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S14.E03: Shut Up And Sew

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For all that they tried to do an edit where she only gave him stony silence, she DID offer suggestions; he wouldn't take any of them. Tim shot her down too and praised the direction Edmond was going... which turned out to bad a bad one. Tim is 3 for 3 now, right?


As soon as Tim told them to do the bathing suit, I knew they were going to be in the bottom, and she'd be going home.


I thought it meant the St. Petersburg in Russia and couldn't figure out the look at all. Is the Florida one an exotic destination? I was thinking that I would have done something with some kind of military detail and fur (or fake fur) trim because that's what St. Petersburg makes me think of. But that's the Russian one.

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Lindsey said specifically "We could always do a Kimono-esque jacket", then Jake said "Kimono's are more Japanese", and Lindsey responded "I know, it just gives it that look".  Then Jake starts doing his talking heads about how they're different cultures, blah, blah, blah....In her next talking head, Lindsey just says "A Kimono is a style of jacket"!   But Jake had been to Hong Kong, so he was an instant authority and wanted to "teach" Lindsey.  Idiot. 


It annoyed me how everybody, including Heidi, kept saying "MAR-lene" instead of "Merline.  She may bug, but pronounce her name correctly, people. 

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Jake was definitely a pouting passive aggressive baby, but the one really positive thing I have to say about him this week is that he shut down Lindsey's stupid kimono idea. I am so tired of people acting like all Asian countries are interchangeable. Hong Kong is part of China, NOT Japan, you ignorant Austin hipster, so no, a kimono is not appropriate when your inspiration is Hong Kong (the opposite happened on So You Think You Can Dance this week - a geisha character was dressed in a Chinese costume which was equally offensive in its ignorance).

Yes yes and yesss.  He is creepy as hell, but Lindsey has shown herself from the first intro show to be arrogant and intolerant of others in her sense of superiority and specialness.  In the beginning of their collaboration, she was pissed that he pushed back on her determination to do a kimono and then dug in her heels which activated his misogny and so on...  Not pleasant to witness, but I was dumbfounded that the look (I guess it was totally hers?) was in the top 3.  


I stand apart from most commenters in that I LOVED the winning look from Candace and Ashley!  I thought it was artful and sophisticated and it walked that razor-thin line between garish and brilliance (falling on the brilliance side imo).  I thought it was a tour-de-force and was thrilled that the judges saw it too. :)  Huge props to Ashley for knocking those pants out so perfectly, with the pockets to boot (agree they were too short, but didn't bother me too much).  To see their girl power in action and the mutual respect between them was pure joy too. 


Joseph also showed his ass early on in the intro episode so I was not at all surprised he can't play well with others.  Merline is not my favorite by a long shot and I totally question her aesthetic, but my heart went out to her in having to "step into line" under his forceful "tutelage".  Yuck.  That look was horrendous - and his dress was overly simple, rigid AND incredibly poorly fitting, the cape was stiff and ridiculous.  I noticed when Tim gave his critique using the dreaded word "matronly" as he was walking away Joseph shot a glance to Merline and said "we'll see" about changing the look.  Idiot.  I will say that I appreciate someone thinking of designing for the more mature woman and I liked that Zac Posen acknowledged the need and legitimacy for that.  Didn't love Lindsay's assy comment that "no one wants to look like an old woman."  I really dislike her try-hard hipsterness with the fire of a thousand suns.


Swapnil and Laurie are both professional and human and I love watching their creative process. Didn't love the fit of the pants at all though.  My god Swapnil is dreamy.  I still miss my adorable Daniel though.


Agree with everything that's been said about Edmond and Han Miao.


Lastly, I did love the Greek Isles look, but my Blake hate has not waned.  

Edited by ursulaandress
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Well, that was enlightening. Apparently Joseph likes making people feel small because it's his only shot at being around people smaller than he is. Those scenes of him helpfully demeaning Merline into being essentially his seamstress were deeply uncomfortable to watch. His dress (and wow, way to pretend you had to carry your partner when you were using her as an extra set of hands on your design, asshole) reminded me of the dresses cabin attendants on airplanes started wearing in the eighties to deter sexual harassment.


Another really feeble effort from Amanda, who has either never had to sew for a female body before or just can't sew.


I would have given Austin girl a pass on the kimono jacket because Hong Kong was a pan-asian space for many years before China got it back. Then she tried the  "kimono style" dodge. Yes, dear. Kimono is a style of jacket. Which is called kimono style because it resembles a garment they wear in Japan. For someone who presents herself as cerebral, she sure is a parochial little thing.


I'm torn about the winner. I thought Ashley's and Candice's outfit was better made, but I thought Swapnil and Laurie's was more beautiful. I was still pleased to see that the two teams who conspicuously respected each other were in the top. 

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I don't think any of the designers in those three squabbling teams came across well.  I hated the winning look.


My advice to designers?  Don't listen to Tim Gunn!  As others have noted above, lately when designers listen to Tim Gunn, they go wrong.  Tim basically told Hanmiao to go with Edmond's swimsuit look, and she got sent home.  In the previous episode, IIRC, Tim encouraged the guy who got sent home to continue with his jacket and card letter look.  I think there are other examples as well (including from last season) when Tim's advice led to a designer being sent home.  Then at judging, Tim never owns up to the fact that he gave the wrong advice and steered the designer wrong.

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I kept wondering if they meant Florida or Russia.

Well, we used to refer to St. Pete, FL as "home of the newly wed and nearly dead", so maybe that's what they were shooting for - the retiree customer.


I didn't like how Jake talked to Lindsay, his whole approach was childish, but one issue I had with Lindsay was that she never told HIM that.

I agree with this so much!  I spent many years working in a male dominated industry, and I learned early on the best way to handle this kind of thing is to be straightforward.  I would look them in the eye and say matter-of-factly, "I don't like being called sweetie.  Please don't do it again."  It was almost always effective, and I don't remember anyone ever getting mad at me about it.  In fact, I think they usually respected and liked me more because I addressed the issue head on.  Lindsey just let it keep bothering her without doing anything to fix it.


ETA:  I was kidding about it being St. Pete, FL, because retirees...  It was obviously supposed to be St. Petersburg. Russia, although the provided fabric seemed dubious for a Russian theme.

Edited by TrueBlue
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GAW8LMs.jpgJwVnV2B.jpg Grandma Saracen,     I'm with you !! The best part of any episode of PR is the appearance of Swatch.  Missing him and the trips to Mood.


I miss the trips to Mood, too, and seeing Swatch!!


Did I read somewhere in a thread for one of the previous episodes that they are not filming at Parsons or in Manhattan?  Perhaps that is the reason for no trips to Mood?  If they are filming in one of the outer boroughs, and given the fact that the designers are only allowed less than a day to complete a challenge, then a trip to Mood may not be feasible.


Another thing I thought of, was that the producers knew ahead of time who was going to be paired with whom, and figured there would be some arguments, and the designers would never get out of Mood on time, because they would be arguing over fabric choices.


I loved the Greek look, and was surpised that it was safe.  I really thought the Hong Kong look would have been in the bottom three.  I just couldn't wrap my head around it, at all, and given the fighting in the team, it just seemed that's where it was going.


While I appreciated the work of winning look, I thought the floral print of the cape was just too much.  I hate when one week the judges say there are too many ideas in one look and lambaste that look, and then, the next week, the same thing happens and it's applauded.  Also, with all the cowling on the back of the top, I would imagine that the cape didn't lay flat on the model's back.  


I also didn't understand how so many of the looks were supposed to transition from day to evening.  I couldn't imagine sightseeing off-ship in Hong Kong in that get-up, nor the St. Petersburg one.  They both seemed more "cocktail party-ish" to me.  And, where, for the love of all things, would a women be wearing a bikini made out of non-stretch material to go swimming, and then to dinner on a fancy cruise ship?  At least the Greek look and the India look offered some semblance of staying within the parameters of the challenge, along with the winning look.

Edited by njbchlover
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The kimono issue reminded me of when Viktor and Bert were a twosome in a previous season and Viktor was describing a sexy "Victorian" bodice.  Bert noted that it would be Elizabethan, not Victorian and it all went downhill from there.


And can we all just agree, NO MORE CAPES.  Particularly now that Edna Mode has left the building.

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I hated the winning look, too clownish. I liked the India look with the sari over the pants and tops, but the pants were horrible. I don't think they were meant to be "drop crotch" , which is an awful look anyway, even when intentional. None of these looks were very good. As far as people, I only like Edmund and Swapnil (sp?).

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I though Tim was encouraging Edmund and Hanmaio to go more of a romper/shorts and shirt route with the long skirt, when he said sunsuit. I probably misinterpreted the whole exchange though. 


I liked the winning look. I thought you could see both Candice and Ashley's style in the pieces. I liked mix of prints as well.

Edited by Misslindsey
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What. a. set. up.


Another TPTB driven button bag.

Well done Tim for leading another designer astray - seriously, he of all people should know that swimwear would be a cliche and he saw their fabrics. Should we start a weekly 'Tims worst advice' drinking game? Judging from Hanmiao's previous looks she could've done something nice with this brief. I found Edmond exhausting. With his immunity he could've given her some room to design something more in her wheelhouse and then settle for making something to complement it. But no.


Lindsey and Jake were only in the top so their non existing team work could be criticized.

The St. Petersburg look was hideous. Fashionable Russians are quite on par with, for example, the French nowadays. Maybe if Bunny McDougal takes a cruise to Baltic Sea.

Some of those fabrics they got were quite ugly and looked cheap. Team Greece was quite right not to use it too much. Shame Blake was so nasty with the fabrics - Team South of France could have done so much better with more white in their design.


The guest judge (never heard of her tbh) was a breath of fresh air.

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Great minds think alike, I thought the exact same thing, to me it was too literal, and too much! I have a costume my daughter wore a few years back different color but close in design and pattern. All that was missing was black gloves and belt her costume came with.

Can we please go to Mood next week. I want them to pick out fabric and I need my Swatch fix!

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I think the major problem with teams that can't work together is the fact that they're all used to either working alone or calling the shots. I wonder if any of them have ever truly collaborated before. In those cases, you bounce ideas off each other and consider each other's POVs. Specifically, with Lindsey and Jake, this became a huge issue. Yes, Lindsey was wrong about incorporating a kimono in a Hong Kong inspired design. But after Jake pointed that out, he never offered an alternative by saying something like, "That's really a Japanese style. In Hong Kong, you'd see something more like this," and then shows or describes another design option. I could be wrong, but I was a bit distracted while watching and don't recall him doing so. In the absence of a suggestion for something more appropriate, I don't recall Lindsey prompting him for another suggestion by saying something like, "OK, do you have something in mind that's more in line with Hong Kong?" Instead, she didn't hear alternatives and barreled ahead with her initial idea.


I predict Jake will eventually fizzle in a team challenge when he reveals, on the runway, that he never stuck up for his idea. Lindsey will fizzle out by taking on too much and completely failing with a particular look. Also? Given their inability to work together, I'll bet they're on the same team again very soon.

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I was shocked the Grecian look was safe. I thought it was beautiful, not derivative (no togas), and actually was designed. I thought the India look was going to be gorgeous, but the draping was SO SAFE and boring. Did anyone see how it was jamming in Tracee Ellis Ross' armpit when she tried it on? Also, if the majority of people hated the pants, I call shenanigans on it being top.


This show has always had plenty of drama when they had 2-3 days to make their outfits, starting as early as Season 1, so I don't see why the producers need to try and create even more, especially since each season they seem to cast more for personality than for major talent. 8 hours is ridiculous.... if they gave them til midnight that means they started at 4pm (ridiculous) and if they started earlier didn't give them to midnight like they ALWAYS do, that's ridiculous too! I want a solid 2-3 day challenge and I want a trip to Mood.

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I call BS on the phony (IMO) Tracee Ellis Ross / designer whose name I can't remember love fest.  I mean, I am a big fan of Tracee Ellis Ross and she's hilarious (and a really good guest judge), but what young girl was watching Girlfriends (which ran from 2000 to 2008, by the way, how old could the designer have been?) to see what Tracee's character was wearing?  First of all, it's a sitcom, so she's dressed in costumes.  And then, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think she's exactly known as a style icon on the red carpet, at least not to my knowledge.  And then she happens to mention TER, and *boom* she's the guest judge the very same week!  What a coincidence.


Anyway, I agree with those who think the winning look had way too much going on.  Why have that beautiful drop cowl on the back if you are going to cover it up with the shawl thing?  And also, that just made the outfit bulky.  Plus I hated the pants.  Way to make a waif thin model look like she had huge thighs, imagine what that would do to a regular size woman?  Plus the pants were definitely too short.  Rather than pair them with flats, though, I think they just should have been longer and worn with heels.


The drama was annoying and ridiculous and I can't believe there is anyone watching that's not a newbee that really thinks the team pairings are remotely random.  Joseph (paraphrasing):  "Oh my God, I hope I get anyone but Merline."  "Joseph...you will be paired with Merline."  Please.   And, even if the outfit they made wasn't godawful, it could have at least fit.  It didn't even do that, Joseph, you have no leg to stand on claiming you design for an older customer to justify that mess.  And, while he was a complete tool, I absolutely do not understand why Merline put up with his successful attempt to completely control her.  And when she and Joseph explained that dynamic to Tim, he laughed?  WTF? 


Edited to add, who said "shut up and sew?"  I missed it. 

Edited by mansonlamps
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I really liked the South of France look, especially those elegant pants. What is wrong with me?


You are not alone, I LOVED it - and thought it would easily be in the top three, and perhaps the front runner.  Perhaps in person it came across much worse.  God only knows what Zac saw once he lifted the top when he took a peek!! 

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I will say that I appreciate someone thinking of designing for the more mature woman and I liked that Zac Posen acknowledged the need and legitimacy for that.


Yeah, now that he works for Brooks Brothers Women, he's suddenly realizing that not everyone wants to look like a teenage hooker, and has an appreciation for women over 25.  Too bad Joseph isn't going to give us anything but mumsy.


Yes, Lindsey was wrong about incorporating a kimono in a Hong Kong inspired design. But after Jake pointed that out, he never offered an alternative by saying something like, "That's really a Japanese style. In Hong Kong, you'd see something more like this," and then shows or describes another design option. I could be wrong, but I was a bit distracted while watching and don't recall him doing so. In the absence of a suggestion for something more appropriate, I don't recall Lindsey prompting him for another suggestion by saying something like, "OK, do you have something in mind that's more in line with Hong Kong?" Instead, she didn't hear alternatives and barreled ahead with her initial idea.


Jake did suggest a jacket in black (?) with lapels made from that green and gold fabric, but LIndsey threw up all over that idea.  I don't know if he had other ideas that she also threw up all over.

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All I know is---THANK THE SEWING GODS that Meow-Meow is GONE! Dang, but I couldn't stand her creepy-weird passive-aggressiveness, not to mention her bizarre fashion aesthetic.

Agreed.  Having a POV is fine, but she seemed so welded into it, it was almost painful to watch her.  


Jake did suggest a jacket in black (?) with lapels made from that green and gold fabric, but LIndsey threw up all over that idea.

I kinda did myself.  Visions of tacky 70's era wedding singer tuxedos came to mind.

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One of my favorite parts of the show remains Zac's enthusiasm for touching the garments.  As a knitter who could spend all day squeezing yarn, I can relate.  And I admire passion in other people.  Zac has a passion for these clothes.  Also - is it just me or is he going less for the zingers this year?  I feel like he's giving great critiques, saying things of substance instead of trying to make Michael Kors style jokes.

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I kept wondering if they meant Florida or Russia.



They *had* to have meant Russia. What makes St. Petersburg, Florida comparable to all those other "exotic" locations? That being said.... Joseph’s “girl” probably was from Florida. 

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Had to have meant Russia. Miami would have been chosen over St. Petersburg, FL!

And I would have gone for a Faberge'-egg look (maybe a plain but jewel-tone jacket over a top of intricate design, IDK).

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I though Tim was encouraging Edmund and Hanmaio to go more of a romper/shorts and shirt route with the long skirt, when he said sunsuit. I probably misinterpreted the whole exchange though. 


I liked the winning look. I thought you could see both Candice and Ashley's style in the pieces. I liked mix of prints as well.

I'd have sworn he said "swimsuit," not "sunsuit," but I may have misheard. I do wonder, though, why a swimsuit would be considered daywear for wandering around a port city. But a lot of those looks didn't fit that definition of daywear. Among other things, they should probably all have been designed to wear with comfortable but still stylish flats that could be swapped out for heels for night.

I did not think the winning pants were too short and thought they would have been too long for flats, but I always think so many women now look like they are going to walk all over their pant hems. I like them to be short enough not to drag the ground and get dirty and stepped on, particularly wide-legged pants.

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I'm not an Edmond fan, but it's just as well he had immunity this week.  The non-stretch swimsuit with unhemmed skirt was horrible and someone had to pay.  


From the first two episodes, it's soooo obvious that thing couldn't have been any further from little Pistachio's boxy Frigidaire-robot style.  But if Edmond had also been on the block, there would have been a bloodbath of blame and Hanmiaou would have gone home anyway, so . . . good, I guess. 


At least she has the consolation of knowing she didn't get the auf for her own (odd) vision.



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Russia didn't even cross my mind because I assumed you couldn't take a cruise there, at least on this cruise ship.  Also I live off assumptions and in my mind it'd always be too cold for the kind of outfit they were assigned.


If they're critiquing the fabric choices and the designers didn't get to choose...I'd like to hear what the judges would have done instead.  Maybe give them swatches of what was available for use.  It seems a little unfair to make it a heavy part of the judgment process.  


I call BS on the phony (IMO) Tracee Ellis Ross / designer whose name I can't remember love fest.  I mean, I am a big fan of Tracee Ellis Ross and she's hilarious (and a really good guest judge), but what young girl was watching Girlfriends (which ran from 2000 to 2008, by the way, how old could the designer have been?) to see what Tracee's character was wearing?  First of all, it's a sitcom, so she's dressed in costumes.  And then, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think she's exactly known as a style icon on the red carpet, at least not to my knowledge.  And then she happens to mention TER, and *boom* she's the guest judge the very same week!  What a coincidence.


I thought Laurie's love of Tracee Ellis Ross was genuine.  I don't think she's that good of an actor.  I think they actually just got lucky with this one, or they brought TER in so they could have this moment of drama.  


Reading all the comments about Tim Gunn, stepping onto the grassy knoll...are they sandbagging him?  His salary has to be crazy high at this point, since he was essentially the heart of the show for years.  Maybe he's not that terrible.  Maybe they're setting up his exit.

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Edited to add, who said "shut up and sew?"  I missed it. 


Joseph did, with every patronizing speech and look he directed at Merline. But I'm not sure anyone said those exact words.

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I could not love any of the super high waisted pants.

I so miss when they actually had 2 days to work, I think this particular group could really do something great with a second day.

Also I think the safe outfit was the best.

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Hong Kong as a city is probably many levels of magnitude more sophisticated and cosmopolitan than Austin, and is pretty much the New York of Asia. Yes, traditional fabrics and styles are used (not unlike the cowboy wear in Texas) but influences are from everywhere. I found this video from HK Fashion Week - amusingly enough, the first designer interviewed talks about being influenced by the Japanese kimono!

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Russia didn't even cross my mind because I assumed you couldn't take a cruise there, at least on this cruise ship.  Also I live off assumptions and in my mind it'd always be too cold for the kind of outfit they were assigned.

Florida didn't even cross MY mind, because why St Pete's? Why not Miami? Or Boca? How does St P's FL make it into the day trip resort cruise category with those other cities? Why would anyone take a cruise ship to Florida?  It HAD to be Russia, right?

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I thought the striped top on the winning look looked like it was being pooped out from beneath the flowered cape.

The pants were too short and the pleats were unflattering. The striped top should have been more fitted if it was being paired with flowy pants and a big cape.

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 I do wonder, though, why a swimsuit would be considered daywear for wandering around a port city. But a lot of those looks didn't fit that definition of daywear. Among other things, they should probably all have been designed to wear with comfortable but still stylish flats that could be swapped out for heels for night.

I spent a couple of weeks in St George, Grenada (which would be where people on cruise ships end up when they come to Grenada) and I didn't see a single person wandering around town in a bathing suit/cover-up ensemble. Even people on Grand Anse beach weren't always in swim wear unless they planned to go in the water.


The Carribbean is really hot and humid. The sun is deadly near the equator. Unless you are naturally dark skinned, you can't spend the whole day playing tourist in something that exposes lots of skin, and unless you want to be ridiculously uncomfortable, you're not going to want to wear something tight on your skin all day either. You're also unlikely to go back to the ship and immediately have dinner without a shower to rinse off the sweat, bug spray and sunscreen, so a Day-toEvening look makes little sense to begin with.


I know Grenada isn't the top tourist spot of the Carribbean (thank god!) but the cruise ships do dock there and the weather around the outside of the island is pretty much the same as other more popular places. Plus many countries in that region are fairly conservative, so it would be considered inappropriate to go about the city in a bikini top with a open beach wrap covering up a skimpy bikini bottom. The entire look was poorly conceived, and both Tim and Edmond should have listened when Hanmiao tried to steer it away from "poolside".

Edited by slothgirl
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I hated the winning look, just hated it! I thought it was dowdy and the cape looked like the smock I wore at six years old when I finger painted.


Loved the Greek outfit, even though I rolled my eyes at the thought of yet more blue and white to indicate Greece. Wish we'd gotten to see more of it.

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Joseph did, with every patronizing speech and look he directed at Merline. But I'm not sure anyone said those exact words.

The contestant who was behavior nannying was Joseph. The contestant who said shut up was Pistachio. Who, parenthetically, was exceptionally rude, considering that her partner acknowledged his privileged position and made a concerted effort to do what she wanted.

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I thought the Greek look should have been in top three.


Also I think the safe outfit was the best.

I also thought it was the best, so I guess I should feel lucky they were safe.  My first thought when I liked it was, "so that means it's going to be bottom three?"


I hated the winning look.  It looked sloppy, and it didn't fit very well.  And a cape over the drappy back?  I don't get it at all

And the pants were kind of awful towards the top, the waist and the back seam.  But the capelet over the back drape? WTF?


The South of France pants were better, I thought - in fit and construction.  But the top was horrible, all bunched up under the armpits and stretched in a weird way.


I knew Hanmiao was not long for this show although I think in the real world her stuff has a market.   It's interesting and downtown looking. much more interesting than Edmond's stuff.    The way it was shown I was sympathetic to him, since she just WOULD not say what she wanted.  Of course the design was hideous and that was all him - and why in gods name did he want to make a bathing suit out of non-stretch cotton?  I felt like the language difference might have played a part in her not talking enough to Edmond - partly that she as some have suggested needs to work things out in her head and verbal brainstorming just spins her brain around - but also that once she has an idea she needs to put it into English and that's not immediate.  She would have had this problem no matter who she got paired with.


Still no Mood. I miss Swatch!




I kept wondering if they meant Florida or Russia.

Crikey! I thought it was Russia! That makes soooo much more sense. I'm such a doofus.

I still think it was Russia, since Joseph's keywords were opulent and garish.  It's a port city, so it's not like you couldn't park a cruise ship there. And Florida would have suggested MUCH more hot weather appropriate clothing.


ETA: because Jake isn't Joseph.  Sorry I still can't keep everybody's name straight.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Russia didn't even cross my mind because I assumed you couldn't take a cruise there, at least on this cruise ship.  Also I live off assumptions and in my mind it'd always be too cold for the kind of outfit they were assigned.

You can get to St. Petersburg, Russia via the Baltic Sea.  A cruise there could include Oslo, Copenhagen, Gothenburg/Stockholm, maybe Danzig, Helsinki and Tallinn. After reading comments I thought maybe St. Petersburg, FL was the intended city.  At least the fabric could invoke flamingos.  I don't know why pink/lavender would signify St. Petersburg, Russia.


There was a scene with Candice and Ashley that was funny.  It came after Hanmiao told Edmond to shut up.  Candice and Ashley were discussing the pants' crotch during the model fitting & afterwards Ashley looks at Candace and jokingly says, "Shut up!" 


I think if Edmond had not had immunity he would have gone home because the yellow skirt was worse than the bad swimsuit.  At least the swimsuit had some construction.  The yellow skirt was worse than something Anya would make.

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I think if Edmond had not had immunity he would have gone home because the yellow skirt was worse than the bad swimsuit.  At least the swimsuit had some construction.  The yellow skirt was worse than something Anya would make.

It looked like the skirt Ashley was wearing.

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I understand all the hate for Jake & Joseph, but if I had been paired with either of those women there would have been some serious stabbing going on.

Didn't like the winning look, but loved Ashley & Candice together. And please please let Swapnil make it to the end just so I can look into his eyes every week!

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WRT Joanne? Laurie's (?) love for TER being so timely, I don't think there's a conspiracy going on.  I just figured the producers ask a lot of questions in interviews with the contestants, one of which might be something like, "Is there a person on TV or in the movies who exemplifies your aesthetic or whose clothing you admire?"  They got lucky this time that (person whose name I don't remember) actually mentioned one of their judges, and they were able to make it part of the story line. 

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Why did the judges make so many comments regarding the fabric when the contestants had no choice in the matter besides some supplemental basic solids?

Is Ashley's sickly green/yellow/orange cartoon color foundation part of her whole fun/funkey/fat thing? Along with the gray/purple hair I always think the cats have somehow fiddled with the color settings on my television but everyone else's skin tones seem like ones normally found in nature.

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WRT Joanne? Laurie's (?) love for TER being so timely, I don't think there's a conspiracy going on.  I just figured the producers ask a lot of questions in interviews with the contestants, one of which might be something like, "Is there a person on TV or in the movies who exemplifies your aesthetic or whose clothing you admire?"  They got lucky this time that (person whose name I don't remember) actually mentioned one of their judges, and they were able to make it part of the story line. 


I figured it was even simpler than that - that after the runway show, when Laurie was filming her talking head one of the producers said, "You became very emotional when you saw Tracee Ellis Ross was a judge. Can you tell us more about why that meant so much to you?" Then they showed her response before the runway, so we'd understand why she was so excited when she saw her.

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I call BS on the phony (IMO) Tracee Ellis Ross / designer whose name I can't remember love fest.  I mean, I am a big fan of Tracee Ellis Ross and she's hilarious (and a really good guest judge), but what young girl was watching Girlfriends (which ran from 2000 to 2008, by the way, how old could the designer have been?) to see what Tracee's character was wearing?  First of all, it's a sitcom, so she's dressed in costumes.  And then, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think she's exactly known as a style icon on the red carpet, at least not to my knowledge.  And then she happens to mention TER, and *boom* she's the guest judge the very same week!  What a coincidence.

Tracee Ellis Ross was a model and a contributing editor to Mirabella, so she has some fashion cred. Plus, she has a strong social media presence very devoted to beauty and style, and I think her hair is inspirational to a lot of women. Her experience in the industry and her excellent education were evident last night. 


I would have given the boot to Joseph this week. I know the judges go week by week, challenge by challenge (when it's convenient for them), but he hasn't produced anything special and I don't see him improving. Hanmiao's look last week was strong, and I think she had the potential to create more creative garments. 


At this point, I'm thinking everyone but Ashley, Swapnil, and Candice are just waiting to be eliminated. Edmond has the potential to be the token contestant who generally impresses during the show and flounders at Fashion Week, and Gabrielle could be a sleeper. All three of her looks have been weak, but her pre-show portfolio indicates talent.   

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I think if Edmond had not had immunity he would have gone home because the yellow skirt was worse than the bad swimsuit.  At least the swimsuit had some construction.  The yellow skirt was worse than something Anya would make.


If Edmond had not had immunity, I think he would have fought harder to do something more interesting because he would have known he could go home. Since he knew he was safe no matter what, I don't think he tried very hard to make the look better (though he did do that last-ditch effort with a different swimsuit because I think he realized the original really was awful).


I think the two of them spent more time arguing and not communicating with one another than actually getting any work done.

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This was an odd challenge for the reasons several of you have discussed.  My take on the outfits:


Candice and Ashley:   I liked the striped top with the red pants, but didn't get the big swag hanging down the back.  Stop it at her belt line so that it doesn't hang out from under the cape.   Speaking of the cape, that fabric was pretty but the cape or whatever it was was a whole lot of WTF.   It looked like a tea pot cozy.  All she needed was a big pom-pom on top of her head.   I don't understand why they weren't called out for throwing the kitchen sink at this challenge.  I'm not terribly unhappy with the win, though, as it was something different and interesting.


Swapnil and Laurie:  I'd have given these two the win.   Sure the top and pants weren't exactly ground breaking and those pants had some crotch fit issues, but they were pretty pieces and once you put the fabric drape over top the outfit was gorgeous.  I don't understand why they didn't win.


Kelly and Blake:   Shades of Anya, although it looked better made than anything Anya ever sent down the runway.  I'm really tired of halter top jump suits cut down to the waistline.   The colors were pretty, though (not that they chose them), and it had the feel of a resort on the Mediterranean (or so I imagine).  Fine, not great, but fine.


Joseph and Merline:   OMG, Joseph needs to get over himself.  Merline isn't the reason he sewed a crappy ill-fitting dress.  He was in charge the whole time.  The cape/drape/whatever was weird but it was much more interesting than the darn dress.  Joseph didn't understand the criticism he was getting either.  HE was the reason it was dowdy.  He's designing for Junior League ladies in a small to medium sized southern city who has aged out of Lilly Pulitzer, not a mature woman who is "fashion forward".  If he keeps it up, he won't last long.  


Amanda and Gabrielle:   That outfit reminded me of junior high school.  Remember when girls first start doing their hair, but don't realize that you have to do it all the way around not just the part that's easy to see in the mirror?  That outfit is the clothing equivalent of a Farrah Fawcett hairdo on a 7th grader in the 70's.  Lots of action up front, little or nothing in the back.  This actually had potential, too.  Trim that wackadoodle piece hanging down front or do something that carries it around to the back.  


Lindsay and Jake:   As the judges said, they're lucky the fabrics were pretty.   No, a kimono isn't representative of Hong Kong in any way shape or form but Jake's ideas weren't any more Chinese inspired than hers were.  I wish they'd used one of those classic column dresses as the inspiration.


Hanmiao and Edmund:  Edmund had some taste issues, for sure, but Hanmiao wouldn't talk or collaborate.  She was right, however, early on that they didn't need to do a bathing suit.  She shouldn't have made one.   Let him do a suit if he insists, then she could have done one of her boxy things as the dress over top.  That outfit would have gotten them a failing grade in Home Ec, let alone Project Runway.  I was hoping Hanmiao aka Pistachio lasted longer because I'd have liked to have seen what she can do but I really don't think she's cut out for this competition.

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Florida didn't even cross MY mind, because why St Pete's? Why not Miami? Or Boca? How does St P's FL make it into the day trip resort cruise category with those other cities? Why would anyone take a cruise ship to Florida?  It HAD to be Russia, right?


It was Russia.   You could see the city skyline outline when they were grabbing suitcases.   I thought there would be rich velvets and red colors, but I guess the brocade was supposed to be lush.  The lavender color was the confusing part.

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