horrible family as it is. 




Michael is for Pa Seewald. However, my friend who does Duggar tumblr looked at three and didn't see this. I personally don't find tumblr a reliable source of first hand information, so I will wait for the official announcement in People on Thursday.


Thursday?  They are not going to announce his name until Thursday? The hell with that noise.  I officially declare the baby's name to be "Towel" from here on out.   Sorry, kid.  

  • Love 15

The photo of Ben and Jessa and baby in front of the sheet looks so staged, like they grabbed two random people and a random baby and took a picture. But the black and white photo in the bed looks genuine, and you can tell they're a family there and that Ben cares for his wife and son.


James Michael isn't a bad name at all. It's downright normal. But there's already an Uncle James so I hope it's not, or else they asked his permission first.

There's also a Michael, cousin Michael. Maybe she's had her heart set on the name for years; otherwise I, had it been me, would have picked something more unique.

The actual blog the doctor wrote about Jessa and Jill is really interesting.  She says they would probably both have been dead without modern medical intervention. http://www.skepticalob.com/2015/11/without-modern-obstetrics-both-jessa-and-jill-dugger-would-probably-be-dead.html




Oh lord, stop calling him "Towel" before the name sticks like when Michael Jackson's called his kid "Blanket"  !!! lmao! The poor little guy will probably have enough problems just being a member of this horrible family as it is. 





Thursday?  They are not going to announce his name until Thursday? The hell with that noise.  I officially declare the baby's name to be "Towel" from here on out.   Sorry, kid.

  • Love 1

If they name the kid James it's after stupid JB.  James Michael - are they going to call him Jim Mike?  I like Gabe better.  Anything but after her father of all people. Other than that James is a nice name but stupid JB has that name in her family.  Ben is just out in the cold, second fiddle to the great JB.

  • Love 1

If they name the kid James it's after stupid JB.  James Michael - are they going to call him Jim Mike?  I like Gabe better.  Anything but after her father of all people. Other than that James is a nice name but stupid JB has that name in her family.  Ben is just out in the cold, second fiddle to the great JB.


Also, if they name him after Jim Bob, there goes the theory that Jessa's been secretly acting rebellious all this time, seems to me.

  • Love 6

No tomatoes being thrown here - it IS a nice name ! Normal, traditional, and altogether something I would have considered if I'd had a child.


BUT (here we go !) it's after JimBoob !!! Well, half of it, at least, but that's enough for me.


Was it so important to massage JB's gossamer-fragile ego that they had to give Baby Brown Towel his name ?! And, while I'm at it - why Michael ? They already HAVE a Michael in the family ! Is it a sign of their lack of imagination that they have to recycle names from parents/siblings/nephews/nieces ? Unless that was Ben's father's name ? I dunno. 


One more thing...  Jessa IS the Thunder Stealer ! Think "J" names are your property, Mechelle ? 


Not anymore, Mama. Not anymore. 

I love this post. Thumbs up 1,000 times.

  • Love 3

The general term is a post partum hemorrhage.  The most common cause is uterine atony.  The uterus is a muscle and bleeding after delivery is slowed when the uterine muscle contracts and clamps down on the uterine blood vessels.  If the uterus doesn't contract properly after delivery of the placenta, hemorrhage can ensure.  We know that someone was massaging her funds (the top of the uterus), this encourages the uterus to contract and bleeding to slow down.  There are several known risk factors for uterine agony including having had 5 or more previous births (grand multiparity is the term), prior history of hemorrhage.  Other risk factors are prolonged labors and exceptionally large babies (over 9 lbs.).  That's why many homebirth practitioners would risk someone like Jessa out of home birth or at least, transfer her to the hospital if her labor was prolonged.  It is also why most reputable homebirth attendants will have things like IV fluids, Pitocin, methergine, and hemabate (medications to aid in contracting the uterus after birth) with them in the home, to get ahead of any bleeding and minimize blood loss.


Other causes of bleeding from the uterus after birth are things like retained placenta (a piece of placenta breaks off and remains inside the uterus), placenta acreta (abnormal attachment of placenta to uterus), uterine tears (one of the risks of labor after any uterine surgery including cesarean).  There is also a situation where someone tries to deliver the placenta before it separates from the uterus and actually turns the uterus inside out (uterine inversion).  This causes all of the big blood vessels of the uterus to start bleeding briskly; it's the situation where a woman can bleed out within minutes.  It's unlikely this happened since Jessa would've been in far worse shape than she looked in the photos.


I presume that Jessa didn't have a licensed midwife in attendance at her birth although perhaps Vanessa, the defrocked midwife was there.  She wouldn't have had access to the aforementioned meds and also would've made herself scarce before the squad got there since, if she ever hopes to get her license back, she cannot be doing unauthorized births. 


It is highly unlikely that Jessa had a hysterectomy, it is pretty uncommon.  She might've had a D&C if there was concern about retained placenta.  I would be willing to bet she had a blood transfusion, probably more than one.  In extreme hemorrhage not responsive to medications and D&C, etc., a laparotomy (abdominal surgery) would be done to try to tie off some of the blood vessels feeding the uterus or suture the uterus itself to try to get it to contract.  She could've needed this.


There are other non-uterine , causes of hemorrhage including cervical or vaginal lacerations.  If Jessa didn't have competent attendants who knew how to properly examine her for these and then repair them, it could've lead to the situation we saw.  There are also severe cases of pre eclampsia where the blood clotting factors are depleted as part of the disease and this could conceivably lead to hemorrhage.  In addition, as hemorrhaging continues, the blood runs out of clotting factors which leads to DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) which is life threatening and usually requires massive transfusions and replacement of clotting factors to save the mother's life.

This entire post makes me feel like Butterfly McQueen.....I don't know nothin bout birthin no babies! It's a good thing I adopted.

  • Love 9

I was thinking about the sheet picture and I think they intended it to look like they were in the clouds, heavenly, because they are so blessed (and holy of course)..  Also - Ben has picked up the Duggar/Gothard speak really well -  sweet, precious - can't get enough of the limited vocab, he's completely Duggarized now.

  • Love 2

I was thinking about the sheet picture and I think they intended it to look like they were in the clouds, heavenly, because they are so blessed (and holy of course)..  Also - Ben has picked up the Duggar/Gothard speak really well -  sweet, precious - can't get enough of the limited vocab, he's completely Duggarized now.


I think someday there will be a horror movie series, Duggarized!


It'll have a lot in common with The Living Dead.

  • Love 2

The actual blog the doctor wrote about Jessa and Jill is really interesting.  She says they would probably both have been dead without modern medical intervention. http://www.skepticalob.com/2015/11/without-modern-obstetrics-both-jessa-and-jill-dugger-would-probably-be-dead.html




Oh lord, stop calling him "Towel" before the name sticks like when Michael Jackson's called his kid "Blanket"  !!! lmao! The poor little guy will probably have enough problems just being a member of this horrible family as it is. 





Thursday?  They are not going to announce his name until Thursday? The hell with that noise.  I officially declare the baby's name to be "Towel" from here on out.   Sorry, kid.  

I love it !    Towel Seewald.

                    If it were up to me, I might go with Terrycloth?

Oh please no. I hope they do not name that child after Jim Bob. He has enough to overcome already, he doesn't need JB taking extra interest in him because he is his namesake.


I'm hoping if not Towel, then Gabriel. 

If they really want to name it after JB, then it would have to be Tiny Slim Jim.

  • Love 8




What would have happened to the Duggar sisters had they lived 200 years ago instead of today?

Jill would have been one of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of American women who died of obstructed labor each and every year.


Jessa, in contrast, might have bled to death after the successful birth of a healthy boy.

But doctors know nothing...



So both Jill and Jessa trusted birth and birth nearly killed them. Obstetricians, in contrast, saved them. They’ve given us an object lesson in why homebirth can be dangerous and even deadly.

Thinking about homebirth? Think about Jessa and Jill and think again.


  • Love 3

Uh no...It makes me sick to my stomach when I hear them talking about adoption.  Oh I am sure they will go though the motions for the cameras but no they will not adopt.  There are too many things like having a steady income, vetted by a social worker, etc.  And come on, would they even adopt (or foster) a child of color?  They could do a private adoption with a birth family, but who would allow their child to be raised by cult?  Would they even allow visitation/open adoption?  Ugh.


/edited for double posting

Unless they wanted to take on a hard to place child, I can not imagine anyone allowing a young healthy couple capable of having babies to adopt.  Would Bin and Blessa consider an older child? A non-white child? A child with serious health issues? I just can't see that.

  • Love 1

My bad, they release the People cover on Wednesdays. I am not sure whether the articles are released online before Friday, when the magazine hits supermarkets. I know subscribers have screenshot their hard copies when they arrive on Thursday. So, possibly a name reveal Wednesday, I'll say for sure by Thursday.

Clearer than mud. They are certainly squeezing every possible cent out of BamBam Towel Seahorse.

  • Love 7

The actual blog the doctor wrote about Jessa and Jill is really interesting.  She says they would probably both have been dead without modern medical intervention. http://www.skepticalob.com/2015/11/without-modern-obstetrics-both-jessa-and-jill-dugger-would-probably-be-dead.html




Oh lord, stop calling him "Towel" before the name sticks like when Michael Jackson's called his kid "Blanket"  !!! lmao! The poor little guy will probably have enough problems just being a member of this horrible family as it is. 





Thursday?  They are not going to announce his name until Thursday? The hell with that noise.  I officially declare the baby's name to be "Towel" from here on out.   Sorry, kid.  

Why not? Michael Jackson named his kid Blanket.  They can be besties!

  • Love 3

Team Baby Brown Towel  !!!   (TM SomePity1066)   #BBT


Seriously - what's the game here ? Are they REALLY going to withhold the name, a matter of very little consequence as a Tabloid Teaser, honestly, while not releasing Jessa's condition ?!? WTF ?!


To me, it's far more important to know that Jessa is okay than to know BBT's real name. Who cares what his name is ?!? Nothing anyone thinks or says can't change the fact, and as much fun it is to speculate on how bad (or not ?) the name may be...


Why does no one know how the new mother is ? The silence is deafening



  • Love 7

I understand why we are calling the baby Towel, but why Bam Bam? Where did that come from?

Is it a reference to what he did to Jessa's lady parts on the way out or something?

No, but that's funny! He's been called BamBam for several weeks now. I'm not sure why, but I think it's hilarious!
  • Love 2

I think some of this is all being over thought.  My version of timeline:

Jessa seems to have gone into labor sometime on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. This is based on the Instagram pics.  She appears to have had a relatively short labor since bam bam was born Thursday night.

Short labor/large baby:  Utereus doesn't shrink fast enough, Jessa bleeds too much. Supposedly she had stopped by the time the 911 call went through. While 911 call is being placed, baby is cleaned off and passed around at mold house.

After being checked out by paramedics, they determine she needs to be transported to hospital - she travels to hospital in ambulance, bam bam travels with possibly mom and dad.  Jessa is admitted to hospital Thursday night - stays until at least Saturday according to pics posted.


Right now no one knows where Jessa is, or how she is doing.  I didn't see an IV, so I'm doubting Hysterectemy.  I really wish they would just let us know how she is and what happened.

  • Love 4

I just have to say that most internet rumors about celebrity baby names almost always point to the grandparents' (of the baby) names. Especially if the parents (like JB and Michelle) are famous, because naming after grand/parents is an easy guess, and almost always people are wrong. (Exceptions being the royal children, and even that people weren't one-hundred percent right.)


I have no idea what the name is, but I think Michael would seem to them a bit too common as a first name for baby Seewald.


I understand why we are calling the baby Towel, but why Bam Bam? Where did that come from?

Bam Bam was a character  on the Flintstones.  He was a male baby/toddler character.

I'm not sure how the Flintstones references started here though. Maybe since the Duggars believe humans lived with dinosaurs like the Flintstones did?

  • Love 1

I just have to say that most internet rumors about celebrity baby names almost always point to the grandparents' (of the baby) names. Especially if the parents (like JB and Michelle) are famous, because naming after grand/parents is an easy guess, and almost always people are wrong. (Exceptions being the royal children, and even that people weren't one-hundred percent right.)


I have no idea what the name is, but I think Michael would seem to them a bit too common as a first name for baby Seewald.


Bam Bam was a character  on the Flintstones.  He was a male baby/toddler character.

I'm not sure how the Flintstones references started here though. Maybe since the Duggars believe humans lived with dinosaurs like the Flintstones did?

Ben's fire and brimstone sermons. Jessa's fire and brimstone sermons. Brimstone= Flintstone hense Pepples for a girl and BamBam for a boy!

  • Love 5

If it was just about the filming, I'm sure they could find a private birthing center willing to host the dog and pony show, along with its staff. Or you know, just a real CNM attending the birth at home.

I gotta think the whole "birthing at home" thing started with Anna, who probably did go into it with the mindset that "God loves me and because I'm so holy he won't harm me." Anna just happened to be built a little better for birthing. Then you had Jill's "education" that made her strive for the perfect birth and Jessa's need to upstage her older sister.

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Jessa responded to a fan on FB saying that they haven't decided on a name for the baby yet. Since she is someone who is just another J name in the bunch, I can reasonably see why she would want to take her time (if she's being truthful)!

Edited by Spencer Hastings
  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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