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S11.E04: Week 3

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This season is confusing my 80 year old "right reasons" watching mother, the sarcasm goes right over her head. She thinks Clint and JJ are really in love and doesn't think Kaitlyn is very lady like.


I am a "wrong reasons" viewer, and I do enjoy a bachelorette with a snarky sense of humor. But I think in the long run for this show to survive they have to have contestants that believe in the "amazing journey" otherwise it is just another reality show. I do notice Kaitlyn did repeat again last night "my husband is in this room" line so she knew enough to follow that party line.

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So well that happened. I kind of feel bad for Kaitlyn with regards to the Tony mess because I don't believe for one second she wanted to keep him and instead he was a producer plant that she was probably forced to keep around. And then he goes all weirdo freak on her, especially after I suspect she might have been far more interested in keeping one of the two guys who left at the start of the episode. Maybe it's just me but I can't care enough to get outraged about any of the dates. As noted, this is a show that has had men strip on a group date, had a bunch of women walk down a public street in their bikinis, had the lead and a contestant go to a "sex guru", had women do a nude photo shoot, etc.


There hasn't been any standards on this show for a long time in my opinion. And I personally didn't think the sumo wresting was so violent because it was clear, in my opinion, that the sumo champion guy was going easy on the guys. Hell, for all of Tony's dramatics,  I thought the guy moved him around like when you're play fighting with a child. If there was anything awful about the date, it was the whole having their asses hanging out but whatever. The outfit is a legitimate part of the culture and the art form and I actually think it was cool that most of the guys completely went with it. 


I honestly don't even care enough to comment on the Clint/JJ thing. As many noted on social media last night, this just feels like two guys who were determined to maximize their screentime as much as possible and I for one have no interest in in giving them the attention they so desperately crave. JJ and his giant schnoz coupled with his wannabe gangster comments like he thinks he's on the set of Goodfellas can leave anytime and Clint is just creepy on every level. Again I'm sure he's just so desperate for attention and camera time, which some are feeding into today with all the talk on social media but I think it's incredibly pathetic someone is willing to come across that creepy and slimy and gross just for some little attention. But then again, welcome to the world of reality television.


Kaitlyn is really  enjoying confronting guys in front of the others and showing how tough she is when kicking them out.  It's a wonder anyone's left for the Rose Ceremonies.



I'm not seeing Kaitlyn as this hugely confrontational person. Yes she went out to talk to Kupah but I didn't find her approach confrontational. She was calm, she explained to him that his scene was just making everyone and the whole situation even more uncomfortable and awkward and it was unnecessary. I thought she was quite mature in her approach and Kupah showed his ass some more with his harsh comments about her when she was walking away. 


With Tony, she initially approached him because as she said, she could tell once he walked away that he seemed upset about something. So she went to him actually wondering if he'd gotten hurt by accident. He then proceeded to give his spiel about seeing life through the eyes of a child and whatever else and she politely and calmly listened. And at no point did she argue or disagree with him and instead she apologized to him, telling him she just thought it would be fun for them but if he didn't want to do it he didn't have to and she didn't want him being uncomfortable. Far from confrontational, I thought she was trying to understand his point of view and make him feel better. 


With regards to the Clint situation, I know the edit at the end makes it seem like some huge argument is about to go down but after seeing the Kupah situation, I imagine she'll just calmly ask him about what all the other guys are saying. Maybe she should not have called him out about not approaching her once, in front of the other guys on the group date but again, I find Clint so creepy and slimy and gross that whatever. Dude gives me American Psycho vibes. 


- If Kaitlyn was so proud of her "prank" with the kids in the sex ed class (which I thought was horrible even if they were "actors"), why didn't she tell the guys about it?



She might have told them and it just wasn't shown.


- Andromeda totally agree with your thoughts on her mocking Ben in a TH, and also her thing about hitting Jared so he'll keep his black eye. Maybe the producers really are picking dates she wants to see - violence, black eyes, concussions - what fun!  I never really saw a nasty streak in her until those two moments tonight. I always thought she was pretty tomboyish but not downright mean.



YMMV but I didn't read either of these situations as mean. Ben Z. openly admitted he was afraid of snakes when they were in the very gross room and looked panicked having to deal with them. Yet when they're relaxing together later, he's all "no I'm not afraid of them. If they're just sitting there I'm fine but if they move then it bothers me but I'm not afraid..." or whatever it was and I felt like Kaitlyn was just mocking what his clearly macho guy posturing. Like you're afraid of snakes, okay whatever. But he's such a guy he can't just own that. He has to clarify that he's not REALLY afraid of them. 


And with the Jared situation, she just joked that he looked really hot with the black guy and she might have to hit him again when it starts clearing because he looks so hot with it. I mean black eyes do nothing for me personally but I wouldn't call that comment mean or nasty in any way. It just seems like she has some interesting fetish of what she finds hot or sexy in a guy. 


Personally, just like last week, I continue to like Kaitlyn just fine. Without question this season is shaping up to be a hot mess but so far that's really more on the guys in my opinion. But I think she still comes across as personable, fun and honestly, genuinely nice. While I can understand those who may find her "classless, loud, raucous", even though I disagree, I don't understand the mean or not nice. Again, I thought she displayed a lot of kindness and respect dealing with Tony. Because personally I thought Tony was a complete fruit loop and acting like one but she never mocked his opinions or his feelings and respectfully accepted that he felt as he did. 


I will agree with others that the the weird room with Ben Z. was completely disgusting and gross and only thing that truly made me go "WTAF is going on here..." I'm used to this show and it's cliches and bad puns about relationships so I would have completely unperturbed by them being put in a basic empty panic room with the same, "relationships take team work and communication so work together to get out." It was all the gross fake blood, fake limbs and that toilet thing that I found really unnecessary and disgusting and stupid. 


Also, speaking of Tony, personally when he started going on about why they couldn't go on a boat ride or sky diving, I felt like Tony came on this show for the exotic locations and exotic dates in these locations - the being on a yacht, skydiving, helicopter rides, etc. and got annoyed because a few days in they were still in LA in the house and his activities included bombing on a comedy stage and sumo wrestling. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Yes, Britt is the lucky one. It's only Week Three and Kaitlyn is no longer receiving the "funny cute tomboy with a vulnerable side behind her walls" edit. There has to be a happy medium between train wreck (this season) and snore fest (Farmer Chris's season)--go find it, show.

ETA I still see zero chemistry between Kaitlyn and any of the bachelors, so I am thinking that's why the previews show that Nick is coming on the show, so he can play the "love interest" and perhaps get a little nookie.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Maybe the whole twist is that she got secretly married to one of the contestants before the show started and is playing out this massive awful cringeworthy charade ... so that when she pulls out the "gotcha" at the end, in fact, her husband will INDEED have been in that room.


Points for creativity from the East German judge please?

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For the first time in a long, long time I turned an episode of the Bachelorette off as Kaitlyn and her marry band of bros, weirdos, etc aren't doing it for me.    Guess I'll try again when ole Nick comes back but I have a feeling this might be my first season that I don't finish watching.   And maybe that will be a good thing!

Edited by CindyBee
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The more I think about it, the more creepy was the sex ed lesson for 5th grade (that's about how old the kids looked). I'm sure the parents signed permission slips, etc., but the whole idea of grown men talking about sex to children (and the children & men don't know each other) while the cameras are rolling seems not exactly child porn, but appealing to an audience that enjoys child porn. It's kind of gratuitous. The only saving grace to me was how embarrassed the men were to be talking about this to children. I actually think there is a core of nice guys but the situations they are in don't really showcase niceness.  I don't think knowing that the kids were actors makes this much better. They still are kids.

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The more I think about it, the more creepy was the sex ed lesson for 5th grade (that's about how old the kids looked). I'm sure the parents signed permission slips, etc., but the whole idea of grown men talking about sex to children (and the children & men don't know each other) while the cameras are rolling seems not exactly child porn, but appealing to an audience that enjoys child porn. It's kind of gratuitous. The only saving grace to me was how embarrassed the men were to be talking about this to children. I actually think there is a core of nice guys but the situations they are in don't really showcase niceness.  I don't think knowing that the kids were actors makes this much better. They still are kids.

Absolutely.  It's not like they were adult actors POSING as kids - they're kids!   And what is the appropriate response for a man who is not a teacher, when asked by a child about sex?   There is only one response  -"that's something you need to ask your parents about."   Any thing else is creepy. 

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Huh. It seems like I was watching a different episode from everyone else. Yeah, I thought the dates were all weird/inappropriate/scary/etc., but in no way did I perceive Kaitlyn to be mean at any point. I actually commented to a Bach-watching friend that I was surprised by how emotional Kaitlyn is; based on how they were marketing her vs. Britt, I thought she would be a rough-and-tumble tomboy type. I guess what others perceive as crass or loud comes across as real to me, at least as "real" as you can get on reality TV. I much prefer someone who cracks a few dirty jokes over a beautiful but devoid of personality Disney princess type.

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I think the show has jumped the shark. If that's at all possible since it perpetually tries to out do itself and be the "most dramatic season ever!"

But it has certainly sunk to a new low. And that is saying a lot. Tony was right. Two of the four dates so far have been the men beating up on each other with one being the ridiculously vulgar sex ed class. I guess the stand up improv was fine.

TPTB would never have sent Emily on the sex ed date or the sumo one for that matter. Weren't her dates like going to a castle and playing with puppets?

Poor trashy Kaitlin. I don't think they would have sent Britt either for that matter.

I was thinking this last night, they never would have sent Emily, Desiree, Ashley, Britt, hell, any of the other women on these dates. It reflects a bit poorly on Kaitlyn that these are the dates TPTB think she would enjoy, or at least put up with. I know it's not really her fault but man, these dates are painful to watch. Emily got castles!

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Kaitlyn is really  enjoying confronting guys in front of the others and showing how tough she is when kicking them out.  It's a wonder anyone's left for the Rose Ceremonies.




I'm not seeing Kaitlyn as this hugely confrontational person. Yes she went out to talk to Kupah but I didn't find her approach confrontational. She was calm, she explained to him that his scene was just making everyone and the whole situation even more uncomfortable and awkward and it was unnecessary. I thought she was quite mature in her approach and Kupah showed his ass some more with his harsh comments about her when she was walking away.


I started thinking she was enjoying the attention when she went out front to talk to Kupah  again after she had already said all there was to say twice.  The camera crew and producers were perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and editing down whatever Kupah was saying.  I began to really see that she was enjoying the "tough Kaitlyn" act when she called out Clint for not fawning over her enough, on the couch, in front of all the other guys. All she ever needed to do was not give those guys a rose.


It was good for her to talk to Tony, but she really didn't address his legitimate complaint that two group dates in a row were about men hitting each other. I wasn't worried that the sumo wrestlers were going to hurt anyone.  It was, just like in the boxing, the danger was in the non-pros hitting or falling incorrectly.  Clint could have easily sent his opponent to the hospital with a broken shoulder.


I never liked the show making the women parade around in bikinis either but they were never asked to punch each other in the face.  Many of these men are models or wannabe actors, I imagine they value their teeth and noses

Edited by JudyObscure
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Again I guess I just see things differently because I'm just not seeing what in those dates were so awful and embarrassing and a reflection on "poor, trashy Kaitlyn". Andi had a group date that involved the guys stripping, then there was the lie detector group date and the miming nonsense. Ashely was given a group date that was a roast where some of the guys took the opportunity to basically make her feel like shit and hello, have many forgotten about Desiree's "rap video" group date? Again this show long left standards and high brow out the door a long time ago. So the guys had to box and sumo wrestle - in my opinion, in the grand scheme of dates I've seen on this show, not really that bad.

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I just want to know where the models of the MALE genitalia were?  Seriously, only "explaining" the female reproductive system with props?  Sexist much, producers?


Seriously, a fake penis would be that out there?  Idiots.

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I just want to know where the models of the MALE genitalia were?  Seriously, only "explaining" the female reproductive system with props?  Sexist much, producers?


Seriously, a fake penis would be that out there?  Idiots.

Well, in keeping with the clown cartoon level of the segment, there was the banana.... :)

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If guys from the Bachelorette are teaching sex ed to your kids, you've failed as a parent. If you're getting paid for it, you've failed as a human being.

Ughhh. I'm relieved to hear they were actors but it was still such an inappropriate date. We get it Kaitlyn you own your sexuality. Good for you. I'm just getting bored of the dirty jokes and constant making out with every contestant. You know your husband isn't in that room so find something else to say. Maybe try, "I'm loving this journey."

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Truth in every word, Scorpiosunshine!   Most of these guys are very unattractive--what a collection of rat faces.  JJ, with his lartern-jawed potato head, bad teeth and beady eyes reminds me of a Pixar character:    



Surely if Britt had been the Bachelorette this wouldn't be the dismal crop she would have had to pick from.  No way would those be the "dates" she'd have been subjected to either.


I hated this episode.  Everything about it was so fake and gross from the "bromance" to fishing around in the faux dirty toilet to the ultra cringe worthy sex ed "class".  The awful parents of those creepy little meal tickets should be flogged.

Hahaha, omg, that cracked me up, Mocking Bird! That picture is so perfect!

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You know your husband isn't in that room so find something else to say.


If her husband is in the room I hope it's the one she had sex with on TV, because, you know, their children.  The only kids I can think of who might want to see old reruns of their mom having sex with non-dads are maybe those  ones that just had Bachelor-style sex-ed.

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I don't think knowing that the kids were actors makes this much better. They still are kids.


Thank you! That's what I was coming here to say. I'm an off/on watcher of this show and it's various incarnations. I have not posted in this section before, but last night's episode just got to me so badly. 


I actually like Kaitlyn and am seeing some connections with her and a few of the guys. But these group dates, damn! Thank God for pixelation, but my imagination is a powerful thing and those sumo costumes really put it into action. The sex-ed class was just THE WORST, out of anything I had ever seen on this show. Kaitlyn seemed so pleased with herself to prank the guys this way, and acted like it was all okay because the kids were actors. Um, no. I don't care if my kid was acting or not, I wouldn't want them asking random strangers what wet dreams and clitorises are. That entire scene was 50 shades of uncomfortable. 


I know they have to keep coming up with new and interesting ways for these people to interact, and I'm not saying I have any brilliant solutions, but I really hate, hate, hate most of the ideas for group dates. It seems like the focus is often on making the guys/gals feel uncomfortable, or forcing them to compete with one another. What does that actually have to do with getting to know a potential partner? It just really squicks me out every time someone is forced to undress and compete with someone else in some manner, or go completely out of their comfort zone. I don't know how much involvement the actual Bach(ette) has in picking these dates, but a lot of them just seem "mean" to me. 

Edited by ghoulina
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I agree with those who found this week's challenges (oops, I mean "dates") inappropriate. I cringe when the Bach/ette says in a talking head something about how they want to see how So-and-so will "handle" the situation, like it's some kind of goddamn test. Ugh! I know, I know, it's a stupid reality show...

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So many offensive things in this episode....where to start?

I agree with Tony about his observations about violent dates.  And Kaitlyn laughing it off "I just wanted something fun!"   How is any of that fun?  Then her saying she wanted to punch Jared just so he had a black eye....wtf?  Girl has some violence bubbling up somewhere under her skin, that's for sure.


Trying to make it seem like Clint and JJ are in love and gay because they enjoy a friendship is disgusting to me.  I'm so over that bullshit.  I am consistently mistaken for being gay because of the relationship I have with my best friend and it IRRITATES me to no end.  Just because two people of the same sex are close does not automatically mean they're gay.


And last but not least, the most offensive, IMO was Kaitlyn after her scary date with Ben.  What'd she say?  Something about how the big burly man took care of his woman?  Is she fuckin serious?  Grow some balls woman.  Way to set the women's movement back 40 years.  


Jesus with this show.....

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And with the Jared situation, she just joked that he looked really hot with the black guy


So they're letting the bachelors self-select, like Clint and JJ, and they're letting the B'ette matchmake, too?  Finally something interesting happening on this show.


For the record, I agree with the poster upthread who said Jared has the worst facial hair ever, but I thought the remnants of the black eye, just that little dot, made him look kind of cute. 


And that sumo wrestler is Japan's heaviest person, at 600 pounds?  I'm not sure what to think. There's an entire show about Americans who weigh 600 pounds, and the story is usually that they're house-bound, and in some cases bed-bound--not athletic champions.

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I do love the little moments of genius you get when you throw a bunch of overgrown frat boys together fighting over a girl:


Kupah: Roar!  I don't want to leave!  I want to be here! (Hulk noises)

Kaitlyn:  WTF? Go home.

Kupah: Whatever, I don't even like her.


Tony: I'm going to show them what a warrior I am!

Sumo Guy: Thump.

Tony: I hate violence.


The season got off to a bad start with the two Bachelorette nonsense, and it's gone downhill from there.  No matter who was picked, they had an uphill battle- right off the bat about half the guys were there for the other girl, and when you subtract the handful of the usual crazies and creepers they always throw in, there's only at best a handful of decent guys left to choose from.  


Farmer Chris was my first season of any of these shows, so I don't have a lot to compare, but do we know from past seasons whether the B'ettes have any say so in the theme for the dates?  That interview with Chris Harrison makes me think the B'ettes have very little input.  I would think the locations would be booked well in advance?  I could see if they planned one set for Kaitlyn and one set for Britt, but then it's based on what the producers think would play up the persona they want to project for that specific Bachelorette.  That's too bad for Kaitlyn, because she already has a below-standard bunch of losers to chose from, then she's stuck with the kind of dates that continues the raunchy party girl narrative they're pushing for her.  I'm curious what the Britt dates would have been.

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So, I think I must be craving pepperoni or something - after Ben Z finished telling his sob story and it was suggested they go get changed, all I could think was "wait - they have to change to eat pizza???"  And then they got in the hot tub with wine, and I thought "ewww, they're eating pizza in a hot tub - what if cheese or some toppings fall off???"  But nope, no pizza at all - what a let down!

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Only "explaining" the female reproductive system with props?  Sexist much, producers?

Seriously, a fake penis would be that out there?


I don't think that would have gotten past ABC standards & practices. They bleeped every other word, for goodness sake - words that were spoken to a room full of 12 year-olds, mind you. If they had a male reproductive model they probably would have had to blur it.

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I kind of agree that K chases down the drama. The Kupah confrontation outside *was* *really * NOHBiz and I think It would have been funny had Kupah stopped and said " Wait...what are YOU doing here??  Go back inside.. this is MY moment!  I also agree that so far she's been pretty reasonable in those moments. 


I loved the 80 yo mom comments that one poster shared.  That is the innocence of mindset that I want to pretend to have watching this show. Too busy wanting to throw up this week to keep that fantasy going.    (one day I will try to work out the "quote" feature).


I'm still raging over the sex ed segment. I think Chris Hanson SHOULD have shown up!  Exploiting children for this smut to give it the pretense of innocence..  Isn't that exactly where sexual predators go?   "no I was just helping.. teaching... joking...protecting. all in good fun.. right? Uck. I need to let it go. Maybe after I contact their sponsors i will.


Like one poster said no need for rose ceremonies if the guys are going to bail on their own. That includes  those 'self-destructing' and some (other) self-assisted eliminations who want to leave, but with the fanfare of some drama. 

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OMG you guys!! You are hilarious!   "jared looked hot with the black guy ....so Kaitlyn wanted to punch him.... lollol no no its EYE  black EYE    Van Sensei damn you funny!    Hard to type and laugh this hard

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And with the Jared situation, she just joked that he looked really hot with the black guy and she might have to hit him again when it starts clearing because he looks so hot with it. I mean black eyes do nothing for me personally but I wouldn't call that comment mean or nasty in any way. It just seems like she has some interesting fetish of what she finds hot or sexy in a guy.  

What if Prince Farming had said that last season about Kaitlyn? He would have been vilified. It isn't any more innocent just because a woman said it.


The more I think about it, the more creepy was the sex ed lesson for 5th grade (that's about how old the kids looked). I'm sure the parents signed permission slips, etc., but the whole idea of grown men talking about sex to children (and the children & men don't know each other) while the cameras are rolling seems not exactly child porn, but appealing to an audience that enjoys child porn.

I agree with you about adult strangers talking to children about sex, but I do not think we should limit it to men. If Kaitlyn was speaking it would have been just as bad. Not all creeps are male...and not all men are creeps!

Edited by Superpole2000
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Seriously, a fake penis would be that out there?  Idiots.


They were bleeping out even the word penis!


Can't wait for the romantic slide show at the end of the season "I knew it was love when you described using a tampon to children/put your hand in a snake toilet/spent the day with one ball loose"


I admit I would've totally overlooked Ben (not Z). He was adorable with the children and that made him instantly attractive to me.


I paid almost zero attention to the second half of the episode. Without multitasking, I just don't know how anyone could sit through this mess.


Me too it was so boring and stupid. When they came back from commercials and it was STILL sumo wrestling only this time with an audience? Lame. And as scary as the basement maybe was--it is pretty boring TV to watch people maneuver through murky darkness.  They had "Five minutes left" for like 15 minutes. 

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Yes indeed, Kaitlyn is hitting it out of the park with the hyper-sexual, inappropriate, violent, disgusting and immature behavior she seems to enjoy exhibiting and witnessing. 


She's got "Wife and mother" written all over her. 

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The more I think about it, the more creepy was the sex ed lesson for 5th grade (that's about how old the kids looked). I'm sure the parents signed permission slips, etc., but the whole idea of grown men talking about sex to children (and the children & men don't know each other) while the cameras are rolling seems not exactly child porn, but appealing to an audience that enjoys child porn. It's kind of gratuitous. The only saving grace to me was how embarrassed the men were to be talking about this to children. I actually think there is a core of nice guys but the situations they are in don't really showcase niceness.  I don't think knowing that the kids were actors makes this much better. They still are kids.

I agree, mostly. I had sex ed in fifth grade, seventh grade, and ninth grade. So the age isn't too young (that's when puberty basically starts, fifth grade). We even had the girls and boys together, rather than separating us, because the teacher felt we should know both sides. But it's not a joke! How things are taught can be as important as what's taught. Yes, the kids were paid actors with questions fed to them. But it still blows my mind that this idea ever made it to a final execution and cut. Are there no parents on the Bachelor staff who would realize how completely inappropriate this "joke" is? (And I agree with the observation above, that it would be no better if Kaitlyn was the one "teaching" them.)


I was thinking this last night, they never would have sent Emily, Desiree, Ashley, Britt, hell, any of the other women on these dates. It reflects a bit poorly on Kaitlyn that these are the dates TPTB think she would enjoy, or at least put up with. I know it's not really her fault but man, these dates are painful to watch. Emily got castles!

Which is why Chris said they had to wait for the "right" lead to use this marvelous "prank" that they apparently have been sitting on for years!


I agree with those who found this week's challenges (oops, I mean "dates") inappropriate. I cringe when the Bach/ette says in a talking head something about how they want to see how So-and-so will "handle" the situation, like it's some kind of goddamn test. Ugh! I know, I know, it's a stupid reality show...

I detest the whole concept of "tests" in this show. It's the producers' stupid attempt to justify having these ridiculous dates.


Farmer Chris was my first season of any of these shows, so I don't have a lot to compare, but do we know from past seasons whether the B'ettes have any say so in the theme for the dates?  That interview with Chris Harrison makes me think the B'ettes have very little input.  I would think the locations would be booked well in advance?  I could see if they planned one set for Kaitlyn and one set for Britt, but then it's based on what the producers think would play up the persona they want to project for that specific Bachelorette.  That's too bad for Kaitlyn, because she already has a below-standard bunch of losers to chose from, then she's stuck with the kind of dates that continues the raunchy party girl narrative they're pushing for her.  I'm curious what the Britt dates would have been.

Hubby and I argued about this -- he insisted Kaitlyn should have refused to do the fighting dates. I said she doesn't have that sort of power -- she barely got the gig to begin with. If she were at all difficult, they would have found a way to make sure Britt was the star of the show. These are, after all, people off the street, not actors with agents and management companies behind them. (Then, of course, just because he and I don't like those dates doesn't mean Kaitlyn didn't love them.)

I also am curious if they would have had the same dates for Britt -- surely not the sex ed date, as Chris admitted they were "saving" that one. Now I'm regretting wishing for Kaitlyn to win over Britt, because I like at least a faux veneer of romance in my fake-reality TV dating shows, and if that meant having faux Britt, so be it! (Not that I had any say anyway!).

Edited by Andromeda
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Which is why Chris said they had to wait for the "right" lead to use this marvelous "prank" that they apparently have been sitting on for years!



I think this is a function of Kaitlyn having presented herself as the "cool chick"*.  Now, I'm NOT saying or trying to imply that Kaitlyn deserves the shitty "dates" she's been sent on by TPTB.  Rather, I'm certain TPTB view Kaitlyn as the kind of woman who's "down for anything!".


* Google's Amy Schumer's** rip on Blake Lively's Letterman appearances for the "cool chick" persona I'm talking about.


**  BTW, Amy Schumer slamming J.J., juxtaposed with Kaitlyn gushing over him, is one of the reasons I love the editors on this show.

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I skipped the boxing date last week and the sumo date this week. Good move on my part.


I actually thought the scary room thing was kind of cool. I would totally do that (without the snakes). 


I think it's terrible they bleep penis but not vagina. The whole thing was definitely inappropriate for those kids. But I have to admit I chuckled watching the guys struggle to put things into words or make jokes the kids wouldn't get. 


I am a tad offended about the JJ-Clint stuff. It's clearly not real and that just makes it terrible. Now we "play gay" for ratings?

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I also am curious if they would have had the same dates for Britt -- surely not the sex ed date, as Chris admitted they were "saving" that one. Now I'm regretting wishing for Kaitlyn to win over Britt, because I like at least a faux veneer of romance in my fake-reality TV dating shows, and if that meant having faux Britt, so be it! (Not that I had any say anyway!).

I'm pretty sure you got your answere from Chris Harrison. He said they had been wanting the sex ed stunt for some time but were waiting for the right lead. Now since these dates/stunts are set up way in advance oh the show's shooting schedule, that means the had already set it up for Kaitlyn to be the lead because no wat was Britt the right lead for that or any of the raunchy stuff in this last episode.

I hated the basement stunt because I can not stand all that shrieking. She was shrieking even before the birds and none of it seemed real to me. Do men really like that female " oh I'm so scared out of my wits. Please protect me" thing?

And yeah if a man had said something about slugging a female even not meaning to do it in reality, there would have been a huge uproar. One male on survivor said in an ITM that wanted a female slapped to get her to shut up and there was a huge uproar.

I just tuned in last night to this show because I didn't like either Kaitlyn or Brit, but I have to say the show exceeded all my worst expectations spectacularly. How is this show with all its over the top sexual inuendo as well as explicitness on in the family hour? Snickering about sex is so juvenile.

But I watched UNreal mad enjoyed it. So there's that.

Edited by Stinamaia
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I agree, mostly. I had sex ed in fifth grade, seventh grade, and ninth grade. So the age isn't too young (that's when puberty basically starts, fifth grade).


I had sex ed in 5th grade too, but it wasn't that explicit. At that age, I'd think an overview of the parts and basic reproduction should suffice. I'm not sure 11-year-olds need to know that "girls won't like you if you don't know what the clitoris is". 

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I had sex ed in 5th grade too, but it wasn't that explicit. At that age, I'd think an overview of the parts and basic reproduction should suffice. I'm not sure 11-year-olds need to know that "girls won't like you if you don't know what the clitoris is".

Exactly, which is why it was pretty low-brow of them to go there with child actors. Yuck. To think I used to believe Chris Harrison had a modicum of class. Hah.

I agree about the shrieking on the scary date. It just grates on my nerves.


I skipped the boxing date last week and the sumo date this week. Good move on my part.


I actually thought the scary room thing was kind of cool. I would totally do that (without the snakes). 


I think it's terrible they bleep penis but not vagina. The whole thing was definitely inappropriate for those kids. But I have to admit I chuckled watching the guys struggle to put things into words or make jokes the kids wouldn't get. 


I am a tad offended about the JJ-Clint stuff. It's clearly not real and that just makes it terrible. Now we "play gay" for ratings?

Good point -- why is vagina OK, but penis not OK?

Did you see the Time magazine article about the Brokeback promos the show apparently did for this episode? The show's terrible attempt to be funny is a decade out of step with the times.

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Personally, just like last week, I continue to like Kaitlyn just fine. Without question this season is shaping up to be a hot mess but so far that's really more on the guys in my opinion. But I think she still comes across as personable, fun and honestly, genuinely nice. While I can understand those who may find her "classless, loud, raucous", even though I disagree, I don't understand the mean or not nice. Again, I thought she displayed a lot of kindness and respect dealing with Tony. Because personally I thought Tony was a complete fruit loop and acting like one but she never mocked his opinions or his feelings and respectfully accepted that he felt as he did.



Yeah, Kaitlyn's fine in my book. I mean, what is she supposed to do? I imagine she wakes up each morning and there's a call sheet slipped under her door with a time to leave and a list of what other actors/future husbands will be working the show today with her, and then a location/setting. Plus a description of what other clothes to pack with her. These dates have to be prepped in advance, probably permits issued for filming, etc. Her job is to study the Bachelor phraseology handbook (that being said, my husband is in the room) and then work it for the cameras. 


So I don't have a fault with her, I have a fault with Fleiss and Harrison for injecting the roughness and physical violence into the show. I think I would have given the Sumo wrestlers a pass if I hadn't had to witness that HORRIBLE boxing last week. What's up for next week, surgery without anesthesia?  Ugh.  Also, so Kaitlyn isn't a princess-y type, so what? Lot's of women aren't but you don't have to go 180 in the opposite direction with your dates.


Then I have a fault with the trashy guys on this show. Ben H and Dr. Cupcake seem to be the only clean cut, tattoo-less guys in the bunch.  Of course, maybe their tatoos are hidden?


I didn’t understand Ben’s mother’s death. Was it an assisted suicide? She’s well enough to tell him to walk the dog — twice (ostensibly to get him out of the house), then when he gets back the family is all there, including her sister, and sad because she died.





I thought that was weird too. She's strong enough to kick him out and fifteen minutes later she's gone? And doesn't he have damage from being the only one that mom kicked out of the house when it was time to go?  


As for the sex ed, it wasn't funny. It made terrible tv. Who thought that the Bachelor audience would enjoy that?  

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I laughed as well as said, “what the eff?” equal parts this episode.  Clint and JJ?  Huh?  If they were acting, they sure did a good job because it seemed like they really wanted to bang it out, lol.  What was the taking a shower/snake comment? Was JJ complimenting his penis? So confused.



Tony, oh, Tony, you do not seem at peace with yourself.  He gives the “zen type” a bad name. I don’t mind sensitivity in a man, and it’s admirable when someone can stick to their point of view or morals, but he acts like a 12 year old whiney boy. Where’s your self-awareness, yuh loon?   If I were Kaitlyn, his behavior would cause me to feel uneasy.  I thought she handled him in a polite way.



The thought did cross my mind of the kids being quite young to be asking some of the questions they were in regards to the “sex-ed” date (weird to call it a date but whatever).  I agree with the posts about it being cute how embarrassed the guys seemed to speak about it. If they insist on using this, IMO, it would’ve been more appropriate if maybe the guys were coached with what to explain to them.  And would just hope the parents explained more in depth about everything before and after the kids participated with filming.
Highlights were: the way Joshua pronounced tampon - tam-pin. Ha!  And the comment by one girl re: banana and condom - “yummy!”  I believe it was Jared who replied, “no, yummy isn’t the word for it” hahah. Even it was a bit inappropriate some of it was funny. 

I noticed Kaitlyn’s demeanor change when Joshua admitted he had sex (I think he said sex) for the first time in college. She seemed disappointed. 

Ben H. seems to be a charmer and his job title does say salesman so it probably comes easy to him to be very personable.


YMMV but I didn't read either of these situations as mean. Ben Z. openly admitted he was afraid of snakes when they were in the very gross room and looked panicked having to deal with them. Yet when they're relaxing together later, he's all "no I'm not afraid of them. If they're just sitting there I'm fine but if they move then it bothers me but I'm not afraid..." or whatever it was and I felt like Kaitlyn was just mocking what his clearly macho guy posturing. Like you're afraid of snakes, okay whatever.  

That's how I interpreted her commentary on it, also.

From what we’ve been shown, I don’t consider Kaitlyn trashy or mean. To me she comes off as honest, authentic, having positive energy, and pretty open minded. To each his/her own, but that’s what I think is probably most appealing about her. She may be a tad insecure but she’s been ok in my book, so far. 

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So I don't have a fault with her, I have a fault with Fleiss and Harrison for injecting the roughness and physical violence into the show. I think I would have given the Sumo wrestlers a pass if I hadn't had to witness that HORRIBLE boxing last week. What's up for next week, surgery without anesthesia?  Ugh.  Also, so Kaitlyn isn't a princess-y type, so what? Lot's of women aren't but you don't have to go 180 in the opposite direction with your dates.



Yeah. I'd like to see more interaction with Kaitlyn and the guys. The test-like environment someone mentioned above is kind of odd and barbaric. Hope they don't over-do it (more than they already have). Two episodes is enough.

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Did you see the Time magazine article about the Brokeback promos the show apparently did for this episode? The show's terrible attempt to be funny is a decade out of step with the times.

The TIMES article pretty much captured the way I felt about the episode.  especially the "haha they're GAY!"   aspect.  


Is 2015 the year where we measure manliness by ability to fight and think that being gay is a hilarious joke?  

Edited by backformore
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I noticed Kaitlyn’s demeanor change when Joshua admitted he had sex (I think he said sex) for the first time in college.


I think he said he kissed someone for the first time in college. 


Am I just really old?  Because I don't see anything wrong with that.  I know the teenage years are hypersexual compared to when I was among those ranks, but what's a person to do if he just doesn't have any game at that point?  Hire a hooker, so he won't later have to admit he's relatively inexperienced?  And, really, "admit"? 


Yeah, there might be a hideous personality disorder that led to his inexperience, but it seems to me that hideous personality disorders are more likely to manifest themselves in the exact opposite way.  Some guys (and girls) are just slow out of the gate--maybe we need something similar to the ban on slut-shaming for these folks.


But Kaitlyn does seem to be pretty randy, so maybe someone like that wouldn't be a good fit.  Or maybe he'd want to make up for lost time, and might be trainable, to boot.  I'd see that as a good thing.


That said, I don't remember Joshua at all so I'm sticking up for him only in theory.   

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I think he said he kissed someone for the first time in college. 


Am I just really old?  Because I don't see anything wrong with that.  I know the teenage years are hypersexual compared to when I was among those ranks, but what's a person to do if he just doesn't have any game at that point?  Hire a hooker, so he won't later have to admit he's relatively inexperienced?  And, really, "admit"? 


Yeah, there might be a hideous personality disorder that led to his inexperience, but it seems to me that hideous personality disorders are more likely to manifest themselves in the exact opposite way.  Some guys (and girls) are just slow out of the gate--maybe we need something similar to the ban on slut-shaming for these folks.


But Kaitlyn does seem to be pretty randy, so maybe someone like that wouldn't be a good fit.  Or maybe he'd want to make up for lost time, and might be trainable, to boot.  I'd see that as a good thing.


That said, I don't remember Joshua at all so I'm sticking up for him only in theory.   

I don't see anything wrong with it either.  Just noting on how her demeanor seemed to change. As I mentioned, she seemed disappointed. Thanks for clarifying he said kiss.

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I guess I'm the only one who fell for Clint's "joke" about JJ. I legitimately thought that Clint was expressing true feelings toward JJ, even if it was just a friendship from JJ's perspective. None of it came off as "funny" for me, so I was impressed for him to be so open about feelings that he apparently never felt before for a man. Oh, well, fool me for thinking this is a progressive society and hence didn't see the "humor." Villains gotta vil, or so I hear.

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I blame Kaitlyn for the violence because she's obviously okay with it (and I didn't like her lack of concern for ... was it Jerod?...last week).  Her response to Tony? Not impressed. I thought he made a good point. Men don't go on this "find your wife/husband" show to get beat up on or to be expected to beat up/rough up someone else. 


I don't understand why TPTB think this kind of thing will appeal to the (mostly women) who watch this show. Same thing re: gross "sex ed" (only not) lessons to children. Have they just given up on the "love" idea? And the "fun activities" idea? And the only kind of porn I want to see or think about on TB--travel porn?


This really may be the season I just stop watching. These are the most unappealing bachelors in memory and, while Kaitlyn has some spunky, likeable qualities, she seems too eager and desperate to be the "star" of this show and I don't think the guys are into her. No wonder they're bringing Nick back.

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They could have used those giant, inflatable boxing gloves and gone for the goofy "competition".  They could have gone to a skateboard park, they could have raced tricycles.  They could have done an interesting obstacle course, like the wedding dress run last season.  No place around them had a mud-run course? 


For craps sake, there were DOZENS of alternatives in L.A. for the guys to compete as a group that wasn't so brutal.  


The producers just suck this season.  Idiots. 

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I also am curious if they would have had the same dates for Britt -- surely not the sex ed date, as Chris admitted they were "saving" that one. Now I'm regretting wishing for Kaitlyn to win over Britt, because I like at least a faux veneer of romance in my fake-reality TV dating shows, and if that meant having faux Britt, so be it! (Not that I had any say anyway!).

I'm pretty sure you got your answere from Chris Harrison. He said they had been wanting the sex ed stunt for some time but were waiting for the right lead. Now since these dates/stunts are set up way in advance oh the show's shooting schedule, that means the had already set it up for Kaitlyn to be the lead because no wat was Britt the right lead for that or any of the raunchy stuff in this last episode.


The implication here is that Chris Harrison is an expert on what women may/may not like or even gives a fuck about that.  The idea that Chris Harrison's word about "the kind of woman" someone is god - just - uggh.  


I agree with whomever said that she probably gets a call sheet telling her what's going to happen, what not to EVER say, who the dates will be with, what they will be and who she HAS TO KEEP.  


Certainly the producers have no interested whatsoever in her happiness.

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It really helped that Clint pre-sold it by showing up on night one with a portrait he drew of Chris Harrison atop a triceratops. Talk about foreshadowing. Though admittedly not too subtle. 

LOL, a drawing of Chris "pocket Adonis" Harrison astride a Triceratops isn't homoerotic at all, what with that phallic horn thing and adoring attention to detail.   I think Clint likes boys and girls, probably boys more so.     One thing I know he is, and that's a dick.   Too bad, he seemed like a catch for about 5 minutes.   Speaking of catches, Tony isn't; one, but he has a nice, leanly muscled physique.   So much nicer looking than JJ or Benzie.


I really don't blame Tony for walking off.   They know the guy isn't into violent competitive stuff, and I think he was angry at being put in that position and his pride was hurt.  It's like trying to force people who don't eat meat to try a little bison steak.   if you don't, you won't win Kaitlyn's lackluster love. 


She's probably going down in Bachelorette history as the most ridiculed yet.    I can't say she didn't start the ball rolling, what with her jokes, crude talk,  and taking her pants off at the mud hole.   Whether it's right or not,  it's easy to see how they're disrespecting her.    She's like a foul mouthed, less princessy Deanna, and that was really hard to watch.    This is going to get ugly.     I hope Kaitlyn can take the piss. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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Tony the Healer was one of my favorite contestants so either this season is complete trash or I have a few screws loose.

Then we both do, because I LOVE him!

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JJ has Kanye cheeks... and apparently the same douchebag entitlement Kanye has. He's a shoe in for Bachelors in Paradise.

I think what happened in this series is that the producers tried to infuse a little of the BIP brand into The Bachelorette since BIP is popular. It's seriously not working.

I'm guessing the reason they aren't ending the episodes with rose ceremonies is because there are not enough men to eliminate and therefore no suspense. Kaitlyn is bleeding bachelors. Every episode about 2 leave. The rose ceremonies don't matter after that.

There were a few guys this episode that I had never seen before in my life. Ryan? Ben H? They got out of the limos in the first episode?

I am really only watching future episodes to concentrate on Nick. I really need to understand what all these women see in him. I'm going to focus! I'm not going to let a smug snicker or a toss of his curly locks throw me off. This man is an evil genius and may have figured out the franchise like how others have figured out how to count cards in poker. He must be stopped for the future of mankind's enjoyment of this show!

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