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S03.E03: Hold Your Horses

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I found this description of tomorrow night's episode, which is virtually the same as the description that's already been posted above by Tara but with one small addition that should make the episode even more worthwhile. :)

As Craig settles into his new job, Cameran recruits Shep to be her real estate partner; Landon hits her father up for money; Kathryn begs Thomas to cosign the lease on her new house; a family day spent watching Thomas play polo turns into a showdown.

I think we can assume that's the reason why in the episode trailer, Thomas says he going to jump out the window. (Which seems to be on the ground floor!)
  • Love 3

Kathryn needs to grow the fuck up. She's just like those silly women on Love and Hip Hop. They have a baby with a guy and he continues to be a player, so what do they do? They have another baby! Brilliant! And nine times out of ten the guy will always be a player.

Kathryn, grow the fuck up.

Sit the fuck down.

Shut the fuck up. Everything isn't about you.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 13

Kathryn and Thomas are equals I think. Not in a material way but holy crap they both act like they are stuck in junior high. Why on earth hasn't someone gone to court to put everyone out of their misery about how often Kinsie goes where. Thomas you are damned stupid for co-signing a lease for that whack job. But Thomas chose her as his baby mama twice so obviously his judgement is suspect.

  • Love 9

I have no sympathy for Thomas or Kathryn. They're both childish and manipulative. Kathryn is so concerned with getting hers and being on the come up, while Thomas is so concerned with spending time with his kids that he has a nanny for the six days a month that he sees his kids. If he was really that concerned with seeing his kids on a regular basis, he would take Kathryn to court even if it did result in him paying more money for child support. But frankly neither Kathryn nor Thomas care enough about the children to stop being assholes. Thomas and Kathryn are using the kids as tools to fuck with each other. Neither of them should have custody of the kids. I'd be less concerned about the children if Jennifer or JD and Elizabeth had custody.

  • Love 22

Kathryn is a fool! Her children will always be her leverage. I want to scream grow the fuck up! Thomas is an asshole and she is a child. Her poor children. I feel bad for them but not as bad as I feel for poor children starving or children who are suffering the effects of tainted water given to them by their own community. So while I think, get your shit together K&T! , I know their children will be taken care of.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

They where all talking about being glad to see her and Kensie and she acts like that? Patricia is smart not inviting her.

What's sad is she's clueless as to why she's not so popular. She's bipolar or something, I know she's hormonal and all but she's always been this way.

Landon..... time to get a real job honey.

Craigs girlfriend is to cute, wonder if he'll mess that up? I'm hoping he's turned over a new leaf.

Patricia, she's so humble.

And why was she hollering about how it was supposed to be a family day....after arriving with Jennifer...? Your random friend who hooked up with your baby daddy counts as part of the family, but this super super nice lady (Elizabeth) who is the godmother of your kid is suddenly too heinous to handle on "family day"? That shit was straight stupid.

But she needs heeelllppppp you know? She whined the whole time they loaded Kensie about that.

I could more get her being mad he plays polo while she has mom duty.

  • Love 7

"When Kathryn struggles emotionally"

Jennifer, I think we call that Tuesday.....

Also Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Thomas told Patricia that Kathryn was upset about not being invited to her flamingo party because Kathryn has felt excluded and diminished all her life. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe people exclude Kathryn because of her erratic behavior. There was absolutely no reason for her to get so worked up at the polo match. Elizabeth and JD were ready to be welcoming and friendly to Kathryn and Kenzie. Kathryn is never going to find the group of friends or husband that she wants because her behavior is so off-putting.



  • Love 14

Oh Thomas...you idiot. I realize co-signing her loan is the least of it (you know, compared to having not one, but two!, kids with Kathryn), but the practical side of me was like, "NO! Nononononono!" You just know she's going to stop paying and then his credit's going to go down the crapper. Damn you, Thomas, for making me inject some reality into this craziness!

  • Love 2

Yeah, I realize she's the nanny and Kensie might get her dirty, but scrubs? To a polo match?

Kathryn is all sweet and nice when she's asking Thomas for money or asking him to intervene with Patricia. But hell hath no fury like a woman expecting to be the center of attention and suddenly not getting her way. I swear, there's something wrong with her. Seriously, the girl ain't right.

  • Love 16


Did you think JD and his wife were going to grab Kensie and run off with her? They are her God parents and we're giving her positive attention and just doing her shoe back up.

Then Kathryn goes on a tangent about alcohol at the event ( she was probably pissed because she couldn't partake on film herself because of the bun in the oven).

Even after JD's wife told her that they would remove anthing that was making her uncomfortable she still stormed off.

If I remember correctly the "family" time was to be after the polo match when over later that night.

  • Love 9

So last week, Kathryn was all about being independent and this week she is asking Thomas to co-sign her lease. She complains about not being invited to events but continues to make a scene everywhere she goes. What is the matter with her? She is her own worst enemy and Thomas is no better. Those poor babies.

Then we have Landon with rich girl problems. Does she not understand that most people have to work for a living and is this the first time her Dad has given her a reality check? I don't think she expected that. She really seemed depressed about her life in general.

  • Love 10

I did love Landon's dad letting her know that those weren't real ideas and he wasn't just going to give her money. Landon's only real calling/business idea is to be the wife of a guy rich enough to indulge her ridiculous whims.

Her ideas remind me of a friend who when I was leaving med school suggested the following careers as alternatives: astronaut, TV talkshow host, and supermodel. I responded "if these were viable options, I wouldn't have gone to med school."

Landon needs money now! And her money making ideas are a members only bourbon bar and a lifestyle magazine for gentleman of means?!? These ideas are so ludicrous that I question if Landon knows how money works or what work is. This dumbbell is trying to live a Whitney lifestyle on a Craig budget.

  • Love 22

Kathryn, THIS is why no one of any higher caliber wants to be around you or invite you to nice parties: you're a completely self-absorbed, spoiled, childish, selfish psycho hosebeast.

And you need to close your legs to older men.

Thomas is just as self-absorbed and spoiled, but at least the dude has an ounce of breeding and knows how to properly interact with other well-mannered adults. I did have to snort to myself when he basically said in so many words something to the effect that Kathryn conducts herself in public like common trash.

Yes, T-Rav, it really is all about her: drama, drama, drama....and yet, you allowed her to breed with you twice!! Stupid, stupid, stupid....

Good for JD and Elizabeth---definitely the classiest couple on this show and they tried their best to try to make the best of the awkward situation and make Kathryn feel welcome in all her bitchy glory.

Can't wait to see her sad sycophant Jennifer get tossed from Patricia's party next week.

And kudos to Patricia for politely sticking to her guns and telling Thomas to shove it with his pathetic pleads for an invite extension to Kathryn to her party! Damned straight she needs to stay home and be a mom, not worry about partying with T-Rav...I thought she didn't like "those people" anymore anyway??

Also, that big fancy candle Thomas gave Patricia is worth at least $250---French-made by Dyptique, so I was quite envious of her gift...must be nice to throw around money for upscale offerings to acquaintances so casually.

Thomas has grown serious "dad bod" since his first season on this show---I remember first thinking he had a great, fit physique back then for his age...not so much after that topless post-polo game performance tonight.

Shep in real estate? I could actually see him doing quite well in real estate, possibly even better than Cameron---he's got that well-bred good ol' boy charm that most successful Southern male realtors display.

Craig, just slow down a bit, buddy...he seems wayyyy too much in a hurry to prove himself as "new Craig" to these folks.

Landon, you have the professional aspirations of a pre-teen. Grow up and get a regular gig so you can save up for those big silly dreams---obviously she's a Daddy's Girl---she grew up thinking every man could just treat her like dad and give her money, which likely explains her young marriage to a rich guy who apparently didn't treat her as well as Daddy.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 12

I do feel for Kathryn.  Yeah, she's immature.  TRav is just as immature and he's twice her age.  I do think that TRav gave her a different impression of  what the family day afternoon was going to be.  Did she overreact?  Yeah.  She's also pregnant - pregnancy doesn't help.  Been there, done that. 


Gosh, speaking of immaturity, I'm looking at you Landon.  You're in your thirties.  I'm also giving a heavy side eye to Shep.  You're in your thirties.  It's time to pick a lane (to what you want to do with your life).


Patricia doesn't want Kathryn at her 'flamingo' party because she may cause drama?  Um. We've seen your son create some of the drama last season with Kathryn.  And then there's TRav who also has played his part in drama.  Let's face it.  Patricia not inviting Kathryn is about producer (her son) created 'drama'.  Without Kathryn, the show would get pretty ho hum.  Craig is now the new Craig.  There's nothing going on with TRav except his relationship with Kathryn.  It does seem that may change given the first few minutes of episode one.


Interesting on WWHL, when Craig was asked the question if he thinks Landon slept with TRav, he was hesitant.  As Andy said, you answered the question. 


I still really enjoy this show.  And there's something about JD that I really get a kick out of. 


Maybe nannies in Charleston usually wear scrubs or a uniform?  I have no idea.  As for Kathryn manipulating TRav over cosigning the lease?  Sure.  This 'isn't' a case of a woman who has to decide between feeding her children and rent.  The father of her children is a very rich man.  He's just as responsible as she.  He says he's paying $30000 a year in child support.  Wow!  Pocket change.  And according to him, he's seeing his daughter six times a month.  Sounds like an informal every other weekend custody arrangement that many divorced parents have. 

  • Love 7


Did you think JD and his wife were going to grab Kensie and run off with her? They are her God parents and we're giving her positive attention and just doing her shoe back up.

Then Kathryn goes on a tangent about alcohol at the event ( she was probably pissed because she couldn't partake on film herself because of the bun in the oven).

Even after JD's wife told her that they would remove anthing that was making her uncomfortable she still stormed off.

If I remember correctly the "family" time was to be after the polo match when over later that night.


In the meantime, while she was fuming over the fact that Kenzie would be in an area where there was alcohol, playing at being a "good Mom", pregnant Kathryn was wearing a green paper ID bracelet on her wrist - similar to the ones many bars and nightclubs distribute to prove you have either paid your cover charge or are over 21.  (I didn't notice anyone else wearing a bracelet that would indicate entry to the polo match.)  And, she was using the fact that there was alcohol around an under two year old as an excuse to leave?  If I used that excuse, I never would have taken my kids anywhere, ever - not even my own kitchen!!  


I'm starting to feel bad for Jennifer - she gets all dressed up, soups up the Maserati (WTF - lucky girl!!!!), drives with Kathryn over two hours to go wherever (Craig's new house or TRav's farm/plantation home), and then, winds up leaving after being at the event for about ten minutes.  Poor girl doesn't ever seem to get a chance to finish a glass of wine!   


ETA:  I stand corrected - another poster noticed that Jennifer was also wearing a green wristband, and I saw it on a re-watch...maybe they did have to wear bracelets to enter the polo match as a "paying" spectator (not that they actually did pay for themselves) because I didn't see any wristbands on JD, Elizabeth or anyone else sitting under the Brookland Farms canopy.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

I thought Kathryn was some kind of scion?  Old Southern family?  Somehow, the charm part of Southern charm missed her.  Does she really not understand that you catch more flies with honey?  She could have Thomas eating out of her hand, but she cannot get out of her own way. 


Landon, you're in your 30's and figuring out what to do with yourself is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?  Lucky you.  Maybe you should think about why everything you think you want to do is so frivolous.  A lifestyle magazine for men with means? 

  • Love 9

When they were discussing when Patricia and Whitney's father divorced, Patricia went on about co-parenting..........then the line of the night, how Whitney turned out so perfect.  I did a spit take.  


Without Kathryn, there's not much of a real storyline going on in this show.  Camaran and her real estate and her inability to cook?  Nah.  Craig, has he changed? A subplot at best.  Will Shep ever grow up?  No.  Will Landon ever get a clue?  Doubtful and not that interesting.  Will Whitney ever get the restaurant opened before he bursts into flames in the daylight?  I wouldn't bet on it.  The whole Kathryn and Thomas relationship/dynamic does, unfortunately seem to be real, maybe amped up a bit by production, but it's a real situation, probably the reason why it's the main plotline as it is more interesting than any stupid housewarming, dinner party, or flamingo party.

  • Love 6

Another thing that bothered me - what the hell was Kenzie wearing to the polo match?  She is a beautiful child, but that washed out prairie dress thing made me think of poor little Carrie Ingalls, in a hand-me-down dress, tripping and falling down the hill in the opening credits of Little House on the Prairie!!  


Was that a ploy of Kathryn's, to give the perception that she, alone, can't afford anything prettier or cuter for Kenzie, because Thomas is being such an asshole?  


Was it an old child's dress she found in a trunk in the family plantation home's attic that was worn by some long ago Dennis progeny?


Or is it just Kathryn's less than stellar fashion sense?  Now that I think about it, maybe that's truly what it is - she doesn't dress herself very well, so maybe that's just rubbing off on the clothes she buys for Kenzie.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 9

Forgot to add.  Patricia must be really feeling her oats.  She got a book deal.  You know that came from being on the show. 


There are many things I enjoy about Patricia and her southern ways but less so as the seasons go on.  Her statements about her son's perfection isn't one of them.  But let's face it.  Patrica is a player just much as everyone else is.   She's slowly becoming less the epitome of southern etiquette and charm and more a fame whore on a realty show.

  • Love 6

Reading the props for Patricia and general opprobrium toward Kathryn is so confounding to me considering La Altschul's history of antagonism toward a woman who is literally half a century her junior - not to mention the preview clip of her declaring "we have a spy" about a guest in her home.


Then there's the continuing double standard of pearl-clutching over Kathryn's conduct ("she needs to stay at home with the baby") contrasted against the blithe acceptance of Thomas's drunken bar-brawling (granted, it appears that his behavior is finally eroding the patience of, say, Whitney and Cameran, but the rest of the primary cast including Pat seems primed to indulge his foibles just like they always have).


Kathryn is emotionally volatile, arguably self-destructive, guided by questionable priorities, and demonstrably spoiled. Fortunately, she's got a full three to five decades to (hopefully) engage in some self-reflection and avoid turning into her narrative adversaries. And if the plight of mothers who have to frequent food banks inherently invalidates the plaintiveness of a more affluent counterpart, that premise - from my perspective - pretty much similarly nullifies any of the grievances voiced on Bravo's roster of programs at large.


Like, for instance, Thomas's grousing over the statutes in state family law that allow the mother of his child some measure of recourse in the context of custody.


As for Kathryn - gasp - getting him to cosign her lease: where does she get off asking for monetary assistance after Thomas expressly promised her financial support back when he was actively trying to impregnate her? I mean, the nerve!

  • Love 16

I thought the ring that Craig had Cameran try on was incredibly ugly, but maybe that's just me. And $2,500 - $3,000 for a promise ring? What's Craig doing to make that kind of money? Because I need to quit my job and hitch myself to his wagon. 


It isn't just you, that was one butt ugly ring.  And I like unique & vintage pieces, but I hated that thing.  I zoned out in this ep & have to watch it again.  But sheesh, when Craig was smiling in this scene I was thinkin' -- man, he is one very wrinkled-looking young guy.  Wonder why.  Too much booze & smoking?  At his age?  WTF is he gonna look like by the time he's Thomas's age.? Yikes!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

It isn't just you, that was one butt ugly ring.  And I like unique & vintage pieces, but I hated that thing.  I zoned out in this ep & have to watch it again.  But sheesh when Craig was smiling in this scene I was thinkin' -- man, he is one very wrinkled-looking young guy.  Wonder why.  Too much booze & smoking?  At his age?  WTF is he gonna look like by the time he's Thomas's age.? Yikes!


He's going to look like....well, Thomas!!   ;-)

  • Love 4

You just know she's going to stop paying and then his credit's going to go down the crapper.


Unless he's a total F-up with his own money. I think Thomas can afford to make Kathryn's house payments. His credit will be just fine.

And if he gets payment confirmations sent to him he'll know pretty much right away whether she makes the payments or not. So, again I don't see his credit going down the crapper. He could probably just buy her the house.


Re: Craig's Job…..tell me again why Craig had to pay J.D. to work for him? He supposedly "bought" into the business. Well he sure didn't buy much for 15K. Will he get a percentage of profits. People who "buy in and invest don't get a "salary," do they?

Edited by selhars
  • Love 5

I loved how JD and Elizabeth just seemed completely bewildered by Kathryn's batshit craziness.

Those poor, poor kids, though. Let's all hope there's a kindly housemother at the boarding school Kensie gets shipped off to.

It was upsetting that neither Jennifer or the nanny seemed surprised, so it is probably something Kensie has seen on numerous occasions, she was straight up out of control! I literally want to know what she expected, she went to a Polo field to watch a Polo match! People are going to be there and drinks are going to be served, I was sort of surprised there were so fwe people. It wasn't a frat party, her reaction was legitimately batshit insane.

Also, Kathryn the reason that nearly everyone is still friends with Thomas and not you is because they have known and been friends with Thomas before you showed up, the put up with you because you were dating him. Hell, Patricia barely tolerated you even when you were with Thomas.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 5

I think Landon aspires to be Sonja Morgan with all her fantasy business ventures.  I seriously expected her to pitch a toaster oven to her dad, along with the "lifestyle" publication and "exclusive" bourbon bar.  Plus, she's no longer got her husband's money, and, if what Craig implied on WWHL is true, she's hooked up with Charleston's Harry Dubin, a/k/a TRav.   She just needs to steal Patricia's intern to complete the transformation.


Did I block it out, or was there no Whitney in this ep?  I'm not complaining, mind you, but since he's and EP, I kind of expected him in every episode.


What I would love though, is a whole episode of the day in the life of Michael, Butler Extraordinaire.  The things that guy's probably seen....


That stain/big ball of lint/whatever on Craig's pants as he was getting ready for his first day at work was driving me nuts.

  • Love 9

OMG I absolutely LOVE JD. When he did the TH and said "I have no idea what Katheryn is upset about, but I'd be lying if I said I had never seen this before...so heeere we go again, bwahahahaha" I laughed my ass off.

I love his laugh!! At the end of every one of his THs, there's this belly laugh that makes me laugh. Watch for it.

  • Love 11

As a family law attorney I feel compelled to comment on Kathryn's behavior at the event. At this age, Kensie is too young to comprehend what is going on, but she's only a few months away from the age that she will. When she is old enough, heartbreaking. It won't matter what really happened or what the truth is. All she will see is that her father did something that upset her mother; as a result, she has to leave with her mom, even though she was excited to see her dad and spend time with her dad; and, there's a very good chance she'll blame herself. If her Mom is going to act like this, there will be a knot in her stomach at every school party, dance recital, soccer game, parent-teacher conference. It's reprehensible. And, even with a court order of parenting time there is plenty that Kathryn can do to disrupt things. Yes, Thomas has his own issues, but I don't see him publicly causing a scene and embarrassing his children.


As for Thomas, eventually there will be a court order of child support. Actually, whenever Kathryn wants it she can get it. My suspicion is that she has been told what she is likely to get in court, and she doesn't like that number - as she has said, she was promised a house, etc. So, she is trying to hold out and get more on her own. Regardless, he will be ordered to pay support, and these children are not starving or wanting for anything. I am not excusing his lack of support, and he should be paying her at least the minimum every month, but the financial shortcoming is easily fixed - Kathryn's emotional shortcomings are not.

  • Love 15
Kathryn is emotionally volatile, arguably self-destructive, guided by questionable priorities, and demonstrably spoiled. Fortunately, she's got a full three to five decades to (hopefully) engage in some self-reflection and avoid turning into her narrative adversaries. And if the plight of mothers who have to frequent food banks inherently invalidates the plaintiveness of a more affluent counterpart, that premise - from my perspective - pretty much similarly nullifies any of the grievances voiced on Bravo's roster of programs at large.



Since I was the one who mentioned food banks, I guess this was directed at me.  I am commenting on this show, not all Bravo shows.  And my feeling is, I really don't feel for her.  As I said before, she's like the women on Love and Hip Hop who have a baby with some stupid rapper who's got multiple girlfriends, and think that because they are a "babymama" he'll settle down with her, and when that doesn't happen, what do they do, they have another baby and think that will make a difference. 


Thomas is a player, if he ever settles down it'll be when HE wants to.  If Kathryn hasn't taken him to court, it's because she knows if she does that, she'll never marry him. 


I don't feel sorry for Kathryn or Thomas at all, the only people I feel sorry for are those poor children they're bringing into the world that never asked for idiot, immature parents.

  • Love 12

In the meantime, while she was fuming over the fact that Kenzie would be in an area where there was alcohol, playing at being a "good Mom", pregnant Kathryn was wearing a green paper ID bracelet on her wrist - similar to the ones many bars and nightclubs distribute to prove you have either paid your cover charge or are over 21.  (I didn't notice anyone else wearing a bracelet that would indicate entry to the polo match.)  And, she was using the fact that there was alcohol around an under two year old as an excuse to leave?  If I used that excuse, I never would have taken my kids anywhere, ever - not even my own kitchen!!  


I noticed that bracelet when she was in the car on the way to the polo match - and wondered if she was in a "mood" because she was out all night or if she had been given a day pass from whatever facility she was staying at...

  • Love 9

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