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S12.E03: Week 3, Part 1

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One lucky bachelor enjoys a day of hot yoga with JoJo and a private performance from country star Charles Kelley.  Also: one suitor creates chaos when he announces he doesn't want to go on the group date; 12 guys visit an L.A. theater where they are required to share stories about their sex lives in front of a live audience; and JoJo takes one bachelor swing dancing and to Lover's Lane.

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Chad leaves meat plates laying around and does complicated math to count calories but says numbers like "6 hundo." 

Someone TPed the house and Harrison has to clean it up. Is that what Harrison does when he's waiting around for days to say, "JoJo, gentlemen, this is the final rose"--he straightens up the mansion? 

Chase is as hot as Chad but seemingly not crazy. He might be my new favorite--at least for now. They were sizzling when they were yim-yabbing or whatever before they kissed. But is that a wolf tattoo on his side? I'm watching on the junky, little tv while my daughter is watching So You Think You Can Dance on the good TV. And since I can't see very well on this TV, I thought that was (Not the Real) James Taylor singing to them, but this dude sounds better. 

Chad knows everyone's ages to be used as insults "you're just a 27-year-old..."/"what 25-year-old...." I guess he is good at math. Yet, the guys have some complicated math of their own: 26 other dudes plus 1 Chad the Cad on night 1 or 20 guys plus 1 Chad is acceptable but 1 Chad plus 12 dudes on a group date is not okay. There is way too much math on this episode.

Oh, boy, Alex has a Wrong Reasons expose game plan. Goodbye, Alex!

Yikes. You probably should have bailed on this date, Chad--and everyone ever, including all of these women who are appearing on this Sex Talk show on purpose and everyone in the audience. ED Evan is going to make his story insults about Chad?! He's going to be dead. This guy must have hilarious sex stories as a profession, so why would you do this to yourself?! And why is he shocked that Chad got angry about it? Although I'm surprised that Chad's buddy Damn Daniel is actually defending Evan and telling Chad to just take it as a joke.

Chad who literally has problems with everyone says he's never had problems with anyone because he's such a nice guy. Although I have to agree that "nice guy" Evan keeps antagonizing him--to the point that ALL of the other guys get up and leave, including Chad. 

whaaaat?! ED Evan gave the Wrong Reasons ultimatum and got the rose?! You go, Jojo, putting Chad in his place!

A body guard to watch Chad at all times. Lol.

Not feeling (Not the Real) James Taylor, but the swing dancer flash mob was cool.

Sweet potatoes are the new cold cuts.

Damn Daniel is winning some points with me:

Let's pretend you're like Hitler. 

Let's NOT pretend I'm like Hitler.

Well, let's say you're like Trump...or take it down a notch to Mussolini or, like, Bush.

Oh, Long Neck Luke, now you're making me (and JoJo) feel bad for you. Alright, if ED gets a pity rose, you get one, too. But now you're ruining it with your song. But, I guess JoJo likes it. 

Did Wells just call Evan "E Money"?! E Money is Wrong Reasoning Chad to Harrison?! And of course Harrison is telling Chad to go in there and use his words to settle it--but don't use violence because then we'd have to send you home--but yell all you want 'cause Ratings!

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Chad is a roided up* hot mess but I do get a kick out of watching him stuff his face.

Evan, however, is a pussy and I can't stand him and his stupid haircut.  I was hoping Chad would walk up to him and plant a big wet kiss on his face.

*Although it looks to me like some of the other guys might be on steroids as well, bulking up to be on the show.

Edited by Ohwell
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What the fuckity fuck, Chad. Dude isn't just on steroids, he IS steroids. If he goes on to ancestry.com, he's going to see "Steroid" along with whatever European mix he is.

Also, Jojo's swing-dancing dress was adorable. Very '40s.

And Chad saying he can tell what Jojo looks like through her dress? Dude. No. If someone can tell him that without getting broken into thirds, go ahead.

Edited by VanSensei
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Chad seems, at times, to have an unappreciated dry sense of humor.   Having said that, if the West Point guy is worried about him, he probably was behaving quite badly.   He did seem somewhat bullied at a certain point.   I still think he's hot as hell, like he's sizzling hot.  

I started seeing the appeal of Jordan tonight.  Nice, fun, very smooth.  And a bit of a challenge, which I think Jojo wants. 

Edited by hyacinth
oh, i don't know
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Sometimes I think Evan has a hard on for Chad but this is all about Jo-Jo so....

Again Chad is a douchnozzle but I have to agree all the boys are antagonizing him and caring WAYYYY too much about him. Though again Chad just keeps playing the part so they kinda do too. Knowing how fake this show is, you know they are all just being fed all this stuff. Evan is the perfect plant because he does what he's told. Go run to Chris, talk to Jo-Jo about Chad.

Really Jo-Jo it's ok if you want to friend James. He's adorable but she's clearly not into him. I will say that kiss was long after his "song." Oh geez, can any of this actually be real?

And once again Jordan is feeding her crap. He's so fake. And has his hair gotten bigger? How do you keep that all on top of your head??

It's the Chad show till it isn't. Let's bask in the crazy.

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With all the medical tests they have to undergo (which we've been told about by previous contestants) I'm thinking Chad did not have PED's in his system while filming.  That would put the entire franchise at risk for lawsuits.  They can't allow that. Chad is simply who he is.  And while I don't condone violence, I think about 3/4 of the rest of those little pussy boys should be pounded into the concrete pool deck.  Stupid, insecure and whining babies.  

Jo has got the most cowardly bunch of children in the show's history.  

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Why the hell is David Spade working in the erectile dysfunction business and appearing in this show?  

That little punk is totally bullying big dumb Chad and gas lighting his ass.  He instigates,. And everyone takes his side because Chad is an asshole meathead.   Though he is right about that one guy.  He does look like someone from SpongeBob. 


"Let's NOT pretend I'm Hitler".  I know the guy is a plant, but he's fucking hysterical.  

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Wow, this show is actually making me take Hitler, I mean, Chad's side. What a little crybaby bitch Evan is. Go home, Evan....I'm sure you're erectile dysfuction business will get a nice little bump after this stint. And I also kind of hope Chad tracks you down and kicks your ass. 

I do admit that I got a bit aroused watching Jojo put the smackdown on Chad. That was beautiful...this girl might be more than just a gigantic set of fake tits after all. Now I feel kind of bad for her. She has to suffer through these jokes to get to one guy? I hope she does a mass culling and gets down to Jordan (the next Bachelor), yoga dude (who showed some sexy confidence) and Texas dude who is clearly going to win this show. The rest are fucking worthless. 

Edited by PetuniaP
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I have so many thoughts. This episode was basically Fear, without the fun of fingerbanging on a roller coaster. 

Mostly I thought it was weird, but telling, how the whole "Chad is toxic masculinity personified and is totally going to beat someone to death, probably while eating deli meat" storyline boiled down to the boys fearing for their safety. There was also a thread of the guys smugly pouring lighter fluid on the flames to get the guy eliminated as an act of gamesmanship. Why was JoJo's safety, and the concern that in theory she could end up in a relationship with a guy who has rapidly devolved into a Lifetime movie villain, not ever even really mentioned in passing? Why did JoJo herself never mention that she found those facets of his personality troubling because it could turn violent, and it could turn violent with her? After Caitlyn's season where the show at least tried to pretend it was woke, defending her from oodles of slut-shaming, it seemed odd to focus so much on how uncomfortable the guys were with not even a passing mention of concern for JoJo. Paternalistic over-protective bullshit oozes out of every other pore of the show, but when actual serious issues approach, concern over the supposed star of the show fall by the wayside.

Other things I noticed:

- The terrible sex-themed standup (was it maybe a podcast live show or something?) proved that JoJo and the guys don't know what the word "kinky" means.

- Daniel's tale of cutting a girl's hair against her wishes during bondage play....what in the everloving fuck was that. Poor JoJo, all her guys either have the exact same haircut and lack of personality, or they're going to turn her into a lampshade.

- Chad's claims of being bullied was a new low of reality show contestants/participants drastically misusing the word. Worse than Kelly Bensimon.

- At one point in hour 1, Chad wandered somewhere he probably thought was off-camera to mutter ragily to himself, and called Evan "Gary Oldman from the Fifth Element". I'm going to miss him when he's bounced tomorrow night and the guys probably ask Chris Harrison to sentence him to lethal injection. That was a really untimely, random, and completely hysterically accurate pull on his part.

- The opacity surrounding production in this episode was interesting. They have security stationed - it was also odd that they didn't ask Chad his thoughts on it in a 1:1 - but Evan feels the need to engage Chris Harrison, who then spontaneously decides to "handle it". Many seasons prior, when one of the girls on the Bachelor slept with a producer, the fourth wall completely shattered. It would have been more interesting to have Chris or JoJo narrate what the show does when physical contact (without actual injury) and threats of violence occur.

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Did all the boys get together to cooridinate their outfits before the group date?  There has to be stuff they're not showing if Chad's roommate is worried enough to feel the need to move out. There had never been a problem with the 2 of them.  I agree, Evan and Alex need to stop obssessing over Chad, but all the guys seem genuinely worried about him.  I can't believe that Jo Jo wants to keep either Evan or Chad, but probably was told to.  LOVED her turning her cheek when Chad tried to score a kiss.  She definitely has her opinions. Her smile with James T seemed pretty genuine.  Noticed she kept making sure to sit next to Jordan the whole time at the play thing.  The tension at the  yoga was coming through the TV, it was pretty hot.

I still like Luke, but dude, tone it down a little.  I'm hoping his voice overs are from a later time and edited in.  Really, you're gonna cry? I hate to say it, but Jordan is growing on me, and I don't want him to.  My favorites now, Luke, Wells, James F (though pretty sure he won't go much further) and maybe Chase.  Robby looks like a big oily bohunk (though from previews it looks like he goes far).  The guy who got first date is cute, but meh; and Grant is losing points with me.  Daniel trying to talk Psycho down was the best! Chad is no longer funny, he is scary, and delusional.  I love Chris pointing out that everything was "the other guys fault," and how Chad told his push lie again and Chris was all, "Evan didn't even say anything about that." Chad's face was priceless.  James hasn't had any problems with douche yet, so previews probably misleading.  I hope the rest of the guys do tell Jo Jo about bi polar boy.  His comments about not wanting the other guys to ogle Jo Jo were kind of scary in a "keep wifey covered up at home" kind of way.  I can totally see him jumping some guy he thought stared too hard at his girl.

Edited by Ripley68
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Contestants have always lurked around, waiting to "steal" the lead, as prompted by the producers.  This episode just showed more of what always happens, to make Chad look more intimidating.  We even see the camera people where we usually don't.  And the laughably fake "security" dude that Chad could probably snap in half.  SO much BS to pump up the "Chad is Dangerous" storyline, because everybody else is deadly dull.  

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I really wanted to see if Evan is following Chad around the house.  I suspect he is.  But of course they edit the way they want and we will never know the truth.

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I LOVE how JoJo makes each of these guys think she's totally into them.  I do think she genuinely likes men of all kinds, but she is really good at making each one think they're extra special.  

Loved that she dicked Chad by giving Evan the rose.  That took balls. probably encouraged by producers, but nevertheless. good one.

i like good snark and sarcasm but Chad is not close to funny.  One clever moment out of all his 'boo-hoo i hate everybody' rapp isn't worth the rest of his condescending blather.

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8 minutes ago, leighdear said:

And the laughably fake "security" dude that Chad could probably snap in half.  SO much BS to pump up the "Chad is Dangerous" storyline, because everybody else is deadly dull.  

If Chad had offered him something to eat, security dude would have sat down with him and stuffed his face.  Fuck JoJo.

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I think they told the security guard that someone lost a set of keys, and that's why he was walking all around.

This season is the cheesiest so far. Part of me cannot wait of the Chad show to be over and part of me is totally entertained by him.

Chase is my favorite. 

This is not the greatest looking bunch of guys overall. Probably the worst ever, actually, IMO.

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I was not a Kaitlyn fan, but I think she had a lot more personality than Jo.  It feels like she is trying way too hard.  

And could she maybe bring up Ben and her "broken" heart a few thousand more times?  I don't think we get it quite yet.  

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37 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

I have so many thoughts. This episode was basically Fear, without the fun of fingerbanging on a roller coaster. 

- At one point in hour 1, Chad wandered somewhere he probably thought was off-camera to mutter ragily to himself, and called Evan "Gary Oldman from the Fifth Element". I'm going to miss him when he's bounced tomorrow night and the guys probably ask Chris Harrison to sentence him to lethal injection. That was a really untimely, random, and completely hysterically accurate pull on his part.


As an aside, I would ride Mahky Mahk's Fear roller coaster any day, but that is a personal failing on my part, and I'm working on it.

I cannot believe I missed the Gary Oldman Chad Muttering Sequence!  I love Gary Oldman, but holy shit, Chad called it. I felt like there was a "I feel a really weird vibe tonight, and I'm not sure what it is, so I'll give it to Evan" rose.  Also known as the Overprotective Older Sister Rose.  It ain't the same rose Chase and James got, for sure.

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I hate the manufactured drama too.  They are so afraid of letting the show be the show.   Then they have to have the greasy sex-.talk group date.  It wasn''t as horrifying as the Kaitlyn teaching elementary kids about tampons and condoms, thankfully, but it's still insultingly gratuitous and low-brow childish.  You'd think Beavis and Butthead are running the place.or worse--Andy Cohen.  I vowed to contact their sponsors if it was as disgusting as the Kaitlyn date.  Gotta hit them in the wallet.  

ETA: Andy Cohen.  The biggest pig pimp of them all

Edited by seasick
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Jo actually gave James one of the patented "I-need-to-pretend-I'm-not-a-shallow-bimbo" rose.  He's a nice guy, but his "I'm SO unworthy" shtick got really old, really quick. And it was obvious that in real life, she'd blow him off without a second thought.   Chase was nice and low key, but he was a bit snoozy.  The most exciting thing about Chase is that tattoo.  Some kind of tiger, I think?  

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The sex talk date was both corny and cringeworthy. The woman who did the orgasm bit was neither funny nor shocking. Chad is very hot, but he seems seriously disturbed. I agree that Evan was clearly baiting him, but his responses to everything are really strange. He doesn't want to go on a group date, he doesn't want to see JoJo in a bikini, he just doesn't want to do anything. I still like Jordan and wish he would cut his hair. He seems good natured and gets along with the others. Chase is pretty cute too. James Taylor has a nice voice but is not attractive to me and I wish he hadn't told the long neck story. Women really don't like guys who admit to being insecure. Sure, he got a rose, but I think JoJo's attraction to him started to fade the second he said he never gets the girls.

They need to just get rid of Chad and move on with the show. I do actually like JoJo and think she seems like a nice person. I liked the way she was dressed for the swing dance thing. Interested to see who she gets rid of tomorrow night. I don't remember all of their names but I'm guessing the Santa guy (nick) for one.  

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Just now, leighdear said:

Jo actually gave James one of the patented "I-need-to-pretend-I'm-not-a-shallow-bimbo" rose.  He's a nice guy, but his "I'm SO unworthy" shtick got really old, really quick. And it was obvious that in real life, she'd blow him off without a second thought.   Chase was nice and low key, but he was a bit snoozy.  The most exciting thing about Chase is that tattoo.  Some kind of tiger, I think?  

Chase IS a bit snoozy, but I was rather intrigued to see if he could stand up after that yoga straddle lovin'.  He was a trouper!


So, do y'all think all 3 roses were pity roses?  And the preview looked to me like James Taylor had taken that punch to the face.

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I think 2 of the 3 of those roses went to guys that in real life, she would maybe allow to park her car, deliver her pizza or mow her lawn.  But I don't think she'd actually date any of them except Chase.  And probably only if he was a set-up by a friend.  

Edited by leighdear
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15 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Jo actually gave James one of the patented "I-need-to-pretend-I'm-not-a-shallow-bimbo" rose.  He's a nice guy, but his "I'm SO unworthy" shtick got really old, really quick. And it was obvious that in real life, she'd blow him off without a second thought.   Chase was nice and low key, but he was a bit snoozy.  The most exciting thing about Chase is that tattoo.  Some kind of tiger, I think?  

If Jojo met a bunch of these guys in a bar, yeah, she would try to get away from James, she'd think Chase was cute but boring. She'd be creeped out by Evan, and would go home with Chad.

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2 minutes ago, leighdear said:

I think all 3 of those roses went to guys that in real life, she would maybe allow to park her car, deliver her pizza and mow her lawn.  But I don't think she'd actually date a single one of them. 

I think she'd give Chase a tumble IRL.  I thought he had some sex appeal and I did like that he was man enuf and confident enough to do the yoga thing without feeling embarrassed.  He's low-key but could be a surprise in the sack.   Evan is a little "light in the loafers' .  Bad hairdo too.  James should save the 'I'm a loser' talk.  

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Jo jo tells us that the reason for the date is that INTIMACY is SO important in a relationship.   So, in the name of INTIMACY, the guys will take an intimate moment they had with a woman, and tell it on stage to entertain a bunch of strangers.  Yeah, that's what healthy relationships are built on.

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I thought this was unwatchable garbage. The entire Chad/Evan construct was an uncomfortable farce. The rest of the guys are being manipulated to react just as we are as viewers. It's all so ridiculous, and sadly, just a complete waste of time. I can't buy any of it anymore, and the phony bits just aren't entertaining at all.

I want the show to be a little more genuine...doesn't have to be 100%, but I don't want the fake bits to be so unbelievably stupid. It's insulting and a waste of my time.

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Have to grudgingly admit that I was impressed when Jordan didn't take the bait after Chad's "failed football player" comment. Some of the others (looking at you, Alex and Evan) would have escalated that moment into a full on bitch fight. Jordan, despite my feelings about his hair and his skinny pants, actually seems pretty fun and laid back. I also like Chase, also low key but with quiet confidence. James is very sweet, but it's uncomfortable to watch someone so far in the friend zone for too long. Chad is equally repulsive and hilarious, what with his menacing meat-eating and Gary Oldman comments. He needs to go soon, as a little Chad goes a long way, but for now he's somewhat entertaining. I do love how his buddy Daniel backed off from their friendship, though, and how strong his Canadian accent got when he was nervously trying to play peacemaker. 

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I know he'll never make it that far -- probably not past tomorrow night -- but the evil side of me wishes that Chad would stick around long enough to meet JoJo's brothers.  

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2 minutes ago, SallyAlbright said:

Have to grudgingly admit that I was impressed when Jordan didn't take the bait after Chad's "failed football player" comment. Some of the others (looking at you, Alex and Evan) would have escalated that moment into a full on bitch fight. Jordan, despite my feelings about his hair and his skinny pants, actually seems pretty fun and laid back. I also like Chase, also low key but with quiet confidence. James is very sweet, but it's uncomfortable to watch someone so far in the friend zone for too long. Chad is equally repulsive and hilarious, what with his menacing meat-eating and Gary Oldman comments. He needs to go soon, as a little Chad goes a long way, but for now he's somewhat entertaining. I do love how his buddy Daniel backed off from their friendship, though, and how strong his Canadian accent got when he was nervously trying to play peacemaker. 

I LOL'd at who the Canadian chose as American villains...Trump and Bush

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1 hour ago, hyacinth said:

I still think he's hot as hell, like he's sizzling hot.  

Um, Hyacinth, we're going to need you to quickly and quietly follow the rest of us out.


1 hour ago, annewithaneee said:

Other things I noticed:

- The terrible sex-themed standup (was it maybe a podcast live show or something?) proved that JoJo and the guys don't know what the word "kinky" means.

- Daniel's tale of cutting a girl's hair against her wishes during bondage play....what in the everloving fuck was that. Poor JoJo, all her guys either have the exact same haircut and lack of personality, or they're going to turn her into a lampshade.

I could barely watch!  Gross!!

7 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

ABC Lawyers to Fleiss: "This is scripted, right?  I mean, right?"

I think we are going to need a Hills type of ending where the backdrop falls away and they all walk a way laughing.

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The only thing that would complete how incredibly fake this episode seemed would be to see the borders of painted scenery in the background.

Where do we start?

*Flashbacks to Carly and Chris' "intimacy mentor" date during the yoga date 

*Evan practically squealing like a girl when he got the date rose  

*Chad's "Is this real life?" when Evan came back with said rose

*Chad being caught eating every time he was on camera like he's Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven

*The security guard skulking around who looks like he gets winded going up the stairs

*The doo-wop music playing in the background while Jojo and James T. were at Makeout Point. 

Just all of it, really. The show knows we don't really take it seriously anymore, so they're going with it.  And it's entertaining. 

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I don't think Chad is a plant, and this is why... who on earth would agree to go on this show and be portrayed as a violent, unstable douchebag? What would he gain from that? Why would you want that to be your reputation? 

I think Chad thinks he's so much smarter, handsomer and more clever than anyone else in that house. He knows the game, is going to win the game and to hell with the rest of them. He's trying to outsmart them all, and many of them are playing right into his hands, but in the end, who is going to look bad? He is. He's giving them way to much material to work with -- the nasty talking heads, the skulking around drinking and chomping down food, turning everything around to be the victim and never once taking responsibility for a thing, constantly talking violence. If any of it were delivered with a wink and a nod that would be one thing, but he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. The game (producers) is playing him. 

The security guard and the bit with Harrison was over the top. Chris had to have known that the Mall Cop was already on the scene. However, I don't blame Evan for talking to Chris. The idiot poked the bear. He has to be scared. Chad could crush him like a toothpick if he wanted. 

I'll be glad when he's gone. He's too much villain to vill on this show. It's taking away from the usual fun. I'm tired of the villain/defenders of "the right reasons" drama we get every season. 

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Not sure I'm on board with (paraphrasing) "Jordan is a nice, fun guy."  Saying that Chad had better hope the competition involved bench pressing, not spelling, was junior high Mean Girlish, especially coming from someone who doesn't come across as a Rhodes Scholar himself. 

And it was weird to gang up on him when he said he didn't want to go on the group date. I was thinking, suit yourself, meathead, hang out at the house alone. Chad is awful, but the others are behaving so cattishly they look ridiculous.

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So.... Chad is so dangerous that he must be removed from the house tout suite.  Yet he's practically the first person they send to BIP.  Yeah, sure.  That's how stupid we are.

Tonight's whole show was creepy and disgusting.  No, take that back - the dancing was fun.  But the yoga and stage show were beyond tacky.  I think my idea on  intimacy and how to achieve it is quite different from Jo-Jo's ideas.

These guys selected for Joelle just aren't cute enough to overshadow what pusses they are. 

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This season has been a hot mess so far, but Daniel advising Chad to be less like Hitler and more like Mussolini was one of the funniest moments in Bachelor(ette) history! I'd seen a preview of it, but I still had to laugh when I saw it again tonight.

That standup club that's doing the sex stories is terrible, and not in the "so bad, it's good" way. All the "comedians" that were on before the dudes were cringeworthy.

There's something very rodent-like about Evan's looks and mannerisms. I physically recoiled when JoJo gave him a peck on the lips after handing him the group date rose (per producer mandate, I'm sure).

This show has become exactly like the erstwhile Burning Love, a complete parody of itself, with screen captions like "Canadian" and "Erectile Dysfunction Expert", Chad eating in every scene, and rotund "security guards" strolling around the premises.

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Chad makes some good points at times but the guy seems seriously unstable. Ripping shirts off people and slamming his fists into doors. If he was a plant would producers really go that far? And would he be willing to present himself so violently? What would be the gain? No I think he's being completely himself.

But I have to agree with others that Evan took it too far at the sex talk date. I mean if your seriously scared of someone why would you antagonize them?? That's why I said Chad makes good points sometimes. Case in point...when he said Evan was like some guy that had been bullied all his life and now wanted to go out of his way or make a point to stand up to it. To make a impression on the other guys, maybe? Who knows but I thought that was a unnecessary and dumb move to basically call Chad out. These guys are giving way to much power to Chad. If they ignored him he wouldn't near as bad. He's having a ball keeping these guys on their toes.

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6 hours ago, leighdear said:

I think 2 of the 3 of those roses went to guys that in real life, she would maybe allow to park her car, deliver her pizza or mow her lawn.  But I don't think she'd actually date any of them except Chase.  And probably only if he was a set-up by a friend.  

Chad was right about that when he was saying something like no woman would pick Evan for anything except maybe to sweep their yard.

But truly, if they are scared of Chad, why DO they keep instigating? I know some of you are saying Chad's a plant. I disagree. I think they ALL are bring influenced by producers, though. And I feel that's what's going on with Evan, specifically. Probably some producer said, "Who here would most likely by your ED patient?" (Is he a doctor or pharmaceutical rep or something? What he does in the ED field is unclear to me, but that's beside the point.) Then Evan had this really funny "idea" to make his bit about Chad. Then of course the same producer tells him he needs to confront Chad about ripping his shirt, but he's scared so he does it in the room full of guys. Then when everything the producer is telling him to do backfires--with the exception of the me-or-Chad ultimatum, which clearly shocked him that it worked--he's running over to the big boss, Harrison, for advice/help.

There are clearly a few guys who like poking the bear--Alex and Evan are jubilant over giving Chad a hard time, and Jordan seems a bit more reluctant but will stand up if Chad's over the line. But I think it was Grant who was the first one to leave when Evan confronted Chad, but everyone else immediately stood up and scurried away, too. I don't blame them! I think most of these guys realize that, hey, we're kind of buff and we outnumber him, but Chad is insanely ripped and can Hulk out at any moment and why the hell instigate, despite production saying, confront Chad all you want, we have this chubby, middle-aged gentleman over here to protect you. Oh, hell, no! Chad could just pick up that guard and throw him like a bowling ball, knocking down the whole lot of them. 

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Oh the Bachelor Bus!  Thanks for reminding me, Flying Egret!  I thought it looked like they were all being taken to prison and then the very next scene was the guys' dorm with those hideous bunk beds, so I thought maybe it actually was some sort of chain gang set up ( "Sitting on the bed with dirty pants, that's a night in the box.") That whole funny recap in the media thread came back to me, about some guy taken captive by the show.

Chase is probably the handsomest and most confident of her men.  I think he might win.

James Taylor date was fun and I love his sense of humor, so I was disappointed when he began his whole, 'I'm not worthy of a goddess like you," and then JoJo floats down from Heaven long enough to build his ego with some compliments and a few pity kisses and it all got sort of sickening.

Watching Evan and Jordan bait Chad made me dislike them more than Chad, and I really don't like Chad much either, so it's very hard to find anyone to root for in this bunch.  Alex has to be the prissiest Marine ever.

I do know if I was ever the lead on this show and someone came to me saying, "If you don't send that other person home I'm not going to be able to stay here,"  I wouldn't skip a beat before saying goodbye to the complainant.  In this case it was also clear that Evan felt sure he would not only be chosen over Chad but that JoJo was ready to let Evan tell her what to do. Sometimes those teary eyed little whiners can be very manipulative if you give them a chance. Evan chasing Chris Harrison out to tattle, "He shoved me and pulled my shirt,"  sounded just like a five year old girl. That plus the toilet paper must have made Chris feel like a kindergarten teacher.  This may be the year he quits this gig.  I bet Evan is great at his job though, what guy wouldn't feel more manly after a session with him?

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I only watched bits and pieces of last night's show, but I did catch the "hot yoga" segment. My thought was that if Chase were five years older--with a little more life experience/confidence/maturity under his belt--he and JoJo would make a good couple. As it is, I sense that he's not quite mature enough for her. (Now watch him prove me wrong.)

That's one problem (of many) I have with this crop of bachelors--I think they're mostly too young for JoJo. 

Edited by adhoc
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