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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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On 2.6.2017 at 1:04 AM, awaken said:

Thank you for saying so. Important to hear. I struggle with calling my upbringing abuse because it wasn't "that bad"- not physical or sexual in nature, but neglect. The impact is still felt greatly, and for a lifetime. Thank goodness for trained, professional therapists :-)

Me too. no way. Nice to be a tv star to support that part time rookie pastors salary!

Neglect! Of course, that is a word I can understand and appreciate - abuse just doesn't seem to quite fit.  I too am struggling with the issue at the moment, it's funny where you can get those "Eureka" moments from sometimes. I wasn't expecting it here:-)

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1 hour ago, lascuba said:

AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PLEASE make this comment on her instagram because she needs it!

It could be a point well made, but on the other hand "writing" that book was no doubt part of the "job" she had to do in an attempt to keep the family relevant. Lots of people slog themselves to jobs they don't enjoy to keep a roof over their heads, so her contributing words to the book didn't mean she was obligated to enjoy it in any way.

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1 minute ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

It could be a point well made, but on the other hand "writing" that book was no doubt part of the "job" she had to do in an attempt to keep the family relevant. Lots of people slog themselves to jobs they don't enjoy to keep a roof over their heads, so her contributing words to the book didn't mean she was obligated to enjoy it in any way.

It doesn't, but that's not something she will admit. Not one of them will say, "We 'wrote' a book because there was money to be made." She wouldn't be able to come up with an answer to someone pointing out that it's strange for a published "author" to not love books until her husband told her to. I like these people being put on the spot like that. Maybe, one day, they'll finally learn to think of the implications of what they say.

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47 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

It could be a point well made, but on the other hand "writing" that book was no doubt part of the "job" she had to do in an attempt to keep the family relevant. Lots of people slog themselves to jobs they don't enjoy to keep a roof over their heads, so her contributing words to the book didn't mean she was obligated to enjoy it in any way.

The book the four girls 'wrote' was called Growing up Duggar.  It was actually written by Charlie Richards, a ghost writer who wrote the list of questions for them to answer.

Also, on the acknowledgments page, they wrote: "Priscilla and David Waller (Anna Duggar’s sister and brother-in-law), who were instrumental in interjecting illustrations and principles that would connect young ladies with practical tips they could apply to everyday life. Anna and Priscilla grew up helping their dad with a prison ministry and have hearts to help young people make right decisions in their lives."

0 0 1 book.jpg

Edited by Mollie
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On 6/2/2017 at 4:27 PM, Sew Sumi said:

He was a backup goalie in second-rate leagues. Someone looked it up and the most he made was under $50k in New York. I don't know where he gets the money for his decidedly metro wardrobe.

Red Bulls are MLS. THat's the highest level in American Pro soccer. Looks like his salary in 2012 was 44K.  Doubt he had any endorsements. So I guess he was't making bank, LOL

Edited by MamaMax
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Just now, FakeJoshDuggar said:

It's ironic because VC Andrews has a running theme of incest...

Maybe Jing would try to free Jana if she could draw a parallel with siblings being locked up to raise their younger brothers and sisters. We can skip the actual incest parts.

I so want Jing to go overboard pigging out on cheesy pop culture for a little bit. I'm talking binge watching angsty teen soap operas, crushing on boy bands, learning every Britney spears lyric and dance from the past 20 years, wearing the clear heels, basically everything tween get to do when they're not isolated and forced to raise their siblings. I WANT JING TO CATCH BIEBER FEVER. 

  • Love 13
On 6/4/2017 at 8:32 PM, Sew Sumi said:

"Supposedly" being the key word. It was ghost-written by David Waller and another Gothardite whose name I'm not familiar with and can't remember at the moment. 

Charlie Richards is the other guy, but I don't know of any evidence that says he's a Gothardite. I expect he's not, actually. He's an evangelical Christian writer and ghostwriter who's written lots of non-religious stuff as well. He has a long resume -- ghostwriting for some big-name evangelicals, that Life in the Pond series, an NBC sitcom, commercials, lots of stuff. I think it's likely that the publisher hired him to do the actual writing -- since it was a big-name publisher and they needed the book to sound professional and credible.

And then they hired Waller to get the Gothard-y stuff in. They didn't need two Gothard people. Since Gothard people are all brainwashed in the same direction, Waller wouldn't have needed to consult with any other Gothardites to make sure he got things write.

They needed somebody who could actually write and edit like a professional-- and do that to Waller's stuff along  with the confused stories that the Duggarlings spouted, probably. That was Richards' role, I'd bet. I doubt that he's implicated in their brainwashed Gothard universe, because if he was he wouldn't have gotten so many non-Gothard writing jobs. Once they're Gothard-brainwashed they don't seem capable of spouting anything but the nutso Gothard vocab. And that would prevent you from doing any writing for other people, I would think. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 6/2/2017 at 6:21 PM, Mollie said:

In addition to some on your list, these were required reading in my high school:

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is by Mark Twain

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank 

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

The Call of the Wild by Jack London 

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

We also read a lot of plays.  These are just a few that I remember:

Romeo and JulietJulius Caesar, and Macbeth
by William Shakespeare 

Our Town by Thornton Wilder

The Crucible by Arthur Miller

It's difficult for me to understand how far behind all the Duggar kids are when it comes to their education.  They've missed so much, including excellent teachers.

I'm trying to imagine the Gothard take on these wonderful books...

Huckleberry Finn: Rebellious Youth

Of Mice and Men: A cautionary tale about not interacting with men who aren't your headship.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank: Non-Christian, Enough said.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway: Wrong kind of Christian...but if Santiago had said the sinners prayer that fish would have leapt joyfully into the boat.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley: SEX! DRUGS! SEX AND DRUGS! AHHHHHHHHHH! (Not to mention a religion around Henry Ford).

Romeo and Juliet: On the plus side, you have children getting into intense emotional relationships way too fast, but there's sex and rebellion so that's a no go. 

The Crucible by Arthur Miller: You mean the puritans WEREN'T Godly and Awesome? Blasphemy! 

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I would suggest Anne of Green Gables. It isn't risqué, it is easy to read and she can keep it for her daughters. Sure it's a little on the young side, but I still love Ann with an E. Let her fall in love with reading. She seems like a romantic, maybe something like Gone with the Wind would interest her as well. If she gets hooked, she will devour anything and her world will expand. 

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

Dr. Seuss

  • Love 12

So, Josh is trying to get himself added to the girls' lawsuit as an additional victim of In Touch and the police, plus he's showing up in pictures and a web episode. JB is trying damn hard to push him back into the show to prove that Josh is a redeemed person and JB & Michelle are the bestest, most Godly parents since Joseph & Mary. I think they're going to end up killing the show, which is pretty damn boring, anyway.

Since Jinger & Jeremy are the most interesting Duggar couple, and Jeremy doesn't seem to suck up to Bob like Bin & Derrick, I think if they want to stay on TV, they should figure a way to pitch their life as interesting enough to film. Or, Jeremy could stick with preaching and Jinger could start a blog about being a preacher's wife, show how she dresses modestly modern, share recipes of healthy food using locally grown produce and meats, and review young adult books & movies from a Christian perspective.

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7 hours ago, satrunrose said:

I'm trying to imagine the Gothard take on these wonderful books...

Huckleberry Finn: Rebellious Youth

Of Mice and Men: A cautionary tale about not interacting with men who aren't your headship.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank: Non-Christian, Enough said.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway: Wrong kind of Christian...but if Santiago had said the sinners prayer that fish would have leapt joyfully into the boat.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley: SEX! DRUGS! SEX AND DRUGS! AHHHHHHHHHH! (Not to mention a religion around Henry Ford).

Romeo and Juliet: On the plus side, you have children getting into intense emotional relationships way too fast, but there's sex and rebellion so that's a no go. 

The Crucible by Arthur Miller: You mean the puritans WEREN'T Godly and Awesome? Blasphemy! 

I forgot a significant novel on my list.  In either 9th or 10th grade, on the required reading list was The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  That book would surely give Jinger some food for thought with her Gothard upbringing which taught that the woman is to blame for a man's sexual sins.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Mollie said:

I forgot a significant novel on my list.  In either 9th or 10th grade, on the required reading list was The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  That book would surely give Jinger some food for thought with her Gothard upbringing which taught that the woman is to blame for a man's sexual sins.

Nah. Hester committed adultery and gave birth to a bastard. Jinger is incapable of analyzing the deeper message, IMO.  

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Why wasn't Mechelle leading her duckling line of red-clad childbots to the public library when they were little? When my kids were small we didn't have two nickels to rub together, and my tots and I were fixtures at the local library. They offered weekly story time activities, good AC, and all the books we could carry...for FREE. You'd think that would appeal to the Duggars even if the joy of reading didn't.

  • Love 22

Unfortunately, the problem with the Duggars and books is that pretty much every decent book ever written (and most of the not so decent ones too) have something that threatens the Duggartopia. Questioning, rebellion, non-arranged love, independent women, SEX! The Duggar world is built on controlling everyone in that household to the point that there is no conflict, but without conflict there are no stories, no books and no learning. Sure, they might find some inoffensive books for free in the library, but right next to them are Harry Potter, Little Women, Catcher in the Rye, Shakespeare, Rabelais ready to blow the minds of Mommy and Daddy's little robots. Too dangerous, even for free.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, satrunrose said:

Unfortunately, the problem with the Duggars and books is that pretty much every decent book ever written (and most of the not so decent ones too) have something that threatens the Duggartopia. Questioning, rebellion, non-arranged love, independent women, SEX! The Duggar world is built on controlling everyone in that household to the point that there is no conflict, but without conflict there are no stories, no books and no learning. Sure, they might find some inoffensive books for free in the library, but right next to them are Harry Potter, Little Women, Catcher in the Rye, Shakespeare, Rabelais ready to blow the minds of Mommy and Daddy's little robots. Too dangerous, even for free.

Reading a list of such scandalous fare irresistibly brings to mind the litany from "The Music Man" :

Dirty books!




Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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30 minutes ago, Lunera said:


I think this is the ice cream shop in Laredo that Boobchelle were pictured in when they first went to Laredo. They got a shit ton of flak for being in a picture, and the poor owner had to defend herself against people accusing her of using the Duggars to promote her shop. JinJer weren't in Waco during this last trip, which was only three hours on the ground. However, the group spent about three days in Laredo. 

54 minutes ago, Lunera said:

Her bottom buttons are not buttoned and people in the comments are speculating that she's preggo. Not sure if this is recent there is a picture of Jinger in Magnolia from  few days ago and she is as skinny as ever.

And she's MISSING one of those buttons.  I don't mind clothing that isn't expensive or designer, but sew a damn button on, child!  

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39 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I think this is the ice cream shop in Laredo that Boobchelle were pictured in when they first went to Laredo. They got a shit ton of flak for being in a picture, and the poor owner had to defend herself against people accusing her of using the Duggars to promote her shop. JinJer weren't in Waco during this last trip, which was only three hours on the ground. However, the group spent about three days in Laredo. 

Ok, I thought it was in Magnolia because there is another picture of Jessa in front of the shop wearing another souvenir Magnolia tee.

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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