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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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They were there during the week, though. This could have been from LAST weekend when they might have still been in Laredo. No room for Mechelle, likely Jana, and all the Seewalds at Chez Vuolo.

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

That bedding and the headboard look like a hotel to me. And not Fred's Rooms-by-the-Hour, either. 

I don't care either way; I'm just curious why. 

My first thought was the sheets are too clean and the headboard too polished for it to be the master bedroom of the Mold House. 

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

They were there during the week, though. This could have been from LAST weekend when they might have still been in Laredo. No room for Mechelle, likely Jana, and all the Seewalds at Chez Vuolo.

Is it too much to hope that Jeremy set up Ben/Jessa/Spurge/Henry at a hotel, claiming it would be too much stress on a recovering-from-childbirth-Jinger to be underfoot of two toddlers all day along with her newborn?

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I don’t think Jana was in Laredo at all.  They had pictures of her in WI with the other Duggars.  Maybe she met them after the fact, but considering she wasn’t in the US Weekly pics I’m leaning towards not at all.

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Oh, I didn't see the WI pics, but she wasn't at the Lincoln Museum,  so I figured she was in Laredo. 

I also wonder where they put Grandma/Pa (if he went) Vuolo? You know Diana had to be there; it's her first grandchild.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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On 7/18/2018 at 7:34 AM, GeeGolly said:

I guess Jessa got slammed for Spurgie being in diapers still. Her response, which didn't feel bitchy, made sense sort of. Waiting until a kid is ready makes sense, but if she's going to wait until Spurgie can go potty with no assistance at all, she's going to be waiting a long while.

We tried with my oldest a few times and it was more about training me and I had no time for that. About a week or two before her 3rd birthday she went to the potty and that was that. She only needed help if she had a complicated outfit on. Younger was much younger, but her older sister potty trained her. She'd just tote her with her to the bathroom and youngest got it. I never helped much and had it super easy. I prefer Jessa's approach tbh. 

5 hours ago, Heathen said:

That bedding and the headboard look like a hotel to me. And not Fred's Rooms-by-the-Hour, either. 

I don't care either way; I'm just curious why. 

Oh for sure. The lamp on the wall gives it away. 

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I missed Jana in both the IL and WI photos as well.  Is Lauren's dad Boob new best buddy?  Taking the young Swansons, the younger Duggars and Smuggars kids all on a road trip.  Leaving Ma Swanson with a what? 5 month old baby at home by herself? On the other hand a house alone and only 1 kid to take care of might be a vacation to her.

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Hmm.  I checked the Camp Galilee website.  First it's a non denom camp.  It was United Methodist for like 100 years before that though.  The kids and teens dress in tshirts and tank tops and real shorts!  Real swimsuits!  Boys and girls side hug each other without being in a courtship!  There are slip and slides, mud pits/courses.  There are no modesty panels and skirt wearing teen age girls attempting to do archery or horseback riding.  Why any of the Duggar clan would go there is beyond me.  I don't see how Jessa could relate to any of these young women.  Now, that said, the IG site for the Camp has their photo uploaded on the 26th and mentions last night - which should be the 25th.  The last 2 summer camps ended on the 21st, so I'm not sure who they are talking to unless it's all staff.  The next scheduled event isn't until Sept.  Hmmmm  I wonder if it was a private event booked and had them come in.  But it doesn't seem like that are talking to a bunch of teenagers.  Meanwhile, they are in MO, where the heck are Henry and Spurg?  Back at the motel?

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I wonder if Grace Fellowship rented the campgrounds for their Youth Camp.  The text states that Jessa & Ben spoke to the campers. There is no way Jim Bob & Michelle would allow their kids to attend a non-Gothard youth camp, but as long as they got paid, I'm sure they wouldn't complain about Jessa & Ben speaking there.

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17 minutes ago, zoomama said:

jessa is on a photo-posting binge today! something must be up....

Where? The Henry bed-head picture is still the latest one I see on her Instagram.

Regardless, I would assume she wants to do her part to promote the new season starting tonight.

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On 27/07/2018 at 8:42 AM, Oldernowiser said:

She needs to work on her helpmeet suckup adoration face. Her stance has “my husband is an idiot” written all over it.

I can just see her pointing at the notes emphatically. 

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Isn't Ben about ready to finish his online studies at Moody Bible Institute to be a minister?  We know he completed his internship at Harvard Avenue Baptist Church in Siloam Springs.  He's been taking courses and working odd jobs for Jim Bob for at least the past five years.  It's about time for him to move on with his life.

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15 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I want to like Jessa; I really do, but she is so darn smug.  She needs to stop acting like being married for three years is a huge deal and an accomplishment.  Especially to those of us that have been married for decades.  I find it really annoying. 

I’d be more impressed if she had gone to college or work for three years.  A married Duggar is not an accomplishment because it’s not like she had much of a choice about the matter. Either get married or live home forever.  

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9 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Jessa is probably the least appealing Duggar daughter to me. I also find her arrogant in addition to manipulative. I get the impression that she enjoys feeling superior at the expense of others. I wouldn't be surprised if she's watching Jill struggle to make ends meet and encourages her to continue with her disorganized crazy ass blog. She appears lazy and entitled to me.

Let's see, smug, arrogant, superior, lazy and entitled.  Sounds like a Duggar to me.  You did, however, forget ignorant!  ;)

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16 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Jessa is probably the least appealing Duggar daughter to me. I also find her arrogant in addition to manipulative. I get the impression that she enjoys feeling superior at the expense of others. I wouldn't be surprised if she's watching Jill struggle to make ends meet and encourages her to continue with her disorganized crazy ass blog. She appears lazy and entitled to me.

I so agree. In addition to the ''attributes '' you listed above, she looks so slovenly. Her hair is a mess and she puts no thought into what she wears. Most of the time she looks like she grabbed the first thing from the closet,( or off the floor).

The two boys always look clean and cared for. I'll give her props for that, but Jessa has really let herself go.

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 Jessa is the Queen mostly by default...

 Jilly is on the outs because her husband like to fight/tweet TLC stars...

Joy just wants to be on the sidelines and was never comfortable to be front and center....

Jinge has escaped the asylum....

Jana has no wedding or baby news so she is useless to the Dugg machine.

Queen Jessa gets edited as a overly confident, under educated, a know it all...

Edited by humbleopinion
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19 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Jessa is probably the least appealing Duggar daughter to me. I also find her arrogant in addition to manipulative. I get the impression that she enjoys feeling superior at the expense of others. I wouldn't be surprised if she's watching Jill struggle to make ends meet and encourages her to continue with her disorganized crazy ass blog. She appears lazy and entitled to me.

I agree, and I don’t think she is that pretty either. Certainly not the “hottest” sister.

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37 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I agree, and I don’t think she is that pretty either. Certainly not the “hottest” sister.

She's one of those types who I think is more photogenic than pretty. 

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Wow, congrats to Jessica. She looks great in the uniform. That's awesome she's starting a career where she'll have salary, benefits and opportunity for advancement. Meanwhile Bin is taking Bible classes for purposes unknown...

I wonder if he or Jessa will post anything. Graduating from the police academy is a pretty big deal. 

Edited by BitterApple
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I wonder how Ben is feeling right now with his sister having one of the toughest and dangerous jobs in the country especially since law enforcement is a man's field. Plus the fact she has topped JD also. I love it! Take that Duggars!!!

Edited by bigskygirl
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8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

wonder if he or Jessa will post anything. Graduating from the police academy is a pretty big deal.

The seewaldfamily IG has like 5 or 6 photos.  One is with Jessica and all of her siblings, EXCEPT for Ben.  Now granted, google maps says its 4 1/2 hours between Camden and Tonitown, but your SISTER graduated from the frigging POLICE ACADEMY!  And, oh yea, your Boob in law has a couple of planes that he could have flown you and your family down for the ceremony.  Hmmm.  It's not like they have anything else to do.  

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8 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

The seewaldfamily IG has like 5 or 6 photos.  One is with Jessica and all of her siblings, EXCEPT for Ben.  Now granted, google maps says its 4 1/2 hours between Camden and Tonitown, but your SISTER graduated from the frigging POLICE ACADEMY!  And, oh yea, your Boob in law has a couple of planes that he could have flown you and your family down for the ceremony.  Hmmm.  It's not like they have anything else to do.  

No way would JB allow JD to fly Ben and family to the graduation. Ben's sister is going into a man's field, and she has topped JD in the law enforcement field. In JB's pathetic mind a woman is not allowed to work. She is suppose to cater to her husband's needs and have babies right and left.

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58 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

I wonder if Jessica Seewald had been older than Ben and already in the police academy or a police officer would Boob have allowed Ben to court Jessa?

He probably would have said no way because she would have been a bad influence for Jessa.

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2 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

Ben's sister Jessica graduated the police academy!  Good for her.  So how's that toilet cleaning going for you Ben?

Michael Seewald looks so much older than his age, but in a good way. 

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It's her shirt. She's in her early 40's. I'm 10 years her senior and would never be caught in that thing. My MIL is 86. She would wear that in a heartbeat.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

It's her shirt. She's in her early 40's. I'm 10 years her senior and would never be caught in that thing. My MIL is 86. She would wear that in a heartbeat.

There's nothing wrong with Guinn's shirt. It's actually pretty compared to the shit Michelle wears. 

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The shirt is awful in this pic. Maybe better in person but it looks like maybe she sewed the sleeves on for modesty and it doesn't match. But good for Jessica. That's a great achievement. Wish SIL Jessa would get inspired. 

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12 hours ago, Heathen said:

There's nothing wrong with Guinn's shirt. It's actually pretty compared to the shit Michelle wears. 

The blouse is fine, but her styling really ages her. The pearls make it look mumsy and her hair is kinda a mess. If she lost the pearls and pulled her hair up, it would be a whole different look. 

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13 hours ago, Heathen said:

There's nothing wrong with Guinn's shirt. It's actually pretty compared to the shit Michelle wears. 

I agree. I like and have one just like it, and I’m not quite 40 yet. Although mine is a red giraffe-type print and my print is the same size.  It’s perfect for the office or for those of us who are too old to shop in the juniors’ section (I wouldn’t be caught dead personally), but not old enough for Bon Worth and Chico’s.  

The pearls are fine, but yeay, her hair is a mess.  A sassy chignon or stylish bob haircut would do wonders.

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
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Oh dear god that floor...makes me itch to get out a scrub brush and a floor steamer. And the boys are barefoot.

When alien scientists of the future are trying to determine the origin of the virulent organism that wiped out the human species on planet Earth, they will trace it to a Duggar floor.

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