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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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They probably already bought the blanket for blanket training along with the rod.  Now the question is how is Ben going to wait the Gothard  required 40 or 80 days of abstaining from sex after the birth?  

My guess is that sleep-deprived Jessa will just be so very ugly in her ways, that he will want to stay away.

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Jessa is a lot like Kim K, so I can see her being the same kind of parent. She'll show off the baby at conferences and do all the cutesy social media pics, then pass him off to Jana and Bin for the scut work. People tend to repeat patterns they were raised with. These girls watched Michelle spit out baby after baby and rake in all the attention while doing very little hands-on care. Jill is showing the same tendencies with Izzy and I can't see Jessa being any different.

I think the difference is that Jill and Jessa and the other older girls at least have had the experience and practice nurturing children that Michelle does not. And Jill strikes me as a warmer person than Michelle is (although that doesn't take much, since I'm not convinced that Michelle feels genuine emotion toward her kids at all).

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My guess is that sleep-deprived Jessa will just be so very ugly in her ways, that he will want to stay away.

Jessa sleep deprived?  Hate to say it but I think that's giving her too much credit.  They'll probably crib train him or her to comfort itself back to sleep.  Can't have a baby with a 'bad attitude'. 

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All of you are hoping the baby is born on Halloween, but what I'd really like to see is the baby born on Jessa's birthday (11/4).  She doesn't exactly strike me as the type of person who'd like to share a birthday with her kid. ;)

Oh, so true ! The older she gets and the longer she's married the more like Me-Me-Mechelle she becomes ! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree and all that. 


I would't be a bit surprised if she tried to take a little bit of shine off Jill's marriage/baby/etc by co-opting the "I" in Israel and going with Isabel for a girl or Isador for a boy. All speculation, of course - just a fun way of imagining just how Jealous Jessa behaves - but in my heart I look at her, hear her words and all I can think is that she is, above all else, a thunder-stealer

  • Love 8

All of you are hoping the baby is born on Halloween, but what I'd really like to see is the baby born on Jessa's birthday (11/4).  She doesn't exactly strike me as the type of person who'd like to share a birthday with her kid. ;)

SVU day. Talk about cross-marketing!



I would't be a bit surprised if she tried to take a little bit of shine off Jill's marriage/baby/etc by co-opting the "I" in Israel and going with Isabel for a girl or Isador for a boy.

She might not steal a name, but she might make another political statement with the name - which is what 'Israel David' is.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 10

TLC totally missed the boat when naming the Duggar daughter specials. The name someone here came up with, "Kardashians for Christ" would've been much better.

And, like the Kardashians, the Duggarling offspring will be their parents' props for the rolling media cameras.

The Christdashians Count On

  • Love 12

They probably already bought the blanket for blanket training along with the rod.  Now the question is how is Ben going to wait the Gothard  required 40 or 80 days of abstaining from sex after the birth?  

Wrong! She registered for several of them so the Kool-aid drinkers could supply them. 

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Cancel The Duggars FB is posting Arkansas child labor laws, which say that kids under 15 days (yes days) old can't be issued work permits - which kinda puts a crimp in the Benessa birth special. They're trying to contact he Arkansas government about this. Interesting to see if it pans out.

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Frankly I think the "boycott the Duggars" people are wasting the government's time and resources with a complaint against Ben and Jessa that seems to be vexatious. Quincy clearly won't be doing any labor, won't be expected to do any labor and physically cannot do any labor because he/she will be two friggen weeks old.

I haven't had a chance to have a good look at http://www.labor.ar.gov/divisions/documents/child_labor_laws_and_regs.pdf, but remuneration seems to be part of the definition of employment, and the Duggar children don't appear to receive any.

“Our office never issued a work permit for any of the children on this show,” Denise P. Oxley of the Arkansas Department of Labor tells RadarOnline.com.

But, Oxley explains, the lack of permits does not necessarily indicate that the Duggars broke the law.

“Just because children were being filmed as part of a reality show, does not mean that they were employees within the meaning of Arkansas’ child labor laws and were required to have such a permit,” the spokeswoman says. “During the time the show was in production in Arkansas, our office received no complaint upon which an investigation could be based.”

Edited by Kokapetl


Last baby bump picture before Jessa gives birth?


So many good comments to read!

That is a repeat picture from her Baby shower. Ben and Jessa are  wearing the same clothes.

Edited by amitville
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When did false eyelashes become a regular daytime thing? Like, a going to my baby shower in an ugly sweater kind of thing?

I had surgery last winter and every sweet young nurse who checked in with me looked like she was about to hit the red carpet afterward.

Maybe they're extensions? I work with a girl who gets eyelash extensions, so they're on all the time, and she just gets them redone every few weeks, at the same time that she gets her acrylic nails refilled.

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So basically, the baby will be an accessory to have at appearances for Jessa? Look at what an awesome mom I am! That poor baby.

Definitely. And I don't think Bin will be doing most of the parenting/work with their blessing either. He is the MAN after all. I assume it will be one of the sister-moms who ends up doing most of the care of baby Benessa.

I get the feeling that Jessa would opt to be knocked out if that was an option. (And I don't blame her for that at all.)

I would have done this if it was an option. I even tried to talk my nurse midwife into a 1960s-style "twilight" birth...with no luck. The pain was the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life, but being lucid (high on pain meds but still lucid enough) when they put my baby on my chest, I looked into his eyes, & he looked back into mine was the most amazing experience I've ever had

My baby was due mid-November last year. I ended up going two weeks past my due date (which sucked). On Halloween of last year, baby would have been about 38 weeks gestational age and the nurse midwife told me he could come any day without the problems preemies face. I spent the day of the 31st or October doing everything (safely) that I could to go into labor so that the baby might be born on Halloween (long walks, etc.) No luck. But I would have LOVED for my baby to have a Halloween birthday. I'd love to celebrate my birthday on Halloween and with costume parties, etc. It blows my mind to think that to the Duggars it would be sad for a baby to be born on Halloween.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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It's been nine months of pregnancy pictures.  They even hired a professional photographer to take pregnancy pictures.  Just wait until the bored little housewife starts posting the baby pictures!  She seems to have no hobbies, no outside interests, no charity work – nothing but Jessa, Jessa, Jessa (and side-kick Ben kissing her).

  • Love 13

Jessa is short (as are many women in my family) and it's not uncommon for shorter women (in my experience) to give birth early by a week or more. Except that so many people went over their due dates this year, I expect her to give birth a while before All Saints Day.

sorry for jumping in here so late, I'm catching up on posts and this one caught me. I'm short and I never heard this (or maybe I did, and shelved it). It makes sense; is there science to back it? (Not arguing, just curious). My DIL is due dec 1, and she's barely skimming 5'. So if she backs up a week, baby HFC will land right in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner. And is Jessa short or average? They're all taller than Michelle in family pics, but I don't have a "read" on how tall that makes them. Jessa has big ole FEET for someone considered to be short. Completely irrelevant post, carry on while I continue to catch up.
  • Love 3

It blows my mind to think that to the Duggars it would be sad for a baby to be born on Halloween.

I was born the day before Halloween and it sucks. Sharing your birthday with a holiday is the pits. I want my birthday to be about ME, dammit! No, I DON'T want to have a Halloween-slash-birthday party! The Dugs' reasoning is crazypants but their conclusion is sound.

  • Love 8

sorry for jumping in here so late, I'm catching up on posts and this one caught me. I'm short and I never heard this (or maybe I did, and shelved it). It makes sense; is there science to back it? (Not arguing, just curious). My DIL is due dec 1, and she's barely skimming 5'. So if she backs up a week, baby HFC will land right in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner. And is Jessa short or average? They're all taller than Michelle in family pics, but I don't have a "read" on how tall that makes them. Jessa has big ole FEET for someone considered to be short. Completely irrelevant post, carry on while I continue to catch up.

Jessa is five foot two. I was basing this on my personal experience with my aunt, my grandmother, and some of my cousins who were/are all five foot two or under. The folk theory is the baby has less far to travel if the mother is shorter. It could be nonsense. I'm now thinking Jessa will give birth on her birthday (no real reason just because).

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sorry for jumping in here so late, I'm catching up on posts and this one caught me. I'm short and I never heard this (or maybe I did, and shelved it). It makes sense; is there science to back it? (Not arguing, just curious). My DIL is due dec 1, and she's barely skimming 5'. So if she backs up a week, baby HFC will land right in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner. And is Jessa short or average? They're all taller than Michelle in family pics, but I don't have a "read" on how tall that makes them. Jessa has big ole FEET for someone considered to be short. Completely irrelevant post, carry on while I continue to catch up.


I'm also 5'2" and my first baby was two weeks late. My mom was 5'2" and I arrived two weeks late as well. My doctor predicted my second baby would also be late simply because my first one was, but she came five days early, approximately twelve hours after the doc predicted she'd be late. All anecdotal, but my point is that I think it's all a crapshoot.

  • Love 9

I'm...almost....5'2 (and I lie like a dog about that 1/2 all the time). Just never heard that about short people delivering early. I had no idea Jessa Blessa was only 5'2. I'm sticking to my original observation: Girlfriend got BIG FEET!!! Dang, and what DOES that make Michelle??? Maybe 5' even?

I was born the day before Halloween and it sucks. Sharing your birthday with a holiday is the pits. I want my birthday to be about ME, dammit! No, I DON'T want to have a Halloween-slash-birthday party! The Dugs' reasoning is crazypants but their conclusion is sound.

this made me think of a girl I used to hang out with from work lots of years ago. She was married, they had one son. Their birthdays were Valentines Day, July 4 and Halloween. I guess they adjusted - we had some hellaaaaaaacious parties on July 4, just saying.
  • Love 4

I'm...almost....5'2 (and I lie like a dog about that 1/2 all the time). Just never heard that about short people delivering early. I had no idea Jessa Blessa was only 5'2. I'm sticking to my original observation: Girlfriend got BIG FEET!!! Dang, and what DOES that make Michelle??? Maybe 5' even?

this made me think of a girl I used to hang out with from work lots of years ago. She was married, they had one son. Their birthdays were Valentines Day, July 4 and Halloween. I guess they adjusted - we had some hellaaaaaaacious parties on July 4, just saying.

I could not agree more.  

I could not agree more.  

Me too!!! I would LOVE a halloween baby


I am a July 5th birthday and I LOVE it!!! I get fireworks,days off work (sometimes) and a whole weekend celebration. its the best!


Edit: I think Jessa will deliver this Friday, in a hospital, sans Jilly Muffin

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 4

I was born the day before Halloween and it sucks. Sharing your birthday with a holiday is the pits. I want my birthday to be about ME, dammit! No, I DON'T want to have a Halloween-slash-birthday party! The Dugs' reasoning is crazypants but their conclusion is sound.

I was born on Hallowe' en. Everyone assumes it's great, but it's not. When I was a kid, I could never have a party on my actual birthday because all the kids I would have invited were busy trick or treating. As an adult, my birthday consists of handing out candy to the neighbourhood kids. Because of my birth date, the Duggars would probably think that I'm spiritually corrupt. May be that's a bonus.
  • Love 8
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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