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  1. Ok I'm sorry but I'm saying it in the gentlestway I know how. Lolo needs to get MARRIED asap!!!
  2. "You're watching KCR news....in KCR wondering...." that was funny!
  3. I'd say bipolar Sam is a secret twin twist but her tattoos would make that kinda hard I suppose. I think everyone is convinced that JC is the perfect goat since nobody can stand him and his horrible behavior. that's why he's been safe this whole time...
  4. Derrick of Big Brother fame is on that OJ show. lol
  5. Anyone catch Derrick on ID channel's "Is OJ innocent?"
  6. Okay it's driving me nuts, and I have Googled to no avail.. Jeff, the vending machine guy. where have I seen him before??
  7. I feel silly that I didn't connect R is for Rory until I saw the nurses again. I had forgotten about that! Of course he would be the first to die. I love all of the dramatic irony. I was jumping at nothing, expecting mayhem at every turn. This is like AHS meets UNreal meets BB and I love it!
  8. Yeah really. I bet something else happened. They struck a deal. Like, hey, butcher hold up! Let us live and we will go find some crazy reality show to come here with their massive crew and you can have all the blood you want. Boom, then they can have legend spread from there and have all sorts of lookyloo blood for all of eternity. Also wtf was up with that historian character?? She sounded like a bored kid who got chosen to read aloud in class. It took me right out of the story.
  9. Yes! That makes perfect sense. That wide eyed, frantic nature seemed familiar but I wasn't sure. Now I see where Dandy got it. ✔✔✔
  10. All of the guys on the latest episode were so...swell! Hugs and compliments galore. It was pretty awesome, the all got along so much!
  11. I live this show and everything about it.
  12. And also that FJ was really really easy!! Wow.
  13. Holy moly I'm coming here to comment on Lauraaaaahs vocal fry and upspeak. Wasn'Wasn't there a clue about that last night? It really is somethiiiiiinguh.
  14. I had an epidural 5 years ago when I had my daughter and my back is permanently messed up because of it. I sleep like shit and wake up in pain every morning. I do not take anything for it, even though I probably could. As a former meth head I try to stay away from pills because zi would probably end up like Leah, and I sure as hell don't have that cushy MTV money to support a habit! She's definitely not going to get anywhere as far as recovery goes since she won't even admit she has a problem! I feel sorry for her kids.
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