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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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How nervous were you being in the red?


Honestly, peeayebee, I remember everything from that 22 minutes entirely out of sequence. I'd have sworn I was negative going into the first commercial break. (Heck, watching the game two months later, I was convinced they'd moved a clue.) It's such a surreal experience. But I wasn't really nervous about being in the red. The way I see it, I had the Full Jeopardy Experience -- I was up, I was down, I was right, I was so so wrong, I was positive, I was negative. And I got a compliment from the man himself (which I can't remember, but no matter).


But it's tremendous fun -- if Trebek ever retires, I'd totally do it again (and maybe win!). The crew run a tight ship, and you meet the most interesting, fun, nerdy people -- contestants and staff.


And on that note, hi there, RiaBee (Fariha). I would have stayed to watch your game, but alas, since they don't feed the morning losers lunch, I left to eat and ended up at the beach instead.

Edited by TheWereCow
  • Love 7

Liked the April Fools touches tonight, the random sound effects for DD (and upside down DD screen), Alex with no pants (dafuq?), etc. HATED when Alex made fun of that guy for saying "mortar" instead of "tartar" for the tooth question. It seemed to me to be an obvious language barrier that made him have trouble coming up with the exact word. He did it again later with "deode" instead of "geode." Alex, don't be a dick.

  • Love 6

Liked the April Fools touches tonight, the random sound effects for DD (and upside down DD screen), Alex with no pants (dafuq?), etc. HATED when Alex made fun of that guy for saying "mortar" instead of "tartar" for the tooth question. It seemed to me to be an obvious language barrier that made him have trouble coming up with the exact word. He did it again later with "deode" instead of "geode." Alex, don't be a dick.

When they came back from break #1 and started the interviews, the "JEPARDY" down in the corner was mispelled; later on, IBM's WATSON showed up for a brief second ($1000, same category).


Anybody notice anything else (yet)??

  • Love 4

The sound effects were from Wheel of Fortune.  The Daily Double was the new puzzle sound effect, and it was the bankrupt sound effect on the missed FJ.


They played a clip of Ken Jennings saying the correct response instead of the contestant.  After Alex read the FJ clue they showed a clip of a foreign version of Jeopardy.


Also, if I were the champ, I'd be saying that FJ response of "What is Sydney?" for Asian Cities was an April Fool's gag.

Edited by Vgmastr
  • Love 8

I was on iPad and missed Alex without his pants but the first trick I saw was the backwards dollar amounts. Totally having made it through the day forgetting that it is April 1, I rewound a bit to make sure I saw what I saw. Then I thought, shit, am I having a stroke (not making a joke about strokes, mind you). I volunteer at an elementary school on Fridays and saw/heard no pranks today. So when I saw Watson, I came here to find out if anyone else was going nuts. Color me embarrassed when you guys reminded me of the date. Heh. And sad to say, yes, I did rewind to see Alex without his pants. Off to pour a tumbler of wine to try to forget that.

ETA... Oh no, maybe there WERE pranks today at school and I was oblivious! Why is that Kick Me sign on my butt??

Edited by Spunkygal
  • Love 8


But I wasn't really nervous about being in the red.

I really admired the way you stayed so calm - I attributed your comeback to that ability - plus having lots of right answers, of course:)


My TS's today were Person of Interest, Oscar Peterson, Papal States and the missed DD of geodes - I really felt for that contestant when he misspoke.


I also went with Mumbai for FJ but I knew I was unlikely to get it right.  I wonder how Todd forgot so quickly that the category was Asian Cities.  He very nearly pulled a Clavin.

  • Love 3

Thank God! I thought the diced up Easter ham in my salad I was eating for dinner had gone bad and I was hallucinating. One of the DDs had Daily Double upside down, too.

WTF, Todd? Since when is Sydney an Asian city? I guessed Manila.

I got Person of Interest, Beacon Hill, the Olympics and geode (missed DD).

Milton's story was funny. I want to know in which hotel Todd works so I can stay there next time I'm in NOLA. He's a fun and quirky guy.

  • Love 9

That was so much fun!  (And nice pins, Alex, for 75.)


If you're going to tell a seemingly interminable story, that's how to do it . . . John Milton???  That can't be right--Milton John, yes?  Anyway, he was a funny guy, much funnier than John Milton.  All good stories tonight.  Even Alex displayed some comic timing.


I hope they do this every April 1 from now on.

  • Love 9

Yes, I enjoyed the pranks. When Alex walked out with no pants, I laughed and laughed. I didn't catch all of the April Fools jokes, but I love that the producers did this.


My TS's today were Person of Interest, Oscar Peterson, Papal States and the missed DD of geodes.


I got Person of Interest -- I really had to pull that from the recesses of my brain -- Tubby the Tuba, and geode. I might have gotten Oscar Peterson if I'd been paying attention to the category.


I felt bad for Oliver twice giving answers that were JUST off -- Oscar Isaacs (instead of Isaac) and dried ice (instead of dry ice).


I was trying to come up with an answer for FJ when my sister said Singapore. I thought that was a good guess.

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 5

Here's a list from thejeopardyfan.com. Anything missing?

>>>So, how many April Fool’s jokes did you spot in this game? Leave comments with ones you spotted and I’ll add to the list!

-They started with an old shot of Alex coming out without pants, but cut back really quickly

-On the first Daily Double, numbers were mirrored on the contestants’ lecterns

-Jeopardy was misspelled Jepardy in the lower left corner during the second segment

-A cameo appearance by IBM’s Watson

-They had some shots where Alex gave the correct response, but looked a decade younger when doing so, with a moustache

-A Daily Double where the full screen was upside-down

-Using Wheel of Fortune sound effects on a Daily Double

-A cameo from Ken Jennings responding “What is turquoise?”

-There was a shot at the start of Final Jeopardy from an international version (Estonia)

-Milton’s wrong answer in Final Jeopardy was met with the Wheel of Fortune Bankrupt sound<<<

Edited by opus
  • Love 4

Thank you very much, RiaBee,  for your post. I enjoyed your brief history lesson:) And thank you very much for dropping by and making this your first post here.  Hope you stick around.


I knew it was Edward IV who defeated his opponent and that his younger brother Richard III was defeated by Henry Tudor at Bosworth Field but I had the names of the houses,  York and Lancaster,  reversed in my head.


It's a good thing I didn't get that question - I really would have looked stupid. Not that I'd ever be a contestant.


And prosperina65 is vindicated!!


Thanks for the welcome :) And you didn't sound stupid at all, it's a famously convoluted piece of history - I had to read multiple books on the topic before I could piece it all together, and it sounds like you definitely know more than the average person. It's funny, before I went on, my friends kept asking me what my ideal categories would be, and I would always say, "Wars of the Roses, Shakespearean characters, celebrity couples, and world capitals." Imagine my disbelief and excitement when one of them showed up as an actual clue (if only it had been the category, instead I got symphonies and hydrology -_-). 


Hi, TheWereCrow! I was cheering you on from the stands and was so impressed with your poise and DJ comeback. Don't blame you for choosing the beach - my sister was sad that she had to miss it to sit through a full day of tapings indoors. I was getting worried they wouldn't get around to me that day at all! Great job and glad we get to reconnect :)

  • Love 1

I still have no idea who Tubby the Tuba is, but somehow got that one anyway. 


The April Fool's stuff was so cute! And I also loved Milton's story.


I do feel like Milton's "diode" and whatever the other one was would be the worst feeling on Jeopardy -- like when I'm yelling at the TV, "It's that one guy! The one who's married to the woman from the other thing, and has been in these seven movies!" Just not knowing something is one thing, but having it on the tip of your brain but not quite make it out would be a killer. 

  • Love 3

-Milton’s wrong answer in Final Jeopardy was met with the Wheel of Fortune Bankrupt sound<<<

I know he didn't actually hear it, but I thought that was kind of rude of the show to do to him.


I'm a grinch and think all this April Fools stuff companies do has gotten out of hand, but in hindsight I can admit the stuff they did wasn't too bad (with the exception noted above). I missed the beginning and was spared pantsless Alex. I thought Watson had turned against humanity and hacked into the show. I was seriously confused. I figured it out when I saw old (younger) Alex with his mustache and out-of-style suit.

  • Love 3

I confess to missing the April Fool's Day homage completely. I was only half watching - mainly listening - so I didn't see all of the gags. I did look up just at the point Ken Jennings was answering 'turquoise' and I was completely baffled. I rewound that section several times, just to be sure my eyes weren't deceiving me, and still April Fools never occurred to me. I only figured it out after reading here.

I also guessed Singapore.

  • Love 3


16 minutes ago

opus, on 01 Apr 2016 - 11:28 PM, said:

    -Milton’s wrong answer in Final Jeopardy was met with the Wheel of Fortune Bankrupt sound<<<



I know he didn't actually hear it, but I thought that was kind of rude of the show to do to him.

I wasn't sure if he could hear it or not - I think there was another incidence of sound effects too when he was trying to come up with an answer - but I thought it would be pretty rotten of the show if he did have to hear it.  And even if he didn't hear it, I agree it was rude.

  • Love 2

I know he didn't actually hear it, but I thought that was kind of rude of the show to do to him.


I'm a grinch and think all this April Fools stuff companies do has gotten out of hand, but in hindsight I can admit the stuff they did wasn't too bad (with the exception noted above). I missed the beginning and was spared pantsless Alex. I thought Watson had turned against humanity and hacked into the show. I was seriously confused. I figured it out when I saw old (younger) Alex with his mustache and out-of-style suit.

It's like I have a twin. Same thing with me - tuned in late, figured it out at the mustache.

  • Love 3

I actually got Jakarta - which was amazing because geography just isn't my strong suit. I had dismissed Singapore (because of previously stated weakness in the subject area.) My husband guessed Singapore so we looked it up later and it is very close to the equator, so a good guess, even if it was wrong.

I loved Milton's story, enough that I was pulling for him, even though I liked the previous winner.

  • Love 1

I'm often just half listening, half watching, so the first gag I caught was Watson, because the voice was different.  I didn't delete this episode yet, thought, specifically because I wanted to check here and see if there were things I missed.  I'll have to look for the other gags.  I also didn't clue in to April 1 from Watson--I think it was the upside-down DD card when it finally clicked (guess I was watching at that point).  


I also must have been watching at the intros, because I noticed Milton doing a pec bounce during his introduction!  I'm guessing that was his personal trainer advertisement or something, but it was just ridiculous.  I was definitely not rooting for him after that.  

  • Love 2

I'm often just half listening, half watching, so the first gag I caught was Watson, because the voice was different.  I didn't delete this episode yet, thought, specifically because I wanted to check here and see if there were things I missed.  I'll have to look for the other gags.  I also didn't clue in to April 1 from Watson--I think it was the upside-down DD card when it finally clicked (guess I was watching at that point).  


I also must have been watching at the intros, because I noticed Milton doing a pec bounce during his introduction!  I'm guessing that was his personal trainer advertisement or something, but it was just ridiculous.  I was definitely not rooting for him after that.

I caught the pec thing too. It turned me off of Milton immediately.
  • Love 2

I totally forgot it was April 1st and wondered "did I just see that?" a few times before running to Twitter to restore faith in my sanity. I wish I hadn't deleted the show so I could look for all of the pranks again. I love that stuff.


The Oscar Peterson TS bummed me out because his album with Louis Armstrong is one of my favorite albums.


Oliver bugged with his slow responses.


I guessed Kuala Lumpur for FJ though I had no idea where it lies relative to the equator, but now I know. Once again, Jeopardy changes lives.

  • Love 3


WTF, Todd? Since when is Sydney an Asian city? I guessed Manila

Maybe Todd was thinking of the fact that Australia's Football Association is part of the Asian Confederation in FIFA?  I'm going to blame my answering "Sydney" on that, rather than a brain fart which wiped the CONTINENT of Australia from my memory.  After the FJ music ended, I went "Oh crap, Australia's a continent!" and switched to Jakarta but waaaaay too late.



I thought Watson had turned against humanity and hacked into the show.

Give him time.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 2

I didn't know squash was a fruit. Is there some biological fact I don't know?

I knew McDreamy and McSteamy and I've never seen "Gray's Anatomy"! Amazed that it was a TS.

I also knew the Pleiades, "The Lady Vanishes," and the proverb about women. And I feel old that no one knew "dingbat."

Good game, despite the overly easy FJ. I didn't understand the strategy of the champ in betting low.

  • Love 2

I didn't know squash was a fruit. Is there some biological fact I don't know?

Apparently, they are a fruit. I always think of them as vegetables.

"Five species are grown worldwide for their edible fruit, variously known as squash, pumpkin, or gourd depending on species, variety, and local parlance,[a] and for their seeds."


ETA - This is a better article on fruits and vegetables.


Edited by CarpeDiem54
  • Love 2

I am probably the only person who didn't know FJ, although in my defense I have almost zero literature knowledge. I even took World Literature in high school and all it did was make me loathe Herman Hesse.

I didn't know it either. I remember very few details from the books I read in high school 20 years ago. I keep telling myself to reread the books, but I've got plenty of fluffy books to read.

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