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Who's Your Doctor / Favorite Companion

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As far as NuWho goes, I would say Amy but mainly because of aspect that Doctor met her as a little girl so she had this lifelong connection to him which was new territory. 


Classic Who....at time I was a wee youngster drooling over Leela's outfits and body, of course thought Romana was very fetching as well but honestly did like their characters as well- Doctor needs to be reigned in at times. Adrick goes under appreciated I think in the sense his story arc was better than most as he sacrificed himself. 

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I've seen some episodes of Classic Who but not enough to grow attached to any of the characters which is a shame and one day I will make a point of watching the earlier episodes.  Nine is *my* Doctor and part of my love for him does come from his interaction with Rose so S1 Rose defaults as my favourite companion because of that. 


Ten I didn't like very much until Donna joined up full time, there was just something about their bessie mates status that worked for me. I found Ten too full of himself but Donna kept him grounded in a way Rose and Martha didn't. 


To put it in less words Nine is by far my favourite Doctor but Donna and Rose share the top spot as favourite companion.  

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My Doctor is 9, and I only watched it because of Christopher Eccleston who I knew from other films and enjoy watching :)


My favorite companion...Donna. Hands down.


Too bad I couldn't have them together. They'd have made a great team!



P/S I'm looking forward to Peter Capaldi, because I watched (suffered) through that horrible Torchwood: Children of Earth series. He was one of the better things about it...

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
  • Love 4

I like all the Doctors and can not WAIT for Capaldi.

Favorite Tardis team is 11/River/Amy/Rory, tho I am still bitter that we see practically nothing of the Amy/Rory/River relationship after they find out she was Melody. It's like this big traumatic thing happened and then its "move along, nothing to see here".. 


Also LOVE the original Tardis Team 1/Susan/Ian/Barbara.  Since Clara is now teaching at Coal Hill School , it will be a HUGE waste if William Russell does not get at least a cameo. And they better get on that, as he is 90 years old.


But Rory Williams is my No. 1 companion!

Edited by debi49
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I'm a Donna fangirl. I'm not a huge fan of The Doctor getting into a romantic relationship (although it worked with River Song). I have never cried more than when he had to wipe Donna's memories.


If I had to list the others, this is the order from best to worst:


River Song

Amy and Rory

Just Amy





Amy is so much better with Rory. I like Clara, but I'm not quite sold. And it really irritated me that when they were in the truth field at Christmas, she said she fancied The Doctor. There had been no hint of that before, and I'm really hoping they won't start it up with Capaldi. Martha got screwed by the writing. She would have been so much better without the pining away. As far as Rose goes, it's not that I don't like her. Emo Doctor and her tainted my view of her entire character. I still cried when she "died".


I would have loved to see him pair up with Lady Christina or Jade. Or Tasha Lem!

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If we're looking at favourite companions...


Harry. Harry and Sarah, because you can't really have Harry without Sarah.

Ian and Barbara, because those two are inextricably linked.



Jamie - with either Victoria or Zoe, I like them both for different reasons


The Brigadier! Darling Brig

Romana, either version



Ben and Polly, another linked pair

Ace! The companion of my childhood

Tegan. And Nyssa, because their friendship is just lovely

Susan - gentle Susan who wanted roots but was loyal to her grandfather


...I could go on...

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Martha got screwed by the writing. She would have been so much better without the pining away.

They also made her a bit of an idiot at times.


I like Doctors to be confident without being too full of themselves; preferences would include Four, Nine, and the movie version of One (played by Peter Cushing) who was also the first I saw. If I had to pick one to watch, I'd pick Nine based on the stories he was given. My favorite companions would be the early versions of Sarah Jane and Rose. Disclaimer: I didn't get to see much of Six or Seven; I vaguely recall an American companion yelling at the Master and seeing the TARDIS pool, and that's about it.

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I don't really have a favorite, I liked all the NuWho doctors and companions except Clara.


I like the idea that the companion has a story. I think Rose had the best in season 1 because it was very subtle and I didn't actually notice anything until about halfway through season 1 and it still didn't point out that it was all Rose. It was however still intriguing enough.


What didn't work for me with Amy was that I thought the reason "her life made no sense" was just due to bad writing and bad acting. So, that didn't work for me until the Doctor actually pointed out that there was something missing. It's nice for rewatches to see the little clues and hints but the first run, I was very disappointed.


And then it was the opposite of subtle when they told me how very special Clara was. Yuck. The story needs to tell me that someone is special, not the Doctor.


I like Martha's and Donna's stories a lot, mostly because they are very relatable stories. Martha, because who hasn't been swept off their feet by someone and hung on much longer than they should have. Donna, who would or could not live up to her potential (and I do blame her mother a lot).


As to the Doctors, I like them all for different reasons.


As for Classic Who, I haven't seen much and I can't really pick a favorite companion. I liked Barbara and Ace, I'm not a fan of Sarah Jane, I know! but that might be because I also don't like Three and Four much. I know! I like Two and Seven, Five a little less and I don't know what to do with Six because all I saw was his regeneration and he choked his companion and the clothes! I watched Eight and I liked him too, but the movie was atrocious in a different way from the usual take.

Edited by supposebly
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Tried to watch old Dr. Who but it just didn't appeal to me. I blame Tom Baker - he was the Doctor when I was a kid, and I just didn't care for him at all. So I really only became a fan with #9 - some of my favourite episodes are from that first NuWho season. Became a huge fan of Rose and the Doctor. Was terribly disappointed that Eccleston wasn't coming back, so I was predisposed not to like David Tennant. And didn't, until a couple of episodes in. Same thing with # 11 - but Matt Smith also won me over, to the point that I couldn't decide which one was my favourite. 

I'm a big Rose fan, but I fell deeply in love with Amy and Rory, such a great love story there and I was happy that they didn't feel compelled to kill Rory off early, as U.S. productions would have done. Also was charmed by my introduction to Captain Jack, and his initial chemistry with Rose and #9.

Really liked Martha and thought it was a shame that she was let go so early. Think there was a lot of potential there.

Unlike everyone else in this thread, it seems, I am not a fan of River Song nor Donna Noble. At least Donna is gone, but you never know when River is coming back to hijack the story.

Loved Clara in the first episode I saw her in - the one where she's wielding the computers on the ship, and is fated to die soon (I think that's before we knew that she would just keep coming back...and back), but now I'm pretty sick of her. I agree, she's supposed to be this amazing little snowflake, when in reality she's just annoying and I don't feel that Jenna has the capability to pull off the dramatic moments like Billie could. I also think it would help me to accept Capaldi faster if he was able to establish his own kind of chemistry with a new Companion. I wouldn't mind if it was a man this time. He seems to be a good friend with Craig Ferguson, and Craig is leaving his talk show in the next year or so - and if the talks regarding the new evening show fall thru, there you go!

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I never liked River either. I absolutely hated her when she was first introduced. My hatred lessened a little over the course of her story, but I never liked her. It didn't help that I just don't like Alex Kingston. I haven't liked one single thing she's done. But, I also hated River's smugness. I just could never get past that.

I also agree that it's sometimes hard for me to decide which was my favorite doctor- ten or eleven. They both thoroughly won me over. I'm hoping Capaldi can too. So far, he hasn't.

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I couldn't stand River either. The characters smugness worked my last nerve. I LOVED Ten and Donna. Hands down the best Doctor/Companion relationship for me. I also loved Amy and Rory but hated Eleven. So between Eleven and River I didn't get to see as much of Amy and Rory as I'd like and this is my first introduction to Clara so I don't mind her at all. Hated Rose with the flames of a thousand suns. Never got what was so special about her and hated the way Billie Piper spoke, like she had a wad of cotton balls in her mouth at all times. Not at all impressed though I did like Nine. Martha was wasted on trying to prove how special Rose was to the Doctor which is a shame because I liked Martha quite a bit.


As for non-companion characters I loved Wilf the best of all. And I already have Twelve as my second favorite doctor after Ten. IDK guess I just have a thing for Scots. LOL

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If only Tennant were able to use his scottish accent.. he would have been EVEN BETTER!


I actually really liked River. I'd love to see her back with Capaldi and see what would happen, River was definitely wasted on Smith/11 so I'd like to see her back for some redemption. As for Alex Kingston I've loved her in everything I've seen her in, so I guess that might be the difference.

  • Love 7

For Classic Who, my favorite Doctor was Four (his voice just may have something to do with that), and as I said in another thread, I would welcome a flashback series with Eight. I think he would have been a fantastic Doctor. I loved the episode The Two Doctors with Troughton and Colin Baker. Five grew on me.

Companions would be Leela, Jamie, and Sarah Jane, Nyssa, Tegan, Adric and Ace. I did not like the third Doctor, nor did I like Mel the screamer.


For New Who: Eleven and Ten are pretty well tied as favs. The Ponds and Donna for favorite companions, and a shout out to Riversong. I grew to like Mickey, and honorable mention to Wilfred  I only liked Rose with Nine. I  liked Clara as Oswin Oswald, aside from that not so much.


As for Nine himself I never got the feeling that he was really The Doctor (too modern? not an old soul? I can't quite figure out why,), but I'm happy he helped kickstart the series back to life.

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I've never seen the Classic Who seasons.  I started with Nine and thought no one could ever top him but was told by friends who'd been Whovians for a long time that Ten would win me over.  And he did.  I loved Tennant and mourned his "passing" for quite a while.  My daughter (who has watched with me since I've started my love for "Doctor Who") was determined that no one could ever take Ten's place and was prepared to hate Matt Smith entirely.  And then he bounded onto our screen like a big, uncoordinated puppy (I swear, Matt is Marmaduke) and we couldn't help but love him.  Again, she is determined that she will love no other Doctor but I'm prepared to give Capaldi a chance and was pretty pleased with what I saw last night.  I like this darker, angrier, more alien Doctor.


As for companions, I don't think any will win my heart the way Amy and Rory did.  Amelia Pond just melts me.  The whole "I remember you, Raggedy Man, and you are late for my wedding!" had me cheering and her goodbye to The Doctor as she left to be with Rory (while instructing River to "be a good girl" and take care of him) had me bawling.  When I saw her descend those stairs (in that atrocious wig) to say "Good night" to him (she was the first and last face that face ever saw ... Clara doesn't count), I just dissolved.

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I started watching Classic Who back in the 80s.  Tom Baker #4 was my first and favorite.  Followed by #5 and 7 and 8.  I really hated #6.

I have met #4, 5, and 7.  I might have seen #6 at a convention somewhere at some time.  #7 was hilarious in person!


Favorite companions in Classic, Sarah Jane, Leela, Jamie, and Romana I.  I remember I dressed up as her once (White dress and white feathers like her first appearance) and I won 3rd place at a convention costume contest, lol.  Judged by Tom Baker.  I was only 17 at the time.  That was exciting!


I also got to meet John Leeson who voiced K-9.  Super nice guy.  Rode the elevator with Nicola Bryant (Peri, though I didn't like Peri), passed Romana I in the hallway. 


For new Who favorite Doctors, War Doctor, and 9.  The others are nice too, but those two are my favorites. 

As for new Who companions, Donna for me.  I really couldn't stand Amy, though I liked Rory.  Every time I tuned into any episode from Doctor 11 Amy was telling him shut up right at the start.  Which made me change the channel.  I HATE that kind of dialogue.


Favorite enemies....I'm a Cyberman fanatic.  Classic, not new Who.  I don't think they fared so well in new Who.  And of course, Daleks!

  • Love 4

My first Doctor was 3 but he morphed (regenerated) into 4 right when I began watching so 4 (my first Doctor boyfriend) still rates as one of my all time favorites. (One of my favorite quotes from 4 is when he is describing The Master --- "Why --he's almost as brilliant as I am!" That can still make me smile.


I also Loved Leela. God she was hot! But my favorite companion from that era was actually Tegan. (<<Hell! I named my eldest daughter Tegan!) She actually started with 4 but the very first ep he regenerated into 5 so she is considered 5's companion.


My next favorite is 9. 9! 9! NINE!!! and Rose with 9 will go down as one of the best couples with the best TV chemistry I have ever seen!

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My first Doctor was 3 but he morphed (regenerated) into 4 right when I began watching so 4 (my first Doctor boyfriend) still rates as one of my all time favorites. (One of my favorite quotes from 4 is when he is describing The Master --- "Why --he's almost as brilliant as I am!" That can still make me smile.


I also Loved Leela. God she was hot! But my favorite companion from that era was actually Tegan. (<<Hell! I named my eldest daughter Tegan!) She actually started with 4 but the very first ep he regenerated into 5 so she is considered 5's companion.


My next favorite is 9. 9! 9! NINE!!! and Rose with 9 will go down as one of the best couples with the best TV chemistry I have ever seen!


Careful, 999 is the emergency services number here ;) haha

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Well, I loved Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy, as a kid. But didn't like Colin Baker at all. So I could say either of them.


But it wouldn't be true, because I liked both Eccleston and Tennant better. Though Remembrance of the Daleks and Battlefield remain two of my favourite Doctor Who stories.


I think Tennant takes it, because I always felt Nine was just a little off. Seeing Christopher Eccleston so full of positive energy so often was odd for me, But Tennant's boundless energy seemed to fit his iteration of the character better, and I enjoyed the darkness in him as well. The Lonely God thing really worked for me, as a source of angst and drama.


As for companions, well I loved Ace. As seven year old, I thought she was just about the coolest thing in the world. Beating up Daleks with a baseball bat, firing gold at Cybermen with a slingshot? Awesome.


From Nu Who, I love both Rose and Martha, for very different reasons. But Donna? I will never, ever watch an episode with her in it (other than the Runaway Bride special, which I hated), because I find Catherine Tate utterly repellent in every single aspect. I stopped watching the show when I learned she was to become the new companion, and haven't seen a whole episode since. I've skimmed through the episodes in season 4 that featured Martha and Rose, but had to skip any Donna scenes.

Edited by Danny Franks

I only started watching Nu Who. I liked 9 but 10 is my favorite Doctor, I miss David Tennant on this show so much. I loved how much 10 smiled and I really miss that aspect of the show. Smith is okay too, but I think Moffat took some of the fun out of this show. 


As for Companions, Rose, followed by Donna and Martha. Never warmed up to Amy or Rory, pretty much stopped watching after 11's first season. I tuned in again for Clara and she's only slightly more interesting than Amy. I liked River's first appearance, hated the rest of them and hope we never see her again.  I'm trying to give 12 a shot because I like the actor but my interest in this show is not the same as it was with 9 and 10. 

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If only Tennant were able to use his scottish accent.. he would have been EVEN BETTER!


I actually really liked River. I'd love to see her back with Capaldi and see what would happen, River was definitely wasted on Smith/11 so I'd like to see her back for some redemption. As for Alex Kingston I've loved her in everything I've seen her in, so I guess that might be the difference.



See for me it was the opposite - I didn't like River with Ten; (for me) the David and Alex had little chemistry and didn't jell - yet I thought Alex and Matt sparkled and I loved their interactions.

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My favorite Doctor has to be my first - the Eighth Doctor with McGann. I still wish that had gone to series as bad as it was. And my favorite companion is one not seen on TV but Lucie Miller (Sheridan Smith) who was the 8th's audio companion in Big Finish (I've never met anyone who knew who Lucie was who didn't like her).


In NuWho I have to go with Matt Smith as the favorite Doctor. He really seemed to be an old guy in a young man's body from the start. And favorite NuWho companion is a tie between Wilf (who's just awesome, as is Bernard Cribbens, and I wish we saw him travelling with the Doctor like Two/Jamie) and Donna (mostly because she was a breath of fresh air - someone who was up for adventures and didn't fancy the Doctor, very old school).


Classic Who - My favorite classic companion is Sarah Jane. I thought Lis Sladen was beautiful and smart (and she continued to be so into her 60s) and Sarah Jane just had her head together at all times. Which is not the norm for classic Who companions and it always seemed that all the Doctors she came into contact with - 3,4, 10, 11 just adored her despite their shifts in personality.


In terms of Tardis teams, I haven't seen enough of Troughton and his team (though I have a soft spot for Jamie and Zoe just based on "The Mind Robber" and "The War Games") but I really liked Five/Peter Davison and Nyssa/Sara Sutton. I think Five and Nyssa, both being outcasts and aliens (for different reasons) had the kind of chemistry that should have been explored (it would have been interesting to see a Team Tardis with no actual Earthlings aboard) and I know Davison himself felt his run would have been better had it been just him and Nyssa. Though I like Tegan too, mouth on legs and all. I don't think she REALLY would have stayed as long as she did if she didn't enjoy it.

Edited by Mr. Simpatico
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Just finished all the Nu Who episodes on Netflix.  I'm a latecomer (only started watching live during the end of Eleven's run), but, hey, better late then never, right?!


Top Doctor: I enjoyed Nine, Ten, and Eleven all for various reasons, but if I had to pick, first, I'd eliminate Nine, since one season really wasn't enough to fully embrace him as the other two.  It's too bad, since Christopher Eccelston was great a both the light and dark moments, and I think could have been my favorite, but again, it just wasn't enough for me.  That leaves Ten vs. Eleven: which, is a bit tough.  Honestly, I think I prefer David Tennant as an actor to Matt Smith, but I actually ended up loving Eleven the most.  Ten just went too much into emo and angst territory for me.  And, Eleven really did come off more alien most of the times.  And was just hilarious: the way Smith delivered certain lines slayed me.  But, when I think of "great acting" moments, it usually scenes involving Ten that first pop into my head.  Still, I will go with Eleven as my favorite Doctor, even though I think Tennant was a better actor, if that makes any kind of sense, heh.


Top Companion: a surprise for me since I heard negative things about her, but it's Martha.  The crush never bothered me since I felt like every companion but Donna (oh, and Rory) fell for The Doctor on some level, and I never felt like her feeling effected her judgment or made her useless.  I thought she was very resourceful and brave, and I wished we got more of her.  The rest vary; I did like that Donna didn't fall for Ten and challenged him on some levels.  Rose was good, but I preferred her with Nine for some reason.  I think Karen Gillian is very likable and Amy had plenty of likable moments, but there were also some annoying moments, to be honest.  I do think she was much better when Rory joined her.  As for Clara, more on her in a second.


If we're counting short-term companions, then easily Captain Jack Harkness!  Favorite moments were him with Ten/Martha; Martha's crush actually worked, since it was hilarious when they briefly bonded over how Ten ignored both of them.


Clara: I don't dislike her, but I was just re-watching "The Snowmen" today, and I realized that I vastly preferred "Victorian Clara", to the one now.  I don't know if the writing was better, or Jenna Coleman was more comfortable in that role (she certainly looks even better somehow in historical outfits), but I thought that Clara had more of a spark in her, and she was way more charming, funny, and likable.  Come to think of it, I also preferred "Dalek Clara" too.  Yeah, I think it's probably the writing that's made Current Clara kind of boring.


Too early to say much about Twelve.  I do love Peter Capaldi, but right now, I think the writing isn't backing him up.  I hope they figure it out.

Edited by thuganomics85
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My first Doctor was Four when I caught a Four and Leela story on PBS as a kid, but as for my favorite, it's hard to tell.


Ten is the one I most think of as The Doctor, followed by Nine, and wish Christopher Eccleston had stayed around longer.  My favorite Classic Doctors are Seven and Four, although I like Three as well, and I'm liking Twelve so far.


Favorite companions: Martha, despite the crush she had on the Doctor, she was cool enough to walk away, and she got over it.  Wasn't sure about Donna at first, but she won me over in "Partners in Crime" and "Fires of Pompeii" ranks as one of my favorite episodes of all time.  I liked Rose, but the whole love and angst between her and the Doctor grew tiresome.  I did like Amy and Rory, but I haven't really connected with Clara.  I liked River Song at first, but she sort of overstayed her welcome, when it started to feel like the River Song Show featuring the Doctor.


Classic Companions would be Sarah Jane, you don't really need to say anything else, Sarah Jane's just that awesome.  I really liked Ace (she took out a Dalek with a baseball bat, and she makes her own explosives: "Ace give me some of that Nitro 9 you're not carrying!")  I liked her relationship with the Doctor, he was sort of a mentor to her and she was so protective of him.  I liked Leela and the costumes she wore, and that she was always ready to pull a knife on someone.


I wish Lady Christina had been a long term companion, and I also would love to have seen Wilf on a few more adventures.

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I started watching the PBS broadcasts of Tom Baker's Doctor in the early 80s, so he's the one I initially think of when the program is mentioned. But I actually preferred the First and Third Doctors, the former because I enjoy the cranky old man aspect and the latter because of his fatherly relationship with Sarah Jane. Ten was my favorite of the modern series.


Sarah Jane Smith was far and away my favorite of the companions, and I was beyond thrilled that her return proved so popular with the fans that she was spun off into her own show. (Also deeply grateful that Elisabeth Sladen enjoyed career success and renewed outpouring of affection from the fans in her last years.)

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Classic Who

Doctors - 4 and 5.

Companions - Leela, definitely. Loved the, "Can I kill him now, Doctor?" Then they had to have her run off with that Gallifreyan mall-cop.

I also liked Tegan and Nyssa.



Doctors - No real favorites but I didn't care for 9.

Companions - Donna and Rory.


Villians -

Anthony Ainley's Master

Would like to see the Movellans again.

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My Doctor is 9, and I only watched it because of Christopher Eccleston who I knew from other films and enjoy watching :)


My favorite companion...Donna. Hands down.


Too bad I couldn't have them together. They'd have made a great team!


I didn't ever warm to Nine mainly because I've never recovered, psychologically, from Shallow Grave and Eccleston will pretty much freak me out forever. But this suggestion right here? I'm incredibly sad this didn't happen. Nine and Donna would have been gold.

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Ten is my favorite - but that might be because I've developed a thing for David Tenant. Or maybe I've developed a thing for David Tenant because of the Tenth Doctor. The Tenth Doctor only just beats out the Eleventh though.  Matt just delivered those lines so awesomely and I loved his childish enthusiasm and joy in everything.  My favorite Doctor/companion is 11, Amy and Rory. 


My son is conflicted.  His favorite Doctor is the Eleventh, (though he just told me it might become 12 soon), but his favortie companion is Rose.


Neither one of us likes Clara, though I like her better with 12.  I would have liked River better with 10, and agree would love to see her with 12.

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My favorite doctor is Matt Smith.  Until he came on, I would only watch occasionally and couldn't get into David Tennant's doctor.  Not sure why,  I just never got swept up into the storylines.  Until Blink.  And I know that that was during Tennant's tenure, but he's really not in the story much. That episode hooked me from the very beginning. And made me want to know more about the Whoverse.


Before that, I tried to get into Doctor Who by watching the episode with Donna and Doctor 10 about Agatha Christie with the giant wasp thing and was so completely turned off, I just couldn't make myself watch the show. :P  And I have never been able to really enjoy an episode with Donna in it since watching that.  The Fires of Pompeii was pretty good, but she seemed to shout too much in most of the episodes for my liking.

I guess that means that my favorite companion is Amy Pond and Amy and Rory together.  I loved their storyline and was devastated by the ending written for them. 

I felt that the stories told during the 11/Amy/Rory/River era were more entertaining to me.  My one regret was that they didn't meet with Captain Jack Harkness.  That would have been fun.


I just rewatched The Eleventh Hour and still find it superior to any of the episodes produced with Doctor 12.  I like Peter Capaldi, and I'm in for this rest of this season, but so far, I feel the storytelling has not been as strong.

Edited by cardigirl

I've only just discovered the show in August. I am now obsessed. I've already watched the first four series and am about three episodes into Season 5.


Love Nine a bunch and Eleven looks like he'll be great, but Ten is MY doctor. Funny because I didn't like Ten until School Reunion, when he saw Sarah Jane again. Which brings me to the topic of this post. I'm weird, lol. I'm always pairing and re-pairing various Doctors with various companions according to my personal taste.


- Nine/Captain Jack:  I would have loved to have see them travel alone for a season. So much adventure and sexy tension. I'd love it.


- Nine/Martha: Had Martha traveled with Nine I truly believe she would have been written better. I doubt she would have fawned over him, despite Nine's charms. Nine would have been a proper father figure (that's how I viewed him with Rose, as well). I think he would have respected her brains and moxie and considered her a true friend.


- Ten/Sarah Jane Smith: I liked them so much together. In a weird way, I feel she would have been a great companion for him. No sexy tension and probably not best buds, but there was a respect there, a gentleness and a kindness that made me all warm inside. Plus...K-9!


But on the show proper, I was astounded to discover my favorite actual doctor/companion ship was Ten/Donna! Yeah. I thought it was Martha, too, but I realize now that I'm just a fan of hers and her story evolution. I also tend to root for underdogs, so seeing as Ten only tolerated her as did some viewers, Martha as a standalone character remains a dear favorite.


But Ten/Donna were perfect, just for the adventure. They were hilarious. No pining. No sexy times. Also, Season Four had a depth of feeling that got to me. I cried several times, mostly with Donna, who wasn't the tough chick she pretends to be. I laughed and I cried and I watched from between my fingers so much that last season. By the time I saw Turn Left, I was a mess. Later, when I met Doctor-Donna, I was exhausted with happiness. That very same episode had me crying my eyes out for a woman I wanted to smack during Runaway Bride.


I don't much care for Donna Noble alone (though I loved her grandpa!) But when she was with the Doctor, he did make her better. I think she grew more in her short stint than the others. That's why the Doctor taking her memories stung so badly. Ten and Donna were a great team.

Edited by eXiled
  • Love 5

A question about all Doctors, do they each have a food item associated with them - one they actually eat, rather than the celery boutonniere of Peter Davidson.  


I know with Eleven there was fish fingers and custard; and jammy dodgers.  Tom Baker had jelly beans, yes?  Anyone else?

No, the 4th Doctor's jelly babies were the first and only food-based recurring quirk of the classic era - unless you include Mel's attempts to get the 6th Doctor to drink carrot juice.

No, the 4th Doctor's jelly babies were the first and only food-based recurring quirk of the classic era - unless you include Mel's attempts to get the 6th Doctor to drink carrot juice.

It seems that Eleven is the only one of the NuWho era who had more than just an interest in a food or foods.  I vaguely remember Ten liking apples, which of course Eleven hated.


Jelly babies - same as gummy bears?


Carrot juice?  No wonder Six was so hostile!

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