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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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2 minutes ago, louannems said:

I know I am old and I have certainly never been on TV, but why is this public????

Because if it isn’t posted on social media, it didn’t happen. That seems to be thought process for the iGen and some Millennials

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42 minutes ago, Marigold said:

No servant's heart???????????

That Jeremy is a loser.  Everyone should have a servant's heart.  He needs to stop focusing on suppository preaching and get a servant's heart immediately. 

They don’t even say they’re excited to see what god has in store for him!  He MUST be a loser!  

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54 minutes ago, Marigold said:

No servant's heart???????????

That Jeremy is a loser.  Everyone should have a servant's heart.  He needs to stop focusing on suppository preaching and get a servant's heart immediately. 

This sent me to a weird Game of Thrones-ish place where I was imagining him getting a  servant and having the servant's heart cut out and brought to him. Maybe not?

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5 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

This sent me to a weird Game of Thrones-ish place where I was imagining him getting a  servant and having the servant's heart cut out and brought to him. Maybe not?

LOL Maybe he could incorporate a request for a servant's heart into his suppository preaching, and someone would bring him one? :) 

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1 hour ago, Marigold said:

I don't know if I can explain this in writing but...

In a way, Jeremy is MORE annoying to me.  He tries so hard to look smart, educated, progressive etc.  He wraps himself in a slick package.  

I'd rather deal with Austin (just an example)  He is who he is.  He isn't such a try hard to look or sound a certain way.  He says what he thinks pretty openly.  When I meet someone like Austin, I know who they are and what they are about.  You can love them or hate them.  But you know what you are getting. 

Jeremy knows how to package himself more mainstream and projects the "right" image.  Then you see this stuff and it's like "wait, what?"  


Separate thought:

Jeremy is some low level untrained pastor, for a few short years, in a tiny church. He really weaseled himself in with the Big Boys of his religion. I still think he liked the last name of Duggar because it helped him.  I do believe he loves Jinger but Jeremy knew what he was doing with a Duggar even though he claimed not to.  Gimme a break.  

Yep, Jeremy is the kind of neighbor that smiles and waves each morning, then drives to work and plots to take your rights away.  Give me the upfront racist/bigot/crook/xenophobe anyday.  I know where I stand with them. People like Jeremy, OTOH, are phony, devious, and because they’re uber religious, extremely self-righteous. They’re basically intolerable. I always found him to be insincere and annoying.  

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19 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Yep, Jeremy is the kind of neighbor that smiles and waves each morning, then drives to work and plots to take your rights away.  Give me the upfront racist/bigot/crook/xenophobe anyday.  I know where I stand with them. People like Jeremy, OTOH, are phony, devious, and because they’re uber religious, extremely self-righteous. They’re basically intolerable. I always found him to be insincere and annoying.  

I totally agree.  He has a nicer exterior than the other sons-in-law, but he's an asshole nonetheless.

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12 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Jinger’s gift to Jeremy was a calligraphy piece.  More interesting than the wordy explanation and gift itself is the fact that it was done by none other than Marjorie “Run for the Hills” Jackson. 

For all his book reading and intellectualism, I guess he missed that it's actually "og mitt liv." How embarrassing.

And now his mistake has been captured and framed that it may serve as a daily reminder for life of his own fallibility and need for humility.

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8 minutes ago, graefin said:

For all his book reading and intellectualism, I guess he missed that it's actually "og mitt liv." How embarrassing.

And now his mistake has been captured and framed that it may serve as a daily reminder for life of his own fallibility and need for humility.

Google shows results for either one, including a reference to "og mit liv" in a book by Peter Torjesen's daughter. https://books.google.com/books?id=pnc4yN8qoisC&pg=PA23&lpg=PA23&dq=og+mit+liv+peter+torjesen&source=bl&ots=ue4D934b4R&sig=IgW5Z8XEdfjECnsiQ17NL6QhgBM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq5cG36KbdAhXomq0KHSrXDlIQ6AEwDXoECAAQAQ#v=onepage&q=og mit liv peter torjesen&f=false

If the single t on his birthday present is in error, it's not on Jeremy. 

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2 hours ago, Heathen said:

Google shows results for either one, including a reference to "og mit liv" in a book by Peter Torjesen's daughter. https://books.google.com/books?id=pnc4yN8qoisC&pg=PA23&lpg=PA23&dq=og+mit+liv+peter+torjesen&source=bl&ots=ue4D934b4R&sig=IgW5Z8XEdfjECnsiQ17NL6QhgBM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq5cG36KbdAhXomq0KHSrXDlIQ6AEwDXoECAAQAQ#v=onepage&q=og mit liv peter torjesen&f=false

If the single t on his birthday present is in error, it's not on Jeremy. 

Maybe that's where he got it, then. I'm going by what a Norwegian said was correct spelling/usage.

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16 minutes ago, heckkitty said:

I'm just here for the cute baby pictures. WHERE ARE ALL THE CUTE BABY PICTURES?

me too!

Less suppository preaching and more cute babies!

That "suppository preaching" is never going away! 

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8 hours ago, Marigold said:

I don't know if I can explain this in writing but...

In a way, Jeremy is MORE annoying to me.  He tries so hard to look smart, educated, progressive etc.  He wraps himself in a slick package.  

I'd rather deal with Austin (just an example)  He is who he is.  He isn't such a try hard to look or sound a certain way.  He says what he thinks pretty openly.  When I meet someone like Austin, I know who they are and what they are about.  You can love them or hate them.  But you know what you are getting. 

Jeremy knows how to package himself more mainstream and projects the "right" image.  Then you see this stuff and it's like "wait, what?"  


Separate thought:

Jeremy is some low level untrained pastor, for a few short years, in a tiny church. He really weaseled himself in with the Big Boys of his religion. I still think he liked the last name of Duggar because it helped him.  I do believe he loves Jinger but Jeremy knew what he was doing with a Duggar even though he claimed not to.  Gimme a break.  

I have also always thought this way about him. Never fooled me. His poor daughter deserves better.

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1 hour ago, Marigold said:

That "suppository preaching" is never going away! 

True. Because they are awfully uptight in many ways. . . as though a stick might be stuck up their. . . necessitating suppositories.

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Wow, I just read that whole statement!  Oh, the horrors of social justice!  ?. I love how now racism and discrimination based on culture is abhorrent to them, when a few decades ago this was not the case.  When I was applying to fundie colleges in the 90’s, interracial relationships were prohibited.  

Edited by awaken
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Yeah I read it too, & it was appalling. They think intersectionality is evil, I guess? Seems like they don’t know what intersectionality is. It just means you can have more than one identity. I would think they’d like that. You know, like you can be both religiously intolerant and a racist ??

Edited by heckkitty
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@Fostersmom , I agree with you. Jeremy has never hidden what he believes. You can be a Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian and have good taste in clothes. Unless Jeremy has a crisis of faith and turns Episcopalian or Methodist, I'm going to always believe that he is anti-gay rights, anti-abortion rights, and thinks everyone who doesn't believe just like he does is a hell-bound sinner.

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1 hour ago, louannems said:

Is it my eyes, or my screen, or is that photo really blurry? I know Jill also posts lots of blurry pictures.

Maybe they used a filter to try and get rid of that crazy moire effect coming off of Jinger’s skirt?

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On 9/6/2018 at 1:55 AM, Sew Sumi said:

Oh dear, look who is an initial signer of this extremely disturbing document...never forget that even the pretty packages hide ugly ideologies.


eta: scroll left if you're not on a laptop to see all the signers. 

Oddly, the 5547 signers are listed alphabetically by first name. I only had to get to the C’s to notice there was no Chuck Vuolo.

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

Boy, talk about roughing it! They were so hard at work helping the poor. How on Earth did Jeremy manage to find time to swing by an El Salvadorean Starbucks and buy that mug?

In their defense (and I don't relish defending them), I know from visiting family overseas, you can have people begging in the street in front of a $$$ store. Sometimes you need a break too. 

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21 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

Ehhh... maybe it's because I'm an atheist, but I don't see much difference in the stuff I scrolled thru in the document he's an initial signer of than many other religious organizations. He's never claimed to be anything else than evangelical, so it's not like he's been lying or trying to fool people. Are their views extreme? Yes, they are. But given I've been marked for eternal damnation by so many, I can't get my panties in a wad when plenty of religions are homophobic, patriarchal, and damning in their own specific ways. There's millions of people who believe my grandma is in hell because she died a Later Day Saint. Or my other grandma is too since she died a Catholic. And hell, let's be honest, that's pretty much how each of them felt about the other's religion anyways so I guess they cancel each other out. I work with a pretty staunch Christian who 100% believes in birth control, but also 100% believes anyone not straight is a huge sinner. I'm an extremely liberal democrat, prochoice, anti death penalty, pro kneeling, kind of girl and I'd hazard a guess that many here find at least one if not all of my views as just plain wrong and appalling. So yeah, I can't be all shocked about Jeremy and his views when they are exactly what he's always publicly stood for. It would be different if he had claimed all of my views and then surprise! But he didn't. 

Well said, Fostersmom!

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17 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

I like Lissy. I called my youngest Lissy though it's not derived from Felicity. 

My granddaughter is Alyssa and I've called her Lissy since she was born. She's 10 now and I'm the only one who is allowed to call her that.  Out of all of the possible nicknames for Felicity, Lissy is my favorite. 

I'm with the rest of you who want to see more baby pictures. 

@Fostersmom, as a fellow atheist, I wish I could give your post more than one 'like'.  I don't think that thing Jeremy signed is any different than any other religious crap I've seen.  

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This is reason 999,999 why I cannot stand these people. Why do need to list every freaking thing you "love" about him. Seriously! Is she trying to convince all of us what a great guy he is, and she is really in love with him.

Edited by bigskygirl
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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Boy, talk about roughing it! They were so hard at work helping the poor. How on Earth did Jeremy manage to find time to swing by an El Salvadorean Starbucks and buy that 

At the airport, maybe?

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Just now, Triple P said:

At the airport, maybe?

Actually, that might be true.  El Salvador does have several Starbuck's.  It's not much of a tourist destination, though.  I've been there 4 or 5 time and, by far, the best place to buy a souvenir is the airport.  I could see them spending time in El Salvador and Jeremy wanting to get something for them to remember their meeting but not finding anything until they got to the airport to fly home.  Virtually every Salvadoran souvenir I've got was purchased in the airport.

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