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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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If the baby is at home while Jessa remains hospitalized I think that pretty much confirms they don't have health insurance. It's odd to me that they wouldn't keep the baby with Jessa so he could nurse and be observed for any further complications.

Fuzzysox, regarding the tape, it's not so much that Michelle is calm, it's that she sounds high as a freaking kite in the audio recording.

After the 911 operator asked if the patient was breathing I half expected the next question to be " are you breathing?" I'm glad she didn't panic and was clear and concise with the operator but cmon she sounded like she was ready for a nap. Her affect is so very very strange.

  • Love 13

I think she is trying to stay very very calm and positive because Jessa is within earshot. She says at one point as an aside, "I'm massaging your uterus" (or that is what I think I hear, at least). I think she is in Calm Mommy mode. I am no Michelle fan but I think she is being careful not to alarm Jessa. It is a variation of her usual Keep Sweet voice.

  • Love 8


She says Jessa is 24 - guess she forgets ages.  The description makes it sound like a postpartum hemorrhage (defined as >500 mL blood loss in a vaginal birth, or >1000 mL for a C-section).  




This photo was just posted on the Seewalds' website.  Something about it seems....photoshopped.

  • Love 18

In the hospital pic, you can see a car seat in the background. It leads me to believe that Baby Bam Bam was not admitted and brought separately.

In the last picture, they are definitely holding up a hospital sheet behind Jessa. The only thing I can't tell is if she's still sitting in bed or not. I think that's what makes the picture look so off.

  • Love 6

I think she is trying to stay very very calm and positive because Jessa is within earshot. She says at one point as an aside, "I'm massaging your uterus" (or that is what I think I hear, at least). I think she is in Calm Mommy mode. I am no Michelle fan but I think she is being careful not to alarm Jessa. It is a variation of her usual Keep Sweet voice.

I definitely heard Michelle say " I'm massaging your uterus". Was there NO MIDWIFE there!!!! Even a lay midwife? Michelle makes it sound like she was handling the birth herself?!?!?!?!

  • Love 6

Just listened to the tape.  I agree, I think Michelle is being overly calm for Jessa's sake.  I don't have the greatest speakers, but I'm pretty sure you can hear Jessa in the background crying and panicking a little.  MIchelle reassures here that the ambulance is coming and explains what she is doing because it sounds like Jessa painickally asks what Michelle is doing (like it hurts).  When asked about the baby though she got way too perky, "oh the baby is doing great" before going back to zombie voice.


Poor Jessa looks exhausted, kind of scared, and a little drugged out

Edited by Ripley68
  • Love 7

I think she is trying to stay very very calm and positive because Jessa is within earshot. She says at one point as an aside, "I'm massaging your uterus" (or that is what I think I hear, at least). I think she is in Calm Mommy mode. I am no Michelle fan but I think she is being careful not to alarm Jessa. It is a variation of her usual Keep Sweet voice.



I can only imagine what this recording sounds like compared to Michelle's 'real' voice from a few years ago, but even compared to her newish baby sweet voice, this floaty dreamy little girl voice is fucking weird

If the baby is at home while Jessa remains hospitalized I think that pretty much confirms they don't have health insurance. It's odd to me that they wouldn't keep the baby with Jessa so he could nurse and be observed for any further complications.

Fuzzysox, regarding the tape, it's not so much that Michelle is calm, it's that she sounds high as a freaking kite in the audio recording.


They were probably both transported after a rough home delivery. It seems that things were under control but not quite as planned.

This photo was just posted on the Seewalds' website.  Something about it seems....photoshopped.


It looks odd to me because Jessa seemed to have a much fuller face during pregnancy. Her chin is jutting out in this picture like it did in her wedding photos when she lost all that weight. She looks pretty good, all in all, but my god, what a pack of morons.

  • Love 7

It looks odd to me because Jessa seemed to have a much fuller face during pregnancy. Her chin is jutting out in this picture like it did in her wedding photos when she lost all that weight. She looks pretty good, all in all, but my god, what a pack of morons.

I notice that Jessa tends to take all her selfies from a side angle. I think that's why her face looks completely different when you see her head-on.

  • Love 6


She says Jessa is 24 - guess she forgets ages.

 Oh, darn, you make me think I need to defend Michelle.  Isn't Jessa's birthday Nov 4, the day before the delivery? So 23 is on her mind, but she can't remember if she is 22 turned 23, or 23 turned 24. I will give her a pass on that. Now if she had her confused with Josie's age, then I would think she had a real problem.   I sometimes have to do math to figure out the age of my son and daughter who are both adults. When they were younger and in school or college, it was much easier to remember as I could match it to the grade they were in .  That is, A is in third grade so she is 8. 


I cannot believe I just defended Ma Duggar. I am going to lie down now.

  • Love 22

Seriously? That does not look like a supportive position for 1 DAY old to be in. You can't tell me they don't have a Boppy pillow. That poor baby. These two are clueless for having grown up around a ton of babies.

  • Love 1

Wow, that is a big baby. He has Jessa's lips but I think the rest of him looks like Bin, which is probably a good thing. Duggar males don't fare well in the looks department past the age of 16. The prison jumpsuit is very apropos considering the family he was just born into.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

It appears Jessica delivered the news followed by Michelle (on the Duggar Family Official Facebook page), but I'm wondering if either of them had Jessa's permission to do so. I can understand Jessica's excitement at being a new aunt, but Michelle should know that this info wasn't hers to announce. Looks like this family needs to have a sit down and discuss privacy and who has the rights to announce personal info.

Seriously? This family doesn't even grant privacy in the washroom or bedroom or at the grocery store. Privacy means zero to these folks.
  • Love 3
I sometimes have to do math to figure out the age of my son and daughter who are both adults.


Hell, I'm a grown adult and have to do math to remember my OWN age, let alone that of other people in my family. I'm 43...44?...no, 43, I turn 44 next month. I think - 2015-1971. Yeah, 44 next month.


I think MEchelle was a combination of being a calm mother while her daughter is in earshot (and I'll give her reluctant credit for that - hey at least she wasn't video taping and laughing at Jessa's medical emergency...I HOPE) AND being so completely brainwashed into her "keep sweet baby girl voice" that she doesn't know how to speak without it.

  • Love 12

Seriously? That does not look like a supportive position for 1 DAY old to be in. You can't tell me they don't have a Boppy pillow. That poor baby. These two are clueless for having grown up around a ton of babies.

Expression translation mine:

"Well golly, heh heh, I , uh eh, think we alls, um, turned out okay. We didn't have no boppo."

All of the Duggar girls seem to to have desperately anxious trying-too-hard-to-look-happy smiles. The eyes.

Not to mention, except I'm right now going to, they took the baby away for a photo op.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 2


That is one weird relationship. They'll get in bed with PEOPLE but PEOPLE has absolutely no trouble throwing them under the bus when needed (see: all the negative press coverage about Smugs). Or kissing their asses when needed (the birth details). The Duggars must be Jolie-Pitt levels of cash cow.

  • Love 4

They won't. I'm betting there was no medical insurance. And I'm also betting that TLC is hoping for huge ratings out of this and was filming the entire time.


I'm sure the sales of next week's PEOPLE will be huge as well.


I agree with you 100% -- there is no way that Ben has any insurance. JB pays Ben, and he's not going to pay him enough to purchase something that JB thinks is unnecessary. I also hope that they send that bill to Ben, not JB -- even a short stay in the hospital is going to run thousands of dollars. If they plan to have a baby every year, there is a real possibility of a hospital bill like that -- or an even bigger bill -- coming into the house every year. Not only will there be no more Starbucks for the Seewald family in the coming year, but they will be paying off hospital bills for the next 20 years -- good luck buying a house or a car or anthing else, really. Maybe Ben will make it as a Christian movie star, or a grifting televangelist, but right now he cleans toilets for a living. I hope this baby is a wake-up call for him.


And, I really hope that this is the beginning of a wake-up call for all of the girls: Jana down to Josie. Just because your mother can drop a baby a year without putting down her latte, doesn't mean that the same thing will happen to you.


He's a lovely baby, and I wish them all the very best, but I really hope that that's it for a while. Having children isn't a contest, it's a responsibility. We are long past our saturation point with television families with too many kids, there is no more room in that market.

  • Love 22

In that new photo of the three of them, Jessa looks a bit shell-shocked to me.  Maybe the only reason the baby is there is because Bin brought him to the hospital.


ETA:  If that baby was a patient in the hospital wouldn't he be in the usual hospital hat and blanket?

Edited by riverblue22
  • Love 2

In that new photo of the three of them, Jessa looks a bit shell-shocked to me.  Maybe the only reason the baby is there is because Bin brought him to the hospital.

I hope you're right. I'd be kind of livid that my new baby was being passed around to various people at that dirty house in a towel while I was at the hospital. Whatever, though. Not my kid.


I wonder if any future Duggar girls will pull an Alyssa Bates Webster and outright forbid whole family visits for the first few months, staggering the arrivals so she and her husband could bond with the baby. That would take some brass for that family.

  • Love 8


I don't blame Jessa for hoarding the name. It is the only thing that she gets to release herself, because while she was literally bleeding out, Ben's family leaked the sex and first pictures.


Girl pushed a 9.11 lb baby out of her vajay at home without medication and hemorrhaged to the point that she needed to be transported to the hospital via ambulance while her crappy in-laws sold her out for ten seconds of internet fame. At the very least, Jessa deserves to release the kid's name however and whenever she pleases!

Edited by Guest

I don't blame Jessa for hoarding the name. It is the only thing that she gets to release herself, because while she was literally bleeding out, Ben's family leaked the sex and first pictures.


Girl pushed a 9.11 lb baby out of her vajay at home without medication and hemorrhaged to the point that she needed to be transported to the hospital via ambulance while her crappy in-laws sold her out for ten seconds of internet fame. At the very least, Jessa deserves to release the kid's name however and whenever she pleases!

I thought his name was already out there.


Thought whatsername misspelled it as a feminine, Gabrielle, and then ozoned it.

  • Love 3

Hell, I'm a grown adult and have to do math to remember my OWN age, let alone that of other people in my family. I'm 43...44?...no, 43, I turn 44 next month. I think - 2015-1971. Yeah, 44 next month.


I think MEchelle was a combination of being a calm mother while her daughter is in earshot (and I'll give her reluctant credit for that - hey at least she wasn't video taping and laughing at Jessa's medical emergency...I HOPE) AND being so completely brainwashed into her "keep sweet baby girl voice" that she doesn't know how to speak without it.


Haha, ditto, I once spent a few months in late 30s telling people with complete and utter sincerity, that I was a year younger than I actually was, so I'll give M. a pass on this one.  It's not like it makes a terrible difference to the doctor or treatment if the mother is 23 or 24, anyway, as I should think they're concerned with first timers/teens who might not have finished pelvic development/elder mothers.

  • Love 4

Blerg !!!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but the 911 call, upon a second listen, sounds like Michelle was just trying (for once !) to be calm, accurate, and concerned for her daughter. Sure, she's as checked out as a Harry Potter book in a middle school library, but I've been in that situation far, far too many times, and she did the best thing she could - gave appropriate info, answered questions effectively, repeated back what the operator asked, and passed on the necessary information to others in the room.

I was home with my mom when she took a bad turn - her very last turn - and it was my older sister who called 911. She was a blubbering, sobbing, hysterical mess, but refused to hand over the phone because "she was the oldest and in charge, dammit !". I had to call 911 on my own to get an ambulance there because she couldn't even get the address correct, so I'm firmly on the side of a calm, even detached caller, even if they are a benzo-cocktail hot mess.

That being said, the whole deal sounds like it was an epic clusterfuck.

Where were the midwives ? Did they even have any ? If they were there, were they from the school of the unlicensed, discredited woman from NW Arkansas who has made a career out of making a terrible hash of home births and has a whole blog devoted to her (sometimes tragic) mistakes ???

Honestly, if I was alone and about to give birth (not that that's ever gonna happen !) and I had a choice between remaining alone or having Michelle there, I'd pick Michelle - no lie. She has delivered 19 kids, after all, more or less successfully, and she seems to know where all the...bits and pieces are. But, and this is a BIG but, that falls into the category of choosing the lesser of two evils. No one should have to make a choice like that - so what did Jessa choose ? Did she have Michelle there as her primary midwife ? Did Jessa (and Michelle ?) ignore all of the oh-so-obvious signs that she was in distress ? Did she just pull a "Jill" ???

Jesus on a biscuit !!! The whole thing is turning into a cross between "Jackass" and "Punked" ! Between Jill and Jessa there seems to be a "Go on...I DARE you !" vibe that's not going to end well. At what point do the "precious blessings" actually become precious enough to actually care for properly ?

They don't live in a post-Apocalyptic world where civilization has broken down and they have to fight murderous cannibals to survive. It's 2015, there's modern medicine and hospitals. Check into one BEFORE the worst possible scenario become a reality.

End rant.

It behooves me to reluctantly agree that Mechelle was remaining calm for her daughter's sake. I have done it myself during stressful situations regarding medical emergencies in the past. Even that ridiculous song songy voice. Ugh. Did it while my mom was having her stroke. .trying to calm the fear in her. So yeah. .put me in the defending Mechelle corner this ONE time! But this wackadoodle needs to sit these daughters down at some point and tell them that obviously home births aren't always the only way and Big Momma had hospital births and a blessing is a bloody blessing regardless where it is born. Jesus I'm angry these girls allow this nonsense to happen. Jessa could have died bleeding out on that bed, while everyone is passing baby around Singing Bringing in the Sheaves.
  • Love 15

Anyone think while Michelle is concerned about her kids, she may be secretly gleeful because it's obvious they won't be dropping kids every year?O


n the tap, there is an obvious break in the tape from the "this is 911" to where Michelle starts talking about what happened

Maybe they redacted the address?

  • Love 3

I think Michelle was staying calm for Jessa. Did you hear her say "you're OK" so you know Jessa was right there and scared. Michelle is a nut but this was one of her better moments. (contrast with one of the boys falling down the orchestra pit or the girl with the head stuck in the railing).

She was calm, clear, stayed on the line and followed directions. I don't know what more she could've done. And, thank goodness she did call an ambulance. Some fanatical people could pray and wait for God to stop the bleeding. At least she realized Jessa needed medical help. (No problem with praying but GET HELP!!!)

I wonder if we will see the footage of the birth?


Edited by Marigold
  • Love 15

I think Jessa must have really been freaking out. There was another point in the call where Michelle said "hang in there" leading me to believe she wasn't doing well. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall in the doctor's lounge after yet another Duggar girl was rushed to the hospital with complications.

I wonder if Jessa had any real prenatal care beyond a strip mall ultrasound. It will be interesting to see how the editing monkeys sanitize the footage for the upcoming special.

  • Love 14

Haha, ditto, I once spent a few months in late 30s telling people with complete and utter sincerity, that I was a year younger than I actually was, so I'll give M. a pass on this one.  It's not like it makes a terrible difference to the doctor or treatment if the mother is 23 or 24, anyway, as I should think they're concerned with first timers/teens who might not have finished pelvic development/elder mothers.

I'm rather loving these confused age stories. One year I thought I was 39 and not really happy about the big 40. A friend told me she had a special b-day present for me. She told me I was going to be 39 and she was right. D'oh

I can't get to upset about Michelle messing up an age. Anyway, Happy Birthday little Bam Bam.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I listened again and heard Michelle say "hang in there". Jessa was probably really scared and Michelle was using that insane voice to remain calm and keep Jessa calm.

I know these people are a pack of loons but I'm glad both jessa and no name baby are OK.

Wonder if Jessa will do another home birth? I doubt it...

  • Love 8
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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