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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I just wanted to say that I loved posting here (even though I didn't agree with everything), but today's B&B was a deal breaker for me. On a show that named a child Dayzee and has never been able to sustain or write for black characters, I was excited about Maya and about Raya. When I believed that they were making Raya a viable couple, I was interested. Now? With this? I don't like it and I don't appreciate it. I don't want to read about any social awareness they are trying to bring because they had a million characters that they could do it with and they chose Maya--I don't like it. So I'm out. I hope their ratings plummet. 

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Why not Maya? I don't think the race of the character that was chosen had anything to do with it. I would think that the actress who plays Maya, as well as fans of her, as well as her character, would be excited. It will put her on the front-burner and like Shira said, it's a great opportunity for KM. I'm usually not fond of Maya, but I'm anxious to tune in and see how this storyline is handled.


I just don't have high hopes that this is going to pan out to be much of anything.


There's another man who's in for quite a shock -- Carter.


ETA: It seemed like in the past, even when Brooke was involved in a marriage or relationship, she had other things going on in her life, such as work and raising her children. Maybe the writers are trying to work "empty nest" syndrome in as well??

Edited by grisgris
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When I wrote the one word(s) that would destroy Maya, one was transsexual. And while KM said in the interview that she loves this acting challenge, I can't see how her character can last long in its present state. And that leads me to believe that something will happen which will change this story.

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I was speaking more to the part of your post that said "I don't see her character being viable once the shock and awe wears off, but thems the breaks. We all hitch our wagon to the wrong horse everyone once in a while; at least she got paid." The "at least she got paid" part seems to be saying that she's getting a raw deal, but that doesn't seem to be the actress's attitude on the matter, at least in the interviews that she's giving. Granted, maybe she's putting on an act because it's in her contract, and granted, this show sucks with the social issues. It would ALMOST (almost!) be better if they went the Tootsie/Soap Dish route, because whenever they venture into "important topics" I just want to take a nap because it's so clumsily written. But at least they woke me up with this new development!

I think she's getting a raw deal because of exactly what you said. Whenever the show tries to deal with social issues, it never pans for whatever conduit they are using to send that message.

HIV/AIDS - Tony - gone

Homelessness - Dayzee - gone

Working class people - Hector and his crew / Jane the Virgin / Stephanie's housekeeper's daughter - gone

I know there are more, but those are the only ones that are coming to me now. And, oh, look at that -- they're all minorities. And none of those issues had a lasting impact on the show. I don't really take issue with KM being excited for the challenge (it's not where I wanted to see the character go, or any character that's been on the scene for 2 years where I have to pull out a MiB mind eraser to even have it make sense, but that's me), and I think she even thinks it will be told responsibly and she'll still have a job when it's all said and done, but history tells me otherwise.

BTW, I know that there are a number of other characters that aren't on the show any longer; characters that just didn't work out for whatever reason. I'm not trying to say the only characters that are written off are minorities / one's that highlight social issues. I'm just saying that when I see them, I think, "Oh, boo. You're not long for Bell-A." ;-)

Edited by kia112
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*delurking* Hey y'all just decided to write down my thoughts on this since other than the Empire finale it's been the most exciting part of my day. My mother sent me a shocked text message as it aired. Lol

So here's what I think. I think I'm going to give the writers the benefit of the doubt on this one. It's 2015 and the beauty of this is that now people will organize and drag the hell out of people for doing offensive things. If this storyline is stereotypical or handled badly I really get the impression that Twitter alone will let the world know. This winter I watched my and other black sororities completely shut a VH1 show down in a couple of months just by tweeting to sponsors.

Does this storyline have to become a dead end for the Maya character? Could this actually end up being a story about how normal of a life a trans woman could have if everyone chilled the hell out and treated her as normal? Could this be the thing that humbles Rick? If Eric Forester II must sire heirs maybe he and Maya break up at a later time for other reasons. Maybe they'll bring on some non-legacy character to date her and she can ride off into the sunset with him like they do most non-legacy characters. I'm a little bummed we probably won't be getting any little brown legacy heirs for the Raya pairing but I'm used to all manner of long term maladies happening to minority characters on these Bell shows (Tony-AIDS, Hector-blind, Neil- blind, Devon- deaf, Lily-barren).

I'm just not convinced that being trans means Maya becomes radioactive because I know that doesn't always have to be the case in real life. Sometimes the guy sticks with the trans girl. I've heard at least two different stories of swimmer Michael Phelps having dated trans women. I think of Janet Mock who is a pretty stunning transwoman and activist who seems normal as hell and has a long term male partner.

So imo the biggest issue here (and biggest plot point I'm hoping they resolve) is the baby given up for adoption. Could Maya have been the biological father of that child? Laverne Cox's twin brother played her character pre-transition on Orange is the New Black- could Myron have assumed the identity of a twin sister who died who was the child's mother? Just trying to brainstorm ideas I would pursue if I were taking on the challenge of telling this story.

I don't know how this will turn out but I'm hoping for the best and believing that if they give us the worst they will most definitely hear about it.

Also want to add I thought the actresses playing maya and her sister did a great job today.

Edited by luvlee2003
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This Damn show has got me thinking. What if Maya and Myron were TWINS and the reason Maya ultimately had to leave home was because she did something to get the 'Golden Child/only son' killed or hurt. The info Nicole dug up was about this brother that no one was allowed to speak about. And Maya decides to play along with what Nicole THINKS her secret is and gives in to the blackmail so that Nicole won't dig any further and find out the Real REAL truth. Then at some point Mystery Myron can show up in Belle Aire wanting to be a model too.. Or something. 

Not that I wouldn't want to see a trans story even halfway well done. I just don't think this show is where it's going to happen. 

I was only watch AMC sporadically during the horror that was Zarf, and it still activates my gag reflex and gives me vomit chills. 


Deacon kept pitching bottles into that little trashcan, and the camera kept showing the container with two broken bottles and some brown liquid.  I hope that bag is one of those super strength force flex ones! Did Liam disappear?

Edited by smartyshorts
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I would be shocked if Rick stayed with her because if there's anything this show has been hammering into the ground lately, it's that "Rick HATES secrets!!!"  In fact, "I can't be with anybody who keeps secrets from me!" seems to be the new "I'm the CEO!" drinking game phrase for him.


True.  I just hope that if he does leave her, it's because of the general topic of keeping a secret and not the secret itself.  Transgendered people IRL have such a rough way to go, and I don't want to watch Rick be appalled or disgusted or whatever that Maya was not always a woman. Years ago JY played JR on AMC as a homophobe and he was so convincing it turned my stomach.  I don't want to see something that hateful again.

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Thanks everyone for the Zarf background.


I just don't trust TPTB to handle this without their normal heavyhandedness. They are already having Rick say every few minutes how he can't be with someone who isn't honest with him.  Imagine the scene when he finds out that Maya has been lying to him too. 


If they play that 'we are so whacky' music that they play during what TBTB think should be funny scenes I'm going to be crazy mad.

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I know, right?  She's been so awful to everyone except Rick, and so opportunistic and power-hungry, but how in the hell am I supposed to not feel bad for someone who has to live in fear from the world?  

It seems to me that when LG got hit by that car BB must have taken the next chapter or two from the script and just ripped those pages out and thrown them away. (Or burned them in the fireplace along with Maya's note to Nicole.) So fast forward over whatever events would have transpired to organically make the changes in Rick and Maya's behaviors. Rick becoming more sane and Maya starting to get tired of his little dictator act. It would be nice if there had been an evolution to have the other characters start liking Maya before her big reveal. I tend to think that now that the cat is out of the bag to the viewers it won't be long before the characters learn the secret too. So there won't be any time for Maya to get anyone in her corner before everyone finds out. The other day when Pam was listening at the door, when Maya and Nicole were talking, I was hoping at that point that she'd overhear the secret. There are always so many ways a story can go. I just hope this one is a fun ride and not a heavy-handed after school special.


When I wrote the one word(s) that would destroy Maya, one was transsexual. And while KM said in the interview that she loves this acting challenge, I can't see how her character can last long in its present state. And that leads me to believe that something will happen which will change this story.

Like Rick says to Maya, "I've always wanted to be a girl, too!"?

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This was the best soap bombshell since Kevin Fisher revealed he was Michael Baldwin's brother.  Well played, B&B!  But what's the reason for the name "Myron" as opposed to any other male M name they could have used?  Is the real plot twist that she's a 79-year-old Jewish man??  Monday can't come soon enough!

Edited by IOU Payne
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So now that I have actually watched the show, my first impression was that this is about twins, and the boy died, either by Maya's hand, or by Maya accidentally, or during childbirth, and the parents have always blamed Maya. But I have read several articles from CBS, Brad Bell and Karla Mosley that indicate the transgender SL is a go. If so, I have to give serious props to KM for being willing to take this on, because as others have said, there will no doubt be comments about "I told you she looked like a man", which is absolute nonsense. Karla Mosley is quite beautiful and very feminine, and doesn't look manly at all. I will be disappointed if Rick has the expected reaction of "you lied to me", because this is not a typical situation. Now, if Maya had previously been a prostitute, or a criminal, or had been married, or any other sundry scenarios, I would be ok with that reaction from Rick. But this? I don't personally know any transgender folks, but I would imagine they don't go around announcing it. How much more interesting would it be for Rick, after he recovers from the shock, to be more interested in Maya/Myron's journey, and understands why he/she felt the need to keep this secret. After all, Maya is still the same person he met in the coffee house.


Outside of that is the fact that this will write the character into a corner. I don't like Maya, but she has become a crucial part of the landscape, and has been a major driver in some of the best stuff B&B has put out in years, and I don't want her to leave. Also, as other's have said, this takes the sting out of Maya's comeuppance. It doesn't feel right to get down on someone who has already suffered so much, and who lied because they had no choice. Who knows though, maybe this will turn out good. Maybe this will start to change our (at least some of us) opinion of Maya, and will allow us to see her in a different light. That is all up to the writers though.


How many women can wear gunmetal grey and look astonishing? Rena Sofer is so damn beautiful it is almost painful to look at her, and that color just brought out her incredible eyes and offset her hair smashingly.


Mr. RuntheTable was all atwitter during the show. He was wholly offended by Deacon's disrespect to Brooke's booze, and couldn't understand why he would open a decanter of whiskey and pour it into a trash can, then proceed to thrown unopened bottles in the same can as if he were trying out for a pitching spot on the NY Yankee's. He cracked me up with "the idiot is splashing the stuff all over that expensive carpet!". The best though, was after watching Maya and Nicole's scenes, and making statements about what the "secret" was going to be, then when Nicole said "you are not my sister at all, you are my brother", all I heard was crickets.   

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The way the actress delivered the line about Myron reminded me of the scene in Tootsie!  Delivered in true soap opera fashion!  I guess because of the laughable introduction of this storyline it will not be around long.  Haley on Coronation Street was done right. 

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I will be disappointed if Rick has the expected reaction of "you lied to me", because this is not a typical situation. Now, if Maya had previously been a prostitute, or a criminal, or had been married, or any other sundry scenarios, I would be ok with that reaction from Rick. But this? I don't personally know any transgender folks, but I would imagine they don't go around announcing it. How much more interesting would it be for Rick, after he recovers from the shock, to be more interested in Maya/Myron's journey, and understands why he/she felt the need to keep this secret. After all, Maya is still the same person he met in the coffee house.



I can agree to a point.  I think that this isn't something you should feel pressured to reveal as soon as you meet someone.  But, they're well past those initial stages.  They've been seriously romantically involved twice.  They're sleeping together and now living together.  At some point, this is something that the person she's planning a life with should be told.  Yes, it is absolutely her call as to when she feels comfortable revealing it (as long as she plans to at some point if she really wants to move forward to marriage and all that), but I can sympathize with Rick if he has a reaction where he feels like they are past the point where she should have trusted him with this information.  And, honestly, I'd much rather that his reaction focus on feeling that way than being grossed out that he slept with a transgender woman.  

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But then again, this is the same show that had Brooke mistake oldRidge for Oliver during sex, so whatever...



And Oliver mistook Brooke for Hope.  So in this particular universe of the sexually illiterate it makes perfect sense.


I predict this storyline will do for the trans movement what Brooke's current storyline has done for alcoholism.


I must admit I haven't watched an episode in a while but after seeing this news of this plot development I can't wait for Monday's episode.

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Good or bad. Like it or not. The storyline is generating all kinds of buzz for the show and Karla Mosley. The news is the top trend all over the place. Like they say, any publicity is good publicity!

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IMO the worst part of this twist is how Maya as a character is going to be treated.  I do not think she deserves to be shunned for being transgender, nor to I think she deserves to be shunned for keeping it a secret.  (Going a little off topic, it's sick how people pretend to be open minded while dare I say most are NOT.  I mean I have a white friend who was married to a black man who has gotten flack (they are just outside Philadelphia, not in Hooterville) and an Asian coworker whose son gets teased because of his eye shape.)  Maya does, however, deserve some grief over how she has treated people over the past several months.  I just don't see how the show is going sensitively separate the two.  I have a strong feeling it will be all about "How could you LIE to me???" but again, if Rick really loved her there should be some understanding and compassion as to why she would do so.

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I don't want Maya to be shamed by Rick because there's no reason to Shame her...BUT at the same time, accepting a transgender and being completely comfortable with it and  wanting to sleep with them are two different things.  It's a human reaction and i wouldn't blame Rick for feeling a bit kicked in the gut or feeling put off.  He had a right to know before the relationship moved to that level.   Rick is openly heterosexual, and Maya was not a woman outwardly prior to transitioning... she was a man.  There's no way around that.  I don't like the label that because he may not want to continue the relationship, somehow that makes him a monster or intolerant.  Rick should accept Maya as a human with feelings and support her decision.  But he's not obligated to continue his relationship with her and mmv and all but I wouldn't see him as wrong.    This would be huge for any person to wrap their head around.  So whatever Rick's initial reaction will be interesting.    

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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This winter I watched my and other black sororities completely shut a VH1 show down in a couple of months just by tweeting to sponsors.

Which show was this? I don't watch cable TV and I'm barely on FB, so I missed that.

 I think that this isn't something you should feel pressured to reveal as soon as you meet someone.  But, they're well past those initial stages.  They've been seriously romantically involved twice. They're sleeping together and now living together.  At some point, this is something that the person she's planning a life with should be told. 

Funny thing, I had this conversation on another message board I frequent where the trans friend I mentioned earlier posts at. Basically, we had folks that thought that trans women should be upfront with that for even casual encounters, and my friend brought up that no, most people really aren't as accepting of this. She's pretty much said that most trans persons take unacceptance as the default from even their closest friends and family because that's what has happened. We may get to that point where that is no longer the case, but we're not there yet.

But as others have said, I fully expect this to be butchered up because B&B fails at storytelling, period. TIIC can't even write anything new for its two original characters and wasted what should have been a slam dunk story that started the moment Hope was conceived. Every teen/Young Adult set after Amber/Rick has been pushed aside for more Bridge drama until the writers were forced to shelve those two....when we got Steffy and Hope playing tug of war with Liam.

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I don't like the label that because he may not want to continue the relationship, somehow that makes him a monster or intolerant.  Rick should accept Maya as a human with feelings and support her decision.  But he's not obligated to continue his relationship with her and mmv and all but I wouldn't see him as wrong.    This would be huge for any person to wrap their head around.  So whatever Rick's initial reaction will be interesting.    

Yep, and I have a feeling this is going to be screwed up as well.

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I haven't watched the episodes yet (lots in real life happening) but I think this could actually be good for Maya, and I'm not really a fan of hers.  Think about it.  If her secret comes out the right way, FC has a goldmine on their hands, they have a great design team CarRidge and are so forward thinking and progressive that they have a Transgender Model as their Lead Model.  Because FC likes to keep it real and are all about fairness and teamwork........  a good CEO *snicker* could make this PR gold!


I think our little Rick will be pissed though.

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Having finally had a chance to watch the scenes with the BIG reveal, I have to say I thought both actresses did an amazing job.


Although knowing now that this is the big secret, for Nicole to act so blackmailish about it and just downright bitchy just didn't gel with the girl who claimed to long for and miss her big sister. 


I think it is a great opportunity, acting-wise, for KM, but given this show's track record where sensitive topics are involved, I will probably watch through my hands for fear they will get this oh-so-wrong.


I agree that Rick's reaction will be quite interesting and also agree that I would not hold it against Rick if he decides this isn't the relationship he wants. I do think it would be kind of awesome if he decides he gives not a fuck and continues the relationship anyway. How refreshing would that be?


As for Brooke and Deacon...man, what a waste of probably very fine quality booze.

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Then there's the whole snicker-and-point aspect, like this somehow justifies the shit Caroline's pulled in the past or Maya's current snobishness/assholishness.


But Maya's been an asshole too.  Not to make excuses for Caroline's behavior but at least she was fighting for something against the person she thought took it away from her.  Maya's just been randomly mean, condescending and rude to people who've done her absolutely no harm.  What I really don't want to see is instant sympathy for her trans status that negates all the bad shit she's done.  I'd love to see someone acknowledge, directly to Maya, that they know her transition must have been difficult, potentially losing family, friends, etc., and they sympathize.  But that doesn't excuse her indisputably bad behavior, e.g., ice cream in bed, everyone leave the house, etc.  Just because she's transgender doesn't automatically make her a saint. 

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If the show is advertising a transgender story, then they probably won't go with the intersex angle but I wish they would.  They'd have to fudge a few statistical and medical facts but better that than retconning Maya's baby and everything that has happened since she came on the show.  Because Maya was still fantasizing about being the Forrester matriarch.  She looks delusional and/or deceitful if she knows that can never happen (biologically).  ETA: normally I wouldn't say anything about bio kids (a pet peeve that they aren't considered "real") but matriarch kind of implies popping out little Forrester babies in my mind.  Inconsistent, I know!


I did watch yesterday's show - the first in a month or so - but I may wait until I see how they are handling things to tune in same day. 

Edited by tessaray
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Having finally had a chance to watch the scenes with the BIG reveal, I have to say I thought both actresses did an amazing job.


Although knowing now that this is the big secret, for Nicole to act so blackmailish about it and just downright bitchy just didn't gel with the girl who claimed to long for and miss her big sister. 


I think it is a great opportunity, acting-wise, for KM, but given this show's track record where sensitive topics are involved, I will probably watch through my hands for fear they will get this oh-so-wrong.


I agree that Rick's reaction will be quite interesting and also agree that I would not hold it against Rick if he decides this isn't the relationship he wants. I do think it would be kind of awesome if he decides he gives not a fuck and continues the relationship anyway. How refreshing would that be?


As for Brooke and Deacon...man, what a waste of probably very fine quality booze.

I really hope that Rick can look past "the lie" and stay with Maya. You're so right...that would be refreshing. As someone said upthread, she is the same person he fell in love with at Dayzee's. But Rick has seemed nostalgic for Caroline recently, and I wonder if that is laying the groundwork for Rick just claiming that he doesn't want to be with Maya because he never stopped loving Caroline.

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Kudos to producers for keeping this under wraps.  Best shock on B&B since Sheila Carter emerged (with thunderous aplomb) as Erica Lovejoy's Mom.  I thought the actresses did well too.  I miss the camp of the Sally Spectra-era B&B and this delivered for me.  Not to say they wont screw it up, but the reveal was fun.

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I can agree to a point. I think that this isn't something you should feel pressured to reveal as soon as you meet someone. But, they're well past those initial stages. They've been seriously romantically involved twice. They're sleeping together and now living together. At some point, this is something that the person she's planning a life with should be told. Yes, it is absolutely her call as to when she feels comfortable revealing it (as long as she plans to at some point if she really wants to move forward to marriage and all that), but I can sympathize with Rick if he has a reaction where he feels like they are past the point where she should have trusted him with this information. And, honestly, I'd much rather that his reaction focus on feeling that way than being grossed out that he slept with a transgender woman.

Rick shoud reject Maya based solely on his mantra of being honest with him and that he can't stand lies, except his own, than Maya being born a man. I also hope that the others don't chastise Maya for her deception but on the fact that Maya wasn't contrite with with the way she treated others in her entitlement and enabling Rick's dictatorship.

Before she and Rick became intimate, she should have come clean and told Rick her secret. Through the industry my wife worked in and my daughter has worked in, we've met many transsexuals and cross dressers. We've heard many storied where these facts have not been brought to light, up front, and it has not turned out well but we've heard many more stories of lasting relationships and love when potential partners are up front with each other.

I'm hoping that TPTB will handle this SL with class and dignity. Let Maya repent for her transgressions of power but not chastise her for being transsexual.

Edited by Waldo13
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 If her secret comes out the right way, FC has a goldmine on their hands, they have a great design team CarRidge and are so forward thinking and progressive that they have a Transgender Model as their Lead Model.  Because FC likes to keep it real and are all about fairness and teamwork........  

But Maya might not want to be so public about that part of her life. If or when it comes to this.

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It would be amazing if this leads to a friendship between Caroline and Myrna. Wouldn't it be cool if they were a team? I honk the character is still viable this story reminds me a bit of Ugly Bettty's Alexis Meade. As for the cost it v expensive but on Orange is the New Black Bursette paid for it w stolen credit cards. Maybe Myrna did too. My mom was friends w a woman who was a born w both male and female organs and her parents chose at birth female. As a late teen early 20's she realized she was male and went about that.

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The Bold and the Beautiful Actress Opens Up About the Soap's Groundbreaking Transgender Twist


Wow, KM is on the board of Covenant House, so this isn't an issue she takes lightly. Whatever Brad Bell's intentions are, it's nice to know she's committed to do this justice on her end (i.e., her willingness to engage people on social media). She seems like a cool person IRL.
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But Maya's been an asshole too.  Not to make excuses for Caroline's behavior but at least she was fighting for something against the person she thought took it away from her.  Maya's just been randomly mean, condescending and rude to people who've done her absolutely no harm.  What I really don't want to see is instant sympathy for her trans status that negates all the bad shit she's done.  I'd love to see someone acknowledge, directly to Maya, that they know her transition must have been difficult, potentially losing family, friends, etc., and they sympathize.  But that doesn't excuse her indisputably bad behavior, e.g., ice cream in bed, everyone leave the house, etc.  Just because she's transgender doesn't automatically make her a saint.

Thank you! I will enjoy Maya's comeuppance. None of the fun would be gone for me because she was a real bitch to people, especially to Aly, who didn't deserve any of it. Maya, of all people considering this secret, should have been sensitive to bullying.

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It would be amazing if this leads to a friendship between Caroline and Myrna. Wouldn't it be cool if they were a team? I honk the character is still viable this story reminds me a bit of Ugly Bettty's Alexis Meade. As for the cost it v expensive but on Orange is the New Black Bursette paid for it w stolen credit cards. Maybe Myrna did too. My mom was friends w a woman who was a born w both male and female organs and her parents chose at birth female. As a late teen early 20's she realized she was male and went about that.


It will be interesting to see Caroline's reaction.  As someone with 2 moms, she has to be sensitive to LGBT issues.  I'd love it if they did become friends but I don't need that, as long as Caroline doesn't use it to trash Maya. 


ETA:  It was before my time but didn't Caroline have Maya's past investigated?  There's going to be a lot of retconning going around...

Edited by tessaray
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But Maya might not want to be so public about that part of her life. If or when it comes to this.

I don't think Maya will have a choice if it becomes public or not,  her and Rick have made too many enemies and one of those enemies  owns a giant publication company.  I think it will happen... just what I think will happen

Edited by Cindylou
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Having finally had a chance to watch the scenes with the BIG reveal, I have to say I thought both actresses did an amazing job.

Yes, but I was waiting for an organ to play a big crescendo as they went dark. Very good Soap drama indeed!!

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I am still not a Maya fan because she can be mean, smug, and arrogant. But in this story with Nicole I'm Team Maya and Nicole is coming off like a jerk. It's not right at all and kinda despicable to blackmail and hold over her head.

Edited by Petunia13
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I can buy Nicole's story of wanting to reconnect with her sister and then switching to the blackmail because I've seen some real love/hate relationships between sisters. Especially after Maya was so obviously trying to keep and then kick Nicole out of "her" house.

ETA: "her" is in quotes because Maya acts like it's hers but I don't think of it as such at all.

Edited by nicolin
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I think that this isn't something you should feel pressured to reveal as soon as you meet someone.  But, they're well past those initial stages.


Shira quote

Agreed. That conversation needed to happen before they ever hit the sheets. In real life, though, wouldn't a guy have some sense that things weren't as they seemed? Just seems like it would be rather obvious to a guy who's not a virgin. (Lubrication issues.) But then again, this is the same show that had Brooke mistake oldRidge for Oliver during sex, so whatever...



At some point, this is something that the person she's planning a life with should be told.


Anna Yolei quote

Funny thing, I had this conversation on another message board I frequent where the trans friend I mentioned earlier posts at. Basically, we had folks that thought that trans women should be upfront with that for even casual encounters, and my friend brought up that no, most people really aren't as accepting of this. She's pretty much said that most trans persons take unacceptance as the default from even their closest friends and family because that's what has happened. We may get to that point where that is no longer the case, but we're not there yet.


I can empathize with those that feel rejection is what they will be greeted with the second they step out their door, but we are talking about people who know exactly Who and What they are, and went to great personal and monetary hardship to achieve that goal. Against culture, religion, political ideologies, education, family and friends they have acted upon this knowledge to become the gender they know they truly are.


If you can't lead with the truth in relationships, if you can't be honest when you are going to share your body, if you have to gloss over your history and if you can't trust the person you have declared your love, what the hell are you doing with your life? 


If I choose not to be honest about my history, why would I waste my time with long-term relationships if I'm not going to be open about the entire person I took so much effort to become, gender at birth be dammed. If you can't be candid with a sex partner, then you have much bigger issues than being a post-op transsexual.


I'm aware there are people that don't want the grizzly details of their inamorata, and those people have their own issues and you don't want to be around when reality shows up. There are people that consider pre/post-op transsexuals abominations --Here's the door, don't let the piano land on you while exiting. If the truth is more than a person can handle, be gracious and allow them an out because that's their limit. There are people that want to know what they are getting into in a sexual relationship and they deserve the truth.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I can buy Nicole's story of wanting to reconnect with her sister and then switching to the blackmail because I've seen some real love/hate relationships between sisters. Especially after Maya was so obviously trying to keep and then kick Nicole out of "her" house.

ETA: "her" is in quotes because Maya acts like it's hers but I don't think of it as such at all.

It's like Katie/Brook 0.5. There are big secrets but not blockbusters. But all the sisters are jealous of each other. Katie/Brook/Maya have mastered the art of marking their territory but Nicole is still an apprentice.

I think that Nicole knew Maya's secret for a while now but had no intention of using it at first. Maya backed Nicole to the wall and was willing to reveal Maya's secret went Maya was giving her the bitch face. It wasn't until Rick gave Nicole the honesty speech that she knew for sure that Rick didn't know Maya's secret and Nicole had Maya by the balls.

Edited by Waldo13
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While I agree with all the positive feedback re: the transgender storyline, there's one thing that bothers me: Shouldn't Rick (by now) have seen and/or asked about the obvious (implant) scars around Maya's breasts?  Also, without being overly graphic...and I know modern medicine has made excellent strides, but the female architecture can't be exactly as nature intended.

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IOU Payne, My mind went there right away, too. I would totally expect this to happen to Jack Abbott considering he has PRS. (Pussy Recognition Syndrome) Maybe Jack can come to town and he and Rick can go to a 12 step meeting together for soap opera characters with PRS. Ollie should go too.


One thing that irked me when Nicole was at the shoot - she was introduced to "Oliver" and then immediately called him "Ollie". Who does that?

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I think that Nicole knew Maya's secret for a while now but had no intention of using it at first.

That's what I thought, but didn't Nicole say on Wednesday's show something to the effect of "I want to hear what I think I know from you". So did she know for sure or just strongly suspect?


What kind of doofus is Rick that he never noticed that Maya never had her period? 

I can't really fault Rick for this.  Sorry if this is TMI, but I'm a runner & haven't had a period since forever & my gynecologist said it's quite common, so something like that could have been the reason Maya gave.

Edited by ByTor
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This board has really come alive since the big SEKRIT came out and I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts, but I think you guys are giving the writers too much credit. This is obviously something they pulled out of their asses at the last minute because of Linsey Godfrey's accident. Karla herself said that this storyline was a surprise to her, so please expect it to be handled along the lines of Brooke's 3 week descent into alcoholism...Sorry to be a buzzkill

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