Popular Post lunastartron February 3, 2016 Popular Post Share February 3, 2016 So Kyle can bring up Faye Resnick despite to Kathryn within moments of meeting her despite having a presumably adequate idea that Kathryn's perspective on Faye, for a variety of reasons, might not be especially favorable. She can also work the topic of Faye's mid-90s OJ-related publicity tour into the discourse at the first event at which Faye and Kathryn are present together by innocently asking who among those in attendance had ever spread for Playboy. Faye can aggressively confront Lisa at Lisa's filmed vow renewal. But indignation and "well, I never"s if Kathryn shares a relatively measured but pejorative opinion on Faye's conduct at Kyle's filmed party. Despite, you know, the fact that Kyle, once again, brought up Faye around Kathryn (to a party who had also previously expressed her dislike for Faye to Kyle). So, "capitalize" and "distasteful" are egregious but "you're a fucking liar, Camille!" is totally copacetic to the hostess of cast venture - since, you know, it's all about whose event that now dictates whether or not one can articulate grievances at the event in question. 34 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923802
islandgal140 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) Refresh my memory, who first mentioned Munchausen's? LisaR. Frankly, I think the whole thing is BS and Lisa created her own self-propelling nothing of a story out of thin air. The whole premise of it was to bring up something the audience would never have known if she hadn't brought it up on screen to say how embarrassing and bad she felt about it. Huh? The only thing LisaR is sorry about is that none of the other cast members ever bite at the bait she was holding up. Too bad for her they didn't have an OC Meghan on the BH cast to go out and call clinics pretending to have lime and calling Yo's ass out on fake pet scan reports. I want to call Kyle a true and loyal friend but than I look at who and what she winds up defending (Taylor and Faye) I just cant' bring myself to do it. Splits McGee at it again! The hell was going on with Eileen's hair. It looked like the curls were attached to the hat. Kathryn, while her ever burning hate for Faye is something I wholeheartedly co-sign, just sounds real stupid holding a grudge over a book she never read. Plus, Faye completely de-fanged her at that 'BBQ' and made Kathryn's hard on go completely limp by appearing completely unbothered. Faye looked about as worried and concerned as a dead bird. Kathryn was a deer in the headlights when that happened. She should have never accepted Faye's apology which wasn't even directed at her in particular. Let us all drop everything and help that poor woman with the 8 acre $20+ million Malibu ocean front estate and downtown condo, staff, excellent health insurance, tens of millions of dollars, a private health advocate and flies all over the world for every hair brained treatment on a private jet. Don't forget to bring a casserole. Her private chef is too busy squeezing lemons. Not that it matters. It will all be rinsed out of her during her daily colonics. You can probably eat off her colon and I bet it has a high gloss sheen. Lisa, a hit dog hollers. I despise Faye, however, although confronting Lisa in her own home at her own party was not the move, I agreed with Faye's assessment at the time. I will always believe that Lisa did use Brandi as a sort of attack dog at times. I am not blaming Lisa for Brandi's actions or saying that Brandi was manipulated, just that they were in cahoots and Lisa helped plan the moves. Too bad for Lisa that she never learned that you can't control a rabid dog and sooner or later it will bite you in the ass and slap you in the face. Taylor looked like a painting -- and not a pretty one. Taylor looked like that after picture of the Jesus mural that some 'artist' completely ruined in Italy a few years ago. Edited February 3, 2016 by islandgal140 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923807
ivygirl February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) Taylor looked like that after picture of the Jesus mural that some 'artist' completely ruined in Italy a few years ago. Funny you should mention poor Mangled Jesus. I was looking for the painting that I had in mind... my poor recollection of the artist's name wasn't producing the results I *actually* wanted, but poor Mangled Jesus kept appearing in the results. *Finally pulls art history book off shelf* She reminded me of the little girl in Diego Velazquez' "Las Meninas." Edited February 3, 2016 by ivygirl 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923819
breezy424 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Forgot to add, although I disagree with Kathryn about Faye's book, I totally agree with her about the use of the 'c' word. And I give her credit for confronting Erika about it. I give her a lot of credit of expressing her contempt of the word and saying to Erika don't use the word around her. Applause from me. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923841
MerisWetBar February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I kept wondering if Taylor was at the wrong party. Maybe she confused Moulin Rouge with Night of the Living Dead. I also thought Faye handled the "confrontation" scene with LVP well. She seemed polite,if a little fake, but they all seem to have that fakey thing going anyway. Eileen needed different hair for that costume, Kathryn's voice makes me crazy, I like Erika more every week and I am still over here cringing with second-hand awkwardness at Kyle's splits. On a related note, my 9-year old daughter said "Faye looks like the frog on the Honey Smacks box." So there is that. 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923844
RedheadZombie February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Gotta love Vince telling Eileen to just shake off that jet lag and get back to work. Eileen has three jobs, takes care of that mausoleum, seems to be the sole caretaker of the child, picks up the slack when his kids are arround - anything I missed? The only surprise was that Vince was in an upright position while talking to her. Must have needed to place a bet. 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923849
Vicky8675309 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Oh God, STFU Yo. You put it out there. No. You're not the voice of Lyme disease around the world. Put your f'ing ego in check. You're the expert but you don't even know what Munchhausen is no less know how to say it. You're not smart nor are you intelligent. I just wanted to throw something at the TV and I'm not that kind of person. What is with Kathryn's accent. She goes from mid western to a kind of slang thing. I don't know what it is but it's annoying. And no, it was not the time to bring up again her feelings about Faye. It's not your party Kathryn. I think Vinnie loves Eileen but he wants nothing to do with the Housewife show. Notice he got up and walked away in the one scene. Very telling. So it's OK for Erika to tell Yo about stuff that is said behind Yo's back, even if it's incorrect, but according to Yo it's not correct to talk about people behind their back. Is there some hypocrisy here? I like Kyle's and Lisa's playfulness with one another but....nope, you don't look at someone else's text messages and yeah, Lisa does hold a grudge. Love or hate her, Kyle is a loyal friend. And God forbid, I think Faye handled the conversation with Lisa very well. well said and I completely agree! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923861
phoenix780 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) I kept wondering if Taylor was at the wrong party. Maybe she confused Moulin Rouge with Night of the Living Dead. Seriously. Everyone else looked lovely, imho (especially Rinna, who should maybe invest in permanent hair like that). Taylor was totally zombie chic. Or, y'know, zombie. I feel the need to be Rinna levels of honest right now. I don't know why Yolanda should be offended when people think she landed on the wrong rare disease. Munchausen's, Chronic Lyme- you can be the flag-bearer for anything, really, and get the same high, have the same sense of purpose. I don't know how she can call out another for being imperfect-yet-judge-y when she's imperfect-yet-judge-y herself. At least Rinna can acknowledge she has flaws, that she's sometimes selfish. Frankly, I think she should have thanked Rinna because Rinna created an opportunity where she could explain the randomness of her social media posts. Then there's this whole martyr thing. Nobody asked her to be a spokesperson far as I know, and I don't believe she just fell into it (since, y'know, it takes careful use of social media), so she can miss me with that. Go be sick in private. You can even go be an advocate in private. Bet you could get well in private, too. I think I just can't get past her ex-husband's comment about why she wanted to be on the show (lifestyle brand creation) and what she's doing now and think there's any sincerity, anything real (there's a root illness, I'm sure, it's all the stuff around it that stinks, imho). She came in looking to sell something...this is the product she found. Kyle is my favorite HW across the franchises. Kyle can shut the fuck up about Kathyrn/Faye. Don't sit your ass down to "put on lipstick," launch into a discussion about Faye, and then get overly-defensive when someone responds. I mean, I get that this was all for show. Someone had to get Kathryn integrated into the event, Kyle couldn't be on camera regarding Faye without proving loyalty. But still, that whole deal was irritating. I dunno about this episode. It was somehow entertaining as I was watching, yet in the aftermath...I just want to swear. At all of them. Bring something to the table besides an illness and a 20 year-old murder (which- yeah, I would think it's long ago, too, but I wasn't all up in it, so shut up Kyle...who was on Andy's show commenting on that year, if I remember the promos correctly, meaning it's not exactly buried history). The one bright spot for me was finally figuring out Vince in his last scene where he was like, "Um, y'all do this. I'm out." He wants nothing to do with this mess. It makes most of the awkwardness understandable. This ain't his schtick. Good for him, it's nice to believe there's someone out there who winds up on one of these things who lacks a natural gift for fakery and famewhoring. Edited February 3, 2016 by phoenix780 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923881
yourmomiseasy February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) Taylor looked like she got confused and thought it was a Dia de los Muertos party. Rinna looked surprisingly good. She should wear her hair pulled back more often. Kathryn is just too hard or rough for me and not what I want when watching this show. I'm not liking her so far. Maybe she'll grow on me. Edited February 3, 2016 by yourmomiseasy 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923899
swankie February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) Oh great, a tart(s) party. The expiration date for all involved was about 20 years ago. I don't agree because I don't think there is an expiration date on having fun. Plus, every last one of those ladies looked fantastic in those outfits. If you've got it, friggin flaunt it. I thought the party was a blast, so much so, I'm thinking of having that theme for my next birthday bash! I may even do the splits. ;-) I think Kyle's full of baloney getting all offended by Kathryn sharing her opinion of Faye when Kyle was just trying to force Her opinion of Faye on Lisa. Good for LV for staying out of it until Kyle brought it up. I agree with Kyle though. Have an opinion, you have that right. Just don't voice it at my party. If you feel some kind of way about my friend, take your 20 year old attitude home. Kathryn already had her chance to confront Faye and she shriveled like Lisa Rinna's puckery armpits. Stfu and move on! Edited February 3, 2016 by swankie 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923902
Thumper February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I noticed Kathryn's husband got up and left as a scene between the women was starting too. Missed 1/2 the show, so I guess I didn't see Erika's house. I'm still not sure about Erika. I thought Kyle's breasts were going to fall out of that outfit! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923908
princelina February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Yolanda - what a snooze. And her bullshit is 50% of next week's preview! Makes me want to take to my own bed for a week just thinking about it. (Aside from work, the gym and my super bowl party - but that doesn't count, does it?) Love how she tells Erika she hasn't walked outside in 9 months (aside from climbing her hundreds of stairs to make her kids read her will :) If we have to watch someone "hash it out" with her, I wish it could be someone from here who would read her a list of her lies and then tell her to shut it. "Don't judge someone else unless you are perfect" says Yo - which I guess means she thinks she is perfect, so she's allowed. If I still looked good in a corset and fishnets I would probably have a themed party just to wear it! And if I could do splits I'd be showing off all over the place :) But for now I'll just go back to trying to fit into my jeans from before I quit smoking! 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923913
DebbieM4 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Really boring episode. It actually started on a somewhat humorous note when Yolanda said she hadn't been out walking for 9 months. Didn't we see her out walking (and introducing Erika to Kyle) just a few weeks ago? And then of course her proclamation that people should be putting their energy into taking care of her. Typical Yolanda. Not much else to comment on. I hated Erika's house. I think Kathryn & her husband are boring, and trying too hard. Eileen has kind of jumped the shark for me, but I'm still trying to hold out hope. The anniversary party was stupid and seemed way too contrived. We've already seen that clip from Yolanda's surgery a million times - There was no need for us to see it yet again, nor for her to constantly be recapping what's been going on with her "health struggles". We know! We're suffering thru them too! Even the people I like were boring in this episode. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923931
Avaleigh February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I didn't believe LisaR when she was telling the other women that Harry wouldn't have sex with her if she grows her hair out. I think she just likes it short. I don't think there's anything wrong with her wanting it short but I actually think it looks better longer. I liked it pulled back. I thought she looked younger. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1923988
ElDosEquis February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I didn't believe LisaR when she was telling the other women that Harry wouldn't have sex with her if she grows her hair out. I think she just likes it short. I don't think there's anything wrong with her wanting it short but I actually think it looks better longer. I liked it pulled back. I thought she looked younger. keep the lights out and no one will suspect anything? Kathryn already had her chance to confront Faye and she shriveled like Lisa Rinna's puckery armpits. Stfu and move on! Points! It's three in the morning and that comment made me laugh. We just needed Sonja Morgan to have flashed her hamskirts in a drunken shudder of 'burlesque' THAT would have finally fried Ken Todd. Yo missed out, it was a party where you really didn't need to get dressed? 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924004
DivaLasVegas82 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Forgot to add, although I disagree with Kathryn about Faye's book, I totally agree with her about the use of the 'c' word. And I give her credit for confronting Erika about it. I give her a lot of credit of expressing her contempt of the word and saying to Erika don't use the word around her. Applause from me. I'm like Erika. That word doesn't offend me at all. I even refer to some women that I'm not crazy about by that word. For me, the context of the word is more important than the word itself. OMG, I love Erika but that house is TACKY. Lisa Rinna's pretending it makes Vanderpumps house look like a "disco" was ridiculous. And Donny and Kathryn's homestead doesn't read "couple that never has to work again." I love Erika, but I'm not fond of the interior of her home either. Lisa V's home is very elegant, while Erika's looks very old fashioned IMO. But I do love the fact that Erika has a chapel. I don't think I've ever seen a rich person with a chapel inside of their home. Lisa and Kyle may have flaws, but I thnk the two of them really do have good marriages. I agree. Reality TV can be hard on a lot of marriages, but Ken and Lisa and Kyle and Mauricio's marriages seem to be weathering the storm. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924031
DivaLasVegas82 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Lisa V is one hell of a grudge holder. Good lord woman I get you felt disrespected by Faye coming at you and I was on your side then, but now you making a 3-year old situation seem like 3 days or 3 hours ago. Like if you don't like her, fine, but the more you talk about her the more and energy you give her. Speaking of energy did anyone else get sideeye when Yoda said in her confessional, "I wish they use they energy on taking care of me." What an attention hawk. Not to mention, she was a bad actress when Erika told her what LVP and Kyle were talking about the children's lymes at the BBQ. Lisa R getting a wet one over Erika's house. Erika's house is nice from the outside but say it's better than LVP's I would have to disagree but it definitely is old money looking. Nevertheless, Lisa R is one big ass scary cat this season. This woman was so ballsy as hell last season. Now this season she's all mouth in her talking heads but when she's in person with these ladies she's meow! I don't think she was one bit ready to be thrust into the "bitch" role (actually, none of them were from the looks of it). The convo between Yoda and Lisa R only proved when she's in the hot seat she can't back it up. Kathryn... if you are not going to read the book, you need to let shit go! You can't go back and forth saying you are not bothered by Faye but then want to make a mountain of a molehill the next. Kyle also annoyed me too. For someone who wanted to know all about Kathryn and wanted to stir the pot now doesn't want Kathryn and Faye to have it. Kyle, if you are going to be a little troublemaker be entertaining but don't be in your feelings neither when you get in the hot seat. But I will say Kyle was correct that LVP's grudge against Faye will probably have her side with Kay easily. As for next week, Yolanda is going to be like a kid in a fucking candy store seeing these women arguing over her. I can see her now on her king sized bed, sucking on lemon and getting a huge giggle out of each woman questioning her lymes. Am I the only one who thinks Katheryn's dislike of Faye runs much deeper than what Faye wrote about her in a book two decades ago? I feel like at least part of her dislike involves Marcus Allen, but because Katheryn and Marcus have been divorced for several years now, Katheryn probably doesn't want to talk about him on camera. I totally agree about Lisa V holding grudges. Kyle was spot-on about that aspect of Lisa. Faye is not my favorite person either, but I don't think her confronting Lisa about "winding Brandi up" is worth holding onto a three year grudge. Furthermore, Faye isn't the only person who thought Brandi was a mouthpiece for Lisa V. I use to lurk on the "Town Without Pity" boards, and people there were saying the same thing. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924042
Avaleigh February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Good Lord Yolanda gets on my nerves. I really hope she doesn't come back next season. She's the worst thing to me about this show right now. I must have rolled my eyes ten different times during the scene of her with Erika on the beach. I'm already annoyed that a third of the reunion is going to be devoted to Yolanda's bullshit health claims. The worst thing is it's because of Yolanda that we're going to have to deal with having Brandi back. I went from being mostly indifferent to her in her first two seasons to just wanting her off of my screen. Wait, Erika lives in Pasadena? I'm curious where. I'd guess it's either near the Rose Bowl, maybe near Annadale. It went by so fast it was hard to tell but I thought I saw the bridge. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924057
swankie February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Camille tickled me with the whole grabbing the hat and throwing the head around when she was dancing. Problem was, she wasn't wearing a hat. Lol! Am I the only one who thinks Katheryn's dislike of Faye runs much deeper than what Faye wrote about her in a book two decades ago? I feel like at least part of her dislike involves Marcus Allen, but because Katheryn and Marcus have been divorced for several years now, Katheryn probably doesn't want to talk about him on camera. I don't believe for one second that Kathryn didn't read that book. I think she read every single word; at least the chapter that was about her. I agree that it runs way deeper than saying she turned a blind eye to her then husband's cheating. I think it has to do with the whole alleged affair her ex had with Nicole and the allegation that he also propositioned Faye herself. I think she's saying she hasn't read the book because she wants everyone to think she's so tough she couldn't be bothered. Only thing is, she's beyond bothered. She's a walking contradiction. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924070
talula February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I feel terribly guilty about this but I find Lisa Rinna entertaining as hell to watch. She's a nosy-as-hell gossip, she can't have a thought pass through that brain of hers without uttering it, especially if it's a not nice one about someone in the Beverly Hills circles, she's a snob, she's self-important and probably a host of other major personality flaws but she is definitely not a bore (which is more than I can say for some of these women). I'll probably go to hell for this. Save a seat for me PetuniaP Lol! I was thinking the same thoughts about LisaR. She's adding spice this season and no doubt it will bring her back another year. I like Eileen, but so far not much from her this season. I wonder if her future position is as secure with the producers? 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924088
Popular Post cooksdelight February 3, 2016 Popular Post Share February 3, 2016 When Erika said she lives in Pasadena, and that house.... all I could think of was Mildred Pierce. She also moved to Pasadena in the movie when she finally had money, and the house they used for that movie looked a lot like Erika's. Kathryn came very, very close to saying something to Kyle about the time period of when Kyle and Faye first met and became friends. Faye was a druggie then, and when Kyle told Kathryn what year they met, the look in Kathryn's eyes told me she was just dying to say something. Maybe she's saving that for later, but it's going to come out. It has to. :D 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924132
SuzWhat February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Erica's lip color was on point at the party. That's all I got. I kind of love her. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924139
motorcitymom65 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 The drama absolutely feels fake to me this season. I don't believe for one second that Lisa would devote that much time to talking about Faye; she just doesn't care that much about her. God, she spent less time talking about Brandi when she was hammering away at her. It completely seems like they always have to find a reason for Kyle and Lisa to be wary of one another. They cannot ever just have a good, easy relationship. The thing that cannot be faked is the chemistry that Kyle and Lisa have; they always seem to be having a good time when they are together, and while I'm not sure they always trust each other, I think they really are close. It just seems like the Faye stuff is a way to get Kathryn into the group. We see Lisa talking about Faye a lot, then this gives Kyle a reason to tell Lisa that she understands they were cordial to each other at the party, right in front of Kathryn. Kathryn, who by the way is ridiculous. It's not about talking poorly about Faye to Kyle at Kyle's party; it's about Kathryn talking poorly about Faye at all. Kathryn doesn't know Kyle. They have no friendship right now, so it is inconceivable that she would talk crap about Faye to Kyle after Kyle has made it very clear that they are close friends. She is all talk. If she has such a problem with Faye, go talk it over with her. Of course Lisa would understand that this is a tacky thing to do, and in normal circumstances she would be the first person to say so. Fake shit all the way around. I like Erika, but she was very selective in the way she related the conversation to Yo, or it was edited that way (more than likely). The key part of that conversation was the part about Mo saying the kids were fine. Why leave this part out? Next week will be interesting. It looks like Lisar is going to get the blame for telling Yo about the conversation regarding her kids. I wonder if Erika will fess up to the fact that she was the one who was gossiping with Yo about that. I hope so. It looks like she is in the room when they are all discussing who told Yo. I think we will learn a lot about her character next week when we see if she is honest about this or not. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924154
kokapetl February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I can see why Lisar likes her current hairdo, it takes the edge of her bratz doll features. When she had her hair pulled back her cheeks looked ridiculous. She needs the illusion of a bigger head to make them look relatively proportionate. Have those stupid little one on one visits always been such a large part of this show? They're incredibly tedious and aggravating. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924168
Nanny pants February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I feel terribly guilty about this but I find Lisa Rinna entertaining as hell to watch. She's a nosy-as-hell gossip, she can't have a thought pass through that brain of hers without uttering it, especially if it's a not nice one about someone in the Beverly Hills circles, she's a snob, she's self-important and probably a host of other major personality flaws but she is definitely not a bore (which is more than I can say for some of these women). I'll probably go to hell for this. Petunias and mbaywife: I'll join you. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924217
mwell345 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) OMG. Ken and Lisa trying to walk down the driveway. For me, it was one of the funniest, most authentic, yet kind of sad moment of the season. Ken looked like the Monopoly banker's dad. They both couldn't have looked more ridiculous if they had tried. And enough with the splits, Kyle - we get it. I don't really like Katherine yet - it seems like she and her husband are trying to hard or something. Maybe she'll grow on me. I think Kyle is handling the Faye drama very well, and I appreciated that she did not let LVP get to her about releasing the "orangutan". Kyle is right - it happened 3 years ago, it wasn't that big a deal at the time, and it certainly pales even more when compared with the all the crap Brandi unleashed (ie Adrienne Maloof for starters) and LVP remained friends with her. So LVP can take a seat. I have always liked her, but she is getting on my last nerve this season. I would like to know more about the conversation Lisa Rinna was involved in regarding Yolanda. She's apologized and it doesn't sound like the kind of thing she should have to wear sackcloth and ashes for. But Lisa seems very guilty about it, so maybe there is more to it. Enough about Faye Resnick and what happened over 20 years ago. Other than Katherine (and Bravo), does anyone really care about it anymore? I'm already annoyed that a third of the reunion is going to be devoted to Yolanda's bullshit health claims. The worst thing is it's because of Yolanda that we're going to have to deal with having Brandi back. And sadly, after the reunion bores us with Yolanda, the rest of it will bore us with OJ stuff. Edited February 3, 2016 by mwell345 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924219
SuzWhat February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 It is funny to me that Kyle is indignant that Kathryn was talking negatively about her friend Faye at Kyle's party and she found it so offensive and rude. However, she wants Lisa VP to release the grudge she holds for Faye for confronting Lisa at her party. It seems to me that Kyle is now angry at Kathryn for the a very similar reason that Lisa VP is / was angry at Faye. Seems kind of hypocritical to me. If I was Kyle and had time to reflect on it, I might say "I now know why Lisa was so angry" or something. Oh well. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924238
tenativelyyours February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 The more I see of Vince the more I see someone who wants the RH money. That doesn't mean they are hovering near broke. It doesn't mean he doesn't get a nice check each month from his late father's investments and returns on his sold business. But he seems like more money is means more money out. And like a good gambler he appreciates having Eileen bring in the steady consistent money. Because he really seems to have this idea that Eileen is working. Something that the fourth wall keeps the others from admitting even when it less an elephant in the room and a hippo doing a lap dance. He also seems to hate the show. And I think for me that only illustrates that he wants the money from it for whatever reason. And more and I more I get a strong sense that what's Eileen's is theirs and what's his is his. I just find him unpalatable in some many ways that are simply gut feelings that have no real factual foundations. But my gut has rarely roiled me wrong with these shows. Okay most likely because they all are on these shows in the first place which is a huge ding in character from the start. Erika doesn't interest me that much. but the potential for Erika does. Seeing how she plays both the tattler with Yolanda but also pretty much stands and listens to what the rest of the cast says and simply lets it roll off her without getting dramatically offended for a plot makes me wonder. What the hell is she going to be like a second season. She seems not to give a fuck but she is on the show and she does love attention. So her main interest for me is where she goes once she has the show figured out. Rinna knows she has to carry water for production. Eileen still is trying to play this as a role and I think from the editing production is not that thrilled with this approach without a Brandi to bounce off of and Van with a Pump is not going about her own shit stirring in the right way to really get Eileen as committed to outrage as I think the show wants. Eileen flirts with the necessary rolling in the mud but then suddenly stops to take her shoes off and tie up her hair. That's not how it is done. Erika simply lets the others fall down the mud, she watches amused and then walks away. However she then goes to Yolanda and does what these shows now seem to want the women to do. Spread chaos and hope for claws and hair to fly in the end. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924242
Diane Mars February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 The Girardi's House in Pasadena : https://www.google.ch/maps/place/100+Los+Altos+Dr,+Pasadena,+CA+91105,+%C3%89tats-Unis/@34.1456763,-118.1708261,191m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x80c2c3982154aad3:0x9da9f5c160d0087b!2s100+Los+Altos+Dr,+Pasadena,+CA+91105,+%C3%89tats-Unis!3b1!3m1!1s0x80c2c3982154aad3:0x9da9f5c160d0087b :) 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924246
zoeysmom February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Here is Yolanda's old house aerial view: http://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/robert-f-smith-and-hope-dworaczyks-house-previously-yolanda-hadid-fosters-house/view/bing/ Does anybody believe she and Erika, in her long dress. braved the winding driveway, Carbon Canyon road and found a beach access spot? I also laughed, and it is so bad, when Yolanda claimed to have "survived her surgery". For chrissake woman you didn't have a heart lung transplant-they didn't even go into any body cavities. I don't mind Erika, I still don't see how it helps anyone to hear about how others question their illness or their children's? How is that helping Yolanda's never ending recovery? 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924266
jennylauren123 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I thought Taylor was channeling Sally from NIghtmare Before Christmas: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/nightmare-before-christmas/images/17658927/title/sally-photo 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924275
ghoulina February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I have to start out by saying, If Lisa V ever EVER brings back Carlton, I will track her down and throttle her until all her diamonds fall off! Just. No. Okay, I'm already over the drama about Faye. I find it very hard to believe that Lisa V is THAT peeved with her. So she basically said Lisa is a puppet master? Who HASN'T said that? She and Kyle have gotten into it and said worse things about each other and are ostensibly friends again, so....? And she apparently hasn't seen Faye since that happened? In THREE YEARS? Okay, because I thought Faye was often at events Kyle hosted? So either Lisa is full of shit, or she doesn't attend Kyle's events outside of the show. In which case, they're really not good enough friends that Kyle needs to handle her guest list with Lisa in mind. On the flip side, while I am one of the few that actually likes Kyle and pretty much always has, she does need to stop trying to make Faye happen. Faye is her long time friend and she has every right to invite her to whatever event she wishes. And while I may not understand it, I admire her loyalty to her friend, and the lack of fucks given in regards to what anyone else thinks about it. However, she needs to realize that just because SHE sees some good in Faye, that doesn't mean everyone else has to. Kathryn may never get over Faye, and that's fine. So stop trying to force them on each other. I really am not caring for Kathryn so far, though. She comes off as very pushy to me. There were two little incidents last night that gave me that impression, but I can only remember one. I do not care for the "c" word myself. I just find it vulgar; and I'm not puritan when it comes to language. But I really hate when people lecture others on how to speak and how to behave. "You're too pretty to talk like that". Ugh, just comes off as very pretentious and condescending. Wow. Taylor looked like death at the Moulin Rouge party. DEATH. If I had only seen her, I would have thought it was a Halloween party and she was the madame of a zombie brothel. Yikes. I have never heard Erika Jane sing, but I hope she has a lot of autotune at her disposal. I think Rinna was really backpedaling in her meeting with Yolanda. When the "M" word originally came up, she may not have flat out said "I think Yo has this", but it definitely wasn't as simple as someone else brought it up and she just "engaged". I think she was ready to jump on that train, if others were going to board as well. I think Lisar's MO is drop little hints of an idea, see how others react to it, and THEN decide where she is going to land on the issue. She seemed to practically be salivating over the idea of Munchausen's when she first brought it up, but when Kyle and Lisa V weren't picking up what she was laying down, she made it seem more like she only told them because she felt bad about engaging in the conversation with the mysterious person who originally brought it up (apparently her hairdresser). Whatever, I guess it could be open to interpretation, but that's really not how I see it. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924276
poeticlicensed February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 IT seems like the entire season has centered around someone saying something ON CAMERA, then when called on it denies they actually said it. Witness Lisa denying she ever said Yo's kids don't have Lyme, yet she is filmed saying just that. That costume party was ridiculous. Tarts minus Vicars indeed. Kyle's gonna catch something if she continues to rub the floors with her Vajayjay. Katherine is super boring. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924287
islandgal140 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) Erika looked so pretty in some of her beach scenes with Yo and her makeup is always pretty damn perfect. Doesn't hurt that she seems to have nice skin and doesn't seem to worship at the altar of self tanner. Few people can make those shades of pink sing like she does. I didn't mind the theme party and everyone looked great minus Taylor but it reminded me of that Mean Girl quote about Halloween: ""Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." I feel that way mainly because the women were all so undressed, while the men were literally covered from head to toe with no skin showing other than there heads and hands. I mean were there no Cabaret boys ever in the history of the world? Granted, no one wants to see Ken shirtless, but damn Mauricio or Kathryn's husband could have given us a little something. I am just asking for parity here. Kathryn is just not cute to me, and her and her husband are trying to hard. If Erika's house represent typical Pasadena then I wants no parts of that part of California. Sure I can appreciate the wealth that can get you a home and grounds like that, but damn that shit is ugly! Give me Yolanda's Malibu home please or Lisa's pre-renovation. I liked Lisa VP's house before she got her mitts on it. Edited February 3, 2016 by islandgal140 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924314
ghoulina February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 IT seems like the entire season has centered around someone saying something ON CAMERA, then when called on it denies they actually said it. Witness Lisa denying she ever said Yo's kids don't have Lyme, yet she is filmed saying just that. Well, I mean unless I am remembering wrong, LVP didn't technically say the non-Gigis don't have Lyme. She said she never "heard that". I do think she accidentally stepped in something there, and wanted to shut it down as soon as she realized. But technically it could be as simple as her saying she never heard Mo mention that, but that doesn't mean it's not true. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924336
Primetimer February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 And more not-so-burning questions as this week's RHOBH attempts to recreate the sweeping drama of the Moulin Rouge. Read the story 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924370
Primal Slayer February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 For me it is, since Yo's credo is to talk to the person. So, if Yo has a problem with someone then talk to them, not to a third party. Shut it down. Add to that Erika is convoluting what was actually said. How can Yolanda know if someone has a problem with her when they are talking about her behind her back? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924399
nexxie February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 I like Erika, but she was very selective in the way she related the conversation to Yo, or it was edited that way (more than likely). The key part of that conversation was the part about Mo saying the kids were fine. Why leave this part out? Next week will be interesting. It looks like Lisar is going to get the blame for telling Yo about the conversation regarding her kids. I wonder if Erika will fess up to the fact that she was the one who was gossiping with Yo about that. I hope so. It looks like she is in the room when they are all discussing who told Yo. I think we will learn a lot about her character next week when we see if she is honest about this or not.When Erika first appeared I wondered if she had finagled a spot on the show by befriending Yo - visiting her when the others didn't. (It would've been so easy to figure out this angle.) Then, their scenes on the plane and on the beach made me think Erika was really a friend. But that comment where she leaves out the bit about Mo was a big red flag - yes, next week should be enlightening! 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924407
maxineofarc February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 IIRC, Catherine Martin is or was also Mrs. Baz Luhrmann. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924415
The Mighty Peanut February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) I LOL'd when Taylor purposely interrupted Lisa and Kyle having words about Kathryn to tell them she didn't mean to interrupt, and then stood in the shot for the entire length of the confrontation. If you re-watch the scene notice how the editors cut back and forth from Kyle to Lisa's head to keep her out of the picture as much as they can. Poor Taylor. If she wasn't Taylor I'd feel bad for her. She's Charlie Brown and Bravo is Lucy with the football. Or she's the pining nerd and Bravo is the jock who alludes he'll take her to prom if she writes his term paper. "Here tay-tay, can I call you that? No? Ok, tay-tay, what you need to do is mention Yo's weird instagram posts while wearing this stupid hat. Maybe we can talk about our relationship later. Ok? Greeeattt. You're so pretty when you smile." Edited February 3, 2016 by The Mighty Peanut 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924430
TattleTeeny February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) Ugh, Lisa Rinna's clumsy attempts at shit-stirring, man--so transparent. The way she pretends she doesn't "get" something as a way to (A) introduce a topic for gossip while (B) believing she's exculpating herself for that same gossip--and I say that as someone who doesn't even see the big deal about engaging in a conversation in which some mysterious other party brought up the Munchausen thing! She's making this whole dramatic scenario and garment-rending apologies about merely hearing words? IMO, she recounts that story so that they can all sit around and dish. I mean...whatever, that's how the show works but it gets on my nerves--it's such a convoluted way to address it. First, if someone accuses Yo of this thing while gabbing with Lisa R., respond with, "That's unlikely" or (god forbid), "Leave me out of it." Then, with the other HW's, just be like, "Hey, you guys--So-and-So actually accused Yo of making herself sick for attention; I shut it down [or left]." Edited February 3, 2016 by TattleTeeny 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924466
Bluedog100 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Did anyone else but me notice how indelicately Erika got into the limo or how Kathryn rose from the couch to greet another housewife? Keep those legs closed, ladies! 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924507
TattleTeeny February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) I told my BF that, while I would totally love to dress up like this for a party, I would hope the hosts would throw it in a hotel! It looked hellish attempting to get in and out of cars with feathers a'flyin' and extraneous ensemble accents getting in the way of sitting down or hitting the ceiling of the limo. Also, I applaud Taylor for going ghoulish; she was more fun and unique than the others. But I also tend toward a slightly gothy vibe in my everyday life, so don't go by me. Edited February 3, 2016 by TattleTeeny 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924532
Satchels of gold February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Ugh, Lisa Rinna's clumsy attempts at shit-stirring, man--so transparent. The way she pretends she doesn't "get" something as a way to (A) introduce a topic for gossip while (B) believing she's exculpating herself for that same gossip--and I say that as someone who doesn't even see the big deal about engaging in a conversation in which some mysterious other party brought up the Munchausen thing! She's making this whole dramatic scenario and garment-rending apologies about merely hearing words? IMO, she recounts that story so that they can all sit around and dish. I mean...whatever, that's how the show, works, but it gets on my nerves--it's such a convoluted way to address it. First, if someone accuses Yo of this thing while gabbing with Lisa R., respond with, "That's unlikely" or (god forbid), "Leave me out of it." Then, with the other HW's, just be like, "Hey, you guys--So-and-So actually accused Yo of making herself sick for attention; I shut it down [or left]." It's the price we all have to pay for not having Brandi. Well worth it IMO. Although her getting wasted and confronting people seems organic in comparison. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924537
intensebeige February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Kathryn came very, very close to saying something to Kyle about the time period of when Kyle and Faye first met and became friends. Faye was a druggie then, and when Kyle told Kathryn what year they met, the look in Kathryn's eyes told me she was just dying to say something. Maybe she's saving that for later, but it's going to come out. It has to. :D I was like, "1994 you say, Kyle? Hmmmm...what a year!" 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924547
Duke2801 February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) QuoteQuoteQuoteFavorite moment of the episode was Erika's reaction to Kathryn telling her not to use the "c" word "you're too good for that, don't use it, it's disgusting so don't ever say that word again." Erika: "a) I don't care; and b) I'll use it as much as I want, which is constantly." Erika is hands down my favorite housewife of all time (so far). Additionally, she was the only one who could pull off the Moulin Rouge look. Floved Erika's reaction to Kathryn's scolding. Like, yes, we all have certain words that rub us the wrong way. And I certainly don't love the "c word" myself. But WHO lectures a person they've just met to "not use that word" because ...reasons. Fuck off, butterface. Erika really was the only one who didn't look ridiculous in her Moulin Rouge gear. I think because her normal look is pretty sex-kitten and vampy, it's not such a rough transition to a Tart. Plus we've seen her in more "daring" looks dressed as Erika Jane. The rest of them looked awkward and uncomfortable--especially LisaV and Kyle! Oof that shot of Lisa doddering down her driveway with Ken barely holding her up was both hilarious and cringe-inducing! Kyle's boobs really did seem like they were ready to pop out and greet the guests personally at any moment. That said, I agree that both of the anniversary couples really do seem to have solid marriages and are very happy together. Kyle and Mo especially seem to really love (and like) each other after 20 years together. Kadooz to all of them! QuoteQuoteUgh, and there was Taylor, thirstily desperate and insane-looking as always, dressed like some crazed performer straight out of "American Horror Story"...she was so damned determined to butt her way into every conversation filmed on screen, wasn't she? Good Lord, I hope she *never* worms her way back onto this show...speaking of someone I wouldn't mind seeing on here again, I wonder where Camille Grammer was?? IKR? Taylor and her fright-face and thirst are so sad. WTF was that look she was going for? Camille was there - she was wearing an outfit that had pink in it. She looked aight. Edited February 3, 2016 by Duke2801 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924549
bichonblitz February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 That joint anniversary party was rediculous with those costumes. How old are these people?I see Taylor is still trying to make herself happen.I see Kyle is still trying to make Faye happen.Why doesn't Camille just come back to the show, already?Not interested in Kathryn at all. She has nothing to contribute except a 21 year old gripe with Faye? Please, bore me some more. It's funny that Faye just won't take the bait. Don't think the producers would be too happy with that. That might just be the icing on the cake to get rid of Faye for good. She's not playing. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924580
TattleTeeny February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 (edited) It's the price we all have to pay for not having Brandi. Well worth it IMO. Although her getting wasted and confronting people seems organic in comparison. Good point. But jeez Louise, Lisa Rinna--hone your craft already! It's all so clunky! Exactly what are you feeling guilty for?! That joint anniversary party was rediculous with those costumes. How old are these people? Old enough to do whatever the hell they want when they throw a party? Since when is there an age limit on costumes? Edited February 3, 2016 by TattleTeeny 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924581
HumblePi February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Did anyone else but me notice how indelicately Erika got into the limo or how Kathryn rose from the couch to greet another housewife? Keep those legs closed, ladies! I noticed the spread open legs and in my brain the cheesy song of Luann de Lesseps started playing, 'money can't buy you class'. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924585
kokapetl February 3, 2016 Share February 3, 2016 Lisa did not look good shuffling down her driveway wearing that costume in the harsh light of day. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38133-s06e10-backwards-in-heels/page/2/#findComment-1924631
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