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S05.E12: Be Our Guest

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The more I think about it the more I really like the ending of Hotel. It worked on almost every level for me. I love that Liz chose her ultimate fate and she got her reward and true love if not in life then in death and the reason why Tristan stayed away made sense.

I really like the Lowe family drama. I know I am in the minority in this but I liked how their story ended for the most part. I like how John got found out as the Ten Commandments Killer and how he got killed outside the Cortez so he could only see his family one night a year.

I even liked the Billie stuff. I liked that she made the Cortez a trendy hot spot for idiots who wanted to see ghosts but none of the residents were quite happy about the development. I liked how she was brought in to the Devil night festivities.

I even liked Sally's ending which was ironic in its own way. She found happiness in Twitter and Facebook and the like. I can see how someone as empty as her could find fufillment like that. Like a lot of the characters it was a kind of happy ending.

All in all I really enjoyed Hotel. It has been my favorite series since Asylum so I will most definetly be back for the next one.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 8

One of the things I liked about the ending - and I really did like it - was that it was in line with the final episode of "Freak Show" and its view of the afterlife, that, as Ethel told Elsa, their petty sins and earthly crimes don't amount to anything. So even though most of the characters this season were murderers and worse, each received some measure of happiness at the end. I'd have liked a better ending for John, but even he got that one night each year with his family, and the knowledge that Scarlet, the child he and Alex neglected in their descents into madness, turned out fine - and was even able to love and forgive them.


Liz got the best ending - and I was thrilled by it - but Iris, who I also cared about deeply, got a good one, too. When the anger and pettiness melted away, Donovan found himself clinging to a happy childhood memory, his mother's pancakes, and was able to send her a sincere message of love.

  • Love 5


I really like the Lowe family Dana. I know I am in the minority in this but I liked how their story ended for the most part. I like how John got gound out as the Ten Commandments Killer and hot killed outside the Cortez so he could only see his family one night a year.


I liked the story up to a point but in the end it sort of fizzled out and didn't mean much in the greater scheme of things. Their inclusion in the finale felt like an afterthought and I felt like too much time was spent on them. They could have gotten rid of Billie without John (and, for that matter, too much time spent on Billie as well - they should have been done with her after she did a reading for Liz and Iris, her character wasn't part of this season). 

  • Love 1

 That was the "Addition Demon", which March said Sally and all of the other junkies who've stayed at the Cortez have created.

So the junkies created a demon- it seemed like March could control it somehow, though?  I dunno, minor point I suppose.  


When Sarah Paulson showed up as the pyschic I kind of assumed she was the Supreme from the Coven season.  Sucks to be Queenie.  I wonder why she was such a quiet ghost?  Or do witches not have ghosts?

  • Love 2

Liz made the episode, and I have to say that Denis O'Hare's performance this season was the best I've ever seen on this show, and that's going up against some strong work by Jessica Lange.  It was really very moving and beautiful.  The only odd thing is that Liz's story in the finale was so powerful that the final moments of the episode felt flat and underwhelming by comparison.  Despite its flaws, I really enjoyed this season.  I thought they did a good job of making the hotel itself a main character on the show, and we saw great performances all season by the cast, and especially by O'Hare, Kathy Bates, Evan Peters, and Mare Winningham.  I even liked Lady Gaga.

  • Love 8

And all of the ghosts and monsters get a happy ending. I was happy Liz Taylor got back together with Tristan.

Me too! I started crying when they started playing "The Ballad of Lucy Jordan" (love that song) then really bawled when the Countess came in. Denis O'Hare knocked it out of the park this season.

BTW, my one question is that with Liz a ghost, who will be the intermediary between the designer and his fashion house?

Even though this show -- every season --is always a hot mess that makes little sense, it's a watchable hot mess. I can't help tuning in every year. Even if the storylines go awry and completely lose me, I usually enjoy watching the actors so much that I hang in there. I think that Liz Taylor was my favorite of all of Denis O'Hare's American Horror Story characters (and I loved him on True Blood too), and Mr. March was, by far, my favorite Evan Peters AHS character. He made me forget he was Evan Peters. On the other hand, I've liked Sarah Paulson better in almost every other season and not this one. Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett are always a delight to watch.

I feel like I need a spin-off with Iris, Liz and Ramona - and wacky guest appearances by Mr. March and Miss Evers!

And the eye candy this season -- hot damn! Matt Bomer, Finn Wittrock, Cheyenne Jackson and Wes Bentley are extremely handsome men. It's almost too much handsomeness to take, with all of them on one show.

Edited by Sherry67
  • Love 6

I thought there were oddly few ghosts at the meeting. That place should've been crawling with bodies.


I could've done without the last minute or so (Lady Gaga). The entire episode would've been perfect without it.


I thought we'd see Scarlett and Lachlan be together at the end. It kind of makes sense considering they're the two real survivors and went to the same school. Plus, they could be honest about their families and their pasts. 


I was very confused about why Liz would want to be killed by all those people, but I guess she was giving them the greatest gift. I did lol for real when the lumberjack hipster dude picked up the hatchet.


I saw on facebook that next season is apparently summer camp? I was thinking school or maybe college, but summer camp is cool, too. I imagine loads of "Friday the Thirteenth" references.


All in all, I'm pretty happy about this episode. I thought it was way better than most of the rest of the season, the last minute or two excluded.

  • Love 2

I thought there were oddly few ghosts at the meeting. That place should've been crawling with bodies.


I could've done without the last minute or so (Lady Gaga). The entire episode would've been perfect without it.


I thought we'd see Scarlett and Lachlan be together at the end. It kind of makes sense considering they're the two real survivors and went to the same school. Plus, they could be honest about their families and their pasts. 


I was very confused about why Liz would want to be killed by all those people, but I guess she was giving them the greatest gift. I did lol for real when the lumberjack hipster dude picked up the hatchet.


I saw on facebook that next season is apparently summer camp? I was thinking school or maybe college, but summer camp is cool, too. I imagine loads of "Friday the Thirteenth" references.


All in all, I'm pretty happy about this episode. I thought it was way better than most of the rest of the season, the last minute or two excluded.


My understanding was that the possible theme of the next season of Scream Queens would be summer camp.  That idea stemmed from something (a hint) Oliver Hudson said when he appeared on Watch What Happens Live a few months ago.  I didn't think that AHS would go the summer camp route, although I did wonder if a school could be involved in Season 6 somehow.  I guess anything is possible, though.


Edited to add:  I just read (Fri., 1/15/16) that the second season of Scream Queens is going to focus on a hospital, not a summer camp as previously believed. So maybe AHS is going to go the summer camp route after all?

Edited by Sherry67
  • Love 1
(More seriously, do ruthless murderous characters on AHS go to Heaven while mostly nice ones like Misty Day end up in Hell? WTF, Ryan Murphy?)



This drives me NUTS. Why do all these characters get happy endings, when to a man and woman, they were ruthless multiple murderers? Why does Iris's kid get to go to pancake and cartoon heaven when he cheerfully slaughtered scores of innocents whose only crime was want to hit the combination of Matt Boemer and Lady Gaga? Yes, it made Iris happy, but Iris is a killer too! She's the one who offed the Swedish Meatballs, for fuck's sake. Both of whom seemed to be perfectly normal young women who just wanted to see The Fast and The Furious in life--apparently the Cortez warps you in life or in death.


I get that the actual ghosts are trapped/deliberately staying back from crossing over, because most of them fear (and rightly so) the judgement that presumably awaits them past the threshold. March's need to keep the hotel around underscored that. But the people who actually crossed over should A) not be so easily contacted by the earthly plane, white light or no white light, and B) frankly, in hell. Lake of burning fire, eternal torture hell.* Not only do all of the ghosts keep on being horrible, the vast majority of them stay killers! Gaga has no earthly or unearthly reason to keep hunting, but she just likes the attention. So frankly, March or no March, she's in heaven.


I really hoped the last scene would be the whole place burning down a week away from the historical monument deadline.


* Okay, not like, the old couple or the ones who get murdered by Sad Sack Water Ghost or those vampire kidlets or... but you get the idea.

Edited by Snookums
  • Love 7

I liked it. The show tends to do these weirdly sort of feel good finales in spite of all the violence.


If all it took was introducing Sally to social media to calm her down, someone should've done it a lot sooner. Same with getting Will inspired again.


Bit of a missed opportunity by not having Sally and Billie interacting with each other though. I did love the Devil's Night revisit though, great scene and only time John actually seemed threatening in the series.


Liz really drove the narrative for the finale and I found her death and reunion with Tristan oddly sweet.


I guess Iris, Ramona, Scarlett, Alex, Holden and the unseen Lachlan were the only real survivors of the whole thing.


Countess didn't have much to do in this one but that wasn't a bad thing.


Next season, they do need to cut down on some of the extra plotting and focus a little better on main points but this was a good one to end on, 8/10

  • Love 2

Admitting that I haven't watched the last two or three episodes, but have read the recaps here, but:

Honestly, this sounds like Ryan Murphy delayed the past could of episodes so he could factor in audience feedback and totally cater storyline to fit.

1) Sally and Addiction Demon = few people 'liked' those two. I think Sarah Paulson performed well with a character that was really annoying, cloying, pitiful, selfish, destructive, etc. Basically, everything addiction should be. Addiction demon was just way too weird and disturbing. Ryan loves Sarah, so he 'redeemed' Sally in the end with her social media find, and also described how shallow and time consuming social media is. Good job Ryan.

2) Angela Basset = we all wanted more of her, even as another Foxy Cleopatra type, so he puts her on the runway. Well played.

3) Rowe family and 10 commandments murder = no1curr. So he sort of shoved them away. Good job.

4) Gaga is a terrible actress, and no one liked her killing Liz's lover, so Gaga gets redeemed in the end as the Fairy Godmother who transforms Liz and reunites him with his love.

5) Miss Evers was well liked so she was banished, but then back.

6) had to have another random crossover and also bring back the much loved Killer Party (which I hated btw - there are living victims in real life, so don't glamorize their killers), so welcome Billie Dean and all those serial killers

7) Kathy bates - sad character, but everyone loves Kathy, so let's give her and her idiot son a happier ending

8) last but not least - Liz. Liz was the most interesting and most overall liked character this season. I totally believe this Liz heavy last episode, with him getting a happy ending was due to fan feedback. I'm not mad at it, but it's obvious that he wanted to take a season of horror into something peaceful with rainbow and butterfly endings, plus this season ran out of steam faster than any before, so Liz gets a good rewrite or extra write.

9) P. S. thank you Ryan, for no Emma Roberts.

  • Love 6

Liz made the episode, and I have to say that Denis O'Hare's performance this season was the best I've ever seen on this show, and that's going up against some strong work by Jessica Lange.  It was really very moving and beautiful. 

For me Denis O'Hare made the season.  If anyone deserved nominations and awards, it's him.  He consistently knocked it out of the park.  Even when the material was weak, his performance was solid.  This makes me want to watch everything he's ever done.  

  • Love 14

You won't be sorry, Muffyn. He's an exceptional actor and I've loved him in just about anything I've seen him in.  Check out his turn as Vampire King Russell Eddington on "True Blood," his several different roles on various "Law & Order"s, and his fine work in small roles in "Dallas Buyers Club," "Charlie Wilson's War," "Michael Clayton", "Milk" and "The Proposal." He was affecting in "The Normal Heart" (directed by Ryan Murphy!), and for a real change of pace, check out the cast album of the recent revival of Sondheim's "Assassins". O'Hare plays Charles Guiteau, the delusional office-seeker who assassinated President Garfield, and he performs a joyous, rather catchy cakewalk as he's taken to the gallows.

  • Love 4

I love that Liz chose her ultimate fate and she got her reward and true love if not in life then in death and the reason why Tristan stayed away made sense.

Well, in retrospect it made sense what with years of being a grandmother and revitalizing Drake's fashion empire. But at the time he made the decision, Liz was spending all her time cleaning up after murderous ghosts in the hotel rather than getting on with her life and meeting new people (that weren't immediately murdered). I don't see how continuing their great love affair posthumously would have interfered with that.

I thought it was funny how they stopped Sally from killing by introducing her to social media.


Ironic, given that dealing with social media usually makes one feel more murderous, not less.


Loved the finale myself. I might be in the minority though - this is the first season I've been able to get all the way through, and I also loved Gaga's performance, so I may not be a trustworthy opinion :)


Liz Taylor, Rey from Star Wars - this really is the year of the secret female lead protagonist.

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Come sit with me, mad_typist! I loved the finale, enjoyed the season, thought Gaga was actually quite good and.... here's the worst sin, perhaps... I liked the character of John Lowe and thought Wes Bentley did exactly what Murphy, et al, wanted him to do. But then I've loved him since "American Beauty," so I'm perhaps even less trustworthy than you.

  • Love 3
Loved the finale myself. I might be in the minority though - this is the first season I've been able to get all the way through, and I also loved Gaga's performance, so I may not be a trustworthy opinion :)


I don't think Gaga was great, but I didn't mind her acting.  It probably helped that she was surrounded by much better actors who were able to elevate her performance.  I felt like the season was all over the place.  There was a lot that didn't work or was just tedious, like Sally and her addiction demon, the entire Ten Commandments killer storyline and the tween vampires.  However, the stuff that did work, like the Liz and Iris pairing (heck, most everything about Liz), James March and Miss Evers, was very good. 

  • Love 1

What a nice ending to an uneven season. I was so happy to see Liz and Iris get their happy endings. Dennis definitely stole the show and deserves a freaking emmy for his work. Glad that Ramona lived but I still wish she had had a bigger part. I could have cared less about the Lowe's because I hated both parents and I didn't care too much about the kids. March's line about KFC had me laughing for a solid few minutes. Evan Peters was great this season and this is the first time I haven't hated his character(I didn't see Coven or Asylum).  Ryan Murphy needs to take a break and really think up some new ideas because this show used to be my go to for scary and creepy but it isn't anymore. A lot of the stories are hum drum and the plotlines upon plotlines just aren't working anymore. I fear that Gaga will be his go to now and I think that's going to really ruin the future of this show. With that said I do have to say that I am curious to see what next season is about. Hopefully it will be better than this season. 

Edited by Dancingjaneway
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The way Gaga dumped her talent agency she might think the sky is the limit and decide not to continue on w/ RM and this show. She is a glorified award-winning actress now, pay no attention that the Golden Globes are just a made up award with no meaning whatsoever just so that a bunch of old men can hobnob with powerful celebrities.

RM seems to be the kind of guy who (as an actor) if you LOVE him, you LOVE him and are loyal to him and he's loyal to you til the end. I'm hoping she's not in the next AHS season. She was OK in this one - IMO should have been used less - but she doesn't have a lot of range and I can't imagine her transitioning to another character well. Maybe she'll prove me wrong. I expected to HATE her, and I thought she was passable, but a lot of that was because the Countess wasn't expected to show a huge range.

I can't deny now that every time I see this episode has a new posting, I don't burst into the Beauty and The Beast song, at least for a nano second. Sorry I needed to say that.

Anyways, I'm still meh on this season as a whole, but I did love Liz Taylor, who may be my favorite AHS character, ever. But other than that, I really have nothing to say.

  • Love 3

I just watched the finale last night, and I really enjoyed it.

I realized while watching it that it resonated in many ways with S2: Asylum's finale, which I've watched countless times, more times than any other AHS episode (although "The Name Game" and "Spilt Milk" both also from S2 are not that far behind). So, not surprising that I'm a fan of this finale - although Asylum's still remains my favorite. Still my favorite season as well.

I was disappointed by Freak Show - although it had its moments - so I'm happy to see AHS rebound this year. I've liked Hotel all along, but I needed to see how the finale would go before rendering a final verdict. I thought it was a very fitting wrap-up, and I'm really going to miss Liz Taylor.

(Although I didn't mind Lady Gaga here - yes, there were times she was cringe-worthy, but she did also have her moments - I do hope that her schedule will not enable her to be a regular again next season. Come home, Lily Rabe!)

  • Love 2

I enjoyed the season finale, but wish they didn't feel the need to shoehorn the psychic from season 1 into the story just so they can say the 2 seasons connect.

On a positive note, I loved Liz's story, including her becoming a grandmother, taking over Will Drake's fashion empire and her reunion with Tristan at the end. Liz Taylor is by far my favorite character this season so I am glad she got a happy ending.

Nice to know Lachlan and Scarlett both survived and ended up at a school far far away from the Cortez. Also nice to see adult Scarlett at the end (that wasn't Taissa Farmiga playing her was it? The actress looked awfully familiar).

Next season, we definitely need more Lily Rabe and also for Frances Conroy to return in a major role.

I think they get to have happy endings because it's a horror story.  The AHS world is upside down and we shouldn't forget that even though the characters become, in many ways, sympathetic.

I had something to add to this, but I can't remember what it was! Damn, I have to start taking notes of what I might want to say.


Even though this show -- every season --is always a hot mess that makes little sense, it's a watchable hot mess. I can't help tuning in every year. Even if the storylines go awry and completely lose me, I usually enjoy watching the actors so much that I hang in there. I think that Liz Taylor was my favorite of all of Denis O'Hare's American Horror Story characters (and I loved him on True Blood too), and Mr. March was, by far, my favorite Evan Peters AHS character. He made me forget he was Evan Peters. On the other hand, I've liked Sarah Paulson better in almost every other season and not this one. Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett are always a delight to watch.

I feel like I need a spin-off with Iris, Liz and Ramona - and wacky guest appearances by Mr. March and Miss Evers!

And the eye candy this season -- hot damn! Matt Bomer, Finn Wittrock, Cheyenne Jackson and Wes Bentley are extremely handsome men. It's almost too much handsomeness to take, with all of them on one show.

I keep forgetting that Denis O'Hare was on True Blood, even though I loved one of his scenes there. His whole speech, finishing with, "And now for the weather, Tiffany!" really made me laugh out loud.

  • Love 1

I hate that Sally was still maliciously killing left and right, until she was saved by social media. To think that's all it takes to kick a heroin and psycho bitch habit.

Well, seems the point might have been missed. I don't think the creators are saying that's all it takes for anyone to kick heroin or stop being a psycho bitch. They are saying that most people who have addiction issues it is because they are missing something. They have a hole somewhere in their lives. For Sally, it was the need to feel needed. She got high to plug up the hole that the lack of that left in her. Social media, etc were able to fill that hole FOR HER by her legions of adoring fans

  • Love 6

I enjoyed the season finale, but wish they didn't feel the need to shoehorn the psychic from season 1 into the story just so they can say the 2 seasons connect.

I think that was my issue too. I didn't get why they wasted all that time with a storyline (in the season finale!) putting a minor character from the first season in her place.

I think there just came a point where they ran out of ideas, and instead we got a lot of filler storylines.

There may be this issue going on -- this is an over arching thematic show that has to entertain the random channel surfer as well.  So each episode has to advance the plot but also has to have one hour of coherent storyline (beginning, middle, and end) that explains the characters as if the viewer had never seen them before and didn't understand the background.


In that way, it's exactly like a soap opera but held to the standards, not of more languid daytime television, but of competitive primetime.


Perhaps that explains why people complain when a single episode doesn't drive a particular part of the plot they like to their satisfaction?  RM and that other guy, Palchuck (who strangely always seems to avoid the wrath of the audience) have to cater to a wide audience, all of whom  have different interests and tastes in what is, in essence, more like a soap opera than a typical primetime fare.

There may be this issue going on -- this is an over arching thematic show that has to entertain the random channel surfer as well.  So each episode has to advance the plot but also has to have one hour of coherent storyline (beginning, middle, and end) that explains the characters as if the viewer had never seen them before and didn't understand the background.


In that way, it's exactly like a soap opera but held to the standards, not of more languid daytime television, but of competitive primetime.


I'd politely disagree, because I don't think this show is written in that way.  Rather, I think the writers have characters and plot points they want to revisit, and others they are less interested in.  That's why you get a finale where half the time is spent giving Liz multiple happy endings (heck, even her cancer diagnosis turns into a happy ending because she is reunited with Tristan!), while a character like Ramona is used haphazardly throughout the season in a revenge storyline that really goes nowhere. 

  • Love 1

I think the Drilldo Addiction Demon was gone after Sally dumped her needles and presumably became clean. Then again, she seems addicted to social media at this point (but, truly, aren't we all ?)


Anyway, I liked the wrap up, I want to not like it, but I did. Lots of loose ends tied up, some great moments, and I'd say this season rates second overall, after Murder House of course. I would love to see Frances Conroy, Taissa Farminham (spelling?) and Lily Rabe in the next season.

  • Love 1

I thought overall the season was a big disappointment, sure it was more coherent than some of the past seasons but it was a coherent mess because the main SL's were just not compelling.

The 10 commandment killer with John was just so predictable and really no twists and turns in that other than to show in gory detail how he killed his victims. John was so tortured and anguished from his first scenes that the character had nowhere to go.

Lady GAga as the central focal character, due to her limited acting , hampered things big time becuse she was suppose to be this irrisistable sexual force of nature that has Valentino, March, Donovan, Will Drake, Ramona, etc all powerless against her charms and yet her flat acting as soon as she talked took me out of scenes entirely. Sure she looked glamorous as long as she kept her mouth shut but when the show required Gaga show some emotion, it was howlingly amateurish.

Donovan, Will Drake and Ramona were wasted as characters, and Alex as the worst mother even was even more of a joke. The callous way she locked those kids in that wing of the hotel just typified her "don't care" attitude about everything but her boy ( I know that was the point about her). Sally's neediness was grating and I'm suprised the rest of the ghosts/vampires didn't just lock her away somewhere to stop her complaining . There was nothing tragic about her but just nails on a chalkboard whiny. Did I mention how whiny she was?

Just random characters appearing from past seasons, doesn't automatically actually tie the series together. It would require actual planning out and forethought to weave these stories together.

I enjoyed March and Miss Evers but after awhile they just kept repeating their song and dance routine and it got tiresome, even his 30's American English accent. If Miss Evers had finally done something monstrous to Evers or the Countess in retaliation that might have been an ironic twist, but like most of the characters for all their killings she was such a passive cypher. The less said about Witrock's Valentino the better.

I did like Liz Taylor and Iris, two souls who were trying to find their place in the world and their grandiose plans for the Cortez at the end.

Edited by caracas1914
  • Love 3

Well, seems the point might have been missed. I don't think the creators are saying that's all it takes for anyone to kick heroin or stop being a psycho bitch. They are saying that most people who have addiction issues it is because they are missing something. They have a hole somewhere in their lives. For Sally, it was the need to feel needed. She got high to plug up the hole that the lack of that left in her. Social media, etc were able to fill that hole FOR HER by her legions of adoring fans

Right. They made her sound like an emotional vampire - her reason for killing people, was to keep them around, but also drag them lower than she was (and then take care of them). 

Edited by Anela

I disagree with the recapper twice over. The Devil's night episode was among the best of the season and I would love an entire series built around the Lowe Familybas they are now.


I was actually also thinking it would be really interesting to follow Lachlan and Scarlett to the Thatcher School precisely because of what they had been through together; or even, just as a setup for someone else's new, original work in their own mental universe.  It's a good setup for characters.


Overall, I actually liked the ending, in the way it was “good yet anticlimactic”, if that makes any sense.  Or maybe I’m just going soft to RM’s ways.  Because if you would have told me at any point in my life, that I would be thinking about how parts of the denouement of Liz Taylor and John Lowe’s last breathing days, were damn near close to magical realism, I would’ve checked myself into the hotel.


Also, about that Gaga thing... let us not forget, Madonna also won a Golden Globe for playing Evita.  It didn't help.  

I thought Scarlett would kill the family as they slept.  It was a thought.  Loved Liz as usual along with Kathy Bates.  I have to say I seriously didn't think Gaga added much to the show and to hear she got an award from it is amazing to me.  I can't believe they seriously didn't see the psychic as Sally.  I know suspend disbelief and all, but...yeah.

Edited by kelslamu
  • Love 1

I don't think they were necessarily trying to tie this season to Murder House or Coven...I think they were just trying to show that it is taking place in the same world as those seasons did....not necessarily that the goings on at the hotel have anything at all to do with the goings on at Miss Robichaux's Academy or the Murder House. The same way that they showed that Asylum and Freak Show were taking place in the same world with the tie together of Pepper and Sister Mary Eunice

But the line of the night belongs to Evan "I don't know your military friend or his fondness for poultry...". He had to have screwed up at least one take by cracking up laughing.

That was THE BEST!  hahaha


This was probably my favorite season finale.  I feel like they actually tied up everything nicely and it wasn't really out of no where. 


What happened to Barthalomew? Uhhh DUH!  The Countess is still taking care of him. She still lives there.  He's probably in the child-like state forever. 


The same way that they showed that Asylum and Freak Show were taking place in the same world with the tie together of Pepper and Sister Mary Eunice


I felt that the Asyulm/Freak Show was done better as it gave a side character an emotional backstory rather than having a cameo just show up to get killed off soon afterwards.  This was actually one of the better moments in Freak Show tbh.

  • Love 2

I was actually also thinking it would be really interesting to follow Lachlan and Scarlett to the Thatcher School precisely because of what they had been through together; or even, just as a setup for someone else's new, original work in their own mental universe.  It's a good setup for characters.



That's what I was thinking. They could also have tied in season 1 by bringing back the Devil's spawn who killed his nanny at the end. He was doing that fast-growing-cause-he's-evil thing, right? So he could potentially have been around Lachlan and Scarlett's age and attending Thatcher.

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