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S06.E22: Reunion Part 2

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1 hour ago, FlyingEgret said:

I loved Kyle explaining why she dressed the way she did at the non-BBQ - just like the rest of us, if she isn't feeling comfortable in jeans she won't wear them - I wonder if Erika Jayne ever felt fat/bloated/etc in one of her cat suits - it's bound to happen at some point, right???

Haha - I never thought that BBQ was a big deal - they were dressed in all different levels of casual.  And I've certainly done the dress thing, with tight pants littering my floor.  But of course old Yo was there with a handy lecture for Kyle - made me long for her malingering at previous reunions.

1 hour ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

2nd post--hopefully it won't get eaten like my first one....First off-Thank GOOOOOODDDDDD the site is back up. I felt like my right arm was gone yesterday. I wanted to talk Southern Charm and Reunion! I went straight from TWOP to here so yesterday was traumatic ya'll traumatic I say!

Uh-hum.........Eileen-Your a crap actress. You're faces and voice at the reunion were just cringe worthy. And STFU. NOBODY cares...You can't MAKE somebody apologize when they don't think they need to. Drop it. You just look crazy and mean.

LisaR-What is wrong with her????? Sitting there shrieking like a parrot on Adderall I did it I did it I did it. WTF?

Could Erika look more bored?

Yes let's all kneel if front of the Goddess of Suffering....Oh dear God....I almost threw up.That is actually what Yo has wanted since Day 1---For everyone to kneel in front of her and tell her how sorry they were. She was eating that up! And seriously? I want to meet the people who live in a van by the river because they have lyme disease. What a bunch of hooey.

I wondered if "selling their homes to live in a van" was code for "selling Malibu mansions to live in small condos" ;)  This is what irritates me on this show and in real life - when people can say whatever nonsense they please but it's considered bad manners to point out that they are full of crap.

32 minutes ago, Vicky8675309 said:

I can't figure out who I dislike more after Yolanda. I'm equally split between Eileen and Rinna but I think Eileen is nudging out Rinna now that I realize (hey, it automatically but in the hypen and wrapped it around) Rinna and Eileen talked about Munchie long before their fake ass beach scene. 

I hope two of the three are gone next season. I can't see them getting rid of Erika, Yo, Rinna and Eileen but maybe they can get rid of Eileen and Yo.....at least Yo or Eileen. I want to watch next season but I can't if they keep them all or if bg comes back

I wish!  But I was pretty sure that after her performance tonight, and her getting everyone to genuflect at her feet, that we're stuck with her again next year.  Where she'll be on hand to lecture everyone and have "relapses" when they talk back.

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Thank the TV gods this forum is back up. I didn't know what to do with myself yesterday. They should have known better than to schedule downtime during a RH reunion. So glad to see everyone again. 

LVP has her faults to be sure but one thing I really appreciate about her is that she rarely, if ever, bulldozes over people. She doesn't interrupt much and when she does if someone asks her to let them finish she stops immediately and let's them speak. The problem is that when it's her turn to speak the others almost always talk right over her (Lisar I'm looking at you the hardest) and it's frustrating to me as a viewer not only because it's annoying but because I want to hear what LVP has to say. 

Eileen feels vindicated? Was she watching the same clips I was? LVP's first apology wasn't great (the dismissive laugh betrayed her insincerity and she was apologizing for the wrong thing) but her subsequent apologies were sufficient. It's clear she doesn't think she did anything wrong but she was sorry Eileen was offended. This is the best you're going to get when someone doesn't think they're wrong. I didn't see insincerity from LVP. She was quite honest about how she felt and her apologies showed it. What was really frustrating was Eileen not taking accountability for saying that she and LVP were good and pretending to move on. She acts like LVP should have known that Eileen was still bothered despite her saying after each encounter that she was fine. 

I think I threw up a little in my mouth when everyone started apologizing and sympaizing with Yolanda. They're giving her exactly what she wants and exactly what most viewers don't want. Where is Megan PI when you need her? I never thought I'd say that. Although I doubt she would take on Yolanda. If Yolanda comes back and I'm sure she will I hope they bring on a new housewife who is willing to take her down. LVP won't do it directly and because of her friendship with Mohamed, fractured as it is, I don't think she'll do it indirectly either. I hope she and Mo are able to patch things up not only for the sake of a decades long friendship but also to wipe the smug look off Yolanda's face. 

Kim came across very well this reunion. Her acting skills are better than I thought. We know she hasn't changed because she's revealing her true nature on that other reality show with her daughter. I don't watch it but I've heard what others are saying and it sounds just like Kim from last season. I'm glad she and Kyle are moving on so long as Kyle is able to keep healthy boundaries between them in the future. I thought Kathryn was sincerely moved by Kim and did truly wish her well. Eileen and Lisar were beyond insincere, particularly Lisar. Her speech about wishing Kim well was so phony it made my skin crawl. 

Did is anyone see LVP's response to the reunion on her Facebook page? I wonder what it means that she didn't post it on Bravo's blog page. 

Edited by glowbug
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I love that Andy compared her to Mark Rubio, with her talking points. I find her inability to keep her butt in her seat odd. It really seems like she has no impulse control. 

It is hilarious how she just flings herself into the middle of whatever drama is going on, even if it contradicts her previous drama. She did that with Kim all year on the show where she wanted to both be the person who understood and cared about her the most and loved her and the person who was her biggest victim and was scared of her and saw she was a monster. Then it was wanting to bring up the Munchhausen's idea, then do a big mea culpa for the Munchhausen's idea, then accuse Yolanda of manipulating her, then accuse LisaV of making her say Yolanda manipulated her.

When she got up because LisaV kept "talking in circles" I was like wow, that's rich coming from you of all people. Much like Eileen saying LisaV manipulates after spending so much time scolding LisaR for not saying what Eileen wanted her to on air.

It really did make me appreciate Kyle's attitude about Lisa. Yes, they're right. LisaV no doubt is somebody who enthusiastically talks about stuff on camera but is not going to back you up onscreen. She gets it and forgives her for it. LisaR and Eileen are still stuck trying to get LisaV to "own" basically that she likes to gossip when the cameras aren't on in such a way that makes her responsible for things they do. If LisaR just said "Oh, Lisa and Kyle are fine with laughing about this stuff off-camera" she'd probably do better than trying to basically say, "But I thought if I made this into a thing on camera you'd be my wingman and then...you weren't! Which makes it your fault that I said it!"

Yolanda was so annoying with her "why aren't you more compassionate?" spiel. Right now Kim and Brandi are her current "dream team" with the hearts on the placecards so suddenly everything the three of them do is just them in pain. Anything anybody else does is just them being cruel and callous. Kathryn herself said that her father died when she was like 13 when she wanted to have a father for a hero, so while it's nice of her to support Kim's struggles in general you can't really expect people who have to deal with Kim to treat her like Kathryn treats the ghost of her father. You can want someone to get well and still react like a regular human to their everyday behavior.

Oh, and also, even if Yolanda doesn't buy that Kyle had any actual concern for her kids, it's beyond annoying hearing her pretend to not understand how somebody might ask "And what's going on with the kids?" after Yolanda's vague, general "The kids are suffering terribly with this disease for 2 years." It was just so frustrating her saying "But I'd already told you what was going on with them!" as if Kyle bringing it up later proved she didn't believe Yolanda when in fact it more implies that Kyle did believe what Yolanda said since she was asking about how the kids were dealing with their terrible Lyme disease.

Also Eileen's focus on that convo with LisaV comes dangerously close to giving LisaV a window to say something like, "I'm sorry I asked about how you asked your husband like it was any other relationship. I didn't realize you still had guilt and shame over the fact you cheated." Because that's kind of what it comes down to. LisaV made her feel uncomfortable because she was getting into the nitty gritty of the cheating. 

Edited by sistermagpie
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Kim and Yo are quite the pair. What's the attraction with these two? Kim was on this season all of two minutes, and yet she is invited to the reunion. I don't care what she has to say. Rinna was a pain in the ass this season and reunion but why is she the one making nicey nice with Kim? Has Kim apologized yet for trying to start all that unfounded shit about Harry? 

You drunkenly  start slinging ugly and hurtful rumors and lies about my husband on national TV and don't ever apologize for doing so, you can count on the fact that you will pretty much be dead to me. 

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If Lisa V is so manipulative then why couldn't she fib her way to the kind of apology that Eileen so desperately wanted? She's tried about 18 different versions (at least 3 last night) and looked, to me anyway, genuinely clueless about what to say or do -- like she sincerely didn't understand what Eileen was asking for.  Isn't chapter one in the Manipulator's Handbook knowing how to read people and then giving them what they want (as a precurser to get them to do your bidding)?

She's manipulative, but just not very good at it?  

Edited by Jel
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Glad to see everyone back!

I rolled my eyes so hard I gave myself a headache when they were all surrounding Yo with their fake ass sympathy! 

I was always on Rinna's side until this season. She made an ass out of herself by trying to blame LVP on encouraging her to say Munchhausen. She's a grown woman who can make her own desicions. She really was desperate for airtime. 

Too much dim Kim. If you want to keep your recovery private stop doing reality TV shows! 

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54 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I don't recall which clips they showed, but I don't doubt that they edit the clips when they edit the reunion.  Anyway, we know that after Kyle coached LVP in the apology, and Eileen seemed to genuinely receive the apology, LVP then told Kyle that she wasn't truly sorry.   I'm beyond over this entire story, and I'm beyond attempting to explain why this negates each and every LVP apology.  I feel a detailed diagram would not lead some to the so-called "vindication".  I have my issues with both women, but I get frustrated beyond words at this entire situation.

If Eileen would have brought up that arguably funny moment LVP said to Kyle that she wasn't sorry and said, I just give up and laughed about it she would have come off more sympathetic. Even soap opera characters have resolution to storylines. HWs often lose the battle with viewers when they battle slights as a blood sport. Eileen, as the song says, Let it Go...

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Rinna spoke over everyone constantly.  She wouldn't even wait for a question that she posed to be answered.  Eileen was no slouch on that either. 

I wanted to hear LVP talk about more about her relationship with Mohammed and no one allowed her to finish the one sentence she started on that!   Had Eileen given her enough rope to respond to the apology issue it would have served her.  Watching LVP feign innocence as to what Eileen meant was phony and everyone knew that.  I am an LVP fan but that was just ridiculous.  "I am sorry I reacted"  Oh come on.  You are smarter than that.  

I think LisaV did try and do a more "sincere" apology last night but once again, as you said, they talked over her and so she made it short on purpose which made it sound insincere one again.

53 minutes ago, nc socialworker said:

I thought Kathyrn's choked up reaction to Kim was touching. It was funny when Lisar jumped on the wishing Kim well train she was all smiles then when Kim questioned her, she got angry very quickly. Her emotions certainly are labile. She really come off not emotionally stable. 

I have to point this out as it has been bugging me. When Rinna went on about her sister being an addict and overdosing it made question exactly how much she even remembers about that time. She was only 6 or 7 years old when she died and according to her, her parents weren't the type to wallow or over talk anything. Sooooo, exactly how much of an impact did this have on her actual day to day life growing up, did her sister even live with the family as an active addict or is this just another reason she is using to excuse her own behavior towards Kim? Don't get me wrong, Kim was out of control last season but Rinna is "using" her sisters death so that the others don't call her out on her own OTT ugly behavior like she did her father not allowing her to express her feelings last reunion.

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Having seen Kim's context of saying 'this is not a soap opera' I actually agree with her. Eileen, like LR seem to exaggerate but they do it in different ways. LR exaggerates stories, Eileen exaggerates speech and reactions. The funniest thing was that she had exaggerated reactions to a few instances on that reunion alone. Her reaction to Kim's comment was a soap opera style reaction. Her reaction to LVP saying 'I thought we were good' was soap opera style reaction. Another time that jumped out at me is when she responded to someone by saying 'how dare you'. Everything about the words, tone and directness was like a scene out of a soap opera, as if she were delivering a line, lol.

"This isn't a soap opera". Personally, I would have taken that remark by Kim as being very condescending and dismissive. I would have been insulted if she said that to me. Eileen is a big girl, all grown up and matured. She doesn't believe that this show is the same as her soap opera. Lisa Vanderpump is just unable to own up to her faults. She simply doesn't have that gene inside of her to be able to show humility. It was very simple from the time they were in the Hamptons and the questioning by Lisa. All she had to do is say "I'm sorry if my questions were too personal. It wasn't my purpose to hurt you but apparently I did, and I'm very sorry for that. Please accept my apology."  Look at how easy that would have been. Instead she says; "I'm sorry I asked you too many questions". That's not an apology for hurting her, that's an apology for asking questions. I feel that Lisa Vanderpump was finally, for the very first time since this series began, exposed as the person that's at the core of most of the difficulties this year.

Edited by HumblePi
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Oh thank goodness the board is back. I am so backed up with snarky commentary for so many shows, that I would've needed a colonic in another 10 minutes. Format is gonna take some getting used to (it all looks like multi-layer quotes to me right now) but some of the new features already seem cool. 

Damn, the curse of sophomore year of HW continues. Eileen isn't the only one who feels vindicated because so do I. I felt like the cheese who stood alone (or with few) when it came to not liking LisaR last season. I always, always felt like she was way too much in Kim's business. I agree with Yolanda (please send help) LisaR just lacked a sincerity and empathy in that situation, which is not to say that addicts should be coddled at the expense of those they are hurting but Lisar was all attack, all the time when she had already been told to shut her piehole. She reminded me of the cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadephia, whose idea of an intervention was getting to berate, belittle and roast the addict at will and have it co-signed by others.  

I can't even with the Munchausen shit no more. Got me feeling like Bravo, Andy and the HW are Munchausen by proxy-ing my ass with this mess. I don't care.

LisaR, even if for the sake of argument, is she is 100% right and LVP is guilty of everything, that doesn't negate that LisaR made a conscious choice to bring up the topic that shouldn't be named. Also, admitting you brought it up but LVP made you is not owning up to your shit! 

I don't know who Mark Rubio is but if he is comparable to Lisar, I don't want to know.

I think Erika has got everyone's number. I think her and LVP are alot alike which is way they bumped heads at the beginning. She is not an innate sharer but unlike LVP she isn't eager to make others share their shit, but please see above. Her ass is grass next season. 

LVP is really quite something. I read her final blog which made everyone think she is gone next season but I will believe that shit when I see it. She will be buoyed by her online support and be back. AS USUAL. 

Gawd help me and I am prepared to be internet stoned but LVP's getting choked up and finding it impossible to talk about her abuse just seemed odd to me. Not saying she was or wasn't abuse but that reaction seemed more like being surprised to asked to elaborate and her trying to stall and come up with something. I'll see myself out. 

Edited by islandgal140
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I know the previews for the reunion are always edited to mislead, but I knew LVP wouldn't be tearing up for anyone but herself.  It did touch me though.  It would seem that Rinna wasn't the only one raised to be afraid of her feelings.

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Lisa Vanderpump's blog is up on bravotv.com. It very neatly explains the phone calls to Rinna. 

Ever since Lisa RInna threw down and shattered a glass in a public restaurant in Holland by feelings about her have changed. That was completely unexceptable and she was lucky there were no serious consequences. Her "caring looks" come across as so phony and talk show ready.When Yolanda said she didn't trust them ( the girls) and RInna answers she wants to help her be open. Yuck !! Really. She has had enough of your help. Then running over to comfort Yolanda she she is the source of most of her discomfort, again yuck. 

There is a lot I like about Eileen but I have no doubt she as a great manipulator this season . And, she was successful in getting Rinna all twisted up. Eileen calls herself a fixer but actually, she is just sticking her nose in others business. If someone confides in her something they are  disturbed about, she immediately brings it out into the open. No secrets. But this is also a form of manipulating people into a conversation or confrontation they did not want. She pushes it.

Yolanda, I believe she has a chronic illness and is trying to get better. Whatever she has to do to achieve a better place, I am all for it. But she should accept and expect people to tire of it sometimes. Doesn't mean they don't believe or support her. But, she is not family and sometimes more energy is reserved for family.

Kyle, keeping very quiet this year. Doing more observing and processing than speaking out. Interesting tact.

Kathrine, ended up liking her very much.

OK, this can all change next week !

Edited by missyb
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Andy needs to learn the phrase, "let her finish."  He is there to moderate and steer the ship, so take charge for fuck sake.  

I had to laugh seeing everyone at Yo's feet or holding her hand.  No one was sincere.  Their intent was to put an end to M and all else pertaining to her batshittery.  Kudos, ladies, let's hope it worked.    

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28 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

It would certainly explain why when Eileen walked into Vanderpump Manor after the M bomb was dropped she sensed something was wrong.  It sounded to me like Eileen and Rinna thought they could get the storyline up and running about Yo and de Munch and then later sit back and point fingers at Kyle and LVP.  The longer we hear about Munchausen the more details emerge.  I do believe that Rinna wanted to go in ugly and early with the M bomb and Yolanda failed to cooperate by not granting Rinna an immediate audience, so she could get out early and wash her hands of it.  Rinna posed the Munchausen's comment a something she felt guilty having listened to, thereby making it fairly impossible for either LVP or Kyle to defend  Yolanda.  To me, it seemed Rinna was itching for either Kyle or LVP to indicate they thought all of Yolanda symptoms were being faked and that wasn't going to happen.

I personally don't think Eileen was on board with promoting a fake illness but I also think that Eileen may have thought that the mention of M would fall on LVP and Kyle and perhaps didn't do as much to dissuade it as she would have it she had known what the fallout would be for her friend LR. This is how I see think things shook down:

- LR discussed M with Kyle separately, Kyle and LVP together and Eileen separately. LR was relaying all of her conversations to Eileen. Now if you're friend is relaying conversations with you that give you pause, would you bring that to their attention and tell them to be careful? Wouldn't you both later on corroborate your story to say 'hey Eileen warned me'. The only reason they haven't done this is because Eileen didn't warn LR at the time OR they don't want to directly admit that Eileen was also involved in the M conversation before filming, separate from the LR/Kyle/LVP conversations.

-Once LR sees the reaction LVP and Kyle gave her on camera, she goes back to Eileen. Eileen decides to discuss it with Yolanda first because LR and Yolanda aren't on the best of terms. Eileen being the involved cheerleader she is wants to soften the blow and plead LR's case beforehand in hopes that Yolanda would go easy on LR. Then Eileen tells LR to speak to Yolanda after the fact after she's attempted her damage control.  

-Then the affair inquisition happened; Eileen gets offended and immediately questions LVP's intentions because of everything she's heard from LR. Eileen uses this offense to now ramp it up and start being very vocal with LR using terminology and encouraging LR to speak out.

-LR first tries to dig herself out of the hole without attacking because at this point, she's still friends with both Eileen and LVP. So she begins using soft prompts and terminology to insinuate equal blame on Kyle and LVP for having the discussions. Both keep the same story and say that they never entertained the possibility of Yolanda having M. Now LR is starting to get mad because in her mind, talking about Yolanda's selfies and degree of illness is the same as talking about a conversation that suggests that someone is making up their illness for attention.

-Now LR has totally bought into Eileen's guidance and goes for the throat but she suddenly moves her fixation from Kyle/LVP to just LVP, officially recalling every little word said to her (repeated via her own interpretation of the word, tone and all) to suggest that she's a meek sheep who was manipulated into doing something she didn't want to do but felt she had to do.

This is LR's biography on OWNING IT.

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Yolanda wasn't fucking there when Kim was high as a kite at Eileen's last year!  How can she say "you were being insensitive to her".  I would had too!  Kim came to someone else's home high and being erratic.  Eileen had every right to be pissed about that and I support her til this day about that.  I would love for Kim to show up to Yoda's home and be high and erratic and see how she takes it.  Nevertheless, this was Lemonlymes trying to score brownie points with the audience and Kim's adoring fanbase. 

Ugh I just want her off this damn show.  I'm sick of her "i needed your support" but then she spins and says "do I look helpless" ... well hell you sure been parading around like you have for the last 4 seasons!  Just last week you was mad Kyle wasn't supportive enough or your backbone when you and your illness was the major storyline.  It's like enough! 

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IF everyone is so intent on "Owning It", I want to see a pink slip or two.


I wanted to kick the TV in when whoever it was went over and knelt in front of Ms Munchausen. No one asked or challenged her - not about being 'visibly sick from invisible' shit - but about her wacko smacko  treatments. (I did love the poptart/jiffy pop tent she set up in the house.)

Kadooze to the OCee gang for at least knowing how to use the interwebz and a cell phone to flush Brooks out of the weeds - this Hills group couldn't follow GPS instructions on a one-way street. Out of all the franchises, this bunch has to be the most bereft of common sense, courtesy and smarts.

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I don't know who Marco Rubio is but if he is comparable to Lisar, I don't want to know.

The Rubio crack was excellent.  Andy was simply pointing out the obvious about LisaR that she has a story for everything and why she does what she does on this show.  LisaR must be feeling special she's collecting a series of nicknames - Lipsa, Sudsy, and now Rubio.

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I have no idea what's so wrong about LisaV's coached apology. She clearly didn't know what she needed to say to make things right. Kyle told her, they worked through it, she used it on Eileen, and things were better.


What is the problem?  And how do repeated terrible non-apologies make LisaV manipulative?  She's not manipulative just because you can't gather your  thoughts in a cogent manner, Eileen.

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I'm not understanding why its so wrong for Yolanda to be emotional about what she saw and how they talked about her. Throughtout the season the talk of Yolanda wasn't all that positive. I mean I'll concede and "agree" that what was said wasn't "she's not sick, her kids are not sick" ver batim but there were numerous things said about Yolanda IN CONNECTION with her illness that were far from sensitive or positive. That would be enough for me to be upset and hurt. Why is it that there's this list of what she's NOT allowed to be emotional about and her emotional reactions need to be in a specific context to what was "actually" said. I mean how do you even determine where her emotions are coming from? She's having a general reactions to it all. In the midst of her tears she mentions a few things and although some of what she's siting as the cause for tears have been up for debate does that mean she needs to suck those particular tears back into her eyes and then allow them to fall once she explains the next few tears are for the comments referring to her sick selfies/happy selfies and how that made her feel bad? Come on. I don't think there's anything wrong with Yolanda feeling bad because she saw, as well as I did, some of these woman gossiping here and there about her disease. And its not for HER to make excuses for them or minimize how it made her feel or try to see it in different lights for THEIR benefit. Why should she deny her feelings for things they actually did? Or try to brush it off as something minor if it didn't feel minor to her? I wouldn't have and I felt hurt for Yolanda so that goes to show that their behavior wasn't completely benign if others felt the sting of their words as well. Their hurtful actions is not something made up by Yolanda. I think it's a genuine reaction to genuinely shitty actions.  Kathryn said it best in her blog:

"I think the whole thing is so unfortunate and there is a moral to the story...there's always a moral to the story. This one being that if no one got involved in talking about Yolanda's illness in the first place, none of this would have happened."

That's been my point all along. There was some talk and some of it not that supportive and even if it didn't reach the heinous level that some needed it to reach before "approving" Yolanda's reactions doesn't mean it didn't reach a hurtful level. I personally think it did. Without a doubt. So I say Yolanda has a right to her feelings about it all and has a right to voice her disappointment with how messy the women got when handling HER illness on camera all season. It's really not that outlandish to me at all. <shrug>

Edited by Yours Truly
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1 hour ago, tenativelyyours said:

Ugh.  Way too much complaining by Rinna and Eileen on how their poor little fingers hurt so much from having to hold their noses.  Well maybe the smell of shit wouldn't be such a bother if you didn't go out of your way to keep stirring it?!

I actually did not mind the groveling at Yoolander's feet.  She is almost one of the stupidest of any casts when you actually listen to what she says.  No matter how canny she is in life to claw her way to where she is.  The fall is going to be farther and harder and all this did was give E! more video to run when her batch of huge lies and smaller omissions finally break.  That or she and her celebutant daughters will have run out of basic cable shows to try and elevate their status with and have to settle for simply marrying for their more money and no one will give a shit about them.  I wonder which will be more bitter.  Yoolander being seen as the lying manipulative Brooks 2.0 or the fact that no one cares?  Either way I hope it hurts as hard as the pain she pretends to have for attention.  I hope it hurts really really hard.  Though after last night I get a strong sense waking up knowing she is just another day older and an accessory to fame rather than the actual motivation for it probably jabs deeper than Daisy can shove a hose up her ass daily.

Oh Yoolander.  Those harpies you want so obedient to your sick malingering fanstasies?  Are going to tear you more new ones than Daisy can Doodle all the live long day when that time comes.  And it will.  You can't throw out all those lies and make others bow to them and not have to pay in the end.  And these women?  Eileen helped muddy the waters for you handily.  That's not going to last.  Yoolander has done nothing but make sure these are nothing but Hollywood friends.    For all her manipulation that has worked so far, she really is outclassed by this bunch.  Even Erika who seems to have put her brain on pause once she said 'I Do' and 'Pat that Puss', will never go down with the SS Liar Yoolander if the show is still going on.   I'm not even sure Sicky McSickerson can count on Erika for a second season now Erika has her foot in that casting door. 

I was just thinking how unfair it was that Yo is still semi-believed on her bullshit while Brooks got raked over coals. His lies don´t even compare and I just hope some day Yolanda´s fall will be long and painful. There is no way Yolanda ever had LD or CLD, it becomes obvious for everyone who reads up on the symptoms. I guess this season just lacked a visit from a psychic to tell them Yo is all lies all the time.

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3 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Oh, man. This felt like "second verse, worse than the first."

Truer words were never spoken!  It might have been a snoozer, but Rinna saved the day, if that's the way you want to look at it.  Last year, at her freshman reunion, Rina only stood, did the shimmy, moved her butt around a few times, and pointed at Kim, while screeching.  This year, her second, obviously thinking she was now star of the show, Rinna got up from her seat, strode from stage right to stage left and back again, all the while exhorting someone about something.  For good measure and to keep the cameramen on their toes, she repeated her performance a few minutes later.  All the while, Andy sat there smiling and fascinated.  I wish that Rinna had kept walking and shut the door behind her.  No wonder Harry is so quiet.  He can't get a word in edgewise.

Edited by Lura
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Lisa's face when Lisar piped up and said "me too!" in the Kim sympathy segment, you could practically see her panicking about having to work up some tears. Then Lisar was Lisar. 


Kim impersonating Eileen's "Girls! Girls!" Was spot on. 

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Marco Rubio is one of the Housewives from the District of Columbia franchise..

I hope that was sarcasm.

LVP's blog was brillant.  I actually wish she would've come ut guns blazing at the reunion.  Not her style though. 

I understand why Rinna wants to pin blame on someone other than herself.  I also understand that Yolanda will likely never be close to LVP due to Mohamed.  What I don't understand is Eileen's issue with LVP.  She is definitely like a dog with a bone.  She will not let it go and keeps moving the goalposts to a resolution.  Let it go.

Good to see Kyle & Kim in a good place.  Kyle's dress was pretty when she was sitting down but I didn't care for it much once I saw her standing.  Her make-up was on point though, as it was for all of them.  Good styling this reunion.



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From Eileen's blog:


Kyle saying that Lisa V. didn’t mean it maliciously is a joke, especially considering the way Lisa V. has been malicious to Kyle for years. The tabloid that Brandi said Lisa V. “suggested” she pack in her bag in Puerto Rico saying Mauricio was cheating on Kyle comes to mind. 

I find it really interesting that Eileen now believes Brandi about the tabloids. I stand by my opinion that Brandi is a terrible messenger that generally has the right message.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I feel bad for Eileen.  I think that every woman in America and some men have been in her shoes.  LVP is never, ever going to get what she is saying- not for all the dogs, swans and miniature horses in the world.  She just isn't wired that way for better or for worst- IMHO, for worst since I get where Eileen is coming from.   Eileen will just be be pissed forever and LVP will think she's a tad daft forever. 

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I fell in love with LVP a little more....I was dying when LVP would just randomly rephrase her apology and then it would come up flat.  It was like she was a contestant in a quiz show, trying to get the proper sequence in the wording.  She's say something, wait for a response, then shake her head like "no"?  LMAO

Eileen, you were my first girl crush from way back when on Y&R.  I've given you every possible break to like you, and I just can't.  Let it go.  You had an affair, no one really cares, get over it.  Or maybe its YOU that can't get over the fact of having "an affair" [get the pearls out of your hand]

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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I don't know if what we're shown is cut down--or rather, how and where it's cut down--but I couldn't help but feel like Lisa Rinna just had to walk away not because she was just ever so upset, but because she saw all the attention Yolanda got for doing so a minute earlier (or what appeared to be a minute earlier).

Also, if I never hear "own it" in this context again, it will be too soon. Shut up!

Edited by TattleTeeny
I forgot to say how much I hate "own it"!
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2 hours ago, KFC said:

While I do think Eileen should have dropped it, I saw what she did in those "apologies." LVP never really apologized.

She'd always twist the apology back around to make it Eileen's fault. "I'm sorry YOU are the problem" was basically what it always boiled down to, and I think that's what she was referencing in feeling vindicated. 

I don't think saying "I'm sorry YOU were upset" is blaming Eileen.  It's the type of apology you give when you don't think you are wrong, but feel the need to apologize to calm things down.  And as LVP doesn't think what she asked was "wrong," that was the best apology Eileen was ever going to get (which LVP confirmed when she later said she didn't mean it but felt she needed to say it).    Now Eileen can always decide not to accept the apology, except that she did accept it, at least at first.

this isn't the first time someone has given the "I'm sorry you were hurt\took my statement wrong/etc. apology.  Sometimes it has to be done to get the issue resolved.

Ultimately, Eileen was the first person to talk about how the and Vinnie broke up 2 marriages to be together.  It's not something to be proud of, or to expect people to understand.

Edited by Mrs peel
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Kim is an alcoholic, but she is also a huge entitled mean asshole.  She has some nerve coming out and giving her snotty opinions on how other people behaved on the show this season knowing the history of her own messy embarrassing behavior.  She has absolutely zero self-awareness or humility.  If this were any of the other franchises, they would have laid her low for opening her mouth to judge/mock Eileen.

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I think Eileen continues to come off as a weirdo, especially in her latest blog post.  She's made something so trivial into a major event. Seriously, if she had just left it with a "Harumph, didn't that apology seem fake" and then moved LVP to arms length trust position (where a kind of stranger should be anyway) then all would have been well.  Now, it's bordering on an obsessive looking hate campaign, with Rinna and ED and Erika (for some reason!?) and kinda sorta Yolanda, against Lisa Vanderpump over something so very unimportant in the great scheme of things.  The way I see it, Eileen is the one with the nefarious agenda here, not Lisa V.  

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41 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I'm not understanding why its so wrong for Yolanda to be emotional about what she saw and how they talked about her. Throughtout the season the talk of Yolanda wasn't all that positive. I mean I'll concede and "agree" that what was said wasn't "she's not sick, her kids are not sick" ver batim but there were numerous things said about Yolanda IN CONNECTION with her illness that were far from sensitive or positive. That would be enough for me to be upset and hurt. Why is it that there's this list of what she's NOT allowed to be emotional about and you emotional reactions need to be in a specific context to what was actually the case. I mean how do you even determine where her emotions are coming from? She's having a general reactions to it all. In the midst of her tears she mentions a few things and although some of what she's siting as the cause for tears have been up for debate does that mean she needs to suck those particular tears back into her eyes and then allow them to fall once she explains the next few tears are for the comments referring to her sick selfies/happy selfies and how that made her feel bad? Come on. I don't think there's anything wrong with Yolanda feeling bad because she saw, as well as I did, some of these woman gossiping here and there about her disease. And its not for HER to make excuses for them or minimize how it made her feel or try to see it in different lights for THEIR benefit. Why should she deny her feelings for things they actually did? Or try to brush it off as something minor if it didn't feel minor to her? I wouldn't have and I felt hurt for Yolanda so that goes to show that their behavior wasn't completely benign if others felt the sting of their words as well. Their hurtful actions is not something made up by Yolanda. I think it's a genuine reaction to genuinely shitty actions.  Kathryn said it best in her blog:

"I think the whole thing is so unfortunate and there is a moral to the story...there's always a moral to the story. This one being that if no one got involved in talking about Yolanda's illness in the first place, none of this would have happened."

That's been my point all along. There was some talk and some of it not that supportive and even if it didn't reach the heinous level that some needed it to reach before "approving" Yolanda's reactions doesn't mean it didn't reach a hurtful level. I personally think it did. Without a doubt. So I say Yolanda has a right to her feelings about it all and has a right to voice her disappointment with how messy the women got when handling HER illness on camera all season. It's really not that outlandish to me at all. <shrug>

I'm just as tired as the next person of Yolanda and Lyme, but I found her reactions genuine.  I especially bought her reaction in part one when LVP said Ken didn't say she looked terrible "to her face" (that would be gauche, darling).  I actually snickered at that one.

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Jel I agree. Then you hear Elieen whispering to Katherine " I know you don't beleive it, but she started it".  Elieen take a look at yourself , you have Brandi giving you " you go girl" on Twitter and the even Kim is calling you out. It's time for some self reflection on your reality TV career.

Edited by nc socialworker
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4 minutes ago, nc socialworker said:

Jel I agree. Then you hear Elieen whispering to Katherine " I know you don't beleive it, but she stated it".  Elieen take a look at yourself , you have Brandi giving you " you go girl" on Twitter and the even Kim is calling you out. It's time for some self reflection on your reality TV career.

Right!? When Brandi cheers you on, you really have to take a look at your position.  

At first I thought Eileen was maybe overly sensitive. Now, I think it's a little more because she sure is balls to the wall when it comes to attacking Lisa, and sensitive people are usually, well, a little more sensitive.

She needs to stop because it's really not a good look, and the more she goes at it the worse she comes across. Rinna is a complete write off - 100% the new Brandi. Give her one more year and she might even out Brandi Brandi.

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White Owl, you certainly called it in predicting how disappointing this reunion would be. 

The usual nonsense irritated me. Every time Yolanda opened her mouth I would either roll my eyes, gag, or have to stop myself from hissing at the screen. Gah, and there's no chance at all that she's going away. Fuck!

Andy, you suck as a moderator and never ask the good questions. A perfect example is the one question Yolanda gets about inconsistencies in her bullshit "journey". There are so many other things they could have talked about regarding her lies and inconsistencies and multiple instances of ridiculous timeline claims but the only person who has the nerve to brush up against the inconsistencies is LVP and she had next to no support because everyone is afraid of being labeled as a person who has a lack of compassion for someone who is supposedly sick. I appreciated Kyle defending herself a little by saying she didn't think there was anything wrong with asking about Bella and Anwar, but these moments were few and far between. When they all crowded around Yolanda to show their support and gave that miserable shrew 'her moment' where she was basking in the center of attention--I'm amazed that I was able to control my gag reflex. 

Yolanda is so full of shit when she wants to pretend to be the one who wouldn't throw somebody under the bus for the sake of a reality show. I don't have time to do the complete list but here's a sampling: She outed herself as a liar in her first season on the show and had no problem throwing Kyle under the bus at multiple points. She certainly wasn't owning up to being bothered by any of LVP's supposed machinations back then. This is a woman who had no qualms about accusing a so-called friend on national TV that he got physical with her even though the cameras showed her to be a complete liar who was making ridiculous claims for the sake of the cameras. 

Yolanda wants to pretend like she's Kim's number one cheerleader but I haven't forgotten the way Yolanda (understandably IMO) didn't have patience for Kim's lies and flakey bullshit. Kim was angry at Yolanda for implying that she wasn't okay and that she was back into old habits. It brought up the usual "Where's Kim?" dialogue that Kim says offends her and Kim felt that Yolanda was being insensitive to her. Yolanda wants allies and Kim needs them. Yo clearly wants Brandi and Kim back on the show and it seems like she's going to get her wish. It's unfortunate that Andy is so enamored with her because she was easily the worst part about this season for me. 

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"You can't run over dead bodies to get a great show" demonstrated Yolanda's English language proficiency pretty well, along with "open one heart". 

Edited by ingenting
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I don't like any of these women, I only dislike LisaV to a greater degree than the others. Both Lisa and Ken have been close friends with Mohamed Hadid for more than 20 years. If there was anyone's ass that Lisa's head was up, it was Mohamed's. Apparently, this was not the only time Lisa V. doubted Anwar and Bella's illness. And when Mohamed found out that Lisa V. questioned their Lyme disease on-camera, he felt that was the last straw. Their relationship began with business and I assume was financially beneficial for Lisa and Ken It seemed it was their purpose in life, to keep Mohamed close and at the very core of their intimate circle.

Mohamed had said publicly 'Lisa Vanderpump is dead to me' and has written her out of his life. LisaV had doubted that Anwar and Bella had Lyme Disease on camera, and this was not the only time Lisa V. doubted their illness. When Mohamed found out that Lisa V. questioned their Lyme disease on camera, that was the end of the friendship as far as Mohamed was concerned. LisaV took a lot of heat in these two reunion shows and for the first time since RHoBH began that LisaV was exposed as being the "spider that spins a web and pulls everyone into it". Even though Erika never used those words, (Kathryn changed what she said to those words), she was dead-on correct. But Lisa Vanderpump has only had other rich Beverly Hills wives to manipulate, no challenge for her. Going heads-on with a rich Jordanian businessman that has come up against Donald Trump in business and had defeated him, is a force that's just too powerful for even Lisa V to be able to manipulate.

Edited by HumblePi
edited to change the tense of Mohamed's blocking Lisa out of his life. If he has made amends with Lisa then it is no doubt the result of a lot of hard work and mind fucking games played by Lisa to get back in his good graces
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51 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I fell in love with LVP a little more....I was dying when LVP would just randomly rephrase her apology and then it would come up flat.  It was like she was a contestant in a quiz show, trying to get the proper sequence in the wording.  She's say something, wait for a response, then shake her head like "no"?  LMAO

Eileen, you were my first girl crush from way back when on Y&R.  I've given you every possible break to like you, and I just can't.  Let it go.  You had an affair, no one really cares, get over it.  Or maybe its YOU that can't get over the fact of having "an affair" [get the pearls out of your hand]

See that's the thing I truly believe that Lisa V just doesn't get it and even Eileen said that she believes that LVP won't ever get it but why so upset? Lisa just can't relate to the emotional reaction you've had to her questions so she can't just conjure up the exact emotions you are demanding should accompany her apology. I mean the fact that she wanted to give you apologies after, I admit, that first failed apology was pretty genuine. I don't think that because she can't put the weight YOU want behind it makes LVP wrong. I think the apology that Kyle coached her on was the correct and authentic apology because that apology was about being sorry for upsetting Eileen. And you know what it wasn't even about an apology. This is what's going on. Eileen wants her to say sorry and phrase it in direct connection with the question she asked. She wants a word for word apology that also include LVP coping to her intentions behind asking the question. Eileen also wants confirmation that LVP said what she said deliberately to hurt Eileen and that's what LVP won't be bullied into accepting. Eileen wants the apology to go something like this. "Yes, Eileen, my intention with that question was to hurt you and I'm sorry for purposely going after you and causing you pain." Since LVP maintains that the questions were innocent in nature the only apology LVP is offering is that she's sorry her words upset Eileen because that wasn't her intention. Which should be good enough.

The women on the show keep saying that LVP needs to learn to just give an apology but I don't think that's the problem with LVP. I think most of the time she refuses to issue apologies AS DIRECTED. I wouldn't either. I hate it when people try to tell me what my intentions were when I did something and that I MEANT to cause pain and I need to acknowledge that. Now I'm open to apologize all day long cause I'm usually misunderstood but when people try to assign cruelness behind my truly honest mistake I get angry. I will not let you tell me that I did something maliciously when I know FOR A FACT that that wasn't my intention so I totally get LVP throughout all of this.

I think ever since season 1's Bobby Fisher bullshit LVP always has the magnify glass on her by all the housewives and the woman can't even fart without them accusing her of some machiavellian intent. It's getting worse season by season. I sort of wish LVP would cop to the occasional meanspiritedness or bitchy teasing aspect of what is most likely the case most of the time so that these women could finally understand that it's her brand of humor with a touch of mean girl and that's it. Take it, leave it, figure out how to manuveur around it, that's on you and only YOU. Kyle's almost got it figured it out. Case closed.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I will be really fucking good if the word "manipulate" and all its variations are never uttered again on this show. TIRED.

Ken's and Harryhamlin's comments about Yolanda being sick were filmed and shown. If anyone had said "There goes our storyline!" at that moment, it and/or the visual reactions to it being said would've been captured. Rinna is just ridiculous, in too many ways to count.

Eileen is a sour ol' biddy, and also a big dummy for keeping her pursed lips attached to Rinna's waxed anus (the one she sits on).

Yolanda, saying she doesn't want anybody to see her "cry"...nobody but the cameraman, and thus the whole audience. And my, what a ways she's come, going from not killing herself because she needs to find a cure for the non-GiGis, to only living for sitting on the front row at Fashion Week. Priorities, yo. Also, I love how someone with only 20% brain function is the ultimate authority on explaining the other ladies' feelings and experiences.

Edited by jaync
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Sorry about the double post. I have no idea why it wouldn't let me actually write text after the quote. I even tried logging in and out. ANYWAY, the sentence I quoted is surprising to me. I saw on TMZ or something like that recently where Mo said they were still friends. Maybe he changed his mind (again)?

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Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with glitches.

yes Mohammad made a public statement that he and Lisa were fine. Are they? Probably not ,but he most definetly did not make a public statement that LVP is dead to him, as much as Yolanda might wish he had.

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As everyone knows, I have supported Eileen until I'm blue in the face (and other posters are probably equally as blue).  Even though I liked her tremendously, I could see the truth in the contention that she was now beating a dead horse about the apology.  I hoped so much that she would "see the light" and use the reunion to her advantage, but my hopes were dashed after this second reunion episode.  She blew her chance for forgiveness from the viewers by sticking to her insistence on an apology (phrased exactly correctly).  Coupled with far too much facial drama, she blew her chances again and again, partly due to Rinna's advice, but that is no excuse.

I really do believe now that after her "conversations" with LVP and Kim, she has a mountain of ill will to surmount, and I'm not sure she can do it.  I'm not even sure that I want her to.  As she allowed, she plays a bitch on her soap.  The carry over may have been too much for her to handle.  Sorry, Eileen, but I tried.

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I would love to have been on the car ride home with LVP and Kyle so I could hear them talk about the people living in vans outside the Lyme clinics to get help for their children.  Where was she, Ethiopia? 

Edited by wings707
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