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S32.E09: It's Psychological Warfare

Tara Ariano

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Why the holy fuck did they not split the votes between the men????? What does voting Debbie out do for them? What a bunch of stupid shits. Audry, I am looking at YOU! The men told them that they had only 2 idols.

You are 100% correct. They should have voted for the 3 guys. Even the super idol could only save one of them. Aubrey accused Debbie of being emotional. Aubrey is more emotional than Debbie. Julia is on the bottom no matter what and should have realized it.

  • Love 18

Great episode!  I think Julia is playing a very dangerous game right now. She is right that nobody is going to vote for those two clowns at the end but you have to get there first and she might have tipped her hand early.  Though in the end she did stick with Michele, Aubry and Cydney and voted out Debbie.


I hate the super idol.

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 14

Why the holy fuck did they not split the votes between the men?????  What does voting Debbie out do for them? What a bunch of stupid shits. Audry, I am looking at YOU!  The men told them that they had only 2 idols. 

Julia wouldn't have voted for one of the guys so they would have lost Cydney. This was a plan B to Julia voting with the guys for Cydney to go. And dumb inflexible Joe couldn't see that. I am glad how it went. I am rooting for Michelle, Cydney and Aubry. Maybe Tai can redeem himself since what he did (water on fire thing) put more of a target on Scot's back (so that's a plus). I hope beyond all hope that Tai uses that super idol to knock off one of those two douchebags. 

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 17

That was craaaazy! I'm glad it worked out that Debbie got the boot. She wasn't being a team player and she was so wish washy. Looks like medical is stepping in between scenes and taking care of infections. Debbie had a bandage on her shoulder, Aubrey has one on her thigh.

So disappoint in Tai. He's a hypocrite in my book. Loves trees, plants and chickens but then decides to treat people like crap making them suffer with no fire or food.

I hate to say this but I don't blame Julia for flipping. I believe she was in the bottom of the Joe and girls alliance. She won't make final three though.

I hope something happens along the way that Scot, Jason and Tai don't make F3.

I'm rooting for Sydney or Aubrey now.

  • Love 8

So ... the guys alliance has two idols.  They could play them one at a time or they could combine them for a super idol.  I think they'll wait and play them as a super idol.  Do the women realize how the super idol works?  Did anyone explain that they could wait until after the vote and then use two idols?


The super idol saves one guy (don't think they'll use it to save Julia) and uses two idols. Then what do they do the next tribal when there are no more idols?  

  • Love 3

Blergh.  Scot and Jason need to take their small balls and go home if they're going to be sore losers.  What unpleasant personalities they both are - petty meanness when they lose, and arrogant smugness when they win.  Did they think a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors would make them the next Parvati, creating a TC moment for the ages?  'Cuz they failed, if so. Douchenozzles, the pair of them.


Glad Cydney survived the vote.  She's the only one left I'm still rooting for. 

  • Love 15

As someone above said, it's unpleasant to watch. I had recorded most of it, so I fast forwarded to the TC. I think I'll do that next week, too, and whether I bother with the rest of the season depends on what happens then.


It *should* be entertaining, because the maneuvering was novel, but as someone else said above, when the entertainment depends on assholes, it ain't fun anymore.



  • Love 10

Wednesdays are the highlight of my week.  I turned on Survivor a few minutes in-right to Scot pouring water on  the fire.  I ended up turning it.  It bothered me too much to watch it.  I ended up flipping channels between Survivor and and old CSI rerun that I was able to stomach better.  


I don't understand why everyone gets so scared of the super Idol.  Maybe I have it wrong.  If they are scared of the Idol being played, they vote for one of their own? This leaves the super idol in play.   Scenario two, the others split the votes and the idiots use the super idol causing one of the others to be voted out.  It is the same ending, isn't it?  I guess everyone is more concerned with keeping their own name from being written down?


Great immunity challenge though. That was exciting to watch.  I have to admit the tribal council had me on the edge of my seat too.  The guys were being so cocky, I was sure they were going to get what they had coming to them.  


I'm this close to not turning in any more, just reading the recaps and waiting till Scot and Jason are voted out.

  • Love 6

I reeeeeally hope the girls vote out one of the goons next and when he turns to Tai for the super idol, Tai responds, "what is this 'super idol' you speak of?" If Tai keeps it for himself I wouldn't mind him winning, after charming half of it from Kyle.

I don't think Tai is going to "come save us" from this season. There is a reason that this season was so odious that delayed it's viewing... nobody is going to "save" us from the stench and stomach turning bullying. It's just not going to happen. This is what we are left with, nobody/nothing is coming to save this season. This is just how it went.


Tai is lucky that the girls don't know about the 'badge of honor' fire putting out by Tai or maybe they would have started a nice pot of chicken soup in retaliation.

  • Love 13

Really did not enjoy watching the sabotoge. Scott pouring water on the fire was totally wrong. What a bully.

Losing the Tai love too. I'm sure he just agreed to hide the axe and matchete because then they couldn't kill the chicken!

Speaking of which, why is that still around? It can't be producing eggs without a rooster.

  • Love 4

Well, that was an exciting tribal council!  It had an unfortunate result, though, and the rest of the episode stunk IMO.  Jason, Tai, and Scot's tactics are despicable and go far beyond the game.  They are truly horrible individuals.  And, yes, I consider Tai just as bad as them because not only did he condone what they were doing, he actually joined in and threw water on the fire himself.  I hope he's reading this forum now , watching the show back, and is ashamed of himself.


Debbie wasn't my favorite person in the game, but my opinion of her shot way, way up when she referred to Jason, Scot and Tai as "those three wankers".  Thank you for staying classy, unlike those three sore losers.  It was VERY dumb of those other ladies to turn on her, ESPECIALLY knowing that the other side had two idols with them and this mysterious "super idol" power in play.  Very, very foolish.


Julia missed a great opportunity to get back at Tai, Scot, and Jason in the reward challenge.  If they had sabotaged me at camp, I would have volunteered to be on their team and sabotaged them in the challenge to ensure they don't get to eat!  I would have sat down in the sand... let them see how fast they can untangle that rope around me.  Give them a taste of their own medicine.  I would have LOVED to have seen Julia do that, honestly. 

  • Love 18

I don't think Tai is going to "come save us" from this season. There is a reason that this season was so odious that delayed it's viewing... nobody is going to "save" us from the stench and stomach turning bullying. It's just not going to happen. This is what we are left with, nobody/nothing is coming to save this season. This is just how it went.

And I was thinking tonight that if they had played them in proper order I could now be enjoying the eye candy of Joe, Spencer and Jeremy instead of these fugly douchebags :)

Edited by princelina
  • Love 15

Yeah, Julia would have shot up the like ladder had she done something shifty during the challenge to make them lose. I have to say that Debbie was pretty awesome at the challenge. I really kind of love her. Her age never held her back physically.


I also wonder why no one ever has back-up plans if anyone says something at tribal that makes one alliance determine to change their vote. If I were on Survivor, I would set up a set of 3 secret codes for my alliance. So, if the plan is to move forward with "A" let's say (vote for Scot), I leave my buff on my head. Say, I think we need to change the vote to Bounty, then I take my buff and put it around my neck (plan "B"). Say the third option, is to split the vote between 2 specific people, (Plan "C") maybe I put the buff on my wrist.  It would take no real effort to come up with some simple rules and then implement them in a silent, covert way. I'm surprised that no one has ever attempted this. I personally don't like the whispering at tribal. It seems like that has become more and more accepted, whereas in the past, it almost seems like it wasn't allowed. 

  • Love 14

Oh, Snap about Debbie...for every dozen casting misfires like Cowboy Rick...the producers hit the Comstock Lode with someone like Debbie...she was PURE entertainment and brought a lot of life to the season. And she was awesome in that throwing challenge.


Speaking of Debbie tonight was one of those rare nights where I was in a terrible position about the vote. My heart sank when I knew it was down to my favorite player Cydney and Debbie who while not my favorite player...as said above...brought so much to the game entertainment wise that it would be a big loss. It was basically like having Negan and his baseball bat making a choice....which ever one was going to get booted was going to be a huge loss for me.


SURVIVOR producers must be estatic that they managed to find not one..but two Super villains this season and now they have corrupted Tai who I think will lose a lot of love among fandom tonight for throwing in with the Pair O' Dicks.


I RARELY comment on things like camera work....but damn...that was an amazingly crafted shot when Julie won the domino challenge as the camera followed the falling tiles down the line....maybe it was just fortuitious luck she was on the end that allowed them to get that shot...or maybe a really canny producers..knowing Immunity would be important to her made sure she was on the end so they could get a good shot just in case she won. Either way...and awesome shot!

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 16

Yeah, sabotaging the reward challenge would have been an epic move for Julia.


Unfortunately, Julia has that weird "I'm the swing and therefore the power!" mindset so she wouldn't have committed to such a bold move.  The women should have seen the likelihood of that split coming and pre-designed someone with some cojones to blow the men's game.  Like, any of them other than Julia.


I think one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard on this show is Julia announcing to the men that she'll help them because she's on the bottom over in the other alliance.  WHERE do you suppose you are with the men's alliance, idiot?


ETA:  "Mark, the chicken."  LOL

Edited by candall
  • Love 17

Kyle and Scot are nothing but assholes, first calling women bitches just because Nick got blindsided. So what? It wasn't you that got eliminated then trying to sabotage by hiding things and upset because Joe and the ladies found a way to eat without the axe and machete. Grow the fuck up. Talking about how they don't want their daughters to grow up like Alecia but let's hope that their daughters don't grow up to be like them or date men that are like them. 


Tai gets no points for putting out the fire as well. He doesn't need to be joining in on making everyone else's life miserable either. Only way he can redeem himself is by joining the women and Joe.


Good thing annoying multi-job Debbie is out. She was thinking emotionally and not strategically. I keep forgetting if her name is Aubry or Audry but she's basically telling her about Julia possibly lining up with the men but Debbie can't look past the fire incident. Debbie's hyper bouncing around just made it really unsafe for anyone to trust her. She really needed some Ritalin and calm her ass down and think things through. Now she can go out and get more jobs to add to her resume. I'm surprised she didn't say she was the host of a show like Probst. 


Got a laugh out of Cydney saying that her name is spelled wrong LMAO. That was funny. Cydney will have to try and win immunity otherwise she's voted out next week possibly. 


Plus Julia should know that she's at the bottom of the alliance if she goes with Scot and Kyle. The minute they don't need you is when you're out the door. The women and Joe really do need to stick together. 

  • Love 11


I RARELY comment on things like camera work....but damn...that was an amazingly crafted shot when Julie won the domino challenge as the camera followed the falling tiles down the line....maybe it was just fortuitious luck she was on the end that allowed them to get that shot...or maybe a really canny producers..knowing Immunity would be important to her made sure she was on the end so they could get a good shot just in case she won. Either way...and awesome shot!

Meanwhile in the reward challenge we had to see her blurred out boobage again...really can she not keep those puppies tucked away???

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 3

Holy cow, so that was the Rise and Fall of the Debbian Empire. Et tu, Julia. Well, it was sure entertaining while it lasted. My opinion of her yo-yo-ed so many times I lost count. I knew she was a goner sooner or later, though.


Aubrey seems to me like the cat of nine lives. All her schemes fall through, mostly due to ill luck, yet she remains totally unscathed.  I am rooting for her.


Joe is rapidly losing my interest. I have never seen a survivor so sharp and so obtuse at the same time.


Jason and Scot once again proved themselves to be amongst the most despicable humans on the planet. I feel sorry that Americans are being represented by these clods.


Tai - it seems like a textbook "Turn to the Dark Side", but remember that he is a child survivor of the Vietnam war who fucking survived a boat trip on the open ocean for eleven days to escape the Communist regime back home. He has no doubt seen many horrors  and experienced many moments where there were just such instant life or death decisions to be made on the spot, regardless of your moral viewpoint, but for real. It probably gave him a certain mindset.  I think he will return to the "light side"  next week though. (Hoping.)

  • Love 16

I really don't think this season has been so terrible--thus far.  Many notable characters, several big moves, plenty of smart AND plenty of stupid, blindsides galore.  I've been surprised at nearly every TC! 


But if the producers truly deemed this season to be so poor that they opted to shelve it in favor of the last one, it has to be because the Prick Brigade picks off the rest of the tribe one by one.  Yeesh, I don't even want to consider that smugapalooza.

Edited by candall
  • Love 20

Really did not enjoy watching the sabotoge. Scott pouring water on the fire was totally wrong. What a bully.

Losing the Tai love too. I'm sure he just agreed to hide the axe and matchete because then they couldn't kill the chicken!

Speaking of which, why is that still around? It can't be producing eggs without a rooster.

Unless it's a hen, then it will lay one a day. A friend has 4 and they lay those beautiful aqua eggs. I can't tell if Tai's bird is chicken or hen, because it looks like my friend's hens. Although skinnier.

  • Love 5

Yeah, sabotaging the reward challenge would have been an epic move for Julia.


Unfortunately, Julia has that weird "I'm the swing and therefore the power!" mindset so she wouldn't have committed to such a bold move.  The women should have seen the likelihood of that split coming and pre-designed someone with some cojones to blow the men's game.  Like, any of them other than Julia.


I think one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard on this show is Julia announcing to the men that she'll help them because she's on the bottom over in the other alliance.  WHERE do you suppose you are with the men's alliance, idiot?


ETA:  "Mark, the chicken."  LOL


Why is it stupid?  It is not like she said in confessional. She said it to try to get those guys to trust her.  If they think she is happy to be at the bottom of their alliance than they will probably will try to keep her around. Good for her.  The key for her is at some point she is going to have to flip to take one (or two) of these guys out if she wants any chance to get to FTC.  

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 4

OMG...best post of the night!!!  MMmmmmmMMmm, Joe (manbun Joe not FBI Joe).

Naturally - I thought that was understood :)


I'm not going to get all het up about Tai putting out the fire. At least he didn't throw a snit fit and bury all of the food...Sandra.

I think she's popular but I was never a fan of hers.

Hahaha - the other thing I was thinking tonight was that I wish old Sandra could come along and throw those two idiots in the fire (like Russell's hat! :)

  • Love 4

I would really like to hear from Tai why he is aligned with these douchebags.


Good God, they are psychopaths.


Stupid, Julia.  Stupid, stupid, stupid. She said she doesn't want to be at the bottom of the anti-douchebag alliance, but doesn't she realize that she is at the bottom of the douchebag alliance?


Jesus, Tai, why are you following along with those two assholes?


Debbie was an idiot to trust Julia, but the other women were absolute idiots to vote her out. Now they're 4-4.


Why is anybody surprised that Kyle Jason had an idol?  Everybody knew he had one.

  • Love 12

I was so irritated with Tai, I was half-hoping they would cook the chicken and eat it in front of him. You want psychological warfare...I got your psychological warfare right here!


What I want to know is the Debbie vote was apparently "Original plan." So, what was "new plan?" One of the non-Joe guys? I think the editing must've been out of order, because it looked like Debbie was the new plan.


I have to disagree with my fellow poster who said the men this season are collectively more hateable than Dan Foley. I see "Jason" and Scot as garden variety toolbags. Standard sexist dillweeds. Dan Foley was a rabid misogynist who claimed to respect women in the same breath he opined about how they needed to be taught. "Girls are stupid, durrrrr" doesn't scare me nearly as much as "I must impart my wisdom to the inferior female species." There's a reason Dan-splaining became a thing.


I still think this is far too harsh an edit (even with last week's "sympathy" reveals) for either of these guys to reach the finals. For now, I hold on to the moment they both either get voted out or lose the million. I imagine that will be quite the bucket of cold water on their fired-up psyche.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 13

Stupid stupid. If the women had just split the votes between the two asshole guys, the guys would have had to choose which one stayed, since they decided to share the idols. Yeah, there's a chance one of the women would go, but it would be worth the risk.

And yeah a chicken will continue to lay eggs without a rooster. Usually one each day.

  • Love 7

Someone upthread asked how these two drips think they can win with this jury. They'd have to go together to the end. Everyone may want to take one of them along to be a goat but they need to both be at the end for the jury to pick the lesser of the two evils (if it's a final two...which it's been final three as of late, right? Most of the past dozen or so seasons have been final three except for season 28). They may want Tai to be an evil jerk too so that they need to all three get to finals and then the jury will have to go with which jerk they like most or which jerk game played the hardest. 

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 5

Why is it stupid?  It is not like she said in confessional. She said it to try to get those guys to trust her.  If they think she is happy to be at the bottom of their alliance than they will probably will try to keep her around. Good for her.  The key for her is at some point she is going to have to flip to take one (or two) of these guys out if she wants any chance to get to FTC.  

Well, okay, as a "ploy," I guess that does move her a little farther from the bullseye IF the men should ever get a chance to start throwing darts at the other team.  (Which, surprise--and against all odds--it looks like they will, so yay for Julia.)


But making overtures to a three-person alliance based on your dissatisfaction with your position in a six-person majority just doesn't make much sense.  What's a quicker way to cement yourself into the bottom of your home-team pyramid?  Which is exactly what happened and would have been her downfall if not for the immunity necklace.


Later, when we trace back to the point on the graph when this season took a very sharp downturn, I think it will be Julia winning the IC.  Entirely different game from here on out if Debbie had just been able to pull off that last domino run.



  • Love 10
Well, they've never stopped people from sabotaging camp and other things before...see Hantz, Russell and Hantz, Brandon for prime examples of this.


In those instances (if memory serves) we found out later that production specifically green-lit people to do things that had hitherto been verboten, on pain of expulsion. 


This whole episode, with the hiding shit and putting out the fire repeatedly, this is the kinda shit that inclines me to believe that production is 'having a quiet word' with folks to get them to do stupid, but film-worthy, nonsense.  I know this is an unpopular opinion but this kinda shit makes no sense to me other than an attempt to 'mix things up'.  If any of these yahoos makes it to FTC, they're gonna get eaten alive for this.  Somebody please explain the 'logic' behind their assholery.  


Oh, and they just gave Tai a pass to the finals.  A less suspicious man than myself might be inclined to think production really, really want the super-duper idol in play.  

Edited by henripootel
  • Love 6

The girls should have voted out Joe for being so inflexible all the time. Jeez, does he realize only one person wins the game and the most loyal doesn't win. 

This way the girls would still outnumber the men.


YES!  100 times yes, IF they felt they had to vote out one of their own, which was stupid.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

  A less suspicious man than myself might be inclined to think production really, really want the super-duper idol in play.  

You know, Kelley Wentworth made a good point in one of her podcasts - or maybe it wasn't her, but another person she did a podcast with. If the Super Idol worked brilliantly in Kaoh Rong, they would have done it again in Second Chances, since Kaoh Rong filmed before it. The fact that it was scrapped for Second Chances, TPTB probably thought it was a dud, much like the Medallion of Power was.

  • Love 10

The one thing I will say about Julia is that for all the talk about her joining up with the men's alliance when it came down to tribal council she went with her number one ally in the game who is Michele and voted with her along with Cydney and Aubry and voted out Debbie.  This might actually take the heat off of her since Michele was proven right when she told Aubry and Cydney that Julia was on their side for that vote. 

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 7

I would really like to hear from Tai why he is aligned with these douchebags.


That's easy.  They (Scot anyway) were the only ones that offered him an alliance.  The Female Beauty Three ostracized him and were going to vote him out before the tribal swap.  Then at the merge the Brains seemed more interest in anyone else but Tai (Nick, Julia, the other Beauty that never gets air time).  Tai had no real choice but to align with the only people who would have him.


Loved Tai dousing the fire trying really hard to channel his Tai Vadar side.  Sweet guy already feels guilty when it is just a game.  Love me Tai.  He is awesome.


Julia was really slick and a player.  She was smart to join the men for the reward challenge and get the extra food.  May well have given her the edge at the immunity challenge as a result.  And lots of players say they are the swing vote power but she really is.  After this tribal council the women think she is really loyal to them because of the vote but since it was against one of the women the men will think she did it to help them and remain their undercover agent.  Well played.


Aubry is a real basket case.  We have seen foreshadowing all season of her paranoia and it was in full throttle tonight basically destroying any chance her alliance ever had.  Yes she is right not to trust Julia but wanting to get her off before one of the men didn't make that much sense.  Not at the cost of breaking up her own alliance.  And deciding that Debbie, who's only "sin" is trusting an alliance member, has to be executed by Aubry instead of going after one of the men.  Huh?  How did that work out for you?  Your numbers are now down one and the men still have 2 idols (or one super idol) and are now in a position of power especially if Julia decides to go with them for real. 


Aubry seems a nice person in real life but a totally clueless one all season long.  Debbie wasn't going to betray Aubry.  Debbie was a sure vote in her alliance.  Aubry couldn't go after Julia once she won the IC anyway.  So why go after Debbie?  "Lets go commit suicide and vote out Debbie so the guys don't have to use their idols and can save them down the road" was her plan?  Tai told you last week about the super idol so yeah you should have known they had two.  You could have at least flushed one if not both of them at TC and had a fighting chance.  But no you decide to diminish your numbers instead.  Too stupid for words.


Julia, if she really is this good of a player, is the one I see winning now.  If she can drag Scot and Jason to the final three she wins this season by a landside.  She just has to make sure to backstab Tai when he isn't looking and she will be a million dollars richer (pre-taxes).


I'll miss Debbie.  She was right to keep the focus on the men.  Who cares if Julia is flipping.  If you gain the upper hand she will be toast later on.  Too bad Aubry went all Brutus on her.


Joe is too dumb for words.  Why is he on the show.

Edited by green
  • Love 14

Wow, what a poor display of sportsmanship.  The guys are on the bottom, so they hide the axe and machete and douse the fire twice.  People have been on the bottom before.  Some choose to play the game and fight.  Others like J'Tia dumping the rice and these assholes just look childish.  I can't understand why Scott and Kyle think they would win any votes on the jury with these childish immature acts.


I'm so disappointed in Tai.  He could have easily joined with Michelle and Julia and kept some semblance of the beauty alliance.  Why go with these two jerks?  They are nasty people, and from what we have seen on the show, he is not.


Annoyed with Julia and her flipping.  Annoyed with Aubry and her single track mission.


This season sucks.  I mean, it really sucks.  I'm not even sure who I am rooting for anymore.  I think it's Michelle and Cydney.  I don't like anyone else.

  • Love 10

I hate Jason and Scot so much right now!

Never liked them, but Tai is the biggest asshole of the season now. At least Scot carried out his sabotage in the open. Tai doesn't even have the balls for that. I haven't liked him in a while, but I really despise him even more than his big boy friends at this point. Not sure how putting out the fire and hiding the tools is "just playing the game". It's actually being a petty asshole who throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. Having an alliance with odious people is one thing. Destroying the ability to get food and water because a vote didn't go your way is showing yourself to be trash. It isn't game play. Tai, Kyle and Scot deserve each other.

As for Debbie? I won't miss her, since I never liked her, either. Glad Cydney is still around.

Edited by azshadowwalker
  • Love 14

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