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S30.E08: Keep It Real

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Blue collar is Casaya. They hated each other but always ended up voting as a tribe because no one had a good reason to flip. Mike is Aras, Rodney is Shane and Sierra is Daneille/courtney(?).


If I was one of the 7 people alliance I would definitely want to wait until Joe is gone to make my big move.


At least Casaya had fun times. Shane and his blackberry, Cirie and her amazingness. Danielle and her gestures. Courtney with her fire dancing... I Hate Blue Collar. (Mike is getting on my nerves now). Well I like Tyler and Carolyn, but they were white collar first, so meh. I am v.. hoping something happens. I don't get this "best season-ever-ness" that Jeff promised. (not like i trust him ever, but still)

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Dan is a moron. That is all.


I wish Mike didn't find the idol. besides the fact that I don't like it when people just find an idol. I don't like Mike.


Do you think Hali & Joe have the same hairdresser?

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Speaking of idols, no one has found the old Esecmeca idol, right?


I wonder if Mike actually found the Blue Tribe's original idol tonight.  From where he found it, it sure didn't seem to be near the "sea of green, end of a river" description of Joe's clue.  That means the post-merge HII is still potentially out there, so Joe needs to keep searching!  The fact that the majority alliance made it a clear 7-4 vote tonight, however, makes me wonder if they don't buy that Joe (or Shirin) actually have idols.  If they were really worried about idols, they would've split the vote and made it 4 for Hali and 3 for Shirin or Jenn.  Assuming any HII wasn't played in Hali's favour, when the vote comes back tied, then everyone gangs up on Hali and eliminates her.


Survivor often makes some weird editing choices, so I'm not really sure how we're "supposed" to be feeling about some of these players.  Do Probst and company think we all find Rodney hilarious?  Or Dan a likable blunt-talker?  Or Shirin a weirdo outcast?  Since frankly, I hate the two guys and find Shirin to be rather endearing despite being a bit of a kook and playing the 'superfan' card a bit too hard.


Really stupid move from Joe in sharing the idol clue with Tyler.  I guess maybe Joe figured he could still try to sway Tyler to his side, yet that backfired horribly.


It occurs to me that for the anti-Dan vote to have worked, perhaps Will should've been the one to be approached, though he's been such an invisible man over the last two episodes that I don't know what his deal is.  Surprised we haven't seen even one scene of one of the No Collars approaching Will about turning on them at the last vote.

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I'm not surprised that a NC went tonight. It was the smart play by everyone else. But I'm optimistic that next week is where the BC outliers are going to start doing math, question their position in the alliance, and flip (if they're going to flip). With Joe/Jenn/Hali broken up, now it makes sense for some combination of Will, Sierra, Carolyn, Tyler to flip to working with Joe/Jenn/Shirin. There's still enough time left in the game that a flip now can forge strong relationships at that crucial F4 or F3 immunity competition.


I think it was smart of Shirin to stick with Joe/Jenn/Hali even if they didn't have the numbers. If she's going to be needed by BC at some point due to a fracture, she'll be needed and it doesn't matter what she does until that point. But should she somehow make FTC, being loyal to Joe/Jenn/Hali can give her votes whereas flipping on them would likely cost her (since why would they resent anyone from BC voting them out? They're in opposing alliances so of course BC would vote her out!) 

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Rodney and Dan are total ass hats. Will is just a 15 watt bulb. What in the world is he thinking voting 2 weeks in a row against the no collars. To what end? He's probably lower on the blue/white list than staying with the no collars. I forget her name, but I find the girl, working with the no collars, to be quirky but far and away less annoying than Rodney and Dan. They are why I cannot play survivor because I wouldn't be able to bite my tongue on telling them what I thought of them. I'm sure there would be a deluge of cuss words that would have to be bleeped out.

Edited by Waldo13
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That's what I don't get about Rodney's final 4 plan.  First of all, Rodney is the perfect person to sit next to in the final 3 because he can't win.  So I can see why Tyler and Carolyn would want to align with him.  Will I believe is along for the ride.  But what's the plan when they get to the final 4?  Split the vote, draw rocks.  Does anyone wonder who won't be making the final 3 out of that quartet?  I half wonder if they are hearing final 4, but not remembering one more person has to go home.

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I don't agree there.  I can see them all saying "final four forever" but thinking "I see how to get to final three from there suckers"! 


It's possible I guess.  With the cast we have, and for the first time in 30 seasons its a group of 10 finalists that I feel I know so little about overall, it's hard to know exactly what they are thinking or if they are looking at the big picture.  I don't know if Tyler/Carolyn would turn on each other, and Rodney may figure that if one of them makes the jury, they will vote for the other.  So why not take that one vote away that they are likely guaranteed.  Will has betrayed his NC, but other than that hasn't done anything in this game and he could certainly make a good case in the final 3.  At the very least, he could probably make a more compelling argument than Rodney.  I just question if Rodney wins that final immunity, and there's a chance he may, will they all expect him to take them to the finals?  Someone is always on the bottom, so will one of the 4 be sorry they maybe didn't make a move sooner and actually guarantee themselves a spot in the final 3.  It's Survivor, so sometimes there never is a good option, and it is always about risks.


I know Joe is an athlete and loves the competition, but I do have to feel sorry for him that it really is a do or die situation, that he can't ever take a breather at those challenges and at least go back to camp feeling good if he loses.  I think his competitiveness probably would win out whether his head was on the chopping block constantly anyway, but to know that you automatically have to win or else has got to really increase the pressure.  Especially this early in the individual game.


I realized tonight how much this season has gone downhill for me when I'm actually missing Max, Vince, Joaquin, and Lindsey.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I had a big long thing typed up analyzing a lot of "moves" we saw tonight, but honestly most of it's been said, and I realized it's all moot.  There's no use trying to think about why things are happening the way they are.  The big problem of this season is the editors: they've crawled so far up their own butt about building "suspense" and "blindsides" for drama that they have forgotten to tell a coherent story.


For example, Will: he's basically this mute yet critical swing vote, yet I can't remember the last time we got any real insight into his game plan from either him or the others. Given how he was betrayed last week, why didn't he jump back and join with NC + Shirin and Sierra to pick off either Dan, Rodney, Tyler, Mike, or Carolyn?  As a fringe benefit, with 2 of those 5 we'd have seen someone being completely blindsided with an idol still in their pocket.  And why has no one else been shown having the "Will" conversation with their own alliances, talking about how significantly it impacted the game that he just nonchalantly up and left the NC alliance and everyone's just like "Okay, whatevs" without ever explicitly acknowledging it?  And don't get me started on the Three Stooges Joe, Tyler, and Mike this week...


Seriously, what the heck is going on with this show, it's more cryptic than a dream-sequence-heavy episode of "Mad Men"!  By denying us any insight into the often baffling choices of these people, it doesn't create suspense or drama... it just creates frustration.



Anyway, even though she's probably not long for this game, Shirin has grown on me a lot.  I don't think she's annoying, she's just a real fan and excited to be here, and I find her awkward dorkiness endearing.  Also, if she's an actual computer scientist who is also a Yahoo exec, then she's probably already making a lot more money than any of these people, so her life is her reward: she gets to leave the island after 39 days, but people like Dan and Rodney are stuck with themselves for the rest of their lives. :)  Speaking of the Troll Bros., I find it grossly xenophobic that they (and others?) act like she's got some craaaazy exotic and unpronounceable name.  Happily, she might end up in the final two on the rarely invoked "Rumplestiltskin" clause of the Survivor rules, immune to the finals because apparently there are not enough people who can come close to writing down her actual name.  I'd be content with that, because I think at this point Shirin or Mike (who's played a very solid and respectable game so far) are the only people I can still root for.  That means, I'm probably stuck with rooting for Mike by default at this point; the rest seem either too dim, too despicable, or too passive to want to see them succeed.



Aw, I had just started to like Hali too, as she kind of reminds me in her spunkiness of a woman I once knew who happened to be getting her law degree (to be a social justice lawyer focusing on prisoner's rights and immigration law). Hali is probably smarter than she sounds, but most importantly a good hearted person.  Unlike, say... well, you know.  However, with the tiniest possibility of Joe having the II and giving it to Jenn, this whole episode was clearly a foregone conclusion once the IC was over.

Edited by hincandenza
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I was so excited for Survivor this week I stayed up past midnight so I could watch it online.  And now I'm going to bed miserable.  The combined shithead count of this merge tribe is I think unprecedented.  I hate fucking Carolyn and her anti-Shirin bitchface and smug smirking.  I hate fucking Tyler and his "I'm so smart" affect and complete moron behavior.  I hate scary idiot Rodney, and I think Dan may have finally outdone the sainted Terry Deitz for KimberStormer's Least Favorite Survivor Contestant of All Time.  I hate Sierra for not flipping on this tribe of douches and I hate Will for flipping on his tribe of great people, and I hate the editors for pouring heavenly light and hallelujahs on Merica Mike.  If Jen is voted out (or quits!  Jesus!) I'm dropping the season, I won't care anymore.  Joe and Shirin are not good enough for me.  Though now I feel like whoever said it might be right, and Shirin is getting a F3 edit.


For some reason the first page of this thread is crashing my browser when I'm logged in (my computer, ladies and gentlemen) so I cannot Like all the things I Like but I'm glad everyone seems to see it my way for the most part.  I thought Joe made some shockingly good choices for reward partners, then blew it with the unexpected #5, Shirin (although I was happy for Shirin), because fucking Carolyn is too busy enjoying that superior stick up her ass to talk to Shirin about anything.  And then he didn't seem to pitch anything to them, and gave away the idol clue to Tyler without, like, negotiating.  And the rest of the episode was Dan in the water, Mike in the tree.  I knew Hali was doomed when they had Shirin's pitch to Tyler be the last thing before tribal.  And when she called Dan out for misogyny; that word is never going to go over well with Survivor editors.  Remember how they introduced us to Kim on One World: saying she wasn't so big into Woman Power.  Feminism in deed is OK, sometimes, but feminism in word, that's your cue to be crushed.


Blue collar is Casaya. They hated each other but always ended up voting as a tribe because no one had a good reason to flip. Mike is Aras, Rodney is Shane and Sierra is Daneille/courtney(?).


No.  Casaya was everything good about Survivor.  Casaya was beautiful.  Casaya had Cirie.  Blue Collar is the worst tribe ever and a blight on the Survivor world.  They have nothing to redeem them.  They're much closer to La Mina than Casaya.

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I only saw the first several episodes of Marquesas.  Even so, when I learned Vecepia won, I was astounded.  I had barely noticed her in the early part of the game.  From what I've read, she skated between alliances, bouncing around at critical times, without getting much blood on her hands. 


My question is if Will is playing a similar game?  He's barely getting any edit at all, but his name has not come up as a possible boot for ages. 

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I probably won't follow through but I am getting close to not watching the rest of this season.


Tyler's move was not awful. I wanted him to swap because I so dislike Dan but Tyler is in a better place where he is right now. He knows that Sierra hates Dan and Rodney. He has Carolyn and an idol to work with. So he has three right there. Shirin, Jenn, or Joe will end up having to work with him if they want to stay in the game. Jenn/Shirin/Joe won't like it but who do they want to play with Rodney/Dan/Mike or Tyler/Sierra/Carolyn? So what is the benefit to flipping and taking out Dan now and moving form a fractured four to a tight four?


Dan and Rodney are awful human beings. Rodney is a rage filled, egotist who hates women. Dan is a paternalistic asshole with no filter who hates women. I was giving Dan half a chance because of Lindsey's interviews were she insists that Dan is so desperate to make good TV he is playing a character and that he is nothing like what we are seeing but screw that. If you are such a fucking fame whore that you think good TV equates with being a complete and utter misogynistic asshole then fuck you.


Mike is playing a good game. He is working so hard at it. It does not feel natural the way Tony's hard play felt. Tony felt like he was all over the place because he was trying so hard but it felt natural. Like Tony was a goof ball who was strategic with mental lapses who was able to smooth things over. Mike is so desperate to control the game it feels painful. To include crying over finding the idol and his place in the game. He is working a larger alliance with some true asshats on it and afraid of so many things that he is desperately trying to control the game. That is not going to work. Mike is either going to have a break down or end up on the jury in some weird way. I don't think that Mike makes the final only because I don't think he can keep up this frantic pace.


Sierra looked like she might be making a great move. Right now all she is one of Mike's minion and that is all. She cannot win with that.


Hali/Jenn/Joe/Shirin why the hell they didn't talk to Will about swapping? Will was upset that he was the only one to vote for Hali. They had an opportunity to use him for votes because he knew Mike and company didn't trust him and we didn't see anyone from the NC approach Will to try and bring him back in. Shirin made a great play trying to bring in Tyler but Carolyn and Shirin have such bad blood that it probably was not possible.


I don't like Carolyn. She is not active. She is not really playing. She is a bitch too Shirin. I just don't like her and her attitude. She is smug, annoying, and just generally bitchy.


The only people I want to see win this are Tyler, Jenn, Joe, Shirin, or Mike.

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Boooo! I was so hoping Dan would be going home. I don't fault Tyler and Carolyne for voting with Blue; I still think that group will be easier to fracture in the end. But oh how I wished that disgusting blowhard was sent packing. 


I didn't even mind Dan all that much until last night. I didn't LIKE him, but I figured he was just one of those people who doesn't think before he speaks. He was a big idiot, but meant no harm. But no. He is an ass. That little speech to Shirin down by the beach was just nasty. He was absolutely relishing in speaking down to her and trying to make her feel small and insignificant. It was just so distasteful, and there was absolutely no point to it. No game play. He was just being a dick. 


I also cannot stand how both he and Rodney have been dismissively saying Shirin's name wrong. She's such a loser they can't be bothered to get it right. Men like them just make me sick. 


And Dan really needs to watch himself, trying to insult Shirin's intelligence, because his puzzle work was ridiculous. How on earth did he keep thinking he had it right? The words clearly weren't connected in the right way. I couldn't really read it, it looked like a lot of gibberish. He's a maroon. As is his buddy, Rodney, who could barely make it off the mat. 


And then you had Shirin in the RC, channeling a sloth by hanging upside down from her balance beam. Poor Shirin. She's not the best player, but she cracks me up. 



Joe disappointed me a bit this week. I mentioned last week admiring his skill at winning challenges, and appreciating how much HE appreciates just being out there. He seems like a pretty easy guy to get along with as well. I just wish he were mentally playing the game more. I thought he was, when he picked his old NC pal, Will, and the two WCs for the picnic. But no "shop talk" really went on. Maybe that wasn't the point? Maybe he just wanted to spread some good will around? But what really killed me was how he handled the whole clue thing. First of all, I could totally tell Mike was awake, so how he and Tyler couldn't is beyond me. But then they just stood, OPENLY, on the beach reading that damn clue! Here's how they should have done it: Keep the pretext of washing dishes. Then actually bend over the ocean and wash some dishes, with your backs to the camp. Very discreetly remove the clue and lay it out in a pan as you continue washing other dishes. Read the clue silently, while still washing dishes. 


Because, yea, the way he did it, so blatantly obvious, it left Tyler in the position of having to say something to Mike. Otherwise, I think Tyler would have kept quiet. Although, everyone thinking Joe does indeed have the idle kind of does him a favor. If he ever needs it. 


I didn't mind Hali. And her "flippers" speech at Tribal was downright awesome. I was kind of warming to NC, so it sucks to see her go over some asshat like Dan. I hope Jenn is able to keep morale up without her buddy. That's why it pays to try and build bridges elsewhere, even if they're not entirely genuine. I just really don't want a final 4 of all Blue. 

Edited by ghoulina
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I thoroughly don't understand why Dan needed to do his condescending "you're a fan" talk with Shirin.  If his side had the numbers, why even bother?  Seemed to me like he was trying to sway her over, but they didn't need her. 


I think he was just being nasty to her for the pure pleasure he gets from it.  I didn't believe he was trying to help her for one minute.  I tend to think we throw the word misogynist around too much and with guys like Rodney it's more stupidity than anything else.  I believe Rodney thinks he's complimenting women when he says he "holds them to a higher standard."  He thinks women are naturally better, more moral people.


So I'm sparing with the label, but I believe Dan is a true misogynist.  I can almost see the hatred dripping off him when he lectures  Shirin and Sierra about every little mistake he thinks they've made.  He can't even keep from gritting his teeth and sneering when he talks to them.  Let him babysit?  Shoot, I wouldn't leave Jodi Arrias alone with him.

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I'm not surprised that a NC went tonight. It was the smart play by everyone else. But I'm optimistic that next week is where the BC outliers are going to start doing math, question their position in the alliance, and flip (if they're going to flip). With Joe/Jenn/Hali broken up, now it makes sense for some combination of Will, Sierra, Carolyn, Tyler to flip to working with Joe/Jenn/Shirin. There's still enough time left in the game that a flip now can forge strong relationships at that crucial F4 or F3 immunity competition.

I hope you are right.  It did make sense for the majority group to break up the NC3, but would make even more sense next week to break up the BC4.  Carolyn and Tyler have to see that.  I think Sierra is more likely to flip at this point than Will, who seems quite at home with the BC guys.

That means, I'm probably stuck with rooting for Mike by default at this point; the rest seem either too dim, too despicable, or too passive to want to see them succeed.


That's exactly what I was going to say.  I'd root for Joe or Jenn for fighting back despite the numbers, but I think they are doomed.  Shirin is plucky but I find her annoying and only have to spend an hour a week with her.  The rest are either repugnant or coattail riders, so I guess "go, Mike?"  Yay?

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I hate Dan most of all.  He is a vile, hateful and disgusting. Rodney is similar, but he's so stupid that it's kind of sad.  I know Tyler & Carolyn are just trying to win, but I'm starting to turn on them too because they are keeping these awful people on my tv.  I've never quit mid-season, but the way this one is going, I really don't have the heart to continue.  I might still watch Ponderosa, but I think I'm done watching the show.  There are just so many vile people



You're right.   Usually, we get one or two to hate ... this season I'm up to 4 and that doesn't include coconut vendor.


Rodney:  I needn't explain.   I know that if I told you all that I wanted to club him in the face as he bobbed his head and grinned at Tribal, you would understand.


Dan:  Would you believe I have a neighbor like Dan?   There is no physical similarity, just the bright-eyed, condescending arrogance and the all-consuming love of his own voice.   I have always regarded this as an Irish trait and, being of Irish extraction myself, it only makes me hate it more.


Mike:  I can't stand listening to Mike and his Patrick Star voice anymore.   He's stupid, he sucks at challenges, he threw one challenge away ... he's insufferable.  And he's part of that blue collar assholery.   Why is he featured in confessionals for what feels like three-quarters of the show?


Tyler: Just for being a tool for all of tonight's episode.

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I think Will thinks that Rodney is gonna take him all the way to the end. Idiot. Riding the coattails of someone else is NEVER EVER gonna get you the WIN.


I know. I like how Will just took him at his word. He almost looked like he was thinking, "Oh cool, I got a final two deal. Now I don't have to worry about anything anymore". Will just seems lazy in this game, to me.


For example, Will: he's basically this mute yet critical swing vote, yet I can't remember the last time we got any real insight into his game plan from either him or the others. Given how he was betrayed last week, why didn't he jump back and join with NC + Shirin and Sierra to pick off either Dan, Rodney, Tyler, Mike, or Carolyn?


Yea, I do not get that. At all. I would have loved a conversation between Will and the Blues, or at least Mike - wanting to know why he was the only Hali vote. Did it happen, but we weren't shown? Because leaving it as is, it just makes it seem like Will DGAF about this game. 

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Well, I really enjoyed this episode.  Sure there were parts that I would have preferred not seeing (DAN).  However, I had much joy with much of it.

I thought Joe was showing a good understanding of how to use a reward when he chose Will, Carolyn and Tyler.  But then when Jeff said bring another, Joe totally stepped in it by having Shirin join them.  No way Carolyn (and probably Tyler) would be swayed with Shirin there who they both seem to dislike.  Oops.  Also, Shirin and Dan should NEVER be the ones to bring someone into an alliance.  Having said that though, I wonder if Dan was trying to create his own sub alliance.,


As for why nobody joined the NC in the vote-it wasn't in anyone's best interest.  In an alliance of 7 there will be subsets of alliances that are ready to turn on each other.  I'm sure Sierra has a sub alliance as do the others.  Also, if Sierra joined with the other women in a women's alliance she would still have been at the bottom of it without a potential subset alliance (Jenn, Hali, and Shirin would have probably stayed tight).  I think that the 3 NC seem to tight to break into and so it would be hard to go further than 4th place.  The other alliance though has tons of fractures and I can see the survivors thinking about opportunities to move themselves higher.


I loved Mike's enthusiasm when he found the idol.  It really appeared that he had been searching for quite a while and was climbing trees, etc.  I'm sure he knows that others within his alliance have sub alliances and are eyeing him, so I really felt his desperation.  He probably knows that Rodney is plotting against him.  Also, I think voting out Joaquin was the right decision as Rodney is still talking about how tight he and Joaquin were and power couples are always dangerous.  Yes, Joe is winning immunities and is a threat but Joaquin would have been a threat within his alliance.


Lastly, I loved the shocked look that Hali had when she was voted out.  I think that she and Jenn never considered the possibility that their plan wouldn't work.  Her face was priceless so in a way it did seem like a blindside.  I'm glad that Mike was able to convince his alliance to blow up the NC tribe like this.  Voting out Shirin would not have had the same impact.  And, it appears that there's no way Shirin would win if she got to the finals.  Hali though could win.


Good Episode (and yes, I am looking forward to Rodney and Dan's downfalls...)

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Hali's "Flippers built 'Merica" speech was hilarious. She sounded like she was in a MIss Teen USA pageant. Honestly not sure if that was deliberate or not.


Do you think FOX News has called and offered her a job yet?

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I think Will thinks that Rodney is gonna take him all the way to the end. Idiot. Riding the coattails of someone else is NEVER EVER gonna get you the WIN.

Maybe we should start calling Will by the name of the best coattail rider who lost, Woo. It's sort of got a nice ring to it... Will-Woo.

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Liking Mike more and hoping that he gets wind of the Rodney final four alliance that doesn't include him.  Even though it would be early on the planned ouster schedule, he might want to start targeting BC members.  


Carolyn & Tyler are just going along with the crowd.  Don't they realize that they could be a power team with a real swing vote?


Rodney and Dan may be despicable but they're not "maroon" ... they're morons.  


I stand corrected.  "maroon: an idiot; a fool"  Thanks, ghoulina.  

Edited by DallasGypsy
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Woo was a lot more active in the game than Will, come on.  Not to mention incredibly charismatic.


To the person who said white collars have no chance now?  Did you maybe mean no collars?  Because this episode I was thinking that Carolyn, Tyler, and Shirin seem to be sitting in good positions, regardless of anyone's personal feelings towards them.


As soon as Joe saw the clue in the bottle all he had to do was walk away from the group to finish his drink.  Who cares if people were suspicious at that point?  Carolyn certainly wouldn't have been.


In these past few episodes, I have found Rodney very tolerable.  Compared to Dan I barely notice Rodney. 


I loved the way Hali's little face would break open whenever she had an expression.

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I don't think Joe is dumb.  He smoked the rest of the tribe twice in puzzle challenges.  But he does seem exceedingly passive.



It's just strange because he is one of those who said he watched the show before coming on. I think he was the one who learned how to make fire from YouTube.  So he's a fan, maybe not as intense as Shirin but he's definitely watched the show. And as others noted, his first reward picks made sense on a strategy level but then everything else after that was just baffling. I don't know if it's the editing or what. Honestly, Joe actually reminds a lot of Ozzy in that respect. Strong, physical player who kills at the challenges but not the greatest strategist. 


That said, I did find his reaction to Rodney's buffoonery after the Reward Challenge, kind of adorable. I laughed first when he told Rodney "you're also eating the most" after Rodney's annoying "I'm starving the most" and then when he just started laughing at Rodney's douchebro meltdown when he realized he wasn't getting picked and started going on about how he doesn't care anyway because they're seven strong. 

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I finally figured out who Hali reminded me of tonight!  She looks like she could be one of the Duggar kids, but she'd have to change her name to Ja-Hali.

I'm not sure why they thought Hali was the bigger threat from NC.  I think Jenn holds more sway from what we've seen so far. AND they can be pretty certain Jenn is Idol-less since she used it last TC. And who did the women think they had for Dan votes?  There were 4 women & I kept hearing "we need one more".  Um 4 + 1 = 5 and is not a majority in a group of 11. I guess they assumed Joe was a lock for 5 and needed one more on top of his vote?   I don't get why Sierra flipped.  A girls alliance could have potentially worked if Jenn and Co could persuade Carolyn.  Carolyn could last longer with the girls than in a tribe of  He Man Women's Hater Club doofs.  She's gone as soon as those bozos eliminate the undesirable males.


Rodney - I hope you never play cards, Bro' (unless I'm in the game).  Your tells are telegraphed with your entire body language and your non-poker face will earn someone a lot of cash. Calm Cool and Collective indeed.


Tyler is playing a weird game.  Why not tell Mike part of the clue or a completely false set of clues? Send him on a wild goose chase, sneak out of Joe's sight and go find the damn HII yourself!  Too lazy? Too dumb?   His days are numbered if he sticks w/ BC alliance.


Dan...continues to be that guy.  Non cool, socially awkward guy who thinks he's part of the cool kids club. Love his attempts to "help" other less "in the know" peeps how to roll on Survivor.  He called Shirin a minion of Joe's but doesn't realize he's basically Mike's minion. At best, he makes it far because he's seen as a goat.  Can you imagine having to work with him?  I bet he's a know it all at work too.  I can picture him Cliff Clavin-ing the hell out of any lunch break conversations

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(Commenting while watching the episode)


I was surprised Rodney was aware that Mike was running the show and pleasantly surprised to right then and there him trying to recruit an alliance. I will have to take back some of what I said last week about his being utterly stupid. Way to go Rodney.


This laugh of Jenn is really hillarious. I'm wondering though why they didn't find it surprising that Will turned on them so easily. Of course they would have to expect it after them saying to him second tribal council "we split the vote so if Vince had an idol, you would be going home". And here is the beauty of Survivor. Will was lucky to stay back then and now he is in a sweeter spot than Jenn, Hali and Joe.


Oh I was so happy with Joe winning the reward challenge and the integrity with which he showed his satisfaction. If it was Rodney he would be yelling and jumping around "that's it, to your faces bitches!" or something like this. I was really happy also that he took all the people he hopes he will convince to join his small group alliance. Good job Joe. Rodney, with every word you say you make yourself more the more the best useless floater to be taken to the end.


The way Joe almost swallowed the hidden immunity idol clue was really crazy and fun :P He should have hidden the bottle behind him and throw it to the ground though instead of trying to put it in his mouth. But yeah well, he didn't have much time to think about a better solution. Maybe he should have made it known right then and there "I found an HII clue, lets ally together and find it together". It would be a good way to pull these people into his alliance.


Mike was smart enough to figure out Joe and Tyler were going to look for the HII, but boy, I can't stand his voice anymore. I'm wondering why Tyler didn't even consider to join the no collars and Shirin instead of staying with the blue collars. I'm not sure if Tyler did the right move to tell Mike what exactly the clue was saying. He could have said something different or opposite and keep the real thing for himself. Tyler showed no good game in my opinion. He should know he is number 5 or 6 (or even 7) after all the blue collars (and probably Will). I'm mad that nobody seems to play the game wisely except from Mike, Jenn and maybe Joe. Also I don't know why we weren't shown any of the discussion the winning group had after the reward. Joe was supposed to take these exact people to recruit them. Did he at all? And why didn't we get to watch it?


Sorry I really have to digest this. Did Dan actually accuse Shirin for playing a bad game? Dude, you are just dead meat that strong people drag to the end and then they'll just throw you to the garbage. Is he really thinking he has played a good game? Was it before or afteryou "apologized" to Sierra by making her more of an enemy than ever before? And talking about Sierra, wasn't she supposed to HATE the blue tribe and can't be able to wait for the merge in order to jump ship? Where has this all gone? Or does she think she has a better chance of winning than Mike? Again, have these players ever watched the game before?


Joe knew that Mike knew he didn't have the idol. Joe should have followed Mike everywhere and not let him find the idol. Joe was not as smart as I thought he was. Good job for finding the idol Mike.


And right after I complained about Sierra, boom, she says she wants to do all girls group which for the first time ever I find amazing! How SMART would this be? Three women who are now on the bottom will be in the final three and rub to these arrogant men's faces their winning over them How great would that be? If this happens, I swear it willl become my favorite season ever since season 16.

Was it me or were the discussions about coming tribal council too short? Both alliances are stupid. Blue and friends should try to vote off Jenn and not Shirin. Girls should try to vote off Mike and not Dan. What are they thinking? I think it's a first time after too long I find myself getting pissed at players idiotic decisions in Survivor. Or maybe I've grown to be smarter hehe. :P


Hali left. OThe lines on the sand are drawn now. Everyone is scared to make a big move and they'll regret it when they sit on the jury, listening to Mike's annoying voice and handing him the million dollars. So predictable.

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Add me to the group of those who think that Dan - in his own unique, delusional way - was trying to "woo" Shirin into their alliance.


Having said that, I'm not sure that I've ever seen two stupider players than Rodney and Dan. As has been said upthread, their "social game" has alienated so many people that they may be the only two players EVER to score less points than Russell Hantz at the Final Tribal.


I think we should start a "gofundme" account to pay for Rodney's vasectomy. That man should NOT be able to reproduce, even if he can find a female that meets his "high standards" for marriage and is herself mentally challenged (or desperate) enough to marry him.

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Must agree that Joe (while my current favorite) is not bright. My Khaleesi, while very bright for her age, is still only 8 years old and she had much better strategies for retrieving that clue.

"He was staring at it this whole time and he saw it was a few inches long - really? The best way you could think of to get it out was with your mouth? How are you going to get it out of your mouth once it's in there, genius? Are you just going to not talk for the rest of the reward?"

Couple minutes later:
"Why wouldn't he just pour the rest of the bottle out behind him so he could pick up the clue and shove it into his pants by his butt? Who cares if you get soda on your pants, you probably smell terrible anyway. Or you wait until everyone else stands up and turn the bottle over in your lap. So stupid."

Edited by Drogo
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I cringe to think that Tyler, Carolyn, and Sierra are really sticking with Mike, Dan, and Rodney, and they don't have some other master plan about double crossing them.  I thought maybe they were waiting for the right moment, but now I'm believing that's really how it is going to go.

I'm wondering how come we have never seen Tyler and Carolyn discussing about the idol Carolyn has and what strategy they are planning to follow. This can either mean they have no strategy or that the editing doesn't want to spoil a great blindside towards Mike by Carolyn using the idol.

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This is going to be a heavy rant post because I am so disappointed sad and angry about this awful, awful season.


These people are fucking dumb. Like I am actually flabbergasted at the level of stupidity.


It boggles my mind that Hali/Joe/Jenn think Will has been voting with them and that Shirin hasn't. Like wow. Those 3 have no read on the dynamics at all. So embarrassing.


Joe made great RC picks and then he completely blew it at the actual reward. Astonishing. And like how in the world did Carolyn not notice a fucking clue in her bottle? And how did no one but Tyler notice Joe putting it in his mouth? And why would Tyler act like a smug douchebag when he knew Joe got it? And why would he tell Mike, fucking Mike, the entire clue word for word? And why would Joe even share the clue with Buthisface Tyler? The stupid, it burns.


Mike, honey, there was a HII at your camp for twenty fucking days that you apparently never even bothered to look for, so stfu about working hard and whatever other nonsense you were spewing while crying over a fucking HII. I hate him and I am so irrationally angry that he is so the winner.


As KimberStormer pointed out, I really should've known Hali was doomed as soon as she used the word 'misogynistic.'


Why do I continue to watch this show?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm liking the season well enough, I wish the NC's could somehow get the upper hand, but it's a decent season. I'm just wondering when it's supposed to get amazing, it wasn't just Probst claiming that, even players that have been voted out say big stuff will be happening later. I hope they weren't referring to Jenn playing her Idol, that was cool, but it was standard Survivor play. I'm wondering when the mind blowing stuff will happen, soon, I hope.

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OK,  this is the "collar" season, right? So what I'm getting is:


Blue Collar 'Merica:  Easily unhinged, bigoted, and mentally unstable.  Exaggerated sense of superiority without anywhere near the competence to support that.


White Collar America:  Weaselly weirdos.


No Collar folk:  Enjoy enjoying life.  Charming or at least try to be charming.  (not counting Nina who was on the wrong tribe anyway)

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Blue Collar 'Merica:  Easily unhinged, bigoted, and mentally unstable.  Exaggerated sense of superiority without anywhere near the competence to support that.


White Collar America:  Weaselly weirdos.


No Collar folk:  Enjoy enjoying life.  Charming or at least try to be charming.  (not counting Nina who was on the wrong tribe anyway)


I think we needed a Canada tribe.  And a Mexico tribe. 

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Too many goats this season - Dan, Rodney, Shirin, Will ....


Two segments on finding an idol was at least one too many. I found that incredibly boring. Sure, it's important to the outcome of the game, but it makes for horrible TV, watching someone search for something.


Perhaps they decided to devote so much time to idol hunting because they were tired of viewers complaining "How come no one is out there looking for idols?"


I guess they have to pretend it'll be an unpredictable boot and then throw in the hashtag that it was a blindside; because if it's a blindside, then it was a good episode right?   


I think it was technically a blindiside, since Hali said in her exit speech that she never saw this coming.  Why she thought she was safe is a complete mystery to me.


Dan needs to eat a bag of dicks.


Considering the old adage - "you are what you eat" - I would argue he has eaten too many bagfuls already.  


Dan...continues to be that guy.  Non cool, socially awkward guy who thinks he's part of the cool kids club. Love his attempts to "help" other less "in the know" peeps how to roll on Survivor.  He called Shirin a minion of Joe's but doesn't realize he's basically Mike's minion. At best, he makes it far because he's seen as a goat.  Can you imagine having to work with him?  I bet he's a know it all at work too.  I can picture him Cliff Clavin-ing the hell out of any lunch break conversations


This is a understatement, but Dan is very un-self-aware (self-unaware?).  As he is ranting to Shirin, my husband says "Dan doesn't know when to shut up."  then Dan points out that Shirin talks too much.  He says she is riding coattails, and that is exactly what he is doing, and so on and so on...

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I don't get the view that Tyler made a mistake here.  It was the best move he could have made.  Clearly, one needs to keep Mike on his side because he's demonstrated he's observing everyone and will target you if he gets nervous.  He's picked (perhaps out of necessity) the most loyal person to ally with.  Carolyn seems pretty straightforward and no BS and probably feels secure because of Tyler's seeming maturity.


There was no upside to working with Joe.  If Joe weren't an idiot he would have realized this himself.  Tyler looks around and all he sees is a herd of goats.  They're everywhere.  From Hantz-level repulsive like Rodney and Dan- most of these people will never write down either of their names even if they had to disqualify themselves to avoid it; to the Invisible Man; to the vacillating Sierra; to the apparently annoying and incompetent Shirin.  The no collars are his stiffest competition (save Mike).  Why would he ever consider siding with them when he is safe herding the goats.  It's a cake walk for him so far- especially in light of having fallen on the outside of the new tribe alliance. 


The most valuable part of siding with the BC's is that they are less likely to see him as a threat because they are so narcissistic.  I bet Dan and Rodney, at least, would never entertain the notion that they have to get rid of Tyler.  No, they can beat him any day.  Why they're carrying Tyler!  He's a GOAT.  I get the distinct impression Tyler is holding back on the challenges for this reason.  Keep the target off his back; appear middling and willing to just go along with the leaders' [sic] decisions.  I would not be surprised if we saw him start to ramp it up in challenges as the numbers tighten.  I actually find Tyler to be one of the most interesting players in a long while.  He seems smart, observant, rational, balanced, and good at dealing with the others.  I get the sense (perhaps it's mere projection) that he is analyzing every step and every player. 


Eh, Joe?  I think he's played a stupid game from the start.  In this episode, why keep reminding the others that you can beat them at any and every challenge?  Nothing shortens your life more than that.  And even if he felt he needed to win reward to true to woo some votes, his picks made no rational sense.  Shirin?  SHe's already in your pocket and her presence would disrupt any seduction scene.  I would have picked Carolyn, Sierra (even if only to create havoc for her with her alliance), and Will (unless there is some rift we are not aware of).  It was a bad production move to have so many go on the reward.  I think Joe isn't playing for the $1mm, but for reality tv fame.  He seems more concerned with being liked and perceived well (see giving Tyler the clue) than with strategizing to win the game. 


As repulsed as I am by Rodney and Dan, I can't help but be drawn in by a desire to see their undoing.  I find their utter cluelessness incredibly fascinating.  Of course, I avoid these types like the plague in real life.   

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Mike:  I can't stand listening to Mike and his Patrick Star voice anymore.   He's stupid, he sucks at challenges, he threw one challenge away ... he's insufferable.  And he's part of that blue collar assholery.   Why is he featured in confessionals for what feels like three-quarters of the show?


B/c, and this is no spoiler, I think they are setting him up with a winner's edit. No one else seems to be getting it.

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