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S07.E05: Mind Your Own Business

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So Carole says that since the moment she first met him until she told Luann only 8 days went by? She sure is fast, you met the guy and after a couple of dates he is practically living in with you?



I don't have DVR, but the way I saw it, the "practically living together" at that early stage in those eight days, she was exaggerating for effect. Now apparently they're actually living together (?), but not back then. Still mystified at LuAnn's current response, when she was fine at the cocktail party aside from a raised eyebrow.

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Watching Bethenney and Sonja talk as if they don't need relationships made me think they are the women that stalk then men who say they don't need relationships.  They give an air of desperation.

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He's not actually Noel's big brother. He is a 30 year-old man who works for LuAnn and is friendly with Noel. Also, I am not sure I saw the situation as Carole seducing Adam. It seemed to be a pretty mutual flirtation between two consenting adults.


Oh I dunno. He's maybe Noel's friend but really, is it really princess behavior to visit a friend and openly flirt with the staff and start fucking the staff? I mean really, *manners, people*!


I find it more pathetic that Carole, who frankly wrote a book about her husband that made me cry, seems to be replacing that man in her life with.... I dunno... what are Adam's life accomplishments other than being pretty and dating Luann's niece?


I mean... Carole was a princess and in the Camelot circle... and the best she can do is a personal chef? 

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Oh I dunno. He's maybe Noel's friend but really, is it really princess behavior to visit a friend and openly flirt with the staff and start fucking the staff? I mean really, *manners, people*!


I find it more pathetic that Carole, who frankly wrote a book about her husband that made me cry, seems to be replacing that man in her life with.... I dunno... what are Adam's life accomplishments other than being pretty and dating Luann's niece?


I mean... Carole was a princess and in the Camelot circle... and the best she can do is a personal chef?

Countess? Is that you?!

Wait - is this the Downton Abby forum? Upstairs, Downstairs?

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Aw come on, you know we're all thinking it!


Carson! Fetch the white wine! :D

I don't think so! I think a lot of us are more Lady Sybil than Carson/The Countess. Don't forget - she didn't just flirt with the help, she married him!

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find it more pathetic that Carole, who frankly wrote a book about her husband that made me cry, seems to be replacing that man in her life with.... I dunno... what are Adam's life accomplishments other than being pretty and dating Luann's niece?


Wow. Anthony died 15 years ago and Carole has dated many men since then. She's allowed to move on. I doubt she has seen them as a "replacement" for Anthony and has tried to enjoy them for who they are. Adam may not be accomplished in the traditional sense, or travel in society circles, but a) at least no one can accuse Carole of being an elitist for her choice and b) I don't know - that Nicaraguan farm stuff is cool and I admire anyone who helps get an enterprise like that off the ground.


Relationships take all different forms and levels of seriousness. I doubt Carole is viewing Adam as a potential spouse so much as someone she likes spending time with. I don't find him any more of a potential husband than Erik is for LuAnn. Maybe it's because I'm in my mid-40s and not much younger than Carole, but stuff like where you went to school, what you do for work etc. becomes less important as you get older and get to know people. YMMV.

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Put me down for that little $1,000 gold metallic number. LOL! I love how you don't even get a description of garment construction or even specifics on what material was used to justify such an exorbitant price. The gold gown I saw was nice and all but WTF is saying "Imported of Italian fabric" supposed to tell me? What does that mean? Just 'cause it is Italian doesn't mean it is top quality fabric. Hell, it could be Italian felt for all I know.

She is also trying to make out there are more clothes by showing each color as a separate garment, even though they are the same dress. I counted only 3 actual dresses, for example. And how is it she can't manage actual sizes? A $1,200 dress that is small, medium, large?? Not well fitted.

I am also trying to figure out how she avoids providing any actual information about the "diamonds." Maybe cut, color, clarity details? Note everything seems to be "total carat weight" because very few of the pieces seem to be one diamond (most amusingly the description of the "pear shaped" necklace refers to a round diamond.

The errors in grammar are classic housewives garbage.

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Wow. Anthony died 15 years ago and Carole has dated many men since then. She's allowed to move on. I doubt she has seen them as a "replacement" for Anthony and has tried to enjoy them for who they are. Adam may not be accomplished in the traditional sense, or travel in society circles, but a) at least no one can accuse Carole of being an elitist for her choice and b) I don't know - that Nicaraguan farm stuff is cool and I admire anyone who helps get an enterprise like that off the ground.


I really have no problem that she is getting her itch scratched but really, is this a serious relationship on her part? Or is she just having fun? I really have no problem with her having fun... but is he anything other than the season's toy?


I mean, wasn't she super into that guy in the Caribbean episodes whose name I don't remember but I remember her fondness being a big deal? Was that a serious commitment? Or fun?  And are we supposed to treat her fling with Luann's chef as a serious thing or fun? I mean, how much serious support are we supposed to give her dating this guy? 


I guess my question is... how serious am I supposed to take her fucking Luann's personal chef for amusement? Is there any indication she's doing something other than fucking Luann's chef for attention on the show and personal amusement? Did I miss the committed relationship parts in the twitter war?

Edited by ZoloftBlob
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I'm hoping Adam-gate doesn't last the rest of the season.  I'm already so bored with it.


Watching Bethenney and Sonja talk as if they don't need relationships made me think they are the women that stalk then men who say they don't need relationships.  They give an air of desperation.


From what we hear, Bethenny was actually in a relationship, and Sonja would be the first to jump at a rich man that would have her and pay all her bills.

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Perhaps one of the housewives actually have (gasp) a black friend and not just a phantom one to be mentioned in case they are ever accused of being prejudiced. You know the typical "some of my best friends are black." My personal favorite was Scott Baio's "My wife's best friend is black." LOL!

I think we saw that woman at Luann's new home this season.


Wait. Wait wait wait. I'm dying over this! Did he really?! Oh, man. This reminds me of some sports writer or commentator or ESPN guy getting dragged on Twitter last fall over some tenuous relationship like that. It was during the time The Washington Post did that whole project on the n-word, and this ESPN/sports writer guy threw his commentary into the ring about why the word bothered him (as a white guy). He actually said something like, "It bothers me because my dad's friend knew James Reeb. It's personal for me." Like, what?!


Anyway. I digress. I wondered if the woman at the party was also the one who Aviva claimed that her father had sex with. But then I couldn't remember what that woman last season looked like, so I don't know.

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Wow.  An 850 square foot warehouse.  Truly impressive.  Thanks for your smug-ass answer to B's questions, con-artist chick.  


Yeah, I think my cat is CEO of Sonja Brands.  Um, but I don't have a cat, so . . . er, maybe my imaginary cat is CEO of Sonja's non-existent "brands", run by a vast array of shady characters.  Oh, but my imaginary cat is much nicer, btw, than the snotty assholes in that meeting.  Eh, at least B was entertaining & gave me a giggle in that scene.

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I got the impression from WWHL, etc., that it's ongoing and more serious now.


Good for her, if *true* and not being said to stave off talk. You'll forgive my cynicism over how not everything said on WWHL comes out to be accurate.


Right now, on the show, the relationship seems to be happening because she finds it amusing to fuck Luann's chef. Not the worst reason to lay a guy but if there's something deeper, I hope they make an effort to depict it.

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Adam isn't 13 years younger than Carole if he is 30 and she is 51, as one poster said.


I think perhaps LuAnn's niece was upset by the breakup with Adam and that is why L is concerned.

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Add me to the list of who wants to know who Lu's stunning African American friend is.  Was she supposed to be a HW or Friend Of?  I would have loved to hear what she and Sonja's model boy chatted about on their smoke break.  That might have been an interesting conversation, or at least more interesting than watching John grind with Sonja and Kristen.


I rewatched the scene between Lu and Carole at the bar party, and Lu agreed with Carole's characterization of the Nicaragua trip as Adam, the niece, and other friends, as apposed to Adam & the niece on some kind of personal vacation.  And Lu agreed with Carole that they hadn't seen each other in days, so this Adam hookup wasn't, at that point, a long term thing.  And Lu didn't object when Carole said that Adam and the niece had been broken up for a while.  That makes the Twitter/WWHL pissing contest even weirder/more suspicious.  Either it's for ratings, or something big went down in the last island vacation (the one with the "be cool, don't be like all uncool" thing).  I'm theorizing only because Heather is also anti Lu now, and as much as she's a ride or die friend with Carole, I don't think she'd die on the hill over Adam.  Eh, just theorizing.  I could be wrong, but I think there's more underlying the feud than the chef.

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I really have no problem that she is getting her itch scratched but really, is this a serious relationship on her part? Or is she just having fun? I really have no problem with her having fun... but is he anything other than the season's toy?


I mean, wasn't she super into that guy in the Caribbean episodes whose name I don't remember but I remember her fondness being a big deal? Was that a serious commitment? Or fun?  And are we supposed to treat her fling with Luann's chef as a serious thing or fun? I mean, how much serious support are we supposed to give her dating this guy? 


I guess my question is... how serious am I supposed to take her fucking Luann's personal chef for amusement? Is there any indication she's doing something other than fucking Luann's chef for attention on the show and personal amusement? Did I miss the committed relationship parts in the twitter war?

Well, they are still dating so there must be something more than just getting an "itch scratched" LOL


I'm hoping Adam-gate doesn't last the rest of the season.  I'm already so bored with it.



From what we hear, Bethenny was actually in a relationship, and Sonja would be the first to jump at a rich man that would have her and pay all her bills.

From what we are being led to believe, "Adam-gate" did not really start until the show started a couple of weeks ago. There were photos of LuAnn and Carole together having fun that were taken after filming ended. IMO, something else, outside Adam, happened between them that neither will say/reveal. JMO

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Beth is now concerned about coming off too bitchy? It was interesting to see her with her hate boner tucked up, and being somewhat self-conscious. I guess she really does like Sonja?


Sonja should've just told Heather and LuAnn that Beth was asked to come as a potential investor. That was why she was there, right? Because it didn't appear that team was looking for advice.


Oh, Heather, I wish you didn't have a tendency to pout. But, we all have flaws, and you're still my tv girlfriend.


Dorinda looked good at her party, especially her hair. Pretty and sassy. Interesting that she's the one with the money, and John is supposedly looking for a come up. As far as the dancing, it looked like Kristen was okay with it until John got her by the waist and started moving his hands around, which is when she walked off.


Bethenny was the one that recommended Aviva to Andy, they know each other!

Hah. Another reason not to like Beth.


I might could care about LuAnn's niece and her hurt feelings if she were on the show. But she isn't, so I don't.

Edited by jaync
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Beth is now concerned about coming off too bitchy? It was interesting to see her with her hate boner tucked up, and being somewhat self-conscious. I guess she really does like Sonja?


Sonja should've just told Heather and LuAnn that Beth was asked to come as a potential investor. That was why she was there, right? Because it didn't appear that team was looking for advice.


Oh, Heather, I wish you didn't have a tendency to pout. But, we all have flaws, and you're still my tv girlfriend.


Dorinda looked good at her party, especially her hair. Pretty and sassy. Interesting that she's the one with the money, not John, and that he's supposedly looking for a come up. As far as the dancing, it looked like Kristen was okay with it until John got her by the waist and started moving his hands around, which is when she walked off.


Hah. Another reason not to like Beth.


I might could care about LuAnn's niece and her hurt feelings if she were on the show. But she isn't, so I don't.

No, Bethenny went to "advise" Sonja, not as a potential investor! Bethenny would have shot that, investing real money in anything Sonja, down loud and clear without going to some BS team meeting. LOL

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As far as the dancing, it looked like Kristen was okay with it until John got her by the waist and started moving his hands around, which is when she walked off.



Sounds like strip club rules to me.  The dancers can put all kinds of moves on you, but you are not allowed to put your hands on them.


Too bad there was no bouncer at the party.

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If anyone's talking apples and spaceships, I don't feel that Heather wringing her hands over Pirategate is comparable to LuAnn providing commentary on Carole and Adam's relationship at all. LuAnn is ostensibly responding on behalf of a girl/woman with whom she has a maternal relationship; Heather's angst was bizarre because she had literally known Jacques for weeks at the time Lu indulged in her Caribbean indiscretions. That being said, the Countess's disgruntlement makes no practical sense if she was "cool" with Carol immediately before the season started . . . I don't think Carole's decision to date a friend's employee comes anywhere close to being the most embarrassing thing she's done on the show - that would be grabbing Aviva's face and coming unhinged at the Drescher housewarming. And, honestly, when it comes to "Camelot" and the branch of the Radziwills in question, you have literal homicides in the latter (I guess Aviva should be thankful she didn't end up in the Hudson) and Jackie stealing Aristotle Onassis from Lee in the latter. Commencing a fling with a chef ain't gonna tarnish any legacy . . . Carole, however, could and should have seen how messy this entire liaison would turn out to be from a mile away since Adam is Noel's friend. I don't think she, Heather, Kristen, and LuAnn have ever really been genuine friends. Lu seemed to actually have a more authentic rapport with Aviva; her gravitation toward the other three impressed me as more of a calculated effort to align herself with the popular girls/tide of most viewer sympathy . . . Kristen herself must feel like she's made some "bad choices" while drinking if she feels the need to retcon so significantly in her talking heads in order to justify/mitigate her behavior.

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Anyone else find it weird how many times, in one of her rants, LuAnn says that she gave Adam a job (cooking for her family)? She also points out that Nicole is a twin, and Nicole's twin sister also gave Adam a job at her school. Also, weird that Nicole is LuAnn's niece, but Nicole's twin sister is "Nicole's sister" (LuAnn doesn't refer to her as her niece).

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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Is Lu's niece a reality vet?  Has she made an appearance on the show a few seasons back, with Lu?  Well, one thing they really could use on the show is some young blood.  Hannah is NOT it.  Kristen ain't it either.


She was on Bravo's "Work of Art" which is like a Top Chef for artists. She did well, making it to top five.  Her work is very experimental.  I don't want to see her as a RHONY cast member because extended family should stay out of it but I enjoy the theory that this recent Adam drama might be fueled by Lu's desire to bring her aboard.


She could be an interesting addition, though, as she's younger and connected (peripherally?) to NYC's art scene.  But bringing her on would make Lu even more insufferable than she already is. 


ETA:  Picture.  She's the one in the middle on the ladder.'


Edited by ryebread
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I didn't realize Carole, of all HWs, was capable of engendering such ire. Well, at least from anyone other than Luann's ghost Twitterer.


"Cocked and loaded"? "Seducing"? "Involve Luann's kid in a lie"?


Are we still talking about the Carole on RHONY...?


Word on the street is Carole's dull as dirt and hardly capable of crafting a complex web of scheming and seduction, much less being sexy, period. Slash, at all.


We've all got different hot buttons.  I'm not annoyed that she's dating the toddler ex of Luann's niece. (But someone with a 20 something son, might be.)  Nor that she doesn't appear to have any interests aside from cute boyz.  (Seriously, what does she do all day?)  Her huffing laugh at the end of nearly every TH amuses me but might really annoy someone who just can't stand her face.  And I can see how an animal lover would be upset with her time-sharing another dog.


What really aggravates me about Carole is that I think she's an intelligent woman but she insists on acting like a dum dum. 

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I really don't get why these ladies act like downtown NYC is a foreign country.  It makes me feel a bit embarrassed for them.  Here's a tip ladies - maybe you wouldn't think downtown was so far away if you stopped insisting on driving everywhere like tourists.  If the subway is good enough for Katie Holmes it is more than good enough for any of you.


And another tip for Dorinda - how about getting a mirror and combing your whole head, not just the front part you can see.  It's always matted down in the back!  Drives me insane!  And her boyfriend??  A total pig.


Poor Sonja.  If there's one thing I would take Bethanny's advice on it would be business.  I rewound a couple times and I could not make head or tails out of anything Sonja was saying.  Then did she say she was doing food products to her date at the party??  Poor thing.


I liked B's th's this episode, they didn't seem so rehearsed.

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NOT a Bethany fan, but I was totally impressed by her in this episode -- yup, you need to pin down that distribution chain before you spend any $$$$ beyond developing a prototype.  She's a really sharp businesswoman.  She's pretty much wasted on this show -- which I assume she's doing for publicity.  Uncle Andy really needs to give her her own version of Shark Tank.  She'd be brilliant.  She obviously is one of those women who doesn't like other women very much, so it's kind of a waste of time to stage social interactions with the women on this show.  She doesn't like them, and it shows.


Yeah, Heather was out of line, but of course, she's right.  If Sonja was a practical person who was actually interested in marketing a clothing line, she'd be wringing everything she could out of Heather.


I think the deal with LuAnn and Carole is that Carole was included in some of the LuAnn/niece Adam bitch sessions.  It's one thing to date someone one of your friends knows; it's quite another thing to date someone who's been lurking as an invisible 4th party in previous social encounters.  The unspoken message there is:  I can keep him; your niece can't -- I'm better than your niece.  It's only natural for LuAnn to feel defensive on the part of someone she presumably loves.


Loved, loved, loved Dorinda's cocktail dress!

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Bravo nevers shows me the conversations that I wish they showed me. When Heather approached Sonja at the party she started by saying that B had called her to tell her about the meeting with Sonja's "team". Since B was pretty clear in both her TH and in her conversation with her associate that Sonja should have been engaging Heather in all of this, it is more than possible that she said the same thing to Heather when she told her about the meeting. That makes more sense with regard to Heather asking Sonja why she didn't include her as well. I would have loved to have heard that conversation between Heather and B.

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I didn't even notice that all important fact. That is very odd. I expect that when ordering knockoffs from Aliexpress, not when throwing down hundreds or in some cases $1k plus on a dress or gown.  First there is the problem of even getting it knowing Sonja's and then if you do get it will fit you like a Denise Huxtable/Gordon Gartrelle original. You be standing there like:





HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i just yelped with glee at seeing this throwback moment!


Sonja's accessibly luxurious fashion line is only slightly more believable than She by Sheree. And I say slightly because no one can actually say they’ve received a piece of clothing, even if their money was taken.

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In looking at Lu and Heather's Twitter, it sounds like whatever happened between them happens at the very end. They were tweeting fun pics of the just the two of them on February 1st, in what looked like their final vacation. On February 15th Heather was retweeting supportive tweets to her followers about Lu's apparel collection, so all was fine at that point as well and they were back from vacation. I thought that whatever happened between them probably happened when they were away, but it wasn't bad enough for Heather to stop publicly supporting her on Twitter. They all tweeted out that filming wrapped on February 22nd. Lu had also posted some pics of her and Carole together doing publicity after filming wrapped. They looked happy in the photos. I am beyond curious as to what goes down, and am wondering if it is just a bunch of hype for ratings. Lu seems to be the one who immediately began attacking them both on Twitter as soon as the season began. I kind of hate that Carole is getting in the mud with her, but am glad to see that Heather is not. Of course, that could change quickly.  

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I really have no problem that she is getting her itch scratched but really, is this a serious relationship on her part? Or is she just having fun?



I've known couples who started out as a fling or one-night stand and then it became something deeper. It happens. If they're still together, and hooked up around Halloween, I'd say that it's gone beyond a fling…if they are seeing each other exclusively, at least. Frankly, I think it's the fact that it's NOT a quick fling is what's gotten LuAnn so upset. 


LuAnn's mentioning that Adam worked for Nicole's twin sister is weird. OK, we get it, he was a paid employee by now multiple family members. I guess this means that there was an obligation on Adam's part to show some decorum? Well, at least LuAnn's found another thing to go on about, but the more she does, the worse she looks, and the more Nicole starts to look a bit pathetic. I doubt the girl is a wallflower who will never find another boyfriend.

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The reason bethanny coming back had been mixed is because when.she was on before...the show was more about showcasing the women in their day to day lives with some social.interaction.between the women in actual social gatherings.

Bethanny in a business setting is where she excels...not at the forced social gatherings the show insists on. If Andy Cohen and production could learn one thing, its that forced social gatherings have killed the franchise more then anything else.

Also, I am still wondering how Kristen and Brandi are friends in real life? I've seen Kristen on interview shows and she can use words bigger then two syllables and doesn't have to swear.

And I agree with a previous poster that I didn't buy that Lu, Carole, heather and Kristen were legit friends...they were aligned based on their dislike of Aviva...and now that aviva is gone...the alignment will start to fade away.

Also, heather has always been.bossy...remember when Kristen actually called heather on it last season? Granted Kristen apologized.. but you can tell the other women thought it as well but wouldn't say it.

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But that's what Aviva originally suggested. At first Aviva only asked Carole if she used a ghost writer in response to Carole's first insulting question to Aviva about whether Aviva hired a ghost writer, implying that that would be the only way she would legitamize Aviva moving forward with the idea of publishing a book.  Aviva's "well DID YOU use a ghost writer?" To me, in my head, "No? well then why would you're first question to me be if I hired a ghost writer?" was the unsaid end of her true sentiment.  Problems took off afterwards when Aviva tried to run with and validate the idea of an actual ghostwriter. Stupid! 


Carol asked if Aviva hired a ghostwriter because Aviva had come to Carole and asked Carole to help vet one for. Carole simply wanted to know if Aviva had chosen one based on a prior conversation they had. There was no implication of that being the only way that Aviva could get published. 

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Heather is jealous of Bethenny, plain and simple.



I'm not sure why that would be. Heather's not perfect, but she's always struck me as someone comfortable in her own skin. If she was a relentless Alpha, I don't think Kristen and Carole (both Betas) would want to be close to her. Bethenny's had a big financial success, but is a hot mess in her personal life and is the first person to acknowledge that.


I wonder if it's a similar dynamic to when Heather and Ramona first met. Both admitted that, given their shared background in fashion and business, they expected to "click" right away and that didn't happen…but they grew on each other eventually. In St. Bart's, they at least reached a place where they could enjoy each other's company. At the reunion, Heather said that sometimes you dislike in other people the qualities you have in yourself that you're not crazy about. (If my awkward wording makes sense.) Maybe as the season goes on, Heather and Bethenny will find some middle ground.

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I really don't get why these ladies act like downtown NYC is a foreign country.  It makes me feel a bit embarrassed for them.  Here's a tip ladies - maybe you wouldn't think downtown was so far away if you stopped insisting on driving everywhere like tourists.  If the subway is good enough for Katie Holmes it is more than good enough for any of you.



I do think it's ridiculous to drive everywhere in NYC but the train isn't always the perfect solution either. There are no cross town trains and sometime an express, a local train and or a cross town bus is necessary just to get from the upper east side to downtown west side or even cross town.  The trains are awesome and all but it really can be a grueling trip depending on the trains needed, where you are going and where you are starting from. Sometimes driving just cuts out all the changing trains and crap. So, I do know what they are getting at when they make their little comments regarding how big of a  journey it is to get from A to Z.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned, no time to read all of the posts! Ignore me if it's been talked about. Re Kristen's little "let me flirt with you then act all pearl clutchy" thing she does: I used to do that when I was younger. Its an ego boost to know you're titillating a guy. But she obviously doesn't want john or george or someone else like them, so she scurries away when she's had enough or they get too hansy. And I think it's also an attention tactic.. "Did you see him feel me up?! Omg!" That's my take on it anyway.

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I do think it's ridiculous to drive everywhere in NYC but the train isn't always the perfect solution either. There are no cross town trains and sometime an express, a local train and or a cross town bus is necessary just to get from the upper east side to downtown west side or even cross town. The trains are awesome and all but it really can be a grueling trip depending on the trains needed, where you are going and where you are starting from. Sometimes driving just cuts out all the changing trains and crap. So, I do know what they are getting at when they make their little comments regarding how big of a journey it is to get from A to Z.

If they wore decent shoes, they could walk through the city.

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I'm really glad that people are reacting to Kristen's indignation over John the same way I did...but I so didn't want to come across as one of those "she was asking for it" slut-shamers. I think she was drunk off her ass and was trying to save face in her TH.


I'm convinced that Derrick (sp?) is an actor being paid by Bravo. I can't imagine anyone willingly hanging out with Sonja and acting as her escort unless they were getting something in return. Gone are the days when she appeared to be a benefactor to her artist boyfriend. Before Sonja's bankruptcy, she was fun, personable, and sensible, and I could see her being effective in connecting people. Now...well...unless she's telling Derrick about how she's going to take him to San Tropez and introduce him to all these fabulous people who are going to help him in his career, I just don't see it. Broke Sonja isn't charming, but drunk and babbling. I cracked up at her "I support LBGT!" non-sequitur.


I think Ramona had said "I need something deeper than that," but I could be wrong. I don't think she meant for it to come out as dismissive as it did.

I don't think Ramona was out of line at all. She clearly meant she is only interested in a relationship with someone she build a life with. Not that the young man was shallow, but that she is looking for something more than a fling. I agree with her...what's the point in dating a man she has nothing in common with?

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The reason bethanny coming back had been mixed is because when.she was on before...the show was more about showcasing the women in their day to day lives with some social.interaction.between the women in actual social gatherings.

Bethanny in a business setting is where she excels...not at the forced social gatherings the show insists on. If Andy Cohen and production could learn one thing, its that forced social gatherings have killed the franchise more then anything else.

Also, I am still wondering how Kristen and Brandi are friends in real life? I've seen Kristen on interview shows and she can use words bigger then two syllables and doesn't have to swear.

And I agree with a previous poster that I didn't buy that Lu, Carole, heather and Kristen were legit friends...they were aligned based on their dislike of Aviva...and now that aviva is gone...the alignment will start to fade away.

Also, heather has always been.bossy...remember when Kristen actually called heather on it last season? Granted Kristen apologized.. but you can tell the other women thought it as well but wouldn't say it.

Funny you mention Brandi and Kristen's friendship. I saw Kristen on a show today, while I do find Kristen bland/boring she does seem like a nice woman. A grown up. Ok, so they asked how she got on the show, and she pretty much tells the story I have heard before. She was with Brandi at a Bravo party and then got a call to audition or whatever and boom she's on the show. The only difference is this time she never names Brandi. She leaves out her name completely. It makes me think maybe Kristen doesn't want to be associated with trashy Brandi. Just a thought.

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I don't think Ramona was out of line at all. She clearly meant she is only interested in a relationship with someone she build a life with. Not that the young man was shallow, but that she is looking for something more than a fling. I agree with her...what's the point in dating a man she has nothing in common with?




I get the sense that for Sonja dating a much younger man = I'm still youthful and attractive to interest a younger man.  It's the trophy boyfriend she can show off to her friends.  


Of course, nothing wrong dating a younger man.  But when you treat them like a notch on your belt it's as creepy as the 50 something man dating a twenty something.


On Dorinda's boyfriend John, he's creepy.  And in my mind, another case of the "I don't put up with any bullshit except bullshit" vibe I get off of Dorinda.  She loves to walk around like she's so bad ass and won't put up with anything...but when her boyfriend is acting creepy, it's "He loves women!"

Edited by sasha206
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I do think it's ridiculous to drive everywhere in NYC but the train isn't always the perfect solution either. There are no cross town trains and sometime an express, a local train and or a cross town bus is necessary just to get from the upper east side to downtown west side or even cross town. The trains are awesome and all but it really can be a grueling trip depending on the trains needed, where you are going and where you are starting from. Sometimes driving just cuts out all the changing trains and crap. So, I do know what they are getting at when they make their little comments regarding how big of a journey it is to get from A to Z.


I take the subway all the time.  Never have a problem.  God forbid these women ever, I don't know, WALK a little.  That is one of the best things about living in a city, not needing a car.  I just feel very embarrassed for them when they say they never leave the upper.  They live in one of the most interesting cities in the world and they spend all their time in arguably the most boring part of it.  JMHO:)



I think Ramona had said "I need something deeper than that," but I could be wrong. I don't think she meant for it to come out as dismissive as it did.

The weird part of this was that the guy was sitting right there and had absolutely no reaction.  I started to think maybe they were talking about someone else??  It was just a weird exchange.

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So Ramona, Kristen and Sonja's date are talking, Kristen tells Ramona she should try dating a nice, young guy, too, and Ramona says: "No, not for me. I need someone deeper." TO HIS FACE! The guy was standing right there! What is this trait called? Don't say lack of filter or drunk, cuz she definitely has those covered, but it's something else.

The trait is called being a bitch. 


I'm really glad that people are reacting to Kristen's indignation over John the same way I did...but I so didn't want to come across as one of those "she was asking for it" slut-shamers. I think she was drunk off her ass and was trying to save face in her TH.


I'm convinced that Derrick (sp?) is an actor being paid by Bravo. I can't imagine anyone willingly hanging out with Sonja and acting as her escort unless they were getting something in return. Gone are the days when she appeared to be a benefactor to her artist boyfriend. Before Sonja's bankruptcy, she was fun, personable, and sensible, and I could see her being effective in connecting people. Now...well...unless she's telling Derrick about how she's going to take him to San Tropez and introduce him to all these fabulous people who are going to help him in his career, I just don't see it. Broke Sonja isn't charming, but drunk and babbling. I cracked up at her "I support LBGT!" non-sequitur.


I think Ramona had said "I need something deeper than that," but I could be wrong. I don't think she meant for it to come out as dismissive as it did

I think he is too.  He looks so bored by all of this.  

Did anyone else hear Sonja saying to someone at the party, "...and I have food products..." ?


I didn't catch who she was talking to, but it seems like she was treating them to her usual deluded litany of products she's branding that no one will ever see.  Too bad she wasn't at Bethenny's lunch to see all the SG products Beth has branded.

I think she was yammering to Derrick who couldn't have looked any less interested. 

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Wait, what the what -- Carole just said on WWHL, Lu hired someone to write all the mean shit she's been saying on Twitter.  She said to Satan Andy, "C'mon, since when has Luann said anything clever ever on the show."  Yikers!  Satan Andy paused & looked confused & sorta disagreed, but not very convincingly.  Oh man.


Maybe I'm the only one but I think LuAnn can be very clever and witty in her scenes that appear to be unscripted. Carole seems to think she is the most clever, most witty, most accomplished woman on the face of the planet.

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I actually understand what (I think) Ramona meant. She has already achieved/established the major things one does in their late 20s/30s/40s and probably does not want to go back through those same experiences. And while Mario was her age & pretty attractive I think part of his allure was that he had a viable career/financial stability from the family business. Ramona built her own business & continued it after marriage. So the idea of getting with some guy trying to hop to a higher level job, land a promotion, build a business is not what she wants in a relationship.


I think the others are more interested in a younger guy because they (including Carole) were with me who were pretty much set in terms of career/finance when their relationships began. I think Luann in particular was more attracted to the excitement if the Count's lifestyle (skiing, boating, trips to the desert, racing) than his actual wealth. Although a poor man would obviously not afford those particular hobbies or the big trips. If I bet money on who she would actually marry I think Luann will end up with someone no more than 5 years younger up to 10 years older if he is active. She told Beth as much in the first or second ep.

As annoying as I find Carole I think she specifically dates men who are truly not available. Because that means she never fails those relationships- they are simply flings or non committal or open... In other words no deadlines for work, no cooking to eat, no actual relationship. She fails at nothing! And more annoyingly she is pretty much becoming that girl that changes personality with every man.


Sonja goes with young guys probably for image- or because it makes her seem more important in the relationship. Its pretty noticeable that Carole and Sonja go out with guys they probably would not have dated at the actual age the guys are now. And the guys do not have the most stable/upwardly mobile employement. No offense to Chez Luann (ok- plenty of offense to Chez Luann) but cooking for Howives and their nieces is not a long term employment stratefy. Maybe he figures to earn a check as a Bravo regular. Seemed to work for Brooks and the ATL husbands.  Atleast Jacques had a business that he worked hard to develop and stood on its own beyond the Bravo cameras.

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