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S11.E03: Lies In The Air, Sand In My Hair

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Hey Vicki Why would you let your daughter drive cross country with 8-10 pain?

Well, Brianna was not in 100% pain. Maybe she had a 3-5-9 day hospital stay as well. Vicki will say she feels bad for Brianna, but will not do anything to really help Brianna. Brianna's health issues will always be how it affects Vicki and how hard it is for Vicki. Not the person who actually is experiencing these problems.

I am fine with how Shannon and Heather are dealing with Vicki. Shannon does not want to be friends with her and Heather is being cordial. Tamara is the one I think will get sucked back into the Vicki vortex. Though, I did like Tamara's calm manor in dealing with Vicki at the beach party.

I will be at my table for one in liking Heather and all her pretentiousness. If I had the space I would so get a pizza oven. 

I will be at my very lonely table for one with not minding Meghan. I did not mind her last year with all the Brooks stuff and do not mind her this season. Though it is possible at some point I will.

I feel like Kelly is always "on" when she is onscreen. I get that she should make her own opinions about Vicki, but I also get the other women being annoyed with it since they dealt with all the not cancer stuff last season.

I thought I would mind more of the Brooks stuff, but do not since it is more about why the other women do not really want to be around Vicki, and less about Brooks himself.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 16

I kind of love Heather actually and I more love her new fun relationship with Shannon.  I also thought Heather was being tongue in cheek about the ice. Maybe that's just because I speak NJ sarcasm fluently.  Of course her house is obnoxious and of course she has nothing else going on but damn, I still think she's funny and I like her.  There, I said it. 

  • Love 21

Oy Vicki.  And oy to Brianna too.  Like, who in their right might thought it was a good idea to take a 20 hour car ride right after major surgery?  So. ridiculous. 

New girl Kelly?  Stop trying to make your mom and your brother happen.  I must admit, she looked less odd (to me) in the talking head with her hair straight and wearing a normal color of lipstick. Almost bordering on attractive. Her duck lips already look too large for her face, and that obnoxiously bright pink lipstick she tends to like to wear just makes her look more freakish.  

Heartily echoing those of  you who are bored/annoyed with Megan's "documentary" of her IVF "needle journey".  Like, Jimmy really gives too squats about it.  You'll be lucky if he shows up for the delivery.

11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I noticed that too, and it's strange - she seems to be about as thin as Jules from RHNY is, and yet, none of her castmates are whispering about her having an eating disorder or anorexia, as the other RHNY women are about Jules.  

I agree that Megan is very, very thin, and as close to being as thin as Jules. I think the difference is that Megan doesn't seem (at least from what they've shown) any disordered eating behavior, whereas Jules most certainly does.  Lydia was definitely as thin as Jules (if not more so!) but I am assuming it's because she's petite in stature that maybe it's not as noticeable as Jules' weight.  IDK for sure though!

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

Well, Brianna was not in 100% pain. Maybe she had a 3-5-9 day hospital stay as well. Vicki will say she feels bad for Brianna, but will not do anything to really help Brianna. Brianna's health issues will always be how it affects Vicki and how hard it is for Vicki. Not the person who actually is experiencing these problems.

I am fine with how Shannon and Heather are dealing with Vicki. Shannon does not want to be friends with her and Heather is being cordial. Tamara is the one I think will get sucked back into the Vicki vortex. Though, I did like Tamara's calm manor in dealing with Vicki at the beach party.

I will be at my table for one in liking Heather and all her pretentiousness. If I had the space I would so get a pizza oven. 

I will be at my very lonely table for one with not minding Meghan. I did not mind her last year with all the Brooks stuff and do not mind her this season. Though it is possible at some point I will.

I feel like Kelly is always "on" when she is onscreen. I get that she should make her own opinions about Vicki, but I also get the other women being annoyed with it since the dealt with all the not cancer stuff last season.

I thought I would mind more of the Brooks stuff, but do not since it is more about why the other women do not really want to be around Vicki, and less about Brooks himself.

Your post sums up my feelings. so its a table for two. :)

  • Love 5

Two burning questions.

Did pleather get the money she was bilked out of, back?


no one commented on her claim about the leeches and 'testing' their product on themselves to see if it works? For being two 'educated' folks, neither one sounds THAT smart?

Was it my imagination or was pleather going to open a restaurant in Lost Angeles and wasn't it in her first season that the group went out to eat and made a huge deal about a dish at some eatery, then had it sent it back?

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I am in the minority, I found Heather shopping for appliances riveting compared to the 22 hour car ride.  I wanted to know how many refrigerators the Dubrows had to buy for the mansion.  I thought I heard her say there were five ice machines.  All I could picture is one in the master bedroom and Terry icing Heather down for some sort of strange necrophilia sex play. 

Seriously almost choked on my apple!

  • Love 4

I'm going to hell for saying this but poor Troy is so unfortunate looking.  He looks just like his father.  Every time Shannon rages about Vicki it sounds like she's talking about David.. Lied to me for over a year betrayed me... Some misplaced rage that should be directed at David.  If she can't forgive Vicki she sure as heck shouldn't still be married to David.  Kelly reminds me of the actress that plays Angela on Bones though not as pretty.  I could relate to Brianna freaking out over being exhausted and sick and being left with two toddlers.  My mom abandoned me when my first child was born.  My husband worked out of town and had to leave that evening and my mom had told me she was staying for two weeks to help me.  I'd just been released from the hospital after having a c section I was exhausted and in alot of pain could barely walk around and my mom told me she was going back home that evening.  I was left alone with my three day old daughter and couldn't take any pain medication because it made me too sleepy to take care of a newborn.  I still resent my mom for that so I do feel bad for Brianna.  


Megan is annoying.  I feel so bad for the child that Jimmy will have no interest in and is agreeing to just to placate Megan. The beach party looking boring but pretty.  Did the sign say shoe optional? What the.. Shouldn't it have said shoes lol

  • Love 14
13 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I have an ice tray that makes swiggly ice cubes that fit into water bottles.  Take that, Shannon Dubrow!

I have trays that make round ice cubes. 
I suppose that's 'passe' now. 
I also have the ones that make the little stars and moons, and of course the crescent shaped ones. 
We're old school around here.

Meghan:  I felt for her doing the injections.   I do them occasionally for another reason but I have to get my nerve up whenever I have to start them again.   A really sweet nurse told me to numb the area with a small ice pack first,  then do the shot, then put ice back on it for a minute or two.  This helped so much. 

So I thought Heather said in one of the previous show's talking heads that she wouldn't be talking about the cost of the house and furnishings. Hmmm, that didn't last long. She just can't help herself. She is the type of person I would love to see trying to live off of a five figure salary for say a year. Now that would be entertaining.

Dont care one iota about Meghan and her IVF. I mute her when she is on.  Don't care about new girl either  

As much as Vicki annoys Briana, she sure has made herself dependent on Vicki for her lifestyle. I am sorry she is having health issues and I truly wonder what is going on with her immune system but I don't need her to be an ipso facto housewife. 

  • Love 6

You guys? I know it's an unpopular opinion, but that Ice Pyramid is FIRE and I wish more than anything (almost) that I were rich enough to have four different kinds of ice to choose from. Especially the tiny square ice and the "chew-able" ice. It's kind of all I want in life? Like, I didn't know you could get appliances where you can pick the kind of ice it makes but I did know you could buy "pebble ice" machines (like Sonic ice?) and I've priced them and seriously considered buying one... because I love Sonic ice! Chick-Fil-A ice is pretty good too but it's Chick-Fil-A so... anyway, YAASS to all the ice choices! I could care less about basically the rest of the house stuff but Ice Pyramid is my new spirit animal. 

  • Love 22
14 minutes ago, Lisin said:

You guys? I know it's an unpopular opinion, but that Ice Pyramid is FIRE and I wish more than anything (almost) that I were rich enough to have four different kinds of ice to choose from. Especially the tiny square ice and the "chew-able" ice. It's kind of all I want in life? Like, I didn't know you could get appliances where you can pick the kind of ice it makes but I did know you could buy "pebble ice" machines (like Sonic ice?) and I've priced them and seriously considered buying one... because I love Sonic ice! Chick-Fil-A ice is pretty good too but it's Chick-Fil-A so... anyway, YAASS to all the ice choices! I could care less about basically the rest of the house stuff but Ice Pyramid is my new spirit animal. 

Chewable ice is pretty damn awesome

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

The mystery surrounding Meghan is whether I will ever find any fucks to give about her and her s/l. Am I really supposed to be rooting for her to conceive a child her future ex-husband will be spending every other weekend with?

This comment made me laugh out loud.  It is so true.  As viewers - we all see this coming. 

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

But you also have to look at it from the standpoint of who exactly thought this trip would be a good idea and who agreed to it?

Vicki talked/cohersed Briana to come home to the oc to help briana out. Vicki helped briana out by letting her drive almost the whole way herself. Briana had even more pain once she was home and vicki helped her again by going to work. 

Whoevers idea this was makes no difference to me. This is still messed up

  • Love 4

I watch this show because I actually live in the OC and I like to recognize locations (as well as the cray) around me.  However, this was boring as all shit.

I did fall asleep for 15-20 minutes in the middle so if I'm feeling particularly hateful toward myself later, I may go back and watch.

Brianna driving from OK was insane.  I used to get carsick when I was young and I can still feel massively grody as an adult passenger if we're driving through the mountains but get on a plane and fly, for God's sake.  I know it's OKLAHOMA (said like Vicki is talking about BFE) but they do actually have airports and planes there.  Fly for 2 stupid hours and get back home.  Ship your car.  Or have Vicki pay an employee to drive it from OK.  Or Michael.  But just don't torture us with boredom watching a sick Brianna and a crazy Vicki do some 21 hour drive.  Just no.

I actually liked Tamra from what I saw and now I feel as though pigs are going to fly by outside my window and the zombie apocalypse will start.  If I'm going to start liking Tamra, I will have to quit this show.

Heather.  She's rich and has money to burn on stupid shit.  We know.

Meghan.  She's skinny and afraid of needles.  We know.

Shannon.  The real estate search might be interesting.

Kelly.  I don't mind her.  She at least is reasonable with forming her own opinions of Vicki.

Brooks.  Nobody cares.  We didn't care for the last 2-3 seasons so we surely don't care now.  Either accept Vicki's quasi-apology or don't but move on.

  • Love 10

If they'd just flown and shipped the car we would have missed out on the "zany hijinks" of Vicky on a road trip like retching at cow farts and helping her grandson poop on the side of the road.  

I know someone that recently had their Bentley shipped across the country and it was less than a dollar per mile and that was ultra luxe shipping where it was in its own race car trailer and was detailed before being dropped off to him.  It's not an outrageous expense and I'm sure there are less fancy options that are even more economical. 

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, Lisin said:

You guys? I know it's an unpopular opinion, but that Ice Pyramid is FIRE and I wish more than anything (almost) that I were rich enough to have four different kinds of ice to choose from. Especially the tiny square ice and the "chew-able" ice. It's kind of all I want in life? Like, I didn't know you could get appliances where you can pick the kind of ice it makes but I did know you could buy "pebble ice" machines (like Sonic ice?) and I've priced them and seriously considered buying one... because I love Sonic ice! Chick-Fil-A ice is pretty good too but it's Chick-Fil-A so... anyway, YAASS to all the ice choices! I could care less about basically the rest of the house stuff but Ice Pyramid is my new spirit animal. 

I'm with you.  I have a great ice maker in my fridge, but buy Sonic Ice by the bag at least once a week. Nothing in the world like it. 

  • Love 6

Instead of asking why Vicki had Brianna driving on their 20 hour car trip, we should be asking why Brianna, who is a medical professional, chose to take a lengthy car trip while experiencing complications from surgery and having a pain level of 8 out of 10? ( as a nurse, Brianna should be familiar with the Pain Scale, and understand that someone at an 8 out of ten would be incapacitated)

Why was it necessary to pack up her kids and move them away from their home and father, when Brianna's husband is still completing his military commitment and their home is not sold yet? If she needed to consult with her previous physicians she could have flown back to California for a few days for some medical consultations. The whole storyline has producer fingerprints all over it. The car trip, and moving back to Orange County is because they were offered an opportunity to be on RHOC and didn't want to pass it up.

  • Love 23

I wonder what the real story is about Kelly's marriage.  The only thing I've learned from the show is, Kelly moved her mom and brother into their home,  their house is incredibly nice, and Kelly points out her husband's faults at an alarming rate. I don't know too many husbands that would be okay with the mother and brother living in the same house.  I'm sure he isn't perfect, but so far he's looking like an okay guy to me.  She doesn't seemed abused, but what do I know? 

  • Love 6
31 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

If they'd just flown and shipped the car we would have missed out on the "zany hijinks" of Vicky on a road trip like retching at cow farts and helping her grandson poop on the side of the road.  

I know someone that recently had their Bentley shipped across the country and it was less than a dollar per mile and that was ultra luxe shipping where it was in its own race car trailer and was detailed before being dropped off to him.  It's not an outrageous expense and I'm sure there are less fancy options that are even more economical. 

Well, it certainly wasn't the "Thelma and Louise" road trip the producers may have been hoping for!  T

There are lots of people around here who have winter homes in Florida or the Carolinas, and many of them do ship their cars.  They will fly to their destination, rent a car for a few days until their car is delivered.  As you said, it isn't that expensive, but given that Vicki, most likely, would have to pay for four one way plane tickets, plus pay for the car shipping, it was definitely more expensive than them driving from Oklahoma to Orange County.  I'm assuming that they must have spent at least ONE night in a hotel - there is no way that they could have done 19/20 hours straight through with two toddlers.  

22 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Instead of asking why Vicki had Brianna driving on their 20 hour car trip, we should be asking why Brianna, who is a medical professional, chose to take a lengthy car trip while experiencing complications from surgery and having a pain level of 8 out of 10? ( as a nurse, Brianna should be familiar with the Pain Scale, and understand that someone at an 8 out of ten would be incapacitated)

Why was it necessary to pack up her kids and move them away from their home and father, when Brianna's husband is still completing his military commitment and their home is not sold yet? If she needed to consult with her previous physicians she could have flown back to California for a few days for some medical consultations. The whole storyline has producer fingerprints all over it. The car trip, and moving back to Orange County is because they were offered an opportunity to be on RHOC and didn't want to pass it up.

I suspect that Brianna agreed to the car trip to help give her mother a sympathetic storyline after last season. We are supposed to believe that Vicki is doing the right thing for Brianna/kids by taking care of them. Too bad that Vicki once again showed us that she doesn't have a maternal bone in her body by making it all about herself.

19 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

What happened with Briana's "Six Figure" nurses salary?  Why would someone who makes as much as she claims she does need Vicki's help?

I don't think Brianna was referring to $$$ when she said she needed her mothers help, she was talking about Vicki physically helping her, watching the kids so she, Brianna, could recover/get better, emotional support, ect.. Sadly, Brianna forgot who her mother is in real life.

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

No. She "got" them one in OC. I say "got", because I don't believe she bought them a house. She may have made the down payment, but the mortgage/rent will be theirs. Just like the car she "bought" Brianna many years ago.

Oh yeah, Vicki never gives anybody something without strings attached, but I remember last season she went house-hunting with her daughter and Ryan and helped them in some way.

Did Kelly borrow a dress from Heather? I remember Heather wore something like that (I don't know the name, but it has half-circles for collars) in the past.

3 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Well, Brianna was not in 100% pain. Maybe she had a 3-5-9 day hospital stay as well. Vicki will say she feels bad for Brianna, but will not do anything to really help Brianna. Brianna's health issues will always be how it affects Vicki and how hard it is for Vicki. Not the person who actually is experiencing these problems.

I am fine with how Shannon and Heather are dealing with Vicki. Shannon does not want to be friends with her and Heather is being cordial. Tamara is the one I think will get sucked back into the Vicki vortex. Though, I did like Tamara's calm manor in dealing with Vicki at the beach party.

I will be at my table for one in liking Heather and all her pretentiousness. If I had the space I would so get a pizza oven. 

I will be at my very lonely table for one with not minding Meghan. I did not mind her last year with all the Brooks stuff and do not mind her this season. Though it is possible at some point I will.

I feel like Kelly is always "on" when she is onscreen. I get that she should make her own opinions about Vicki, but I also get the other women being annoyed with it since the dealt with all the not cancer stuff last season.

I thought I would mind more of the Brooks stuff, but do not since it is more about why the other women do not really want to be around Vicki, and less about Brooks himself.

I would totally get a pizza oven as well...but I would actually use the oven and eat the pizza that was cooked in the oven, lol. Heather behaves like someone of privilege but it's annoying when she drops comments as a way to remind everyone that she's rich (as if she's given anyone long enough to forget it). Talking about a pizza oven that you need to have but won't ever use because you only eat pizza once a year...or a BBQ that neither you or your husband will ever use but your personal chef could do wonders with it. I didn't mind the house stuff in the past and I wouldn't mind it now if it weren't for the fact that she's complaining about the time it's taking when that's a completely self-inflicted issue on her part. I generally like Heather. While she can be a know-it-all, I appreciate her demeanor when addressing conflict and that's a skill that many women on the housewife franchise lack.

I also don't mind Meghan either so I can join you at that lonely table. I didn't even mind her last year when she was so obsessed with proving Brooks wrong but that's only because Brooks is an attention seeking human being that apparently has no boundaries to his lies and I don't mind that Meghan went a bit crazy trying to prove his sleaziness to the world.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, kira28 said:

I'm going to hell for saying this but poor Troy is so unfortunate looking.  He looks just like his father.

Care to split the cost of a hand basket?  Because I was thinking the same damn thing last night! 

ALTHOUGH - and I loathe to admit it - I don't think Ryan is to blame this time around.  Is he a ragey control-freak arsehole? Yes? But is he a straight-up uggo - no. 

I tend to think Troy looks more like Brianna's side of the family.  Uncle Billy anyone??

  • Love 11
35 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I would totally get a pizza oven as well...but I would actually use the oven and eat the pizza that was cooked in the oven, lol. Heather behaves like someone of privilege but it's annoying when she drops comments as a way to remind everyone that she's rich (as if she's given anyone long enough to forget it). Talking about a pizza oven that you need to have but won't ever use because you only eat pizza once a year...or a BBQ that neither you or your husband will ever use but your personal chef could do wonders with it. I didn't mind the house stuff in the past and I wouldn't mind it now if it weren't for the fact that she's complaining about the time it's taking when that's a completely self-inflicted issue on her part. I generally like Heather. While she can be a know-it-all, I appreciate her demeanor when addressing conflict and that's a skill that many women on the housewife franchise lack.

I also don't mind Meghan either so I can join you at that lonely table. I didn't even mind her last year when she was so obsessed with proving Brooks wrong but that's only because Brooks is an attention seeking human being that apparently has no boundaries to his lies and I don't mind that Meghan went a bit crazy trying to prove his sleaziness to the world.

I don't mind Heather talking about OTT appliances, even if she/they aren't going to use them themselves but have someone else do the cooking, because I enjoy seeing how the wealthy live. That is why I started to watch these HW shows to begin with, the OTT lifestyles, and Heather/Shannon are the only 2 that bring it to the OC.

  • Love 16

A few random comments.

1. Vicki (Miss "Anyone who judges *me* had better be perfect") is incredibly judgemental. Of Oklahoma, of Oklahoma in general, of everything and everyone. Ugh.

2. I, too, have a fear of needles. I developed gestational diabetes in 1986 and, guess what, it took me about half-an-hour to jab myself the first time. I feel Meghan's distress. She is still unhealthily thin, I think. (That might be jealousy on my very un-thin part.)

3. I have driven (by actual necessity) halfway across the country 2 weeks after major surgery. Well, I was driven. I wasn't nuts enough to do the driving. It was difficult, and my husband had the good sense to stop frequently, even if it was just on the side of the road so I could walk a bit. I have also (owing to illness and disability) been forced to drive 800 miles or so at a pain level of 8+. I didn't drive even that far straight through. I drove about 400 miles in about 8 hours, stopping often, and spent the night. Briana has terrible decision-making skills if she thinks driving 20 freakin' hours shortly after surgery without stopping at a hotel is sane.

4. I've also had PICC lines placed 4 times. They stink. Yes, Briana feels horrible. And, yes, Vicki should have stayed home, worked from home, hired someone to come in. Or all three. Leaving someone who's ill enough to require IV antibiotics administered via PICC line alone with two rambunctious kids is borderline abusive to everyone but the leaver.

5. Kelly bugs me. Her husband bugs me more.

6. I'm probably in the minority, but I think Heather was being a little ironic with her comments about hexagonal ice being jewelry for your glass and being the "way to go." I think she's somewhat more self-aware than people credit her for. I could, of course, be wrong. ;)

  • Love 19
30 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

What happened with Briana's "Six Figure" nurses salary?  Why would someone who makes as much as she claims she does need Vicki's help?

Briana said she made six figures-my guess is most of that comes from Bravo and she works as a nurse sometimes.  It was like her telling the story of Brooks hitting on her when she was out to there pregnant (seems she was five months along at least that is how far along she was the last time she saw him outside the Reunion couch), or after going after her mom for who knows how long at the Reunion, while the other women looked on appalled, suddenly switched gears and claimed her mother was the victim of Stockholm Syndrome, and evidenced the same by her mother switching her alcoholic beverage of choice to a dirty martini with bleu cheese olives (something Vicki lost her shit over when another RH ordered one).  Now she is claiming she had some sort of major surgery, I am sorry but I believe the removal of three lymph nodes is more along the lines pf a biopsy, done on an out-patient basis, with as Vicki indicated a one inch incision.  I get it is painful, and requires a bit of aftercare and an infection complicates things but as a nurse she seems to put a whole lotta oomph into the story. 

I believe Briana intentional piles on when it comes to pointing out the many undesirable qualities of her mother so her mother will be forced to spend more time with her.  Outside of Kelly who may or may not have her own dependency issues with her mother and has never met Briana, none of these women want to spend time with Briana.  She is not their peer.  megahn may be close in age but she is married to an older successful man, I don't see even lowly Eddie wanting to hang out with Briana's husband.  Trying to curry favor by attacking Brooks is just not sport for these women as they want Vicki to take responsibility for her behavior not Brooks behavior.  From the previews it appears we are going to be subjected to more of Briana's health journey.  Boring.

For those who want Sonic Ice-here is an affordable at home model:  http://refrigerators.reviewed.com/news/ge-opal-ice-maker-brings-sonic-nugget-ice-home

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, kira28 said:

Every time Shannon rages about Vicki it sounds like she's talking about David.. Lied to me for over a year betrayed me... Some misplaced rage that should be directed at David.  If she can't forgive Vicki she sure as heck shouldn't still be married to David.

While I don't know that I'd forgive David, they are married. They have been together for decades and have children together. They made a commitment to each other (that HE obviously broke, but....). I don't think Shannon and Icki ever signed a friendship contract. So those ties are a lot easier to sever. 


2 hours ago, jaync said:

He seems to act like him, too. The way that kid kept losing his poop over Owie was a little freaky.

As a mom of two boys that are less than 2 years apart, their interactions were very normal to me. My boys are the epitome of not being able to live with someone, but not being able to live without them. Plus, those boys are probably feeling the stress of mom's sickness and the move and just aren't able to verbalize it like adults can. But that's a lot for them. 

  • Love 16

Holy shit. If you find yourself screaming, "WHO CARES?!" more than three times at the TV, it may be times to let the show free. 

Brooks' "Cancer"/Vicki's Sore Back - WHO CARES?!

Meghan's Baby/Needle Fear/Concave "Stomach" - WHO CARES?!

Kelly's Lips/Pitiful Family/Beach "Party" - WHO CARES?!

Tamra's Roid Rage/"Husband"/Jesus Jugs - WHO CARES?!

Heather's CONSTANT Whining About Building That Ridiculous House That She Wanted So Badly/ICE "CUBES" - WHO THE FUCK CARES?!

Yeah, think this may be the first HoWives franchise I drop. 

Edited by PerPlexied
  • Love 2

That pizza oven and grill will be useless in about three years (Don't know why pleather didn't allow the help to pick the appliances?)

if they aren't covered or pulled indoors. The humidity in OC will kill the metal that heats up and corrodes the burners/box until it rots and rusts out.

In Cali a BBQ/Grill/Oven is a great addition if you cook.

I always laugh at the stupidity of people that brag on the prices/models of their belongings. A 'chef's kitchen' doesn't make you a 'chef'. Having a pizza oven doesn't make you a pizza cook. Matter of fact? Let me tell you how this would happen in the real world for a normal family?

Pizza from the backyard for the first few weeks, then everyone starts to get tired of making it from scratch - so they go to the prepackage crust, then it will be too much to make the sauce or chop all the veggies (I can only imagine that pleather will insist that each kid get their own ingredients/pizza) so the kids start to complain that the homemade pizza isn't as good as the place they go to when they go out for dinner, so in four years, when terry has finally asked for a divorce she can have the house with the pizza oven she won't use.........

  • Love 4

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