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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I hope she doesn't have the baby tomorrow, my sister went to the hospital last night she (my sister) is dilated 2 and 50% effaced, I'm hoping my sister has her baby tomorrow or the next day, her other two went pretty quick once she started dilating. I don't want my nephew and baby chucky born on the same day.


"Baby Chucky" - LOL - laugh of the day for me!!!

It'd be nice to see a classy name. 


Diana Seewald, Julia Seewald, Catherine Seewald, Elena Seewald, ect.

Jonathan Seewald, Garrett Seewald, Nathaniel Seewald, ect.


Anything is better than Israel David at this point.  


Bolding above is mine.


It would be nice.

And it would be a miracle, IMO...

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Did I mention my bitter disappointment that little Dystopia was not born on Halloween? ;-)

Think about this - two more days and then the birth announcement will read "Ben, 20 and Jessa, 23"

Not sure why but that cracks me up. In the real world it doesn't matter, but in their world it's noticeable.

  • Love 12

I may be reading into her last post too much, but wouldn't that possibly be indicative of her not going to an actual doctor for her pregnancy? I haven't had a kid of my own by any means, but many of my friends are at that stage in their life and it always seems like they post how much their baby is weighing in at, according to their doctors, when it gets close to the due date. Her text almost makes it sound like she has no idea how much her child weighs. She doesn't look HUGE by any means, at least enough to have a 10 lb baby, but once again... what do I know about this stuff! ;)

I may be reading into her last post too much, but wouldn't that possibly be indicative of her not going to an actual doctor for her pregnancy? I haven't had a kid of my own by any means, but many of my friends are at that stage in their life and it always seems like they post how much their baby is weighing in at, according to their doctors, when it gets close to the due date. Her text almost makes it sound like she has no idea how much her child weighs. She doesn't look HUGE by any means, at least enough to have a 10 lb baby, but once again... what do I know about this stuff! ;)

They probably know, just like they know they aren't having twins. They love to drum up interest.

  • Love 2

they post how much their baby is weighing in at, according to their doctors, when it gets close to the due date. Her text almost makes it sound like she has no idea how much her child weighs.


My son was 11-4 at birth. Ain't nobody predicted that! They were then saying 10+ for the next one at my last appointment (my third child) -- she was 8-13. Petite little thing. So it's not an exact science.


Of course, I'm old, so they might have progressed. Y'all get off my lawn.

Edited by Broken Ox
  • Love 5

How big someone gets during pregancy doesn't necessarily correlate with the size of the baby. While both my boys were reasonably good sizes at just over 8 lb, the first was a "bump" the size of a beachball while the other (my third) was probably less than half the bulk. My daughter was quite a bit smaller than either of them but I certainly didn't look as though I was carrying a petite little thing.

  • Love 1

I thought a baby's birth weight was similar to his/her mother's birth weight. It was in my case - I was 10 lbs, my babies were 9 lb and just over 7 (but the 7 pounder was 3 1/2 weeks early).

If I'm right, Jessa will be having a big baby!

Does anyone know how big Jill was when born? That might help determine if this is correct.

I was 6.5, so was my daughter. My son was 7.3. My MIL's were all over 9 lbs, but I don't know how big she was at birth.

I am kind of embarrassed by how often I am visiting this thread to find out if Jessa has popped that baby out yet.

I couldn't care less about yet another Duggar baby. It's the snark potential! How fast will JB and Michele break a leg trying to insert themselves into the announcement photos? How many Izzy or new bump instagrams will Jill immediately put up? Will Jessa up her selfie rate to one an hour? Will she forget to include the baby in them?

The possibilities are endless...

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 17

I couldn't care less about yet another Duggar baby. It's the snark potential! How fast will JB and Michele break a leg trying to insert themselves into the announcement photos? How many Izzy or new bump instagrams will Jill immediately put up? Will Jessa up her selfie rate to one an hour? Will she forget to include the baby in them?

The possibilities are endless...

I can almost hear the Toot Toot of the Boob-driven, germ laden Stink Bus pulling up on the Seewalds lawn. And MEchelle's little whisper "she's doing just fine" while Jessa suffers in pain during labor like Jill & Anna. Ahhh memories.......

  • Love 5

I couldn't care less about yet another Duggar baby. It's the snark potential! How fast will JB and Michele break a leg trying to insert themselves into the announcement photos? How many Izzy or new bump instagrams will Jill immediately put up? Will Jessa up her selfie rate to one an hour? Will she forget to include the baby in them?

The possibilities are endless...

Bolding is mine...


That's what I'll have my eye on - how quickly JimBoob starts monopolizing the conversation by counting off how many kids (and grandkids !) HE has while never quite acknowledging Jessa, Ben, or Baby Seewald's presence. That will, of course, lead to Me-Me-Mechelle recounting one of her OWN labor and delivery stories with breathy-voiced, bug-eyed abandon.


There is NOTHING that happens in this universe that they can't make about themselves. The selfishness is suffocating.  

  • Love 14

Another gigantic baby.


One has to wonder if Jessa Blessa will be spending some time in the local hospital's delivery room as well.


Did I mention my bitter disappointment that little Dystopia was not born on Halloween? ;-)

She may have already had the baby. They kept Anna's a secret, didn't they?


Edited b/c it just occurred to me they might announce the baby on 11/4, when SVU airs.

I couldn't care less about yet another Duggar baby. It's the snark potential! How fast will JB and Michele break a leg trying to insert themselves into the announcement photos? How many Izzy or new bump instagrams will Jill immediately put up? Will Jessa up her selfie rate to one an hour? Will she forget to include the baby in them?

The possibilities are endless...

I agree completely, but you left out Amy. Wonder what she'll pull?

Edited by Purpose to defraud
  • Love 7

She may have already had the baby. They kept Anna's a secret, didn't they?


Edited b/c it just occurred to me they might announce the baby on 11/4, when SVU airs.

I agree completely, but you left out Amy. Wonder what she'll pull?

I could see that - waiting until tomorrow to announce the arrival.  Then it would be like "And we just had this precious blessing and the horrible evil t.v. people are arriving that awful show.  They are so mean!"

  • Love 6

I could see that - waiting until tomorrow to announce the arrival.  Then it would be like "And we just had this precious blessing and the horrible evil t.v. people are arriving that awful show.  They are so mean!"

I personally think she had the baby over the weekend and they are hiding it ( which is fine!). She probably had someone else post the IG pics to throw everyone off their tracks. Sneaky. LOL


Who knows maybe she will look at her daughter/son and not want to subject her/him to a life in the public eye...one can only hope


  • Love 2

Who knows maybe she will look at her daughter/son and not want to subject her/him to a life in the public eye...one can only hope

Bless your kind heart, but I would bet an appendage she'll be pimping that baby out (metaphorically) before, during, and especially after.

She doesn't know any other way.

  • Love 14

I personally think she had the baby over the weekend and they are hiding it ( which is fine!). She probably had someone else post the IG pics to throw everyone off their tracks. Sneaky. LOL


Who knows maybe she will look at her daughter/son and not want to subject her/him to a life in the public eye...one can only hope


HA! If People comes a calling that baby will be a cover boy/girl. That's all  these people know being part of the horse and pony show for $$$$$$$$.

  • Love 6

Bless your kind heart, but I would bet an appendage she'll be pimping that baby out (metaphorically) before, during, and especially after.

She doesn't know any other way.


I'm half expecting selfies while she's in labor and giving birth.  Just hope she learned from her sister in law and stays far from the toilet.

  • Love 3

Jessa won't slum it. She might let Jill use a fish finder on her belly for TV, but Mom got to go to a real doctor, so she'll demand the same.

That's a really good point - Jessa wants only the best for Jessa, but I thought she'd planned a home birth. I am old and forgetful, so do I have that wrong ? 

  • Love 1

That's a really good point - Jessa wants only the best for Jessa, but I thought she'd planned a home birth. I am old and forgetful, so do I have that wrong ?

I don't really pay full attention to the words that come out of the adult Duggars mouths, I just pay enough attention to get the gist of it, excluding religious babble, which I tune out completely. She may well have said she planned a home birth.

ETA: She did, two scandals ago, in an April edition of People

"Every birth story is unique," she adds. "We think we want to go with a midwife and plan for a home birth, but I want to just be prepared that not everything may go as planned and try not to get too worried about it."

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

I don't really pay full attention to the words that come out of the adult Duggars mouths, I just pay enough attention to get the gist of it, excluding religious babble, which I tune out completely. She may well have said she planned a home birth.

ETA: She did, two scandals ago, in an April edition of People


omfg, she really HAS been pregnant forever. April!!!!

  • Love 7

I too feel utter shame for checking in to see if the Second Coming has occurred. Six months ago were on vacation in Croatia and Slovenia and I checked this site each evening after a full day of sightseeing to see if Jill had given forth her issue yet. I actually posted my first rant during that trip, disgusted with Jill's inability to put on her big girl panties and suck up the fact that her birth plan went awry. Tomorrow are leaving for two weeks in Turkey and shamefully I will be armed with my iPad to follow the Seewald spawn. Oh the immense shame!

Edited by BOOgen3
  • Love 14

That's a really good point - Jessa wants only the best for Jessa, but I thought she'd planned a home birth. I am old and forgetful, so do I have that wrong ? 

She's PLANNED a home birth. She may not go through with it when she figures out that it's going to be painful, embarrassing, and she does not want to expose her nether regions to a film crew. I think the biggest motivator will be PAIN.


I'm one of those childfree chicks, but one has to consider it's not easy passing something the size of a watermelon through something else the size of a lemon...

AS IF Roe vs. Wade REQUIRES women to have an abortion.

In their worldview, women fit them in between a pedicure and weekly grocery shopping.


And Bin will find this an irresistible platform to do some additional trumpeting of his beliefs.

  • Love 8

Would anyone like to bet me that young Dystopia already owns one of those "I survived Roe v. Wade" t-shirts Bin loves so much and there will be photos of this fact up on Instagram within a week?

Given their worldview, that should be the equivalent of tattooing the kid with "this was the byproduct of sinful, unsanctified fornication yet we forged on and had the little sin-inheritor anyway because Jesus said so even though it would have been far more convenient to have a legwax and a procedure in the same appointment at the stripmall."

They won't get that, naturellement...

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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