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Okay, after this episode Clark and Darden DEFINITELY did it. They were so adorable with Darden's friends at the bar.  Holy shit Darden's smile at Marcia's hotel room door is KILLING Me,  he is HOTTTTT.


"Two dead people..."--Johnnie, you don't give the slightest fuck about Nicole and Ron. If you did, you wouldn't be making coy insinuations that they were murdered by drug dealers.


"So it was Bob Shapiro who made you live a double life--"  SNAP. Serve him a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up. And dump that trash, honey. you can do better.


Love love love RK continuing to ask who DID do it? He lays out why it was so ridiculous to believe that ANYONE but OJ was the murderer. Schwimmer is nailing it.


"If you keep this bullshit up, there won't be no room here for you--" Did OJ even pay his lawyers?


Poor Sydney and Justin. And poor Ron and Kim.


Oh shit. If Darden actually sandbagged Clark like that (asking Simpson to try on the gloves in open court), that is not cool.


They didn't show OJ's obnoxious waving his arm up and down to "indicate" he was trying on the gloves. ("Indicating" is what bad actors do--it's kind of like holding up a sign to the audience saying "this is what I'm doing!") And why was Robert Shapiro allowed to play with the evidence? Seriously, he was allowed to pick them up and try them on?

  • Love 18

Damn, Nicole purchasing the gloves went from a win to a debacle. Truthfully, I never understood the claim that gloves did not fit. They clearly looked like they fit to me, but O.J. was just flexing his hands and stretching his fingers to pretend that they did not. Why didn’t Marcia stop this? At least, Marcia’s hair looks better.


See that is the quality vigorous defense you get when you got money. Shapiro making trouble is so funny. How on earth he get the chance to try on the gloves in court? Did that really happen?


So Bobby had his doubts despite his devotion to O.J.  At least, he cared about who killed Nicole.


Wait, Johnny Cochrane had two “wives?” OMG. This keeps getting wilder and wilder.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 16

What did Shapiro say when Cochran told him to take off the pin?  I missed it, was it bleeped?


Oh damn, I loved them finally taking Johnnie off that pedestal, and the actor nailed it!  He will definitely get an emmy nod now that he has more shades to play, and it makes everything much more interesting.


Travolta brought it again tonight, he keeps on improving in the role, and is so like the Shapiro I remember.  Holy crap!  That scene between Shapiro and Kardashian about "accessory after the fact!" 


AC and Kardashian opening the bag was tense, even though we knew there wasn't likely to be any sudden reveal there.  "Who do you think DID do it?"  Schwimmer(?sp, not a Friends fan here) was also stellar with "I keep going over it over and over again...there is just no other answer..."  Powerful moment for him too.


Finally, Marcia got her hair right, loved her telling Garcetti to not talk about it any more.  I don't see good things coming from that trip to Oakland, it had me worried.  Damn Marcia!  THAT should have been your closing argument!  Delivered in exactly that tone of voice.  Hell.  Maybe someone should have told her to open that bottle of Tequilla and take a few swigs before closing arguments. 


I really loved those scenes in Oakland.  It didn't go where I expected at all, and you have to love that.  I have a huge crush on Sterling K Brown, and it matches the one I had on Darden in real life, during the trial, and after his book.  AND then, just when my crush is going along beautifully, Darden has OJ try on the gloves. 


My stomach just drops here, every part of me recoils from this moment in the trial.  I'm actually averting my eyes from Cuba, it's almost like I can't watch this again, even with the for real playacting, and not just OJ's. 



Yes, that's how the glove thing went down with Darden in real life.  Reportedly they also told OJ to not take his arthritis meds as well, to make his hands swell up.  Cochran played with Darden like a cat with a mouse there.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 24

Those damn gloves. Oh Darden, you let them play you like a fiddle.

After all the shit Marcia went through last week, watching Cochran get a dose of his own media medicine was delightful.

Amazing that out of all the defense attorneys, Robert Kardashian is the only one portrayed with a conscience. And that he's one of the few that questions all those dumbass conspiracy theories. Also loved Marcia dropping the mic on Darden's friend in the bar.

Crushed that nothing ultimately happened with Marcia and Darden. It was the right thing to do, but still crushed.

  • Love 8

Oh my god, the goddamn glove.

Cuba really sold OJ there for me. Until he talked. That swagger, the knowing nod of the head - I'm sure he studied the actual video of OJ trying on those goddamn gloves to get it right.

And he did. I still have a pit in my stomach from that.

Marcia in the bar - why couldn't that Marcia be in the courtroom and succinctly tell everyone WHY the conspiracy theory was shit?? Sigh.

And yeah, Schwimmer in the house with AC was excellent.

  • Love 12

Once again, the show takes a moment in the show and, to me, nails the whole premise of the show and the trial: Clark goes through exactly what would have been involved in a LAPD conspiracy to frame Simpson (bringing up -- brilliantly, I thought -- that they had no way of knowing if he had an ironclad alibi), citing a large, organized effort the likes of which are only seen in the mafia or American politics (at least this year) and the response?




I haven't been Schwimmer's biggest fan, but he was great tonight. No Ross at all! Loved Bailey stirring the pot with Darden (again, Lane is so restrained, he's barely recognizable -- in a great way). I just love watching the actors act and so many people brought their A-game tonight.


I also am really enjoying how they're handling the prospective Clark/Darden affair. I never expected to see anything onscreen, and the show hasn't let me down. Lots of innuendo...but nothing concrete. It's a Choose Your Own Affair (as it were). Amazing. The actors, the show, the discussion -- all of it. Can't believe there are only three episodes left!

  • Love 17

Watching Darden have O.J. put on the glove is one of my clearest memories of the trial. I had only watched on and off between classes and annoyed that the soaps were not on. Yet somehow I caught that moment live. I remember thinking that it was obvious that O.J. was putting on an act for the jury. When I watched the news and talk shows later that day, I thought that everyone would be rolling their eyes at O.J.'s act instead almost all of them bought it, talking about how the glove did not fit and what a mistake by the prosecution. It was at that moment I understood how easily the media and most people could be manipulated into believing a lie and fraud. It was absolutely ridiculous.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 12

Ok, I have to turn in 10 pages of a screenplay tomorrow, and by 9:45 I only had 3 and thought, "I should probably just wait and watch tomorrow, this is more important." But I couldn't, y'all. This show is too fucking good.


The glove, man. I was a wee one when that shit went down and even I had to watch through my fingers. So awful.


Vance is such a joy to watch, both when he's being slick lawyer Johnnie and when things aren't going quite so right for him. The way he delivered the line, "What is that your lapel?" was delicious.


The scene with Kardashian and AC was also amazing. A lot of this episode was people explaining why the batshit conspiracy theories just did not work, but his was tied to the raw emotion of knowing OJ and Nicole before this whole thing went down. He doesn't want to believe it, but it's true...if OJ didn't do it, who did?


Was that Dershowitz teaching the Harvard law class? Sorry there's so many names to keep track of. Did he really fax that Columbian necktie thing to the defense during the trial? Cuz that was kind of...I don't know, I want to say awesome, but that's not the right word. I guess it just really drove home the point that he was looking to make, the fascination of watching this whole thing play out live and for real.


Also, as someone who doesn't know OJ as anything other than "that guy who probably killed two people," when he got up to get closer to the jury to try on the glove, I finally understood the fascination with him and people's unwillingness to believe he had committed double homicide. Not because of who he was but because he was just a celebrity in general. I've met a few famous people (no one A-list, but people I'm a really big fan of) and I always get super tongue-tied and starstruck. So when Ito told OJ to get closer to the jury I had a quick thought of "how thrilling it was for them to be so close to someone so famous," totally forgetting the context in which they would be that close to him. So, I kind of get it. I think people should have gotten over themselves and called a spade a spade, but I get the fascination, and his celebrity definitely played a part in his acquittal.


Drunk Clark at the birthday party was wonderful. Yeah, maybe she should have thrown a couple back before closing arguments. Is Sarah Paulson in need of a new best friend because I happily volunteer.


The only thing that would have made this episode better is if Clark and Darden fucked.

  • Love 14

So I learned two main things this ep...


-- Always keep Marcia Clark drunk or hungover to make her an effective lawyer. When she's WAY into a tequila bottle, suddenly she's making the arguments, in the exact way she should, that were her best shot in the trial. Too bad that Marcia never showed up. And the next day? Well, she's probably hungover, but still clear-headed enough to not turnover the MAIN piece of evidence, that the cops and DAs were hugging each other over, to the defendant. Whether or not the gloves had been affected by the blood, being out in the elements, being tested, having months pass, by the latex gloves, etc., ON WHAT PLANET would a defendant happily show that the killer's gloves just totally fit him fine?


-- Having said that, I can feel some sympathy and empathy for the person who made that insanely dumb decision. This is Darden's first real, honest-to-god mistake in the series (I think the silly N-word arguments were the first one in real life), but it's such a HUGE one. Darden wasn't wrong that the gloves would make an irresistable and unforgettable impression, it just went the exact opposite way on him. I did feel that he started off with the idea with sincerity, if not a lot of smarts, and I understood how Marcia's reactions, and the defense playing him...not even like a fiddle, I need a worse description...played into him making that mistake. And I do think he felt awful for it. So kudos, show. I've been unforgiving of that moment for more than 20 years because it was such an obvious mistake, I felt for Darden today for the first time, really.




-- Travolta as Shapiro is just awesome.


-- That garment bag scene (and all the Bob Kardashian scenes) were played really well. Who knew Theo and Ross had it in them? ;)


-- Dershowitz's cameo was quite entertaining. Ah, for the days that faxes did everything our phones do now.


-- Is it true that Cochran's first wife and long-time mistress became friends?

Edited by mattie0808
  • Love 8

With the gloves, Darden pulled the trigger that he didn't with Marcia in Oakland. And it backfired. Cockblocked himself—twice! 


I have to hand it to the writers, they really do play with these elements of the story for a great narrative. We all knew "Will they or won't they" was coming with those two. Tonight was the right night to play it out.

They didn't show OJ's obnoxious waving his arm up and down to "indicate" he was trying on the gloves. ("Indicating" is what bad actors do--it's kind of like holding up a sign to the audience saying "this is what I'm doing!") And why was Robert Shapiro allowed to play with the evidence? Seriously, he was allowed to pick them up and try them on?

I wonder if Shapiro really did that? Seems highly improper--especially since they had OJ try on the gloves wearing latex gloves. Which leads me to ... how on earth were his obviously shrunken gloves going to fit over sticky latex gloves? I can't fathom thinking that would work. I remember that so vividly. 

  • Love 5

Vanity Fair's fact check


I found this fascinating in particular:


T/F: Marcia Clark was against having O.J. try on the gloves in front of the jury, even though Darden was for it.


False. The prosecution had always planned to have Simpson try on the gloves—but a duplicate pair of the exact ones found at the scene (extra-large Isotoners) that they ordered from the manufacturer, not the bloodied glove from evidence and not with a latex glove underneath. And it was Judge Ito who made the crucial call to have Simpson try on, with latex gloves underneath, the actual blood-soaked (and possibly shrunken) crime-scene glove, not the duplicates the prosecution had intended.



  • Love 20

So, keeping a giant box full of years-old credit card bills... is that something people used to do?

Honestly, I finally got a good shredder, and I have packed around credit card bills much older than that.  I burned them in my woodstove, but haven't had one for 10 years, and they mounted up again.  I even shred the bulk mail stuff with "offers" from credit card companies, I'm paranoid that way.


LONG ago, I saved them to track purchases and things like that, On-line didn't really exist.


That said, I usually watch this show several times on Tuesdays.  Tonight?  I switched over to Golden Girls reruns, I need to get this one out of my head, and I need a break from OJ.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

This show continues to entertain. From Johnnie's ex-wife and mistress on A Current Affair (hell hath no fury. Damn) to the glove, I was riveted. I felt for Darden (SB is really nailing it) in that moment. What a colossal fail. On national TV. On a day you thought you nailed it. Heartbreaking for the prosecution. I don't think I grasped what that moment meant at the time.

I feel you Marcia. I, too, am a better speaker when I'm tipsy. I did a shot before a conference presentation once and killed it. That's the Marcia who needed to make closing arguments.

Edited by ridethemaverick
  • Love 5

So, keeping a giant box full of years-old credit card bills... is that something people used to do?

I dont know if Nicole might have been a pack rat, or perhaps it really was something that most people did back then (to keep track of expenses or whatever) but my mom has shown me receipts for random crap she bought back in the mid-80s (before I was born) so....

I thought Johnnie's current wife was so full of shit. She's mad because Johnnie's dirty laundry got aired out and cited the fact that Johnnie wanted the limelight and now he's got it, when SHE was pushing him to take the case and basking in all the glory up to that joint. In my best Johnnie voice I yelled "Bitch, please" at the tv.

Robert Kardashian must have been scared shitless going through that garment bag. And yes that scene with MJW was great. That "Good" from AC sent chills down my spine.

LOVE Marcia's new hair style. How did she not start off with that? And I liked how easily she fit in with Darden's friends. I thought there would have been some awkwardness at least in the beginning, not necessarily because of race, but because she's a woman and it sounded like it was a "boys" weekend and they dont know each other and there's usually some polite awkwardness. But the sweatshirt was a nice icebreaker. This was definitely the days before TMZ and the like, because no way in hell 2 prosecutors in the biggest trial of forever would be out in public at a bar slinging 'em back, even in another city.

I was more panicked from the scene in front of Marcia's hotel room than I was for the glove event in the courtroom. I kept yelling KISS HER, KISS HER!!! My heart sank when he said "good night". I was like you fucking idiot. And YES, Marcia looked sooo freaking disappointed.

Now the show presented Darden being baited into the glove thing as if it happened the day of, but supposedly Johnnie told OJ to stop taking his medication so his hands would swell up like a month prior. So was that a 'just in case' the prosecution tried it thing, or did the defense intend on having OJ try on the glove themselves? AND how the hell did Darden think leather freaking gloves would fit AFTER OJ has a pair of latex gloves underneath. Those things are hard to get on regardless.

  • Love 10

Yeah there's no way Bob Shapiro was strolling through the courtroom trying evidence on as if he were at Macy's, like ooh these gloves are cute. I will never believe that. I know the trial was a circus but that's just too much.

Chris took all the Ls tonight.

DS was good tonight showing his growing doubts. His reaction to the verdict has been discussed a lot irl so it was nice to see some foreshadowing tonight.

Edited by ridethemaverick
  • Love 5

...Oh damn, I loved them finally taking Johnnie off that pedestal, and the actor nailed it!  He will definitely get an emmy nod now that he has more shades to play, and it makes everything much more interesting.


Travolta brought it again tonight, he keeps on improving in the role, and is so like the Shapiro I remember.  Holy crap!  That scene between Shapiro and Kardashian about "accessory after the fact!" 


AC and Kardashian opening the bag was tense, even though we knew there wasn't likely to be any sudden reveal there.  "Who do you think DID do it?"  Schwimmer(?sp, not a Friends fan here) was also stellar with "I keep going over it over and over again...there is just no other answer..."  Powerful moment for him too.


Finally, Marcia got her hair right, loved her telling Garcetti to not talk about it any more.  I don't see good things coming from that trip to Oakland, it had me worried.  Damn Marcia!  THAT should have been your closing argument!  Delivered in exactly that tone of voice.  Hell.  Maybe someone should have told her to open that bottle of Tequilla and take a few swigs before closing arguments. I really loved those scenes in Oakland.  It didn't go where I expected at all, and you have to love that... 

WORD to your entire post, Umbellina! Especially this:

" I have a huge crush on Sterling K Brown, and it matches the one I had on Darden in real life, during the trial, and after his book. AND then, just when my crush is going along beautifully, Darden has OJ try on the gloves."

I had the same crush, and my heart breaks for Darden every time I see something go wrong for him. Sterling Brown is truly uncanny in his portrayal.

  • Love 3

Did the Simpson children really not know where there father was all that time? Were they not in school?

I can see why the Browns were not as publicly "involved" in the trial as the Goldmans were. They were taking care of their niece and nephew, who had suffered a trauma, and trying to shield them from more trauma. All the while trying to deal with their own loss. That must have been a special kind of hell for them, and no doubt still is. Come out too hard against the man they think killed Nicole and risk losing their niece and nephew.

I can really feel the conflict tearing apart Kardashian, and maybe starting to get to AC. If not my best friend, then who? I can't imagine having to try and wrap my brain around someone I care about possibly being a murderer.

  • Love 6

Cochran was certainly a POS. Cuba Gooding, Jr. Is playing OJ as a real dolt. There's something off about his portrayal.


Yep. I can't understand why out of EVERYONE in the world they chose to cast Cuba?! He's got zero charisma. OJ was tall, dark and handsome. He was charismatic and that's why so many people loved him. Cuba just looks goofy, and he's got this Michael Jackson voice going on. He's not a very good actor, and it's sad to me that every time he's on screen I am completely taken out of the immersion and remember, "Oh, that's Cuba Gooding Jr." in an otherwise stellar cast.


And the dude playing Darden is HOT. That is all.

Edited by RococoChanel
  • Love 16

Okay, I lied in the media thread.  I did end up watching last night.  Jut did a LOT of eye rolling with respect to how the defense got the idea to bait Darden into making OJ wear the gloves.  And really? Cuba's OJ just looked ridiculous, the way he pranced/swaggered up to the jury to pull on the gloves, and though it was a struggle, he managed to get them on. When I REMEMBER, that the real OJ had "struggled" to get them all the way on, and it was clear, that a good inch or so of space was between the finger tips. Meaning, the real OJ couldn't get the gloves all the way on, and we know why. But TV OJ managed to get them on and make a fist, and was able to hold that fucking highlighter.


The only two scenes, okay, make that three, I enjoyed was Cochran getting ambushed by his two former wives. Marcia demonstrating to Darden's friends how OJ was "framed" and the scene with Kardashian and Cowlings.

  • Love 5

Loved the scene of Cochran shutting the stupid reporters down.  And loved that fact that Marcia was lurking behind a door hoping to see Johnnie get a put down and it did not happen.  Take that Marcia!  Johnnie was not on trial so his response to the reporters was spot on.


I still watch this and wonder why they are giving Clark such a positive edit?   The true star of the trial was Johnnie.  The man was a master at what he did.

Okay, I lied in the media thread.  I did end up watching last night.  

It was a good episode IMO and well worth watching.  I am glad to see that you did not miss out.

  • Love 3

Wow. Darden. Whhhy. why did you do that?!  Honestly though, like leather gloves going on is difficult to begin with, and wearing a pair of bloody gloves with latex underneath is just.. what did you think was going to happen?

There is no way Shapiro could have tried them on without no one seeing. 


Drunk Marcia is Awesome Marcia. And she was very pretty this episode. 


So. what exactly is the deal with Cochran? So He was Married to Barbara, and smacked her around... but he was also married to this white lady with a kid? and now married to Keesha Sharp? this is confusing me. (but wow. did he teflon-himself out of that though). I thought he said "if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit?" i didn't hear that. 

  • Love 3

Yeah there's no way Bob Shapiro was strolling through the courtroom trying evidence on as if he were at Macy's, like ooh these gloves are cute. I will never believe that. I know the trial was a circus but that's just too much.

Haha, well-put. Shapiro can walk up to evidence laying around unattended in a crowded courtroom and manhandle it until his heart is content, but they make OJ put on latex gloves before he puts the gloves on? Does not compute. ETA: there is a post later in this thread that says this actually happened. That's wild.

I feel like I'm in a Seinfeld episode, but I didn't know about leather glove shrinkage when wet until reading it in threads around here. That didn't really come up last night, did it? Were the gloves that OJ tried on really soaked in dried blood, or had they been cleaned off? My only thought was that blood would have turned the gloves stiff and unyielding.

Edited by Peace 47
  • Love 3

The scene with Kardashian and Cowlings where they're staring at each other over the garment bag was CRAZY good.  You could read on their faces exactly what they were thinking, and that they also knew what the other was thinking.  I rewound and watched it several times.  Just SO good.


I cannot believe Shapiro threatened Kardashian as an accessory.  I don't know if this really happened, but just when I think nothing else can surprise me about this case, I stand completely corrected and dumbfounded.


Clark and Darden in the hotel hallway went on and on and ON and ONNNNNN and I was all, "SERIOUSLY YOU TWO JUST DO IT RIGHT NOW!"  Alas.


I watched the trying on of the gloves with trepidation.  My heart was even beating a little faster.  I vividly remember OJ and the gloves.  Although not a huge fan of Cuba as OJ, I had a strong OJ flashback when Cuba did the little turn of the wrists, to show everyone the front and back of the gloves while he was wearing them, to prove how poorly they fit.  What I didn't know until recently was the idea that OJ wasn't taking his arthritis medication.  I mean...this all sickens me to the core, but yet I cannot turn away.  



also i think Cuba is the weakest link in this series

Even more so because everyone else is just so damn good.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 10

Wow. Darden. Whhhy. why did you do that?!  Honestly though, like leather gloves going on is difficult to begin with, and wearing a pair of bloody gloves with latex underneath is just.. what did you think was going to happen?

There is no way Shapiro could have tried them on without no one seeing. 


Drunk Marcia is Awesome Marcia. And she was very pretty this episode. 


So. what exactly is the deal with Cochran? So He was Married to Barbara, and smacked her around... but he was also married to this white lady with a kid? and now married to Keesha Sharp? this is confusing me. (but wow. did he teflon-himself out of that though). I thought he said "if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit?" i didn't hear that. 

He said that in his overly dramatic closing argument.

  • Love 4

One other thought, are we supposed to think that Clark didn't hear Bailey's taunt to Darden? On one hand, Bailey wasn't whispering and Clark & Darden were right next to each other. On the other hand, Clark never reacted to any of it. She seemed oblivious to the exchange. I'm leaning towards her not hearing it, but that would make the scene rather poorly staged.

  • Love 1


So. what exactly is the deal with Cochran? So He was Married to Barbara, and smacked her around... but he was also married to this white lady with a kid?

The white woman was his mistress, and the kid was theirs, while he was married to Barbara. Somehow it ended with the two women becoming friends. I guess being jerked around by the same man can create a bond.

  • Love 4

What I remember most about OJ trying on the gloves was that -- even if he weren't the murderer, ha -- these are STILL the gloves worn by the man who stabbed his kids' mother to death, a woman he supposedly always loved. And he's mugging for the cameras and the jury like that. Zero regard for his ex-wife's blood all over these gloves.

Yes, this is an important point to me. If I was forced to try on gloves soaked with the mother of my children--a person I said I loved--I would be reluctant, maybe even devastated. It is difficult to imagine treating the whole thing like a hammy middle school play tryout. Even if you were innocently accused of something so heinous you would hopefully still remember that two innocent people were dead and stop mugging for your 'audience'. Ugh.

I was shouting at the screen like I was watching a horror movie: "Don't let him try on the gloves!". It is funny how you can know what is going to happen but STILL hope for a different outcome.

  • Love 15

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