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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I don't think Brooke said that. From what I remember, Brooke said something to the tune of "don't count on it!" when Eric said maybe Maya would get cold feet and jump ship. I got the feeling that Brooke still thinks of Maya as a scheming gold-digger who wants to be the Forrester Matriarch with her portrait over the fireplace. Then again, I wasn't watching Brooke and Eric that closely today because they've been saying the same lines now for two weeks.

Maybe it was on Friday's show?  I remember being surprised that she said that Maya really loved Rick.  But I could be jumbling it with a convo with Ridge.

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I think Rick's reaction was only out of character for the trollish buffoon they turned him into in the wake of CaRidge.

Exactly this.


Rick was no choir boy but he certainly wasn't the Nero-esque, gun-totin' psychopath TPTB turned him into - overnight no less - and all to prop up a couple that still isn't hot and never will be to me.

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The way he talked to Ridge, Nick came across as self-righteous and judgmental to me. Guess he doesn't know that Maya is a lousy person who treats other people like garbage. And I agree with others that a transgendered person should be honest with the person they are involved with.

Rick's reaction at the end was total codswallop. Not in character at all.

"Forrester in TRANSistion!" ::snerk:: Go Bill! ;-)

I meant how Nick is with Maya. He could be a good influence on her. I agree he doesn't know everything about how she acts I think she shows him one side and others a different one. She does that a lot, act a way with one person and totally different with another. It can come across as a bit manipulative to me.

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While well acted, it was completely out of character for little Rickey.  I guess they are trying to redeem his character.  I found it dull, sappy and boreing. 

I am hoping the writers come to their senses and turn him back into character at some slight boo boo that I am sure Maya is going to do in the future.  (Not because she's transgender but because she's human)

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While I was disappointed by today's turn of events, I wasn't surprised. Every time B&B has tried to capitalize on (I mean "address") a front-burner social issue it comes in with a bang and out with a whimper, transgender being no exception.


That whole convo with Nick and Ridge was boring filler and purely for PC/PSA purposes.


What I liked the best (former copywriter in me) were the outrageous headlines for $Bill's tabloids! "His and His Towels." Indeed.


Yes. That outfit wasn't doing Brooke any favors. Maybe wardrobe has given up and is now pairing the clothes with KKL's lackluster hair.

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The way he talked to Ridge, Nick came across as self-righteous and judgmental to me. Guess he doesn't know that Maya is a lousy person who treats other people like garbage. And I agree with others that a transgendered person should be honest with the person they are involved with.

Yeah, I didn't like Nick at all. His position seemed to be "we're likely to be victimized so we're entitled to play by our own rules." I think the show may have inadvertently sent the message that it's iffy to trust transgender people, especially if you get intimately involved with them.


I also didn't get that snap Nick threw at Ridge about it being illegal in CA to discriminate against public sector employees. First of all, I'm not advocating discrimination against transgender people. The thing is though, Maya is not a public sector employee. Public sector generally refers to governmental entities, which FC is not. Maya may be a public figure (because of course everyone knows who the Lead Model of Forrester Creations is, just like they know who the lead model is for all couture houses) but she's not public sector. I don't know why the writers threw that bit in because it wasn't necessary and confused the real issue. If FC did fire Maya she could still sue them and seriously damage the company with all the negative publicity.


Frankly, I find it completely unbelievable that Rick went right into acceptance mode. He has never been shown to be mature enough for such a reaction.

He might be in shock; once it all settles in he might start to react differently. I doubt it though since the show seems to be invested having Maya and Rick's romance be considered the love story for all time, full of honesty, integrity, and disdain for all the peons around you. Guess love really does mean never having to say you're sorry--if your names are Rick and Maya.

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I thought it was a really well-done episode and didn't find it to be a preachy PSA at all. The conversation between Ridge and Nick seemed necessary to give a perspective that wasn't Maya's, and Bill being Bill brought balance to that. The often-asked question of how Maya paid for the transition was answered, and everything seemed to dovetail nicely with the story we've been told since Maya was introduced. Even Rick's reaction seemed organic to the beginning of their relationship. It actually doesn't feel like much of a retcon. And KM was really selling it.

The fallout should be interesting. My guess is that Ridge supports Rick against the Spencers.

Edited by Snaporaz
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She's not lying. Maya never identified as a man she always identified as a woman, that is what transgender is. If she had ever identified as a man or was a gay man wanting to be a woman it'd be a different story, she always identified as a woman. If I was dating a man who was "formerly" in a woman's body and I couldn't tell and they always identified as a man and they told me, sure I'd be surprised but if I loved them then I'd love them and that's that.

I'm not referring to her keeping the fact that she's transgender a secret as a lie; I'm talking about that she's entering a relationship without giving Rick the full story about herself or their potential as a family and Rick has a right to know that a woman who he sees as the potential mother of his children cannot have biological children with him.

Since they haven't had the discussion we can't assume one way or the other what Rick's feelings are on the matter but given that he and Caroline had talked kids at one point, Rick does not seem closed off towards having children.

It's one thing for a couple to get together and they both find out when they start having kids that they can't have children biologically.

It's another when one party knows they can't have bio kids with their partner and does not discuss it with them because it opens up a whole kettle of fish that they don't want to get into because it's awkward to them and they fear that revelation would affect the viability of their relationship. He should be given the chance to choose if he wants to commit and accept Maya with everything she brings instead of finding out later that she kept this from him because she didn't believe in him and his love for her over the truth - even if the truth is I can't have children. To me it shows a lack of respect toward your partner; you want this person to love and respect and accept you, but you won't do the same for them all so that you can protect yourself and have what you want?

And then say you do say 'I can't have kids' what do you say when your spouse wants you both to get tested for fertility? Does Maya say she'd rather not? Rick's gonna wonder why. The more she covers, the more he's gonna want to know. Or does Maya falsify records to show Rick that says she's infertile? What if he wants a surrogate? It's a hole that person keeps digging for themselves by avoiding coming out with the truth of why they can't have bio kids. Sooner or later her lies of omission become a hoard of active lies that she has to continue to add to that creates such a web that the spouse (Rick) can't help but feel betrayed because what it comes down to is that Maya didn't trust Rick the way she wants to be trusted.

But it's all moot since she told him the story and Rick has showed he loves Maya the person as she is now. Sure it could've gone another horrible way, but in the end Maya was rewarded for her honesty and can fully enjoy her relationship with Rick without looking over her shoulder- except for in the case of Bill and Spencer publications. And that's because Maya burned a lot of bridges as a rotten person towards other people rather than because she's transgender. But yes true to life, bullies like Bill are making her transgender the issue because it's the easy target.

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I also didn't get that snap Nick threw at Ridge about it being illegal in CA to discriminate against public sector employees. First of all, I'm not advocating discrimination against transgender people. The thing is though, Maya is not a public sector employee. Public sector generally refers to governmental entities, which FC is not. Maya may be a public figure (because of course everyone knows who the Lead Model of Forrester Creations is, just like they know who the lead model is for all couture houses) but she's not public sector. I don't know why the writers threw that bit in because it wasn't necessary and confused the real issue. If FC did fire Maya she could still sue them and seriously damage the company with all the negative publicity.

I took this as Nick's way of telling Ridge to follow the public sector's lead and don't discriminate. I could be wrong, but I had to rationalize the statement somehow because, as you pointed out, it was confusing. It could have been articulated better.

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I think Nick was given some badly written lines, but I took him to mean that it's illegal to discriminate against public sector employees in their state, so maybe private companies like FC could join the 21st century and take the same approach.

I don't think Rick's episode with Stephanie's gun was his first rodeo, so to speak. I'm pretty sure he shot someone once before.

Bill is being a childish ass, and I would laugh myself silly if Caroline was pissed off at him for his tacky caveman vengeance on her behalf. If Rick being a bully bothers him, then expose that; hang him out to dry for his own actions. Splash the shooting incident all over the front page of his rag. Relentlessly attack His CEOness week after week for being an abusive douche. Taking potshots at Rick for unknowingly sleeping with a transgender woman is not the answer. I long to see Rick the horrible boss taken down a peg or two, but I'd like to see it be the result of a well-crafted, cutthroat business maneuver or Rick's own hubris, not tawdry tabloid ignorance that should be beneath even Bill Spencer.

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Rick shot one of Brooke's husbands - Grant - and then blocked it out. I think he was like 12 or 14 at the time.

Guess who took the rap for him and went to trial? Ridge. I think he knew from jump that Rick did it but was willing to go to prison to protect him.

Ridge has done a lot of crappy stuff to Rick but he also was willing to commit a pretty big sacrifice for him with that stunt. Rick can't say Ridge never did something nice for him.

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They totally went the PSA route, first with Nick "enlightening" Ridge. I guess the twist is that Rick seems to be cool about it for now. He said that Maya accepted and understood why Rick didn't tell her the truth about who he was when they first met, so since he fell in love with the person she is, it's okay? Kinda anticlimatic, but I'm glad Rick didn't react the way Brooke and Ridge seemed to think he would. I get it, Rick has had many a moment of being unhinged. We'll see what happens after the "shock" wears off, and the media fallout sure to be caused because of $Bill.


$Bill's media full court press is based on humiliating Rick for being ignorant of Maya being transgender. Technically, Rick could refute that claim by saying he knew about Maya ahead of the media expose'. That could take some of the impact out of $Bill's "spoiled, petulant bully(ing)" and missionary-like doctrine of Spencer Imperialism and bad taste, putting him in a difficult position with the Forrester's.


It seems TIIC are portraying Rick as punch drunk in love with Maya, attaching all his historic woes and losses as synonymous to her own ... <shrug> Okay.


Brooke and Eric are fundamentally not serious about the operations of Forrester Creations or in protecting the company -- waiting around for Interwebz anvils to land and "not counting our catastrophes before they hatch" -- Both of them are a waste of skin.


Ridge couldn't possibly have been convinced he had talked $Bill out of burying Rick, Maya, and FC with the "story of the year.". If so, Ridge is as useless as Brooke and Eric.


Snaporaz quote

The fallout should be interesting. My guess is that Ridge supports Rick against the Spencers.


Forrester's versus Spencer's Death Match

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I don't know.  Rick made a big deal about Ridge not being a "real" Forrester.  And he did bring up kids with Maya at least once that I recall.  Maybe Rick will decide that he'd rather have Maya than bio kids but it wasn't right for her to keep that from him. Making the choice as a couple to adopt or not have kids at all is one thing, not sharing the fact that your options are already limited, seems like a deal breaker to me.  YMMV...


Of course, there's always lots of soapy drama to be mined when one half of a couple is infertile and the other starts to feel that clock ticking.


Agreed.  It's not, to me an issue of "Maya used to be a man," because, as noted, she always felt like a woman.  But, the process she had to go through to physically become a woman is something that Rick should have known about before they got to the point in their relationship where a permanent commitment, like marriage, was on the table.  Because that does have an effect on them having children, which is something ALL couples should discuss and get on the same page about before entering into marriage.  Whether Rick wants kids or not is something Maya should have talked to him about, and then the discussion of "well, having biological children will be impossible for me, because of this, so are you content to adopt or find a surrogate and use a donor egg to have children?"  Not giving him the option to thoroughly consider that issue before he was down on one knee, when she knew the proposal was coming, and they'd had conversations about spending their lives together, is dishonest.  


Plus, this was something major about herself, something that other people knew about her, and the potential was there for Rick to find out from someone other than her.  I think it's disrespectful, to someone you love enough to marry, to leave them in the dark about something this important, this central to who you are, and your life's journey, and leave things to potentially come to light via someone else (including the guy you were engaged to before him). 


I took this as Nick's way of telling Ridge to follow the public sector's lead and don't discriminate. I could be wrong, but I had to rationalize the statement somehow because, as you pointed out, it was confusing. It could have been articulated better.


That comment was weird.  Especially since I don't think there was any indication that Ridge, or anyone at FC was thinking they should fire Maya for being transgender.  If Maya lost her job, it would likely be more because she was Rick's hire, Rick's girlfriend, etc, and if Rick loses his place as CEO (I don't know if you were all aware, but Rick is, in fact, CEO), she might get the boot right with him because she's joined in on Rick's abusive treatment of the FC employees. 


I'll be seriously bummed if we don't get some blow back from Rick, both to Maya and others, over him being pretty much the last person in town to know Maya's secret.   I appreciate that he loves her enough for her being transgender to not be a deal breaker for him, and it makes sense that someone who has grown up in the fashion industry in L.A. to be more accepting of this.  But, we've been hammered over the head for months with how much Rick hates being lied to.  So him finding out that everyone knew and it was still being kept from him until Maya got that ring on her finger should be an issue for him.  

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I don't know. Rick made a big deal about Ridge not being a "real" Forrester. And he did bring up kids with Maya at least once that I recall. Maybe Rick will decide that he'd rather have Maya than bio kids but it wasn't right for her to keep that from him. Making the choice as a couple to adopt or not have kids at all is one thing, not sharing the fact that your options are already limited, seems like a deal breaker to me. YMMV...


I guess we fans are the only ones to remember that Rick stepped up to the bat when Amber revealed that Little Eric was not only not his kid, but he wasn't hers either. He raised him for years before Amber was finally written off and the whole story has been shelved since Kyle Lauder was cast and TIIC decided to make Rick the show's equivalent to ATWT'S Paul Ryan.

Considering how Ridge and Company have had no problem throwing his Logan heritage up as a mark against him, I have no problem with Rick bringing up the Marone crap. I wish they'd both STFU but turnabout is fair play in my book.

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I guess we fans are the only ones to remember that Rick stepped up to the bat when Amber revealed that Little Eric was not only not his kid, but he wasn't hers either. He raised him for years before Amber was finally written off and the whole story has been shelved since Kyle Lauder was cast and TIIC decided to make Rick the show's equivalent to ATWT'S Paul Ryan.

Considering how Ridge and Company have had no problem throwing his Logan heritage up as a mark against him, I have no problem with Rick bringing up the Marone crap. I wish they'd both STFU but turnabout is fair play in my book.


Rick and Caroline were already married when I started watching, so this last year is all I know of him.  And Rick and Maya have been written as such jerks that I just can't find them sympathetic.  I have found Maya sympathetic in scenes with other people, so maybe it's just JY. 

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Bill is stoopid but I did not buy the "new and improved and compassionate" Rick either---PC maybe but Rick does not appear to have that in him---UGH--so sorry I thought this would not be PC at least at first----I did not expect a rampage maybe either but I don't like the message that Maya was right to hide it all this time and now it is rainbows and puppies---I have not watched that long so I cannot address the fact that she waited years and stood by while he treated his staff and relatives like dirt and elevated her---to me that is a separate issue but still lousy and I am not overly fond of her sis Nicole either----way too many gold diggers here and I as a new viewer am not feeling any sympathy for Maya or Rick and I won't get started on idiot Eric or Brooke and their responsibility for Rick being the way he is---bleah

Edited by Oly
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Unless Maya can magically get rid of her Y chromosomes, she will always be biologically male. Just saying.


Technically, it's a little more complicated...



So now we have genes on the Y that can turn females with XX chromosomes into males and genes on the X that can turn males with XY chromosomes into females… wow! Maleness and femaleness are NOT determined by having an X or a Y, since switching a couple of genes around can turn things upside down.


In fact, there’s a whole lot more to maleness and femaleness than X or Y chromosomes. About 1 in 20,000 men has no Y chromosome, instead having 2 Xs. This means that in the United States there are about 7,500 men without a Y chromosome. The equivalent situation - females who have XY instead of XX chromosomes - can occur for a variety of reasons and overall is similar in frequency.




Legally is another mess, albeit man-made.  





From the article above, it appears that only 4 states will not amend birth certificates.  So I guess we know where Maya is not from?


Only Idaho, Kansas, Ohio, and Tennessee refuse to change the gender marker on a birth certificate as of April 2015.
Edited by tessaray
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What I liked the best (former copywriter in me) were the outrageous headlines for $Bill's tabloids! "His and His Towels."


I couldn't agree more...and love $Bill. IMO, he's the only one worth watching anymore since Stephanie's departure.  New Ridge has some good one-liners too. And of course, can't wait for Caroline's return and their new relationship to blossom.

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...That comment was weird.  Especially since I don't think there was any indication that Ridge, or anyone at FC was thinking they should fire Maya for being transgender.  If Maya lost her job, it would likely be more because she was Rick's hire, Rick's girlfriend, etc, and if Rick loses his place as CEO (I don't know if you were all aware, but Rick is, in fact, CEO), she might get the boot right with him because she's joined in on Rick's abusive treatment of the FC employees...

Nick asked Ridge if Maya was going to lose her job, and Ridge's answer was, "Probably." So there was some context around that comment.

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Nick asked Ridge if Maya was going to lose her job, and Ridge's answer was, "Probably." So there was some context around that comment.

But, I don't think Ridge was insinuating that Maya would be fired for being transgender. He was probably thinking that Rick would react badly and fire her in retaliation for not being a paragon of honesty and integrity after all. Ridge didn't even seem be to considering that it'd be because of bad PR (he has no idea yet what $Bill has done) because he said it was a family matter and would be handled in house. If Nick read that as "oh, for sure we're gonna fire Maya for being transgender" then IMO that was a mistaken choice he made.

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I'll be seriously bummed if we don't get some blow back from Rick, both to Maya and others, over him being pretty much the last person in town to know Maya's secret.   I appreciate that he loves her enough for her being transgender to not be a deal breaker for him, and it makes sense that someone who has grown up in the fashion industry in L.A. to be more accepting of this.  But, we've been hammered over the head for months with how much Rick hates being lied to.  So him finding out that everyone knew and it was still being kept from him until Maya got that ring on her finger should be an issue for him.  


On one hand, I see your point. On the other, I don't think Rick should be fire-and-brimstone levels of angry. $Bill and his family only know because Nicole was foolish enough to tell Wyatt. Everyone else knows because of Carter's chat with Ridge, or they otherwise found out in a sneaky manner. This isn't a matter of Maya willfully informing everyone at Forrester except Rick. I mean sure, the loading dock guy knows her secret by now. But he probably found out because of gossip, not because Maya sent everyone a memo.

Edited by C76
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I think Bell must have borrowed some of  those "masks" from GH because that was NOT Rick.

I was afraid that all of Myra's previously shitty and gold digging behaviors were going to be white washed by this. Way to take the easy way out. This was practically an "After School Special" Blech.

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I think there's a very big difference between flying into a rage/being abusive and being thoroughly shocked/needing more time to process a MAJOR piece of info like a sex change. My beef is not that Rick didn't beat up Maya (because: gross, did anybody really want to see THAT?), it's that he was able to switch right back into fiance mode within the half hour. There is no way that the character of Rick as we know him and his long history wouldn't have been completely blindsided by Maya's admission and been so shocked that he would have freaked out far more than he did. So I hope that they address this going forward, big-time.



Seriously, it took more show time at the end of last week and start of Monday for Maya to finally spit it out than it did for Rick to process it and ask her to stay. 

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Shira, I understand what you're saying. Forget I said "fire and brimstone". What I was referring to was a righteous anger that came about due to intentional betrayal. And although Maya's been dishonest all along, the issue I was responding to was the matter of how everyone found out, compared to Rick. My point is this: Given Rick's reaction in yesterday's episode, I doubt that he will become (very) angry with Maya once he discerns who has learned what, and how.

Edited by C76
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There is no way that the character of Rick as we know him and his long history wouldn't have been completely blindsided by Maya's admission and been so shocked that he would have freaked out far more than he did. So I hope that they address this going forward, big-time.


I hope so as well.  It is simply unbelievable that Rick would be so accepting so quickly.  Rick hates lies.  Hates, hates, hates them.  Maya withholds a very big truth and Rick is fine with it in the span of an 19-minute episode? Come on.  Anyone who's ever watched a soap opera knows this type of response is almost unprecedented and characters literally flip their lids over far less. Heck, Maya took 10x as long to reconcile the fact that her "Rick" was, in fact, Rick Forrester.  And that was something that didn't affect her anywhere near as much as her revelation affects him.  This was just bad writing where a good, soapy storyline was sacrificed (at least so far) for politically correct expedience.

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Oh for Pete’s sake, after months of leading viewers down the path of honesty and integrity, and building up the reveal to epic proportions, we get Hallmark? Nuh huh, no way am I buying that crap. Within ten minutes, Rick is good to go with this deception? Yeah I know, he put up a few feeble arguments, and acted a little put out, but to be alI good to go simply does not compute. Are they really having Rick rationalize this by comparing it to him letting Maya believe he was a poor waiter? Oh, geez, I guess I’m just a simpleton to have not made that connection, because finding out the woman you are proposing to was born a man is something you hear everyday, just completely mundane. I don’t know which message is bugging me more; lies and deceit are acceptable coming from you, but not from you, or that Maya waiting until a proposal to disclose should be standard operating procedure for transgenders.


If you parse out the dialog between Rick and Maya, you can see very clearly what is motivating Rick with his one statement “you always put me first”. Bingo! And Maya, being the consummate enabler, has done just that. And did Rick really say “when everybody else hates me, you find a way to love me more?” Just shoot me already. These two are the weakest, saddest sacks of Sacagawea; the neediest, most dependent, cloying, annoying, cringe worthy couple to grace daytime in years. And the B&B dropped the ball in a major way by taking the PC route and having Rick be all happy fucking joy joy.


What was that weird, random one off with Nick and Ridge? I could like the Nick character; he seems interesting to me, but only if they back off the lecturing. And why Ridge? When has Ridge ever indicated that he is transphobic? And the whole thing about firing someone because they are transgender? WTF? Where did that come from? If Ridge was going to fire Maya, it would be because she is a horrible person, who doesn’t respect anything but her own goals. It certainly wouldn’t be because of her gender issues. But I think he was referring to Rick, because Ridge, just like every other person with a working, thinking brain, know's Rick shouldn’t take this well, and will pull one of his patented moves and strike out in anger and fire Maya.


Bill is just rotten, but that is what makes him so awesome. If someone has to be the heavy, then Bill is undoubtedly the best choice. This is absolutely something that would be in Bill’s wheelhouse, and true to form, he is going for the gusto with the trashy (albeit hilarious!) headlines.


Brooke and Eric continue their hand wringing and wailing about their little boy. So tiresome are they. And just a waste of good screen time. For all their damn concern, what has either of them accomplished in the past week?

Edited by RuntheTable
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Whatever the case, Maya will always be male on a chromosomal level.


True enough.  I'm just glad in 2015 that we don't have to settle for whatever situations we were born into.  (In my case, born on the wrong side of the track to a teen welfare mom with substance abuse problems. The odds were against me going to college and having a normal middle class life but I did.  DNA isn't destiny. Or it doesn't have to be.) 

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Eric now threatening Bill with GLAAD? This is such a joke now. Instead of being a real story it's a big PSA ad on the Forrester side while Bill's evil for being true to character? 

Does Katie even know who she married? It's like she's clueless to who Bill is.

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I see that I was wrong. (And yet I admit that cautiously, as I have yet to see the rest of today's show.) I've just watched the teaser for today's episode. Thus far, Rick's angry with Maya. I'm actually enjoying seeing him frustrated with her. But he seems more upset about his reputation in the company more than anything else.


Edited to say that IMO his reaction is understandable.


Mind you, Rick's just grabbed his phone. He needs to make room in that pan for a bigger fish.

Edited by C76
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Rick only get angry and lashes out after Bill's articles hit. Before it was public he was questioning Maya on who knows and he found out Carter knew he thought he could handle Carter. Then started getting mad when Maya told him Ridge knew and that's what Ridge was holding over him. 


Rick wanted everything under the rug and secret. Like Bill taking down the articles would make it disappear LOL. How is Rick a CEO? He's a moron.

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I'd love to see Nick take a long walk off a short pier.  How dare he sanctimoniously threaten Ridge under the assumption that Maya would be fired for being transgender.  Does Nick even have the slightest clue what a condescending, nasty, manipulative piece of work Maya is?  Or is he one of those giant chip on his shoulder type of people who love to cry discrimination at every perceived slight, when said slight has zero to do with their situation?  I also love him stating how all gay people feel about coming out, as opposed to how all transgender people feel about coming out.  If he would have stated how he felt about coming out vs how gay friends felt about coming out, that would have been perfectly fine, but IMO stating as a fact how an entire group feels about something is wrong on so many levels.

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Rick: No, I don't want to go into hiding, not when I'm getting everything I've ever wanted!
Maya: Well I need to know that I still matter to you and that you still want to be with me!


♫ Me, me, me, me!♫  It's like an opera rehearsal with those two. Self-involved divas, the both of them.


Or is he one of those giant chip on his shoulder type of people who love to cry discrimination at every perceived slight, when said slight has zero to do with their situation?

You might be surprised how often a "perceived slight" really is discrimination but the guilty party either doesn't realize it or is loath to admit it. That said, I agree that this Nick person is no help to the situation. (I actually groaned when he showed up again.) His main MO seems to be trying to blame everyone else for a situation that was largely one of Maya's own making. Rick would have never been in a position for $Bill to exploit their relationship if she had told him the truth ages ago, probably as soon as Nicole showed up threatening her. Maya could have shut down all of the immediate threats herself before half the town knew her big secret. I'm sorry though that she's being publicly shamed for something she had no control over, a born physiological disconnect between her body and her gender identity.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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You might be surprised how often a "perceived slight" really is discrimination but the guilty party either doesn't realize it or is loath to admit it.

I don't want to derail the thread, but I'll agree to disagree, I think it's more surprising how often a "perceived slight" is just that...perceived.


I'm sorry though that she's being publicly shamed for something she had no control over

Agreed, public shame is just wrong. Actually, any shame over that is just wrong...it is her behavior that is bad.

Edited the hell out of this to fix bad quotes, sorry!

Edited by ByTor
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And Rick and Maya have been written as such jerks that I just can't find them sympathetic.


I have no sympathy for either and I don't see this pairing as a 'love story.' Rick wants to cry about Bill bullying Maya? So basically bullying is okay Rick and Maya are the ones picking on someone?



Then again, Maya and Rick never seemed to discuss anything except how much she supported him and how she was so honest (!) with him, unlike the other beyotches in his life who betrayed him with secrets. Oh yeah, they also discussed how hilarious it was to order Ally around, asking for post-coital ice cream in bed, or more snacks for their guests, or how stupid Ally was to trip on her own shoe designs, because "with parents like Thorne and Darla, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree--heeheehee-snicker-snicker--ooo, we're so bad!" No wonder they never had time to discuss real-life, important stuff like did they want children someday. I can only remember one time when they even had a chat about something other than their TWU WUV and high priority for honesty


So much word to this. Rick and Maya have sex and then after exchange meaningless, shallow platitudes about each other (honesty, support blah blah zzzzz). They are so boring.



I don't know why she needed the rock to speak up


Because that pwoves their twu wuv! The ring is all that matters to Maya.



These two are the weakest, saddest sacks of Sacagawea; the neediest, most dependent, cloying, annoying, cringe worthy couple to grace daytime in years. And the B&B dropped the ball in a major way by taking the PC route and having Rick be all happy fucking joy joy.


Love this. Even a well adjusted person would likely need more than 20 minutes to both digest this information and then accept it. Rick is not well adjusted. Or even well. Or adjusted. Rick tra la la-ing about their love is just completely stupid and insulting. It's possible to do this story correctly and as a love story without going all PC right from jump.



Does Nick even have the slightest clue what a condescending, nasty, manipulative piece of work Maya is?


That stuff doesn't matter in the least because she's transgendered. Apparently, she's allowed to treat other people any way she wants and to be as nasty as she wants. I was over Nick yesterday and rolled my eyes hard when he arrived today.


Bill is a piece of work to be sure, but he runs tabloids. This is what those publications do.

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Poor Rick and Maya they should just go home and make Aly fix them dinner and give them foot massages, then everything will be alright.


I've come to accept that inconsistent characters are the only constant thing this show can do.


If Nicole never showed up would Maya have ever told Rick ?


After the ending of today's episode I hope Rick has amnesia and we can repeat this entire storyline again.


The highlight of the week so far was a commercial for Under The Dome. (The dome is the only place where Eric and Rick would be considered to have average to above average intelligence)

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Not again. Let me guess. Rick will be in dire circumstances with the family clustered around his hospital bed begging him to pull through and vowing to make things right. Eric will make an impassioned promise to never revoke the CEO-ship and Rick's eyelids will quiver with comprehension before he miraculously wakes up.


Katie will start laying into Bill about how all of this is HIS fault, Rick was almost killed, Bill has no morals, ethics, yadda, yadda, yadda.


Was this whole SL just a cleverly spun PSA for GLAAD?

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Nick doesn't know Maya like others do, it seems. I have no doubt she showed him one face or spins things to him to keep his support and friendship. Much like she does to anyone who matters in her world. She is manipulative and calculating. That being said he should not be so naive and outspoken.

I don't think anyone planned on firing Maya I think the goal was oust Rick and deal with the other stuff later. However how long can Maya be "Lead Model" don't fashion houses change those with the seasons or have a signature model like Kate Moss for a few years then end the contract once that gets stale or the model won't meet salary demands or, to be blunt, gets too old?

Edited by Petunia13
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I think today's show played out well. We had Rick yesterday being somewhat okay, as in, he loves Maya, he's angry she deceived him, but his love for her is bigger than that.  Then, whoops, Ridge knows, everyone knows, and now he is tabloid fodder.  This all happened within about an hour or so.  So Rick reacting badly to the media exposure, and Ridge and others mocking him behind his back is believable.  His comments about being humiliated etc rang true.  Sure, hurtful to Maya, but she lives in the public eye.  She should have known how this would affect Rick.  And her lies brought it to this place.  So I didn't have any sympathy for her today.  She has mishandled this badly.  


I liked Katie calling $Bill out, but again, she knew what she signed up for.  She was deluding herself again.


I don't dislike Rick and Maya as much as many do, so I am not minding how this story plays out.  And, I think Eric pointing out to $Bill that he could lose advertisers is a good point, but far far too late.  You cannot claw back this story now.  It was sad how Rick even thought he could get Spencer to pull it.  


It was not clear to me whether Rick was upset that the world knew, or at how R/M were being mocked and ridiculed.


The car thing was stupid, especially with the Phoebe history.

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How good was Jacob Young today? He totally sold me on someone who is suffering from Post Transgender Surgery Disclosure, or PTSD. His growing awareness of the larger picture, and shell shocked delayed reaction were spot on. He also seemed like a man on the brink of something, like, oh, I don’t know……a breakdown maybe? The need to go outside and just scream for about five minutes? Maya was clearly no comprende, even after a visibly stressed Rick asked her for a few minutes to think. Not surprising really, when you consider how busy they were reminding each other of their own wants. Oh, those love struck kids just can’t separate their own individual neediness from their joint obsession with ME, ME, ME!!!


Try as I might, I could not locate a target anywhere on Ridge’s person. So maybe all these gun jumpers can shut the fuck up about what Ridge did. Just sayin.


Nick, I wanted to like you, but you are annoying. Get your tin hat and take several seats. Oh, and it takes some nerve to accuse someone of something heinous when you don’t know jack about that person. So you can go bake yourself a transphobic pie, and serve with that glass of STFU nicely chilled.


I wish Ridge would really blow his stack and put all these whiny, nasty, accusing, judgmental, finger pointing, ungrateful, gotta protect Rick and Maya at all cost sons of bitches in their proper places. I am tired of him being the fall guy by default. I want him to start handing out those big goofy lips with big horse teeth to each of them, so when they start talking their smack, nothing but gibberish comes out.


Katie can’t really be surprised can she? This is Bill Spencer we are talking about, and when it comes to getting his he doesn’t care who gets hurt. I am really more interested to see Bill and Brooke “discussing” this turn of events. Will Brooke be as quick to overlook, and even forgive Bill, as she was for his actions towards Hope? Something tells me no; of all her children, Brooke has always been most protective of Rick. I think this decision could have scored Bill a lifetime of the squinty eyed death glare, accompanied by a perfectly pitched baby doll voice tongue lashing.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I know that it won't happen, but I am so hoping that Rick is not found for a couple of days and Maya drives unseen and unheard from for at least a week.  These two self-absorbed, emotional vampires are just exhausting.  I need a break from both of them.


I'd like Nick to disappear too.  He really has no lines; all he has done is make a series of obvious statements and generalizations.  Nick really isn't a character, he's a walking billboard.

Edited by Collinwood
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In all of her heart felt confessing, did Maya ever say the words..."II was born male"? She talked about sex  being determined in utero, then seemed to skip to trachea shaves. Oh well.


As soon as Maya grabbed her bag, my Mr Shorts and I yelled out "car accident!" Like we were at a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show.  So after months of almost, then the tense race against time and Spencer Publications... Maya got to tell Rick just the way she wanted. With no interruptions from his Google alerts. I cry Foul. Why'd they even bother with all of the build-up? 

And as insufferable as New Friend Nick is.. I did enjoy him cracking Nicole's smug face. Yeah Nicole, tell your week-long boyfriend YOUR secrets, if you must. Putting your sister on blast was the definition of RATCHED. Hopefully it means she will shoulder shrug dance her way off of our screen for good. And maybe bring in Maya's judgemental small town parents instead. I have to say this was handled with sensitivity and Mind Numbing Boredom. 

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I also need a moratorium on Rick and Maya.  They are both insufferable and boring, along with many of the other people involved in this story.  The only thing that interests me at this point is that Brooke and Eric have been demoted to Rick's handmaidens.  Would Brad Bell have gone this route with them had it not been for the idiot driver who ran over poor Linsey Godfrey?


Usually I handwave Katie's behavior because, well, I don't know why exactly.  But she has married this man twice now and still has no clue who he is and how he operates.  Dumb ass!

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Rick's first thought is to blame Ridge for leaking the story but than he was set straight by Eric. Next, I thought Eric and Brooke was going to blame Quinn. After all she gave birth to Wyatt instead of aborting him and it was Wyatt who told Bill. Spencer Publications cannot be found guilty of libel since the story is true but can only be found guilty in the court of public opinion. I would be surprised if Spencer Publications' Tabloids have not be subjected to prior lawsuits but it managed to survive and make Bill millions and millions of dollars. I would also be surprised if GLADD hasn't taken a few swipes at Spencer Publications in the past. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Spencer Publication bigger than FC? Katie is like Nikki of Y&R. They marry powerful men, who are notorious for being bastards, and than are surprised by their behavior. Fool me once same on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Yes, Nick it's a crying shame that women are being murdered for being transgendered but there are also quite a few women who are murdered in general for all sorts of reasons. If transgendered women want to be treated as women, as in Maya's case, than the term, IMO, transgendered should be a mute point.

Even while crying and being chased, Maya is the better driver. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Rick. I bet she could also beat you in an arm wrestle.

Edited by Waldo13
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