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S12.E04: Week 3, Part 2

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1 minute ago, leighdear said:

All the service academies (West Point, The Citadel, The Naval Academy) have extremely rigorous application requirements than generally start early in the person's high school career.  But their education is paid for in exchange for their active-duty service after graduation.  Most individuals do have a military career in mind, but it appears Luke did his time in, then transitioned to music.  Which is fine, as he did more than what he was contractually obligated to provide in exchange.  He does appear to be a fine young man but I just can't wrap my head around why he's on this show.  Exposure for his band is my only answer as he doesn't come off as somebody craving attention and the personal limelight. 

Interesting.  PetuniaP also.   I'm guessing we'll see Luke's band play at hometowns ala Wes in Jillian's season, so there's some exposure for him.   

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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

I'm pretty sure the lead gets a mini bio of the contestants before they show up. She seemed to know Alex was a marine, Luke was a veteran etc. It's also possible she heard of Jordan before and he does have a strong resemblance to his brother ( not as cute as Aaron though). The show won't admit it, but I'm sure they know the basics of each guy before the first Rose ceremony and that helps them decide who to dump the first day.

So the show has never made reference to Jordan being Aaron's brother other than the exchange between Big Ben and Jojo?  I thought for sure that they would show a conversation between Jordan and Jojo.  When he first said that he played professional sports, and he said something like "mainly football", she just said "uh huh" and then kind of moved the conversation along like she really didn't care.  I am assuming she isn't much of a sports fan?  It'd be interesting to see if she knew who Aaron Rodgers was and how that affects Jordan, etc.  Maybe they've already had that discussion and we just didn't see it.  I don't like that the Bachelor/ette and potential suitors now seem to be in Twitter contact even before the show starts filming.  If we didn't think things were fake enough already, it just adds fuel to the fire.

Chad is like a cartoon character, but the other bodybuilder (don't remember name, the drunk guy who jumped in the pool on the first night) has an even more cartoonish muscle body.  These guys obviously take their working out seriously.  Was Chad munching on a plain baked sweet potato just eating it as if it were a banana?  

Laughed when Chad was pissed that Jojo was going to be spending the day with them for a pool party.  "Now all the guys are going to see her in a bikini.  I've seen her in a dress, I have a pretty good idea of what she looks like in a bikini."  Huh?  He's so possessive that he doesn't even want any guy ogling her in a bikini?

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16 hours ago, JenE4 said:

"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes."

"I can agree with that."

Words to live by.


1 hour ago, Kbilly said:

I laughed so hard at this Chad-Alex exchange: "You should drink some milk." "I don't like milk." "You should! Milk is delicious!" It was hilarious. I thought maybe she might eliminate both just bc Alex was way more invested in Chad than her. I did think it was an interesting observation of Jojo's that Chad's mother died 6 months ago and he hasn't processed it. Makes sense--pushing the pain deep down and it's coming out as anger.


Funniest (pretend these are air quotes) "conversation" ever.   For a minute there, I was like I wonder if it's difficult to accept nutritional advice from a psychopath?

16 hours ago, leighdear said:

If these were the best 26 guys the casting people could find for the show, I shudder to think about the guys in the reject pile.  This group overall is substandard. 

They're on Match.com in case you've got a mind to check.

14 hours ago, Bunky1412 said:

Right after Chad was let go and before he began wandering around the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest he said something about JoJo.  He said she's "really a good actress" or ????

It was bleeped out.  Did anyone catch what he said?

Because there were two bleeps, my mind settled on:  fucking bitch or fucking asshole.

13 hours ago, Dopeydwarf said:

Chad's little whistling song scares the shit outta me.

LMAO!  Ya'll?  I don't think it was edited in.  I feel like the next time we tune in we're gonna see Jordan at the bottom of a well, putting the lotion in the basket.

6 hours ago, silversage said:

Chris Harrison likes to use the word, "dramatic" a lot.

How else are we gonna know how to feel when the music starts? lol.

5 hours ago, PetuniaP said:

Normally, I'd be saying amen but Ali and Christian were boring McBoringsons and Chad may be cray but he is HOT. His 'roided up body is fire and that sexy glare thing he does....he's just the kind of bad boy every woman lets break her heart at least once. The other thing I found redeeming about him is that Jojo took him to task more than once and he never came back at her with any aggression and actually seemed cowed a couple of times. That's why I could take his behavior with the guys in stride...I never felt like he was turning any of that towards Jojo. 

This is the problem with fine but crazy.   Even if I could get past the aggression, having nothing other than threats to confront the other dudes with seems to indicate that he isn't capable of the most basic conversation not involving milk or Oklahoma.   I think he wouldn't hesitate to lash out on her in real life, as it stands, it was just a matter of time before he did it on the show.  Damn nutty ass Planet Fitness lunk.  He needs to swim home.

I love Luke.  Like if she don't want him, give him to me love him.  But I don't understand the *point* of that thing they did in the concert hall.   Have this intimate dance with me, in private in front of this whole theater while we crash this band's performance?  What?  That was awkward as hell, I'll give it to him for making it seem regular.

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I love Luke.  Like if she don't want him, give him to me love him.  But I don't understand the *point* of that thing they did in the concert hall.   Have this intimate dance with me, in private in front of this whole theater while we crash this band's performance?  What?  That was awkward as hell, I'll give it to him for making it seem regular.

Oh, that totally stood out to me as well! I guess that's the proof that Luke isn't some aw shucks, normal dude from Texas. Who agrees to stand on a pedestal to slow dance and kiss in front of a massive crowd while pretending to be alone with your girl? A massive famewhore, that's who! Knowing that he has a band makes all of the pieces fall into place for me with Luke. 

I would also love to know how many calories Chad eats/drinks a day. I know he's massive but we've rarely seen a shot of that dude when he wasn't eating or drinking SOMETHING. Makes me wonder if he has a food addiction that he's channeling in a "healthy" way. I have to admit, I find him loathsomely fascinating. Like I want to know everything about him even though I know I would despise him all the more for knowing it. 

Edited by PetuniaP
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Luke has a band? Never has the show revealed this, so for Luke to be on TB-ette to "promo his band" is pretty ... well, not working for him. Yes, he's handsome, smart, whatever. But he signed up for the show just like every handsome and smart guy. So we can see them on teevee! Simple as that. That hike looked like the most tragic few hours ever spent on a fake date. What a miserable time that was, from start to finish, and painful to watch. Then, after taking a helicopter to the woods, Chad is left to wander back to the mansion by himself, in the dark, to scratch on the window ... "Please let me in." Best.Dump.Ever on this show. Beats Kelsey in the Badlands by miles. Chad's two sides are typical abuser. First, beat the tar out of the woman, then turn around and give her flowers and candy and tell her how much you love her and can't live without her. Chad is a danger.There is nothing attractive about him at all.

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4 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Luke has a band? Never has the show revealed this, so for Luke to be on TB-ette to "promo his band" is pretty ... well, not working for him. Yes, he's handsome, smart, whatever. But he signed up for the show just like every handsome and smart guy. So we can see them on teevee! Simple as that. That hike looked like the most tragic few hours ever spent on a fake date. What a miserable time that was, from start to finish, and painful to watch. Then, after taking a helicopter to the woods, Chad is left to wander back to the mansion by himself, in the dark, to scratch on the window ... "Please let me in." Best.Dump.Ever on this show. Beats Kelsey in the Badlands by miles. Chad's two sides are typical abuser. First, beat the tar out of the woman, then turn around and give her flowers and candy and tell her how much you love her and can't live without her. Chad is a danger.There is nothing attractive about him at all.

I just recalled that these reality shows recruit people too by going on dating sights.  (big controversy about Married at First Sight recruiting )  and even some of the Alone contestants say they were recruited. To me the 'recruits' (for love,anyway) always feel as though they are doing the show a favor and don't owe much sincerety

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23 minutes ago, PetuniaP said:

Oh, that totally stood out to me as well! I guess that's the proof that Luke isn't some aw shucks, normal dude from Texas. Who agrees to stand on a pedestal to slow dance and kiss in front of a massive crowd while pretending to be alone with your girl? A massive famewhore, that's who! Knowing that he has a band makes all of the pieces fall into place for me with Luke. 

I would also love to know how many calories Chad eats/drinks a day. I know he's massive but we've rarely seen a shot of that dude when he wasn't eating or drinking SOMETHING. Makes me wonder if he has a food addiction that he's channeling in a "healthy" way. I have to admit, I find him loathsomely fascinating. Like I want to know everything about him even though I know I would despise him all the more for knowing it. 

*facepalm*  yeah ok, famewhore.   I only know about the band from reading ya'lls comments but that works.  Although, call me naive, I swear he doesn't seem the type.  I'd be disappointed if so.

He has to eat often girl.  Going hard 6 days a week uses a lot of energy, he's gotta put back the depletion.  And the thing is, he eats totally clean/well.  I wouldn't know from personal experience but I hear if you can pull it off, you can have whatever you want in nearly unlimited quantities.  I haven't been watching long, does he ever snack on cheetos or something lol?

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On Monday they showed him counting cals. He is constantly drinking too. Even last night after he got the boot he was walking away still drinking out of that cup of whatever.

I forgot I loved when Chad was in Full Wanna Go Outside? Mode and he asked Derek if he was afraid of him and Derek unapologetically said" "Yes!"

Isn't it funny when they are all squished onto the same couch? Like the producer takes away all chairs so they have to jam into one.

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"Who agrees to stand on a pedestal to slow dance and kiss in front of a massive crowd while pretending to be alone with your girl? " Answer: Every person who ever appears on this show. That private "elevated" dancing to a live band while surrounded by crowds of cheering spectators is a staple of this show, there is at least one date like that per season, sometimes two. Wasn't it Chris Soules who was given props for not falling off the tiny hubcap he and his date had to dance on? That's good insight, seasick, about some if not all of these guys being recruited from dating (and other) sites. Ali, the most beautiful bachelor ever, has been sent home. *sob* I guess he was so much better looking than JoJo, he had to GoGo. This new site won't accept my paragraph spacing, no matter how many returns I put between thoughts. So sorry for my run-ons. I'm trying to keep them short. I hate posting here since "the change."

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God help me, I laughed out loud when Chad snorted and offered Evan 20 bucks to replace his shirt.  I'm ashamed to say so, but up until the last 30 minutes or so, I was still completely entertained by Chad.  And *small voice* veins and all, I find Chad hot like fire.  I don't know what is wrong with me.

What were those strange necklaces they were all wearing at the pool party?  Was that something to help keep their mic packs in place while their shirts were off?  At first I thought just Chad was wearing it, but then I noticed they all had them on.

I keep getting Jordan and Chase confused, mainly because I think Chase looks more like Aaron Rodgers than Jordan does.  The only way I can tell them apart is that Chase wears pants that don't look painted on.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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Favorite line from this season of TB...from this episode...maybe for all time:

Jojo:. "...but you threatened to beat people!"

Chad: "So that they would be quiet!"

Because in Chad's mind that's how it works.  I confess I will miss the crazy.

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1 minute ago, Kbilly said:

Isn't it funny when they are all squished onto the same couch? Like the producer takes away all chairs so they have to jam into one.

Yeees! I was commenting about that to Mr. Wovenloaf last night. In the scene before the fated duo date, it looked like there were stools of some kind behind the couch, which Chad was sitting on at one point. And I think the Canadian was sitting on some kind of ottoman off to the side, then one guy managed to somewhat segregate himself from the heap by sitting on the armrest. But all the rest of them were snuggled up on the couch, wedged in with hardly any room for their limbs. Like wtf? Come on. I can't think of any men I know that would snuggle up with 15 other guys on one crowded ass couch instead of just finding an autonomous stool/ottoman/chair/stoop/whatever object from the next room that can function as a seat. Or (*gasp*) just stand up until seating in which you don't have to practically sit in another man's lap becomes available. Though I also don't know any men that would sit around in said dude-posse pontificating about how someone's date is going to go. Or "date" the same woman as every other man on the couch. So I remain baffled all around about where the producers find these people.


On a different note - I didn't get why Grant was flipping out about how Chad wouldn't answer questions the guys ask him. First, since when is someone obligated to answer every dumb question lodged his way in a social setting. Second, wtf are these pressing questions the guys keep asking? "Why do you lift weights instead of sitting around with us while we bitch about you?" "Why did you just eat that piece of roast beef?" "Why do you chew your sweet potato that way?" "Can you explain every single thing you just did in the last 15 minutes?" "Why won't you be our friend after we spent a solid week openly expressing how much we hate you?" "Can I get more than $20 for my flimsy t-shirt that I would have had a nose bleed all over anyway?" Ugh. I grow weary of these clowns. 

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1 hour ago, PetuniaP said:

A massive famewhore, that's who! Knowing that he has a band makes all of the pieces fall into place for me with Luke. 

Yes, it's all making sense to me now, too.  My brother had "an appointment," to   West Point and we were in a tiny little no-where town in West Virginia at an ordinary poor high-school.  The way it usually works, is a teacher or principal will notice an outstanding student and submit his/her name to the state senator, who then looks through the candidates and selects a few.  Then comes three big tests; one physical (things like climbing that stupid rope to the ceiling of some gym, medically assessed by doctors, and then the academic test.  My brother thought that was hard and he has an IQ around 150.  Turned out he failed the medical because his blood pressure shot up through all the excitement.  Thank God. If he had been selected he would have then been expected to serve as an officer in Viet Nam.

So I don't know what  Luke is trying to play here.  No it's not Ivy League and half the other guys are from hick towns, too.  I'm wondering if Luke paid any attention to his surroundings.  Now that I know about the band his whole "sad and lonely cowboy leaning against the barn," thing seems so fake.

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The necklaces are for holding their mics on since they can't clip to a shirt for the pool party.  If you look carefully, when one guy turned around you can see the mic pack in the back of his shorts and the clear/beige (?) wire running up from his shorts to the necklace.

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Nooo not Ali!! Jojo clearly does not share my taste in men. What a loss.

Wait, who is Robby?! Isn't that Chase? Is there another set of twins on this show? And does anyone else think he looks like Woody Harrelson or is it just me?

I wanted to make out with Luke after that monologue as well. Don't think I've ever been so interested in what a contestant was saying. He is super hot, and I loved the wooden hot tub date, but I don't think Jojo is deep enough for him. I also think that the Bachelor gig may not interest him, but I'd love to see it anyway because those girls would be losing it.

Ugh, she's definitely a sporty type. These athletic dates bore me. Definitely calling Jordan as her F1, they seem like a couple already. Plus she keeps chasing him for validation during their talks.

Oh man, Wells seriously gets better looking every week. Plus he has a sense of humor which also keeps him one up on Luke. Just hope she keeps him around at least until F5 or 6 and then he goes home and somehow he gets my number.

Luke, Jordan, and Chase are definitely making it to hometowns.

Ha, that end tag. "That'd be weird." Please stick around, Daniel.

"I'm not gonna instigate this," says Alex, as he instigates it. But he did win points with me when I saw his adorable USA socks.

Chad is just a junior high boy who never grew out of being too cool for school and making juvenile threats to meet on the playground to assert his masculinity to the other boys. He doesn't know how to relate to men that aren't juiceheads, but he doesn't really know how to talk to women either. He's almost shy with Jojo sometimes. He just overall lacks social skills. I actually hope he finds a good therapist and more importantly, a really good friend. I'm genuinely worried for him as a person but also worried for anyone who crosses his path. Do not at all think he's a producer plant, he's too off the rails.

I almost thought at the start of that date when they showed the wildlife clips it might end with a Revenant like showdown between Chad and that bear.

"Well you should. Milk's delicious." Laughing so hard. How can someone switch from scary to hilarious so quickly?

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5 minutes ago, NaughtyKitty said:

The necklaces are for holding their mics on since they can't clip to a shirt for the pool party.  If you look carefully, when one guy turned around you can see the mic pack in the back of his shorts and the clear/beige (?) wire running up from his shorts to the necklace.

Thank you!  That's what I figured, but nice to have confirmation,

1 minute ago, Trace said:

I just have one question and one question only: Who the hell was Santa Claus??????

Santa was Nick, who went home in Monday's episode.  However, he made absolutely no impression, so it was easy to overlook him.

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Oh my god, these guys are so boring.  Every time one of them starts talking, I want to take a nap.  Chad was the only thing keeping me awake this season.  I'm probably going to sleep through the rest of the season.

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19 hours ago, Bunky1412 said:

Evan is a little piss-ant.

Luke and JoJo briefly got the Trista and Ryan engagement music when they were walking to dinner.

If Wells doesn't make it to the end at least he'll have Karl to go home to. 

I loathe Evan.  Sneaky little snake.   Sorry Mr.  I help men get hard ons as a job, you look like someone took Steve Buscemi, David Spade, and a guy about 30% less ugly and then smooshed them all together.  In other words, you oogly, you're hair sucks, and you help men get hard ons as your job.  That is just flat ass loserville if you ask me.   Little smarmy fucker.  


What is wrong with these men's hair?   They all appear to be wearing top heavy toupees. They all have Gary Busey son hair but that guy who looks like someone from Sponge bob.   These guys are even more busted than Kaitlin's bunch.   Sorry JoJo and your sumptuous rack of boob, your men are big lames.   You really do deserve better than what you got.   Shit,. One night on POF probably would net at least equal results. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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1 hour ago, jade.black said:

Oh man, Wells seriously gets better looking every week. Plus he has a sense of humor which also keeps him one up on Luke. Just hope she keeps him around at least until F5 or 6 and then he goes home and somehow he gets my number.

Love your whole post Jade.Black.  I think of Wells as this season's Tanner, smart, funny and good looking.  Maybe he'll go to BIP and find true love if he doesn't get your number first.

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5 hours ago, Kbilly said:

I believe it was "bitch" which, is unfortunate.

There were two words, my guess was "fucking batshit", but who knows...


7 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I've been 100% on Chad = Plant from Day 1, but heretofore I've presumed that he's also come up with some witty (and pretty accurate) digs at the other contestants.

But now I'm convinced that all of the witty stuff we've heard from Chad has been fed to him (probably verbatim) by a Producer.  I just think someone witty enough to say the kind of things he's said is also smart enough to not have to go directly to "YOU WANNA GO?!?!?!" as soon as someone retorts.  

Now I believe that he's just a stupid fucking lunkhead trying to compensate for his steroid-induced raisin-dick.


4 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Even if I could get past the aggression, having nothing other than threats to confront the other dudes with seems to indicate that he isn't capable of the most basic conversation not involving milk or Oklahoma.   I think he wouldn't hesitate to lash out on her in real life, as it stands, it was just a matter of time before he did it on the show.

Yep. You could really tell in the episode how scared he was every time one of the other guys was asking him a question, and then how he resorted to saying "I don't know", leaving the room or attacking them / deflecting in some way because he was just terrified of saying the wrong thing. It's no coincidence Jordan snarked about him struggling in the event of a spelling bee. His head just seems completely empty. Other than his "Milk's delicious" trolling, all of his quips have been in talking heads. And the once time he tried to be witty live because he was feeling "safe" with Daniel, that protein shake metaphor didn't really go anywhere, did it...


5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's too bad I hated Alex's personality because he was so obsessed with Chad it was a bit psychotic (and yes I see that Chad is also psychotic.)  Alex is like the typical Nice Guy Saviour.

I agree with everyone that Alex has seemed too obsessed with Chad since the very beginning, but 1) that's the producers asking all of them to comment on Chad and then keeping 90% of Alex to create a narrative 2) I thought what Alex said to Chad after they were done talking with Jojo, when they were alone on that blanket waiting to see who would get the boot, was interesting: that when he found out Chad was a marine like him, he thought they'd be best friends, and then he was really disappointed when he saw how Chad behaved. I don't know much about marines and their "values" or whatever, but I'm guessing it hits much closer to home with Alex that someone who's supposed to be a stand-up guy - and also someone he has something huge in common with - is such a "piece of shit", to quote him. Alex is probably offended Chad makes all marines, including himself, look bad...

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9 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Love your whole post Jade.Black.  I think of Wells as this season's Tanner, smart, funny and good looking.  Maybe he'll go to BIP and find true love if he doesn't get your number first.

Thanks! Not sure if BIP casting info counts as a spoiler, but 


I saw a potential cast list that included Wells and Jef Holm and was wondering if maybe I can sign up or like accidentally stumble onto the filming location in Mexico and bribe Chris Harrison or something. There must be a way!

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2 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:

What were those strange necklaces they were all wearing at the pool party?  Was that something to help keep their mic packs in place while their shirts were off?  At first I thought just Chad was wearing it, but then I noticed they all had them on.

My preferred theory is that they all got bored during their endless hours of downtime, someone busted out the plastic crow beads and fake rawhide, and they had themselves a Crafternoon. 

Edited by alannaofdoom
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9 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


Really.  JoJo's face is too flat, so when her hair is down and we see the profile view all we see is nose sticking out of hair, like the girl at the pub in the Andy Capp cartoons.  She looks sooo much better with her hair up in a bun.  Then she has some distance from ear to lip, her natural dark hair brings out her eyes and I can finally see the "beautiful," everyone keeps raving about.

YEs, she needs a stylist to give her a haircut that is more flattering.  More layers, definitely.

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I was going to quote 6 posts, but it would have all come down to this:

Addressing the Luke/Westpoint graduate discussion here.  My husband is a Westpoint graduate.  He would never tell you that.  All he will say is he served 11 years in the military.  He came from a fractured household, signed up for the army because it was his only option.  At his CO's prodding, he petitioned his state senator for a recommendation for Westpoint (a midwest state, not a great deal of applicants, most aspired to work the family farm) - went there for 4 years and then the required 5 as an officer.

He was an average student, didn't have any "connections".  But he did display leadership ability.  He didn't play football, but could run long distances (cross-country sports).  He's shocked and feels lucky for the opportunity, but doesn't want to capitalize on it.  He didn't have a family to go home to on holidays, so it was either make it at Westpoint or ???

So I am intrigued by Luke.  Westpoint has a reputation and a lot of assumptions and mis-information surrounding it.  I know my DH's story, would like to know Luke's.

I am a bit bothered that he has no genuine smile and looks so serious all the time.

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2 hours ago, jade.black said:

Nooo not Ali!! Jojo clearly does not share my taste in men. What a loss.

Wait, who is Robby?! Isn't that Chase? Is there another set of twins on this show? And does anyone else think he looks like Woody Harrelson or is it just me?

I wanted to make out with Luke after that monologue as well. Don't think I've ever been so interested in what a contestant was saying. He is super hot, and I loved the wooden hot tub date, but I don't think Jojo is deep enough for him. I also think that the Bachelor gig may not interest him, but I'd love to see it anyway because those girls would be losing it.

Ugh, she's definitely a sporty type. These athletic dates bore me. Definitely calling Jordan as her F1, they seem like a couple already. Plus she keeps chasing him for validation during their talks.

Oh man, Wells seriously gets better looking every week. Plus he has a sense of humor which also keeps him one up on Luke. Just hope she keeps him around at least until F5 or 6 and then he goes home and somehow he gets my number.

Luke, Jordan, and Chase are definitely making it to hometowns.

Ha, that end tag. "That'd be weird." Please stick around, Daniel.

I'm sorry JoJo is so attracted to jocks as well. Jordan seems okay (except for the hair--how Is that a thing?) I know some athletes are smart, but TB rarely chooses those ones. Chad at least has said a few humorous things (and referenced movie musicals) but I completely buy his Big Roid'ed Up Bully act and find him kind of scary. It is inexcusable to tell someone you're going to track them down and beat them up after the show. (And, yes, whoever pointed out that the "heavyset middle-aged gentleman" wasn't going to provide much protection for anyone, made me laugh. Because, that one outdoors looked particularly...doughy. I don't think he'd be any match for Chad--or would want to be. Even if--best case scenario--he's just playing a bully for the cameras, it's too much for me.

I thought the bleeped words were "p---- tease", but I could be wrong. He seems like such a strange guy that I really hope he isn't cast for B-I-P (but this is The Bachelor, so of course he will be.)

JoJo's pretty and I still like her clothes, but she's not very interesting and neither are the men. Despite how she tries to lead some on (like Luke, who seems too worldly for her), I don't think she sees herself with any of them so far. (Jordan possibly being the exception as he's not only a jock, but has a famous brother. I think she likes status-y things like that, but it's just a guess).

Personally, if I had to watch a season with a bachelor who was a failed football player with a successful football player brother, I'd rather it was Josh Murray. He was better looking, imo, and seemed nicer and more eager to engage. I see JoJo's interest in Jordan, but he's reminding me of the guy that Des liked so much who finally just walked away (leaving her with Chris who, imo, was so much better, but that's not the point). I think JoJo is going to find herself single again pretty soon if she chooses Jordan.

I noticed Wells for the first time last night; Hope we'll see more of him and several others, esp. now that Chad is (almost) gone.

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21 hours ago, Alapaki said:

Ben Rothlesberger is a very good quarterback.  But he's been credibly accused (although never convicted) of rape on a couple of occasions.  

So.  Yeah.  Great choice for this show.

One of the forums I frequent calls him Rapistberger. Figures that Fleiss would get THAT guy for the show.

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i have so many questions. i am so appalled by this show but it is like seeing  a car accident and not being able to look away. okay, first, the guys just sit around the house like beached whales. are they not allowed to read a book or do some writing? are they forbidden from having any inner life at all? it's just creepy to see and hear them just hanging there bitching  -- and chad sulking elsewhere always with his shirt off -- and talking about "falling in love" with jojo who is basically an idiot. there is no way that she is a Real Estate Developer. that is a Real Job that takes real smarts and real commitment. she must be a real estate broker or an assistant.

what really gave me the creeps was when JJ asked luke about his life and he's talking about his time in Afghanistan and losing a fellow soldier and she was fluffing her hair. there was no compassion in her blank eyes. no feeling at all. just a flat toned "i'm sorry". is this a situation where she was given instructions to ask him about himself but it wasn't an organic thing.

i'm not a prude. but this bit with JJ being in a bathing suit whenever possible and wrapping her almost nude body around these guys is prettodd. does she sleep with all the guys she falls in love with or is falling in love with? and of course she's falling in love every week or 2 weeks.

okay, sorry for bitching. i can see how this could become a guilty pleasure. i'm hooked for this episode because i, of course, have to see what happens with Chad. i'm sure that whole thing was planned and edited to death.

of course the most fascinating thing -- which i'm sure has been discussed to death -- is how much Unreal shows and tells about the whole behind the scenes stuff. i wonder if anyone has been chosen to jump off a building?

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5 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:

I keep getting Jordan and Chase confused, mainly because I think Chase looks more like Aaron Rodgers than Jordan does.  The only way I can tell them apart is that Chase wears pants that don't look painted on.

Right? Between the hair, the "lights are on, but no one's home" eyes, the skinny jeans, what appears to be "knocked-knees" (though, to be fair, it might be the jeans), I keep wondering what attracts women to this guy.  Maybe it's the Aaron Rodgers connection? Flummoxed, I am. I don't get it with Chase (or Robby), either.   

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7 hours ago, PetuniaP said:

I would also love to know how many calories Chad eats/drinks a day. I know he's massive but we've rarely seen a shot of that dude when he wasn't eating or drinking SOMETHING. Makes me wonder if he has a food addiction that he's channeling in a "healthy" way. I have to admit, I find him loathsomely fascinating. Like I want to know everything about him even though I know I would despise him all the more for knowing it. 

Sometimes I read up on different fitness regimens and I know certain people swear by eating several small meals per day. Your post made me think that Chad was one of them. The editors seem to be using the shots of him eating to their advantage--painting a picture of Chad as a guy who does little more than sulks or eats.

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11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

And there was someone with a profile like Bukowski's, either Nick or Chase. So many guys are reminding me of someone else!

I'm pretty sure that was Chase! He's been reminding me of a more attractive version of Bukowski.

10 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Also, I forget who it was, but the really forgettable guy in hour 1 uttered the word "misogyny" when he was dressing Chad down and it blew my mind.

YES, I noticed that, too!! Derek, I think?? I LOVED that "Dude, you've been making some pretty misogynistic comments" was high up on his list of complaints about Chad's behavior.

9 hours ago, PetuniaP said:

Speaking of Luke, I thought it was interesting that he made he sound like he just ended up at West Point when it's incredibly hard to get into that school. Is that supposed to show how humble he is? War veteran isn't really an occupation...I wonder what he really does. And I'm generally not a fan of Botox but I have never wanted to take a needle to someone's face as badly as I did while watching Luke in that hot tub. That forehead wrinkle was driving me crazy. 

They've definitely been having fun with the occupations ("Canadian"?) this season. I've also been noticing the fact that Luke is identified as "War Veteran," while Alex is just "US Marine." I feel like they might as well have tagged Luke "War Hero" and Alex "Also Fought" or something.

8 hours ago, C76 said:

Regarding Chad: I didn't finish watching all of last night's episode, but a part of me thinks he should go home. I don't agree with him resorting to violence. Apart from that, I don't mind his straightforwardness. Overall, though, I keep wondering why Chad's still there. When he said things like how he wasn't going to resort to fawning over JoJo, I thought,"Dude, have you seen this show before?" 

I kind of got the impression that some of the craziness (definitely not the bulk of the craziness, by any means) with Chad was that he was responding to the other guys as if they were in a normal/real world conversation. They were all sitting on the couches, and Luke leaned forward, obviously prompted by a producer, to ask (verbatim), "So, Chad -- if it's you that's going home tomorrow -- WHY do you think it'd be you that's going home tomorrow? What do you think that JoJo needs to know about you that would have her have you stay here?" I feel like Chad responded the way he would if some stranger turned to him in a bar and asked, "So, if your girlfriend is planning to dump you tomorrow, why might she be planning that? What deep emotional truth do you need to reveal about yourself in the next twelve hours to keep that from happening?" Lucille Bluth:



3 hours ago, jade.black said:

Ugh, she's definitely a sporty type. These athletic dates bore me. Definitely calling Jordan as her F1, they seem like a couple already. Plus she keeps chasing him for validation during their talks.

My initial reaction was basically, Well, this is an awful lot of running for something that's supposed to be a fun outing. And the hiking in the woods! That looked legitimately difficult and unpleasant. Life is a rich tapestry and everything, but I would definitely put that on my list of worst date ideas ever.

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Being a jock doesn't always mean stupid though. I imagine most of the guys on the show are average intelligence types, but playing football doesn't make you automatically stupid. My nephew is a college football player and also an honor role student with a high IQ. 

I have to know more about all the guys before I venture a guess on "nobody's home". I keep seeing posts about Luke  being so deep, but all I saw is dull. He could be really smart but who knows. 

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Another ridiculous and entertaining episode of The Bachelorette. Just a few things I took away from the mayhem:

  • I cannot stand Evan. I just can't. Everything from the way he looks to the things he says, to the way he says them, just makes me look forward to the day he gets sent home. 
  • Now that Chad is on his way out, hopefully Alex will find someone else to obsess over (preferably JoJo because...you know...that's why he's there). Of course, him "sending" Chad home on the 2-1 date was a double edged sword. Sure, he gets Chad out of the house -- but Chad was Alex's storyline. I doubt he'll stick around much longer now that the only person who made him relevant is gone. I can't say I'll miss his obnoxiously self-righteous attitude though.
  • I like Luke. I'm not bothered by his serious demeanor or the fact that he doesn't grin manically or vomit rainbows whenever he's around JoJo. I've known men who've served overseas and yes - war changes and hardens people. He mentioned losing a good friend in combat and I wouldn't be surprised if he lost others as well. Based on his story with JoJo (a minuscule glimpse into his past) I'd be hard-pressed to ever call the man "dull."
  • Jordan is the clear front-runner based on his interactions with JoJo, and it makes watching the show a bit less exciting. It's like Ben's season with Lauren.
  • More Wells, please. He's different from the rest of the snooze-fest jocks with their floppy hair-cuts (Chase, Jordan, Robbie), and therefore interesting.
Edited by Koala
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19 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Being a jock doesn't always mean stupid though. I imagine most of the guys on the show are average intelligence types, but playing football doesn't make you automatically stupid. My nephew is a college football player and also an honor role student with a high IQ. 

I have to know more about all the guys before I venture a guess on "nobody's home". I keep seeing posts about Luke  being so deep, but all I saw is dull. He could be really smart but who knows. 

I assume this is partially in response to my post, but my thoughts on Jordan don't have anything to do with being a jock. I don't think he's that bright, but he's hardly alone in that (looking at you, 85% of the remaining men who have actually spoken). Luke isn't remotely attractive to me, either.  Still, JoJo seems really into Jordan, and I've yet to understand why.  Combined with the supposedly controversial exes, I'm lost on his appeal. I keep waiting to see some charisma, some kind of something. But it's early days.  Maybe he'll surprise me, hopefully while eschewing skinny jeans.     

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9 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I assume this is partially in response to my post, but my thoughts on Jordan don't have anything to do with being a jock. I don't think he's that bright, but he's hardly alone in that (looking at you, 85% of the remaining men who have actually spoken). Luke isn't remotely attractive to me, either.  Still, JoJo seems really into Jordan, and I've yet to understand why.  Combined with the supposedly controversial exes, I'm lost on his appeal. I keep waiting to see some charisma, some kind of something. But it's early days.  Maybe he'll surprise me, hopefully while eschewing skinny jeans.     

These guys seem largely forgettable, and largely interchangeable.  

JoJo doesn't strike me as the type who plans on being a Bachelor Nation lifer like Sean and Catherine.

Under those circumstances, why not pick the guy who at least will give you entree to some borderline-interesting celebrities for the short-term you're together?

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I deleted the show, but when Chad came out to join Alex on the blanket while Jojo "thought", didn't he say something like, "I want to hurt you right now, but I'll get in trouble"?  Am I remembering that right?

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Wells reminds me of Jared from Kaitlyn's season. A guy who looks like a little boy next to the massive meathead types but who grows on you. I hope Wells goes to BiP...Jared was much improved in the attractiveness department for me during his BiP season.


Chad is just a junior high boy who never grew out of being too cool for school and making juvenile threats to meet on the playground to assert his masculinity to the other boys. He doesn't know how to relate to men that aren't juiceheads, but he doesn't really know how to talk to women either. He's almost shy with Jojo sometimes. He just overall lacks social skills. I actually hope he finds a good therapist and more importantly, a really good friend. I'm genuinely worried for him as a person but also worried for anyone who crosses his path. Do not at all think he's a producer plant, he's too off the rails.

THIS. He is seriously lacking in social skills and seems determined to be a "loner" when it's clear he needs a good friend. Even though he can be scary when making his threats, I take almost none of them seriously..just like most of the guys do. I think it is because he has a scared little boy quality about him. Not to say that he can't be dangerous but there's a lot of hurt coming up through the threats of violence and I find that I can't ignore it. 

Edited by PetuniaP
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So far I like Wells the best - I think he's one of the most mature in the group. I've only seen two episodes so far, but he impressed me in the firefighter segment because even though he failed and had a physical breakdown, he wasn't humiliated by it, but just laughed at himself and kept on going. He seems very comfortable with himself. I think Alex is cute, too, but I wish he'd get over Chad. He does remind me of Ricky Ricardo. And Daniel still reminds me of Dr. Who/Barty Crouch, Jr. in certain angles.

Ha ha to the pictures of Hermie the Elf and the Abominable Snowman - Jordan DOES look like Hermie! Maybe he's actually a dentist at heart and a football player only because he was pressured into it (ha).

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15 hours ago, backformore said:

YEs, she needs a stylist to give her a haircut that is more flattering.  More layers, definitely.

Anyone heard of Dressing Your Truth? In that system, JoJo is a type 3: hot, edgy. Her hair is type 2: soft, subtle. Type 3s need angular cuts and layers. /end random aside

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 Chad may be cray but he is HOT. His 'roided up body is fire and that sexy glare thing he does....he's just the kind of bad boy every woman lets break her heart at least once.

Not this woman! Violent, veiny, dead-eyed misogynist has never been my cup of tea. I find him completely disgusting. 

As for the other guys, I get why JoJo is into Jordan - he is so very pretty. I don't even mind his hair, but then again I like a little hipster in my guy. He also seemed utterly unintimidated by Chad, which I loved. Although I did respect Derek for saying yes, he is frightened of Chad. That doesn't make him weak - it makes him smart and honest. I like Grant as a person but I can't get past his Dudley Do-Right lantern jaw. Also can't get past Robby's uber-coiffed hair. And don't get my started on Vinny's look - good god that's unattractive. I still think James T. and Wells are cute. 

Clearly Weird Daniel is being kept around for the humor. That tag at the end with Evan was comedy gold. 

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 10:17 PM, leighdear said:

If these were the best 26 guys the casting people could find for the show, I shudder to think about the guys in the reject pile.  This group overall is substandard. 

I can't decide which group is lesser attractive - JoJo's or Ashley's.  JoJo seems like a nice lady.  I think she is one of our better Bachelorettes.  It's unfortunate that she doesn't have Jillian's caliber of guys.  At the moment, I can't see any of them being the next Bachelor.  I hope we don't end up with another Ben.

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5 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I can't decide which group is lesser attractive - JoJo's or Ashley's.  JoJo seems like a nice lady.  I think she is one of our better Bachelorettes.  It's unfortunate that she doesn't have Jillian's caliber of guys.  At the moment, I can't see any of them being the next Bachelor.  I hope we don't end up with another Ben.

I think it's a bit hard to say that collectively this cast is a dud.  Too each their own, right?  I have always wondered if the Bachelor/ette gets to give approval of who gets to be on the show.  So maybe this is JoJo's type.  I wouldn't call them ugly by any means.  Chad's face (and perhaps body for some) may be physically attractive, but his personality is completely ugly.  I'd say the only one who doesn't make the stereotypical Bachelorette "bar" of attractiveness/swipe rightness would be rat faced scrawny Evan.

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Don't those who aspire go to West Point usually go with the idea of being career military?  But Luke's just playing in a band?  I agree, he definitely had to have connections.  Either his parents own the King ranch ( are they still there?)  or his Dad was big time military.   He didn''t just fall into West Point.  I would guess you needed to show  interest in the military for years before ,like ROTC thru high school, or attending a military school for high school

Well, in the first episode, it appeared to me that Luke comes from Texas Ranch (and maybe oil?) money. That can lead to connections that will get you the necessary endorsements to go to USMA (West Point). Now, did he actually graduate and commission out of there? We know he commissioned because he stated that he was an officer but I didn't see where it actually said he was USMA grad.

When one graduates and commissions out of there, there are certain obligations. One is an ADSO (active duty service obligation) and that is usually 4 years. You promote at 18 months to 1LT and then @ 24 months later to CPT depending upon board convene dates and needs of the Army. After that initial 4 years, provided that the officer is maintaining pace with his/her peers, the officer can remain in service or that can then assess into the USAR (Reserve) or the ARNGUS (Army National Guard). It sounds like the latter is the course of action he chose to take. From there, he has a choice of drilling a Reserve or National Guard unit and keep participating or he can go into the IRR where one usually doesn't go out of their way to hit career milestones for additional promotion or military educational opportunities. Then after another 4 years, you can be discharged.

Edited by asuwur
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So they make an exception for the guy to go back to the house even after he is eliminated - and they make this exception for the one unstable, violent contestant they've had in recent years?! Good job show!

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