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S02.E03: Rise Of The Villains: The Last Laugh


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Did not see that coming. Wow, I really thought he was going to end up being The Joker. The ending scene of Jerome's face was creepy as he'll and very "joker". However, I didn't like the scene leading up to it with all the emerging "jokers".

Barbara has seriously lost it, she's going down and it's going to be ugly. Loved seeing Bullock and Jim team up.

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Well there goes the Jerome is Joker theory.   Cameron Monaghan was  fabulous as notJoker.    Just the right amount of boyish charm that masked hellish insanity. 


So Barbara is sleeping with a brother and sister now.  Go Babs!  I liked her "talk" with Leslie on the spinny wheel thing.   Actually the whole scene at the benefit was done well.  I know I am in the minority around here but I want more CrazyBarbara.  Now that Jerome has been dealt with and apparently we are on to phase 2 of the plan I may get my wish.  Crazy Barbara s my favorite Barbara.   


So.....Gotham needs a hero and so rich dude (who's name I really should remember) has manufactured some hellish monsters and become that hero.  Actually I've heard worse plans.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Damn, the last scene with all the jokers to be was so creepy.

RIP Jerome. You were fun, but it wasn't meant to be.

Here's my prediction for you, Barbara: your fickleness is going to get you killed. Can't come soon enough. I CHEERED when Lee kicked her in the lady parts.

LOL poor Alfred trying to hook up with Lee. He needs a life outside the manor.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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So much for the Noker. Nothing against the character, but I feel that we don't need a Joker or proto-Joker at this juncture.


Damn, Barbara is insane. And I'm liking it. Or maybe I got a thing about girl fun, and Montoya's been wished into the cornfield with Allen. And is Theo's master plan too obvious, or does it seem like that because we're in on his secret?


I see a lot of "personal time" in the cave for Alfred. Poor bastard . . . he seemed smitten by Leslie. And I wasn't sure he swung that way. Live and learn.

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Well I guess someone else has some shoes to fill. Cameron Monaghan was able to embody the Joker pretty well. None of those other people laughing were able to pull of the Joker laugh like he did. They all sounded so forced. 


Barbara's going to sleep with a brother and sister. That is one thing that's stayed the same with her, she loves causing drama. 


I hope Selina gets more to do, she's kind of around now and I know she's baby Catwoman and not quite a villain but I'd still like to see her do something. And man does she look Michelle Pfeiffer. 

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WWWWHHHHYYYYY???????? Why did Jerome have to die? He was so good!!! Cameron was soo good!!!!

Ugh. It'll be hard to top that.

So siblings are going to be enemies pretty soon, I take it? And that Theo scene was the fakest, cringiest scene ever. I can't tell if it was the actor's fault or if he played it intentionally like that. Who would believe that?

That harvey/jim brotp! Glad that Harvey brought up Fish. I was worried that was going to be an unfinished story line line from season 1.

Babs seemed kind of Harley-esque this episode.

Uuuuggggghhhhh. i miss Jerome already. ;_;

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Was Alfred supposed to be drunk or drugged in this episode? He was all sweaty and acting/sounding weird. I kept waiting for some reveal.


Gonna miss Jerome; so that's why it seemed like he was taking over the show - they knew he would be gone soon.


Loved Frain's "bad acting" (i.e. on purpose) as Theo the Hero. And Crazy Barbara rocks so much!

I am starting to see the problem now....Its All Jim's fault.


Maybe its because Barbara is crazy nutso insane but she has chemistry with both Theo and Tabitha....and in the way back machine she had chemistry with Montoya but lacked any chemistry with Jim.


Now we have Leslie who I actually like better with Alfred.  You can see the awkward charm of the pairing but aside from a few moments that seem....forced like Jim Gordon's girl has to be nice and have no personality.....there was like nothing.  Leslie deserves better....and Alfred is that better,


So yes it is all Jim Gordon's fault. 

Loved Frain's "bad acting" (i.e. on purpose) as Theo the Hero. And Crazy Barbara rocks so much!

Okay, good. It was fake "bad acting." I was worried, because Frain is normally a very good actor.

Season 2 really started off with a bang. Now that the proto-Joker saga is apparently over, how are they going to top it?

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Was Jerome really dead? It was so weird to me that nobody pulled the sheet over his face after he got stabbed, the EMTs just tucked it around him like he was still alive. Also, you'd think the show would want to have a "reveal" of his creepy expression by having the coroner or whoever pull the sheet away from his face in the morgue or something, rather than just having everyone push his body around with it uncovered the whole time.


Eh, probably overthinking it! I just kept wondering if he was drugged into paralysis or something, rather than actually dead. But I also wondered whether the knife was fake, because it looked so funky and a magic show would be a great place to use a fake knife on someone.


I actually kind of wonder if Jerome is going to come back to work in Penguin's club or something. Which is probably wishful thinking, but would solve a lot of problems for both of them. Jerome really is a good showman and Oswald desperately needs one.

  • Love 3

I think Jerome is dead, Theo said that this wasn't in the strip.  However I wouldn't mind if he were still alive and out for revenge on Theo for betraying him.  If I were Barbara I would be careful of Theo, what happens when he decides she's expendable. Soo it looks like Barbara still has a thing for Jim or maybe she was just saying that to rile up Leslie.


Poor Alfred, I was cringing at his obvious Leslie crush but at least that ended as quickly as it begun.

Still shocked they killed Jerome, but I must say his laugh was getting annoying. However I don't understand all the other pseudo Jokers laughing and killing people?


 I hope Jim figures out that Theo is the big bad, that segment with his speech was cringe inducing it was so fake

My notes:


*They're gonna run out of windows.

*Only 9 died?!?!? Out of the on-screen carnage? Ooooookay.

*HARVEY! and Jim needs a couple of sleeping pills.

*Glad the "sexual competition" is still present and edgy. Just wish this was on an hour later, but I'm watching it at 7PM Central, so what do I know?

*Really? All guys must like magicians in order to be "normal"?

*SELENA!! Looking good, but choose a shade. And I'm keepin' the ball you kids kicked into my lawn. *g*

*Tabitha blowing the Deputy Mayor's mind-- Hee!

*Lee meeting Alfred! Dinner? omg! Love this!

*Whoa! Even Selena is WTFing

"Jim......Nevermind." Nooooo! Not Harvey! Harvey doesn't dabble in that dialogue bs!Not bad twigging to a silent Barbara, but to miss Jerome?

*Alfred is going to have to speak to Bruce on What To Do When Out. One way or another, Bruce might end up near-killing Alfred, or someone else.

*"Breathe James."  Insane, but has a point.

*Theo: either is super-secure in his bond with Jerome or really thinks those classes were worth the $$.

*GO LESLIE! [ translation:Kick her in the lady junk again!]

*With that fivehead, "no clean shot"? Really?

*And thus, Theo's Plan, Part The First is executed flawlessly. As such.
*OSWALD!! Is Lou Diamond Philips the One-Eyed Dude?

*Harvey keeping the memory of Fish! Yes!

*Alfred? NO!! No thanking Theo!!

*Jim's jealous? Hee!!

*Aw, Selena.

*Barbara causing all sorts of chaos wherever she sleeps around!

*STFU, Show. With you Joker-"sickness".


I miss Ivy, after seeing Selena. They could've ran a scam of Ivy being a less ill sick child and Selena was helping Ivy around.  I liked Bruce's " I miss you" and the slump Selena had when she knew Gordon saw her and caught up.


Lee looked very elegant and awesome, even in the spinning wheel of (potential) death.  I loved when Lee realized the meaning of Alfred's conversation and her trying to be polite about it. Alfred's later accusation that Bruce knew was funny.  Not so funny was Jim demanding the kiss, but if everyone would have just be polite but clear, we wouldn't have that frustrating part of the funnier/lighter storyline.


I want Tabitha's boots. In all the pre-season promos, I thought  we were going to have Copperhead back, but I am fine with two awesomely competent bad women for the heroes to fight. ( Barbara isn't quite up to awesomely competent yet.)


Michael Chiklis starts next week; I'll have to see how that goes before opining.




That got boring real quickly. The real bad part? RIP Jerome Velesky...as much as it might have been "too obvious" for him to be The Joker, Cameron Monaghan sure played him beautifully. I don't think I could see anyone else in that role, and it's a darn pity that this show has wasted such a great talent so soon.


Hopefully Monaghan bounces back and gets a show of his own.


If last week was too frenetic, this week was way too slow. There was way too much posturing, way too much grandstanding, and not enough action. Not even Velesky could save tonight's mess. I guess I can't have it all.


Going through the episode, I can't put my finger on "why" but it sure felt "over the top". Perhaps I shouldn't expect less from a show that was from a comic book, but this series was so much more real when it began, and now it's just descended (rather too quickly) into this morass that just could never exist in real life. Anyone worth their salt would have left for greener pastures, leaving Gotham to rot with the crooks and other lowlifes running amok- no way they'd hold a "charity ball" under the city's current circumstances. Life just can't "go on normally" after the GCPD was massacred (strangely enough, Jim Gordon said that there were only nine cops killed last week...pretty sure there were more, and there had to have been more if those four shooters got out of there alive). If The Blacklist taught me anything (speaking of your "comic book "-ike shows), it's that a scenario like this would have the entire city on lockdown. The GCPD may have been lazy, but there's no way they'd just let the murder of their brethren "pass". Everyone would be kicking asses and taking names like Gordon and Harvey Bullock were, not just the two detectives.


Perhaps I expect too much. Perhaps there's an alternate world where this could make sense. Or perhaps I've come to the realization that this show just may not be for me anymore. I just know that, for me, the general "feel" of this show has gone past the "point of no return" to a place where it's just frankly too ridiculous.


A pity, because Gotham had so much promise.

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I still think that piled on stuff too hard and too fast for Gotham to ultimately become Batman. It means The Joker is just a Copycat.


I don't know if Gotham is even supposed to become Batman anymore.


They've already veered so far off DC canon that it feels like an alternate universe in DC's 52.


That actually seems more fun for me, cause it means you can't really expect anything to go the way you know it does in all the Batman media you've already seen.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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Copy-pasting from my tumblr...


Gotham Review #02 #03 “The Last Laugh”


For @camrenbicondova et al…


So, the lovely miss Bicondova asked us what we tumblr people thought of tonight’s episode, and since it’s already quite clear I won’t get any sleep, I figured I might answer.


Please note that this is a super-spoilery review discussing not only the episode in full but also potential further ones so if you’re not into that, please bugger off ;-)

The plot of the episode is pretty straight-forward. Theo Galavan decides to set himself up as a hero, so he has his stooges - Barbara and Jerome - hijack a charity party, murder a couple of people and threaten Bruce’s life, after which he saves mister Wayne by killing Jerome and Barbara disappears. That’s basically it.


First of all I’d like to say I really like the tone of the show so far in the second season and I prefer it to the first. At some times, the first season threatened to go into villain-of-the-week territory a la Smallville. I feel the story here is more coherent and better for setting up the factions and players.


The tone has also changed in that it has gone into more over-the-top comic book territory, and it suits the show well. The violence is brutal and effective and I actually believe they’ve done a decent job at catching a whiff of the feel of Tim Burton’s adaptation. That’s a plus since in the directing category that was marvellous.


Now, there’s been a fair deal of outrage about the show killing off Jerome. I can’t really agree with the cries of horror. It is vital for the Joker character that he is unknown, thus they really had to sell that he was dead. I doubt we’ve seen the last of Cameron. He nailed the role and he’s also in the correct age range to portray the character as he, David and Camren grow up. I don’t think they’ll let his obvious talent go to waste. Before everyone goes, “but, but… he is dead…” See above. This is a comic book show. Bizarre plot twists come with the territory. Do I know how they’ll swing it? Nope, not a clue. I just think they will.


Frain’s deliberate overacting selling the hero part was absolutely hilarious, especially when you know what a strong performer he really is. It’s simply another move to get into the old-school cartoon feel. Jerome killing the vice-mayor was obviously deliberate. I’d suspect Theo’s setting himself up for the post.


Alfred hitting on Lee was supremely embarrassing. I had a really time watching it… my face goes all red from scenes like that… which obviously meant it was well done. Wish I’ll stop cringing in my seat soon.


Bruce to Selina, “I’ve missed you.” Well, we’ve certainly all missed their interaction, I think. Just my opinion, but Bruce only really feels complete with Selina and in another sense with Alfred, and vice-versa, Selina only feels like the real Selina with him. The actors bring out the best in each other.

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This kid was the best actor on the show. I hope they bring him back to plat the Joker, even if it's through a cheesy "twins separated at birth" plot twist. <br /><br />Any scene with Bruce and/or Selina is sleep inducing. And the deference they have Jim Gordon show to young Master Bruce is laughable. Why is this sheltered kid handing out life advice like the Dalai Lama to a supposedly world-weary veteran cop?

This was such an intense and great episode! I liked that they styled Bruce's hair a bit differently as it looked more like a suave and debonaire playboy look... I too cringed when Alfred was asking Leslie out-all it takes is a quick, "i'm seeing someone" come on, let him have some dignity. Crazy Barbara-I'll book a ticket on the train to crazy town with her.

Well, that was unexpected or was it? With all the heavy teasing, maybe it made sense for the writers to kill off Jerome and set up the legacy of the Joker instead of having the character too early on the show. Or not. Only time will tell.


I do think Jerome got a great exit though and I loved that Theo killed him and assumed the role of hero. He's actually interesting enough as a villain for now.


Theo and Tabitha both sleeping with Barbara (who continues to get crazier and crazier per week) can only end badly for Barbara that is.


I do think these mini arcs like the Scarecrow and Ogre ones actually work for the show more than any of the mob war stuff did last season.


Bullock wanting to protect Gordon/avenge Fish led to a great scene with him and Oswald. Loved Selina saving Bruce in this one as well.


Felt a bit bad for Alfred when he was chatting up Leslie though, 9/10

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I'm glad that Jerome is dead; I'm glad he's not the Joker.  He had the manic, but none of the humor or menace.  Maybe that's a fault of the writing, I don't know, but Jerome never worked for me.  Whenever he tried to intimidate someone, I just rolled my eyes.  It was very tiresome for me.  I know, I'm a weirdo.


Thankfully, it looks like TPTB were playing with us with the Harley references.  (A mallet to the head?  Really?)  I don't buy Barbara as Harley, either.


I'm confused about Theo's plan.  He's killed all of his henchmen except one (two if you count his sister, but that relationship isn't going to work for him much longer) -- how is he going to be a hero if he can't orchestrate the situation?  

I binge-watched all of season one over the last couple of weeks in order to join this show for season two, so I've still got everything fresh in my mind and am still thinking about entire seasons and how the story arcs were constructed.


So I was better than 50/50 on Jerome not making it out of this episode, and that shot up to 90/10 when we heard the "give this city a hero speech."  I actually thought he was setting up Jim to save the day with some sort of convoluted explanation, but now I don't know what the hell I was thinking. Maybe he wanted Jim there to save his ass just in case the plan didn't go perfectly?


I think Jerome was Joker-y because this show can't actually have that particular villain, but what's a bunch of stories about the city of Gotham without the Joker? So while we set the stage for season 2, why not dip into that bag of tricks to help us along?  And I don't think the intention was to establish a legacy or a predecessor to set the stage for the Joker at all.  The Joker will come from his own unique story that will have nothing to do with what we saw here.


I think I like how they are building the Penguin story. I especially enjoyed the taunting about the umbrella. Heh heh heh. That's going to bite Harvey in the ass some day.

Edited by JTMacc99

I'm not sold on Jerome being dead for good. Just last week I was thinking Jerome was going to fake die at some point so Gordon and Bruce wouldn't trace the Joker back to him. The copycats help. If they do resurrect him, he could have trouble recalling his past. 


More disturbing than Barbara's messy sex life is the incestuous vibe I got between Theo and his sister. Speaking of, Theo dropped a CoO reference when talking about his family. 


Bruce and Selina are precious. 


Leslie should dress up more. It was comically Audrey, but she looked amazeballs.

Edited by driedfruit

Hopefully Monaghan bounces back and gets a show of his own.

He's been a main character on Shameless for 6 seasons (they've given him more to do as he's gotten older), and he has done a handful of movies over the years (including one with Meryl Streep). It's been kind of a trip to see him go from a pretty crappy kid actor to one that can sometimes be pretty great.

I could see him not returning to Gotham, however, which is a bummer because he was fun on the show. But unless he gets out of his Showtime contract, he's got limited time he could spend on the other set.

They set the first three episodes at a frantic pace. I wonder how they are going to manage that. The villains rose and mostly crashed three episodes in. They still have 19 or so more eps to go. I love James Frain, but his story is moving pretty fast (and is pretty cliche).

Going through the episode, I can't put my finger on "why" but it sure felt "over the top". Perhaps I shouldn't expect less from a show that was from a comic book, but this series was so much more real when it began, and now it's just descended (rather too quickly) into this morass that just could never exist in real life.


I agree it was over-the-top, but I loved that.  It reminded me of the first couple Batman movies in the early 90s with the opulence of the whole event (that of course attracts villains), and since that's when I was introduced to these characters I enjoyed it.  I feel like I'm settling into their world, as exaggerated as it is.

Good episode! Thought for sure Jerome was still alive. Though the knife was one of those props that actors/magicians use where the blade retracts into the hilt. The blood from his mouth..just those blood packets one can bite on, a la Halloween makeup. Drugging him to knock him out, make it look like he was dead (there are drugs that can put a human into a Zombie-like state), and then Theo can do his thing and look like the hero.

Cameron Monaghan killed it as proto-Joker, so I hope to see him back actually. If not, damn, forget Jared Leto. Hire this guy to be Joker in the next Batman films. He was perfection. There is no way future Joker is gonna see enough film of Jerome, to really be able to be a perfect Joker. It seemed weird, all of those random people getting off on the violence.

Crazy!Barbara is awesome, isn't she? The character - and actress - seem to be reveling in their newfound role and purpose.

Loved Harvey being back to business, calling out Penguin on his deferrence to Fish. Harvey's a solely missed, much needed asset, and an awesome character. Jim gonna buckle at some point, because he never gets a break.

There is no way future Joker is gonna see enough film of Jerome, to really be able to be a perfect Joker. It seemed weird, all of those random people getting off on the violence. 


I stand by my thoughts about this show having no intention of saying Jerome would be part of the Joker story. I truly believe that Jerome was just here to bring some of the Joker flair to the story while the show sets the stage for season 2.  


Or to put it another way, I think the show Gotham would benefit greatly from having a Joker running around, but the timeline doesn't work in a way where an actual Joker origin story would make any sense.  So it appears that what they've done is use Jerome as our first mayhem creating psychopath, and then set it up so that any time they need another mayhem creating psychopath, we can just pluck one out of thin air that is explained by what happened in the Jerome story.


And I can assume the eventual true Joker will still go insane after having a bunch of bad things happen to him and then falling/jumping into a vat a chemicals that disfigures him in a completely unrelated event 10-15 years later.

Edited by JTMacc99

Alfred hitting on Lee was cute, especially Bruce's facial expressions during it. But I'm getting bored with victims being thrown out of windows or from rooftops. And Barbara using sex as the way to the top of the villain hierarchy is boring too----her criminal mastermind is located between her legs?


It's 3 episodes into the season and I'm about ready to bail.

So Theo and Tabitha aren't blood related right? I mean he looks middle eastern, she's african-american, maybe step siblings only... then she says Theo is good in bed, have they slept together or just a joke?


LOL . Trying so hard to make  them seem less weird.

Alfred hitting on Lee was cute, especially Bruce's facial expressions during it. But I'm getting bored with victims being thrown out of windows or from rooftops. And Barbara using sex as the way to the top of the villain hierarchy is boring too----her criminal mastermind is located between her legs?


It's 3 episodes into the season and I'm about ready to bail.



Who called her a criminal mastermind ?  She's using the skills she's best at. No shame in that.

Edited by The Kings Foot
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Here's my prediction for you, Barbara: your fickleness is going to get you killed. Can't come soon enough. I CHEERED when Lee kicked her in the lady parts.

I know it's wrong but I always chuckle when I see a woman get kicked in the crouch.


I actually kind of wonder if Jerome is going to come back to work in Penguin's club or something. Which is probably wishful thinking, but would solve a lot of problems for both of them. Jerome really is a good showman and Oswald desperately needs one.

I think Penguin has a showman in Zsasz.  This is a guy who has female back up shooters, does flips in the middle of a gunfight and has "Funkytown" as a ringtone.


However I don't understand all the other pseudo Jokers laughing and killing people?

I think that has to do with the Fortune Teller's prophecy.  Jerome's legacy would be death.  I think they were trying to imply that his madness was infectious.  Not to mention, I think Gotham is cursed with a level of insanity that makes it more than just a crime ridden city.  For instance, I live in a rough part of Washington, DC.  The possibility of being hit by a stray bullet when I walk through certain neighborhoods is a very real threat.  In Gotham, it's a good chance you might meet death tied to a weather balloon, eaten by a cannibal or some other weird/gruesome fate.


You know I actually felt that Alfred had some game when he was talking to Leslie.  I think she would've taken him up on his dinner offer if she wasn't involved.  I also liked how Alfred brushed Bruce aside while he was trying to mack on Leslie.


I'm glad Jerome is dead.  Not that I didn't like the character, but his Joker-like personality was too on the nose for me. 

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Shouldn't the mysterious disappearance of the mayor warrant more than a "hmm, this is kind of weird"?  Maybe the GCPD should look into that?

This was handled in the previous episode; ie when Theo threatened to drop a spider in his face-cage if he didn't call his secretary to tell her that he's taking off to some Caribbean island or something for an unspecified amount of time. Or something like that.

  • Love 1


This was handled in the previous episode; ie when Theo threatened to drop a spider in his face-cage if he didn't call his secretary to tell her that he's taking off to some Caribbean island or something for an unspecified amount of time. Or something like that.

True, but that's pretty suspect.  Gotham's in the middle of a high profile criminal attack and the mayor goes off on an unplanned vacation?  Even Mayor Quimby would make some effort to spout some platitudes and appear moderately engaged.

I believe it was Theo who called the Arkham escapees that (or something similar). When they start picking "super villain names" she'll have plenty to choose: Chlamydia, The Clap, The Drip......


He said he saw genius.  Not the same thing.  Also given that he is clearly using her to further an agenda why  are we believing anything he says ?

Edited by The Kings Foot

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