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13 minutes ago, WordsWordsWords said:

I keep hoping for an episode without multiple someones acting like toddlers in need of a nap -- yelling, flailing, crying, acting out. I don't know why, though. These women (and men) are pretty set in their ways.

That's not fair! Brianna's kids were fairly well behaved, oh wait you mean the adults.

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What a shit show.

The way Shannon just stutters and gets hysterical looking for back up when she gets in a rage is something to see.

I was so lost by the chick with the deep voice and heavy accent talking about the purse, I thought production had dubbed an imaginary person in for at least a full minute.  

Vicki needs to be karate chopped in the throat to stop her incessant whining.  Straight to the larynx.   She's such a victim.  That call to Brooks said it all.

Kelly just comes off as a complete trash box.

Heather's fall made me laugh my ass off.  A laugh from the pit of my soul and she handled it well.  

I give this episode an A- for entertainment.  It wasn't the pinnacle of Real Housewife fuckery as in NY's Scary Island or the NJ Christening but it was batshit enough that I sat through a 2nd viewing.  

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How pathetic that Bravo has to bring in a new Howife (and in Kelly's case this is not an abbreviation for house) so that Vicki will have someone on her side. Bravo really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this waste of space. Whatever they are paying her, it is too much.

I don't understand why Heather said that "if" Vicki was lying God and karma would deal with her. One of Vicki's biggest lies was that Terry came over in the middle of the night to give Brooks an IV. So what is with the "if" Heather? I still do not believe for a minute that Heather and Terry are having problems over his devotion to work. It is nothing more than a storyline for them, but neither is a good enough actor to pull it off. Bravo needs to find them some new material.

I don't have a problem at all with what David said to Vicki. Both David and Shannon were very supportive of Brooks and Vicki when others weren't. Good on him for putting Vicki in her place.

I fail to understand why dim bulb Kelly and her equally dim husband thought that calling Shannon Mrs. Roper was an insult. They seemed to have completely missed the point that it was a 70s costume party and Mrs. Roper fits right in. Have another drink Kelly indeed.

When did the show become the Real Boring Children of OC? I have liked Shannon's kids in previous years but now their interactions do not seem the least bit natural. Add in Kelly's annoying kid and Vicki's grandkids who I have zero interest in and  I am getting very bored with this show. And next week we get Brianna and her house renos. WTF has happened to this show?

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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17 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Okay, so I missed part of tonight's episode because I had to take my mom to the ER.  Why did that dark-haired lady with the thick accent (Nina?) hate Kelly so much?  Where did Nina's hatred toward Kelly come from?  Was it discussed/revealed?

Terry knocking into Heather kind of cracked me up (I know I'm horrible) because he was just trying to cut loose, dance, and have some fun.  I was also like "Awwww" when Terry confessed he was upset when disco music came to an end.  Most guys wouldn't admit that.

Vicki's 70's costume reminded me of one of my "Rock Star Dolls" outfits that I had when I was 10.  Exactly like it.  And to the poster up thread who wondered if streaking was really a thing back in the 70's the answer is yes.  Meghan's IVF story line, (sigh).  Just no.  Me and Jimmy have zero fucks to give about that.  No, I take that back.  I probably care a hair more than he.  Talk about figuratively and literally being checked out.   Jimmy thy name is profound indifference.  Why would Meghan want to be married to someone like that?  She must be beyond lonely.  I hope she doesn't think a baby will fix things.


Hey I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your mom is okay now or gets better soon!  

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3 hours ago, Boofish said:

Even Megan's husband isn't interested in her storyline.

He really should try to fake it a little better. After all, if she is a successful real housewife, her income will be considered when they are debating how much alimony he needs to pay.  If she gets paid enough, he could save a fortune.  (I just assume the divorce is coming.  You know, whenever he gets interested enough to file for one.)

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28 minutes ago, Talky Tina said:

@beesknees, I hope your mom is OK, best wishes for a speedy recovery. 


36 minutes ago, OhGromit said:


Hey I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your mom is okay now or gets better soon!  

Yes, yes.  Four hours in the ER but mom is home again tonight.  Heart issues.  Thank you so much for caring.  I am getting off-topic, I know.  Was it just me or did anyone notice in one of Meghan's TH she said when she thought about the 1970's it made her think of drugs and fashion kutcher (couture?).  The hell?  I thought she was a fashion model.  Bizarre.

Edited by beesknees
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Another ep & blubber-lipped asshole Jimmy is still hating Meghan's guts & she still doesn't seem to get it.  Uh, why?  Meghan, watch the show, hun.  Again, (just as he has all this season) he shuddered, shook, winced & grimaced when she moved only the slightest bit closer to him.  Ugh.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think this show is jumping the shark for me.

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43 minutes ago, beesknees said:


Yes, yes.  Four hours in the ER but mom is home again tonight.  Heart issues.  Thank you so much for caring.  I am getting off-topic, I know.  Was it just me or did anyone notice in one of Meghan's TH she said when she thought about the 1970's it made her think of drugs and fashion kutcher (couture?).  The hell?  I thought she was a fashion model.  Bizarre.

I heard it as Ashton Kutcher from That 70s Show.

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4 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Heather asking Terry to stay home more for the kids. Hey, someone has to work to pay for that billion dollar McMansion you're building Heather.

Heather and Terry's storyline is already boring me to tears.  Is this conversation supposed to be repeated every*single*episode?!!!  News to Heather:  Nobody believes your story.  We know that you would clutch your pearls in horror if your husband were to give up jobs to stay with you and force you to use your Housewives money to pay for that shopping mall you're building.  So STFU!!!


I was more annoyed with Shannon than with Kelly tonight.  You could tell Shannon had gossipy conversations with those two losers she had at her party before she invited them.  She knew they would go after Kelly.  When the blonde said, "This isn't going how I thought", I knew her and the dark haired girl were invited explicitly to go after Kelly.  Blonde lady was very ugly.  She should keep her gossipy thoughts to herself.  It just made her look even more ugly.


David going after Vicki made me feel some kind of way also.  I don't care for a man who will get in a woman's face and throw insults at her.  You don't like Vicki anymore?  So just ignore her and STFU cheater!!!  And talking about wet dreams with your young daughters is gross.  Stop it!  And no Shannon, it doesn't mean you are really close.  It means you subject your kids to too much of your intimate lives and you need to stop it.  NOW!


When Shannon went to retrieve David to tell him how the big bad guests called her Mrs. Roper, she sounded all of 5 years old.  She really made a spectacle of herself at her own party.

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2 hours ago, Steff said:

Dear Bravo,

Watching a housewife call a husband a pedophile over a silly party fight is not the level of entertainment I'm looking for.  I'm out when it comes to Kelly from this point forward.

Kelly said David's costume made him look like a pedophile before they got into the party fight.  I think she was just drunk when she said it.  She also said Eddie's costume made him look like cotton candy.  Just a drunk woman yammering.  It had nothing to do with the fight.

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1 hour ago, beesknees said:

Was it just me or did anyone notice in one of Meghan's TH she said when she thought about the 1970's it made her think of drugs and fashion kutcher (couture?).


28 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I heard it as Ashton Kutcher from That 70s Show.

I too heard it as "fashion couture" the first three times I watched it, then a light bulb went off and got it was Ashton Kutcher on the 4th rewind.  I guess then I shouldn't bag on Meghan not getting that Shannon dissed her when Shannon told Meghan that she had invited Vicki, unlike some other person who didn't invite her last year.  Or maybe I will. ;)

Kelly and Michael need to get on the same page with insults.  Out of his mouth, Shannon's not dressed in 70s attire.  Out of Kelly's, Shannon looks like Mrs. Roper. You can't have it both ways, Dodds!  In any event, those were some shitty insults.

Vicki's betrayal of Shannon is a huge gift David needs to treasure, and I kind of think he knows it.  He can agree with Shannon on distrusting and disliking Vicki, take up for Shannon against Vicki, and look like the good, supportive husband he wants to portray (or actually be...I don't really know). 

Watching Kelly drink made my liver hurt. 

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Kelly and Michael were so high it's not even funny ..plus shitfaced. Also, Kelly is all about that screen time which is why she's obsessed with Vicki.


As for the rest I honestly don't even know lol. What a shit show. Vicki is such a joke too.

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2 hours ago, swankie said:

When the blonde said, "This isn't going how I thought", I knew her and the dark haired girl were invited explicitly to go after Kelly.  Blonde lady was very ugly.  She should keep her gossipy thoughts to herself.  It just made her look even more ugly.

That comment was a dead giveaway. I don't think Shannon set up these bitches  but I sure as hell think production did, told Shannon what was going to happen and Shannon had to go along with it. Whose idea was it to hide Vicki's purse? None of it made any sense at all. 

Loved seeing Heather fall on her bony ass. In slo mo. Several times over. 

Vicki drunk dialing Brooks. I was actually feeling sorry for that nut job this season. Until she did that. 

 Poor Megan bringing her mom to the party because once again Jim is not around. He must have told her that if she was going to do another season of this shit show, she could just count him out. 

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12 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Wow, I never thought in a million years this would be a situation where Kelly wasn't the one throwing the first punch. Could it be that Vicki and Kelly come out looking like the wronged ones in all of this?

I think Kelly went to the party ready to start a fight. Once again, her first words to the hosts (David and Shannon) were insults, as was much of what we heard her say. I'm not even sure what she was trying to say when she called that one woman typical OC looking. Was she commenting on her not being Hispanic?

6 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Vicki, while Brooks is to blame for the faux cancer story, so were you. You lied and you can say in every episode that you did not, but you did. You would still be with Brooks if he did not leave you and you would still be lying, like you continue to do. You called Brooks on the phone to tell him you do not deserve people thinking you lied, how you are the victim, and that it all happened nine months ago and they should all just move on. You are not the victim, you are still lying, and you lied about your boyfriend having cancer to gain sympathy and casseroles I am fine with no one ever forgiving you.

When Vicki's call to Brooks immediately went to vox mail, I couldn't help but wonder if he saw her calling and didn't answer or he had already set her calls to goto vox mail after she had called him several hundred times begging him to return to her.


3 hours ago, swankie said:

Kelly said David's costume made him look like a pedophile before they got into the party fight.  I think she was just drunk when she said it.  She also said Eddie's costume made him look like cotton candy.  Just a drunk woman yammering.  It had nothing to do with the fight.

I am so over Kelly. She is thirsty for camera time.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Watching the relationship between jimbo and mudhen die is pretty fucked up.

He's not even trying to fake his disdain for her.

Their problem is that while they may have enjoyed each other at first? He constant search of Truth, Justice and the American Way has worn him down.

Mudhen is the person who writes a 3.5 page letter of instructions for the person who is going to come in to feed the fish while she is gone for the weekend.

I can see him on the couch, flipping the channels on the tube listlessly, trying to escape the endless monologue going on next to him. She always has something to say and crows about being right, I can see her standing in the doorway her hand on her hip saying,  "See, I TOLD YOU so.......".

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Kelly (can't stand her) totally got the Mrs Roper reference from this forum. Right?! Her slimey husband, who was also chiming in with the ridiculous Mrs Roper 'insult', thought they "won" as they were leaving. Childish moron.

Vicki was hammered and didn't notice David was right there when she bad mouthed his wife. I'd want my husband to be cross about that too.

I loved that Shannon et al went back to having fun when the idiot party of three left. Loved the streaking and their pile on Heather!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
I'm a stickler for spelling, especially names...even if you don't like the person.
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7 hours ago, jnymph said:

Why wouldn't you tell your teenage daughters it's INAPPROPRIATE to discuss their Fathers sex life?!? 

Ever since Terry's daughter slipped him the tongue, there's nothing the OC kids can do to shock me. 

Speaking of inappropriate OC kids, I see Rapey Ryan was at the party. 

I laughed at Shannon screeching, "I wanted to look like Mrs. Roper!" Then Tamra telling her that Mrs. Roper's boobs don't fall out. Ha!

Then Vicki breathlessly drunk dialing Brooks who probably sent her to voicemail. 

Heather, I can understand asking your husband to spend more time with the family, but can you let him get two feet in the door before biting his head off? Damn. The man hadn't even put his bag down yet.

Jim can barely stand to be in Megan's presence. Did he say he had a 30 year old kid? I think I misheard him in his haste to get the fuck away from Megan.

Edited by charmed1
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Hey Vicki?  Remember how you claim Slade calling you Miss Piggy made you get plastic surgery?  Buckle up, buttercup.  When it goes south with Kelly, and it will, she ain't going to call you a Newport blonde.  

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The part that made me laugh was when Shannon was trying to pull David over to handle the people who were insulting her and David wouldn't budge because he'd rather give Vicki the business then go help his wife.  LOL. Chivalry is dead! 

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And David attacking Vicki seemed kind of set up too. He has no business criticizing Vicki's actions when he cheated on his wife. Stupid is as stupid does.

2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Vicki drunk dialing Brooks. I was actually feeling sorry for that nut job this season. Until she did that. 


But Vicki is a lying liar who lies. Wasn't she screwing Donn while still in her first marriage then boffing Brooks while married to Donn? And do I vaguely recall her screwing some random guy while on vaca a couple of years ago?

I was seriously amused--not by her drunk dialing Brooks--but by the fact that he was probably screening his calls and let her go to voicemail.

And yes, streaking was a real thing back in the 70's. Stupid, but funny.

And just BTW; I grew up in  a family of alcoholics and don't find it funny or entertaining (I was 12, home alone with her the night mom fell through a closed window--glass everywhere-- was particularly unpleasant). Okay, that's just me and YMMV but loud, nasty, belligerent drunks aren't a laugh or hoot. They're just loud, nasty and belligerent.

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Didn't Shannon lose her shit with Heather over the gossip last season?  So this season it's okay to engage in it? 

The limo ride home with Kelly and Co. was really telling...Kelly being wasted and slurring, Vicki's very first call to anyone was Brooks then rambling on to his vmail I heard her say that "he had to get her out of this" and "I love you" etc...but at the same time she is asking everyone for forgiveness for her part/non part in his scam. VERY interesting.

Heather and Tamra whooping it up together was fun. 

David looked like a beady eyed creeper in his wig.

Shannon knew exactly what she was doing asking Jaci to the party, passive aggressive much?

If my ovaries were expanding I doubt I would have been able to wear a midriff and hip huggers, must be nice to bloat so unnoticeably. Jim is so checked out with the idea of a baby he will never be home for more than a few days a month I am sure.

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2 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

David looked like a beady eyed creeper in his wig.

Well, yes. I thought he was going for Mike Brady when the actor had a perm the last couple of years. Not a good look.

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Well, that wet dream convo with the Beadors in the costume shop was hella awkward. Props to David, though, for not dismissing his daughter and trying to answer. Parents should be having these types of conversations, and often. 

So now Megan has advanced from bringing her shots to parties and making people watch her inject, to actually making other people do the injection? It's quite clear she is seeking attention, because she gets little from her husband. Again, I'd almost kind of feel sad for her, but I'm pretty sure Jimmy hasn't changed a smidgen since she met him. She should have never insisted on having a baby if she wasn't comfortable with doing it alone; she knew what she was getting into. 

Also, colon cancer is not "tushy cancer". The colon is not the same as the butt. If you're going to speak about important health issues on national TV, be informed. Please. 

Heather is driving me mad with her long-suffering wife schtick. She couldn't wait to berate Terry until after Megan had gone home, and the kids had cleared the room? She had to pounce the minute he walked in the door? Oh yea, husbands just LOVE that. This is Heather - "You can't say yes to everything.....except hexagonal ice and pizza ovens." Never mind that all his work is how he pays for this crap. Doesn't she realize she can't have it both ways???


Okay, on to the party. 

First, the shallow stuff. I thought Vicki's dress was very cute and flattering on her. Heather looked adorable too. And Eddie's wig was just everything. 

As for the drama. It was all such a worldwind that I don't really know what to think - who started it, who was at fault, who was behaving like an ass. Well, that last part was probably all of them. Kelly seems to think Shannon invited these women to set her up. But I don't know if I'm buying that. For one, I know Kelly has been rude to Shannon, but it's not like anything HUGE happened between them, big enough to warrant such machinations. Also, nothing really huge came out anyhow. They were a bit catty, but mostly sitting by themselves talking shit. And Kelly was technically the one who brought up how/when she met Jackie. It seemed that when she mentioned it, Jackie immediately imagined who she was there with and accidentally said it real quick without thinking. 

Shannon, Nina, and Jackie all sitting together - they were certainly being cliquey and rude. But Kelly went off the rails, if you ask me. She started going after everyone's appearance and it was just trashy. Her husband behaved very creepily as well, if you ask me. He was lit up like a kid at Christmas, repeating his wife's insults over and over and proclaiming they "won" like a kid on the playground. That dude is pathetic. 

I did love when Shannon got all hysterical and was begging David to be her knight in shining armor, and nothing came of it. Never change, David. 

In conclusion, they were all asses, but I thought Kelly and her husband were a special kind of ass. 

Also, Vicki gets in the limo and immediately calls Brooks. She is NOT over him. Truly pathetic. 

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31 minutes ago, Beden said:

Well, yes. I thought he was going for Mike Brady when the actor had a perm the last couple of years. Not a good look.

Ha! Good one.  I was thinking Greatest American Hero. the-greatest-american-hero.jpg

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7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

When did the show become the Real Boring Children of OC? I have liked Shannon's kids in previous years but now their interactions do not seem the least bit natural. Add in Kelly's annoying kid and Vicki's grandkids who I have zero interest in and  I am getting very bored with this show. And next week we get Brianna and her house renos. WTF has happened to this show?

Boring is in the eye of the beholder, but OC has always been family oriented. In the first season we saw a lot of Lauri's son, Josh's, troubles. We saw Bianca's birthday party in the hotel. There was plenty of drama surrounding the Keough children (baseball, new cars, etc.) and Vicki's kids (Brianna and Colby, Mike not working and wanting to party.) It's really always been this way. 


3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

That comment was a dead giveaway. I don't think Shannon set up these bitches  but I sure as hell think production did, told Shannon what was going to happen and Shannon had to go along with it. Whose idea was it to hide Vicki's purse? None of it made any sense at all. 

I think you may be right that production dug up these women and wanted them invited. As for the purse, it wasn't exactly hidden. It looked it it was sitting on one of the higher tables, where a group was gathered around. You see Nina (the dark haired gal) pick it up, grimace like it was covered in maggots, and place it on one of the lower tables just a few feet away. So it was like she was moving it out of the way; I don't know if she knew who it belonged to. But she did act bitchy about it. 

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Kelly is drunken trash and even Vicki was looking at her like "Whoa, this chick is out there..."  Then Vicki immediately calls Brooks.  Despite both of them being pretty nasty, I'm still on their team.  Shannon is such a dour bore, and actually David is too.  I did not appreciate the way he got into Vicki's face.  

Everytime Kelly used "Mrs. Roper" as an insult, it got more and more under Shannon's skin, and it cracked me up.  Watching her run to her husband to tattle on the bullies?  Pathetic, and sad.  David is not on your side, Shannon, in fact, the two of you can barely stand each other.

I think my favorite part was when Shannon screeched "I wanted to look like Mrs. Roper!!!" and Kelly gestured at her outfit and said something like "And you do!"   Kelly so easily transitioned to bully mode, this is not her first time taunting someone.

Can we fire Meghan already?  She's so boring and unlikeable.  Her using colorectal cancer as her platform this year is actually more offensive to me than Vicki assisting Brooks in his lies.  Brooks (and Vicki) lying was stupid but how exactly did it hurt these women at all?  Get over it, hags.

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7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:


I fail to understand why dim bulb Kelly and her equally dim husband thought that calling Shannon Mrs. Roper was an insult. They seemed to have completely missed the point that it was a 70s costume party and Mrs. Roper fits right in. Have another drink Kelly indeed.






I agree with you on this.  Shannon wasn't trying to be Mrs. Roper.  Her point was that Mrs. Roper was an iconic 70's character, so even if she did look like Mrs. Roper, what was wrong with that at a 70's party stupid Kelly.

Please Show, don't bring Kelly back next season.  She's awful.

Troy and Owie are too cute. 

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Just now, SugareeMagnolia said:

Troy and Owie are too cute. 

I loved when Troy was basically wetting his pants, but afraid to go to the bathroom, lest Owie eat his food. That is SO daily life with my sons (who are 19 months apart). 

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7 hours ago, beesknees said:


Yes, yes.  Four hours in the ER but mom is home again tonight.  Heart issues.  Thank you so much for caring.  I am getting off-topic, I know.  Was it just me or did anyone notice in one of Meghan's TH she said when she thought about the 1970's it made her think of drugs and fashion kutcher (couture?).  The hell?  I thought she was a fashion model.  Bizarre.

Glad your Mom is okay.  

I also couldn't figure out what Meghan was saying when she thought of the 70's...could she have said "drugs and Ashton Kutcher", as in from "That 70's Show"?  On that sitcom, there is always at least one scene in every episode alluding to the group smoking weed.

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Just now, njbchlover said:

I also couldn't figure out what Meghan was saying when she thought of the 70's...could she have said "drugs and Ashton Kutcher", as in from "That 70's Show"?  On that sitcom, there is always at least one scene in every episode alluding to the group smoking weed.

I immediately thought it was a reference to the TV show. Megan is young enough that she wouldn't have any personal experience with the 70s, so that's probably how she thinks of it.

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

People who down shots of Don Julio 1942 are missing the point of decent tequila.

Yup....that's more of a sipping tequila, to be savored.  

Also, I was told once by a tequilero (kind of a master wine sommelier, but for tequila) that the whole salt and lime thing is supposed to lessen the harshness on the palate of lower-grade tequilas.

I've seen and spoken to bartenders in Mexico who actually laugh behind their hands at people who order high end tequilas in shots and then ask for salt and lime wedge.

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1 hour ago, Nanny pants said:

Please, Terry.  "I'm doing something so important right now."  You're doing plastic surgery on a reality TV show.  Alert the Nobel Prize Committee!

Well, in Heather and Terry's world, I guess it is important, because someone has to earn the big bucks required to pay for Chateua Dubrow.  

If Terry was doing re-constructive plastic surgery on burn victims or wounded military, I would say that's important.  Fixing botched plastic surgeries that were originally done for vanity's sake, well, it's important to the patient, but it's definitely not up there as a virtuous medical calling, and he's not doing these surgeries for free....

Edited by njbchlover
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Kelly being on the show makes sense because they had to find someone to be Vicki's friend. A decent, warm and honest person need not apply.

 So, it is obvious Kelly the drunken P.O.S. mess was a perfect choice. Stellar personality traits like being vile, rude, delusional closed the deal!   Oh and add in the creepy husband.   He skeeves me.   

As far as I am concerned Shannon and Meghan are the only ones with integrity.  Heather folded last night and she chose Bravo $ and kind of forgave Vicki. I would never want to see Vicki again after what she did. She crossed a line.  You do not do a cancer scam and expect to be forgiven. 

Vicki belongs at the bottom of a landfill.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Didn't Shannon lose her shit with Heather over the gossip last season?  So this season it's okay to engage in it? 

The limo ride home with Kelly and Co. was really telling...Kelly being wasted and slurring, Vicki's very first call to anyone was Brooks then rambling on to his vmail I heard her say that "he had to get her out of this" and "I love you" etc...but at the same time she is asking everyone for forgiveness for her part/non part in his scam. VERY interesting.

Heather and Tamra whooping it up together was fun. 

David looked like a beady eyed creeper in his wig.

Shannon knew exactly what she was doing asking Jaci to the party, passive aggressive much?

If my ovaries were expanding I doubt I would have been able to wear a midriff and hip huggers, must be nice to bloat so unnoticeably. Jim is so checked out with the idea of a baby he will never be home for more than a few days a month I am sure.


1 hour ago, Beden said:

Well, yes. I thought he was going for Mike Brady when the actor had a perm the last couple of years. Not a good look.

To be honest, any guy who actually got a perm in the 70's (and I knew quite a few of them) looked kind of creepy.

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Isn't Kelly's husband 18 years older than her, which would make him 58?  Not that the Mrs. Roper thing was attractive coming from a 40 year old, but,, an AARP member chanting "Mrs. Roper, yeah, Mrs. Roper" was really absurd.  I kept waiting for one of them to say, "I know you are, but, what am I?".

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8 hours ago, beesknees said:

Okay, so I missed part of tonight's episode because I had to take my mom to the ER.  Why did that dark-haired lady with the thick accent (Nina?) hate Kelly so much?  Where did Nina's hatred toward Kelly come from?  Was it discussed/revealed?

Hope your Mom is ok

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43 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I loved when Troy was basically wetting his pants, but afraid to go to the bathroom, lest Owie eat his food.

I loved that Troy can identify and address a need to urinate better than his grandmother.  Briana's bed remained dry, unlike Tamra's.

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9 hours ago, WordsWordsWords said:

I keep hoping for an episode without multiple someones acting like toddlers in need of a nap -- yelling, flailing, crying, acting out. I don't know why, though. These women (and men) are pretty set in their ways.

Yeah, it's getting to be exasperating for me. When they all start screeching like they're on Jerry Springer, I don't even care what it's about. It's just tedious. I found the episode extremely boring even with all the manufactured, high-decibel drama. I think they're trying too hard to "bring it." <eyeroll> Yawn. 

Edited by StevieRocks
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22 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

Kelly being on the show makes sense because they had to find someone to be Vicki's friend. A decent, warm and honest person need not apply.

 So, it is obvious Kelly the drunken P.O.S. mess was a perfect choice. Stellar personality traits like being vile, rude, delusional closed the deal!   Oh and add in the creepy husband.   He skeeves me.   

As far as I am concerned Shannon and Meghan are the only ones with integrity.  Heather folded last night and she chose Bravo $ and kind of forgave Vicki. I would never want to see Vicki again after what she did. She crossed a line.  You do not do a cancer scam and expect to be forgiven. 

Vicki belongs at the bottom of a landfill.

Yes--that is why Madame Puppet can miss me with all her silliness about being different from any of these other apes. Miss Terry commanded her to make up with Icki, and she did. They did do a good job with their lines in their scenes about pretending to struggle with Miss Terry's schedule. Every time they finished delivering their lines, I said, "And...SCENE." Puhleez.

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