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S17.E07: Episode 7

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I started out liking most everyone. Then I became annoyed by some, and didn't hate anyone. Now, I'm annoyed by most of them, HATE Clay and Shelli, and am now going to root for Vanessa, Steve, John, Austin, and yes, Audrey. I still may find some of that group annoying, and I reserve the right to change my mind later on (especially as regards Austin, who is on probation for the JaseBro debacle,) but I can't help but wish for Audrey to get some mojo back and tear through that house of fools. Starting with Clay and Shelli on the block together, after Veto. Make it happen, Grodner, and I'll consider forgiving you.

  • Love 7

I guess we know why Da' is a poker dealer not a poker player because girl has no poker face. She looked throughout the selection like she was there under gunpoint or something, like "how did I end up living with all these morons?" She has near-zero control of her emotions.


Audrey really needs to use suscreen so her face isn't as red as a tomato. She also needs to trust if people say they are keeping her safe. But she was right that Clay talks down to everyone especially her. He just gets "that tone" and the 'pfft whatever' look on his face. It was Audrey's bad to talk to him about it at all especially to him, but it's his bad that he can't turn off the douchenozzle long enough to just say "Nah, you'e good, no probs!" instead of 'Well I'm totally not doing that and if you keep daring to ask me about again we'll put you on the block because remember we saved your ass." He's not exactly Joe Smooth.


Oh and aslo, when Austin doesn't have his hair tied back he totally has Wierd Al hair!

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3

Of course tools Shelli and Clay would actually have the hutzpah to try and get John not to use the veto...does his name look like Marcellus? I don't particuarly like John but I was cheering him not being cowed into stupidity.


Audrey nearly talking herself onto the block was a sight to behold...she is crazy cakes but the segment when she was fixing her hair I was all  "Damn she's hot. I can't believe she use to be a dude!"


I would like to have seen the diary room where production planted the idea into Austin's head to try and get Liz saved. He was heretofore INVISIBLE previously for the entire episode until he was "needed": to help save the twin twist. Speaking of production...no doubt they will manipulate the last laugh for Da'Vonne to stay in the house in order to make war on Ken and Barbie...losing Meg is a character BB can afford to lose.


Random moment of the night was Liz leaning over James playing with his shirt. We all know he LOVED that.


Becky is so damn wishy washy that she didn't even care she had been played for a fool about the backdooring Audrey,

  • Love 1

Every time they show Shelli and Clay in bed cuddling it makes me cringe. Just no.

They truly are a disgusting couple.  Drunk with power with a snotty attitude.  Audrey is right about Clay, but calling him on it is really stupid.  Just thank the idiot for "saving" you and lay low.


Clay is too stupid to see how stupid he is while aggressively thinking he knows everything.

  • Love 11

Oh, all right. I still kind of want to smack him in his DRs, but I've come around on John. He was pretty awesome tonight. First in the diary room "Uh, Nooooo!" - the one time his outside voice was warranted. But I also loved his answer to poor Shelli's question of who she should put up now - 'I don't really care'. Because he knows Day is the target, why should he help Shelli minimize the target on her back?

Shelli and Clay had some balls. HOHitis at its worst. Thinking everyone should be willing and happy to lay down their game for a week, just so the HOH can get what they want with no blood on their hands. Happens every year, and annoys me every time.

Can you imagine Audrey as HOH? I kind of want to see that. It could be epic.

  • Love 12

I think I'm starting to come around on John. I'll like him a lot more when he stops shouting in the DR. There's one every season. I can't believe the audacity of asking someone on the block not to use the Veto that they won on themselves. I did love John's answer, though. Not an outright no and laughter like it should have been but "People would know we're working together then". Much smarter answer.


Shelli and Clay are boring. Together and separately. 


I love that they stole the giraffe from the Veto competition and brought her into the house. Pretty cute skirt it was wearing on its romp through the house.


Actually on the Feeds Shelli said VANESSA is the one who convinced her


The live feeds and the broadcast show are two different things most seasons. It's like a game for me, seeing what matches up and what doesn't. 

  • Love 1

I started out liking most everyone. Then I became annoyed by some, and didn't hate anyone. Now, I'm annoyed by most of them, HATE Clay and Shelli, and am now going to root for Vanessa, Steve, John, Austin, and yes, Audrey. I still may find some of that group annoying, and I reserve the right to change my mind later on (especially as regards Austin, who is on probation for the JaseBro debacle,) but I can't help but wish for Audrey to get some mojo back and tear through that house of fools. Starting with Clay and Shelli on the block together, after Veto. Make it happen, Grodner, and I'll consider forgiving you.

Sounds like a typical reaction to a season of Big Brother to me.

  • Love 5

Go, Johnny Mac! He busted his ass and won that veto. Good for you, you obnoxiously loud, oftimes annoying, skinnier Peeta Mellark. And Clay and Shellie....what a lot of hubris to think John should just remain on the block and not use his veto. Get out of here with that. He already did your dirty work, threw the comp (sort of, Da sucking didn't hurt either), but now he's supposed to just offer himself up as a sacrifice? Sure, he's safe, he's safe. But we all know anything can happen in this game. It would be incredibly foolish not to pull yourself off the block when you can. 


Not only that, but it would be a dumb game move. What would the entire house think? You want to just put all your alliances and strategies out on front street? Dumb. 


Austin, OTOH, was pretty impressive last night. Finally, someone lying the proper way - not just lying to lie because it's BB and that's what we do. No, he had a pretty good reason that not only benefited him (keep a friend safe), but also made much more sense for the HOH's strategy. Meg, being super friendly with all of Da's friends, but not nearly as abrasive, has less of a risk of going home. Plus, Austin handled it the right way - subtle, small, believable, and didn't feel the need to bring a bunch of people into it and risk exposing himself. 


Now that the barnacle known as Jace is off his side, he might be interesting to watch. 

  • Love 9

Guess nobody noticed the incoming twin was wearing a different colored top

I didn't pay enough attention, but I thought they changed.


Either way, I think everyone else was asleep.



It would be incredibly foolish not to pull yourself off the block when you can.

I think I would vote for my closest ally if they were stupid enough to have a veto and not use it to get themselves off the block.

Edited by Skittl1321
  • Love 1
Every time they show Shelli and Clay in bed cuddling it makes me cringe. Just no.


Ugh, so over them. "Hi, we're a hot showmance and we're going to rule the house". Oh hell no. 


Oh and aslo, when Austin doesn't have his hair tied back he totally has Wierd Al hair!


I totally had the same thought! He's like a bigger, beefier, scarier Weird Al. 


I think that's how Austin planned it. I don't remember the details, but I remember him in the diary room saying that he needs to get Vanessa on board, or something like that.


Yea, he definitely planned it like that. Maybe he thinks Shellie is closer to/more apt to believe Vanessa. But for whatever reason it worked. 

  • Love 1

The BBtakeover seems to be officially a bust -- between Sunday's show and tonight's show, there is only a fleeting mention of it at the end of each episode.  


Are they really expecting the audience to remember back to last Thursday's episode where Kathy Griffin might have mentioned something about a phone. 

I, for one, remembered the phone thing.  Every time one segment would end, I would expect to hear a phone ringing to start a new segment on the last laugh twist.  


And, add me to the list of people who thought the veto competition was pretty difficult.  KG whipped through each list so quickly that, even though it was only about 15-20 seconds, I couldn't even really remember what the first few things on the list were by the time she got to the end.

  • Love 1

I, for one, remembered the phone thing.  Every time one segment would end, I would expect to hear a phone ringing to start a new segment on the last laugh twist.  


I too remember and waiting for it.  It's a big deal for a phone to be brought into the house, I thought they would really highlight it.  I haven't heard it at all - did I miss it?  Because I read on the live thread it's already been played out.

Having just watched my first episode of this season (because real life), I've come away with this one thought;  No matter what, the HGs are still slobs.  The kitchen would give me nightmares! I saw that poor twin almost puke from the mess in the sink.  Don't they have an automatic dishwasher in the house?  If not, they surely need one.


Surely they can get a more diverse variety of HGs.  


And, add me to the list of people who thought the veto competition was pretty difficult.  KG whipped through each list so quickly that, even though it was only about 15-20 seconds, I couldn't even really remember what the first few things on the list were by the time she got to the end.

I've heard that most people have trouble remembering a list with more than five items. The comp used seven. The trick is to combine things to shorten the list, so if you need to remember a giraffe and a hat, put a hat-wearing giraffe on your list instead of the two separate items.

  • Love 2

I've heard that most people have trouble remembering a list with more than five items. The comp used seven. The trick is to combine things to shorten the list, so if you need to remember a giraffe and a hat, put a hat-wearing giraffe on your list instead of the two separate items.

Interesting tip...I could definitely see that working if you have time to review and study the list.  it just seemed like there was barely even time for one item to register before KG was finishing the next item on the list.  And, let's face it, these HGs are not exactly mental giants, so I'm impressed that most of them seemed to have little difficulty in remembering what was on each list.

  • Love 3

I've watched this show long enough to know these Houseguests are always slobs, but when Liz (or Julia?) went into the kitchen and could barely stand the smell, I marveled at the sink and countertop overflowing with dirty dishes. That means everyone is basically using dishes, glasses, etc., and then just leaving them in the sink, as though they expect someone else to come along and wash them. Probably because that's how they were all raised, in a barn. {shakes cane}


They have so many rules on this show it's a wonder the don't just make another rule that any dishes or utensils you use, you have to clean them up yourself, as soon as you're finished with them. If nothing else some of these HGs could walk out of there having learned how to clean the eff up after themselves!


The veto comp was tough but I think the key was memorizing the first two or three things because the missing items were always one of the first on the list. Obviously it would be easier to remember the last couple of things listed - by the time you get to five it's hard to remember the first couple. I think by the time anyone would have figured out the trick the comp was over.


It occurs to me that without his crazy hair and tattoos Austin might actually be attractive.


Clay, on the other hand  . . . what's up with that hair? Cody wore his the same way last year: shaved around the sides and pompadour on top. Is that a style? Trend? Thing? In SoCal? With male models? He looks like an idiot. Which is just as well, because it negates any attractiveness he might otherwise have, and the guy's a total jerk. He's coming across like a real a-hole and I can't wait 'til he gets out of the house and realizes it.

  • Love 5


They have so many rules on this show it's a wonder the don't just make another rule that any dishes or utensils you use, you have to clean them up yourself, as soon as you're finished with them. If nothing else some of these HGs could walk out of there having learned how to clean the eff up after themselves!


Nice idea, but they won't. Such a rule could affect game play. The slovenliness of certain HGs has been a strategic device going all the way back to BB3, when Lori called a House meeting over Gerry not washing his hands after using the toilet and assisting with meal prep after.

  • Love 1

The BBtakeover seems to be officially a bust -- between Sunday's show and tonight's show, there is only a fleeting mention of it at the end of each episode.  


Are they really expecting the audience to remember back to last Thursday's episode where Kathy Griffin might have mentioned something about a phone. 

So the "Previousleeeeeeee on Biiiiiiig Brotherrrrrr" guy doesn't cover that adequately?

Actually, I think he sounds like Bobcat Goldthwait. It drives me crazy.

That's who it is!  That's been in the back of my mind and wouldn't come out!

John has reminded me of someone in the DR and I couldn't figure out who, but last night I realized it's the drunk guy on the Simpsons, Barney right?  That's who he sounds like.

I had a vague mental connection with animation when I heard John's voice, but couldn't quite place it. Then my husband mentioned Barney, and I thought "that's it!"

I really can't stand Clay and Shellie, but it's a pretty mild aversion compared to outright loathing from previous years.

I've watched this show long enough to know these Houseguests are always slobs, but when Liz (or Julia?) went into the kitchen and could barely stand the smell, I marveled at the sink and countertop overflowing with dirty dishes. That means everyone is basically using dishes, glasses, etc., and then just leaving them in the sink, as though they expect someone else to come along and wash them. Probably because that's how they were all raised, in a barn. {shakes cane}


This is the number one reason I could never go on BB. I cannot relax, mentally or physically, if my living quarters are in chaos. Just looking at the heaps of dishes and clothes all over the floors on this show gets me twitchy. I have to force myself to tune it out. 


I really can't stand Clay and Shellie, but it's a pretty mild aversion compared to outright loathing from previous years.


For sure. They are becoming my least liked in the house right now, but at least I don't want to set them on fire like some previous contestants. 

  • Love 1

Actually, I think he sounds like Bobcat Goldthwait. It drives me crazy.

I've been wondering what John's deal is since the first time he opened his mouth in the DR. WTF was the deal with that voice?

  • Speech impediment?
  • A bad accident involving his larynx?
  • Hormonal misfire during puberty?
  • Long-lost love child of Bobcat Goldthwaite and Emo Philips?

Gotta tell ya, I lost a lot of sleep pondering this'un - or I would've, if I ever slept. Until the realization hit me, blinding as the light which struck Saul on the road to Damascus:


In other words:


You're a professional - a dentist, for crying out loud.

Lay off the nitrous oxide tanks - leave some for the patients.

Your vocal cords have taken enough damage as it is.

Everybody else may call him Johnny Mac - but from now on, he'll always be Nitro to me.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1

I don't blame Dae for being upset with John. He wasn't just throwing away his chance of a win, he was directly sabotaging her safety. Sure her idea was stupid, but she had to drag his useless skinny ass around. She probably started to panic when she realized he was throwing it. Not everybody is as lucky as Frankie - getting a challenge that is more effectively played alone.

Anyway, Donny was very upset when it happened to him. He maybe even cried.

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