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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is there really no follow-up at all to Sasha telling Michael that she wished Nina really was her mother?  I guess that makes sense - they completely dumped Cassandra being whisked away by an unknown Cassadine. But why the ever-loving frick show the scene in the first place?

I have realized one of the reasons the DOD story is driving me nuts. All of the concern is for Kristina. All of it. Not one person has made mention of all the other people being drawn in by the cult. I understand being concerned about a family member, but if DOD is really as awful as they believe, shouldn't at least one person be thinking of maybe destroying all of the records instead of just removing Kristina's "pledge"? Set fire to the office - heck, the filing cabinet itself seemed to be made of wood - and think of all the other people who might feel themselves freed from the cult in the process.

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47 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I was so confused watching Jax and Jason shake hands. When did they ever like each other?

It's like on the one hand, I get there are circumstances (Oscar's death) where they need to keep their animosity in check, but handshaking? 

And Jax thanking Jason? Eww.

And Jason praising Jax? Twilight zone.

They don't like each other, but Jax is the type to be gracious. He was gracious to Sonny at Morgan's funeral, and so it's not surprising he would be gracious to Jason about helping/being supportive of Josslyn when she been suffering watching Oscar get sick(er) and die.  Plus I liked that Carly was annoyed that she got dissed.  I also liked that Jax's reaction to Carly's pregnancy is that he's glad Josslyn has something to look forward to/someone new to love. Jax is all about his daughter's best interests; I don't see him treating Jason or Sonny the way they deserve when his focus is on loving his daughter through the worst of her pain. 

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From what I've read abut cults, it can take anywhere from several months to several years to reprogram former members. But I'm suppose to believe that Kristina is just magically back to normal after a few days because of one conversation with Willow?  Suuuure. This whole DOD story has stunk from high heaven the moment it began.

And, of course, tomorrow Jason will rescue Sam before Shiloh leaves his mark on her. Yawn.

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3 hours ago, Sake614 said:

that was mostly because the characters were horrible. Not even GF and TR could make them likable. I think Laura and Robert could potentially work. And if not, they could just stay close friends. The sparkle in TR's eyes when he plays Robert is just so adorable and most definitely was not there when he played Colin on Y&R.

I'm so old I remember when Laura and Robert went on a date or two in the months leading up to Ice Princess. She was trying to get Luke jealous and Robert was trying to get info on Luke -- but despite that, there was a definite spark.

On another matter, maybe it's because IR's announcement that he was heading back to GH was done as a kind of "Coming back for Carly" video, but -- the Jax-Carly scenes definitely had that flavor. Yet it was a little OTT for him to practically whip out his dayplanner when she mentioned when the baby was due. "Early October -- Operation Charm, Final Phase!" 

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Today on anti-climactic hospital:

Kristina: welp, I guess no more dawn of day meetings. 

Anna: I didn't . . . give birth . . . to Peter.

Finn: mmm.

Anna: Yeah.

Finn: Yup.

Jax: just strolling into the guy of some guy I hate. No bodyguards checking out maybe whether I've come to shoot him finally.

Carly: hey.

Jax: hey.

Jason: hey.

Jax: hey, other guy I hate.

:All three sit around and put up their feet:

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My husband actually laughed at me today when I yelled at the tv “Willow! Punch that pushy bitch right in her nose as hard as you can! How dare she talk to you like that!” What the hell, Nina? And have I lost my mind or did Jax used to be from Australia and had an accent? When he was on B&B recently, he was so painfully awkward trying to speak in “American”. It was truly embarrassing. 

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2 hours ago, Linny said:

Jason's super dramatic "ruh roh" face when he encountered the locked DoD door made me laugh. Like oh no, he's going to have to exert more force than twisting a door knob to save Sam, what a setback. She might get stuck with a fugly tattoo, better give it some muscle!

GH: Shows a scene where it is made clear that Sonny is giving Jason permission to go retrieve Sam, now that everything is okay with Kristina. Meaning that Jason presumably was going to leave Sam to her own devices if Sonny didn't tell him otherwise.

Also GH: Look how Jason and Sam are soulmates and he loves her so much!

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6 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I can't believe the new Nina is Libby from Lost! 

Before that she was Annie on Guiding Light. 

I’ve not really FFed through the episodes in a long time but I could not watch Maxie/Peter today.  They might be very nice people separately but watching him put the moves on her just looked like child porn. If it’s this much work to get the relationship going, take a break. Go out for pizza. Get a BLT at Kelly’s. But a trip to Paris on a first date?  Just no. . 

Edited by Originalroux
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Do not fuck with me show! I am this close to pulling the plug and now you have both Robert and Jax say there are sticking around indefinitely. Good move. I will continue to watch, but you had better not bait and switch on me!

OMG Sam/Jason are so Goddamn dumb! So Sam is willing to get tatted and sleep with Shiloh. Um, when does the stealing of the file part come in? Why not just invent another crisis so he will come rescue you or ask him out to fucking dinner then have Jason break in and get the stupid file. And maybe fucking TEXT Sam the moment you know Chrissy has come to her senses, so she doesn't feel the need to do drastic shit. The con stuff is no longer necessary since Willow was successful. Just break the fuck in and get the fucking file. ...fuck. Sorry y'all but it works my last nerve. :)

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I always almost forget just how much I love Jax. Does anyone know how long he is supposed to be on? The only time I ever liked Carly was when she was with Jax. Those are some magical powers he has.

Maxie and Peter are like the opposite for me. I like Maxie well enough on her own, but whenever she is with Peter? Hard pass on all of that.

Maybe Shiloh will kill Nina as some strange way of appealing to Willow. That would be delightful. Or maybe Sonny could put a hit out on Nina as a thank you to Willow. Have him use his connections for the greater good. Or maybe psycho Charlotte will push Nina off the ferry into shark-infested icy water. I really don't care. The character has run its course.

Jax and Robert Scorpio are both sticking around? Well done, show. Well done.

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Kim told Drew that they conceived Oscar on New Years' Eve. Dr. Terry's medical reports had Oscar's birthday as 1/22. Oscar had a birthday party in October. Which of the three is it, Show?

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4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

My husband actually laughed at me today when I yelled at the tv “Willow! Punch that pushy bitch right in her nose as hard as you can! How dare she talk to you like that!” What the hell, Nina? And have I lost my mind or did Jax used to be from Australia and had an accent? When he was on B&B recently, he was so painfully awkward trying to speak in “American”. It was truly embarrassing. 

Ingo was born in Germany and moved to Australia when he was ten.  He's never had a strong accent, IMO.   I saw him in a movie where he spoke excellent German, and it made me wonder if that's the language the family spoke in the home in Australia.

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10 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

So Kevin is a donor match for Jordan.  OK, but, random much?  

I doubt they'll ever circle back to it, but what terrible thing could Willow have told Shiloh in her testimony?  She joined before she was 18 and her mother is also in the cult, so...

And how fucking inappropriate for Finn to summon Kevin to Jordan's room and practically demand he give up a kidney.

And forgot to add:  Chase strolling into a home and demanding the name of a visitor is out of line.  He's annoyed me through this entire SL.

Also, I wish Ava had given Lucy a slap across the face when Lucy grabbed her arm, and I don't even care for Ava (love the actress).  

Edited by RedheadZombie
More words.
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21 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And how fucking inappropriate for Finn to summon Kevin to Jordan's room and practically demand he give up a kidney.  

How did Finn even know that Kevin was a match? Did he sneak a look at Kevin's file from when Kevin was there post-Ferncliff rescue? HIPPA much? 

But, if this is leading up to Jordan getting Ryan's kidney when Ryan inevitably dies I will accept it.

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5 hours ago, LexieLily said:

GH: Shows a scene where it is made clear that Sonny is giving Jason permission to go retrieve Sam, now that everything is okay with Kristina.

Especially since they still need to get back the incriminating "pledge".  Krissy not running back to DoD has nothing to do with that.

Oh Shiloh, don't give Sam a drink to relax.  If she were any more comatose, she'd be dead. 

Wasn't the CarSon spawn conceived at New Year's in New York?  How the hell is Carly supposed to hang on until October sweeps? 

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I take back my remark yesterday about IR looking worse for wear. It must have been my TV or something, because today he looked as good as usual.

Of course it took no time at all for Kristina to shake off all of the DoD stuff. All it took was playing endless games of pinochle (or whatever it was) with Milo! This show, man. 

Of course Jason has to make the most dramatic rescue possible of Sam, even when he could have just texted her (as others noted) that Kristina is cured. 

10 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Oh Shiloh, don't give Sam a drink to relax.  If she were any more comatose, she'd be dead.

LOL. He doesn't know her quite as well as he thinks he does. 

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9 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

From what I've read abut cults, it can take anywhere from several months to several years to reprogram former members. But I'm suppose to believe that Kristina is just magically back to normal after a few days because of one conversation with Willow?  Suuuure. This whole DOD story has stunk from high heaven the moment it began.

And, of course, tomorrow Jason will rescue Sam before Shiloh leaves his mark on her. Yawn.

I actually thought that Kristina was faking being deprogrammed.  🙃  That would have been more fun.

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I don't know...Kristina's capitulation worked pretty well for me. We saw that the longer she was at the safe house, the less oppositional she was. She seemed to be enjoying playing that game with Milo, and she was getting nicer to Neil. Historically, Kristina is nothing if not pliant. "Mutable," if you want to be nicer about it. She was shutting down on what her parents had to say, because she has years of resentment built up with them (one reason she was easy pickings for Shiloh in the first place). Michael and Molly were part of that,  because they were taking her parents' side. But when she heard the account of a young female ex-DoDer who is "neutral" and it all matched her experience so closely, right down to the sedative drink, she lost a lot of her conviction. She also hasn't had Shiloh in her ear for whatever length of time has gone by since Jason (with some difficulty) carried her off.  

I'm kind of glad they didn't drag it out even longer, having her accusing Sonny and Alexis of hiring an actress with an ass tattoo as part of their anti-Shiloh conspiracy to control her.  

Nina really is the new Carly, roving around town and getting in people's faces over things that don't concern her at all. And at least Carly usually kept her "protective" meddling to men she had slept with in the past, or her own children.  

Poor Ingo. First day back and he's part of two dialogue exchanges that are stealth propping of Carly as brave and strong. If anyone has been keeping a count for 20 years, I'd say go ahead and include them, because even though they were ostensibly about Josslyn, the characters made sure to connect the dots for us that she gets those qualities from Carly.  

I also have thought Kristen Storms has looked more like Risa Dorken in the recent shows.  

One ongoing problem: too many couples who are "fine" and "sweet" together, but not all that exciting.  That actually describes almost all of the newer ones. And the long-running, established ones...well, S&C and JaSam. Enough said.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Is it just me or did KS look just like Risa Dorkin today or vise versa?



It's funny you mention that bc when Amy first appeared on the show I was startled by how much she looked (and sounded!) like Maxie.

I too am wondering if Kristina is faking it and will run to Shiloh first chance she gets.

yay Jax is back!  I don't even care (much) that he's propping Carly and Jason, I'm just glad to see him on my tv again.  But if he becomes Ok with Sonny I will have an issue...

Looking forward to the Nina recast.  Most of my issue with her comes from the actress being annoying AF.  Plus, yay Libby from LOST!

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1 hour ago, Kiki777 said:

It's funny you mention that bc when Amy first appeared on the show I was startled by how much she looked (and sounded!) like Maxie.

I too am wondering if Kristina is faking it and will run to Shiloh first chance she gets.

yay Jax is back!  I don't even care (much) that he's propping Carly and Jason, I'm just glad to see him on my tv again.  But if he becomes Ok with Sonny I will have an issue...

Looking forward to the Nina recast.  Most of my issue with her comes from the actress being annoying AF.  Plus, yay Libby from LOST!

MS mugging with Willow was soooooooooo annoying. OMG! I don't know if she's mad AF in general but thank goodness she's leaving. I'm looking forward to seeing Cythiia Watros in the role. I was a big fan of hers on GL. She was killer as Annie Dutton. As for, Stafford. Buh-bye!!!

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9 hours ago, LexieLily said:

How did Finn even know that Kevin was a match?

Just before that, Finn reminded Jordan that a bunch of townsfolk had gotten tested to see if they were a match for her.  Then walked in later with Kevin saying he was a match, so I'm guessing he was one of the people that had gotten tested.  

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2 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Just before that, Finn reminded Jordan that a bunch of townsfolk had gotten tested to see if they were a match for her.  Then walked in later with Kevin saying he was a match, so I'm guessing he was one of the people that had gotten tested.  

Isn't Kevin being a match sort of a random person from another storyline? I know it's a soap and someone in town would be a match but I wouldn't have thought of Kevin. What am I missing?

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10 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Isn't Kevin being a match sort of a random person from another storyline?

They specifically said that TJ and Curtis were not a match and that Stella and Marcus were not available age wise (I guess there is an age requirement).  so someone needed to be the donor otherwise JOrdan's dies.  And at least it wasn't CarSon or Jason.  

Although Kevin is random seeing as JL has just come out of a major story and is still involved in one.  

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15 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Isn't Kevin being a match sort of a random person from another storyline? I know it's a soap and someone in town would be a match but I wouldn't have thought of Kevin. What am I missing?

Ryan is his identical twin and before Kevin can donate his kidney, something happens at/after the Nurses Ball and Ryan finally dies.  As Ryan's only living relative, Kevin donates his brother's kidney and will say finally his brother was able to do something good  instead of evil.

Edited by nilyank
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2 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Ryan is his identical twin and before Kevin can donate his kidney, something happens at/after the Nurses Ball and Ryan finally dies.  As Ryan's only living relative, Kevin donates the original kidney and will say finally his brother was able to do something good  instead of evil.

I didn't think of the donating a kidney as a redemption storyline for Ryan. I guess I kept thinking it was going to be Oscar the whole time.

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15 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I didn't think of the donating a kidney as a redemption storyline for Ryan. I guess I kept thinking it was going to be Oscar the whole time.

I agree that it's not much of a redemption if someone donates your organs after you die.  I don't think Ryan needs a redemption story, though, as he's been pure evil for over 20 years.  It wouldn't make sense for him to do something good.

I don't think you can donate organs if you die of a cancer-like disease. Sorry, I have no idea what he specifically had.

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3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

MS mugging with Willow was soooooooooo annoying. OMG! I don't know if she's mad AF in general but thank goodness she's leaving.

I generally don't mind Nina (or MS), but lord, what the hell was that?  Are we in the 1940's, where a woman simply talking to a man means she's out to snag him?  Stand down, bulldog.

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I forgot to mention that it was lovely seeing Jax yesterday (I'm pretending the Jason tongue-bath didn't happen).  It was also shockingly nice to see Carly being so generous in her praise of his attentiveness towards Joss.  

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20 hours ago, ulkis said:

I'm pretty sure they're making Nina more annoying on purpose so the audience likes the recast better. 

So TPTB have been planning a recast since Nina's first day?

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17 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

So TPTB have been planning a recast since Nina's first day?

Hee. She was super annoying at first, then they kind of tempered it down but then it went back up about a thousand notches with this bullying stuff.

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Do any of the Rhodes Scholars planning to retrieve Kristina's pledge realize that there's a recording of her making it? While not a signed hard copy, still damning in and of itself. I say drag Sam out of the Initiation Room, then torch the place, with Shiloh in it. Day of Dawn...done.

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1 hour ago, TheMediaHo said:

Do any of the Rhodes Scholars planning to retrieve Kristina's pledge realize that there's a recording of her making it? While not a signed hard copy, still damning in and of itself.

Don't worry, once she tells them that the sekrit is about Alexis and not Sonny, they'll drop it completely.

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1 hour ago, TheMediaHo said:

Do any of the Rhodes Scholars planning to retrieve Kristina's pledge realize that there's a recording of her making it? While not a signed hard copy, still damning in and of itself. I say drag Sam out of the Initiation Room, then torch the place, with Shiloh in it. Day of Dawn...done.

and, that Kristina never mentioned what her pledge was or about whom? I thought after Willow mentioned hers it would have been Sonny's first question.

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I want to know if a small private jet has enough fuel to go from Port Charles to Paris, France?  I'd miss Maxie, but wouldn't mind if Peter ended up going half way to Paris.

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58 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

and, that Kristina never mentioned what her pledge was or about whom? I thought after Willow mentioned hers it would have been Sonny's first question.

Sonny, Jason and Sam automatically assumed that it was about Sonny.  Narcissism works that way.

Great guy, that Sonny, wanting to buy Connie's old house so Jax can't have it.  I (reluctantly) have to give props to Carly for stopping him.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Sonny, Jason and Sam automatically assumed that it was about Sonny.  Narcissism works that way.

Well, Sonny is her shadiest relative. I don't know that she actually knows any secrets about him, though.  It's not like she's ever been part of the family business. 

But, your sentence reminded me of something else from the show. When Faison "killed" Lucky and then kidnapped him. Lucky asked him something and Faison said that Spensers always thought everything was about them.  I just thought to myself, well, yeah, if you kidnap me, I am going to think it has something to do with me or my family.  I mean it's not as if it was a random kidnapping.  Sorry, sometimes stuff reminds me of stuff that irked me years ago. I think I need to learn to let things go. LOL.

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23 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Did Jason even check to see if the door was locked before kicking it in?  We've seen a million people walk in that unlocked door.

He actually did. His default setting must have been off.

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46 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Is there a reason why Joss/Jax can’t share a scene without Carly smiling creepily in the background?

Laura Wright's minimums. The people want Carly! 

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They should have stuck with the branding versus tattooing, like the NXIVM cult.  It's ridiculous that someone would need to be drugged to endure the pain of tattooing, or that someone should be rushed to the hospital for help five minutes into one.

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MS mugging with Willow was soooooooooo annoying. 

also, you spent 20 years in a coma-- please don't try and pass yourself off as someone with a wealth of experience in the actual world. (Okay, she's been out of the coma for what, 3-4 years? even so--- She acts like a woman of the world-- when she's emotionally stunted (at best) and psychotic (at worst).

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6 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

also, you spent 20 years in a coma-- please don't try and pass yourself off as someone with a wealth of experience in the actual world. (Okay, she's been out of the coma for what, 3-4 years? even so--- She acts like a woman of the world-- when she's emotionally stunted (at best) and psychotic (at worst).

To be fair, though, that is a totally sucky situation.  I mean can you imagine going to sleep at 25 and waking up at 45 (or whatever).  You literally lost all those years. And, you don't feel the age you are mentally, but you can't act like a 25 year old, because your body is 45. And everybody that you knew has aged and grown without you. It would probably take longer than 3 or 4 years to adjust. She should be in therapy. Is she?

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23 hours ago, rur said:

He's travelled around the world killing who knows how many people at Sonny's behest, and he's kicked in all of their doors? Stupid me: I truly thought he was going to pick the lock.  But I guess the noise will be what prevents the tattoo from being started. 

48 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Did Jason even check to see if the door was locked before kicking it in?  We've seen a million people walk in that unlocked door.

Shiloh made a point of locking the door before he and Sam went upstairs for her initiation. And surprise! Today, upstairs, after clocking Shiloh, Jason got out his lock pick kit to get into the records room. 

Since the noise of a door being broken down apparently wasn't heard by Sam, Shiloh, or any of the neighbors, why didn't he just kick down the door inside today? At that point it was no longer a secret that there was an intruder in the house. 

And, BTW, Sam, the "I dunno . . . some man came in,  did it, and then ran away  . . ."* story is usually discarded as a possible believable story after most people reach 5th grade.

*with the possible exception on Anthony Bouvier on Designing Women saying "It was some white chick," while trying to explain while dressed as a woman why his  registration was not in the possession of the woman who was questioning him. 

Edited by rur
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Sonny, Jason and Sam automatically assumed that it was about Sonny.  Narcissism works that way.

Great guy, that Sonny, wanting to buy Connie's old house so Jax can't have it.  I (reluctantly) have to give props to Carly for stopping him.

While it amuses me, I don't think that's unreasonable of Sonny. Jax is totally messing around with him with that move.

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