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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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I think that Jenni (is that the girl next up from Jordyn?) really put some work into her hair with that thin French braid on the side. I think it looks very pretty, and I also think that she is the prettiest of the younger girls (though I do think that Josie has the potential to really grow into her looks and end up very similar to Michelle - in whatever good way that covers).

I have a hard time with Hannie...Not that she is a bad looking girl by any means - she's quite pretty - but for some reason I find her actual features to be so sort of standard that even in a line-up of Duggars I can only pick her out by the process of elimination. She has a vaguely Duggar look, I suppose, but if you lined up a dozen other fairly wholesome looking blonde girls of about her age, I don't think I could really be sure of which one she was.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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@cmr2014 and @Triple P are both right, sadly.  Any of those dresses would have been cute on Josie, particularly the first one.  That’a age appropriate sparkle for a child her age.  She could even get away with that wearing winter white since she’s just a child. Such a missed opportunity for a special outfit for the girls.  Makynzie’s dress might fit a little oddly, but at least it’s special occasion appropriate for a child.  As someone mentioned earlier, for people who obsess over weddings, they make no effort to invest in appropriate attire that will be used again and again.  They’re cheap and tacky, plan and simple.  

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12 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Which little sister, Jinger? There are four of them (plus a niece). 

SOTDRT fail.

These people cannot use grammar or punctuation properly to save their lives. 

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I think johannah looks so grown up suddenly!  To me she resembles josh, jinger, and Jana. I’ve always thought jordyn (random Y) is adorable and I love her little face. 

They all look sad and tired. Like they took the photo fifty thousand times and they were over it. Or like this whole thing was their parents’ idea and they don’t care. 

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What the actual fuck is going on with that CD cover. This is a joke right. 

They couldn't ask Jinger to take a couple decent pictures with the girls dressed in clothes that 1- flatter 2- fit the theme and 3- fit their bodies?? If you insist on throwing Josie in Grandma Duggars 2018 NYE outfit at least put her in back , not front and center FFS

The Duggars adults should be ashamed. They want money for this atrocity but they literally put in the least effort possible. These people have access to tons of professionals with their TLC resources ($$) and they couldn't be the least bit bothered to get appropriate clothes or pictures. 

And agree Hannie (?) looks way to old to be in that group. Poor Hannie.

Edited by yogi2014L
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47 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

@cmr2014 and @Triple P are both right, sadly.  Any of those dresses would have been cute on Josie, particularly the first one.  That’a age appropriate sparkle for a child her age.  She could even get away with that wearing winter white since she’s just a child. Such a missed opportunity for a special outfit for the girls.  Makynzie’s dress might fit a little oddly, but at least it’s special occasion appropriate for a child.  As someone mentioned earlier, for people who obsess over weddings, they make no effort to invest in appropriate attire that will be used again and again.  They’re cheap and tacky, plan and simple.  

I like Mackenzie’s dress the best. It just looks a tad too big but it’s a GREAT choice for a winter special occasion dress for a girl her age.


@Jynnan tonnix I noticed Jenny’s braid too! She worked hard on it and it looks nice. I think Hannie is a very pretty young lady (the prettiest of the younger girls), but she’s in an awkward stage many young girls go through where their face looks slightly babyish yet it’s maturing at the same time. I’ve notice boys mature in the face first and then mature in the body, girls (if we so unfortunate) May keep a baby face until we are 30. 

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One can only imagine what the young Duggar girls are wearing on their feet. I'm guessing a pair of boots, a pair of too large sandals, a pair of Mary Janes, a pair of sparkly flats and a pair of kitten heels. Colors including brown, white, black and pink.

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Wow, I’m a little overwhelmed by how old Johannah looks!  I know she’s the oldest of the second generation of girls by a couple of years but she looks like she just squeaked in at being young enough to participate in this little project.  I guess if this were real life she would be in 7th or 8th grade. She’s definitely not a little girl!

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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I think we were all surprised how much Hannie had blossomed when we saw pictures of her at Jinger's wedding & that was 2 years ago.

I miss the old THs with her & Jackson. 

ETA:  I wonder where they took the picture.  It looks like a public place by the tree, walls, flooring & fake looking presents. Wal-mart? Chik-fil-a?Hobby Lobby? Market Grille?I have a picture of them parading in a bank & using their tree as background. 

Edited by Barb23
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Does anyone think maybe Josie has some sensory issues, of course undiagnosed and unaddressed by her parents, but, really balks at putting on anything fitted and maybe scratchy?  And they didn't want to, or couldn't, beat her into submission?

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21 hours ago, Portia said:

These people SEW.  No one could take in that giant sack of a dress?  Poor Josie looks like Dobby clad in his pillowcase. 

And Dobby was actually lucky, compared to a Duggarling, if you ask me. Dobby got FREE finally. And no Duggarling ever seems to. 

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The TLC video of JD’s wedding (part 2) shows 2 little flower girls in the same dress as Josie’s, flower and all. So I guess she was a flower girl? It seems odd that the little ones weren’t included in any of the wedding pictures.

The dress, smock, whatever, is hideous. It looks homemade. I wonder if Jana whipped them up and Abby didn’t want to hurt her feelings?

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I think Hannie is wearing stone-colored lace-up booties I recently splurged $79 on for my "foot stopped growing, still working" self and felt badly about it in this season  of giving.  Jennie looks to have some dark boots on.  The rest, flip-flops no doubt.  They could have gone to Ross or TJ Maxx and got nicer outfits for all.  My Christmas dress from Ross, a black lace Adrianna Papell, was $25.

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3 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Yeah, it’s a purity ring.

Did the older girls wear purity rings? I don't recall it ever being mentioned, which is odd because if they did, you'd think they would brag about it all the time (and presumably Jana would still be wearing hers). Wouldn't that have been part of their wedding ceremonies - exchanging Daddy's purity ring for their new husband's wedding ring? And if not, why are they starting now?

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The older girls all wore purity rings. They mentioned it on the show, but IIRC, went into more detail about it in one of their books. It could have even been the girls' book. But yes, definitely mentioned.

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14 minutes ago, Albanyguy said:

Did the older girls wear purity rings? I don't recall it ever being mentioned, which is odd because if they did, you'd think they would brag about it all the time (and presumably Jana would still be wearing hers). Wouldn't that have been part of their wedding ceremonies - exchanging Daddy's purity ring for their new husband's wedding ring? And if not, why are they starting now?

They probably got those rings way before they were fully grown and had to ditch them at some point before they turned into ring tourniquets....(thus missing the chance to have some Very Special Episodes in the ER)... Definitely, in Jana's case. lol ... Or maybe el Cheapskate JB gave them rings somebody twisted out of gum wrappers ... 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 11/20/2018 at 7:32 AM, sheshark said:

Oh dear God.  Look at this mess.


I found Josie's dress. They must have ordered it 3x larger for "modesty". Can't be showing off those tempting little girl knees. Screenshot_20181121-140942.thumb.jpg.31e4711f1cf6f5a93316c7bfdab024cc.jpgScreenshot_20181121-140656.thumb.jpg.ff12378484eddfd1a28a5e3be992f106.jpg

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9 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

They probably bought it for Jennifer or Makenzie and just let Josie wear it.  

The dress is huge -- I think it would be too big for Jennifer or Makenzie, too. I bet they bought it in a thrift store and Josie liked it because it's sparkly. Since there is literally no one in her life who gives a shit how she looks or what she wears, here we are.

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It would look SO much better, IMO, without the bow. The bow definitely highlights how badly it fits, since it's not around the top or the waist of the dress; it just awkwardly hangs somewhere in the middle. It would just be a huge, frumpy dress without the bow, but right now, it's a disaster!

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The so called parents were busy on a speaking engagement. I had major abdominal surgery when SBaby was almost two. When I was finally brought back from an induced coma I found out SBaba had taken SBaby to get a flu shot. I wept for hours because I felt I failed them, but especially SBaby. It was her first doctor experience without me, it was emergency surgery I was lucky to survive, with complications. But nine years later it stings I was not there to comfort my girl. SGirl sits on my lap whenever a needle is involved. SBaba had no idea if I’d even wake up so he did the right thing. I can’t imagine willingly leaving my child, even without special needs, just to fellowship and spew falsehoods.

Edited by SMama
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I would never dress my twin girls in anything like that hideous thing Josie is wearing. It's awful, even on the model in the pictures. I showed the pic of the model to them, and they wrinkled their noses and declared it "ugly".  I agree.  They all look like they're over the whole thing. Who knows how long they had to stand there and take pics.  And I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard rather than this mess. 

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56 minutes ago, Brown eyed girl said:

I wonder if it ever crosses the minds of these girls as they take all the photos of their pregnant stomachs and monthly pictures of baby #1, how special this all is to them, and how special it was not to J'chelle. They surely remember that J'chelle did not take monthly photos of Justin or Jackson or any of the other howlers or lost girls. Even if they don't consciously acknowledge it, they must be aware of it on some level. Maybe one day, the message that "my mother had TOO MANY CHILDREN" will filter across their consciousness. 

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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

As much as it utterly grinds me to defend Mechelle EVER, I wonder how much of this photo taking thing is first, generational, and second, driven by publicity seeking.


Yeah, personally I don't know anyone who did monthly photos until it became a "thing" on Instagram. 

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55 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Yeah, personally I don't know anyone who did monthly photos until it became a "thing" on Instagram. 

Me too. I’m an old grandma and picture taking wasn’t as easy or affordable back then. Or even with digital cameras. And then make copies to send to relatives. I can imagine with as many blessings as Michelle had just keeping their diapers clean took most of her time. They do have some pictures of said blessings. 

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Way back in the day, my mother was so thrilled to get a deal where a professional photographer came to the house every couple of months to take pictures of my brother when he was a baby.  Like @Oldernowiser posted much easier than doing it themselves. (Your post brought back so many memories esp the mention of the flash cubes .  Those really limited the number of photos you could take.)

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I like that Jinger used a striped blanket because it gives somewhat of a measuring stick to really see the growth of Felicity.

I just noticed when I typed Felicity that her name is Felicity. Jinger got her city after all.

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9 hours ago, SMama said:

The so called parents were busy on a speaking engagement. I had major abdominal surgery when SBaby was almost two. When I was finally brought back from an induced medical coma I found out SBaba had taken SBaby to get a flu shot. I wept for hours because I felt I failed them, but especially SBaby. It was her first doctor experience without me, it was emergency surgery I was lucky to survive, even with complications. But nine years later it stings I was not there to comfort my girl. SGirl sits on my lab whenever a needle is involved. SBaba had no idea if I’d even wake up so he did the right thing. I can’t imagine willingly leaving my child, even with gout special needs, just to fellowship and spew falsehoods.

Well, now that's the virtue of having 19 of them, doncha know? The sheer numbers make any given kid so much more expendable. 

I mean, it's not like any of them has individual characteristics or anything. 

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Yeah, personally I don't know anyone who did monthly photos until it became a "thing" on Instagram. 

My parents did for my brother but that was because he was so sick as a baby and the odds of him making it weren't good. The doctors weren't at all hopeful. They took a ton of pictures every month they didn't know if it would be his last and each new month was he made it to this month. After he got better they kept it up because they were just so excited that he was going to make it they wanted to document every day, every moment until he was about two before starting to back off. My brother understands more now that he's a dad but still finds it embarrassing. 

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