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S05.E21: Reunion Part 2

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Kim has always said she doesn't watch the show, so that's why she doesn't know anything.   It's like Kyle saying "I can show you the cancelled checks", if Kim hasn't seen them, then they don't exist.   Don't confuse that poor girl with facts and reality!!!   

This is just one more thing Kim lies about.  She made some comment tonight about "watching the video tapes", or something along those lines. 

  • Love 14

I don't appreciate the sort of kowtowing from Andy to Brandi: "Brandi, which HW would you like to see fired?" Excuse me? Why is Brandi the only one he asks this? "Brandi, you apologized after throwing wine at Eileen. Do you think she gave you a fair shake?" Again - what?!

Did Andy make Brandi the co-host of this reunion? He keeps throwing everything over to her for her opinion and analysis. It's like what she thinks is of the utmost importance.

I like Lisar but I really wish she would stop jumping in all the time.

  • Love 23

Kyle is deeply, deeply hurt. It sounds like Kim is now using her children as weapons against their aunt. I actually got a lump in my throat when Kyle said she didn't need attend her niece's wedding, when it's obvious that's not true. Just like the scenes of Rinna with her ailing parents, the real family drama, not scripted by Bravo, always hits close to home.


I usually find Kyle's boo hooing really annoying, but that was so sad to me. I can't watch Kim next year, I won't do it. And she looks like deep fried shit.


You know, I enjoyed Lisa R for the most part tonight, but she's got that certain something that could easily make her a replacement in bringing the "conflict" that Brandi specializes in.  Watch your back, Brandi.

  • Love 22

You know, I enjoyed Lisa R for the most part tonight, but she's got that certain something that could easily make her a replacement in bringing the "conflict" that Brandi specializes in.  Watch your back, Brandi.

LisaR has enough "trashy" to bring it, but can also fit in nicely when she needs to.   Something Brandi will never be able to do.  

  • Love 19

Okay - I can't watch NY and read here, too....I will back later, and there will probably be ten pages I need to catch up on!!  :-)


This is why it was a bad idea to play one right after the other.   I'm still on BH-time and can't focus on NY.  It's on in the background right now but I'll have to catch the second showing to really pay attention.

  • Love 7


Did Andy make Brandi the co-host of this reunion? He keeps throwing everything over to her for her opinion and analysis. It's like what she thinks is of the utmost importance.


I like Lisar but I really wish she would stop jumping in all the time.


I'm sick to death of the Andy and BG reunion. I don't think any of these women will tape any more meaningful scenes with BG if she stays on this show. The handwriting is on the wall. You'd think Andy would be able to read the room.


You know, I didn't mind Lisa R or Eileen jumping in because most of the time they were calling out the very stuff Andy won't.

  • Love 23

I missed most of it of course and have to watch the rewatch, but Kim...I said this last week and I feel the same way this week. How can she even THINK to bring Kyle's kids in this? Not only are they kids (yeah, some are adults but still), but they are her family. Aunts are usually the women that you love the most (and they usually love their neices) next to your mom in your family--how could she be so nasty and rude about the bite? The bite? From the pics in the hospital and the news story it looks like the dog tried to take her hand off. 


Kim is on drugs. There is no way that she is sober. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 22

I'm sick to death of the Andy and BG reunion. I don't think any of these women will tape any more meaningful scenes with BG if she stays on this show. The handwriting is on the wall. You'd think Andy would be able to read the room.

For anybody that didn't hear, apparently the audience booed Brandi when her name was mentioned on Andy and Anderson Cooper's first tour stop. I hope that means something, because he was certainly sympathetic to her tonight, and I'm really sick of it.

  • Love 15

Livid. Just livid.

Nice Andy. Save the packages that prove shit for the side, but don't show during the conversations where we can see the reactions and settle things once and for all.

Seeing that Brandi/Kyle interaction again is infuriating, Brandi bodyblocking Kyle while slurring "sthap it, sthap...don't fucking touch me;" doesn't she realize bodyblocking IS a touch? I wish Kyle were a little bit taller and a whole lot less a punk. Brandi would have been on her ass if that were me.

And that's just BULLSHIT that Brandi is not being made to own anything of her part, and Andy isn't bringing it up with this whole Kim and the drug talk ... talk. It's pissing me off and it shouldn't. Oh wait, it should - because I'm being jerked around. It's clear she isn't going to be called to task. Wonder who threw the fit, Brandi or Kim?

And Kim, NO, you didn't say you were sorry, ever, to anyone. God. Just ... fall down a flight of stairs already. Comatose would be a good, sober look for you.

ETA: one more Aggh!

Much admiration for your posts, SN.

However, imo, these shows demonstrate that showing the videotape does not end a(n) (expletive deleted) thing. Denial is real and it is deep. And memory is tricky, especially if you were high.

  • Love 10

Everything's been said about Kim, so I won't repeat it. 


I think it was pretty stupid of Eileen to blame Brandi about outing her affair.  I've known about it for years, and I've never watched either of her soaps.  It's no secret, and I find her blaming Brandi for it as stupid as Kim blaming others for ruining her reputation.  And I was embarrassed for Eileen when she said her husband said she's not a home wrecker, she's a home maker!  Of course Vince is going to excuse away adultery and how much it hurts the spouse left behind - he did the same thing to his wife and kids!


Anyway, I haven't posted or criticized Eileen for it before, and I probably wouldn't have now, but the victim act irritated me.  If everyone should be accountable for their actions, that includes Eileen.  Own it.


I think Lisa R. was a little over the top saying Brandi was going after her kids by joking that Lisa did porn.  There are so many (and better) reasons to go after Brandi, why waste time with this petty stuff?


I'm irritated that Eileen and Lisa R. have made me look like a Brandi apologist.  I'm not.  I haven't liked Brandi from day one, and unlike many, I never once fell for her act.


Is this the first season Lisa hasn't gotten one of the two prime seats (next to Andy)?  I think the seating implies that Brandi is coming back next season.


And I forgot to mention this last week - Eileen's hair looked great all season, what the hell did she do to it for the reunion?   And conversely, Brandi's ratty hair actually looks good, although I don't care for the color.

  • Love 11

I have to say, I just loved Eileen all season. The clincher that sealed my love for her was when she said she drives a Flex. I am one of three generations of a Ford family and that company puts food on my table, so good on you Eileen.


Her comebacks are calm, rational and dead on. I do believe Brandy is absolutely jealous of her life. I hope she does decide to come back next season because I will miss her of she doesn't. 


Kyle mentioned Brandy having problems with other celebrities like Kenya Moore on The Apprentice and Jay Mohr. What was the problem she had with Jay Mohr? I missed that one.


Alexa gets $450 a month allowance? Did I hear that right? It's all play money since all her needs are paid for by mom & dad. What could she possibly spend that much on? She doesn't have to put some away in a bank account to save for a car, since I'm sure she'll get one for a birthday present. And no, I don't believe Kyle's kids have touched a washing machine yet.

  • Love 10

Just once I'd like to watch one of these and see one of these women, after getting caught point blank in a bold faced lie (I'm lookin at you Kim), turn to the person she just insulted most heinously and say "Ya know what?  It was an emotionally charged situation and I didn't remember it fully.  But clearly I said some very hurtful things to you and that is terrible.  I'm sorry for my behavior.  I have no excuse.  I'm hoping you can accept that.  But if you can't, I understand."


Because she was caught in a handful tonight....enough that no one should believe a fucking word that comes out of her mouth.


And as far as she and Brandi are concerned, shut the fuck up about defending each other.  If I have to hear Brandi explain away her behavior with "All of you do it too!!!" one more goddamn time.....

  • Love 17


I wish hubby would watch with me too. Nope nothing but mockery from him, ((shrugs)), oh well. Yeah, a little jealous of Persnickity :)


My husband pretends he's not watching but then he will reference something or react to something that's going on with the housewives. So I know he's watching. Two weeks ago I came home from work on a weekend and found Bravo on and one of the housewife shows running a marathon. He claims it was the channel that was on when he turned on the tv but me thinks not.

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