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S07.E02: A Very Hairy Christmas

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Christmas in the Garden State finds Melissa hosting a holiday dinner, where she reunites with Teresa. Then, Teresa offers a surprise call to Jacqueline as Dolores plays mediator, and a decision to spend New Year's Eve away from family creates tension.

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Melissa's Envy partners look like mom and son grifters.

The young guy looked like someone hit him upside the head with a stupid stick (open mouth breathing and blank expression is not a good sign) and the lady looked like a washed up leather back hooker.

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Jac forever complains about Teresa, yet wants to be her friend again. She is exhausting. Is she in love with Teresa? Move on (though yeah I know that's not gonna happen).

Ugh Richie was in this episode. He grosses me out. 

The end with Gia had me a bit weepy. I'm becoming a friggin softie. 

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Teresa is the most self absorbed twat I've ever seen.  She's a recently released felon expecting everyone to prove to her that they are worthy of her attention.  Her daughters probably wish she'd serve Joe's term for him so they wouldn't be stuck at home with her.  She's just astoundingly horrible.

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Jac's face looks so waxy and plastic. I'm also over her BS about wanting a friendship with Teresa. I know she's on the show because she needs the money, but couldn't they come up with a better story line for her?

I would have been happy never seeing Richie again, but at least Kathy isn't FT anymore.

I had all the feels for Gia. Those poor girls and what they're going through, and she's been a fill in mom for them for a year. I hope that Teresa and Joe are getting them some good therapy.

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8 minutes ago, JustDuckie said:

What was up with Teresa's lips at the nail salon? It looked like they were outlined with a sharpie and filled in with a crayon. 

She looked horrible in the nail salon. The last th's theresa looked better.

I dont understand melissa and joe at all. Joe is fixing up a business for his wife and NOW hes complaining about her being not home? I dont get it

I think jacqueline is not happy unless she is complaining. 

Stop letting theresa get to you and do your own thing. If she wants to be involved theresa will change her tune.

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Fuck you, JoGo. I literally wanted to throw something at my TV when he said "My innocent sister, she has to wear an ankle bracelet." 

See- this is EXACTLY why I cannot watch this show anymore. They still want to perpetuate this lie that Teresa is a victim in all of this and that we need to feel sorry for her being locked up. While I never advocated her being in jail for life, etc. she was guilty of a crime and deserved to be punished. The ankle bracelet is part of that punishment. 

Hell to the NO with that noise. 

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Tre looked a little chagrined that Jaq was having a party and that Kathy et al. were there.

Didn't they get the memo they should've been staring at their phone, in the dark, alone waiting for Tre to call.....

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These bunch of ingrates (Rosie excluded; she's a riot).  Teresa's first words as she's hugging Joe- "I missed my house"...never change, Tre, never change. And in her TH about not being around for the past 11 1/2 months; well who the hell is to blame for that???!?!?  Oh, that's right, the lawyers. Gabriela is just plotting her escape...she's over the lot of them. Jaq is still whack!  Melissa; never liked her, still don't, but I give her kadooz for doing something to get away from JoeG chasing her around the house. BLEH!

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Delores can miss me with the IRS doesn't upset Teresa, the only thing that upsets her is when her girls are upset.  I'm going to go ahead and speculate that having 2 felons as parents probably upsets Teresa's girls.

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33 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Teresa's eyes look so droopy to me. Have they always looked like that? How much plastic surgery has Jacqueline's daughter had? What does she do for employment?

I think Teresa's eyes look droopy because her face is so gaunt. She is too thin and it makes her eyes nose and mouth look exaggerated and not in a good way. It does look like she had lip injections. 

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19 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

Yes Jacqueline, Tre spent the entire time in prison thinking about you and wondering about how to get back in your fine graces. You stupid gobby cow, do us all a favor and go away.

Of course upon Tre's release she should have dropped everything and rushed to your home, beg for forgiveness and renewed your friendship.  Nevermind that her release was the day before Christmas, she has four children, a husband, and her family to reunite with.  Jac, Teresa should have made this time all about you.  

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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

Tre looked a little chagrined that Jaq was having a party and that Kathy et al. were there.

Didn't they get the memo they should've been staring at their phone, in the dark, alone waiting for Tre to call.....

I kind of thought Jacqueline was trying to make a little dig.


I think Teresa's eyes look droopy because her face is so gaunt. She is too thin and it makes her eyes nose and mouth look exaggerated and not in a good way. It does look like she had lip injections. 

That's what I thought too (not the injections, the thinner face) because her lips looked crazy. Also, that lip color might not be a keeper for her.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Jac forever complains about Teresa, yet wants to be her friend again. She is exhausting. Is she in love with Teresa? Move on (though yeah I know that's not gonna happen).

I agree. Jac keeps saying she wants to be Teresa's friend then she says the opposite and makes fun of Teresa in a different scene. In Jacqueline's world Teresa should have come to her house immediately after Teresa's release to repent and beg for her friendship, never mind Teresa has family and actual friends I would imagine she would rather be around, especially during the holidays. Also forget the fact that they were not even remotely friends when Teresa left to serve her sentence. It is almost like Jac wants to be friends with Teresa when she is alone or sometimes with Chris, but when she is around a bigger audience she acts like she does not. One of the things I agreed with Teresa about in the last season was her not wanting to be Jac's friend anymore.

I think Delores was right about Teresa saying and acting like everything is fine. I always thought Teresa portrays that everything is good when it isn't, at least on camera and to the other ladies. I would imagine behind closed doors and with real friends she might be honest. It is like she says what she thinks people want to hear. I also agreed with Delores that Teresa does not talk about her feelings and Jac does.

I will be by myself in saying that I am fine with Teresa distancing herself from Rosie, Rich and Kathy. I cannot remember if Teresa was in a good place with them before she went to jail, but I really do not care if Teresa gets on with them or not. I like Rosie when she is around JoeGiu, but find her tiring otherwise. Rich still seems so thirsty. 

I hope the new woman can have different storylines besides Teresa. I feel like the past so many seasons of this show everyone's storyline has been Teresa. I feel like Rosie, Kathy, Jac, and even Melissa a bit are still using her as a story. Stop talking about Teresa a get a fucking storyline!

JoeGo is the worst with his misogyny. On the plus side, there was less of JoeGo's incessant sex talk.

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All Teresa does is talk about money making opportunities.  One of those and the big one is filming with Jacqueline.  I wasn't impressed with the 36 people as between Teresa and Joe's family there are 26.  So they had 10 friends?  More likely the Bravo crew. 

I think it is nice that Jac continues to include Teresa's shoestring relatives.   There is nothing real between Teresa and Melissa.   

If Teresa has tome to collect change from the various media outlets she has time to meet up with her cast mates.  She has been out of work for 11 months time to get back to business.    This seems to be the reoccurring theme-the rest of the cast is just a conduit for Teresa to make money.

After hearing ad nauseam about real Italians and traditions it seems odd that Gia got to escape the tradition.  The kid deserved to escape but please stop with the 100% Italian and tradition.  How about you are Americans?  Well except 2019 deported Joe.  Maybe he can pay attention to the Catholic faith in Italy-he sure butchers it here.

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3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Teresa is the most self absorbed twat I've ever seen.  She's a recently released felon expecting everyone to prove to her that they are worthy of her attention.  Her daughters probably wish she'd serve Joe's term for him so they wouldn't be stuck at home with her.  She's just astoundingly horrible.

I would ordinarily agree, but that would entail 3 more years of being called stupid fatheads by their father.

2 hours ago, JustDuckie said:

What was up with Teresa's lips at the nail salon? It looked like they were outlined with a sharpie and filled in with a crayon. 

I will be seeing that horror show in my nightmares tonight.

1 hour ago, Juneau Gal said:

Yes Jacqueline, Tre spent the entire time in prison thinking about you and wondering about how to get back in your fine graces. You stupid gobby cow, do us all a favor and go away. 

When she initially said she doesn't think about Jac, I didn't blame her one bit. She was about to spend a year in the big house, I think most of her time was spent thinking about bigger things. (Not that Teresa is capable of much in the way of big thoughts to begin with) Even though Jac should also be focused on bigger things (her pregnant daughter, her autistic son, and of course CJ to name a few), she is such a narcissistic brat that she can't focus on anything longer than Jacqueline. And it's  inconceivable to her that anyone else can think about anything besides Jacqueline. 

12 minutes ago, beesknees said:

This deafening banging noise is me repeatedly slamming my head against a wall - fucking, stupid Joe Guidice doesn't know that CHRISTMAS is Jesus' birthday?!!  What the ever loving fuck ....  I mean, the guy's Catholic, no?

Yeah, but he's a traditional Italian. Who is traditional and old school. Tradition.

One of the most annoying things to me is how they talk about how they're so traditional and old school when it suits them. Joe wants Gia to stay home (not sure why, it's not like he even does anything with the kids)? He's traditional. But then he doesn't know why they celebrate one of the biggest holidays of his faith, which is a key component of his proud Italian heritage.

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Jacqueline makes me sick.  She was acting so stupid about Teresa.  Either you want to be her friend or you fucking don't.  In what world is it okay for family members to talk shit to an estranged friend -- especially on TV?  That's why Teresa doesn't fuck with them.

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I was indifferent to Jacqueline  except for a vague sense of pity because she's so unbalanced I just can't hate but she went on the bed with her shoes. You're dead to me Woman. 

Teresa is smart when it's convenient so her making money of her release is one of those moments and I liked her candor about it: "I can't have my picture taken because of my exclusive with People". What I was happy about was Gia having at last license to be a teenager and not putting up with shit anymore. Good for her, she had a tough year, probably another one coming and every right to let her parents know that they suck. I'll give her a pass on this one. You can't expect her to take care of her sisters like she's their mother and be held to 14 years old standards at the same time. Anyway... Joe being emotional at midnight when she came home got to me, I must admit. Even if I know he did shitty illegal things, that he probably cheated on his wife and is a certified drunk, I like him. It's one of those inexplicable things, really, I can't foster a reason why but yet, I like him against all odds. 

On the other hand, if Poor Man's Jeff Goldblum and JoeGo could "go away" too, that'd be great. They are critically jeopardizing my pleasure as a viewer and that's a crime.

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Of course the whole excluding Kathy Rosie and jac was producer driven in order to start the seasons drama. If Tre had 36 people over what's 5 more? Listen Tre knows she has to bring it this season to ensure that both she and the franchise continue . She admitted that she needs money. So she has 4 kids lives in a 10,000 sq ft marble masoleum and has NOmoney saved for the kids college? And his is in high school? Ugh. 

How does someone  one out of prison looking good and two days later looks like shit again? I don't get it. 

Joe Go shut up.

These women and how they dress. But Jacqueline has to be the worst? What was up with those pleather pants and crop sweater? Terrible. She looked like a deranged Bratz doll.

Rich Kathy and angry Rosie can get off my TV anytime now.

So after a year of Gia raising her sibs,  drunken Joe is going to play dad on new years defend order Gia to come home before midnight? What an ass

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Agree with so many here. Juxtaposing the two parties was downright embarrassing for Jac and crew. Jac canNOT keep Teresa's name out of her mouth to save her life. I hope they feel ridiculous when they see themselves. They all looked like a pathetic, hateful gaggle of losers--with thirsty, CORNY, and GROSS Richie trying so desperately (and failing miserably) at getting his stupid digs and jokes in. And I felt SO sorry for that poor random couple, (Herman and Mina)? who appeared to be the only add-ons at Chris and Jac's sad "party." If I couldn't come up with anything better than that, I'd have just had a quiet evening with my huzzbin and children. I guess Jac had to pretend to have a party because Teresa was having one. So humiliating.

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1 hour ago, mwell345 said:

I'll join you at the table.   If anyone needs any reminders about why Teresa might remain distant from the Wakile crew, all they have to do is re-watch the infamous reunion where they piled it up on Teresa culminating in Kathie calling Teresa's mother a liar and Rose behind the curtain threatening to kill Teresa.  Let   Jac doesn't want to be friends with Teresa, but wonders why Teresa didn't invite her to her party?  And of course, has to get in the dig about "your family is here".  Seriously, Jac can have boring Kathy, disgusting Richie and drunk Rosie and they can all whine about Teresa.   What a pathetic party.

The Melissa/Joe Gorga scenes where he shows what a Neanderthal he is are interesting because in the past, Melissa always seemed to find that side of him somewhat endearing. Not so much anymore, and I'm wondering if that marriage will last much longer.   

Squeeze in another chair, please. I, like many here, I'm sure, have had some of the same girlfriends for twenty years, and Jac's silly bitchmade behaviour and nasty, obsessive nonsense would get her fugly ass exiled for life. Production is doing a great job of showing how petty and lame Jac is. And that 'fambly' pile-on from the thirst-monster Wakiles?! Yeah, I hope Teresa never goes near them again. They're so transparent and pitiful. "[Nobody] likes you; can't you get that through your greasy heads?" 

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Joe Gorga is something else. He's complaining about having to pick his kids up from school? Is being more involved in the day to day events of his children's lives such a setback for him? It's not like he's complaining that he's losing business or it's affecting his abilities to meet his contractual obligations with work. Nope, he just sees those things as being a woman's job. I can understand why Joe Gorga would be showing signs of frustration at this point. The beginning stages were likely mostly done within the home (researching online, taking phone calls) and then add in the occasional meeting. This stage is where Melissa needs to be more hands on to oversee the project and have things done the way she envisions it. Joe doesn't strike me as a guy that really thinks too far ahead. He probably first objected to the idea because he thought it was a bad investment and now he's objecting to it because it's taking up too much of Melissa's time.

I really feel for Gia. She and Gabriella have had to grow up much faster than you should ask any kid to. Gia deserved that bit of escape but when she came back, I think she started to feel the actuality that that would be the last New Year's Eve with her dad in a long while and she missed it.

Teresa acts like she's transformed into this new woman and her forgiveness of Melissa is supposed to be an example of that. She still can't take ownership of her part in the destructive relationship with Melissa. First she blamed the company she kept and then she took ownership under the guise of simply making Melissa feel better. The crazy thing is that she probably thought she was being the bigger woman by offering an apology she didn't mean, lol.

They wanted to play up the fact that Jacqueline was spending NYE with Teresa's family who weren't invited to Teresa's family party, however, I found it funny that Jacqueline's only guests were people with ties to Teresa. Where were her other friend and where was any of her and Chris' family? I guess they had to miss the big family party so that they could have something to film?

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6 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

They wanted to play up the fact that Jacqueline was spending NYE with Teresa's family who weren't invited to Teresa's family party, however, I found it funny that Jacqueline's only guests were people with ties to Teresa. Where were her other friend and where was any of her and Chris' family? I guess they had to miss the big family party so that they could have something to film?

Great point. Lord knows I never want to see bitter old Caroline and her 'fambly' of failing to thrive nitwits, but yeah, why weren't Jac and Chris with their own stupid 'famblies'? Ugh--now they look even MORE lame, which I didn't think was possible! Thanks, RHJunkie! :)

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Haha, this title. These people are hairy. It made me kind of sad that Milania is already worried about how her brows look. Where did the time go??? 

So I found Tre and JoGo's reunion interesting. There was barely any emotion there. It was like they had just seen each other the week before. Maybe they had. Did he visit her in prison? Eh, either way, coming HOME is a big deal, but it just didn't register with those two. 

Teresa really is the type to act like everything's great all the time, and it bothers me. I get keeping a brave face. On the one hand, maybe it helps HER deal. And I'm sure she wants to try and shield her daughters. But at the same time, I think it might be teaching them unhealthy ideas about stifling your feelings. It's okay to be upset, honey!

She also has zero self awareness. Her talk with Melissa in the kitchen was infuriating to me. I don't even like Melissa, and she has absolutely done some shitty things to her SIL. But she was at least trying to say, "We've both screwed up, let's have each other's back going forward" and Tre wanted to act like she never did ANYTHING wrong. She'd SAY she had, to appease Melissa, but she didn't mean it. Come on now. Talking to her is like talking to a brick wall. She's just immediately thinking of ways to refute what you're saying, instead of genuinely taking it in and thinking about it. 

I thought Juicy was a real ass to Gia about going out on NYE. And I usually like Juicy. But she has been the stand-in mother for a year. She deserves a night with her friends. He was making a big deal out of nothing, and in front of all the family. Yuck. He seemed perfectly fine when she got back, though. I'd wager it was the wine. 

I can sense some tension between him and Tre, though, in regards to parenting. He's been doing it all for a year, and now she swoops back in and is making calls. He's a bit bitter, I'd wager. I'll be honest, I went through the same thing when my husband first got back from 14 months in Afghanistan. It takes time. But I guess he'll be going away soon and then it will all be up in the air again. Those poor kids. 

The phone call with Jaq was stupid. "Do you always take your calls on speaker?" Um yea. Have you watched this show? Or ANY reality show? It's par for the course. You're on speaker too!!! What is her big freaking deal with her cousins??? I get the drama between their parents, but my goodness. She acts like Kathy and Rosie tried to kill her kids or something. It sucks that Juicy and Rosie can't hang out anymore. Maybe she'd be able to clue him in that Jesus didn't die on Christmas Eve. 

I don't think I can deal with a whole season of Joe Go and his asshole attitude about his wife. On the one hand, if they had an agreement about how their lives would be going in, I can see him being upset that things aren't going according to plan. But at the same time, people change. If your spouse discovers a passion later in life, should they just deny it? (I know, we're talking about a tacky boutique here, but it's the principal.) Aren't all of their kids in school? Calm down. Ooooh, you have to pick them up? The horror! The horror! He's all, "I didn't want a part time wife". You mean a part time MAID? Ugh, he's so gross. 

So can Tre just get permission from her PO to break House Arrest for a pedicure? 

Melissa looked like a  lost member of Destiny's Child in those THs with the white outfit. Wow. Don't repeat that look. 

Edited by ghoulina
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4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Haha, this title. These people are hairy. It made me kind of sad that Milania is already worried about how her bras look. Where did the time go??? 

So I found Tre and JoGo's reunion interesting. There was barely any emotion there. It was like they had just seen each other the week before. Maybe they had. Did he visit her in prison? Eh, either way, coming HOME is a big deal, but it just didn't register with those two. 

Teresa really is the type to act like everything's great all the time, and it bothers me. I get keeping a brave face. On the one hand, maybe it helps HER deal. And I'm sure she wants to try and shield her daughters. But at the same time, I think it might be teaching them unhealthy ideas about stifling your feelings. It's okay to be upset, honey!

She also has zero self awareness. Her talk with Melissa in the kitchen was infuriating to me. I don't even like Melissa, and she has absolutely don't some shitty things to her SIL. But she was at least trying to say, "We've both screwed up, let's have each other's back going forward" and Tre wanted to act like she never did ANYTHING wrong. She'd SAY she had, to appease Melissa, but she didn't mean it. Come on now. Talking to her is like talking to a brick wall. She's just immediately thinking of ways to refute what you're saying, instead of genuinely taking it in and thinking about it. 

I thought Juicy was a real ass to Gia about going out on NYE. And I usually like Juicy. But she has been the stand-in mother for a year. She deserves a night with her friends. He was making a big deal out of nothing, and in front of all the family. Yuck. He seemed perfectly fine when she got back, though. I'd wager it was the wine. 

I can sense some tension between him and Tre, though, in regards to parenting. He's been doing it all for a year, and now she swoops back in and is making calls. He's a bit bitter, I'd wager. I'll be honest, I went through the same thing when my husband first got back from 14 months in Afghanistan. It takes time. But I guess he'll be going away soon and then it will all be up in the air again. Those poor kids. 

The phone call with Jaq was stupid. "Do you always take your calls on speaker?" Um yea. Have you watched this show? Or ANY reality show? It's par for the course. You're on speaker too!!! What is her big freaking deal with her cousins??? I get the drama between their parents, but my goodness. She acts like Kathy and Rosie tried to kill her kids or something. It sucks that Juicy and Rosie can't hang out anymore. Maybe she'd be able to clue him in that Jesus didn't die on Christmas Eve. 

I don't think I can deal with a whole season of Joe Go and his asshole attitude about his wife. On the one hand, if they had an agreement about how their lives would be going in, I can see him being upset that things aren't going according to plan. But at the same time, people change. If your spouse discovers a passion later in life, should they just deny it? (I know, we're talking about a tacky boutique here, but it's the principal.) Aren't all of their kids in school? Calm down. Ooooh, you have to pick them up? The horror! The horror! He's all, "I didn't want a part time wife". You mean a part time MAID? Ugh, he's so gross. 

So can Tre just get permission from her PO to break House Arrest for a pedicure? 

Melissa looked like a  lost member of Destiny's Child in those THs with the white outfit. Wow. Don't repeat that look. 

I can't help but think that JoeGo is trying desperately (and thirstily) to make this into a storyline for himself, where he comes in and saves the day. The show is based almost solely on Teresa now because of the prison element, and it just seems like she's aware that everyone is trying to glom on (AGAIN) and use her for their own storylines, and, if I were her, I'd probably resent that, too, but I get what you're saying. 

And, yes, you are so right--Joe Go is gross!

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I believe her house arrest has some exemptions for work.  T's work involves socially interacting with the other women.

I was also struck by the difference between how great she looked coming home from prison and how poorly she looked at the nail salon.  Could she have had lip fillers injected at home between the two dates? Also, both she and Delores commented on how tired T was. 

Edited by NYCFree
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11 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

The Melissa/Joe storyline doesn't make any sense because where were all these concerns about not wanting a "part-time wife"/having traditional values when she was trying to be popstar a couple seasons ago.

I think the difference is, being a pop star is still fitting with his definition of a woman - she could still be sexy and feminine. Having her own store, that he's working on, kind of puts her in a power position over him. She's working long hours. And remember, he built a studio in the home, so she wouldn't even have to leave to record. He could to to her shows and let everyone know that's his hot wife. It's a reflection on him, and what a stud he is. He doesn't get any of that from Melissa hanging out in a clothing store all night. 


10 hours ago, kdmayo said:

Fuck you, JoGo. I literally wanted to throw something at my TV when he said "My innocent sister, she has to wear an ankle bracelet." 

See- this is EXACTLY why I cannot watch this show anymore. They still want to perpetuate this lie that Teresa is a victim in all of this and that we need to feel sorry for her being locked up. While I never advocated her being in jail for life, etc. she was guilty of a crime and deserved to be punished. The ankle bracelet is part of that punishment. 

While I don't disagree with what you're saying, I didn't take that comment as Joe thinking Tre is innocent of the charges that she served time for. I think he meant it more like she was always his innocent, little sister. And knowing that she now has an ankle bracelet, really made it hit home that she's not that little kid any more and this is all very very real. I could be wrong, but that's how I took it.

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JoeGo is the worst with his misogyny. On the plus side, there was less of JoeGo's incessant sex talk.

This is all an act, they they are setting this up as their cop-out excuse for when her business fails.  Sprinkle around some fake-tension about Melissa working and JoeGo not being happy about it, then when her boutique store is a flop, they can say she has made this big sacrifice choice to be with her family.


 Where were her other friend and where was any of her and Chris' family? I guess they had to miss the big family party so that they could have something to film?

Probably all at the annual Brownstone NYE party. LOL

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And here I was, thinking that maybe prison had changed Teresa. Silly me! She still can't admit she's done anything wrong. When Melissa said she has to take some responsibility for the past, Tre saying that she'll take responsibility "if that's what you want" shows that she'll never believe that she's done anything wrong. Never! And she still can't stop herself from saying things that would be better left unsaid to stop a conversation from escalating into an argument.

Although I think 14 is too young to be dressing like Gia and going off to New Year's Eve parties, I have to cut the girl some slack. She has had to be the adult in the family for the past 11 months, so she deserves to have a little fun. Joe occasionally shows he has a soft side, so why does he have to behave like a jerk the rest of the time? Before Gia left, he was pissing me off, but I liked the affection he showed her after she got home. I can't help but have a soft spot for Gia because she has had to take on so much more responsibility than a 14 year old should have to shoulder.

Joe Go whining about having to take care of his own kids makes me want to punch him in the throat! What an asshole. Also, everyone at Jac's party can get off my TV stat. I can't stand any of them.

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Okay while the maitre'd is handing out solo tables, I'll be at mine for never having thought Teresa looked good.  Not with 9 pounds of fully styled hair, mac lashes and glossed up to the gawds.  Ever.  But especially when she came home, she looked terrible.  Which is frankly what I'd been expecting - someone who'd been wearing the weight of the world, in her face.   So she didn't look any different in the nail salon either.  The gauntness made her take on a Jim Henson-character quality she always had but now it stands out.

I know her husband loves her and I know sometimes couples get short with each other, but they way he speaks to her drives me crazy.  

Tre:  Well, Joe you gotta go tell her she can't stay out past midnight, you said before she could.  (not only is Joe responsible for telling her since it was his last minute decision, but he needs to as he's the one who set curfew to begin with)

Juicy:  No. you gotta go tell her.

I don't mind the words as much as how dismissive he is.    Neither of them want to be the disciplinarian.  Good luck with that.

Jac has veered off into Danielle Staub obsession.  It's not a good look girl, Tre's skin probably won't fit you.

Lol! at JoeGo and the scene with him arguing with his baby in the rain trying to get him to put on his coat.  Coats go on when you're still inside Joey.  Amateur.  It's as though he just found out his kids can be a pain in the ass.  Crying "single" parent after 12 fucking hours.   Sit your simple ass down somewhere.

Teresa and Melissa in the kitchen wore me out.   While I'm at my solo table somebody tell me what Melissa did to Tree for her to be so dramatic about the way she'd been treated.   I'm gonna need something bigger than missing a visit with her father in law to go to the gym and the crime of store bought sprinkle cookies.

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When Joe Go came to pick them up for Christmas Eve, I cracked up as Theresa was so worried about paparazzi photos and Joe Go didn't get it.  Well, duh!  Obviously a huge chunk for their income is now selling photos so they can't let paparazzi get them for free!!

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The way Joe Guidice talks to his kids disgusts me. During that whole New Year's Eve fiasco, he way he was yelling at Gia and said something about getting her fat ass out of the house? Who talks to their daughters that way?  Can not stand that man, he does not have one ounce of class and I think Gia took care of her sisters while Tre was gone, not that asshole!  

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32 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

. Also, everyone at Jac's party can get off my TV stat. I can't stand any of them.

That looked like a fun party! 5 people standing around Jac's kitchen talking about you know who...... the STAR of the show! Please. I would rather be at home in my jammies watching the ball drop on TV. 

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3 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:


I didn't hear anything about a fat ass, but he did say something about a fat head.


Really, is that any better? You don't talk to your kid that way.   He definitely said fat ass. 

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