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S06.E10: The Winds of Winter

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In the Season 6 finale, Tyrion counsels Daenerys on the upcoming campaign; Jon and Sansa discuss their future; and trials begin in King's Landing.

Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into a potential spoiler you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

Edited by Mya Stone
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House Bunnyblue knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark. The King in the North!!!! 

Squeeeeeee!!!! That's my boy!!!! You've done good for yourself, Jon Snow. *wipes away tears*

Ned and Lyanna were pefection. Robert Aramayo and the Lyanna actress played that scene beautifully. I wanted to cry - the music, the baby, their tears, oh God. *crying again* Get thee south, Brandon Stark!!

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I still have no idea how the title cards in this show work.  Maisie suddenly gets her own in the last episode of the season?  Not that she doesn’t deserve it; really, she should have had one since Season 2.

How has the Citadel not heard about Mormont's death? The show keeps saying one season = one year, so that happened like three years ago. Other people knew about Jon being LC; surely that news would have reached them.  That said, Sam’s plotline this season ended without any real indication why we should care about this story, which I was hoping we’d get.

In all the discussions around who Dany might leave behind, everybody focused on Grey Worm and Missandei, rather than Daario.  Farewell, in any event, though he got a pretty nice severance package.  But hey, Dany’s contemplating marriage alliances; what newly crowned handsome gentleman is out there?

Speaking of which, what exactly did Jon do to make everybody want to crown him, really?  He wasn't all that impressive this season.  You can really feel the absence of the plot point of Robb's will from the show, because all of this would make a lot more sense with that.  Clearly some tensions in the Stark camp being foreshadowed there, though.

So Cersei has gone full Mad Queen.

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I didn't care for the repetition of the rousing "King in the North!" speeches because really, we've seen it before and it didn't end well.  I guess this is "we'll get it right this time!"


Who is Dany going to marry?  No male Tyrells, Martels, Barratheons.  Robin Arryn is a moron, Euron Greyjoy is insane, Edmure is in prioson unless Arya let him loose.  I guess Jon wins by default.

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god damn wow.

most unexpected moment, arya.

great idea to transition the baby to jon snow...it's fucking official now...and just when you thought that would be the season finale, the director one ups that shit.

again....great chemistry between tyrion and daenerys.

the young lady of the north who pimped jon.....she was fabulous.

little finger, miscalculated again.

feel really bad for melissandre....weird, right?

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Just now, prospazzinator said:

Varys has got to have millions of the Westeros equivalent of frequent flyer miles.

WTF...is this Orphan Black??? Varys is suddenly dumb? Top secret mission to Westeros...Come back to Mereen...Leave for Westeros? That had to be a clone...

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This episode left me a little cold.  I wish they could have taken some of last week's action and put it in this episode.  

Jon becoming King of the North is great, so is A Girl getting back at Frey, but still.  

I mean, Cersi blew up the whole place and it was kind of like "oh."

Edited by mothmonsterman
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The cinematography on this show is stunning. Even if I hated the story I'd watch just for that. 

It is confirmed! I started crying during Tower of Joy Part 2. And I rarely cry at tv shows. Bravo show. 

I love that everyone rallied around Jon without any of them knowing the truth about his parentage. Shows that they value HIM which matters much more than his name. I imagine that he'll need the name if he is to rule Westeros but we can deal with that later. For now, he's home, he has a good relationship with one sibling with more on the way, and they have support in the war against the Night King. Good way to end the season. 

Dany is FINALLY on her way to Westeros! Let's get the final story going! 

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So the Ladies Lyanna owned this episode, but damn if I didn't raise a glass to Cersei.


we have a war of 5 queens now, of a sort, don't we? Dany/yara/Olenna/ellaria v Cersei.  Plus 2 kings, Jon and Euron.

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2 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I knew R+L=J was coming but I am way too giddy about this. 

And Lyanna Mormount is a true leader!

i didn't know or forgot her name was lyanna.....now that scene of baby to jon transition is more touching and fitting.  genius.

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LF, you dummy. You showed your cards to Sansa. Now she knows exactly what you want.  She's going to have him by the short-hairs for the rest of the series as she learned how to play the game from one of the best. 

Edited by CofCinci
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When they showed in the "previously on" the scene with Littlefinger and Sansa in Lyanna's crypt and the flashback to Ned to the Tower of Joy I was like "Oh my god are they really going to reveal it in this episode?!!"

I admit as cheesy as it was I got emotional when they cut from the Lyanna's baby to Jon's face.

RIP Margaery. You played the game as best you could but you couldn't match Cersei's crazy.

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me thinks jamie is ready to cut the cersei umbilical chord.  his personality was been flip flopping this season, with brienne bringing out the best in him.  after thsi cersei move and the death of their last child....i think there is no more chord to tie them together.

Edited by lovebug1975
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Anyone else get an unintentional comedy moment from Tommen taking a header out the window?  It was just cartoonish.

5 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Sam’s plotline this season ended without any real indication why we should care about this story, which I was hoping we’d get.

It really didn't add much of anything to the episode, other than show that Sam's father is a nitwit for not chasing him down and getting his sword back.  Sam was carrying it when they inexplicably got out of the wagon on the outskirts of Oldtown, but didn't have it when they walked into the Citadel.  Should have cut that scene from this 70 minute episode and used it to pad out one of the 50 minute episodes earlier in the season.

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I thank Jon and Sansa for that talk about secrets and trust, I really needed that. :)

I so wanted Margery to escape--so seriously was the smartest person in the room. 

I think Tommen's death is the final nail in the coffin for Jamie and Cersei. Her plan blew up in her face--all pun attended.

YAAASSSS, for Arya and the Frey Pie. And YAASSS to Jamie for checking Walder about why he actually has Riverrun. 

I was happy to see L+R=J. :)

I had a "you go, gurl!!!" moment when Sansa paid LF dust. lol

Olenna does make everything better, she got all three of the sand snakes together. lol. "You look like a mad little boy." *cackles*

Edited by Nanrad
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6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Speaking of which, what exactly did Jon do to make everybody want to crown him, really?  He wasn't all that impressive this season.  You can really feel the absence of the plot point of Robb's will from the show, because all of this would make a lot more sense with that. 

Agree. If they wanted Jon to be KITN at the end of the season, they should have given him more to do. As it is, he was totally useless after being resurrected. Totally undeserved.

Not that Sansa deserved it any better. So she sacrificed all those Northerners and Wildlings, Wun Wun and Rickon because of her trust issues? Thanks for that Sansa! The whole North plot continues to remain a mess, but at least they ended it on a high note. Until LF starts messing around.

KL  and Cersei were awesome. The first time I found that story interesting this season tbh.

And finally R+L=J fucking confirmed!

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Welcome back Arya, you sure can cook!! Guess Jaquen handed her a spare face? Ned and Cat would be super proud.

Cersie didn't seem to care that Tommen took a swan dive, but after he betrayed her to the Faith, can't much blame her. Jaime, welcome back, your twin is now the Mad Queen. May I suggest another sword to the back?

The Sept blowing up has been pretty much telegraphed for a few episodes now. Bye Margery, sorry Loras, you were born too soon. 

Thanks for turning down creepy Littlefinger, Sansa. I kept waiting for the weirwood tree to come alive and beat him. A girl can dream.

Liam Cunningham, that should be your Emmy submission. He was fabulous there. 

Jon is a Targ. Gee, who didn't see that coming? 

Lyanna Mormont remains a total badass. I really need her, Brienne, and Arya to have a spin off show. 

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The cinematography on this show is stunning. Even if I hated the story I'd watch just for that. 

Stunning cinematography and I loved the musical score too.  And while not a clothes lover, Cersei's outfit was awesome too.

It's a lot to process here but first off, I'm glad we have confirmation that Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark.  Arya's mental state is still a mess but I'll take her being in charge of Frey pie and killing Walder Frey.  I wonder where she's headed next season.  Hopefully this finally lights a fire under Jaime's ass about Cersei.  Loved Sansa rejecting Littlefinger and him being on the outs of the big game. 

Can I just say that I loved the Harry Potter quality of Sam's visit to the Citadel?

I only wish Cersei could have seen the High Sparrow burn. 

Good-bye to a lot of stellar actors and their character tonight.  Looking forward to seeing you as Iron Fist, Ser Loras!

Like I said, the game of thrones has been completely rebuilt and is interesting again.  Though the White Walkers will eventually show up and ruin everything for them.

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That was perfect. I got everything I ever wanted in one episode. Tower of Joy, "Winter is here," FREY PIE!, Jamie taking Walder down a peg first, dead high Septon, "Shame" and Dany on her way to Westeros. 

The music thought out was perfection. The costumes, especially in King's Landing and Essos were crazy good and I loved that it was snowing in the North. 

Sam needs to get moving. He's the only person still in line with the books, right?

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Could this finale have been any more satisfying? I almost cheered out loud when Arya revealed herself. 

That last shot of the dragon fleet was incredible.

That Wildfire is such an amazing color green..I don't know how they get that intensity but it is so impressive. Too bad Margarey couldn't get out. She knew something was coming down. But I'm sure Cerise shed no tears. She barely had any left for Tommen. What must it be like to finally achieve your life's ambition, only to have it cost you everything that you love? 

Truly fabulous episode. 

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The Tyrell's were my favorite family. They weren't dumb like the Starks and they weren't evil like the Lannisters. they were cagey as fuck and good looking too. thank god we still have Olenna .

Edited by Paws
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When  Jaime looked at Cersei there at the end it probably dawned on him that he was going to go from Kingslayer to Queenslayer.

This was a good pay-off episode for us long frustrated book readers. And we deserve it.

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In all the discussions around who Dany might leave behind, everybody focused on Grey Worm and Missandei, rather than Daario

Check the info thread, I called it :p also called the final scene even though that was a bit more obvious.

First and most important. R.I.P MEREEN. NEVER EVER EVER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER grace my screen again.

Poor Septa her vagina's going to get destroyed.

If it's of any conciliation to Margary, you probably wouldn't have made it far enough to escape even if the high sparrow wasn't so arrogant.

No idea why Arya felt need to be in disguise when Frey didn't even know her, but whatever, that scene was awesome

So I suppose that ends the Varys = Dany theories :P

The Frey sons weren't on Arya's list. Sophie played the game wrong.

I'm guessing that Sansa is considering LF's proposal.

The Bird murder scene was awesome too.

Tyrion having his own handmade hand of the king badge <3.

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I loved the scene between Jon, Davos, and Mel. I think exiling Mel was absolutely the best thing to do it. It set up a nice contrast to Tyrion's more 'any means necessary' approach to red priestesses for politics' sake. Jon chose not to go that route and I think, all things considered, it was the right choice.

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OMG. OMG. OMG.  That was NUTS.  Absolutely NUTS.

I can't believe Cersei.  She really is bat crazy.  I felt so bad for Margaery.  She was top of the pile in terms of scheming but calculation is frequently outmatched by CRAZY.  And that is exactly why I never felt bad for Cersei, even during her degrading walk.  That is a woman that will stop at nothing, no matter who has to pay.   When Margaery broke character and told everyone "we have to get out of here" and instead of running to the door she ran to get Loras, I felt so bad.   That's the end of House Tyrell.  Getting involved with the Lannister's sealed their fate of their Great House.

Olenna Tyrell is DONE. DONE!!!!!  She's lost everything.  But can I say, that woman is the HBIC of this whole show.   She was dealt a DEVASTATING blow but she won't rest until Cersei is destroyed.  Her telling the Sand Snakes to basically back out of her face and get to it with the offer cracked me up.   The woman is fierce.  FEIRCE.   

I was really glad that Jon and Sansa cleared the air.   So she told Jon about Littlefinger's role in what happened to her.  I'm glad.  I'm also glad that she won't be the only one keeping her eye on Littlefinger.   And such a nice moment when Sansa told Jon that the White Raven had arrived.

Sansa's scene with Littlefinger was also wonderful IMO.  He wants the Iron Throne AND he wants Sansa.   Their scene in the Godswood was both beautiful on a superficial level (the snow, their cloaks) and macabre because LF is such a dark character.   For a second I thought they actually WERE going to kiss.  ST is a chemistry magnet because she manages to have it with pretty much everyone she works with.   If I didn't know what he was at heart I might actually root for them.   And if Sansa had become the monster some worried she might have killed him there.  And in all honesty, knowing LF, she may end up regretting that fact.   Which is doubly why I'm glad that Jon knows LF is NOT to be trusted.   He has influence over the Lord of the Vale so murdering him would be bad business, that and I assume Guest Right protects him.   But he's clearly not done with Sansa yet.  I'm excited and worried in terms of what's ahead for her.

The Northern Lords crowning him "King in the North" was a wonderful scene.  LOVED the smile of support Jon got from Sansa during it and her look of tension with LF.  He's right, the woman had many good qualities but Catelyn Stark would be turning over in her grave at Jon getting that title.

LOVE Lady Mormont.

I assume, Jaimie survives Lady Stoneheart and that's why the show hasn't bothered to waste time on her.  I have to say I'm glad.  I'd rather she be cut then see her bungle her attempts through hijinks.  Glad Walder Frey got his comeuppance.  Cannibalism.  So GROSS.

Cersei Lannister, First of her Name, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.  I had chills.  All of those Nobles that attended looked horrified and fearful for their lives.   The Mad Queen.   The Throne Room looked so DARK.  If I were a noble I would be getting out of Kings Landing on the first thing going.

So I'm guessing Dany is going to marry Jon Snow.  Sigh. Predictable and I think he could do better but Ok, whatever.   I am going to hand wave Vary's appearance with Dany as time having past between his appearance in Dorne and Dany's boarding ships.

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Margery is dead, that means the younger and more beautiful queen that will replace Cersi will be Dany.  She is finally on her way back to reclaim the throne and I think the people will happily let her have it instead of Cersi. I can't believe that Littlefinger wants to sit the iron throne.  Quietly manipulating it in the background seems more his style.  He also knows about the massive debt the crown owes to the Iron Bank.

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I teared up - I did - when Dany made Tyrion her Hand. Nice that his brooch is in silver not gold.

Daario was just friend zoned by Dany.  Something that will bring a smile to Jorah no doubt.  He and Jorah can now start a club. 

I laughed when I saw the Dothraki working the ropes and sails on one of the ships.  They didn't look that comfortable in their overalls, but it appeared they were gamely doing their part, with their horses housed underneath.  Good for them.  The Iron born would laugh at them if they succumbed to seasickness. 

Now Sansa you know how LF is and how angry he is now that Jon has been declared King.  Be proactive.

Well the Citadel has been brought up to speed by Sam and sent out the White Raven.  Sam just realized heaven on earth in that library.

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1 minute ago, littlemommy said:

Also, if Varys had time to get from Mereen to Dorne to Mereen and to sea, where the HELL is Brienne? Is she sailing around the continent to get to Winterfell?

that was my point last week.  she sure manages to avoid the really important battles, lol.

regarding varys.  i'm starting to think he has his own personal uber dragon, lol.

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