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S20.E02: Week 2

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Can Olivia open her mouth so wide because she appears to have no lips?  She is disgusting.


Nice gum chewing at the cocktail party, Jubilee.


Otherwise, still like Cailin--she seems very ladylike, but has a sense of humor. 


Amber and the other interchangeable bartender are just sad.


Lace--what can I say that others aren't thinking?

  • Love 5

That date with Caila sure was boring... Is she the one who dumped her real boyfriend when she saw Ben on TV? Whatever. Ben's a snooze and so is she. Should have grabbed the Hennessy, B - livened that completely unromantic looking pizza joint up a bit!

I particularly liked when Ben gave that woman (I don't even remember her name... Maybe it was JoJo?) a rose because she "was so good at opening up about her feelings." After she basically just said "I'm excited!" three times in a row? Ha! Okay.

Also liked Ben's "Ice Cube is really cool because he's done everything from acting, to rap." Acting...to rap. Yep, Ben. Acting to rap. In that order.

I know I'm stating the obvious here... But Lace sure is a kook.

  • Love 6

- Caila got the date because she has the best hair.  Hair that can withstand that car ride.


- Olivia needs to have a seat.  She probably thinks that all the mugging and the O faces and the boldness will win Ben over or at least put her in the running to be the next Bachelorette.  No honey, it won't.  She's that straight A student no one wants to hire.


- Lace, oh girl.  She is entertaining but not meant to be on television because she is just a big ol' bag of crazy nerves.

  • Love 4

Canadians who grow up in Canada have it easier.  10 massive provinces and 3 territories should be easier than 50 way smaller states.  Not excusing the girls who made the errors, I just don't agree that "at least they're not Canadian".


I also noticed that "Twin" was listed as an occupation and got a kick out of that.


Lace must be kept for producer reasons.  There's no way Ben can be that out of it.  I think that Lace has a serious disorder and it's already at the point where I feel like the show is exploiting it.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5

So far I feel I"ve been right on target with my hunches on who will stay or go!


Obviously Amanda- mom of two girls with Whitney voice- will be in the top 4.  They cannot resist the whole "readymade family" storyline, and having the girls meet Ben at the home visit.  How dumb, I thought, for him to say "say hi to them for me" and make them barrettes.  Like a 2 and 3 yr old would really be excited that a random guy their mom met (and has left them for for weeks) says hi.  


Caila will be in the top 4.  But I doubt she will win.  The dreaded "private concert" date!  I'm curious- those who are well versed in Bachelor history- has anyone who's had the early 1:1 date with private concert won?  I feel like they tend to get far, but not ultimately be "the one".


Olivia is also final 4.  The first time he saw her he just lit up.  Not because of the 7.45 chemistry score or whatever- he really seems to be into her and they're a good physical match.  Agreed- huge, scary, white teeth though!  


Becca also seems like a good match for him, and I'm sure they'll want to keep her on for a while so their idea of bringing her back isn't wasted.  


He seems to like Lauren B.  top 4-6 is my guess.


The twins are there for novelty; they'll be gone before long.  Sadly, so will Jubilee- love her as a person and think she is more real than most of them, but I don't see a love connection.  I knew Mandi AKA rose-head was a novelty plant so no surprise she is gone.  


"Quiet Oklahoma Girl" who left, snooze.  Why on earth did you sign up for this show, then?  Samantha was odd, no surprise she is gone, but hopefully it wasn't only because of the "Love Lab's" assessment of her having a sour smell!  Ha ha.


Lace will be there a couple more weeks for the drama, but he's not into her.  Cast as this season's crazy, drama stirring person.


Shushanna, Leah- fodder


Tiera (?)- long blond hair with wide mouth.  Seems like a normal person.  So, she may go far because he likes her, or she won't be remarkable and will slip by for a few weeks until she's out.


I can't imagine how they'll get more than 3 or 4 weeks out of this!  The field seems to be thinning quickly.

Edited by awaken

I did not watch Kaitlyn's season so all I knew about Ben was the Peter Brady resemblance and the fact that everyone predicted he would be boring. Of course his personality is not what's important -- it's all about whatever crazy the laydeez bring -- but my cold, cynical heart is slightly softened toward him. He has less of a deer-in-headlights look than Chris Soules, and he seems slightly smarter than Sean Whatshisname (though that's not saying much.) 


It makes sense to me that crazies like Lace want to be on TV because, hello, delusion is a strong factor in bad decisions, but some women seem normal and pleasant and I can't figure out WHY they chose to be on this show.


Any woman who has two children under four years of age ... I just can't even. And her voice. My God. Please let her go. The barrette-making WAS a sweet gesture designed by some Bachelor production intern, though Ben's insistence that he wants to know more about them and "involve" them is a wee bit creepy and wrong. They shouldn't be a part of this whole sordid thing.


The twins are not pretty and are rather dim.


Oh, oh, oh, and the geography quiz! I am slightly relieved that only one team was REALLY off. It is pretty hard to put a random state (and if you don't live in or next to Indiana it is a random state) exactly where it's supposed to be. But Becca and who? JoJo? were just extraordinarily wrong. Ugh.

Edited by TiaLou
  • Love 4

I can't believe Ben didn't send crazy Lace home. She seems to feel entitled to spend every minute with him and then when is with him, she is just babbling apologies. One thing I did like about Sean Lowe (and I know most of you hated him) was that he sent girls packing if he wasn't feeling it. Ben seems really polite which is a good thing I guess, but I wish he would have kept Samantha and got rid of Lace.


The Love thing was BS and demeaning. It was so unfair to Samantha to rate her as dead last. If you show someone a picture of babies and diamonds, what they look at first will depend on how colored saturated each picture is, your natural vision point of reference and other things. It doesn't mean anything else. As for the heat sensors, well I am i the middle of menopause and I can bet you I would light that thing up.


Amanda seems alright but I never like parents of either sex that leave behind tiny children. They always miss their mom or dad, even with the best grandma taking care of them. The only people I see real chemistry with right now is Olivia, Lauren flight attendant and JoJo. I have no idea how he could differentiate the twins since they seem exactly the same so far.

  • Love 5

Oh, oh, oh, and the geography quiz! I am slightly relieved that only one team was REALLY off. It is pretty hard to put a random state (and if you don't live in or next to Indiana it is a random state) exactly where it's supposed to be. But Becca and who? JoJo? were just extraordinarily wrong. Ugh.


I was only halfway watching.  But wasn't one of the combatants identified as a bartender from Chicago?  Indiana is 15 miles from the Loop.

  • Love 3

Lace = Kelsey.

Beautiful, crazy brunette who believes she is above all the other women.


Lace interrupts Ben and Mandy, then when Jubilee interrupts HER time with Ben, she "can't believe she would do that to ME, of all people." 

The best thing is, when she was talking to Ben, she kept interrupting him, talking over him, not listening to what he had to say.  She's not at all interested in getting to KNOW him, she's just trying to impress him.  She wants to WIN.  Yep, it's Kelsey all over again.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 10

Now I see why last weeks previews showed Olivia getting so much hate. How obnoxious! Looks like she's taking a cue from Courtney, (Ben F's season) with the smug attitude and favorite detestable catch word..."winning". Yuck. And can someone please tell her the big Grand Canyon mouth isn't attractive at all. 


Lace needs professional help.


Loved getting a better look at the women this week and seeing personalities emerge. Caila is adorable, Lauren B has that confident elegant vibe going on. Now I see what Ben sees in her.


Jubilee at this point still seems sweet and genuine but looks like she has a meltdown coming soon. Curious to see what that's about.


Amanda seems like a good mother but why does she think going on a dating show competing with 20 plus other women is a good way to find someone for her and her children? Although I think Ben's acceptance of the fact she has children was really sweet and endearing I don't see her winning this.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 2

So I only watched about the first 30 minutes before I zoned out and the television was mostly just playing for itself. That said, a few things. One, Ben sure got on that kissing train didn't he. I think tonight showed that Ben clearly had some people he was really interested in from the first night and those were the ones he immediately went in on with the kissing. Which means I definitely got the sense that he is not into Becca romantically. I think he likes her as a person and their vibe in the group date, while playing basketball was really cool and chill but I don't think he's into her romantically at all.

Jubilee is odd to me. She seems like a very confident woman but appears to lose that around Ben. She just seems really shy and unsure of herself around him and I think she's one of those who is really going to make the house and the whole competition make her really crazy. So uh what happened there with the LB girl? The editing on that was really weird.

Again, I did spend most of the show with the television on mute, so was she expressing doubts and questioning the situation at other points during the episode? Because it seemed like she was only shown right before he called her name to indicate she was having doubts and then she was gone and the producers didn't even show the conversation with Ben or really give her an exit. Something about that came off really suspicious.

WTF was up with those faces from Olivia? I wonder how she felt seeing tonight's episode because holy crap that is not attractive. She looked demented at times. And speaking of demented, Lace continued to be a nut. I love how she kept saying she didn't want Ben to think she was crazy, while repeatedly saying to him she knows he must think she's crazy, or that she knows she seems crazy now, etc. It's like you say it enough nutjob and eventually he'll just start to think you're crazy.

So anyone else think that Amber got that rose because LB left? Honestly, this is sad now. She was a non-entity on Chris' season and that's clearly going to be the case again here. I also don't understand how she never got to talk to Ben at all when she was on a group date. Yes, I know it was a lot of women but how little time did they have for that night portion? And how did she not speak to him again at the cocktail party. Like is she just not taking the initiative and asking to speak to him? And the fact that he's clearly not making any effort himself says a lot.

Eta: Lauren B. played Ben perfectly tonight when she so casually let it known she'd be just fine if she were to leave that night. Ben clearly did not like hearing her seem so unperturbed by that possibility. She also seemed a little meh on his picture gift. I'm getting a little shades of Emily Maynard with Brad from Lauren B. Playing a little coy and hard to get.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 5

Is it just me or does Olivia remind anyone else of Donatella Versace (plus or minus a few years)?

Is it just me or does Olivia remind anyone else of Donatella Versace (plus or minus a few years)?

She also looks one of those aliens in that movie Avatar, except white instead of blue. I find her quite homely but she cleans up well with make-up and pretty dresses.

  • Love 6

Canadians who grow up in Canada have it easier.  10 massive provinces and 3 territories should be easier than 50 way smaller states.  Not excusing the girls who made the errors, I just don't agree that "at least they're not Canadian".


On this discussion...for the record, I am Canadian and could definitely have placed Indiana (or any state for that matter) better than any of those ladies. There is no excuse to not knowing the geography of your own country...let aloe world geography.

  • Love 1

Could Olivia open her big mouth any wider? My God, lady, I don’t want to see your tonsils! She's so calculated, I wouldn't be surprised if she figured out the point of each test, and made an effort to score high.

The Love Lab was funny - weird and uncomfortable. I wonder what they’d do with me for the smell test? I have no body odor from sweat. Not bragging, it’s a weird genetic thing (probably related to my lack of underarm hair, too.) From the descriptions of “fruity” and “flowery,” it sounded more like an evaluation of their deodorant, perfume or shampoo than anything else.

I didn't like the date with celebrities, though -- it was silly. A bunch of mugging for the camera, and not much relationship building.

I, too, would have rocked the geography test. I love state geography -- ever since i had a states puzzle when I was in grade school. The chick holding Idaho when one of them wondered if it was Oregon -- gah.

I also didn't care for the girls blaming ALL of SCIENCE because they didn't care for the Love Lab test. Really, girls?

Canadians who grow up in Canada have it easier.  10 massive provinces and 3 territories should be easier than 50 way smaller states.  Not excusing the girls who made the errors, I just don't agree that "at least they're not Canadian".
I also noticed that "Twin" was listed as an occupation and got a kick out of that.

I figure for the twins, it's a euphemism for whatever job they can get in Vegas at the time (cocktail waitress, street literature distributor, ticket taker, something like that!).

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 3

Olivia and Lace have to be acting and angling for a spot on Bachelor in Paradise. It's really taking me out of the show. I know half of this franchise is contrived, but I'd rather not spend most of the two hours focused on the two actresses.


I would like to see more knowledge shaming of these contestants. Geography, spelling, arithmetic, anything really. That segment could have been the full two hours, and I would have enjoyed it tremendously. It's so sad that everyone thought Indiana was landlocked. Give me more of this shaming!

  • Love 6

I would like to see more knowledge shaming of these contestants. Geography, spelling, arithmetic, anything really. That segment could have been the full two hours, and I would have enjoyed it tremendously. It's so sad that everyone thought Indiana was landlocked. Give me more of this shaming!


I know, right? As opposed to concentrating on ho the girls look or standard slut shaming we should focus on these ladies brains...or unfortunately their lack-there-of.

  • Love 2

I'm sure Ben wishes he could have thought of "passion fruit" at the time. "Sour" was just one of those unfortunate "TB" moments that will live on, courtesy of CH & Co..That said, the "Love Lab" seemed like a set up.  And Olivia looks to me a bit like Cameron Diaz (eyes, hair, mouth) but with more angular features. I have a feeling someone might have told her that there's a resemblance "when you smile big like that". Her affectations are already wearing thin, although I'm choosing her as possible F4.


I'd also pick Caila who seems sweet but really, really boring. I thought Ben seemed ready for a more in depth conversation when he asked what she was looking for in a man and her answer was pretty pathetic "someone I can be with", something like that. Then being all caught up in the romance of meeting a man you met on a plane a second time a few weeks later. Yes, that's like a movie. No, coincidences like that in real life don't usually mean anything. She seemed more interested in "looking for signs" than in looking for a particular kind of man and kind of relationship. Maybe she's just too young for him, but I didn't feel the chemistry after their dinner.


I -did- like Ben's taste in music. Too bad that, too, seemed wasted on Caila.


Olivia...Caila...Becca is boring to me, but she seems very interested in Ben (unlike she was with Chris S.) and trying hard to make a good impression, so I would also choose her as F4.  And I'd pick Lauren B, whom I hadn't even noticed until tonight. But she and Ben seemed to have a good "connection" and she seemed very sweet with her speech about not feeling bad to go home. Seemed like a nice person and very low maintenance--including emotionally--which is what I think he means by "small town values". So those would be my early F4 picks: Olivia, Lauren B, Caila and Becca.  (Of course, that's also editing as I hardly know anyone else's name but Lace and we know he won't be choosing her at the end. He looked so pained even to be giving her a rose.)

  • Love 2

My husband and I watch this together, using Facetime, while I am in a hotel, travelling for work. He also has co-workers (all in the food industry) that text him throughout the show.

One (a wine expert) sent a text, as follows:

White wine with Italian?? Boneheads!!

Is it actually even real food on the plates? I've noticed before they sit and talk with full plates of untouched food in front of them but tonight I noticed that they got up and left with the food still on the table. I'm thinking maybe it's that plastic fisher price food that comes with the play kitchen for kids. I thought I recognized a drumstick. Edited by poopchute
  • Love 6

Naturally, Ben gets rid of the...dentist. And keeps in women whose profession is "twins." My respect for him just dropped. A lot.


The dentist was the least attractive woman there and her personality was off-putting. An uncomfortable dental exam on night one, when Ben was nervous and under pressure to divide his attention among 28 women, is intrusive and even rude. Good riddance.


Now I see why last weeks previews showed Olivia getting so much hate. How obnoxious! Looks like she's taking a cue from Courtney, (Ben F's season) with the smug attitude and favorite detestable catch word..."winning". Yuck.


You beat me to it. Not just taking a cue from Courtney but emulating her. She won, so why not? That must be Olivia's rationale.

  • Love 6

Someone should sit Lace down and explain to her that "Drunk Lace" and "Sober Lace" are about as different as two white tissues.


And Samantha (I think it was Samantha) sometime in the not too distant future it is going to be friggin' awesome that you finished dead last in the "Love Lab" on this show!


I would live off that story for years...

Edited by bosawks
  • Love 5

Even though Ben is the best bachelor in a long, long time, I´m so annoyed with him :( Why did he have to send my favorite home and keep "Lace"? Didn´t he see the bad lace coming out, or the crazy lace or the weird lace? And I didn´t see the chicken enthusiast anywhere, is she gone? I´ve forgotten her name already and I just remember that she looked like most of the other girls. Olivia was annoying and her mouth is seriously scary. I don´t know what would be more frightening up close, Lace trying to "seduce" a man with her eyes or those shark-like teeth.


I wan´t to add, I don´t think I´ve ever heard a more boring song than the one Ben said was his all time favorite on the one-on-one date.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 1

I thought it was nice how Ben took the time to do extra things for the girls that had no dates and to basically also tell them he felt comfortable with them (had fewer questions about them).  


I thought he handled the one with children so well.  He went out of his way to make her comfortable, and seemed very accepting of it.  She also seems like a joyful mother...not just one that was using that in a way to get the bachelor.  


I thought the one that wore the rose on her head the first night just keeps looking so much older than she probably is.  She seems like she is 20 years older than the other women.  Very odd.

Clue! Lace said she was awkward and picked on when she was a kid (well, weren't we all?). She was just lucky in the beauty department as an adult....I can totally see that awkward picked-on person underneath her claims of being bold, etc. I feel like when she blossomed in her beauty, she didn't ever know how to handle it.....vs. growing up as a beautiful "mean girl".

Samantha: She not only looks ten years older than her age but now everyone thinks she smell's bad.  I expect her white lab outfit had probably been at the mildewed bottom of the bin. She's well out of this mess.


Calia::  Didn't she say that she learned from her last boyfriend that a "good story" beginning does not make for a great relationship?  So why is she going for a "we met on the Bachelor," story?


Amber:  Go home already.  I'm tired of her going on these shows just to complain constantly about how unfair it all is. 


Oliva:  Maybe those gigantic, fake reactions are why she's not currently anchoring the news.  Can you imagine her reporting a disaster and then making that gage mouthed face? 


Amanda: Does she have a story to go with the two young girls?  Widowed?  Divorced? Contraceptively inept?  If it's going to be a rose-worthy issue, we need more information -- see Emily.


Lauren B:  Seems to be just his type, pretty, perky and pleasant. I would place her in first position right now.


Ben likes Bubbly.  You can't bring too much bubble, ladies!

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 7

Olivia can relax her jaw joints and eat her prey whole, like a python.

Lace has multiple personalities while the twins share only one. Run, Ben.

I too noticed the totally untouched restaurant meal when Ben and Caila left and wondered if it were fake. Was that even a real restaurant?

I wanted at least a couple of the little b's to not know who Ice Cube and Kevin Hart were. I did love that Caila wanted them out of their date. Blatant movie promotion.

Shut up, Amber, or get up and go talk to Ben like everyone else. Pretty bartenders in Chicago are not usually shy.

  • Love 7

I too noticed the totally untouched restaurant meal when Ben and Caila left and wondered if it were fake. Was that even a real restaurant?


One of the guys on Bachelor in Paradise last season--Tanner or Jared--said in a tweet that you can't eat the food on the table as its just a prop.  Probably treated with some sort of substance to make it look good, like they do in food commercials.


I have mixed feelings about this season.  On one level I like Ben but on another, I find him too boring to be a compelling lead for me so right now I'm just watching to see who is who for the next Bachelorette and who will be showing up in Paradise in June to continue their 15 minutes of fame.

  • Love 4

Clue! Lace said she was awkward and picked on when she was a kid (well, weren't we all?). She was just lucky in the beauty department as an adult....I can totally see that awkward picked-on person underneath her claims of being bold, etc. I feel like when she blossomed in her beauty, she didn't ever know how to handle it.....vs. growing up as a beautiful "mean girl".


I thought it was plastic surgery.  She's not really my type....  Has that hollowed out cheek look and a super thin nose and lips


Olivia:  Maybe those gigantic, fake reactions are why she's not currently anchoring the news.  Can you imagine her reporting a disaster and then making that gage mouthed face?


I was thinking, she's never getting hired again after this.  But then I thought maybe news shows are not the ethical paragons I'm idealizing them as


Ben likes Bubbly.  You can't bring too much bubble, ladies!


Caila seemed almost catatonic..... nerves?  Or personality?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay

I really think they should use the obvious promotion/celebrity appearance stuff for group dates. I barely watched Caila's date because I just thought the whole thing with Kevin Hart and Ice Cube there was awkward as hell. This to me would have made way more sense for a group date where they made the girls compete in a car race or something that ties to the whole Ride Along movie and Kevin and Ice Cube's antics would not be as distracting with so many women to talk to Ben at different points. 

  • Love 6

Even though Ben is the best bachelor in a long, long time, I´m so annoyed with him :( Why did he have to send my favorite home and keep "Lace"? Didn´t he see the bad lace coming out, or the crazy lace or the weird lace? And I didn´t see the chicken enthusiast anywhere, is she gone? I´ve forgotten her name already and I just remember that she looked like most of the other girls. Olivia was annoying and her mouth is seriously scary. I don´t know what would be more frightening up close, Lace trying to "seduce" a man with her eyes or those shark-like teeth.


I don't think it was Ben's choice to give Lace a rose. He looked pretty pissed handing it to her. The producers have their picks early on and there's nothing the lead can do about it. Only Lace and Olivia seem willing to bring the drama and craziness so far, so they're not going anywhere just yet.

  • Love 7

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