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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I hate the commercial where they recreate the scene from National Lampoons Vacation with the hot girl in the convertible driving by the guy in the minivan or SUV, then his attractive blonde sees it and points out how that the young blond is cliche.

First of all the wife is overacting horribly when she says her line. Second while I understand the intended irony, he is looking at a yougner hot blonde when he has a hot blonde wife, somehow the the whole thing falls flat. Its like an unfinished joke or seems like there should be more.

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If I never hear the words meat sweats or awesome sauce again, I'd be delirious.

 Just what are "meat sweats" anyway? Actually, I really don't think I want to know.


Maybe the name of the garment wore by women that covers the lower private parts is different by region. I don't mind the word "panties", but it is usually preceded by the words "pair of". Not sure why they are pairs, maybe because there are two openings for two legs? But I say panties, and it doesn't bother me, I'm older, so maybe it's generational also. The raggedy granny panties that I wear are utilitarian, not in any way sexy.


New ad that disgusts me, it's target audience is probably the same as for Ashley Madison. This time there's no scummy guys singing that cheerful ditty about lookin' for someone other than my wife, ife, ife,ife. I wasn't looking at the tv, but swear I heard a 12 year old girl talking about having what men want,  at "We Are 18" , skeevy, skevishness.

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I associate the word "panties" with sex crimes.  It makes me think of news reports where perverts break into dorms to steal "panties" or how a woman was found in a ditch in her "panties."  Maybe some of that comes from watching cop shows, but I've disliked that word since I was a kid.  When I worked at GapBody, I hated when the other girls used that word.  "Panty" doesn't bother me as much but I still don't like it.

I once did an underwear shopping spree and when I looked at the receipt, it said:





















Ugh, it was terrible!


New ad that disgusts me, it's target audience is probably the same as for Ashley Madison. This time there's no scummy guys singing that cheerful ditty about lookin' for someone other than my wife, ife, ife,ife. I wasn't looking at the tv, but swear I heard a 12 year old girl talking about having what men want,  at "We Are 18" , skeevy, skevishness.


There's a radio ad for Ashley Madison that bugs me. It uses some old '70s song with the lyrics (probably same as the ones you posted but with a woman's voice), "I'm lookin' for someone other than my  guy, other than my guy. Ashley Madison is whyyyyyy..." That is so stupid! Ashley Madison is not "why," it's how. The why is that you're a cheater.


Also, it is 2015; do people really still call phone numbers for sex purposes?

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4

Me, too!  Love your name, btw. Who did TWoPpers first describe as having manson lamps? Lex in Africa?Me, too!  Love your name, btw. Who did TWoPpers first describe as having manson lamps? Lex in Africa?



Haha, thanks, the name came from Tony Soprano's reference to Richie Aprile in the Sopranos.  I really have to re-watch that series.

  • Love 4

There's a radio ad for Ashley Madison that bugs me. It uses some old '70s song with the lyrics (probably same as the ones you posted but with a woman's voice), "I'm lookin' for someone other than my guy, other than my guy. Ashley Madison is whyyyyyy..." That is so stupid! Ashley Madison is not "why," it's how. The why is that you're a cheater.

Also, it is 2015; do people really still call phone numbers for sex purposes?

If that's the one I'm thinking of, it's "Couldn't Get It Right" by the Climax Blues Band.(Which pains me because I love that song.)And it sounds to me like he's singing "Ashley Madison's right", but I could certainly be wrong. Edited by smittykins
There's a radio ad for Ashley Madison that bugs me. It uses some old '70s song with the lyrics (probably same as the ones you posted but with a woman's voice), "I'm lookin' for someone other than my  guy, other than my guy. Ashley Madison is whyyyyyy..." That is so stupid! Ashley Madison is not "why," it's how. The why is that you're a cheater.



Are you sure that is a real ad and not a parody that the radio put together? As in, looking for someone other than her guy because his info was part of the Ashley Madison dump, which is why it is "why"?

I misread this and thought "WTF is pizza insurance?"

It's for when the cheese slides off the pie because you carelessly tipped the box when bringing it home.


Could someone please get rid of the Julia Louis-Dreyfus Old Navy ads? God, that newest one -- where she's the faux French designer -- is even worse than the rest of them, and I saw it three or four times in an hour last night. 

  • Love 4

Could someone please get rid of the Julia Louis-Dreyfus Old Navy ads? God, that newest one -- where she's the faux French designer -- is even worse than the rest of them, and I saw it three or four times in an hour last night. 


Aw, I like JLD's Old Navy ads, especially the one where she's embarrassing Hunter at school.


One I can't stand, though, is this new one for Rite Aid, where they're advertising that they give flu shots. These people are at an office birthday party, and the guest of honor is apparently at death's door, because when he goes to blow out the candles he's coughing and hacking all over the cake, and then he says, "Okay, who wants a slice?" There's this one lady who has 'I <3 Cake' on her shirt, and the other people try to get her to take one for the team, so to speak. So disgusting.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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Could someone please get rid of the Julia Louis-Dreyfus Old Navy ads? God, that newest one -- where she's the faux French designer -- is even worse than the rest of them, and I saw it three or four times in an hour last night.

Is that who that incredibly irritating fake French bitch is? I was sorry she won an Emmy for Veep just because of those horrible Old Navy ads.
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I don't mind the word "panties", but it is usually preceded by the words "pair of". Not sure why they are pairs, maybe because there are two openings for two legs?

Then why isn't it a "pair of shirts", since you have two openings for arms? It is consistent with a pair of pants or jeans or trousers. Maybe it has something to do with how these items were once constructed. A typical pair of pants isn't far off from two of the same thing sewn together. In a less tailored past, maybe it was.

  • Love 4

Then why isn't it a "pair of shirts", since you have two openings for arms? It is consistent with a pair of pants or jeans or trousers. Maybe it has something to do with how these items were once constructed. A typical pair of pants isn't far off from two of the same thing sewn together. In a less tailored past, maybe it was.

Here's more than you ever wanted to know about "pair of": http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/502/why-do-we-say-a-pair-of-pants-when-theres-only-one-of-them

Just caught this creepy little gem during Thursday night football.  Ick!



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Well, actually the irony is that his wife is Christie Brinkley who was the hot blonde in the convertible in the original.


I didn't realize that was Christy Brinkley in the commercial

Probably because of the fact that she is now 61 years old and WAY too old to be a mom, which just makes the commercial even more creepy since, as pointed out already, she is truly old enough to be her "husband's" mom. (He is late 30s)

Still just bad writing and seems like they leaned too heavily on creepy ironic stunt casting irony with little creativity in the writing department or the acting department from Christie Brinkley.

I would have had kept Christie Brinkly but still have her in the red convertable. You use Beverly DeAngelo as the grandma in the back seat, the son, now older, is driving. As Christie dives by Beverly comments something like "some people never grow up. Every damn year". Or

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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Then why isn't it a "pair of shirts", since you have two openings for arms? It is consistent with a pair of pants or jeans or trousers. Maybe it has something to do with how these items were once constructed. A typical pair of pants isn't far off from two of the same thing sewn together. In a less tailored past, maybe it was.

Loneharanger and Carpediem, I think we've spent too much time thinking about underwear! lol, I know I've spent entirely too much time thinking about these things. Carpediem, thank you for that link, I kind of thought it was something like this.

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Okay, she annoys me.


I hate her voice. I saw this last night and watched it just to see what the hell she was talking about. But I do appreciate the fact that she wasn't having an orgasm over anything, trying to seduce me, opening her mouth in a sexual manner, twerking, or flashing her cleavage at me.

  • Love 13

I hate her voice. I saw this last night and watched it just to see what the hell she was talking about. But I do appreciate the fact that she wasn't having an orgasm over anything, trying to seduce me, opening her mouth in a sexual manner, twerking, or flashing her cleavage at me.


As do I.  What a sad set of standards, though.

Edited by Aquarius
  • Love 9

Then why isn't it a "pair of shirts", since you have two openings for arms? It is consistent with a pair of pants or jeans or trousers. Maybe it has something to do with how these items were once constructed. A typical pair of pants isn't far off from two of the same thing sewn together. In a less tailored past, maybe it was.

My dad had a million of those type questions, my favorite being why are you ON a boat, ON a plane, ON a train, ON a bus but IN a car?

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And you drive on a parkway and park in a driveway.

GE has douchetastic TV ads too? They play three different radio spots eleventy billion times when I listen to the ESPN radio app for 8 hours a day and I want to take a flamethrower to their ad department.

WHY does the mail lady know what that dipshit's mother sent him? WHY does GE think that people are such knuckle-dragging idiots that they don't think someone can work at GE and write code? Practically every large company has an IT department for cod's sack.

On an unrelated note, I can't stand that redhead with the braid who chooses yogurt over cake when she looks in the fridge. That FACE she makes at the cake when she tips the yogurt at it makes me stabby. That cake doesn't want you to eat it anyways, lady. It's waiting for someone to appreciate its goodness.

  • Love 8
I hate her voice. I saw this last night and watched it just to see what the hell she was talking about. But I do appreciate the fact that she wasn't having an orgasm over anything, trying to seduce me, opening her mouth in a sexual manner, twerking, or flashing her cleavage at me.

Oh thank God it's not just me. There's something in the way she says "pretty little pony" it's like she's trying to be sarcastic and seductive at the same time. It's weird and I find it grating and I wish they wouldn't show that commercial eight million times a day.

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My dad had a million of those type questions, my favorite being why are you ON a boat, ON a plane, ON a train, ON a bus but IN a car?

Reminds me a George Carlin line -- not sure from which performance.

[Funny high-pitched GC voice]: "Get on the plane, get on the plane..."

[Equally funny deeper GC voice]: "Fuck you, I'm getting in the plane!"

EDIT: A-ha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6

This gripe isn't about a specific commercial nor is it unique to commercials. What the fuck is up with young women and some men (I'm looking at you, Nev Schulman)  speaking with such a vocal fry?  I hear it in commercials, on shows, and I was in a public place today where I couldn't escape it.  Girls everywhere now speak like that 24/7.  If this trend continues, I may have to jam an ice pick into my ears. For the love of god, make it stop!

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Can someone explain to me what vocal fry is? I've seen people complain about it before and I'm sure I've heard it but don't know what it is. Thanks.

And I can't stand the commercial with the dad talking about kids are expensive and the kid is going to fly off to Cabo in his toy helicopter Wtf? Then don't buy the kids expensive shit.

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The Ziploc commercial where the mom prevents a potential catastrophic cafeteria mess from a snack size bag of potato chips gets on my last nerve. Never have I seen or imagined such a huge explosion from a small portion of chips. Maybe it's due to my not being a mom but seriously, aren't there more important things to worry about when it comes to children? Ugh.

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I think Faith Salie covers it best.

thats interesting.....I had honestly never noticed or thought about this before.

Luckily my 13 year old daughter does not talk like this and while I know who they are, I have zero interest in the Kardashians. I would rather rip out my own eyes with a dull knife than watch any show involving them or about them.

Edited by DrSpaceman73
  • Love 9

Yessss. She seems like a woman who mocks typically feminine interests. I am tired of the stereotype that girly equals bad. Some of the most intelligent people I know are doctors who are super into makeup, a PhD who used to be a ballerina, and a highly successful lawyer who is always is looking at the latest fashion trends for women.

  • Love 9

The Ziploc commercial where the mom prevents a potential catastrophic cafeteria mess from a snack size bag of potato chips gets on my last nerve. Never have I seen or imagined such a huge explosion from a small portion of chips. Maybe it's due to my not being a mom but seriously, aren't there more important things to worry about when it comes to children? Ugh.

Never have I seen or imagined such a huge explosion from a small portion of chips.

Plus we all know there are 5 chips in a bag that size. Seven, tops.

  • Love 7

Yessss. She seems like a woman who mocks typically feminine interests. I am tired of the stereotype that girly equals bad. Some of the most intelligent people I know are doctors who are super into makeup, a PhD who used to be a ballerina, and a highly successful lawyer who is always is looking at the latest fashion trends for women.

You nailed it. It is the superior attitude and tone that I don't like. There is room for all of us in the tent :)

Also, the joke would be on her if she slung one of those wood slabs right through the back window of her pretty little truck.

Edited by SoSueMe
  • Love 5

I think a big reason why there is a rise in vocal fry is because people overcompensate for a tendency to go up at the end of a sentence and make it sound like a question. I think people in their 30s-ish picked up on this and in an attempt to reduce it go too low, which then became its own thing. If that makes sense. 

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Actually, there's a simple way to get rid of those creeps that will also instantly make him look at least ten years younger:  SHAVE THE DAMN BEARD OFF.


The guy on the right, Keith Hernandez, did that.


He is a former baseball player/current announcer who is known for his mustache going back to the seventies. A couple of years ago he started with the Just For Men ads. For some reason he stopped using it, and his mustache went grey. He didn't like the look and, as you recommend, shaved it off. Over the off season, he grew it back, noticeably darker, and started with the ads again. 


The interesting thing is that Keith now has traces of grey in his hair and mustache. So while he's using something, it's much more natural looking than the shoe polish color they portray in the ad.

Edited by xaxat
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