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S06.E10: The Next World

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Woah, wasn't expecting Richonne. However they looked really domestic family in the opening scene. I thought they were already a couple and playing happy family when the episode started. 


Daryl and Rick were really stupid. Why did they need to leave behind their car to take the truck, they said they'll come back for the car. There is 2 of them. One drive the truck and the other follow in front or behind with the car. 


Rick the cop letting the keys be pick pocketed? 


Letting the truck go in the lake because they had to run after Jesus?

Then bringing Jesus back with them and tying him up again when he already proved to get out of the ropes quickly? Daryl was right to want to leave him by the tree. 

Edited by Artsda
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Minor point, but Deanna really escaped that hallway of zombies pretty unscathed, huh


Not to mention the 2-month (per Danai on TD) time jump. I know, I know, she had to be recognizable. : )

Edited by EllenC
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Well, this mostly felt ;i like a filler episode. Hey, we've got eight more episodes and not a lot to do - so let's have Spencer and Michonne wander around in the woods for awhile. Because somehow DeAnna survived all those walkers in the house, escaped in one piece, and got outside the walls. Okay, yea. And then let's have Carl and Enid ALSO wander around in the woods and experience a bunch of teenage angst. Good times. 


Then you have Rick and Daryl wandering, which would have been a bit more fun if it weren't for all the idiotic mistakes they made, that Rick and Daryl would never make. Hey, instead of getting these valuable supplies back to the group, let's chase this unarmed punk around a field for awhile. 


Obviously there were a few good moments. I know Richonne fans everywhere are exploding. Personally, I don't ship. I like Michonne with the Grimes family. A lot. But I almost feel like her getting together with Rick upstaged what Carl said to her, which I found even sweeter. I just worry what this means for her character. Not just that Rick's ladies get dead, but this show sucks at relationships and I don't want Michonne to get boring. I'm nervous. 


Not sure what to think of Jesus. But I think he'll probably end up being good.

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Leaving Jesus to die near a tree just don't seem right to me for some reason. He did seem different from all the other nut cases. You have to learn to read people. He was obviously just looking to survive and know people can't be trusted. He behaved accordingly.

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One of the better storylines on this show has been the slow melding of Michonne into Rick's family. And it paid off in both the scene with she and Carl, and, of course, the final scene. Well done, and worth the wait. That said, if my post-coupling is interrupted by Jesus, I am going to have issues.

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Woah, wasn't expecting Richonne. However they looked really domestic family in the opening scene. I thought they were already a couple and playing happy family when the episode started. 


Daryl and Rick were really stupid. Why did they need to leave behind their car to take the truck, they said they'll come back for the car. There is 2 of them. One drive the truck and the other follow in front or behind with the car. 


Rick the cop letting the keys be pick pocketed? 


Letting the truck go in the lake because they had to run after Jesus?

Then bringing Jesus back with them and tying him up again when he already proved to get out of the ropes quickly? Daryl was right to want to leave him by the tree. 


Agreed. It made no sense for them to not take the truck & car back to Alexandria ASAP. I don't know how Jesus ended up on the top of the truck.

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So they're low on food and other supplies but Rick thinks they need to be out looking for even more people to bring back to ASZ.  Not sure that makes a lot of sense.


"Jesus" is a bit of a ninja, able to extract himself from his bonds quickly enough to catch the truck and jump on top of it and then apparently able to sneak past watchman Daryl, figure out which house is Rick's and get into the bedroom without alerting anyone.


I wonder who tied the walkers to those vehicles, what the point of that was.  

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I have never been so happy for another person getting laid.

Rick and Michonne were pretty happy too. Lol. It's been a while for both of them.

Nothing much happened in this episode but it was damn hilarious.

Rick and Darryl were nitwits. They should've guessed that Jesus is a con artist and the whole point of his game was to get inside Alexandria's gates. They should've left him in a tree, like Darryl wanted. He's most certainly going to be trouble.

So is Michonne the only one of Rick's group that still lives with him and Carl? Interesting that Rick still has his wedding band and it was right there in the bowl but he didn't put it on.

Loved the Carl and Michonne scene. I think their bond is one of the strongest on the show.

And of course the sex was awesome! Very organic and hot. I feared it might feel tacked on, but it made total sense. I still can't believe the writers went there. I didn't think they ever would. I guess Jesus does bring miracles. Now I just hope they don't screw it up.

Fun episode! Looks like next week we're back to the horrors of the ZA. Utopia was fun while it lasted.

Edited by Enero
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I don't really care about Rick and Michonne and the rest of the episode felt contrived to me.


Look, toothpaste! And a soda machine! Rick, bad at knots, and again! The only thing missing from Rick and Daryl chasing Jesus in the field was Yakety Sax.


I did like the Deanna subplot though.

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I've never been a Richonne shipper, but . . . the pressure's temporarily off, they're two healthy adults, with basic healthy appetites, who like and respect each other and have been through a lot together. . .


It suddenly seems weirder to me if they didn't.

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Also, am I just tired and grumpy, or is anyone else sick of the constant waffling on taking people in? 


We need to save people. Nah, let him die.  Let's help these guys. No, we can't trust anyone. Oh nevermind, let's start recruiting people. Fuck that, we have enough people. 



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They're giving us Richonne because they're probably going to take something even more dear away from us.


I don't even care.  This is what a show is supposed to do.  Rollercoaster the highs and lows.  Don't do fake-outs to manipulate the feels.  Don't make the about to be dead irritating so there won't be a revolt when things get bad.  Don't numb the characters to loss.


Hit me in the head with a two by four.  I'd much rather be gutted by a loss because there were good times and memorable moments and close bonds than annoyed as shit that the characters don't interact and the loss isn't as big a loss as it should be.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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It was really domestic in the beginning of the ep. I do wonder if this was not the beginning. I didn't think they'd ever give it to us. I've not ever been a Richonner, wasn't not a Richonner, they went organically and totally made me a Richonner.

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So Rick and Michonne are a thang now, huh?

That was great writing.

"Blah blah blah, shit happens. Town's trashed, Rick's crazy, blah, blah blah.. fast forward... everything's fine."

Yes. Absolutely brilliant.

As much as I liked Richonne, yes to this. I think a fast forward was kind of necessary but at the same time why did I watch the first half of the season? It really seems like a bunch of nothing.
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I would've enjoyed the more lighter hearted tone if they didn't have Rick and Daryl acting like they were new to the zombie apocalypse. Their response to the gun sounds should've been to get back in their truck and GO HOME! It's a good thing no one else went with them with all that food they lost because they decided to act out dumb and dumber. 


Don't even get me started on their stupid chasing of Jesus the ninja who apparently can fly. I suppose it could be interesting to meet a con man ninja with super powers. Or maybe AMC is still trying to get us to watch Into the Badlands? 

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Yes their competence escaped them but Daryl and Rick were a riot this episode. 


I cracked up at the end where they had this really bad day and Rick was like "Do it again tomorrow?" and Daryl's all "yep."


Its nice to get a little demonstration of Rick and Daryl being "brothers". 


I have to think that AL and NR have been lobbying for an episode like this for a while.

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Also, am I just tired and grumpy, or is anyone else sick of the constant waffling on taking people in?

We need to save people. Nah, let him die. Let's help these guys. No, we can't trust anyone. Oh nevermind, let's start recruiting people. Fuck that, we have enough people.


No, you are most definitely not alone. The constant debate over whether we nurture the last remnants of our old moral code versus looking out for oneself despite the cost to our humanity. What do we do? What do we do?

Meanwhile Carol has a gun cocked like who coughed?

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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No, you are most definitely not alone. We need to be more like Dale. No, we need to be more like Shane. No, need to be more like Hershel. No, need to eliminate any threat real or perceived.

Meanwhile Carol has a gun cocked like who coughed?

There needs to be a screening process over and above the three questions. And Carol needs to make cookies.

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  • I'm a sucker for some good post-apocalyptic scrounging. The truck full of supplies is the most painful death in the last season and a half. I groaned audibly when it went under.
  • While the show cannot and should not attempt to sustain a light tone, having an episode that wasn't drenched in pathos was a nice change of pace. 
  • Promising introduction for the character of Jesus. He borders on the ridiculously competent, but this show has fed us a steady diet of the ridiculously incompetent for quite some time now, so it makes for a nice change of pace. Useful individual, if they can get him on side.
  • Richonne would have bothered me a season ago, but feels earned/natural at this juncture. I enjoy Breckenridge as an actress, but Jessie felt shoe-horned in, and her relationship with Rick felt like it was at the behest of plot, rather than the culmination of time and chemistry. This is a better fit for the characters.
  • <3 Maggie




  • Stop trying to make me care about Deanna. You whiffed on too many chances to make us care about the population of Alexandria by making them imbeciles. She was a glorified red shirt. You cannot milk her for an emotional sub plot.
  • While we're stopping things, stop trying to have Chandler Riggs carry scenes. It's been six seasons now. He's a nice young man but he can't act. Katelyn Nacon is erratic at best. Putting them together is a recipe for disaster.
  • Carl's after-school-special teenage pondering is not an interesting consequence for losing an eye. Either he goes full Caul Shivers or he should be relegated to background character where he belongs.
  • Rick's moral compass really needs to find a direction and stick to it. He's good, he's bad, he's good, he's bad. Generally I enjoyed borderline psychotic Rick more than earnest family man Rick, so I can't say I'm overly delighted to see the return of the latter. But seriously, Rick, make up your mind.
  • You too, Daryl.
Edited by BloatedGuppy
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OK, this is supposed to be a 2 month time jump, so where is Maggie's burgeoning baby bump?


How far along was she supposed to be before the jump? I felt like it was fairly new. It is her first baby. No one could tell I was pregnant with my first until like 5-6 months. I looked a bit puffy before then, but no obvious bump. Plus, lack of food and running around, she might not be growing very much,

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Did anyone see Yvette Nicole Brown's reaction in Talking Dead? I love her.

I liked Daryl's weird aggressive pop fixation. What is pop!? Pop is stupid! This is all because the doctor wanted pop! Ima drink this pop! Have a pop, Jesus! I couldn't get your pop, Denise.

I think he got the pop to support Denise and Tara and didn't want to admit he's a romantic. <3

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I really don't care one way or another if Rick and Michonne hook up so I thought this episode was pretty stupid.

I'm still trying to figure out how Rick and Daryl left in a gray car but returned in a white SUV.

It's already but touched upon but it can't be said enough how moronic it was for them to abandon their car and take their newly found trunk full of loot on a road trip. If you find a truck filled with amazing stuff you immediately return home before the owners return for it or someone tries to steal it from you (which is exactly what happened.)

So maybe the new guy really is Jesus, apparently he can quietly jump on the roof of a very large truck while his hands and feet are tied. It's a miracle!! No, it's just stupid.

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I really thought for a second in the making out scene with Rick/Michonne, Rick was going to wake up from a dream! And boy, that would  have pissed some fans off,but make them happy for a few seconds though! But it all worked out.


Man, I hate whenever they lose supplies like that!

Edited by Valny
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Oh hey, Rick finally made a smart decision! Good job Rick. And Michonne is Caaaarl-approved too. Then again, getting bamboozled by Jesus? Not smart. Even if his mind was filled with thoughts of getting mints for his girl Michonne.  Aww, Daryl is going to be heart-broken. He offered Rick candy and soda and got stuck with Jesus instead of smooches.


It was nice to have an epilogue for Deanna to verify that she's truly dead. (You never know with this show. A horde of zombies doesn't necessarily kill a person anymore.) Wish they left out the sulky Enid and moody Carl scenes though.

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I, too was irritated by them leaving the car behind.  Aside from being totally unnecessary with the two of them there, it was incredibly foolish since they didn't know anything about the food truck.  Like, what if it broke down? And this is a small nit to pick, but I've never seen a vending machine that had food and sodas.  Generally, they have one or the other.

But I couldn't hear any of that over the awesomeness of Richonne. 

I kind of liked Flying Jesus.  Some pretty good ninja skills there, pal. But creeping up on Rick and Michonne in bed seems like a pretty good way to die. Dude didn't strike me as suicidal, so I hope we can dispense with smart characters doing stupid things after this.  Call me a dreamer.

Finally, mad love for Daryl's deadpan at Denise when she explained about calling it 'pop' because she's from Ohio.  Worth the price of admission right there.

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I don't know if it was the domestic scene at the beginning, but all through the woods episode and the Carl porch scene, I was trying to remember if Michonne's tops were always that low cut and feminine.  The guys on here may have to advise. 

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  • Stop trying to make me care about Deanna. You whiffed on too many chances to make us care about the population of Alexandria by making them imbeciles. She was a glorified red shirt. You cannot milk her for an emotional sub plot.
  • While we're stopping things, stop trying to have Chandler Riggs carry scenes. It's been six seasons now. He's a nice young man but he can't act. Katelyn Nacon is erratic at best. Putting them together is a recipe for disaster.
  • Carl's after-school-special teenage pondering is not an interesting consequence for losing an eye. Either he goes full Caul Shivers or he should be relegated to background character where he belongs.



Aww.  I love Carl.  And while I agree about Deanna and dumb Spencer, I cared about that business because for me, it was more about Carl's memory (and philosophy) of having to put down his own mom.  Which led to him bonding with his new mom on the porch.  I, um, might have had something in my eye at that point.

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I guess Carl forgot what happened when he didn't kill a walker and it killed Dale.



Hasn't Carl learned anything from the last time he was playing wth zombies in the woods?


But...he had already seen Spencer and Michonne in the woods. He knew it should be Spencer who took care of Deanna, and he led her to Spencer so he could. Carl said as much to Michonne in their scene together on the porch. There was no imminent danger, all he had to do was lure her over to them. If Spencer was unable to perform the task, then Michonne would finish the job. I can't fault Carl here. I think he was feeling empathy for someone else who had lost his Mom under traumatic circumstances. 

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OMG - this was a great episode. Carl! Seemingly okay from his injury and yeah, being his badass self.


Daryl - actually getting the soda's for Dr. Denise!!


Spencer - can he just go away please?


Michonne and Rick!! OMG, they have the best relationship!! I was already surprised that the show had them kiss (and quite deeply). Then, sex yeah!! Hell yeah!! I mean, come on, have you seen those beautiful people!

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Aww.  I love Carl.  And while I agree about Deanna and dumb Spencer, I cared about that business because for me, it was more about Carl's memory (and philosophy) of having to put down his own mom.  Which led to him bonding with his new mom on the porch.  I, um, might have had something in my eye at that point.


I was so terrified that Carl had come down with some missing eyeball PTSD that led to Hershel/Morgan 'I almost died, can't kill the zombies' annoying philosophical nuttiness.  But no, its was a lovely sentiment that ended in Michonne bonding.  Carl is well adjusted and I like him.  I really like him.


This episode.  Its done things to me.  That snarky voice in my head that likes to critique everything is running around in a mad dash through rainbows and a field of flowers (not those flowers) chasing puppies and doing the Snoopy dance.  All I can think to say is.  Happy.  Happy.  Happy.  Really, I may have brain damage.


Finally one of these shows that pride themselves on 'no one is safe' made it through an episode without tacking 'in the worse way possible'  on the end of 'everything you want'.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Did anyone see Yvette Nicole Brown's reaction in Talking Dead? I love her.


The video of her watching it was frigging HILARIOUS.  I was thinking of her while I was watching it.  lol

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