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S14.E05: Gunn And Heid

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Now that is an awesome typo. :-) Some weeks there's more stewing than others...

Not even a typo. Heh. Left over from watching cooking reality shows. They always leave the contestants to stew, hoping to get some extra drama. Candice brought up the San Francisco story at that time (did she not believe production assistants would scurry off to tell the  judges?) and Laurie said...something I can't remember, suggesting she was against story telling, but I didn't hear her flat out say "I'm going with Team Truthtelling" which would have been kinder than the surprise honesty on the runway.

  • Love 4

Amanda and Candice were both hoping their positive attitude that "Something cohesive will come out if we all just be creative!" would somehow coast on through to brilliance. No ideas there, just "something will happen!" and it will be magical and we'll all win and sunshine and puppies and holding hands and see Amanda, you're a great person after all! 


Forced group delusion. 


That was as amazing to see as it was ridiculous. 


Agreed. She even commented on the fact they were speaking over each other often. I also can't believe she didn't at least once say to them all they were lacking a cohesive plan. Just to say it. Even if she didn't follow up on it. 


She definitely shut down during the task, but I guess I feel for her, being stuck on a team who didn't pick her to begin with and wouldn't listen to her during the challenge.


I did notice Ashley asking some pertinent questions before the painting free-for-all happened.  But the others didn't want to worry about what they were doing before they did it. 

  • Love 19

I only caught the show from the announcement of which team won.


I was shocked to see Blake, of all people, stand up and champion a competitor.


I was disgusted to see a whole line of women prepared to make the craven choice of simply renaming the previously named.  (Hey, I watch Big Brother--I recognize "going along with the house.") 


And then Kelly Osbourne, of all people, called them out on it, and boom, the next woman managed to sputter out a DIFFERENT name.


I have the later showing ready to record in full, but . . . no thanks.

It all sounds extremely unpleasant.

  • Love 12

How is Laurie a backstabbing bitch?  Whom did she stab in the back?  If anything, she showed tremendous restraint when Amanda tried to shame her into letting her use her scissors when she was working with them.  Was Amanda one of those who didn't bring their tools?


The Mean Girl dynamic was in full force.  The popular girls dogpile on the fat one, Ashley.  Laurie they were scared of because I guess they thought she'd go "ghetto" on them, which I would have loved to see.


Laurie seems more on the quiet side with a sweet personality so I don't think the other women considered her much of a factor or likely to get in the way of their master plan.    And while I'm sure you didn't mean it this way, it's maybe a bit of a stereotype to assume that Laurie is capable of acting "ghetto" or doing anything other than being a polite and caring person, which is what she appeared to be in this episode.   

  • Love 17

Lifetime. TV for women who like hearing that women can't get along as well as men... and also that they're bitchy. Hooray!


Also, eff them for making Kelly Osborne a judge on Juniors. I am going to tear into her in my recaps. That show is going to be torture.


I liked Edmond's dress fine though the flowers were kind of crafty/childish but Swapnil was ROBBED. Come on now. He really deserved this win. That dress was gorgeous. I also liked what Jake did for once. Merline did OK. As usual, I think there were too many ideas in that look but they didn't dwell on it. Everyone else on the Blue Team was kind of forgettable.


The Purple Team was a mess. I'm going to chalk it up to having to regroup in short amount of time. It explains the poor construction and lackluster ideas from everyone across the board.


I didn't think they were that mean to Ashley. She has got to stop crying. I don't think the editors pull their punches so I am always suspicious when people talk about things that happened off camera. It wasn't like this supposed conversation happened at night when they aren't filming. And yeah, her look was ugly. No one forced you to make that weird pleated thing, Ashley.

  • Love 4

Ugh, what a bottomless piece of crap.  A tweener "concept" using paintball?  An awkward bit of choosing team members?  The girl gang?  It was all pathetically juvenile and a bit stomach-turning..  


Agree with pretty much what has been said about the designers (I have to LIKE Blake now? Swapnil has the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen and it's time for him to be at the top) and designs and thought the blue team's collection was beautiful, although I was kind of surprised that none of the judges looked at it and exclaimed, "Grace Kelly!"  


One more note - I think Amanda not only deserved to get sent home, but deserved to be slapped for her woe-is-me-so-cute bullshit. The woman is severely narcissistic (nothing is ever fair to poor Amanda, it's never her fault, blablabla) with a huge helping of grandiosity thrown in. Or else she's just stuck at age 15 socially and emotionally.  Either way, I was very happy to see her get the high heeled boot.  

  • Love 11

I have to say this: at several times during the episode, when he was laughing about staying "clean," I kept waiting for everyone to gang up on Blake and pummel him with paintball grenades, for being so "precious" and avoiding getting hit AT ALL during the game. I was all: GET HIM!  (LOL.)

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 23

 Instead, he just told her she was a "doll." LOL.


She's a doll allright, she's Chucky. (Well, to be fair -- to Chucky -- if Chucky had been a much meaner serial killer doll -- with no design esthetic beyond Bedouin on the move -- dead ringer, then.)




Either way, I was very happy to see her get the high heeled boot.

So relieved she's gone -- culling the untalented whiners  always feels like slipping off Spanx over wet skin  -- takes forever,  but when it happens, it feels so good.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 15

I hope Ashley isn't wearing Mary Kay makeup. Those orangey white streaks on her face after crying certainly would not be a ringing endorsement for the quality of their makeup.

Two minutes devoted to flippin' nail art? The inanity of this show and its editing never ceases to amaze.

Amanda has a horrid design aesthetic because she has none. The only way I see her career taking off is if she started designing custom shents for Ina Garten. I'm glad she will be gone because her constant pouting was off putting. She did not show a single spark of true inspiration and all she can do is blame circumstance for her creative deficits.

Swapnil lead his team to victory with the 50s voluminous vision. He provided a positive and supportive attitude which seemed to carry the team. There seems to be a conspiracy amongst the producers to keep him from ever winning a challenge.

It was nice to see Jake finally step up for a change and produce something of value by creating the lovely fabric. Too bad Blake had to take a dump all over it with his fugly flowers, which he opted not to have on his own design. I see you, Blakie.

I don't believe for a second that Kelly, Amanda and Lindsay all thought Ashley's was the worst look--they were just ganging up on the heavyset girl they considered a threat. I think Candace would have also likely joined in and piled on had guest judge Kelly Osbourne not called the girls out for their bitchy behavior. Of course the overweight and black women are the ones marginalized. <sigh>

Laurie and her apophasis cracked me up.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 15


Omg they could not care less about Liddy from Sally beauty taking up precious time with nail art!!

I wouldn't have cared either. They have so much product placement and sponsorship and yet they refuse to give them a reasonable schedule for making clothes and now they're barely letting them go to Mood. I bet they got the supplemental fabrics this week off the back of a truck. Stop being so cheap, Lifetime!


I just came here to ask if Ashley has some sort of liver disease? She is literally orangey-yellow. She's either eating truckloads of carrots and/or sweet potatoes or she needs to get to a doctor ASAP, because her liver is failing, seriously.


Re Ashley's color: you could tell it was makeup: tears don't leave streaks like that if it was her skin color.

I was going to write something similar. I think it's her makeup.


It amazed me that no one on team Easter Eggs thought to nail down even basic common bullet points or make sure the different kinds of garments were begin addressed.

It amazed me to realize that they experimented with "creating textiles" using all the white fabric they were given. There is no excuse for that unless production took all the muslin away (which they clearly did not). The Blue Team was also shown figuring out how to best play with the paint but they managed to not use ALL of the white fabric.


Oh, and that was so not how you play a paintball game. Why the pretense? Just let them throw dodgeballs at each other. The paint seemed very powdery. It didn't decorate their jumpsuits very well.


And then Kelly Osbourne, of all people, called them out on it, and boom, the next woman managed to sputter out a DIFFERENT name.

I swear, it's not just because I hate Kelly, but I thought that was incredibly stupid. You asked them who they thought was the worst and then complained when they chose a name instead of standing behind their failure as a group? That's such BS.


I find it interesting (and kind of hilarious) that Tim the Mentor didn't tell Amanda she had talent and that he'd see her go far even though she lost and was going home, like he does with most of the other competitors when they're ousted. Instead, he just told her she was a "doll." LOL.

Tim's getting mean. Last week it seemed like he was baiting Gabrielle into thinking she might get the save.

  • Love 2

I’m surprised that both teams managed to put together cohesive collections, but I definitely liked the boys/Merline team’s better, so I agree with the win. I’m even more surprised that I didn’t hate anything this week, that hardly ever happens.


When did everyone turn on Ashley? Last week they were fine with her, this week they all hate her.


They were really aggressive with the Sally Beauty nail stuff, I’m surprised they didn’t have the models line up & poke their nails in our eyes


My DVR recorded 1 hour & 32 minutes of this show, & it wasn’t enough! It cut out right before they said who was eliminated. How can the show run over so much?

  • Love 5

Kelly Osbourne in her low cut, boob smashing outfit with purple shaved hair and a perpetual sour expression on her face is some kind of fashion expert? She really thinks she's all that. The other designer lady judge hardly got a word in edgewise because of her. I'll be sure to not watch Junior Project Runway if Kelly Osbourne is the host.


The men and Merline's team produced some outstanding outfits. Maybe it was partly due that they were given two days to work on them. No excuses for the other losing team, though. Their stuff was awful.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 5

I was nervous they were going to send the wrong one home.  Good job editors. 


Like most of you I'm in backwards land today.  I fucking loved Nina, squirming out of her chair watching the bullshit go down with the women's team.  Joseph was an ass last week to Merline and this week made a point of highlighting something Swapnil did.  Blake...shouldn't have won last week but I'm cool with him now.  Of course, things flip quickly this season, apparently.


With the exception of Amanda who was the same as ever.  I have to admit that I sort of wish she'd won.  All that bitching about how it wasn't entirely her fault that she made the same dress she made last week- would she have been equally quick to give everyone credit for a victory?  Doubtful. 


Candice's arrogance got the better of her, if I believe her reasoning for picking Amanda first (to help Amanda improve, or whatever).  San Francisco is a casually smug place like that, in my experience, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  


Men + Merline went so smooth I though they were going to lose- sometimes on these things no drama means complacency leading to a downfall.  The other team was just that bad, I suppose, that they had to go with the other narrative in which harmony is good.


I love Kelly Osborne, don't know why exactly, but her dress was barely holding her boobs in.  It's hard to take someone seriously when they're discussing fashion in clothes that ill-fitting, even if she did sound credible.


Lastly, I'm trying really hard not to see the racial overlay in what went down with the picks and the women's team more generally.  I don't think there was anything intentional or even conscious on the part of those involved.  I'm not really comfortable with it, though.


Here's hoping next week sets things back to normal.  And results in a win for Swapnil, who is such a gracious loser thus far I almost think production is testing him to see how long it is before he breaks.  That, or he'll be the shocking elimination halfway through and they don't want to build him up too much beforehand.

  • Love 9

Ashley gives some great bitch face.  She looked like she was going to cut a bitch during the selection. 


Kelly’s harness top did horrible things to the model’s body.  It was so unflattering. 


Did Candace’s dress have pins in it?  It looked like there were either straight pins or white basting stitches in her top. 


That circus tent that Amanda created was a fugly, poorly made failure. 


It really bothered me that Heidi had them look at Ashley’s look first as one of the worst.  I felt like she was swayed by the mean girls throwing Ashley into the bottom.  In the crapfest that was the bottom team, hers was not in the bottom three.  Then again, Heidi liked the tent dress.  For once I was very glad that Nina was there to push her opinion.  Otherwise I think Heidi would have pushed for Ashley to be gone based on the other women selecting her. 


I think Kelly Osbourne said something because she too was looking through that collection and would not have put Ashley in the bottom three, so it was suspicious when everyone called her out.  This episode showed some of the worst behaviors brought out by team challenges.

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 14

This episode made me like Blake! I'm almost as mad about that as I am about how they treated Ashley. Feel so terrible for Ashley, but really, really hope she thinks back and realizes, she's not on her own. When it came down to it, Laurie stood up for her and had her back. She knew a wrong was about to take place and spoke up. If Laurie had kept her mouth shut, it really would have looked like maybe Ashley was the issue on the team. I think Heidi and the other judges would have still been suspicious since Heidi made sure to point out more than once how odd the choosing was, but not nearly to the level that happened, where they knew with certainty that shit that was said on the runway were lies and this was about popularity.


And I didn't like her before, but send Candice to the front of the line on the list of the people I hate most on here and want out now. She's seriously ahead of Blake and Lindsey now in my hate. Blake made sure to tell these women they were acting like Mean Girls and he's right. I'm guessing he's put up with it in the past, with all his affectations, school definitely may have been rough, and wanted to speak up about it and defend Ashley and expose their pettiness. I don't actually like Blake, but I sure as heck loved him in that moment and was so happy he made sure to override them trying to talk over him and tell them, they're acting like high school bullies and don't fool yourself into thinking that wasn't the downfall here. 


Candice, man I wanted her gone. And I doubt that will change as she was annoying me since the first challenge. She continually thinks she's spinning gold not matter what kind of trainwreck she produces. She was responsible more than anyone else for how bad this was. She appointed herself team captain and gave everyone direction whether they asked for it or not. And WTF was this shit about a California/San Francisco woman? Not only did the looks not look like it, I can't remember once her mentioning it in the beginning as a point of inspiration. What a bunch of BS! So freaking glad she said it on the runway to expose her lies and cause Laurie to think, wow, so we're really, really going to lie up here. It was too much. And seriously, I already hated her for everything she was doing before, mocking Ashley and all that, but also choosing a look on the runway to go and going with Laurie, whose look was not remotely the worst of the women and was clearly a good Mean Girl act of being pissed that Laurie opened her mouth and spoke against them. I want her gone.


Amanda. Amanda. I would have loved if Candice was sent home.  BUT, Amanda was in the bottom like every episode and the thing that kills me about her, is that it's NEVER HER FAULT! Bitch, whose fault is it at this point? Last week wasn't a team challenge, so whose fault was that look? What about the unconventional challenge? The first look with fabric at MSG? She was always positive her look wasn't the worst one and she was just being almost picked on by the judges. She never thought, maybe, just maybe, she needed to listen to what they are saying and change up what she was doing. No, she kept acting like she was some unfortunate victim of a drive-by and had zero blame in the whole thing. Her look may not have always been the worst, but it was always one of the worst and Nina was absolutely right, keeping her was taking on dead weight at this point.


The guys and Merline absolutely killed this challenge. I do think it's the best I can remember a team challenge going when it's the large team groups. So cohesive, really looked like a collection. I enjoyed them working together and the looks they produced. Joseph's (I think that's his name, he designs for the mature woman) was my least favorite, but I didn't dislike his at all. So happy Edmond's won as it was the won I really responded to the most. I also really liked the one with the cape and capri pants.


I know Kelly Osbourne is under fire lately, but she was a great guest judge. How she went through each outfit and detailed what the issue was, but in actual fashion terms? Fantastic. Also, loved her praise of the guys and Merline's look. Her and Tracee Ellis Ross are going to spoil us when the next "I like this look" judge shows up.

Edited by JasmineFlower
  • Love 15

For the first time in ages, I actually cared about the judging results, and I would have been terribly sad if my girl Ashley was eliminated. The right person won, the right person went home. That said, the collection by the winning team looked very arts-and-crafts with the painted flowers. Not sophisticated at all. Why did neither team seize on the working class nature of the jumpsuit fabric and use that as a jumping off point? Blue jeans are an example of a garment which has gone from working class, utilitarian roots to high fashion.

  • Love 2

I did get a little bit of that Gretchen uncomfortable season vibe this week. And when they all started off saying that Ashley should be the one to go it was a little bit ridiculous. You're not supposed to make it that obvious! Like the Gretchen season it was the "cool pretty" kids ganging up on the "uncool different" outsider. And I know all about the editing stuff but those Gretchenite assholes really did torture that Michael Costello s.o.b. I hated that year. 

  • Love 10

Well, Amanda certainly got the loser edit. She spent most of the episode (very much like last week) saying she wasn't inspired and didn't know what to do. It was as if she was waiting for someone to tell her what to do. She doesn't have a single idea what her style is. I'm glad she was sent home.


The nail art segment was just ridiculous and what was the point of the fifth judge? She didn't contribute a single damn thing. I don't understand the reasoning behind this 30 minutes of needless filler.

  • Love 7

Can't argue with the outcome, anyway, even though Kelly's outfit was clearly far and away the worst outfit. It was way past Amanda's time to go. I kind of call shenanigans, though, with the whole mean girl subplot. Obviously Amanda, Kelly and Lindsey were going to back each other and choose the most successful designer to go home, because their tenure on this show depends on keeping people around who suck worse than they do. And honestly, while I think there was malice and stupidity on their parts, the effect of it wasn't all that different than the way that Laurie chose to exploit Ashley's insecurities to make sure there was at least one person on her side at judging.


I really do wonder if someone didn't suggest to Candice that she mentor Amanda and they built the entire narrative from that. We didn't actually see her behave in a particularly evil way, I don't think, except for being annoyed with Ashley's defeatist attitude and returning the favor of throwing Laurie under the bus. The judges on this show like you to have at least a failed idea, and while she failed badly at leadership - I think she may have overestimated her skill at interactive designing based on her experience with Ashley  - nobody who's ever watched this show thinks there's anything unusual about making shit up on the runway.


I also don't think it took a great deal of moral courage for Blake to side with Ashley against his fellow cannon fodder. And really, Joseph? Princess? I think you have to be a bit less Duchesse yourself to pull that off, you dowdy creature. Just, shut up.


Otherwise, I think it was a tie up between what won and Swapnil's look for the win, so I'm fine with that.

  • Love 6

Laurie is a gossipy little back-stabbing bitch.  Straight up.  And Ashley & her last pick status, and "I'm so done" drama was just pathetic.  She was just waiting for a chance to scream "Bullies!", and as soon as she didn't get her way and didn't have her ass kissed, the persecution complex came out and she got combative.  Yes, she won 1 challenge on her own, but SHARED the 2nd win with Candice.  You didn't get both solo, sweetie.  Step off and get a grip.  


Thank you LeighDear. Completely agree. As soon as she got picked last she took it personally rather than just setting her mind to the challenge. I also have a hard time arguing she was bullied as I the PR standard I use is the Team Luxe fiasco. 

  • Love 4

I go back and forth with the Ashley issue tonight. I am so over people crying on these shows and as she mentioned someone was going to be picked last and that person was not going to feel great about it.

However, not picking a two-time winner is suspect. There was no indication that Ashley would be hard to work with. It was a love feast between her and Candice when they teamed up.

Candice and Kelly both lost points with me this episode.

After all the drama the right person went home. Amanda just hasn't shown that she could go anything.


Merline was a winner as well and she was last on her team too.  And we didn't see Merline crying and feeling sorry for herself.  I don't usually agree with Kelly Osbourne but I did when she said to Ashley that you need a thick skin to be in the fashion business.  When life hands you lemons, Ashley, try making lemonade instead of crying into it.  Like Merline did.  Heck, I would have given Swapnil the win over those two and Edmond and Blake every challenge.  I'm very glad that he is acting professionally and not letting it bother him.


I may not agree with the winners but I am so very glad that Amanda is gone.

  • Love 9

Ashley needs to grow up and toughen up and not fall to pieces whenever people are mean. This isn't the first grade playground. It's the grown-up fashion business mixed with a game show.  That's a recipe for back-biting and under-bus tossing.


HOWEVER, this doesn't mean that the bitchy mean-girl trio gets a pass.  No, no, no, no, no.  Their behavior was abhorrent and made worse by the fact that the three designers left standing in the team picking process were all women and included the fat girl and the two African American woman.   It's hard not to see some kind of prejudice there.


But Ashley's best recourse is to rise above the petty meanness, not to dissolve into tears and claim that her confidence was shot.  

Edited by remotecontrolfreak
  • Love 18

Swapnil and Edmond are so head of the rest of the pack. Blake was funny hiding because he didn't want to get dirty. Ashley must have had flashbacks when she was young and called last for teams. That's why I enjoyed the beginning of the season, no backstabbing and actually helping each other, like on Face Off. Amanda's parents certainly raised her with tons of self confidence, perhaps too much...

  • Love 3

Thank goodness that little whiner is gone.  Bottom of the barrel for several weeks and boo-hooing that she "is sooo sad" about having her feelings hurt because they had the nerve to judge her (insert entitiled twenty-something snowflake frowny face emoji here).  My DVR cut out


As uninspired as Amanda's garment was though, I thought Kelly's was way worse!  That contraption was unforgiveable.  There was nothing redeeming about it. 


I haven't warmed up to Candace one bit.  Something about her irks.  Not sure if it's the Pulp Fiction-Betty Page-Natasha Badanov "look"  or the smugness.  Probably both. Some people are naturally inclined to take over and think they know best, so this season it's Candace.  When she TH'd her reason for picking Amanda 1st so she could help raise her up or some such self-aggrandizing statement, I threw in the towel of trying to like her. Really, Candace?  You're the Sewing Savior now?  How'd that turn out for you?  I hope the other women learn from that trainwreck if there are additional team challenges.


Nothing but love (like in the case of Joseph & Blake) for the Boys + Merlene.  The painted flowers were ::just:: abit much - they looked great from a distance, but up close they reminded me of arts-craftsy. 


Add me to the list of "Who gives a F***" about the stoopid nail polish.  If they hadn't been a sponsor or artificially planned part of this challenge, NO ONE would ever notice nails in a runway show.

  • Love 8
I had a very emotional response to Edmonds dress. It was just so joyous! Intellectually, I could see that Swapnil's was very, very good and slightly more sophisticated in design but I was just drawn to Edmund's. I thought it hit a perfect note.


I was drawn to Edmund's, too.  It caught my eye right away and I love the classic lines.  I can appreciate the creativity and workmanship of Swapnil's but I liked Edmund's better this week.  However, I'm still not happy that Swap hasn't won yet, especially for his Indian-inspired look in Shut Up and Sew. That is my favorite look of the season.  I keep thinking there's a reason for that, that he's maybe going to finish even stronger than he started.

  • Love 3

I don't think Laurie was hypocritical, in that she didn't say negative things she heard about the other women; she simply and without specific names (I don't recall anyway) revealed that the others were revving up the bus for Ashley. It was for the greater good, for Ashley was then not taken aback by the bulls*** responses about her look's being the worst.


I think what saddened Ashley was that she had worked, was judged, and won on her merits, and found that her merits meant little to the Cool Kids----again. IMO.  


I agree with this--Laurie wanted to warn Ashley to be prepared that their teammates were getting her  their scapegoat ready and I like her even more for it.  And what the heck was the Amanda/Laurie exchange about?  It looked like Laurie was working with the scissors and Amanda just expected her to hand them over and when she didn't get her way, attempted to get passive aggressive but Laurie calmly put Amanda in her entitled place,


I also rather enjoyed that Blake's simpering twit persona disappeared when he told the mean girls off for deliberating targeting Ashley when it was all of their faults their designs sucked.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 22

I'm reaffirming my love for Laurie and Ashley, but taking back my love for Candice and Kelly.  The Romulan one is especially dead to me.  It was hilarious that they put her on the bottom of the bottom.


I'm on the fence about Lindsey, but guessing that she'll be around for awhile since she looked different in one of her talking heads?



I liked Candice a lot, but I actively dislike her now. She will have to win me back. And I'm not easy. She lost me from the minute she chose Amanda to "uplift her". Pay attention, dear, you're not Jesus. You're a fashion designer. Get a grip.

I can understand on some level that Ashley was hurt at getting picked last.  I mean, I'm sure it brought back school yard memories of being picked last for some sports thing or something.  But I am surprised that she didn't take a moment and figure out that personal popularity with the other contestants isn't going to win her anything on this show and she should have just seen it as a challenge to get in there and make the best garment she could.   In some ways she was perfectly positioned to come out a "winner" even if she started out feeling like a loser because she ended up on The team that she has to have known had weaker designers on it than she is.  


I like Ashley but she's going to have to work to win me back too. I know its hard not to, but she should never have taken it personally. Everyone probably likes her just fine, they are just individually closer to other people. She said it herself--people picked their friends. No one was thinking strategically. (that was stupid, but it was first in a lot of stupid choices from that team). Instead of crying "oh poor me" she should have pasted a smile on her face, squee'd with glee at being on the team, joined in with a will and tried her best to contribute. Have a little pride! She should have put herself right next to Candice and recalled how they had won before. She made a choice to hang back, feel sorry for herself and let that feed on itself, to her detriment. Someone will always be picked last. Its a reality show. its a team challenge. And Ashley fell right into the neat little drama trap the production team laid for her.

None of the women covered themselves in glory tonight. Sure, it sucks to get picked last in what amounted to a popularity contest, but the mature reaction isn't to pout and refuse to participate and sad-sack your way through, as Ashley did. I thought Candice and Amanda and Kelly's mean girl shit was ridiculous, but worse, they seemed completely tone-deaf and clueless. And Laurie's "I'm not a gossipy person" shit-stirring was classic. Without taking the clothes into account, I was fine with any of them going home. (I admit I have a soft spot for Lindsey - I think she's funny and she's always honest about her own designs.)


Cheers for Swapnil and Edmond! Jeers for Joseph the chubby misogynist and his boring designs that he's so smug about, and perpetual jeers for Blake (though I will allow it was cool of him to stand up for Ashley...though she should be standing up for herself rather than crying about how everyone's so mean to her).

I like Lindsay too. I think she's snarky and funny. And color me shocked, but I cheered when Blake stuck up for Ashley. It must be Opposite Day.


I was also taken aback by Ashley and her moment of revelation about how she now realized that she was all alone and no one would have her back.  She can't really be that naive, that she hadn't already figured that out?  It's a competition, you're not all in it together, someone has to lose every episode and no one is going to feel bad that it's you.  No one is going to help you win.   


Yes, this. For heaven's sake, I thought my eyes were going to roll right out of my head at that moment. Sheesh.

I wonder if it wasn't a case of everything having gone so perfectly so far in the competition lulling her into a false sense of camaraderie. Everyone has been very buddy buddy and sharing so far and having won so much I think she was getting a sugar coated experience up until now. (Didn't Edmund say something about people not seeming to realize this was a competition a few episodes ago?)



She seemed pretty betrayed by the school yard pick and not being Candice's first choice after having such a good working relationship together last time. 


She's young and took it all personally.

Yes. The women did not choose based on talent or skill, each one picked her bestie. They didn't treat it like a challenge at all, more like a slumber party. Squee! Lets all pick our BFF's and paint our nails and make some cool textiles! Squee!


Amanda. Amanda. I would have loved if Candice was sent home.  BUT, Amanda was in the bottom like every episode and the thing that kills me about her, is that it's NEVER HER FAULT! Bitch, whose fault is it at this point? Last week wasn't a team challenge, so whose fault was that look? What about the unconventional challenge? The first look with fabric at MSG? She was always positive her look wasn't the worst one and she was just being almost picked on by the judges. She never thought, maybe, just maybe, she needed to listen to what they are saying and change up what she was doing. No, she kept acting like she was some unfortunate victim of a drive-by and had zero blame in the whole thing. Her look may not have always been the worst, but it was always one of the worst and Nina was absolutely right, keeping her was taking on dead weight at this point.


The guys and Merline absolutely killed this challenge. I do think it's the best I can remember a team challenge going when it's the large team groups. So cohesive, really looked like a collection. I enjoyed them working together and the looks they produced. Joseph's (I think that's his name, he designs for the mature woman) was my least favorite, but I didn't dislike his at all. So happy Edmond's won as it was the won I really responded to the most. I also really liked the one with the cape and capri pants.


I know Kelly Osbourne is under fire lately, but she was a great guest judge. How she went through each outfit and detailed what the issue was, but in actual fashion terms? Fantastic. Also, loved her praise of the guys and Merline's look. Her and Tracee Ellis Ross are going to spoil us when the next "I like this look" judge shows up.

Hee! "I like this look and I would totally wear it". I like Kelly Osborne too. I have ever since she was on Dancing with the Stars. She worked hard and was appreciative of her partner and of the judges' feedback. I think she's always had a good eye, even when she was a teenager, and I give her credit for finding a niche and making it work for her. At least she has a job! Unlike other celebrity spawn.


That business with Amanda and the scissors was ridiculous. I'm loving Laurie more and more every week. She does not back down. Amanda and her sad panda face will not be missed.

  • Love 13

Lord, the team challenge. Took me back to group work in business school. How successful a group project is depends very heavily on the group.


The girls' collection was so ugly. Kelly just has bad taste. I think she has bad taste in her personal style but I was giving her the benefit of the doubt in her designs ... but I think she just has bad taste, period.


I think Amanda has an overinflated sense of her talent. Nothing she produced in this competition was good and she never took responsibility for being in the bottom all those times - but she deserved to be there. I cannot sew - I wish I could - and I think I could have made that tent dress. I wouldn't go so far as to say she has bad taste but she definitely doesn't have a very sophisticated aesthetic.


Team Laurie. I like that she completely blew up their spot re: that "We were designing for a girl in San Francisco" bullshit, although I do think the judges would have realized it was bullshit on their own. I forget which one but one of them was like "How is this San Francisco?" The whole "let's gang up on Ashley" nonsense was some serious mean girl shit. Really ugly and really immature.


Edmond and Swapnil are the clear frontrunners. It was SO REFRESHING to see the men's and Merline team just suck it up and get to work - throw some ideas out, land on one, execute, and cooperate. COOPERATE.


And what the heck was the Amanda/Laurie exchange about?  It looked like Laurie was working with the scissors and Amanda just expected her to hand them over and when she didn't get her way, attempted to get passive aggressive but Laurie calmly put Amanda in her entitled place,

That's what it looked like to me. Laurie was like "I'm using them right now" and Amanda told her she wasn't a team player. Amanda has an unhealthy dose of Special Snowflake Syndrome, methinks.

  • Love 14

I felt for Ashley when she was picked last, even though she'd won two challenges. Especially after Heidi totally rubbed it in by pointing it out to everyone who didn't pick her. But during the paintball challenge where Blake just hid his little self away so he wouldn't get hurt, Ashley revealed she was an animal with a paintball gun! She just stood there firing non-stop and it was awesome! I was hoping she'd turn some of that aggression on in the workroom, but she just completely fell apart.


For future reference, the correct response for being picked last for the team is to design the ever loving shit out of something. Especially when it became clear that the girls weren't going to become a cohesive team and were all just going to end up doing their own thing. At that point, you abandon the team concept and save yourself by creating the fiercest garment on the runway. Unfortunately, Ashley did NOT do that. But that seems to be a theme with her. Some weeks she's inspired and makes a great outfit, and other weeks, she just gives up.


I was fine with Laurie spreading the gossip that she had the impression that the other girls were going to throw Ashley under the bus. She wasn't really passing along gossip she'd heard, just the impression she had. And she turned out to be right. That runway was a total shitshow. Poor Ashley. If only her outfit had been better, she could've had more confidence standing up for herself.


To be fair, though, I honestly thought Kelly's was the fugliest thing up there. That top was hideous. And even though I really don't like balloon hems or bubble skirts or whatever you call it, I still thought Swapnil had the best dress. But he's apparently always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Sigh.


And I had to grudgingly give Blake a little credit for standing up for Ashley in the lounge during judging. And his dress was actually kind of pretty. DAMMIT!

  • Love 14

The San Francisco thing was hilarious.  Candice thought that "girl from SF" was enough of a concept to snow the judges.  She made such a point of it to the team. 

Nina(?):  What about this says San Francisco?



Two minutes devoted to flppin' nail art? The inanity of this show and its editing never ceases to amaze.

Normally I would agree, but I did think the various nail designs in blue and how they complemented the actual garment the model was wearing, yet each being different, was another great styling technique the Blue team did. 

My DVR recorded 1 hour & 32 minutes of this show, & it wasn’t enough!

Mine too.  It cut right after Heidi announced Kelly was in.  What did Amanda say in her final TH?

She [Candice] appointed herself team captain and gave everyone direction whether they asked for it or not.

True, and she didn't give them the right kind of direction.  If she had had a concept for everyone to build around, and made sure the collection included a gown, pants, etc., she would have been a true leader.  All she did was say "Be Creative! Then I'll come look at it."  Then she had the nerve to snottily say in a TH had Ashley expected her to design her outfit too.  She gave her team no direction whatsoever.


Am I a bad person because I love big team, create a collection, challenges?

  • Love 9

When thinking about the dynamic of being picked last, my first thought was that Merline is much older than Ashley, and has learned to deal with things better because of her maturity.  Then I looked it up, and Merline is only 28, and Ashley is 24.  Throw that idea out the window.


HOWEVER, as someone who was bullied for most of her formative years, I can sure relate to Ashley's inability to deal with it at 24.  She may have been built up a bit after her two wins, but the emotional memories of bullying can trigger responses for many years afterwards.  It may have stung a bit to be chosen last, but the difference is that after the teams were set, Merline's team embraced and included her in their process.  The "vibe" from Team Purple was, "We have a club, and not everyone on our team is in it.  Nanner, nanner, nanner."


She who laughs last laughs best.

  • Love 18

this was quite an interesting show :)


cracked me up Blake hiding from the paint balls and coming out clean.  Then knowing what we knew from the previews, that the jumpsuits were the fabrics they were going to use I was like - now what Blake!!  But alas, they supplied them with paint and more fabric.


I too was afraid that the editing monkeys were setting me up for a women's win - what with the women "oh what do we do" and the men "we are working so well together like a well oiled machine" and then the women coming out with a great runway.


Love the 5 Men + Merline looks - I loved Edmonds and Swapnil's - personally I would have given the win to Swapnil - I really liked that dress.  I would have liked Jake's better if it wasn't for the cape - I am so not a fan of capes.  If it were a vest I think it would have looked better.


Oh the mean girls - err, I mean women's team - I didn't like one of those looks.  The right 3 were in the bottom and while I'm glad Amanda went home because she deserved it from all of her designs; I thought Candace's and Kelly's were the worst.  I'm surprised that no one called Amanda out on her "parachute" back.  I reminded me of Blake's dress last week.


I totally sympathize with Ashley and understand her being upset.  But as others have posted - I would have said screw it; I know I'm good, I'm going to show you and put out the best outfit you could and say FU for picking me last. 


And Blake calling out the mean girls was something - I went - what happened to his voice!!!

Edited by tobysmom
  • Love 8

I still think Blake is a narcissistic little twerp, but now I think he's a narcissistic little twerp with a heart. There are worse people this season.


I hate that the "cool girls" played into the entire stereotype of women not being able to work together by not being able to work together. SMH!


I go back and forth with the Ashley issue tonight. I am so over people crying on these shows and as she mentioned someone was going to be picked last and that person was not going to feel great about it.

However, not picking a two-time winner is suspect. There was no indication that Ashley would be hard to work with. It was a love feast between her and Candice when they teamed up.


Ashley needs a tougher skin, but that is secondary to the fact that four of the contestants played a rousing game of Mean Girls. Unbitch, Mean Girls. 


Did Candace’s dress have pins in it?  It looked like there were either straight pins or white basting stitches in her top. 


That circus tent that Amanda created was a fugly, poorly made failure. 


I thought Candace had the worst construction of anything we saw last night. She's truly delusional. Yet it was definitely time for Amanda to go. 


Ashley needs to grow up and toughen up and not fall to pieces whenever people are mean. This isn't the first grade playground. It's the grown-up fashion business mixed with a game show.  That's a recipe for back-biting and under-bus tossing.


HOWEVER, this doesn't mean that the bitchy mean-girl trio gets a pass.  No, no, no, no, no.  Their behavior was abhorrent and made worse by the fact that the three designers left standing in the team picking process were all women and included the fat girl and the two African American woman.   It's hard not to see some kind of prejudice there.


But Ashley's best recourse is to rise above the petty meanness, not to dissolve into tears and claim that her confidence was shot.  


I agree with this, but again, Ashley was reacting to bad behavior. The Mean Girls initiated bad behavior. Big difference, IMO.


Yet Blake didn't choose Ashley, either. Circling back to my first statement, this is why I still consider him a twerp.

  • Love 11

I liked Edmunds..  But I thought some of Swapnils design elements were far more creative overall and therefore should have won. I agree he is this season's Dmitry.  


Tim usually saves the 'disadvantaged' one.. ( I beleive he saved Sharkina  because she was from dead and decaying Detroit..otherwise...no way)  .So looking around day 1,   I naturally  thought he would he would eventually use it on Ashley.  But when she rose to the top I wondered .. would it be Merline perhaps with her odd hyperactivity.  (Wearing that hat alone puts her at disadvantage..but she has surprised me.     


But I think Ashley will get the save at some point.  I like her and I think her wanting to design for the plus-size is very relevant.  However she falls back on her pleating talent too much. I do think she has style talent though.  I'm just not crazy about her stuff yet.. It's still a little ' happy hands at home" as Tim would say.  


 Amanda was bumpkin and totally out of her league. She might make killer toilet paper cozies and aprons for Mom  but she's not for the Big City.      Being"shocked and insulted' that you were always at the bottom was the biggest clue that you have no taste or style and..it's obvious you can't sew.  God I'm glad she's gone.


I was shocked that Candice is still so immature and insecure that she picked Amanda to be her (there's a word for it..can't think of it).. but her flunky fan who would kiss her ass and cosign C's bullshit.  Women like that don't want friends they want 'followers' (as in the adoring religious sense).  They must be #1.  


Ashley's wins are a threat to her ego. And boy did she make it clear!  God forbid the girls fall behind anyone but Candice.     And they do..since no sense of self develops when you have to be in a group for self-worth.  I remember how Tim called the designers all out with by allowing Gretchen to  "bully' them.   It speaks volumes how the three with the least talent and style said Moo! and went nose-to-tail into C's little core group.


Hell Yeah If I see the pecking pack sharpening the knife I'm going to say something.like Laurie did.  It's great to take the high road but not in a knife fight.  So glad Blake went for it.  I notice he lost his simpering lil'boy schtick when he did it.  I hope he finds his true voice out of it and starts to grow up.  He's got a lot of sophistication of design for a farm boy and he should be proud.  I think he's intimidated being young and in New York..thus his "'I'm so special" swish act.  I think we'll see a change in him.



  • Love 13

I find it interesting (and kind of hilarious) that Tim the Mentor didn't tell Amanda she had talent and that he'd see her go far even though she lost and was going home, like he does with most of the other competitors when they're ousted. Instead, he just told her she was a "doll." LOL.

I don't know if it's a function of editing or if Tim just has very few fucks left to give, but over the last couple of seasons it's been hilariously obvious when he really won't miss a designer when they leave.  He has this generic bunch of references that he'll toss out.  My friend and I were speculating on some others than may happen this season, like for Merline: "The work room will be so quiet without you!"


I'll add to the chorus of praise for Edmond and Swapnil this week.  Swapnil's is more my style so I was leaning towards his, but Edmond's was lovely too.  And yeah, in no universe was Ashley's the WORST design on the Barney losing team.

  • Love 4
What do people see in Swapnil? 

I'm not on the Swapnil love train either. I'm still stuck on "Women tell me 'when we wear your clothes, men want to have sex with us.'" Ugh.


Ashley seems like a nice person and a talented designer but she needs to seriously butch up. It sucks getting picked last but someone is always going to be the last picked so get over it and design something awesome.


I'm ok with Ashley feeling whatever feelings she had. What I could not get over was her inability to move past it, to the point where she whined to the judges about being picked last. Did she actually expect sympathy for that?


I'm trying really hard not to see the racial overlay in what went down with the picks and the women's team more generally.  I don't think there was anything intentional or even conscious on the part of those involved.  I'm not really comfortable with it, though.


I don't see race having anything to do with this whatsoever. Just because Laurie is black and the others are white doesn't mean anyone was being "racially insensitive", consciously or not. I think people tend to go there a little too easily these days. From what I saw, the attitude toward Laurie was because of her behavior with respect to Ashley.


the flowers were kind of crafty/childish

I agree. The blue flowers and Swapnil's wonky hem were the two things I disliked about the blue collection.


I am almost more bothered by their stupidity than their petty meanness.

This. Add to that their stupidity destroying their fabric before they had the first clue what they were doing. They thought they would just throw every color of paint on a sheet and things would just work out? Really? And it didn't occur to them to keep any of the fabric in reserve. Dumbasses.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 8

After 13 seasons, I'm amazed that people go on this show and still don't act like this is a weeks-long job interview.  Would any prospective employers in the fashion industry want to hire anyone from Team Purple after that display?


Candice, Kelly, and Lindsay:  Pick your buddies and band together for your own good but not for the team.
Amanda:  Blame everyone else for your failure.
Ashley:  Go into the challenge with a huge chip on your shoulder and make sure everyone knows about it.  24 isn't a teenager, I expect professionalism.
Even Laurie:  Jump in immediately about how dysfunctional the team was before being asked.


Now, who on Team Blue would you hire (based solely on last night)?  ANYONE.

  • Love 8

<<<<ducking behind Heidi, Tim and Kelly O>>>>>>>

Swapnil's dress was wonderful but it looked like the skirt had been put on backwards. The "hem" was demonstrably longer in the front than the back. Just enough to move him into second place.


I agree! His top was impeccable (tm Nina Garcia) but the bottom of his skirt looked a bit like a droopy diaper. 


I think the women were predisposed to lose. There is no way they were going to come away from that paint ball field not looking like the Easter bunny threw up. The color options for them were horrible. (I say this as I sit here wearing pink pants) Especially since like half their team works almost exclusively in black normally. Looking at their fabric around the work room just made me think of that Friends episode where Rachel leaves a red sock in with her whites and "everything looks like jammies" 


The way it should have been done would be to give both teams equal access to all the fabrics and all the paint colors. I wonder if the production team saw the way the teams were split and decided to really hammer home the pink vs blue nonsense. 


I actually kind of liked Amanda's dress... as they said in the close up judging, imagine it on Heidi, it would have looked really nice. And she worked with the colors well.  I think the one with the crazy Barney bondage bandeau top (don't know her name, not bothering to learn it since she'll be aufed soon) should have been the one to go. But Amanda wasn't long for this competition anyways, so her cut was acceptable to me. 

I did get a little bit of that Gretchen uncomfortable season vibe this week. And when they all started off saying that Ashley should be the one to go it was a little bit ridiculous. You're not supposed to make it that obvious! Like the Gretchen season it was the "cool pretty" kids ganging up on the "uncool different" outsider. And I know all about the editing stuff but those Gretchenite assholes really did torture that Michael Costello s.o.b. I hated that year. 

Hee.  I would have "liked" this post, except I couldn't bring myself to click that button because Michael Costello is one of my all-time favorites from this show.  :-)


I too was reminded immediately of the "There is no 'I' in Team" episode from 2010, starring Gretchen who immediately took charge and the rest of Team Luxe ganging up on Michael Costello and wanted him eliminated even though he made the only garment the judges liked (a blouse, if I recall right) and even had immunity from the previous week.  Team Luxe was full of challenge winners and was so full of itself but put out a hot mess of a collection.  The other team, which I don't believe bothered to give themselves a name, had no previous challenge winners but worked together like a dream and created a collection the judges liked very much.  Not exactly parallel episodes, but very similar vibes and storyline.

  • Love 6

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